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Hacker Takes Over Oculus CEO's Twitter Account, Announces New CEO ( 28

Another day, another high-profile becoming victim of a hack attack. Somebody managed to find a way into Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe's Twitter account late Wednesday. The hacker, who appears to be a user who goes by the alias "lid" on Twitter changed Iribe's bio and cover photo, and made a couple of interesting "announcements" -- including him becoming the new CEO of Facebook-owned virtual reality company. TechCrunch reports:This is just the latest in a string of tech CEO's having their Twitter accounts compromised, this attack does not appear to be from the same hacker group responsible for the hacks on the accounts of Travis Kalanick, Sundar Pichai, Mark Zuckerberg and Dick Costolo. Late Wednesday night, Iribe's Twitter bio temporarily read, "hey its @Lid ... im not testing ya security im just havin a laugh." The hacker told me in a Twitter DM that he accessed the password via last month's MySpace breach, he also said that he also would've managed to access Iribe's email account had he not had two-factor authentication enabled.
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Hacker Takes Over Oculus CEO's Twitter Account, Announces New CEO

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  • C'mon - (Score:5, Insightful)

    by jpellino ( 202698 ) on Thursday June 30, 2016 @10:45AM (#52419055)
    can't they be as least as creative as Bart Simpson's bar calls?
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Can't Twitter finally implement a decent two factor authentication system? I mean, SMS messages, really?

    • by bungo ( 50628 )

      They could have don't something creative, like give a tip to someone they don't like that their stock is going to plunge. Wait until the person has shorted the stock, then make some announcement (We're going into Chapter 11, etc).

      Once the stock tanks, and your enemy has made some money, report them to the SEC for fraud, and tell the police that your enemy has hacked the account.

      Sit back and watch them try to explain it.

  • "Hacker" (Score:4, Insightful)

    by MetalliQaZ ( 539913 ) on Thursday June 30, 2016 @10:58AM (#52419123)

    You too can be elite if you copy a password out of a text file.

  • Bad karma and lack security: these guys have a unique developer API policy:They own whatever you develop for their platform. (surprised anyone agreed to this..) so I say "it couldn't happened to a nicer guy". Perhaps they were eluding to what should happen later on given they way they treat the developers who for some odd reason create stuff for their platform under ethically questionable terms.
  • Had this been a pro they'd have sold this log-in. It seems feasible that if it were properly managed and timed, a more realistic "Announcement" could have yielded big bucks in stock trading. My wee brain can't wrap itself around someone that is smart enough to hack the account and too stupid to do anything useful with said hack. I'm going to suppose that said hacker isn't really evil. Hell, just letting the guy know privately that you did it and how you did it would probably be fairly profitable. Let's

My idea of roughing it turning the air conditioner too low.
