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Instagram is Killing Live Shopping in March (techcrunch.com) 4

As Meta gears up for its "year of efficiency," the company announced today it's exiting the livestream shopping business on Instagram, following a similar shutdown on Facebook. From a report: Starting on March 16, 2023, Instagram users will no longer be able to tag products while livestreaming -- a capability that has been broadly available to U.S. businesses and creators since 2020. The changes highlight the difficulties the U.S. market has had in making livestream shopping successful. The activity is already hugely popular activity in Asian markets, including China where apps like WeChat, Taobao Live and Douyin (China's TikTok) have proven live shopping to be a popular and profitable endeavor. As the pandemic raged across the globe, many U.S. businesses looked to adopt live shopping as well, to help boost their own online retail revenues. Before too long, pundits were calling live shopping the "future of e-commerce," citing the early traction businesses like TalkShopLive, NTWRK, Brandlive, and others in the space had gained, alongside adoption from big tech companies like Meta, Amazon, and YouTube.
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Instagram is Killing Live Shopping in March

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  • Don't care (Score:2, Insightful)

    I don't care. I can't see anything posted on Instagram anyways.
    • For me the don't-care is different, why TF would I want to watch a livestream of someone else shopping? I don't even want to watch myself shopping. Why is this even a thing?
      • It's not a stream of someone else shopping. It's a stream of presenters reviewing and selling products, just like old time shopping channels.

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