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An Extra-Large Nanocage Molecule For Quantum Computing 22

JMarshall writes: Researchers have built a molecular nanocage 8 nm across that represents a step toward quantum computing. It is difficult to make uniform nanoparticles more than 4 nm across, but new work solves this problem. Researchers made eight-membered metal rings from chromium and nickel that can act like a qubits in quantum computing. More connected rings means greater quantum computing capacity, so the team worked to combine many rings into one molecule. They managed to pull 24 rings together into an 8-nm sphere, secured by palladium ions at the core. The molecule had a surprisingly good phase memory, an indication of the molecule's quantum computing potential. The researchers say building a molecule with 70-100 rings would allow them to do "some serious stuff" in quantum computing.
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An Extra-Large Nanocage Molecule For Quantum Computing

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  • by rubycodez ( 864176 ) on Thursday June 18, 2015 @12:03PM (#49937337)

    and you have a General Products Hull

    • Yeah, but watch out for the anti matter

    • Thought for a second that you were referring to the hull of a General Systems Vehicle (which could well be monomolecular in nature, but I'm afraid we can't ask The Designer Himself until the Next Iteration), I had to search for the term... and upon doing so, came up with a vague recollection (and please correct me if I'm wrong) of two-headed aliens whose spaceships' hulls are entirely transparent to radiation (and thus must impart protection via time dilation)...

      Indeed, with all due respect to Niven nothwit

      • came up with a vague recollection (and please correct me if I'm wrong) of two-headed aliens whose spaceships' hulls are entirely transparent to radiation (and thus must impart protection via time dilation)...

        No, General Products hulls were NOT entirely transparent to radiation. Just to radiation in the visible spectrum....

        • General Products spaceship hulls [] were (almost) impervious to anything:

          A General Products hull is "an artificially-generated giant molecule, with the inter-atomic bonds artificially strengthened", causing the hull to resist "any kind of impact, and heat in the hundreds of thousands of degrees" (from Flatlander). In Fleet of Worlds, the characters learn that the bonds of the giant molecule are "artificially strengthened" by a small power plant in the hull. By aiming a very powerful laser at it (since GP hulls

  • Picture this.... Imagine point A being the day we formed first theory of Quantum physics and point Z the day we built the first functional Quantum computer. Does this invention represent a huge step toward point Z for quantum computing?
    • Picture this.... Imagine point A being the day we formed first theory of Quantum physics and point Z the day we built the first functional Quantum computer. Does this invention represent a huge step toward point Z for quantum computing?

      More of a quantum leap I think. ;-)

    • Yesnomaybe.

      I assume this is a step forward in making molecules with rings ... beyond that, who the hell knows?

      Quantum computing is overhyped and underrated. At the same damned time. Because it's freakin' quantum!!

      I'm still not sure most people even know WTF it is supposed to be used for, how it works, or if half the claims are (or even can be) true.

      • by doug141 ( 863552 )

        If it works, it will be used to break encryption. It's doubtful there will be an official announcement. Look for unexpected changes in the flows of money and influence.

        • What, you mean things somehow different from the already fucked up money system we have?

          Sorry, but the only people who would notice that would be the ones skimming off the top through High Frequency Trading.

          The rest of us will have no damned way of knowing.

  • by Thud457 ( 234763 ) on Thursday June 18, 2015 @01:18PM (#49937797) Homepage Journal
    Coming this Sunday! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!
    In the Extra-LARGE Nanocage!

    The Maryland University Laboratory for Physical Sciences -vs- DWave!
    in an no-holds barred entangled deathmatch!

    1QB -vs- zombEinstein

    NIST -vs- Hal Puthoff
    in a teleportation race for the cash!

    and a special guest appearance by Oderus Urungus singing the National Anthem before the show

    general seating only $11.11 at the door
    BE THERE! or maybe not.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    When this baby gets to 88 rings, you're gonna see some serious stuff...

  • I understand the day quantum computing will be able to do serious stuff, then RSA based crypto will collapse because of quantum computer ability to factorize big number through the Shor algorithm.

    I see progress in the quantum computing field, but I do not see RSA replacement coming in the consumer crypto field (i.e.: TLS). I understand even ECDSA relies on big number factoriation being difficult.

    We are heading to a difficult situation.

Whoever dies with the most toys wins.
