Science Teacher Arrested After Crashing Drone At US Open 179
An anonymous reader writes: We all had that science teacher growing up — the one who took his classroom experiments a little too far. The one with the potato cannon. The one who made you wonder how he didn't get into trouble in his spare time. Well, it's finally happened for one science teacher from New York City. The 26-year-old man was arrested last night after he crashed a drone into some empty seats at the U.S. Open. He was charged with reckless endangerment, reckless operation of a drone, and operating a drone in a New York City public park outside a prescribed area for doing so. Nobody was injured, but the drone did fly through the arena while a pair of tennis players were in the middle of a match. The game was briefly interrupted when the drone crashed.
One more reason we need restrictions on drones... (Score:4, Insightful)
Idiots like this are why "we can't have nice things"
Privacy issues aside, morons like this are why the drone-boys are going to be facing some new laws in the not-so-distant future.
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Idiots like this are why "we can't have nice things"
Privacy issues aside, morons like this are why the drone-boys are going to be facing some new laws in the not-so-distant future.
Took the words right out of my mouth....
Re:One more reason we need restrictions on drones. (Score:5, Insightful)
Idiots like this are why "we can't have nice things"
Privacy issues aside, morons like this are why the drone-boys are going to be facing some new laws in the not-so-distant future.
Furthermore, behavior like this gives us an idea of what would happen if 'flying cars' were ever readily available.
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Also "autonomous" vehicles (which aren't really autonomous, after all).
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Absolutely. I was thinking in terms of the popular fantasy of what having a flying car would be like, and one more reason why the reality could not be anything like that.
My guess is that automation of the flying of flying cars would be a simpler problem than the automation of road vehicles, but there are a host of more difficult problems to be solved before such a vehicle is feasible. One of them is noise.
For those of us who like to fly, the advent of flying cars would probably be the end of our hobby.
Re:One more reason we need restrictions on drones. (Score:5, Insightful)
morons like this are why the drone-boys are going to be facing some new laws in the not-so-distant future.
He was arrested. Why do we need "new laws" when his behavior is already illegal under existing law?
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You're mistaking "need" for "going to be facing." You won't need new laws. You're going to get new ones with harsher maximum penalties even if you don't need them. I tried mentioning this and was modded to oblivion quite some time ago when people were first insisting that they could do anything they wanted with them. Good luck with that.
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Why do we need "new laws"
Because the existing laws don't seem to be preventing this sort of behavior. In reality, its more of a statistical effect. Where the large increase in the number of drones (RC aircraft, etc.) in the hands of morons result in such incidents occurring more frequently.
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if competent science teachers
Because being a science teacher (competent or otherwise) isn't a precondition for a drone operator's license.
Re:One more reason we need restrictions on drones. (Score:4, Interesting)
Firearms are protected by the 2nd amendment. I am afraid drones are not. I guarantee in 10 years, to buy a drone you will have to...
- mandatory background check
- mandatory 3 hour online drone safety course that costs $100 and has to be renewed with a new course every 5 years
- mandatory annual safety inspection of the drone that costs $50
- mandatory national registration markings on the drone tied to you in a federal database
No joke.
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Unless the drone had a gun attached to it. Then you would be able to walk right out of the corner store with a hunting drone under one arm and a case of beer under the other.
Because otherwise the evil British would be able to take over the country and quarter soldiers in private homes or whatever it is that you're supposed to be protecting against.
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Except that isn't the way the gun laws work anywhere in the US.
Work in reality, not in your assumption of how reality works.
He was "found at a marina"?? (Score:5, Funny)
What was he doing, going around saying "Anyone seen my drone?". Why didn't he toss the controller into the water get the hell out of there with a sign off to the class of "Thats what happens when you don't concentrate kids. Now everyone into the bus, fast!"
Ignorant fucking asshole (Score:5, Insightful)
Douches like this prick are why we can't have nice things.
I fly all sorts of RC aircraft, Quads, fixed wing plane's, Helis, even a flying lawn mower (model, not actually a lawnmower) and I've been doing it for 25 years and never has there been an issue of people getting upset about it until recently.
