Netscape 6/Mozilla Beta Release in 25 Days 265
liber wrote to us with the press release on Yahoo! regarding the upcoming release of Netscape 6, aka Mozilla. It's a beta, not a full release, but the piece does a good job of talking about consumer anticipation, as well as the big companies that are behind it. Don't wait until the crowd hits. Get started now.
Re:PLEASE stop the hype (Score:1)
Re: v4.72's URL did that to me! (Score:1)
And while I'm posting, a lot of people said to use IE or I don't know what other browser. But nobody thought about, what if you don't have a choice as there isn't a good alternative to Netscape on Linux.
I would gladly switch to a more stable browser with CSSI and Javascript and a stable Java VM and blah blah blah but as long as there isn't one, I'm stuck.
Builds for other platforms? (Score:1)
I did try downloading the source a milestone or two ago, but after dinking with it for a little while, I saw that it was going to take a bit of work to get it built, and since WSU doesn't pay me to build Mozilla, I had to move on.
If there's a Tru64 build, though, I'd be happy to use it and file bug reports....
Re:Got Netscape? (Score:1)
Re:Clarification anyone? (Score:1)
Well, I'm by no means an expert, but I'll try: M14 was a Mozilla milestone like other milestones, and there will be other milestone releases in the future: M15, M16, etc. After release of M14 and a few days of additional bug fixing, Netscape went onto a Mozilla branch in order to prepare for release of beta 1 of Netscape 6; Netscape will do more bug fixing on that branch, and will then combine the Mozilla code with Netscape-proprietary code (from what is known as the Netscape "commercial tree") to create the Netscape 6 beta 1 release.
Mozilla development and bug fixing continues on the trunk, with contributions from both Netscape developers and others, and is planned to result in an M15 milestone release sometime in April and an M16 milestone release sometime in May. As I understand it, Mozilla bug fixes made by Netscape on their beta 1 branch are being rolled back onto the trunk, and Netscape will use future Mozilla milestones as the basis for future Netscape 6 beta releases and then Netscape 6 production release. (Presumably they will work on branches as necessary to create those releases, just as they are doing now with beta 1.)
In a side issue, once M14 was released the security/crypto developers at iPlanet E-Commerce Solutions (the Sun-Netscape Alliance) used an M14-based branch to add and test changes to Mozilla needed to invoke SSL functionality provided by the separate Netscape Personal Security Manager [iplanet.com] binaries. As I understand it, those changes have now been rolled back onto the Mozilla trunk and will be in M15. (I think Netscape 6 beta 1 should have those SSL-related changes as well, since they were originally taken from the Netscape commercial tree.)
For more on Netscape's Mozilla-related development plans see the netscape.public.mozilla.s eamonkey [mozilla.org] newsgroup, in particular the recent posts "Netscape Feature Complete proposal: use 5/2 checkpoint target date" [mozilla.org] and "M15 will be the next checkpoint build from mozilla" [mozilla.org] by Jim Roskind of the Netscape client development group.
Re:Netscape 6 in a month? Mozilla builds still alp (Score:1)
"It still crashes occasionally, without warning, and comletely unreproducably..."
And this is different that Navigator 4.7 how? *wham*
The delay is over? yay! (Score:1)
Anyone run a rendering "benchmark" yet? :P
: remove whitespace to e-mail me
Excuse me... (Score:1)
Or is this just another abuse of the moderation system? I have plenty of Karma to burn so I'm not worried about the one-point loss, but I fail to see how this post could be construed as flamebait. If you disagree, then I'd honestly be glad to hear what exactly was so inflammatory about my post. I honestly don't like flaming, even though I'm guilty of it from time to time (I very much doubt that anyone here on Slashdot can honestly say they haven't flamed, on this forum or elsewhere, at least once in their Net career). So please, and this is an honest invitation, tell me what it is that angered you so much.
