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Graphics Hardware

AMD Reveals Radeon R9 Fury X Specs and Preliminary Benchmark Performance Results 87

MojoKid writes: AMD announced new Radeon R9 and R7 300 series of graphics cards earlier this week, and while they are interesting, they're not nearly as impressive as AMD's upcoming flagship of AMD GPU, code named Fiji. Fiji will find its way into three products this summer: the Radeon R9 Nano, Radeon R9 Fury, and the range-topping (and water-cooled) Radeon R9 Fury X. Other upcoming variants like, AMD's dual-Fiji board, were teased at E3 but are still under wraps. However, while full reviews are still under embargo, the official specification of the Radeon R9 Fury X have been revealed, along with an array of benchmark scores comparing the GPU to NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 980 Ti. Should the numbers AMD has released jibe with independent testing, the Radeon R9 Fury X looks strong and possibly faster than Nvidia's GeForce GTX 980 Ti.
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AMD Reveals Radeon R9 Fury X Specs and Preliminary Benchmark Performance Results

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 20, 2015 @07:56AM (#49951197)

    A word of warning for everybody: Neither the new R9 3xx series GPUs nor the Fiji (Fury) parts support HDMI 2.0. That means that you will not be able to output 4k60 pictures to your brand new 4k TV. That's fairly silly for a graphics card that is advertised as making 4k gaming a reality.

    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      A word of warning for everybody: Neither the new R9 3xx series GPUs nor the Fiji (Fury) parts support HDMI 2.0. That means that you will not be able to output 4k60 pictures to your brand new 4k TV. That's fairly silly for a graphics card that is advertised as making 4k gaming a reality.

      Are you sure? Because you only need 10.2Gbps for HDMI 2.0, which is the same bandwidth as HDMI 1.4. It's how current HDMI 2.0 devices support 4k60 right now.

      The video card might now have a proper 18Gbps HDMI port, which will

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 20, 2015 @08:15AM (#49951229)

    I can't even read the end of the friggen titles, come on slahsdot, get those STUPID icons out of the way of the titles of the articles

    • by wjcofkc ( 964165 )
      Typically, I am one of the few that days does not complain when Slashdot makes changes. However, as of this last change they have gone too far.

      Slashdot, on top of the gripe that I am replying to, please remove that chat bubble from the story title line and restore the "Read More" link to it's proper place. I am not saying you can't have a prominent social networking link, I am saying put more thought into where it should go. Seriously, please backtrack on this one.
      • Same problem here, can't read titles. The font setting used by Slashdot means I always need to +1 the zooming, which means icons overlapping the titles. A rollback on both the icons and the "read more (x comments)" would also be appreciated.

    • by OzPeter ( 195038 )

      I can't even read the end of the friggen titles, come on slahsdot, get those STUPID icons out of the way of the titles of the articles

      You just need to stretch out your browsers windows so that it is wide enough to accommodate the headline layout as envisaged by the might /. design team.

      Or in other words the idiots at /. designed a layout that looks good on their monitors and never tested it beyond that. Why should they, as it works on their systems!

      • You just need to stretch out your browsers windows so that it is wide enough to accommodate the headline layout as envisaged by the might /. design team.

        Or in other words the idiots at /. designed a layout that looks good on their monitors and never tested it beyond that. Why should they, as it works on their systems!

        The /. designers must now be wondering why newspaper text is laid out in narrow columns. After all, a newspaper has a lot of horizontal space, so why don't they just print long lines of text...

      • Still using a non-widescreen monitor here, browser is always full-width, can't make it any wider.

    • by aquabat ( 724032 )
      I haven't hit that problem yet, but I think they could do a better job with the auxiliary content on the site. For example, This is what I get for "Related Links", at the bottom of the page:

      - Independent Researchers Test Rossi's Alleged Cold Fusion Device For 32 Days
      - Man Booted From Southwest Flight and Threatened With Arrest After Critical Tweet
      - Russian Military Forces Have Now Invaded Ukraine
      - Professor: Young People Are "Lost Generation" Who Can No Longer Fix Gadgets
      - Oregon Testing Pay-Per-Mile D

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 20, 2015 @01:27PM (#49952399)

    Every year Nvidia spends TENS OF MILLIONS of dollars to what the PR industry calls REPUTATION MANAGERS. These are people who blitz the tech sites and their forums with anti-AMD FUD, and pro-Nvidia boosting.

    That person on a forum who SWEARS he once owned AMD card after AMD acrd, and they all went wrong- forcing him to go Nvidia? A paid Nvidia shill. That person who obsesses about any omission in a new AMD product (see the HDMI FUD in this forum for instance) and swears it is an unforgivable and fatal flaw- a paid Nvidia shill.

    Nvidia once made the high-end hot and power-hungry graphics cards, and Nvidia paid off every tech site to say that REAL PC gamers had massive cases filled full of fans that used the biggest PSU imaginable. Then Nvidia went to a higher performance per watt than AMD, and suddenly every tech was saying that how and power hungry graphics cards were the worst thing ever- and every REAL PC gamer wanted the smallest case with the tiniest PSU.

    For years, only AMD implemented digital sound over the cables used to drive home cinema devices, and Nvidia paid off tech sites to say that REAL home cinema enthusiasts used separate amps driven from an independent audio output from the back of the PC.

    Using two graphics cards together is an UTTER JOKE apparently every time AMD's solution is better than Nvidia, but the best thing since sliced-bread every time Nvidia's solution is better than AMD's.

    Nvidia plays dirty- very, very, very dirty. And sometimes Nvidia has the better products as well (if you don't take price into account). For whatever reason ATI/AMD has never played this dirty propaganda game, and without doubt it has suffered horribly because of this. At the notorious Anandtech, for instance, the forums have 'moderators' who are actually also employees of Nvidia and Intel. The trolling of AMD on the graphics and CPU forums there is unprecedented as a result.

    Fiji is a BETTER GPU than the Titan X (so-called Big Maxwell) and Nvidia knows this. But Fiji is a terribly expensive product for AMD, while the 980TI is a much cheaper build from Nvidia. On each Fiji card AMD makes a significant loss- while on each slower but similar priced 980TI card Nvidia makes an Apple like profit.

    Both have chips of around the same size, but AMD has higher transistor density and lower yields. AMD's tech is much more advanced, which is why the anti-AMD fud is operating at 11 at this time.

    Next year everything changes. Years late, Nvidia launches its first true DX12 architecture (AMD has been fully DX12 compatible since GCN first appeared with the 7870). Nvidia's PASCAL architecture is expected to crucify AMD (and sadly there is no reason to expect otherwise).

  • As soon as they release drivers that function.

Whoever dies with the most toys wins.