You know why? Cheap electronics introducing artificial stability at a price that allows any fucking moron without the slightest clue to buy one and manage to fly it for more than 10 seconds. Before artificial stability (i.e. before there was any hope of an RC quadcopter), pricks like this would have bought one, flown it for 10 seconds, crashed it in his front yard and that would be the end of it because he wouldn't be willing to spend that money again for another 10 seconds of flight time until he learned to fly. He'd never learn to fly because he's not bothering to try, he's just throwing it in the air without understanding how/why/when its going to come down and what effects thats going to have on others.
When I see assholes like this, I tell them to get their fucking quad out of the air immediately or I'm calling the cops, and I've called them twice, the last for some asshole flying over a high school football game. Guy was a software dev at a large tech company, should fucking know better and understand that a 5 pound object falling on your head from even 10 feet above is WAY beyond potentially lethal.
So take this worthless fuck out back, string him up by his testicles and keep him the fuck out of RC * so he doesn't fuck it up for the rest of us.
This shit is why the FAA cares, and I'm 100% with them on it. I don't want additional laws, but this is a real problem in a new arena that previously had barriers to entry that kept idiots out. The modern flight controllers (which I use and love) are like exploit kits for script kiddies. They give ability to do something without the tempering that comes with learning how to do it 'the hard way', or understanding the consequences of what you're doing.
I don't have a good solution to this problem because the problem is caused by adults who haven't grown up yet or are too selfish/ignorant to care and those are problems we've been dealing with since the beginning of time without solving, but it does have to be addressed, which problem means I'm going to get screwed in the process.
I can not stress this statement enough: The guy flying that drone was an ignorant fucking asshole. 50 lashes wouldn't be enough.
Make the punishment fit the crime. (Score:2)
Your drone is first flown into your face at maximum forward velocity.
It is then dropped on your head from 30m, powered off.
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I think you held back a little on that, tell us how you really feel. ;)
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Yea. Damn people without thousands of spare dollars to spend on learing to fly stuff without artificial stability. They should learn to be rich.
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Yea. Damn people without thousands of spare dollars to spend on learing to fly stuff without artificial stability. They should learn to be rich.
Ah, so people who can't afford an expensive hobby should still get to do the hobby anyway, just irresponsibly?
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Ah, so people who can't afford an expensive hobby should still get to do the hobby anyway, just irresponsibly?
It's a dumb argument anyway, because most people don't have a front lawn into which they can crash their aircraft. Talk about an ivory tower perspective! If they didn't have stability software, then they'd be buying a heli or a plane without stability software, and then taking it to a public park or a school (commonly the nearest open field to a person's house) for their first flight. And they could well harm someone then. Instead, people are taking their first flights with their quads at home, because you
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http://www.amazon.com/gp/produ... [amazon.com]
Quads are damn cheap now. It doesn't have transmit capability, but it is about the same size as the drone in TFA.
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I agree 100000000000000% with your statement. Was this "teacher" ignorant? Yes (feel sorry for his students). Fucking asshole? Absolutely! These people will ruin it for the rest of us flyers. Already happening in California.
Re:Ignorant fucking asshole (Score:4, Interesting)
I think a big part of it is because the guys who flew RC aircraft over the years have been serious hobbyists and not "I bought this on Amazon" goofballs.
I walk my 15 year old dog near a park where a lot of these guys fly their rigs. I've never met one who wasn't thoughtful about what he was doing and respectful of others' safety. They don't fly over the kid's playground, they don't fly over the traffic on the surrounding streets. They're human beings. A lot of them bring their kids and teach them the same appropriate behavior, while getting the kids interested in a cool hobby.
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Sure, but the charge should have been trespassing or something like that. The drone hit some seats. This isn't like having a gasoline fight at a gas station kind of reckless.
No, this was having a baseball game in a crowded park kind of reckless. You could easily wind up hitting someone with a ball (or even a bat) in that kind of environment. This drone was easily heavy enough to harm someone if it fell on them, and he clearly wasn't as in control of it as he thought he was. As well, odds are it was powered by a LiPo, which is a fire hazard. (I have LiPos, I use them, but any time they are outside of their protective storage, you should have an extinguisher ready and you should
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but unless someone actually got hit I think the endangerment charge is overblown.