You know, come to think of it, at some point the Slashdot heads ought to sit down and clearly define what each of these terms mean. While you certainly can't include everything (then again, the rarely-used Overrated and Underrated are, to my understanding, catch-alls for just that sort of situation) but it would make a useful tool for moderators and meta-moderators.
Re:THUD (Score:1)
Or was I the only one to use Gnome-1.0 ?
Or rather fail in the attempt to use
Re:PLEASE stop the hype (Score:1)
Six ? (Score:1)
where's the 5.0 gone , to
Nothing is said on mozilla official Web site [mozilla.org]. And going beta just a few weeks after being Alpha is being crazy they're going to kill the project IMO.
Slow browsers :( (Score:1)
I think the problem with Mozilla is not that Gecko is slow, but rather that the app build around it is SLOW. I'm thinking about taking the Gecko stuff and writing a small, light-weight browser (and _not_ a news+email client! damnit...) around that. I'm heartened to know that other companies are using gecko, since that means it is possible to use it without the rest of Mozilla, and that it doesn't suck. If it sucked, all those companies wouldn't be using it. Especially not the cell-phone companies.
#define X(x,y) x##y
Want to help write one? (Score:1)
I've been thinking for a while about writing a web browswer that uses the gecko engine, but doesn't have all of Moz's crap plastered all over it. Now that I see some like-minded posts, I am most encouraged
#define X(x,y) x##y
Re:Correct me if I'm wrong here, Re:THUD (Score:1)
Personally, I plan on continuing to use Mozilla
Re:resize = reload (Score:1)
Re:extensions and associations (Score:1)
Re:Excuse me... (Score:1)
I can't wait untill that come out (Score:1)
http://theotherside.com/dvd/ [theotherside.com]
Re:And what are you doing about it? (Score:1)
Right, because I choose to do coding for other projects, notably Wine. I do submit bugs for Mozilla however, and it's really not a time-consuming process to do so. Heck, it's kinda fun having a bug open, sorta like a Tamagotchi except you get to kill it at the end
Linux Daily Builds are rockin! (Score:1)
Re:Mozilla tango (Score:1)
Now it's "It doesn't run fast enough!"
You can never win.
-- Thrakkerzog
THUD (Score:1)
Anyway, that aside.. does this strike anyone else as a marketing ploy? Mozilla isn't ready.. yet they're making an announcement. I thought the open source credo for releases was "when it's done". Maybe I'm mistaken... OSS proponents can be influenced by money and prestige. Suprise.
Re:GatesProtectionFault (Score:1)
I got the mpeg of that around here somewhere...
Clarification anyone? (Score:1)
M14 was released while still listing something like 500 bugs in Bugzilla. What happened? Why?
Bugzilla is still full of bugs in the M1? department, are these being addressed actively, or has all the recent effort gone into a different branch?
Speaking of branching, how many different branches are there right now? And who is working on each?
This is the kind of PR I would most appreciate.
"skins" and Mozilla (Score:1)
People that are agitated over the skinning thing have No Clue(tm).
It's not a skin. You can do a completely different UI with XUL. The age of applications over the web has finally arrived.
The point of having their own wiget set is that I, the web developer, can finally have my web site look the same no matter where it runs. If you're tired of motif/Win widgets messing with your careful layout, you know what I mean.
One example of how it's not a skin is the Zope Mozilla Initiative [zope.org], a project to turn Mozilla into an IDE for zope. Let's see you turn WinAmp into a mp3 editor!
With mozilla, you can develop an application, implement the UI in mozilla, and poof! You've got a web application that can run on almost every OS out there!
This IS revolutionary, certainly moreso than anything from Redmond.
Re:PLEASE stop the hype (Score:1)
The problem with moderation, as is becoming pretty obvious here, is that it's just a way to enforce the lowest common denominator -- mediocrity. I don't want to sound like a Katz groupie -- I reserve the right to filter out anyone I damn well please -- but when the filtering is driven by popular acclaim, only popular ideas will get exposure. Or, in other words, we'll just keep hearing the same old shit over and over again.
