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Clinton Surrendering Email Server/Data To Feds After Top Secret Mail Found 676

An anonymous reader writes: Hillary Clinton's lawyer has surrendered three thumb drives with copies of emails from her server to the Justice Department, which is also where the controversial Clinton personal email server is destined as well. The FBI determined that Clinton's lawyer could no longer retain the thumb drives after two emails from a small sample were found to contain information classified as "Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information," which would also taint the server. There is no evidence that encryption was used to protect the emails. From the limited reviews to date, Secretary Clinton and her aides exchanged emails containing classified information with at least six people with private email addresses. So far four of Clinton's top aides have turned over emails to the State Department, and there are demands that six more do so. The State Department's inspector general has stated that his office is reviewing "the use of personal communications hardware and software by five secretaries of state and their immediate staffs." Current U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has stated, "it is very likely" that China and Russia are reading his emails.
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Clinton Surrendering Email Server/Data To Feds After Top Secret Mail Found

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  • What a clusterfuck (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @08:11AM (#50300313)
    The Republican presidential lineup this year has been a source of near endless amusement, but they have NOTHING on the Dems throwing their weight behind Hillary. She should be whiling away her time behind bars, not running for POTUS. What a fucking mess.
    • The summary is very misleading. It intentionally leaves out a critical detail: none of these emails was classified at the time she sent/received it. These are documents that later were marked as top secret. That's why the FBI now wants to secure them: because they're now considered secret documents, and they need to make sure all copies are secure. But at the time she emailed them, all of them were unclassified.

  • I call bullshit (Score:3, Insightful)

    by dcooper_db9 ( 1044858 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @08:19AM (#50300385)
    Those two emails were classified retroactively. This isn't a new story.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by MarkWegman ( 2553338 )
      But it's such lovely clickbait. When she got the email it was not classified and so it came to her personal server. Given that the joint chiefs email was read by the Russians using her personal server might well have been more secure.
    • Re:I call bullshit (Score:5, Informative)

      by Mycroft-X ( 11435 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @08:22AM (#50300415)

      That's bullshit too. Do you think a case officer's notes of a meeting with an agent aren't classified just because the case officer doesn't carry around a big red "CLASSIFIED" stamp? Information is classified based on the information and source, not the markings. Classified information not so marked isn't unclassified information, it's misidentified information and anyone with a security classification is trained to recognize and address that issue.

      • Re:I call bullshit (Score:4, Insightful)

        by dcooper_db9 ( 1044858 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @08:27AM (#50300467)

        Do you think a case officer's notes of a meeting with an agent aren't classified just because the case officer doesn't carry around a big red "CLASSIFIED" stamp?

        Actually yes. The case officer is responsible for classifying and labelling any document they write before it's distributed.

  • by slashdice ( 3722985 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @08:21AM (#50300397)
    just more of that vast right wing conspiracy's war on women.
  • by jdharm ( 1667825 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @08:23AM (#50300421)
    Kerry quote from the article: "...the latest means of spying is to be going after peoples' cyber."

    I have a cyber? Where is my cyber? What does my cyber look like? How would I go about finding my cyber? Sounds like it could be fun. I wanna play with my cyber. But I have to protect my cyber so other people can't spy on my cyber. My cyber is private. Only my doctor can touch my cyber. No means no.
    • Oh, what a cute little pink cyber! Just what I always wanted. My own little cyber. I will name it George, and I will hug it and pet it and squeeze it...and pat it and pet it...and rub it and caress it and...

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @08:23AM (#50300423)

    Posting as AC for some degree of anonymity. Knowing what a clearance like a TS/SCI entails, her responding to, and handling classified mails, in her private mail system shows either a complete ignorance of what she took an oath to protect, or complete disregard for her oath. Either is just so troubling.

    • Posting as AC for some degree of anonymity. Knowing what a clearance like a TS/SCI entails, her responding to, and handling classified mails, in her private mail system shows either a complete ignorance of what she took an oath to protect, or complete disregard for her oath. Either is just so troubling.

      Her ignorance, lack of good judgement, and carelesness are ecxusable because it is not clear if laws were broken.

      • Thing is, though, someone at that level of authority in the Government, and who has decades of experience of at least protocol (in the 90's, for instance, you knew perfectly well that you didn't bring your work home with you if it even had the potential to contain classified information because there wasn't a lot of e-mailing back then), should not be that careless or lack such good judgment.

        If it were an intern that had little experience with aggregate classifications, sure.

        The head of the State Department

  • by ScentCone ( 795499 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @08:26AM (#50300453)
    She said so. Anybody saying anything differently is part of a vast right wing conspiracy. Unless they say "was," which is different than "is," the meaning of which depends on which Clinton you're talking to.

