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Japan Networking The Internet

NTT, Japan's Largest Fixed Telecom Provider, Begins Phasing Out ADSL 135

AmiMoJo writes: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), the third largest telecoms provider in the world, is beginning to phase out ADSL for broadband internet access (Google Translate helps). NTT is no longer accepting new registrations, and no longer manufacturing the equipment required. Instead they recommend users opt for their FLET'S HIKARI fibre optic service. Their "Giga Mansion Smart Type" services offers 1Gb/sec for around $40/month.
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NTT, Japan's Largest Fixed Telecom Provider, Begins Phasing Out ADSL

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  • by invictusvoyd ( 3546069 ) on Tuesday August 04, 2015 @09:01AM (#50247897)
    Is there a data cap ?
    • by Anonymous Coward

      No. All tentacle and schoolgirl porn you can eat.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      No data cap, but if I'm reading this correctly, there are other conditions.
      - a 2 year contract with early termination fee.
      - the $41/month includes a minimum $4/mo (500JPY) ISP charge. The ISP is charged separately from NTT, which only provides the pipe. I suspect the low-priced ISP service might include a data cap, or be limited to less than 1Gb/S during most of the day.
      - An installation fee of 18000 JPY (just 145 US) paid over 2.5 years
      - Cable modem rental charge, though I presume you can bring your own.


      • Its exactly like this with some extra options when making the contracts in special sales (I got a second hand Washing machine).
        They do require you to install some useless things in your computer to use the service but at least has been problem free the whole time I have been using it.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 04, 2015 @09:36AM (#50248205)

      for the non business plans there is a cap of 25GB upload per day, which if you exceed regularly they will send you a nasty letter. there is no download cap. mansion type means you share a single 1Gb connection with the neighbors in your apartment. For your own dedicated line, it is around $60. You can pick another isp though if you want a cheaper plan.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      I couldn't see a cap mentioned anywhere. Most Japanese ISPs don't bother with caps. NTT tried one about a decade ago when it was 100/100Mb service, IIRC 300GB/day. Didn't go over well, soon abandoned.

    • by Pikoro ( 844299 )

      No. It's 1Gb up / 1Gb down (best effort). No data caps. It's left up to the ISP. NTT provides the pipe, then you have your choice of ISPs who compete on price. The fiber line runs around $40/mo and then you tack your ISP fees onto that but changing ISPs is as simple as updating the username/password in the modem. FLETS is an awesome system and I really wish they would do something like that in the USA. Let the government own the pipe and pay for it with taxes. Then let anyone start up their own ISP.

  • by Somebody Is Using My ( 985418 ) on Tuesday August 04, 2015 @09:09AM (#50247959) Homepage

    And they say America is falling behind when it comes to internet access. But Verizon is also phasing out DSL; getting a new DSL subscription these days is virtually impossible (speaking from experience, even if you just cancelled a month ago and want to resubscribe, suddenly it is "not available in your area"). In fact, Verizon is probably /ahead/ of the curve since they seem to be doing the same with FIOS. Oddly, they seem to be pushing Verizon wireless as the alternative instead of gigabit speeds but that's probably only because I haven't looked hard enough on their website, right?

    • by Zocalo ( 252965 )
      Depending on which state you are in there might be a reason for that, and it's nothing to do with being on the cutting edge of broadband delivery; Verizon is apparently selling their landline business [] to Frontier Communications in 14 states. From the linked article:

      The deal includes Verizon's wireline assets in Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin as well as some assets in California.

      • by ashshy ( 40594 )
        That was in 2009. More recently, Frontier also bought Verizon's landline operations in Texas, Florida, and the rest of California. That deal is still pending. []
        • by Zocalo ( 252965 )
          Thanks for the clarification - I'm actually in Europe, but read something about it on a mailing list and seeing OP mention Verizon jogged my memory. Makes sense if OP is in one of the areas impacted by the pending deal that they'd be trying to upsell their wireless biz and downplay their hopefully soon to be unloaded fixed line assets though. No point signing up new customers only to hand them off to Frontier if you can convince them that they'd be better off with the wireless service and hopefully keep th
          • "Thanks for the clarification - I'm actually in Europe, but read something about it on a mailing list ..."

            A mailing list? How old are you, gramps?

            • by Binestar ( 28861 )

              A mailing list? How old are you, gramps?

              Judging by his Slashdot User Number, about 3 times older than you.