Hmmm... that's overoptimistic. It's not popular acclaim that's driving the moderation, it's a relatively small group of socially-maladjusted retards whose own localized lowest common denominator makes the mass LCD look like a paragon of excellence.
Until Slashdot has some sort of filtering system that lets users do there own moderation on their own terms, both the discussions and the moderation system are worse than useless.
No surprise that it renders Slashdot well... (Score:1)
Nor on IRIX (Score:1)
Re:mozilla? (Score:1)
Seamonkey is the project to ship a commercial browser based on the mozilla source. Hence the information on the milestone "M" releases is in a projects/seamonkey/ directory on mozilla.org. Similarly, the beta-stopper-bug-count-page is at http://www.mozilla.org/projects/seamonkey/milesto
Re:Alert: the above poster has posted only twice (Score:1)
Re:Mozilla does not equal Gecko (Score:1)
Netscape took M14 and added AOL/NS specific code (ie: that shopping icon, AIM) and focused on fixing any show-stopping bugs in M14 - this is the Netscape v6 this story is speaking of.
The Mozilla folks are pressing ahead with M15 development of will be the Mozzila browser. This is what I run - the nightly pre-M15 builds.
The additional functionality incorporated into Mozilla's browser will be fed back into the Netscape codebase at a later time. This lets AOL/Netscape get a decent enough browser out the door as v6, while letting the Mozilla developers and users debug the addition bells & whistles. Once those B&W's are debugged within Mozilla, then AOL/Netscape will incorporate them into the "branded" browser as a point release (ie: 6.1, 6.2, etc).
So there hasn't, up until just recently, been a parallel effort. That was just established a few weeks ago with the release of M14.
As for the NS 5 version, that's the horrendous code-base originally released as Open Source to the Mozilla project. That code was scrapped in favor of developing the Gecko-based product(s) in development now.
As for the Mozilla browser being a "dead project" - you are flaming here bud! I think the additional support scheduled for Mozilla will give it a leg up on the Netscape branded product. The issue is that the PHB's at large corporations want a "commercial" browser - hence Netscape v6. Since Mozilla will be the leader of new support/features - to later be incorporated into Netscape - it's far from dead... It's the innovator AOL/NS is relying on!
Re:PLEASE stop the hype (Score:1)
Now that you mentioned it.. (Score:1)
Cross-browser DHTML (Score:1)
Re:KPLEASE kstop kthe khype (Score:1)
It's a fine line between trolling and karma-whoring... and I think you just crossed it.
- Sean
So true (Score:1)
I'm sorry but he is so right, the linux community is so close-minded sometimes.
Need Bug Fixes! (Score:2)
We all need a new browser. Netscrape crashes all the time, especially with JAVA. Maybe, if we /. mozilla, beat the shit out of it, and contribut fixes/bug reports, it might get stable and be usable.
Lets download mozilla and run it, beat on it, help fix it. Maybe the /. effect could help to make it an alternative?
sig removed to protect the innocent and guilty!
Mozilla tango (Score:2)
2) You should try the nightly builds! They're great!
3) I had problems with the "Mn+1" release.
4) You should try the nightly builds! They're great!
56) I had problems with Netscape 6.23 Service Pack 4
57) You should try the nightly builds! They're great!
How will M$ react when they figure it out (Score:2)
Re:PLEASE stop the hype (Score:2)
Javascript still acts weirdly, and UI needs improvement, and it's hell slow, but I see many improvements - charset support, dynamic rendering, etc. - over present Netscape. So it can be expected that beta will bing some at least semi-usable browser.
Re:Netscape 6 in a month? Mozilla builds still alp (Score:2)
Yep, I'm afraid I have to agree here. I've been using M14 as my primary browser recently, and although it's far, far better than the previous versions I'd looked at (M10/M11), it's still not at the point where I'd say it was ready for public release, even as a beta. It still crashes occasionally, without warning, and comletely unreproducably (this is on Win32, admittedly :-) Still, it's showing a lot of promise. I just hope AOL/NSCP know what they're letting themselves in for with a beta release of this quality. The MS-sympathetic parts of the press are going to give them a really hard time unless things rapidly improve over the next month.
