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Facebook Businesses The Internet

Facebook Expands Its Express Wi-Fi Program For Developing Markets Via Hardware Partnerships ( 20

Facebook is today launching a partner program for its Express Wi-Fi initiative, which helps bring higher-speed connections to developing markets, including India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, and Tanzania. From a report: The program itself involves having local business owners install Wi-Fi hotspots, where internet service is provided by local ISPs, mobile network operators, and others that Facebook has partnered with. Now, Facebook is launching a new partner program that will allow access point manufacturers to build devices compatible with Express Wi-Fi. Its debut lineup of partners for "Express Wi-Fi Certified," as the partner program is called, include Arista, Cambium Networks, and Ruckus Networks, an ARRIS Company. Facebook first began testing Express Wi-Fi three years ago, and has since expanded it to the five above countries and 10 partners.
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Facebook Expands Its Express Wi-Fi Program For Developing Markets Via Hardware Partnerships

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