      • Here in Indiana, Frontier continues to offer FiOS service under license from Verizon.

      • I assure you, AT&T is right behind them. They did a trial run up in the SNET region maybe a year or so ago to determine the process and identify problem areas.

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by WolfWithoutAClause ( 162946 ) on Tuesday August 04, 2015 @09:09AM (#50247967) Homepage

    As of a couple of months ago at least, BT will refuse to sell you fibre to the premises if you have access to ADSL.

    My flat is literally 40 feet away from a fibre and even Ethernet enabled street box, and I can't get fibre.

    • The only time (other than due to capacity issues) BT will insist on ADSL over fibre is when there isn't an up to date survey for your property - such as in the case of a brand new building.

      I had to place an order for a phone line and ADSL with my ISP and wait for it to be activated before the survey (done during the process) was updated on the Open Reach database and fibre suddenly became available. My ISP was fine about upgrading my internet from ADSL to fibre just a week into my 12 month ADSL contract wi

      • Really? As in real fibre, not BTInfinity, which is still just ADSL over the significantly shorter distance to the cabinet in the road???

        I mean, sure they'll upgrade you to ADSL to the cabinet, no problem, which they call 'fibre', but it's really still ADSL going into your property as opposed to fibre where they actually have a real fibre entering your property.

        Real fibre is several hundred megabits or more, whereas BTInfinity caps out at ~75 Mbps, more normally you'll actually get ~55 Mbps.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      BT's goal is to milk their existing copper network as much as possible before being forced to upgrade it by the government. There is very little competition, and in many areas none at all. Zero incentive to upgrade the network if they can force you to simply pay the same amount for a shitty copper line and ADSL.

  • by The-Ixian ( 168184 ) on Tuesday August 04, 2015 @09:14AM (#50248003)

    I am paying CenturyLink $150/mo for synchronous 1Gbps (non-bundled) and I thought that was a pretty good deal.

    I know that DSL gets a bad rap but I was using 60Mbps VDSL before I switched to the 1Gbps service which, I believe, uses DSL to get from the demark to my apt... so take that cable!

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      I am paying CenturyLink $150/mo for synchronous 1Gbps (non-bundled) and I thought that was a pretty good deal.

      As well as being more than 3x as expensive, it's not called "Giga Mansion Smart Type". Japanese products have the best names.

  • Sad how Japan's yesterday is Australia's future:

    Right now Australia's Internet is pathetically slow by first world standards - though competitive by third world standards.... YAY! Internet speeds: Australia ranks 44th, study cites direction of NBN as part of problem []

    The Liberals are promising the NBN will deliver at least 25Mbps to most household... YAWN! The Coalition’s rebooted NBN plan proposes to use a mix of technologies, including Telstra’s copper netw
  • we are still waiting for VDSL to roll out more.
  • Honestly Japan being much more condensed it probably makes sense. In the US we're too spread out to abandon certain technologies yet. My parents still have (3Mbps) DLS as their only option. I have a brother who doesn't even have that. He uses he cell phone for all his internet browsing occasionally tethering it to a desktop.

    I live in a town - a small town (population ~8,000), but still a town, and we have good cable modem speeds but only the newest neighborhoods have fiber available (the local telecom c

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Honestly Japan being much more condensed it probably makes sense. In the US we're too spread out to abandon certain technologies yet.

      I see this argument a lot. If it were true then those technologies would be available in the parts of the US that are densely populated.
      No, the big problem is oligopolies and the corrupt politicians that gives them a subsidized and protected market instead of splitting them up to promote competition.

    • I don't buy the population density argument if you are in a town or city of any size. I live in a city with a population of 100,000, but the best I can get is 60mbps down and a paltry 5mbps up. All the neighboring communities (1000-6000 people) have ftth from various local providers offering up to gigabit speeds who, for unknown reasons, can't seem to ever get fiber run here.

      If you aren't living in a town or city, hopefully ADSL is available but don't hold your breath.

      • when did japan start to get internet back in the 90's? US was first with consumer internet and that means we will be last with better tech because the carriers have to depreciate all the equipment they originally bought. just like other countries were the first with texting and 3G data, the US was first with a mass LTE deployment
        • by DarkOx ( 621550 )

          Anything from the 90's has already been replaced or has long been fully depreciated. The simple fact is the telephone operators resisted at first and then largely failed to be competitive in the consumer access space.