Re:mozilla? (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:PLEASE stop the hype (Score:2)
No, it's alpha quality -- and soon beta.
I agree, there is a lot of hype. Then again Mozilla is/will be the first browser with full support for the latest W3C specifications. Mozilla is/will be fast compared to the majority of other browsers. So there is hype. But there is also code.
When this beta comes out, thousands will rush to download and install it, only to switch back to their old browser a few days later as they get frustrated with the slow performance and inevitable crashes. It's a crying shame as otherwise it looks like a good browser - maybe the next attempt will get it right. And as much as we all hate Microsoft, at least Internet Explorer works and is compliant with all but the latest W3C standards.
I doubt I'll bother with this release, but I'm looking foward to the day when we see a great browser for Linux which delivers performance rather than hype. Thank you.
If you are looking for a Linux browser, then don't mention MSIE. Face it.. at least Mozilla *runs* on Linux. Perhaps Mozilla will not be the best browser for the Windows platform soon, but please name one browser for Linux that is better than Mozilla (other than Lynx or w3m) and I'll be happy to give it a try.
By the way, it's terribly immature to bitch about someone's code, especially when they offer you to improve it. If you seriously have issues with Mozilla, go to Bugzilla [mozilla.org] and file some bug reports. I did, and got very neat responses as well as bugfixes.
Please *do* bother with this release, it will improve the next.
Re:Netscape 6 in a month? Mozilla builds still alp (Score:2)
Now weary traveller, rest your head. For just like me, you're utterly dead.
Linux users! (Score:2)
Soon? Soon?
[Sound of loud guffaws]
Opera for Linux is still early alpha; it doesn't even support animated gifs yet.
Steven E. Ehrbar
Cross platform UI is *Hard* (Score:2)
Its not trivial, as many people seem to believe, to "just go down to the native widgets". While the widget sets on different platforms are similar, they differ significantly in many ways, and some (notably Motif) are very limited. This is precisely what the Java AWT attempted, and as we've seen, user interfaces produced this way are limited, dull, and generally clunky to use.
This is exactly why the original Netscape went for completely separate user interface code for every platform. The trouble with that, of course, is that n separate user interfaces are hard to maintain, and inevitably functionality starts to drift into the UI code.
The option Mozilla has adopted - and Swing, most Smalltalk implementations, and almost every other attempt to create X-platform UI have also ended up with - is to draw the user interface in some way completely independant of the platform. Mozilla is particularly interesting in using web-like technologies to do it.
Of course, there is still a problem. People who are especially fond of their native UI get offended (surprised there haven't been any 'it's not like a Mac' posts yet), and its arguably less performant, though I don't see how that can be. If Gecko is fast, surely XPFE is fast too ?
revolutionary? (Score:2)
Re:Mozilla past, present and future (Score:2)
It does crash, but you now have to work at it. I'm doing about 1/2 my browsing with Mozilla now, which I'd say is a pretty significant benchmark. Interesting thing: I've run across about 5-6 sites that you *need* Mozilla for (any page ending with
Mozilla is quite a bit smaller than Netscape 7 and it now loads faster, though not yet nearly as fast as Konqueror or Opera.)
I can post to Slashdot with reasonable confidence I won't lose my text
There are minor formatting problems that vary a lot from build to build. I downloaded my first skin yesterday (aphrodite - looks good). Memory usage has improved a lot, but it's still got a ways to go. The bugs are down to a short enough list that it's worth keeping track of them and sending them in.
I can remember when the browser's scrolling had a one second delay and the whole UI was sticky. Now it's really fast at least on Win32.
It's fast on Linux too.
I'm absolutely positive that Mozilla will be a success.
