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Software Open Source

Software Freedom Conservancy Asks For Supporters 44

paroneayea writes: Software Freedom Conservancy is asking people to join as supporters to save both their basic work and GPL enforcement. Conservancy is the steward of projects like Samba, Wine, BusyBox, QEMU, Inkscape, Selenium, and many more. Conservancy also does much work around GPL enforcement and needs 2,500 members to join in order to save copyleft compliance work. They list some of the past year's successes, too, including fighting for and successfully earning "an exemption from the Library of Congress in the DMCA review process to legally permit circumvention of encryption on Smart TVs, ensuring that you are free to hack on the devices that you legally own."
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Software Freedom Conservancy Asks For Supporters

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  • Perhaps they are trying to be too nice, perhaps they shouldnâ(TM)t be trying to make friends of the corporations that choose to violate the communities principles.

    Seems like they are going to make a choice between enforcing the GPL in a friendly way or not at all.

    I respect their efforts very much, but i would rather see them become more militant, take as much money as they can get from the wilfully ignorant, and not be afraid of making enemies.

    • I respect their efforts very much, but i would rather see them become more militant, take as much money as they can get from the wilfully ignorant, and not be afraid of making enemies.

      That's certainly a good way to encourage development to move to BSD, which is already the basis for both the PlayStation and OS X.

      "Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to loose." - Confucious :-)

Kiss your keyboard goodbye!