          This allowed the content guys "cable" to get in they game. They got everything to the "good enough" stage for major market segments, choked out the competitive offerings (the telcos and mom and pop ISPs) and have stagnated ever since. Mainly because they needed time to get their IP-VOD offer

      • DSL has a range limit of about 12,500 feet from the central office, or from the vault location they run fiber to from the CO, and a preference to be under 10,000 feet. Considering the large price for the equipment to support it from the telco side, they're not going to put that equipment in if there's only 4-6 customers within range and it'll take 20+ years at that rate to pay off that equipment. At best they'll get that equipment as a hand-me-down when it's been ripped out of someplace else that has been
      • Lucky you. I live in a city that, with the entire metro counted, is over a million people. Yet my apartment building has 30+ year old wiring, and AT&T long ago cemented their illegal exclusivity contract by physically going into each cable box and destroying all the cable inside of them. Now the management refuses to pay for anyone to re-wire it all, so we're stuck with ADSL. I've seen a max of 26 down and 180K up. When I work from home, and need to do a voip conference call, we can either have som
    • Re:Probably not bad (Score:4, Informative)

      by Fire_Wraith ( 1460385 ) on Tuesday August 04, 2015 @10:41AM (#50248699)
      It's a load of crap. Some of the poorest served areas in the country are major metropolitan areas, including the major cities in the Northeast corridor.

      Internet access speed in the U.S. does not correspond with population density, at all. It matters entirely whether you're in one of the few lucky areas that has Google or other fiber access. In fact, if you happen to live in a small town that put in municipal fiber, you likely have far better internet access than the big city an hour down the road.
      • This is very true. I used to live in a small western city (OK, like 80,000 population) in Colorado where the only broadband options for residential consumers were CenturyLink and Comcast. Comcast said they couldn't offer gigabit internet to the city because it wasn't feasible. So the citizens put up a ballot initiative to install municipal fiber with gigabit speeds for something like $50 or $80/mo., and when the ballot initiative passed, low and behold it didn't take but 2 months for Comcast to change its t

  • by Fire_Wraith ( 1460385 ) on Tuesday August 04, 2015 @09:28AM (#50248117)
    Must be nice to live in a country with first-world internet service. There is absolutely no core reason, other than sheer monopolistic greed, for why we can't have internet of this quality in major US metropolitan areas.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      hey, in this country we do things by capitalism.

      the market selects the best, most efficient solution, every time.

      and since by definition, the best solution is what the market selects, we
      are perfect. absolutely perfect.

      so stop second guessing the market and take your socialist whining
      somewhere else

      • hey, in this country we do things by capitalism.

        the market selects the best, most efficient solution, every time.

        and since by definition, the best solution is what the market selects, we
        are perfect. absolutely perfect.

        so stop second guessing the market and take your socialist whining
        somewhere else

        I couldn't have said it better.

      • corporate fascism isn't capitalism

  • Orange is providing 500/250 but is progressively upgrading to 1 gig download, for €46/month. Coverage is not 100%, only 4M of a total of 34M in the country. Other operators give 1 gig (Iliad, Bouygues) but they cover far less places. NC/SFR is also offering 800 Mbit download on mixed fiber/cable (Docsis), again only on a few territories. Orange is actually encouraging switching to Fiber, pictures [] of telecom hubs show how much less real estate it takes compared to copper. A current experiment runs in Pa
  • by Quirkz ( 1206400 ) <.moc.zkriuq. .ta. .ssor.> on Tuesday August 04, 2015 @10:55AM (#50248789) Homepage

    Giga Mansion Smart Type - I swear, Japan has the best names for everything. It's always a little stiff, comes off as just made up enough that maybe it's a joke, and maybe it was composed by a robot, but then you can't stop saying it to yourself over and over as if there's a code to be cracked there, where if you can just get it, it'll actually make sense.

    • The trouble is mostly in the translation. Japanese doesn't easily match up 1-for-1 with western languages when you're focused on the words. I'm not sure what the state of concept based translation software is but translation web services use the former.
    • To make it utter perfection the name should be "Giga Kitten Mansion Smart Robot Type"
  • I was on ATT DSL. Cox makes DSL look heavenly. Cox works ok for a while but periodically just stops for about a minute. Now my wife understands my efforts to try to avoid cable modem. They gave everyone a supposed bump up from 5mb to 15. I say keep the 10mb and just give me a DSL level reliable connection.

Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.