There's no question about that. I also have a feeling that the serious hacking on Mozilla is only going to start after Netscape 6 forks off officially. Then I think you'll see a lot more latitude for *real* changes and improvements to the user interface - beyond just skins and standards - because that narrow focus on just getting the thing out the door will be gone, and the netscape team won't be so protective about the feature set (I hope I hope I hope).
Re:I hope they don't release too early. (Score:2)
Of course, the Gecko layout engine seems much more stable than the rest, so maybe Netscape 6 will actually just use that. (Whatever happened to Gecko embeddings in Tk, GTK, and other toolkits?)
I hope they don't release too early. (Score:2)
M14 does plugins under windows (Score:2)
send flames > /dev/null
Re:mozilla? (Score:2)
It sounds like you're saying that the HTML parser and ECMAscript parser are all one piece, rather than separate components. Is this the case? Can web pages under Mozilla use scripting languages other than ECMAscript (e.g., Perl or Python), like under Internet Explorer, or would they need a plug-in?
Re:State of the Mozilla (Score:2)
Well, it's hardly likely to run slower and use more memory, is it?
2. Are they going to get rid of the ugly, glitzy and only semi-functional interface in favor of, say, something with a working multi-level back button, drop-down address list and non-rounded menus?
The current UI is really just a test one. Two new ones have already been written in XUL: see ChromeZone [mozillazine.org].
3. Is the sidebar going away, please?
View | Sidebar. Magic.
Re:The problem with Mozilla... (Score:2)
You see, when writing a cross-platform application, especially as big as Mozilla, running on som many platforms, you'll want, nay need, to reduce the platform dependent code to an absolute minimum. Given the incredibly cool, fast, standard compliant, cross-platform rederer that Gecko is, they thought: "Why not use it to render the UI as well?" So they came up with XUL (eXtensible User interface Language), which is just an XML DTD, and some suitable CSS to display the whole lot. (Just browse the chrome/ subdirectory of your mozilla installation to see for yourself)
And, while the current Mozilla has the same skin for all platforms, i'd expect Netscape to ship the final versions with a MacOS skin for the Mac version, a Windows skin for the Windows version, etc... It's just a matter of replacing the CSS.
As to websites re-skinning your browser, i've seen it mentioned by some Mozilla developer (and would be shocked see anything else), that it'd be a pref option (never, prompt, always; and in prompt mode, it'd have an "always/never for this site" option) And someone could probably write a plugin that checks for a skin with the same name as your GTK/windowmanager theme and skins mozilla accordingly (this already exists for xmms/enlightenment, IIRC).
So it's not just the ultimate fluff, Mozilla is just partially written "in itself" for portability/cross-platform reasons.
Re:I am the GateKeeper (Score:2)
Re:Mozilla past, present and future (Score:2)
Yes, we need a standard for themes (XML?), so that any cooperative themable "software device" could read your
Re:PLEASE stop the hype (Score:2)
No problem, just run DeCSS and any residual CSS issues will just go away.
Re:mozilla? (Score:2)
Re:mozilla? (Score:2)
Arrgh. Have some ethics!! (Score:2)
I understand your frustration with Netscape not working with CSS and the newer HTML standards out there, but it is coming. If you stick to accepted standards you won't be locking your clients in for 4 or 5 years. They can use IE for now, then switch to Netscape/Mozilla or Opera or whatever else might be down the road when it becomes available.
However, I have absolutely no sympathy for you not wanting to learn and use JavaScript instead of VBScript. It never has been nor will be a standard, it was intended to be platform dependent, and has many basic security flaws.
If you're using a tool like VBScript just to make a quick buck on an application that has a projected lifespan of 4 to 5 years you're simply not being an ethical programmer. The Web will change, browsers will change, OSs will come and go, and if your app needs to last you need to take the time to build it right, work to common standards (even if they're lower) and be honest with your customer about what the Web can and can't do. You need to give them something that actually has a chance to last and still be relevant until the end of its projected lifespan. If they're not willing to listen to and pay for that, upgrade your skills and go somewhere else. Let them sink without your complicity.