Endangerment doesn't mean "did cause damage", it means "creating a dangerous situation". And "reckless" is an important word.
You can endanger others on a daily basis, like by driving a car (which creates a danger to pedestrians, for example) but not be guilty of "reckless endangerment" because you are taking appropriate actions to mitigate the risk. You obey the basic speed limit, you signal lane changes, you don't use a handheld cellphone while driving, etc.
And just like for drivers, "reckless endange
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The drone hit some seats.
So if I brought my pistol to the US Open and fired it straight up, you'd be OK with that if it only hit an empty seat?
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If the bullet moved at around a max of 10 mph, sure.
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I missed the part where the blades stopped spinning when it got close to people.
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The drone hit some seats.
So if I brought my pistol to the US Open and fired it straight up, you'd be OK with that if it only hit an empty seat?
I'd be more okay with it than if you had shot me in the head. The more relevant example would be if you flew a small toy helicopter in the air that could maybe cause someone to go "ouch" or in the extreme could have caused about as much damage as a baseball or a small rock thrown in the air and it didn't hit anyone.... again... didn't hit anyone. Don't do it again. Have a nice day. End of story.
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The modern flight controllers (which I use and love) are like exploit kits for script kiddies.
That is one of the best analogies I have heard regarding to this topic.
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The summary states that the teacher was in the middle of an experimen when he crashed the RC aircraft. Was there an actual experiment, or was the submitter just trying to pad the story into something bigger than it really was?
Apparently the Science teacher was doing a Social experiment.
It's idiots like this... (Score:5, Insightful)
Selfish idiots like this are going to ruin the hobby for all of us. The FAA rules are pretty clear [faa.gov]: 5 miles of an airport, nowhere near stadiums.
Quads fall out of the sky. A motor fails, a battery unexpectedly dies (or explodes), a sensor goes haywire... the number of things that can cause a quad to quit working is endless. If something quits, it drops like a stone - and a responsible pilot know that.
I hate the idea of an R/C license... but if it keeps the selfish idiots grounded then it's probably the way to go. Unfortunately.
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I hate the idea of an R/C license... but if it keeps the selfish idiots grounded then it's probably the way to go. Unfortunately.
Is this like how we keep drugs off the streets, guns out of the hands of criminals, and unlicensed drivers off the road?
How many times...
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It's how we keep people that don't know about radios on cell phones and not amateur radio bands.
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Not to make excuses for them (especially in the prohibition arena), but it is how we keep garbage from accumulating in front of your house. And even though it gets dirty again, we still regularly change the oil in our cars, don't we? I believe the word is 'maintenance'.
It's all about me! (Score:5, Insightful)
It's the US Open, watched in person by thousands, and on TV by millions but rather than making it all about the tennis players, this dipshit feels that the Open should be all about him and his toys. So he flys his drone over the stadium and ends up crashing into some seats, causing a delay in the match-in-progress, lucky not to have hurt someone in the stands. He's yet one more example of an adolescent in adult form who is incapable of recognizing that this is not an appropriate place to play and not too overly concerned about its ramifications. Fines and a little jail time are exactly what he deserves.
Science Teacher? (Score:1)
I don't see what his being a science teacher has to do with any of this. The summary makes it sound like he was doing something kooky to teach his kids in a unique way, but he wasn't doing this to teach anything. He was just another irresponsible dumbass with a drone.
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It's relevant because as a science teacher he should understand the physics involved and why what he was doing was REALLY STUPID. It's just as relevant if pointing out that a Ponzi scheme victim was an accountant. They should be trained well enough to realize what the hell is going on.
Drone Licensing (Score:2)
Even an easy exam would insure people have basic safety knowledge and establish a minimum level of accountability.
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No respecting private property and enforcing property laws is what is needed.
Him crashing is not what is relevant.
Him flying over private property is what is relevant.
