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AI Businesses Technology

Chinese Online Streaming Service iQiyi Says AI Has Enhanced Efficiency Throughout Its Business (cnbc.com) 39

Wang Xuepu, vice president of Chinese online video streaming company iQiyi, says that artificial intelligence has enhanced the company's efficiency in all aspects of the business. From a report: "Now we can cut thousands of hours of work to just hours," Wang said in Mandarin at CNBC's East Tech West conference in the Nansha district of Guangzhou, China. He said that the company is using AI across its business like adding subtitles or integrating multimedia more quickly. Wang added AI has increased efficiency in the company's operations in many ways, including content creation, approval processes and market distribution. "iQiyi embodies the culture of Silicon Valley and culture of Hollywood. We really put an emphasis on technology development. More than half of our employees work in the technical side. We have invested in AI significantly. More than 60% of our patent submissions this year were related AI," said Wang. Wang said, for example, iQiyi has been able to predict the popularity of films and TV shows before taking them online by using big data. "We can use AI to help forecast film and TV series' viewer numbers before they are aired. With the data, we can predict the traffic and for TV series and that accuracy rate is 88%, with films we can reach near 90% accuracy," he said, according to a CNBC translation.
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Chinese Online Streaming Service iQiyi Says AI Has Enhanced Efficiency Throughout Its Business

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  • by 110010001000 ( 697113 ) on Thursday November 28, 2019 @10:07PM (#59468134) Homepage Journal

    AI is real. We promise. Keep sending money.

    • Really cool. Oh yeah, we know all about it. Everything. Oh you want to see it? It uh... goes to a different school. You wouldn't know it, yeah.
    • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

      It's not just AI, it's quantum microservice blockchain deep edge node AI. iQiyi AI is best AI.

    • Hi Boy, I feel so boring today If u wanna fuck me tonight just visit my profile! ==>> bit.do/fiQ7y
    • by Chozabu ( 974192 )
      Depends how we define intelligence...

      Things a human can work out that we don't (yet) understand? we will never have AI.

      Things that without technology, only a human could do? We've had AI since the abacus.

      Of course - neither of these definitions are very good, but as tech marches on and we have ANNs segmenting pictures, identifying each element in a picture, animating physically simulated robots and doing a plethora of tasks that were previously required an intelligent human, it gets harder and h
      • "ANNs segmenting pictures, identifying each element in a picture, animating physically simulated robots and doing a plethora of tasks that were previously required an intelligent human, it gets harder and harder to say "we don't have AI""
        Did you just learn about computer programs? That is what computer programs do. That isn't AI. It is just that most people don't know how computer programs work, so they believe any conman who says "AI".

        • You keep rejecting various technologies as "not AI". Ok then. How do you define "AI" then, and what criteria do you use to differentiate it from "not AI"? For example, can you give an example of a task a computer could do that you'd accept as "AI"?

  • by 0xdeaddead ( 797696 ) on Thursday November 28, 2019 @10:08PM (#59468136) Homepage Journal

    It's just a lucky number in China.

    Therefore this is just a native ad, or a 100% republished PR spot.


    • Are you suspicious of white people when they use 7's or 13's? I think maybe you're just being racist.
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by gl4ss ( 559668 )

        white people tend to make less up numbers for reports like that.

        and come on, it's not like buildings in the west would have missing floor numbers.

        but back to the point of the article, they just guess if a tv show is going to be popular in a market where a tv show is popular if you bring it to market and market it. so yes "Ai is great keep sending money". because of how the tv show market is in china the whole thing is totally unnecessary - I totally doubt that they cut that much work out of it because that

        • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

          white people tend to make less up numbers for reports like that.

          Did you just make that up?

          and come on, it's not like buildings in the west would have missing floor numbers.

          Many buildings don't have a 13th floor. House/building/apartment 13 is pretty rare in the UK. Some people use 1A as their house number because they think 1 is unlucky.

          This is pathetic. The speculation is that 88% must be made up because it happens to be two lucky numbers. This is why when that guy first calculated the height of Everest he had to add a few feet so people like you wouldn't accusing him of making it up. Except this time it's a bit racist too.

      • Maybe you are the racist.

        I've been living in China the last 8 years you retard.

        • Which is why you immediately reduced the VP of a chinese tech company to a stereotype. Sometimes 88 means 88 and there's no reason not to give him the benefit of the doubt.
        • Also you should really stop using the R-word, it's rather offensive.
      • I am suspicious of any claims that quote "AI" because there is no such thing as "AI". And I find it hilarious that an online service was so inefficient that their productivity jumped by 3 orders of magnitude by installing a random statistical package and calling it "AI".

        I would conclude they have very vague idea what "productivity" and "efficiency" mean, and that their knowledge of statistics is so poor that they put Google's "quantum computing" department to shame.

        • Ya think?

          The entire post is a long line of BS. Long ago, here on Slashdot, there was some guy with a box. It said:

          New! Improved! With AI!

          And they swallowed that some twenty years ago.

          Like many turds, this one just found a way to float back to the surface. Streaming! AI! Productivity!

          Mezzanine Finance Completed! IPO Soon! World Domination Soon After That!

          I giggle. How this made it to Slashdot? Entropy.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by Tablizer ( 95088 )

        Are you suspicious of white people when they use 7's or 13's? I think maybe you're just being racist.

        I'm a thirteenist.

  • by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <drink@hyperlogos.org> on Thursday November 28, 2019 @10:17PM (#59468146) Homepage Journal

    "iQiyi embodies the culture of Silicon Valley and culture of Hollywood.

    Oh yeah? Then they should be ready to make a movie, and take some risks. I suggest another Winnie the Pooh movie.

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday November 28, 2019 @10:20PM (#59468152)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Their show Tientsin Mystic is on Netflix. I recommend it. It's like Chinese version of Supernatural or Xfiles or Scooby Doo, but it's set before WW2.

  • "With the data, we can predict the traffic and for TV series and that accuracy rate is 88%, with films we can reach near 90% accuracy," he said, according to a CNBC translation."
    With an AI audience, that would rise to 100% ,,,

  • "No-name Chinese company tells lies about its performance after fudging numbers to steal money from investors because that's what they do: Cheat, lie, and steal. "
    • An odd comment considering the name of the company is in the summary. It's quite large and well known among the non-ignoramus types.
      • Yeah, large and well known until the big bills come in and they shut down and open up under another name, as usual.
  • So many buzzwords in the summary... AI, big data, increased efficiency, etc... basically they're just saving watch logs, so they know their audience will like similar content.
  • With the data, we can predict the traffic and for TV series and that accuracy rate is 88%, with films we can reach near 90% accuracy

    So what is the AI's accuracy on predicting which bullshit figures will be picked up by the media?

    • "So what is the AI's accuracy on predicting which bullshit figures will be picked up by the media?"

      It's load distribution, it's much easier if you know beforehand where the bottlenecks will be.

I have never seen anything fill up a vacuum so fast and still suck. -- Rob Pike, on X.