It workes quite well with smp (Score:2)
run most nightly releases since M13 on.
(dual celeron on BP6)
It works very well, it's still not
ready for release, and it isn't even ready
for beta. However, it WILL be ready for beta
when it ships as beta.
So where is Netscrape 5? (Score:2)
The one thing I hate about my netscraper now is that I'll go to type in a URL (say: www.foobar.org), and after I've typed "www.", I hit 'f' and "www.f" all dissapears, so I'm left with oobar.org...
That and I can't unselect components from the full communicator install (previous versions let me). I refuse to use the NS mail/news clients, since they bungled them so badly - but of course, I can't install anything without everything... bah!
Re:So where is Netscrape 5? (Score:2)
Netscape still bounces my mail to Eudora. I use my Linux box for a lot of things, but I haven't found a mail client yet that's nearly as nice. No configuring needed either (there are some nice features in LoseNT, after all).
Re:Yeah,... (Score:2)
Re:So where is Netscrape 5? (Score:2)
Re: v4.72's URL did that to me! (Score:2)
Re:Marketing against MS (Score:2)
Re:Its not broken, your old web browser is (Score:2)
I do report bugs to bugzilla. And the bugs I report include things like "displays table wider than 200 pixels regardless of 'width="200"' being specified." And "Javascript/DHTML do not work, even though same code works in NS 4+ and IE4+." If Mozilla requires a totally different HTML than what currently exists, and what IE and NS use, then screw it.
God, I hope they fix it first. (Score:2)
Because it's always the webmaster's fault. Even if the browser pokes itself in the eye.
Re:Mozilla does not equal Gecko (Score:2)
Re:State of the Mozilla (Score:2)
I have to respectfully disagree there, unless the nightly builds have somehow made tremendous stability progress since M14. I bit the bullet and downloaded at M14, since I'd heard so many good things about Mozilla on
M14 is an impressive achievement, and contains many thoughtful, well implemented ideas that will really improve the browsing experience if they're contained in a stable framework. In my experience (albeit limited and on only one, slightly idiosyncratic, machine), M14 was nowhere near as stable as IE5. Indeed, I wouldn't even consider comparing the stability of the two programs.
In about an hour of playing around with M14, I managed to crash it no less than 6 times, not including multiplicities when I was testing to see if my crashes were reproducible. (One, involving both an incorrect rendering and a hard crash on the slashdot home page, was reproducible under several different circumstances. Yes, I reported it, and although it's an awesome system, it must be said that bugzilla is very intimidating for first-time users.) I managed on two occasions to magically lose my back arrow, and despite the much-touted new rendering engine, I ran into several rendering errors. (No, they were not caused by incompatible pages; Mozilla would incorrectly render the pages inconsistently.)
Furthermore, the little autofeedback-on-crash tool that's supposed to pop up with every crash never worked; it froze (recoverable through ctrl-alt-delete) every time. Dude, when even your crash-reporting tool always crashes, you've got problems.
That is to say, you're not at the beta level yet.
Now, maybe I'm just spoiled because the only other public beta I've really participated in has been the very high-quality Q3:Arena tests. On the other hand, no, I'm not. Maybe those of you who've had to make do with Netscape for Unix don't realize this, but browsers--in sharp contrast to, say, Q3:Arena--are designed (or ought to be) to run full-time, in multiple instances, with complete stability and low overhead. IE5 is very certainly not perfect in these respects (low overhead especially), but it does an immeasurably better job of this than Mozilla appears capable of. It loads up very quickly (yeah, that's just because it loads up with the OS...but with the way I use my computer (and indeed, with the way most people with persistant net connections--an increasing percentage of the populace--use their computers), that's a much better way of doing things, and I'd say Mozilla has close to no chance of capturing my desktop if it requires the long wait and splash screen to start-up. I mean, of course I could just stick a copy of Mozilla in my StartUp directory, but...eh, whatever.)
