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Bringing Back the Magic In Metamaterials 83

Charliemopps writes: Though it's 30 years late, transparent aluminum, as predicted in the 1986 film Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, may finally be here. There have been many attempts to create transparent metals in the past few years, and some have been somewhat successful, if only for a few femtoseconds. But now, by modifying metals like silver and aluminum at the subwavelength scale, researchers are developing "Meta-Materials" that cause light to interact with these metals in new and interesting ways. One of their more promising goals is to create a "perfect lens" which would allow an everyday person to view things as small as a virus with the naked eye.
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Bringing Back the Magic In Metamaterials

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  • Sapphire (Score:4, Funny)

    by chuckugly ( 2030942 ) on Monday July 20, 2015 @07:19PM (#50149037)
    If only we could mix a little of a common element, like say oxygen, with the aluminum, and grow transparent, super hard crystals.
  • What? (Score:5, Funny)

    by ArcadeMan ( 2766669 ) on Monday July 20, 2015 @07:28PM (#50149089)

    One of their more promising goals is to create a "perfect lens" which would allow an every day person to view things as small as a virus with the naked eye.

    What do you mean? You guys can't see viruses with the naked eye?

  • What is this BS? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 20, 2015 @07:36PM (#50149133)

    "in the pass few years" - just bad editing.

    "the subwavelength scale" - pure unadulterated bullshit.

    So, did they have to invert the polarity of the warp field? Give me a fucking break.

    • Wave length is techno babble now? Where have you been for the last 150 years?
      Clearly those 19th century scientists were all basement dwelling Star Trek nerds!

    • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward

      They mean they're manipulating the material at scales smaller than the wavelength of visible blue light.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      "the subwavelength scale" - pure unadulterated bullshit.


      Subwavelength: distances shorter than the wavelength of the spectrum section you care about.

  • The movie was mostly forgettable, aside from Spock neck-pinching a rude punk on the bus. But I remember the scene where Scotty is trying to show how to make transparent aluminum for the whale tank, and trying to get the Macintosh to respond by speaking into the mouse... "COMPUTER!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?... [youtube.com]
  • by NormalVisual ( 565491 ) on Monday July 20, 2015 @09:14PM (#50149549)
    One of their more promising goals is to create a "perfect lens" which would allow an every day person to view things as small as a virus with the naked eye.

    Hmm, how does one see a 50nm virus when illuminated with 400 nm light, no matter how good the lens is? I guess you could illuminate it with far UV and use a fluorescent material to shift the wavelength of the magnified image into something visible, but I'm not sure what the lens has to do with that.
  • It's called bandgap engineering yo...
  • I'm going to get modded to Hades in a second by the Dice fanbois, but damn...why don't we just post some Beiber videos here and be done with it? I don't think ten Slashdot posters locked in a room with two sticks could reinvent fire.

    Seeing viruses? Under any visible magnification, using whatever material as your lens, viruses are invisible. Unless transparent aluminium comes in the form of an electron microscope you're not going to see anything except for your willy, if you're lucky (where else would you be

    • by ceoyoyo ( 59147 )

      The quality of Slashdot has really gone downhill. Some stuff has happened in optics since the 1800s. It's theoretically possible with metamaterials to make a lens that can resolve features substantially smaller than the diffraction limit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org].

    • Hey man. Don't mean to sound so rude, but get off your high horse. I spent five years at university, and never got my B.S. degree. I had my BS degree long before that. Still, I've been imbued with a massive amount of knowledge that helps me every day. Do not write off people without degrees. They're some of the smartest people you've met - some blew off the bullshit before the debt.

      Burn my karma before I do - I've had too much anyway. At least you'll learn maybe you're not the best fucking person ever. Off
    • The largest viruses have 450 nm capsid diameter. Violet light of 380nm on a glass lens with numeric aperture of 1.6 gives Abbe limit of 240nm.

      Oops, maybe you better get a refund on your B.S. degree. Or maybe the B.S. means Bovine Shtuff?

    • by Khyber ( 864651 )

      You're an engineer, not a physicist, shut the fuck up.

      Metamaterials are theorized to be able to resolve detail past the diffraction limit. Practical application? Project the fucking image of the virus on the wall and watch shit happen in real-time. No more need for a fucking sample-killing electron microscope.

      Do you even have a B.S. in optical physics, asshole? I don't and even I knew about the theorized capabilities of metamaterials as lenses.

  • Transparent Aluminum isn't a metamaterial at all.
    "Aluminium oxynitride or AlON is a ceramic composed of aluminium, oxygen and nitrogen."

    Here's a link with a couple of pictures: http://dornob.com/transparent-aluminum-glass-like-see-through-metal/

    Metamaterials are undeniably a cool field, but they should have chosen something that's actually a metamaterial to mention in their article, and not a normal material that is decidedly not "new".
  • The summary makes it sound like transparent aluminum, a Star Trek creation, is some sort of goal of science. That's really odd as a segue to the real story, metamaterials.
    • The Meta-material happens to be transparent aluminum (and silver) so...