Good the asshole got arrested. (Score:1)
Drones are the new laser pointers (Score:1)
Drones are the new laser pointers
And yet (Score:1)
The guy who lost his permitted king cobra in florida has had nothing happen to him. The guy in texas who lost his cobra was killed by it. And then there is the guy in california who was bit by the rattlesnake he was playing with. So should we ban all snakes?
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So should we ban all snakes?
We should probably require that people who want to keep venomous snakes demonstrate the ownership of a sufficient enclosure.
Ah, science teachers (Score:5, Interesting)
My abiding memory of science teaching was the chemistry teacher who wanted to demonstrate the reactivity of phosphorous with air. He pulled a large stick of phosphorus (oxidised on the outside) out of a jar of water and carefully sliced off a small section. He then rushed to drop the rest of the stick back into the jar of water, but he missed and it bounced off the rim of the jar, landed on the table and promptly burst into flames and began to fill the room with fumes.
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At least he didn't harm the kids. Not like those boring teachers who manage to get their whole class to permanently hate the subject. Wish someone would arrest some of those.
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Heh... My favorite science teacher back in high school blew out the fume hood with a zinc dust/sulfur reload of an Estes model rocket engine. One of his demos had two police officers bursting into the room. (That one was actually completely harmless; he was demoing electrolysis of water, bubbling the stoichiometric results through soapy water, and lighting the bubbles to the delight of all. Made a crack like a .22. It just so happened that there had been some riots earlier, so there was police presence
Swat it down (Score:2)
Jeeze (Score:2)
It it was a DRONE, it probably wouldn't have crashed and wouldn't be flying manually controlled. Title should be "Numbnut crashes his quadcopter at the Open" with a photo of the him titled "Would you let this man teach your children?".
Fear Of New Things (Score:2)
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What religion was the idiot teacher? I can't see the relevance myself, but you seem to think it plays an important part of the story.
If a drone is explosive, it's because the pilot is a terrorist.
Re:Just a harmless drone this time (Score:4, Funny)
If a drone is explosive, it's because the pilot is a terrorist.
Or that Sony manufactured the battery.
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If a drone is explosive, it's because the pilot is a terrorist.
Or that Sony manufactured the battery.
North Korea seems to think that Sony are terrorists...
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Or worse, Chrisq with a far right fascist propaganda drone.
Re:Just a harmless drone this time (Score:5, Informative)
It wasn't harmless.
A quad with any camera worth a shit on it is going to weigh in at 5-10 pounds minimum. A drop of even 10 feet, at 5 pounds, onto your head, with any sort of good sharp edge ... your skull is going to be split open. This is a simple matter of physics. Gravity does all the work. The propellers aren't what you're afraid of, its one of the support arms or screws jabbing into your brain that you should be worried about.
There are many many many ways it can hurt you in that fall that don't involve a lethal injury that you wouldn't enjoy at all either.
You don't need explosives for a quad to be lethal, this idiot was more than enough to seriously wound or kill someone due to nothing more than shear ignorance.
Best part ... he's a fucking science teacher who should understand the basic laws of physics well enough to not do something this stupid.
Re:Just a harmless drone this time (Score:5, Informative)
A quad with any camera worth a shit on it is going to weigh in at 5-10 pounds minimum.
I have a quad-copter with a 4MP camera, that is good enough to do roof / solar-panel inspections. It weighs less than one pound. The cell-phone-quality camera weighs two grams (about the weight of a penny). The only significant weight is the battery, and that can also be light if you are willing to sacrifice flight time.
Harmless mass: Harmful people (Score:4, Insightful)
It weighs less than one pound.
:P Then i guess by "BitZtream's" definition: your quad copter isn't "worth a shit"
This really has nothing much to do with drones or technology though, and everything to do with mass and stupidity... or is it mass stupidity?
Replace "drone" with "heavy object" and "flight" with one or more of various other mechanisms available to give heavy objects gravitational potential energy and or momentum. This can be an idiot throwing rocks at people, a psychopath dropping pennies off the Eiffel Tower or a clumsy buffoon flying a heavy drone around in public... you can replace the things but not the people.