Back to IE: it's amazingly modularized, and works quite well in that capacity. Case in point, GuruNet (or Flyswat), two little programs that sit in your taskbar and will find definitions, synonyms, and other information for any word in any program that you Alt-click on. Both use a componentized version of IE, and both run transparently without affecting stability or sucking up too terribly much memory (although that could stand to be improved). Examples like this abound.
And finally, it's quite stable. Yes, IE5 crashes from time to time, sometimes taking down the whole OS. In Win98. However, IE5 is still running full-time in Win2000, which has remarkable stability. (From what I've heard, it's at least on par with KDE or Gnome on Linux, much more so if you run Linux Netscape. Now, sure, a Win2000 reboot is worse than just restarting KDE or Gnome, if your computer is acting as a server or something...but then you shouldn't be using it as a desktop anyways.) In Win2000, you can spawn 5 copies of IE, have a couple IE-based components running in the background, and browse to your heart's content without much risk of crashing. Mozilla is very very far from that, to say the least.
Finally, IE5 is faster. Yeah, there's still debugging code in Mozilla, and optimizations need to be made, but IE5 is much much faster. Don't believe me, then take your web connection out of the equation: check how much faster IE5 renders pages out of the cache. Easily an order of magnitude.
And finally, the back button in Mozilla still doesn't work. How on earth Netscape users manage to browse
Uch, so I've ranted for quite some time now, but the point is, Mozilla is going to be most people's first taste of open-source. (Well, except for all the things they use every day they surf the internet but don't realize, like Apache, Sendmail, Perl, BSD/Linux, etc. Their first taste of open-source on their own machines, say.) If it's declared beta in anywhere near its current state (much less *released* in anything resembling its current state), it will probably be their last for some time. Netscape/AOL/Mozilla/whoever really shouldn't rush this, and the open source community developing Mozilla really ought to realize just how much better the competition really is.
Re:State of the Mozilla (Score:2)
I'm working on this right now. New widgets designed in XBL have come online recently and we just need to convert the front end to use them (e.g. titledbutton is being replaced by button, which looks like the examples on that page). Quirks aside, the new widgets are kicking ass. "Download a nightly build" if you want to see some of the conversion that has been done
-Ben Goodger
FE Geek, Netscape.
Re:Yeah,... (Score:2)
If you're trying to do any real session tracking, for things like testing, where students are only allowed to see a question once, the resizing issue is HUGE.
It isn't necessary, and creates some major issues for web developers. It's high time that SOMEONE over there figured this out and figured out how to resize a freaking window properly.
Re:THUD (Score:2)
Unlikely Beta (Score:2)
Personal experience: I've attempted to use various incarnations of the milestone builds on Solaris, Irix, and Linux. The Solaris build has died every time I've attempted to run it. I think I could probably get the Irix build running except for the latest standard GTK libs I built don't have the same soname as the ones the milestone is built against (!). I did finally manage to get M14 running on Linux. Try running HTML 4.0 with CSS1/CSS2 through it sometime though - bet you don't get 5 pages through it before it dies. Seems to me that the browser is about as stable as group I elements in water ;)
I do have to admit though that for the most part M14 did what I expected it to; it is still lacking in some of the standards areas but in that respect it is way ahead of IE5.
Re:The speed of Mozilla (Score:2)
Re:KPLEASE kstop kthe khype (Score:2)
Re:*sigh* (Score:2)
For not being a group-think zealot perhaps? (Score:2)
Being impartial has little to do with trolling.
Re:No surprise that it renders Slashdot well... (Score:2)
And if you get the "Aphrodite" skin, you'll get slashdot as one of the default sites on your personal task bar...
Re:Almost there.. (Score:2)
They'd better start working on some nice themes, because the default looks are crap. And so tells every friend I show Mozilla. I know that it's cute and looks like Netscape's portal, but it's just not pretty.
