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My Browser, the Spy: How Extensions Slurped Up Browsing Histories From 4M Users ( 43

Dan Goodin, reporting for ArsTechnica: When we use browsers to make medical appointments, share tax returns with accountants, or access corporate intranets, we usually trust that the pages we access will remain private. DataSpii, a newly documented privacy issue in which millions of people's browsing histories have been collected and exposed, shows just how much about us is revealed when that assumption is turned on its head. DataSpii begins with browser extensions -- available mostly for Chrome but in more limited cases for Firefox as well -- that, by Google's account, had as many as 4.1 million users. These extensions collected the URLs, webpage titles, and in some cases the embedded hyperlinks of every page that the browser user visited. Most of these collected Web histories were then published by a fee-based service called Nacho Analytics, which markets itself as "God mode for the Internet" and uses the tag line "See Anyone's Analytics Account."

Web histories may not sound especially sensitive, but a subset of the published links led to pages that are not protected by passwords -- but only by a hard-to-guess sequence of characters (called tokens) included in the URL. Thus, the published links could allow viewers to access the content at these pages. (Security practitioners have long discouraged the publishing of sensitive information on pages that aren't password protected, but the practice remains widespread.)
Further reading: More on DataSpii: How extensions hide their data grabs -- and how they're discovered.
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My Browser, the Spy: How Extensions Slurped Up Browsing Histories From 4M Users

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  • This is possible (in Chrome at least) largely because of the existence of the WebRequest API, which allows extensions to see every web request made. The Chrome team announced their intention to remove this API, but makers of adblockers screamed about. Google proposed a less-dangerous API for adblockers to use but they still complained, so the Chrome team seems to have backed off, leaving the dangerously over-powerful WebRequest API in place.
    • by sexconker ( 1179573 ) on Friday July 19, 2019 @05:10PM (#58953622)

      Nah. Google and Firefox both run walled gardens for the extensions. They're on the hook for everything that happens because of extensions that they've allowed in.

      • Nah. Google and Firefox both run walled gardens for the extensions. .

        They don't, actually. You can install arbitrary extensions. Also, Google doesn't claim to pre-screen the extensions in the web app store, and I don't think Mozilla does either.

      • by shanen ( 462549 )

        I cannot figure out where this thread is going or what it is trying to say, though right now I'm inclined to the theory that it [for almost any value of it] is ultimately the google's fault. My initial reaction to the story was "Oh yeah? How do you think that compares to the browser history data the google is collecting? Like a match to an H-bomb, eh?"

        Then again, the google doesn't need to do it the easy way, though the money probably drives them to that position (per swillden's OP?) because the google can

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Btw: Android has a feature in the developer settings, to lie about the GPS location.

      Why isn't there a "Lie" option for every permission for every app and extension in browsers and simpleton (aka "smartphone") OSes?

      • by swillden ( 191260 ) <> on Friday July 19, 2019 @05:31PM (#58953740) Journal

        Why isn't there a "Lie" option for every permission for every app and extension in browsers and simpleton (aka "smartphone") OSes?

        Because it would just create an arms race between OSes trying to craft convincing lies and libraries that sort the lies from the truth, and there's really no benefit to it. If you want to deny permission to access some data, just deny it.

        And to answer the question in your subject, yes, Chrome asks for permissions, including permission to use the WebRequest API. But users happily click "okay" and go on with their day.

        Btw: Android has a feature in the developer settings, to lie about the GPS location.

        Yes, that's useful when developing apps that depend on location. It's a pain in the ass to test your app if you actually have to travel to different places (leaving your desk and test infrastructure) to see if it's working.

    • by Ken_g6 ( 775014 )

      There's an alternative permission Google could add that should have almost the same effect: Permission to access third-party sites not accessed by the site being visited. This should be possible because in-page JavaScript blocks third-party xmlhttprequests. They could even require a list of third-party sites the extension can access.

      On the other hand, extensions could just inject webbugs (invisible images) or JavaScript calls in the resulting page instead. But that would be rather more obvious than a beh

    • by aitan ( 948581 )

      There's no mention in the report (either the ArsTechnica article or the full report) about WebRequest at all.
      In this tweet the author of uBlock Origin points to a Chrome-only api as one of the attack points []

  • by Anonymous Coward

    So, let me see if I understand this.

    A bunch of dweebs install software with overtly dodgy purposes, and then complain that the software is dodgy?

    What a bunch of maroons! They got what they asked for -- dodginess!

  • by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Friday July 19, 2019 @05:03PM (#58953592) Homepage Journal

    This could all be avoided by the installation of software that provides proper management of HOST FILES. I should work on some software that does that.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    For those too busy to RTFA, here's the extensions mentioned:
    * Fairshare Unlock
    * SpeakIt!
    * Hover Zoom
    * PanelMeasurement
    * Super Zoom
    * Helper
    * Branded Surveys
    * Panel Community Surveys
    To me the worst part is the researcher found they lay dormant for about 3 weeks before slurping up your data. Now why would they do that? Nothing suspicious about that at all.

  • Thankyou for the valuable information.iam very interested with this one. looking forward for more like this.

Pascal is a language for children wanting to be naughty. -- Dr. Kasi Ananthanarayanan