    It's not even about the risky, lazy handling of her official government documents, or the years she waited before turning her cherry-picked selection (no official emails sent for two months while dealing with Libya, really?) from her collection over to State as she was required to - at the very latest - as she left her office. It's about how dumb she's trying to pretend everyone is, and how phony her attempt to dismiss this is - it's about as sincere as the on-demand phony southern accent (or her Urban Church-y dialect) she uses depending how how she assesses the audience she thinks she's talking to that moment. The condescension would be galling if it weren't so transparent and (you'd think!) embarrassing. But she's so impervious to embarrassment over hypocrisy or being caught lying that it really doesn't matter at this point - she's been working on not letting that bother her since before she started putting up with Bill's abuses in Arkansas.

    I'm not sure what the DoJ thinks they're going to find on an Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind wiped server, though.Those drives are cleaner by now than the day they were manufactured.
  • This is the IRS email thing all over again... "oh you can't have the email because I destroyed it"... *click* I will blow your fucking brains out if you don't hand it over... I am not fucking around. "Oh THAT email... why didn't you ask... it was right up my cunt... here you go."

    Seriously... liar liar pants suit on fire.

    • by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) * on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @08:37AM (#50300547) Homepage Journal

      You'll notice that they handed over flash drives with copies, not the original storage. Because the remapped sectors on the original storage probably contains the evidence the prosecutor is looking for.

      But that's OK - Hillary is a bona fide member of the protected spook/bankster class; she need not fear consequences, only maintain the charade well enough for the narrative to continue.

      • by nine-times ( 778537 ) <> on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @09:53AM (#50301073) Homepage

        But that's OK - Hillary is a bona fide member of the protected spook/bankster class; she need not fear consequences, only maintain the charade well enough for the narrative to continue.

        She doesn't even need to maintain the charade. She just has to stall long enough to employ the strategy that many politicians (including her husband) have used to great success in the past.

        Step 1: Deny. "I didn't do it. I did nothing wrong."
        Step 2: Stonewall. Delay. Wait.
        Step 3: As evidence trickles out slowly, provide some kind of perfunctory defense. It doesn't have to be a strong defense, and actually shouldn't be a very good one. It should be just good enough that the people who want to support you can maintain their state of denial.
        Step 4: When enough evidence, come clean, but underplay the importance. "Well yes, I did it, but so what? This is old news, and people have been after me for years about this stuff, and nobody cared. Sure, I said I didn't do it before, but all my lies and my attempts to defend myself were so stupid, you must have known I was lying, and you didn't care. If you didn't care then, why would you care now?"

        Somehow we're all so stupid that we fall for this kind of thing all the time.

  • by damn_registrars ( 1103043 ) <> on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @08:40AM (#50300565) Homepage Journal
    Certainly, somewhere in those email archives we'll find:
    • Clinton's email to Obama about getting the Illuminati Reptoids ready to seize power next December after the elections
    • Clinton's email correspondence with Obama about when the Benghazi attack should begin
    • Clinton's emails to her husband reminding him of the age of consent for whichever state or country he is visiting
    • Clinton's emails to her lesbian lover(s)

    Yep, it's all there. We'll see 'em all soon, for sure.

  • Convenient (Score:5, Interesting)

    by plazman30 ( 531348 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @08:46AM (#50300613) Homepage

    Now if there was suspected classified information on anyone else's mail server, would the government wait for proof or seize the server, look through it, and then say "My bad!" and give it back to you.

    This was all done to make sure she had time to clean that server up and make it presentable, so no Clintons end in jail.

  • Why has encrypted email not become an easy to use standard in all our mail programs and webmail services?
    Because you web/email/network administrators have dropped the ball, that's why.

  • by captain_nifty ( 132748 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @08:55AM (#50300657)

    Any normal person would have their security clearance revoked after a breech of much lesser magnitude, which interestingly makes you unable to perform a job that requires handling classified material, it's one of the few ways to actually get fired from a government job.

    Just another facet of our societies aristocracy, they are above the rules. (note this has nothing to do with party, both side get far too many free passes)

    • by flink ( 18449 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @09:54AM (#50301077)

      Any normal person would have their security clearance revoked after a breech of much lesser magnitude, which interestingly makes you unable to perform a job that requires handling classified material, it's one of the few ways to actually get fired from a government job.

      This is an interesting dilemma. Suppose someone is elected by the people and their office requires the handling of classified material. Then suppose their background investigation reveals problems that, if they were an ordinary bureaucrat or contractor, they would not be issued a clearance. Or suppose they had previously mishandled classified information and had too many black marks on their record.

      What can you do in that situation? The law and constitution outline specific circumstances where you can remove someone from office, and I don't think "not approved by clearance investigator" is one of them.