      • by tomhath ( 637240 )
        Not really. Meta-materials can be made with a variety of properties. Some science fiction buff made a long stretch to compare them with a mythical material in an old movie. But what the movie predicted (quite obvious really just a super hard, transparent shield) and what meta-materials really can be made to do are entirely different.
    • What I really want is flexible glass that can dent when dropped, allowing me to just hammer it back flat like a dented piece of steel.
  • by meburke ( 736645 ) on Monday July 20, 2015 @11:44PM (#50150143)

    I'm surprised that it hasn't been done before this. In high school, (Many, many, many years ago...) we were taught that things were transparent because "light wave could pass through." In reality, we now know that in transparent materials, a photon striking the surface passes some of its energy to the next molecule, releasing another photon, which does the same, etc., etc., until finally the last photon is transmitted to an almost unobstructed medium (air, in our case). The key question has always been, "What is the difference in atomic structure between 'transparent' medium and 'opaque' medium?" The second question has been, "How can we change the atomic structure of supposedly 'opaque' materials to work like so-called 'transparent' materials without losing the characteristics that make the current 'opaque' materials useful to us?"

    Ceramic research has been on the edge of this discovery for years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... [wikipedia.org]

    • In reality, we now know that in transparent materials, a photon striking the surface passes some of its energy to the next molecule, releasing another photon, which does the same, etc., etc.

      IANAP, but isn't that exactly what doesn't happen in transparent materials?

      When photons (individual packets of light energy) come in contact with the valence electrons of atom, one of several things can and will occur:

      An electron absorbs all of the energy of the photon, some of which is lost via the electron dropping between non radiative energy levels and the rest re-emitted at a lower energy. This gives rise to luminescence, fluorescence and phosphorescence.

      An electron absorbs the energy of the photon and sends it back out the way it came in. This results in reflection or scattering.

      An electron cannot absorb the energy of the photon and the photon continues on its path. This results in transmission (provided no other absorption mechanisms are active).

      An electron selectively absorbs a portion of the photon[clarification needed], and the remaining frequencies are transmitted in the form of spectral color.

      • by meburke ( 736645 )

        Well, I must have drawn a million Feynman diagrams getting my explanation to stick in my head. Unfortunately the whole explanation is incomplete and it still takes a book to explain what we think we know. That might be too long to include in a /. post.

        • Yeah, I think I recall someone trying to give a brief explanation on a BBC science documentary a while ago. He drew some wiggly lines, then gave up and just said something along the lines of "...and it all just adds up to come out the way it does."

          It doesn't help when you find out things like the fact that the path light takes going from A to B is the shortest possible (in terms of time) through however many different materials are placed in its way. How does it know?!

          • by meburke ( 736645 )

            Yah, that's the reason for all those Feynman diagrams (and they do look like sqiggly lines), and the fact that the path is a probability and not a certainty, and that the reflection is all dependent on the "spin" which is a brain stretcher all on its own...

  • One of their more promising goals is to create a "perfect lens" which would allow an everyday person to view things as small as a virus with the naked eye.

    Can someone explain to me how using a lens to see something qualifies as "with the naked eye", exactly?

    • I think it is part of the normal bad science reporting.
      But for a lot of stuff now we cannot get the actual picture but a series of datapoint that a computer will translate as an image. Where assumption are made in the program and some parts may be distorted or just wrong.

    • Your eye detects the same photons that were originally emitted by the object in question.

      Alternative proof by contradiction: your eye has a lens in it.

      • by mark-t ( 151149 )
        Well, the phrase "naked eye" when applied to being able to view something corresponds to being able to see it *without* the aid of any instrumentation. The lens that is already within the eye is as naturally part of the eye as your skin is of your body, so the fact that lens plays a part in its optics is irrelevant.
    • One of their more promising goals is to create a "perfect lens" which would allow an everyday person to view things as small as a virus with the naked eye.

      Can someone explain to me how using a lens to see something qualifies as "with the naked eye", exactly?

      ...as opposed to an electron microscope.
      An electron microscope "Senses" things and then creates a false image representing those things so you can have an idea of what it's sensing. You are not actually "Seeing" the thing in the microscope. With a perfect lens, light bounces off the object, passes through the lens and enters your eye. You are seeing the actual object, and not a false image of it.

      • by mark-t ( 151149 )

        Except that you are still using instrumentality to assist in resolving detail.... the phrase "naked eye" as applied to being able to see something means literally that... that using just the eye alone, without anything else, it can be seen.

        For chrissake, look the phrase up in a dictionary.

        • by mark-t ( 151149 )

          Hmmm.... not sure what happened to my attempt at putting html into my commment. Let's try that again (and hit preview before submit this time...)

          For chrissake look [google.com] the [merriam-webster.com] phrase [thefreedictionary.com] up [cambridge.org] in a dictionary [reference.com].

          Okay, that time it worked.

  • I've followed /.for the most part of the last 20 years. And I guess once every 2-3 years they do come with a headline of "transparent aluminium" breakthrough - which each and every time turns out to be some kind of ceramics that takes aluminium in each composition (a.k.a. "glass"). Let's see what they do have this time around.

"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson