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This, being in NYC, is one of those times I'd have not shot the drone.
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A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. - Kay
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a psychopath dropping pennies off the Eiffel Tower
Pennies have a terminal velocity between 30-50 mph in light wind and weigh 2.5g. Go ahead, do the math to imagine what it would feel like to get hit by one. Here's your "psychopath" [wikipedia.org] dropping pennies.
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Weight required to kill someone from a free fall of 10 feet = .04 lbs
You must be kidding. .04 lbs is 18.1 grams and change. 3 quarters totaling 17.01 grams, plus a dime at 2.268 grams, are plenty more than 18.1 grams. So you're suggesting that if I tape 3 quarters and a dime together and drop it on someone's head from 10 feet I'm going to kill them.
How high is up? (Score:2)
I have a quad-copter with a 4MP camera, that is good enough to do roof / solar-panel inspections. It weighs less than one pound.
How high a roof?
If a strike from 5 lb drone falling 10 ft can be lethal, how safe is it to be caught standing unawares beneath your 1 lb drone as it falls 30 to 40 ft?
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" shear ignorance"
Your entire post reads like a hysterical rant from an old man. That was just frosting on the cake!
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They don't make Nerf Drones yet?
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It wasn't harmless.
It was harmless. As in, according to the story, there was no harm caused.
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It wasn't harmless.
It was harmless. As in, according to the story, there was no harm caused.
If I dropped a tarantula on your lap, but it was a bit sleepy and didn't try to bite your cock off, would you still say it was harmless?
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Yes, as by definition a tarantula is harmless to a human. They don't bite us, and even if they did, their bite is not especially harmful to us.
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It was harmless. As in, according to the story, there was no harm caused.
I do not think the word means what you think it means.
I have an old unexploded mortar shell from WWII. Since it hasn't exploded -- yet -- it is harmless. Yes?
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This is a simple matter of physics.
There's your problem. This guy must be chemistry.
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This is a simple matter of physics.
There's your problem. This guy must be chemistry.
Apparently, he's a "science" teacher at the Academy of Innovative Technology in NY (magnet school K618) who moonlights as a photog with the handle "TheDVimage"
K618 is a school that specializes in teaching kids gaming, web design and applications programming. I imagine that a "science" teacher at this school is really just a technology instructor (not chemistry nor physics)
FWIW, K618 (rated by Great Schools as 2/10 based on stunning performance in standardized test scores) is a remnant of the defunct Frank
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I am far from defending this dopey teacher, but there is a chance he was at least careful enough to not fly it over areas where people were. It did say that it crashed into a section of empty seats. Not sure he entirely deserves it, but we could give him the benefit of the doubt that he had at least a bit of common sense in his flight of stupidity. I want to believe that there was a nugget of smart in there.
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there is a chance he was at least careful enough to not fly it over areas where people were. It did say that it crashed into a section of empty seats.
I think the key word there is "crashed".
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It didn't look damaged in the video I saw on CNN, so it must not have "crashed" too bad.
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Until a drone is constructed entirely out of fabric, there is no such thing as a "harmless" drone (and even a fabric drone can be dangerous in certain odd circumstances).
This is something the drone-nuts don't seem to understand. At least model airplane enthusiasts understand that they are directing a rigid object at moderate speeds with (usually) open propellers rotating at high rpm. A proper understanding of what you are doing leads to some level of caution and respect for people around you. I have seen
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At least model airplane enthusiasts understand that they are directing a rigid object at moderate speeds with (usually) open propellers rotating at high rpm.
But at least the (RC) airplane actually flies. If you lose an engine it still has some semblance of control. A drone has exactly the same flight capabilities as a helicopter ... or a brick.
Of course if you lose contact with the device it's then flying on it's own -- and you better hope it's smarter than you are.
Just a harmless drone this time
I thought we were supposed to learn from our mistakes. And being human even understand how NOT to make them. Or am I expecting too much from adults?
... Never Mind.
Looking around at Politics
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A helicopter can auto-rotate. Quads just drop.
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Until a drone is constructed entirely out of fabric, there is no such thing as a "harmless" drone (and even a fabric drone can be dangerous in certain odd circumstances).