      • What can you do in that situation?

        Not provide them information above the clearance for which they are qualified, leaving them to resign or be removed from office by one of the usual means?

  • by HockeyPuck ( 141947 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @08:56AM (#50300667)

    I'm not a Federal employee and I work in "Corporate America" and I know that if I told people to not use my but instead send it to or, I would be terminated pretty fast. Regardless if the content I was reading was marked as public, classified or highly classified. Even when we have new employees who do not yet have a corp ID/email address yet and want to use their own laptop for the first week, we cannot send them email to their personal accounts.

    How did she get away with this basic violation regardless if there are classified or non-classified emails.

    How did she get people to send email to her personal server? Did she just set up her federal account to forward it to her automatically or did she start also telling people (lots of people), "Please send it to

  • by seven of five ( 578993 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @09:58AM (#50301115)
    I don't get it about foreign governments nosing thru Kerry's email. He's admitting that, despite all the CIA/NSA/etc black spook encryption tech he could conceivably use, he's stuck with google mail?
  • by Minwee ( 522556 ) <> on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @10:05AM (#50301157) Homepage

    In other news:

    - Donald Trump has been sending all of his email to a server in Mexico because it's cheaper than handling it in the USA.
    - Chris Christie is still using Hotmail, and last week he had the entire service shut down for four days to spite everyone who hasn't endorsed him in the primaries.
    - Ted Cruz was using the email address "" up until 2014. He insists he had no way of knowing it was Canadian.
    - Jeb Bush has technically never received an email in his life. He has an intern print each item in his inbox and read it out loud to him. Sometimes he asks for pictures to go with it.
    - Carly Fiorina also had her email printed for her, but she removed all of the printers from her office in 2004 as a cost-cutting measure.
    - Rand Paul supports the abolition of mail servers entirely, and believes that each individual email should make its own decision as to how it is going to be delivered.
    - Rick Santorum last received email in 2003 when his last name started being blocked by profanity filters.

  • by Tablizer ( 95088 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @10:33AM (#50301413) Journal

    Many of you chide conservatives for not listening to experts on climate change, yet you became an Instant Expert on email and secrecy law here. What gives?

  • Elephant in the room (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Lost Race ( 681080 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @03:43PM (#50304207)

    Everybody seems to be ignoring the most important questions:

    1. What kind of server was it?

    2. What OS?

    3. Which MTA?

    I mean, if she rescued some old Sun pizza box from the dumpster, installed Gentoo and a heavily patched Qmail, then she gets my vote for sure! If it was a Dell running Windows Server and Exchange ... well ... that bitch can go straight to hell.

  • by WSOGMM ( 1460481 ) on Wednesday August 12, 2015 @05:03PM (#50304943)
    Somebody is throwing around some serious mod power in this post.
  • by Karmashock ( 2415832 ) on Thursday August 13, 2015 @01:05AM (#50306967)

    These are not serious people that take their jobs seriously. They're status seeking climbers that have long ago surpassed their competency.

    Neither Hillary nor Kerry are sharp or serious enough to hold these jobs. They have no concept of the responsibility they're assuming or the fundamental adjustments in attitude they require.

    A birthday clown does not have the same mentality as a general commanding an invasion into hostile territory. A guy flipping burgers does not have the same mentality as a guy preforming open heart surgery.

    I'm not talking about education or experience but how seriously you're taking what you're doing. You have to understand that if you fuck up people die. That if you fuck up a war could start and it will be your fault even if no one ever fingers you with the blame.

    Who here thinks Hillary was a competent head of state? Kerry? They're birthday clowns.

    I feel comfortable with them doing something that isn't life or death. I think Hillary was fine in the US Senate for example... same with Kerry. I think the Senate is a great place for people like that if they have to be in government... you could die in that job and who would even notice? Your ability to do real harm in the Senate is limited by the other forces that will control that sort of behavior.

    But as the head of the state department? what the fuck is Obama thinking putting these morons in charge of that? What is the game?

    I don't know... I want to believe Obama is a mysterious genius but the more I see nonsense like this the more I think he's in over his head as well.

    Could I do a better job? it sounds like the height of arrogance. But I wouldn't put career politicians with no real track record of competence besides loyalty to a political faction into positions of that much power. I'd pick people that lived and breathed foreign policy. Someone that perhaps was an expert in the region that was most problematic. I would be very happy to grab someone that was relatively low status but high intelligence/competence and just put them in that seat.

    We have this ossifying political structure where only people that were previously powerful can be accepted to other powerful positions. That's the old kings and nobles system. Fuck that. Grab no bodies that are most competent and put them in the seat.

    The only place I want to see these two idiots is with their faces painted making balloon animals.

Philosophy: A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing. -- Ambrose Bierce
