
SuSE larger than RedHat 252

kris writes "German c't magazine has a story about SUSE (english site: suse.com) reporting a larger turnover that RedHat (26.6 Mio. DM == 15 Mio US$ vs. RedHat with 11 Mio. US$). Suse also reported earnings, while RedHat reported a loss of $130,000 during the same time." kris has translated the article below if you want. Else use babelfish.

When Open Source Strikes Back 61

J. Paul Reed wrote in to send us an interesting feature regarding the increasing number of commercial entities coming to the Open Source table. Talks about Apple, Netscape, and more. Definitely worth clicking that link below and reading.
Red Hat Software

Red Hat Commentary on ABC 112

Vamphyri writes "An ABC News correspondent says the ``Linux market will, as promised, now be dominated by RedHat's commercial success.'' which he goes on to say is a good thing. The full story is here but way down at bottom of page. " It actually offers one quite interesting comment: Red Hat netted 10 million last year, and devoted 20% of that to R&D. The IPO will raise almost $100M. If they continue that trend, they will put $20M into Linux, GNOME, and more. Interesting.
Red Hat Software

Red Hat Growing Pains 203

Rounding out a week with a lot of Red Hat news, def con cyber has written a good piece describing what a lot of you have been talking about: changes in Red Hat over the last few years. I think that this one sums up quite well a lot of the email I've been getting regarding RH. As a side note, the Slashdot feed on their portal site has been blatantly deleting all stories about them. They say that the SEC is requires this of them, so all I can say is that if you want uncut Slashdot, get it here. But then again, you probably were anyway... *grin*
Red Hat Software

Re: The Charity Case for Red Hat 148

knarf noted a story linked from LinuxToday about Red Hat's IPO called Red Hat's Charity Case at Andover News. Several people noted that the story has many errors. Fortunately knarf has written a pretty good summary of what he considers wrong about the article. Several of them are a bit extreme, but many are good points. If you read the original, this is a good rebuttal worth reading.

Compaq rolling out Linux on the desktop 33

TriangleMan writes "Compaq will be making RH Linux an option on a number of their PCs and workstations. The press release is here and press coverage is already appearing. It also looks like RH and Compaq are going to be enhancing interoperability between Tru64 and Linux, including binary compatibility. "
Red Hat Software

Red Hat Announces IPO 179

The first of the big Linux IPOs is here: Red Hat has announced they have filed for an initial public offering. Details are sketchy, but the word on the street is that the stock will be very difficult to get ahold of. Now, when's the VA IPO? :)
Red Hat Software

CNN interview with RedHat 40

munchkin writes "CNN interviews Bob Young as he explains how Red Hat will revolutionize the software market. Read all about it here " Same story as usual in many ways-but at least the mainstream press has a growing fascination with the Open Source model and how it works; especially the notion of it being impossible for one company do destory the rest.

Rasterman leaves RedHat 446

poohbear_honeypot wrote in with the full text of Raster's letter to the mailing list, which is below. Essentially, Raster has left Red Hat for greener pastures, and (surprise, surprise) is headed West. He asks that people hold off on e-mailing for the next week or so. For the gory details, click below.
Red Hat Software

CPU Review evaluates Redhat 6.0 78

fusion94 writes "CPU Review evaluates Redhat 6.0 and gives it an overall grade of "A". The full article can be found at CPU Review. " Check it out, if you like that sort of thing.

Carmack Donates $10k to Mesa 103

Emil writes wrote in to tell us that that John Carmack [?] has donated $10k to Mesa [?] to assist in the development of optimized 3d drivers for release with Mesa 3.1. Very cool. You can find out more about Id or check out The Mesa Website. Update: 05/13 04:24 by H :In somewhat related news, RealTime wrote to say "Precision Insight (the people funded partly by RedHat?) have made available their design documents for the 3D Direct Rendering Infrastructure for XFree86. The final package will be released under an XFree86 style license. "

KDE 1.1.1 is out 115

Well, the title says all - a new version of KDE is out with many bugs fixed, better stability, and imporved internet connectivity. Here is the press release and the changelog . You can download the files here (people with Redhat 6.0 Please check this doc). I hope that Linuxberg will have those files really quick.
Red Hat Software

Free Red Hat 6.0 CDs 194

Anthony Fuentes writes "You can pre-order the GPL Redhat 6.0 CD at LSL for $0.00. " This looks legit- shipping looks like about $8 for UPS, but it does appear to be a free CD, so if you aren't blessed with a T1, check this out.

WCArchive sets new Record 82

dcs writes "The hardware upgrade for wcarchive came not a single second too soon. In it's first full day of operation with the new hardware, a new record was set... 969 gigabytes of traffic was generated, thanks mainly to the recent release of RedHat 6.0. I'm looking forward to the first terabyte in day mark, but it seems an upgrade on network capacity is due before that can happen. "
Red Hat Software

RedHat 6.0 is Out 237

Jan Kautz wrote in to tell us that Red Hat 6.0 has begun appearing on the mirrors, so all you mad hatters can cruise on it, avoid the traffic, and download the latest.

HP Education to offer Linux Courses 42

jmcmurry writes " This page says that HP Education will start offering Linux courses in June. They'll use RedHat 5.2 in the lab but will cover other distributions as well. Later courses will include "a transition course for Windows NT administrators." "

State of the Gnome Address 94

Booker writes "Miguel has posted a status report of the Gnome project to the Gnome mailing list. A good summary of what's been done, and what remains. And an admission that Gnome 1.0 might have been a leeeetle bit premature. Many packages are up to 1.0.8, and in my experience, they are vastly improved since the 1.0.0 days. Also, RHLabs has released a full set of Gnome RPMS for RH 5.2 systems, with all the latest stuff. "
Red Hat Software

Red Hat 'Geek World' Contest 80

Zyber writes "Red Hat is sending 6 geeks to the beach where they will live in a luxury beachhouse. The contest involves locating the Gnome footprint throughout their website. While on vacation you will have to maintain a geekworld website as well as being "videotaped, photographed and documented for the world to see". Hmmm. Female geeks? " Don't we wish.

Compaq expands Linux line 51

Richard Finney sent us story to Compaq's latest Alpha announcement. They will be rolling out some new Alpha-based models, trying to use the popularity of Linux to boost sales of this chip. Interestingly, Bob Young, of Red Hat is saying that the # of units of the Alpha are too small to make a huge difference.
Red Hat Software

Red Hat to ignore LSB? 55

warpeightbot writes "CNN.com is carrying an IDG article expressing concern that Red Hat may not support the Linux Standards Base for various reasons. Sounds like FUD to me, but if it's on CNN, it has to be dealt with one way or the other... " The article itself is like the 90th Red Hat conspiracy piece I've seen in the mainstream now. Its crossed the line into amusing now for me anyway.

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