This is something the drone-nuts don't seem to understand. At least model airplane enthusiasts understand that they are directing a rigid object at moderate speeds with (usually) open propellers rotating at high rpm. A proper understanding of what you are doing leads to some level of caution and respect for people around you. I have seen neither from any of these drone stories, not even the Amazon delivery one suggests that they will include safeguards to protect people from their drones.
Drones don't kill people, bullets do.
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Re:Just a harmless drone this time (Score:4)
And you have never had a tuned pipe glow engine running 90%+ nitro-methane spinning a 9 inch propeller at 25kRPM+.
It's a beautiful noise.
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Now, back on topic..
Remember, kids, don't hate your lawmakers when they take away consumer access to your toy drones, hate the idiots who can't play with them responsibly.
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You know your comeback is pretty weak and pathetic, right? Why not just admit that you're mad that you've been called out for your small-minded, hateful ways and move on?
Most Islamic peoples are like most other people in the world in at least one respect: they just want to live their lives. They don't want to dictate to everyone else how they live, and they just want to be left alone. It's the extremists that ruin thing for everyone else, Islamic or otherwise. And guess what? YOU are an extremist
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Oh. So now you're the authority on the kind of people allowed in the world.
He's a Muslim, what do you expect? In countries they control they kill or enslave people they don't like.In they rest of the world they use insults, violence and intimidation and feel hard dun by that others are equal to them in the eyes of the law.
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The newspapers are revising the title of their story: "Teacher with a mostly harmless drone."
Re: Just a harmless drone this time (Score:2)
Fundamental or muslim extreamists mixing explosives with crowds is not an unknown event (type 'bomb' in google news). Likewise the mixing of drones and bombs is also known (Type in 'US drone strike' in google news). It's easy to understand how someone might get confused and think these could be related in some way and be a little concrened about 'US muslim drone bomb' becoming a valid search some day soon.
Although it might be worth noting that your view and what is really happening are two very seperate is
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The same can be said (especially in the U.S.) for fundamentalist Christian extremists.
Also agnostic crazies with an agenda.
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...Drone safety is a serious issue. Yes, next time it could be a terrorist with an explosive drone. Terrorism is a serious issue, regardless of ideology.
You're obviously not paying attention. If it's a Christian American crazy (such as Timmy McVeigh), then we say it's just a crazy. If it's a Muslim crazy killer, then we say it's part of an international religion with one billion believers and we piss in our pants.
It's a problem of social perspective which is _always_ based on ideology.
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That kind is too dumb. They blow themselves up trying to build it. Often skip step 0 of any bomb building plan: 0. Sober up.
See also 'The Weather Underground'.
Darwin never sleeps.
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Or this:
"The next time it could be a deranged former member of our military who puts a bomb in a drone and flies it into a school yard full of children."
Timothy McVeigh
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That quote is from the tennis player.
She's in the middle of playing in the US Open when the match is halted and there a bunch of police staring at the seats in an empty section of the stadium.
What do you think they are checking out? A box of donuts? An escaped water buffalo? The latest iPhone?
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No. She said she heard it fly by. That is a reference to the 'drone' itself. The police staring at an empty seat would have occured some time after that. All she was reacting to was the sound of a quadcopter. Have you ever heard one? A reasonable thought might be that it was a hummingbird, a really big bee or... a fcking quadcopter! How many bombs fly around making a buzzing noise before they finally go off?
If you wonder what you are hearing.. apply Occam's Razor FCOL! What is more likely.. a bomb, a qua
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Did she have to take cover often growing up in Romania? I have Romanian friends and they have never shared stories like that with me!
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i never said it was unreasonable to feel unnerved about being interupted by something unidentified in the middle of such a big tournament.
It is totally unreasonable however when the first thing coming to one's mind as soon as there is something unidentified is BOMB. She just heard a noise at that point! Imagine all the things it could be. Add bomb to the list. Add "not a bomb but something I haven't thought of yet" to the list. Apply Okam's Razor. Is bomb still up there?
if so then do you ever go to big hi
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