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Networking United Kingdom IT Technology

UCL Scientists Push 1.125Tbps Through a Single Coherent Optical Receiver 25

Mark.JUK writes: A team of researchers working in the Optical Networks Group at the University College London in England claim to have achieved the "greatest information rate ever recorded using a single [coherent optical] receiver", which was able to handle a record data speed of 1.125 Terabits per second (Tbps). The result, which required a 15 sub-carrier 8GBd DP-256QAM super-channel (15 channels of data) and total bandwidth of 121.5GHz, represents an increase of 12.5% relative to the previous record (1Tbps). Now they just need to test it using some long fibre optic cable because optical signals tend to become distorted when they travel over thousands of kilometers.
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UCL Scientists Push 1.125Tbps Through a Single Coherent Optical Receiver

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  • by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Friday February 12, 2016 @09:27AM (#51493943) Homepage Journal
    I was able to do that in Linux with a few shell and Perl scripts.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Could this be used for terabit ethernet? Many companies including Facebook and Google have indicated the need for terabit ethernet in their data centers. I'm surprised there isn't much effort to develop terabit ethernet. It sure seems like this would be useful for it, though.

    • Re:Terabit ethernet (Score:4, Informative)

      by Shatrat ( 855151 ) on Friday February 12, 2016 @09:55AM (#51494113)

      This is aimed at optical transport. The framing will be OTN and it can carry many payload channels of 10GBE, 100GBE, or Sonet, SDH, whatever is needed. Ethernet sucks for long distance transport because it doesn't have built in layer one performance monitoring to match OTN and even old school Sonet/SDH.
      Right now you can buy a single transceiver from Infinera that will do 500gbps using 10 carrier wavelengths. Ciena, Nokia and some others offer 200gbps over short distances on a single carrier. So, 1.125 gbps over 15 carriers isn't a huge leap forward, but is going to be table stakes for the next generation of optical transport.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I 3D printed the whole thing. Onlty Luddites wait for others!

  • So, what kind of speed do they get with the incoherent optical receivers? 1 kb/sec?

  • This is coherent light.

  • I love London, but it surprises me that anyone would come here to study Electronics. Why would you when, on graduation from a course much more difficult than all the people churning through law and finance, you can look forward to never earning more than a tube driver, and watching the continuing decline of British industry and your future employment prospects, all from the comfort of your overpriced hovel in Surrey.

    If you come here you go jump on whatever fancy bandwagon is the latest trend (seems to be Ja

  • by yodleboy ( 982200 ) on Friday February 12, 2016 @11:49AM (#51494979)
    I have a feeling it could be improved with systemd.
  • 1.125 Tb/s over 121.5 GHz bandwidth? I remembered there was an information theorem that demonstrated this to be impossible, but I must be remembering wrong. What is the actual relationship between maximum throughput and analog bandwidth?

Hacking's just another word for nothing left to kludge.