I downloaded and installed M14 last week (decided to put my money where my mouth is).   Go here [mozillazine.org] to pick up a new GUI for your Mozilla.   This is one of the new features with this browser - changeable "skins".   There are only 2 out there right now and I'm using the one called "Aphrodite" (which is alot less "loud" then the "Fruity gum"), but this is what supposedly makes Mozilla different from the rest - modular enough to change your interface!   More info on this can be found at Mozillazine [mozillazine.org].
The problem with Mozilla... (Score:3)
But I doubt it will be because they're using Mozilla. Or Netscape Communicator/Navigator/whatever. Mozilla started out as a good idea. But they took the idea too far, and got way too much of a case of featureitis. The main culprit: the skinnable GUI.
Skins are Good Things, mind you. If they're used properly; that is, on simple GUI's. Take MP3 players, for example. What can you do with an MP3 player? Let's see... play, pause, fast-forward, rewind... maybe a couple sound-related options. But all in all, not a complex thing, and as long as you make the buttons identifiable pretty much any interface will work well.
But skins don't scale. Wrap a skin around something as complex as a Web browser and you start having some serious issues. Consider:
It's a shame, but it proves the old adage: a jack-of-all-trades is master of none. Nonetheless, I'll probably use Netscape until something better that uses Gecko comes along.
Why no Java? (Score:3)
Netscape... the same technology works with the Windows version of Mozilla, so why no Java on Linux Mozilla?
Not that I'd cry if the world forgot about Java applets. The VisualWorks smalltalk plugin for Linux sounds very interesting.
Comment removed (Score:3)
Almost there.. (Score:3)
I'm using the nightly builds quite often and although there has been a lot of progress the last months, Mozilla would not yet be accepted as browser by the masses.
A few of the issues:
Mozilla looks horrible.
They'd better start working on some nice themes, because the default looks are crap. And so tells every friend I show Mozilla. I know that it's cute and looks like Netscape's portal, but it's just not pretty.
Mozilla crashes too often.
Don't let the Beta1 progress list [mozilla.org] fool you: these are only release-stopping bugs. There *are* tons of other serious ones that need to be addressed first.
Mozilla is not MSIE.
Harsh as it is, this *is* a problem. Even if Mozilla is better than MSIE, a lot of users will not even try it. MSIE does it's job good enough and the general public doesn't care about ethics (yet).
And there's probably even more...
But, Mozilla is open source so we can all help and address these issues. Mozilla is very cross-platform. Mozilla might/should/will? replace MSIE as browser component for AOL and gain instant market share. Other manufacturers can also ship Mozilla or even plain Gecko as browser component without paying a Microsoft fee.
Mozilla will do just fine. Thanks, developers.
And what are you doing about it? (Score:3)
This is not insightful (Score:3)
later nightly releases. It is already
on par with Netscape 4.72 when it comes to
stability, and it isn't even beta yet.
It is _very_ usable, and you somehow imply that
Mozilla/netscape 6.0 won't comply with the standards.
This is just plain wrong.
AND... this is an announcement of a "beta".
If you do truly mission-critical stuff, you
would never use a beta.
The whole concept of beta, means not finished.
It is allowed to contain bugs.
However... beta means a very usable, if not
incredible stable release, and Netscape 4.72
is neither, so Netscape 6.0 beta would probably
be A LOT better for us Linuxusers.
When it comes to windowsusers:
stick with your IE 5.x for now, but when Netscape
6.0 is finished, upgrade.
The standars-complience will be better, and the
browser faster and lighter.
I appreciate your "cold shower" kind of thinking,
but it just goes to far, and ends up being something that could have come out of Microsoft.
I agree that the hype has been great, but the
progress made by the mozilla team is incredible.
The only thing that keeps Netscape 4.72 on my
harddrive right now, is that Mozilla still doesn't
support java. It should be included well before
release though.
Mozilla does not equal Gecko (Score:3)
This is complete speculation, but I think it is a plausible scenario.
Navigator 6 will contain the Gecko layout engine developed by Mozilla, but it will not be the Mozilla browser. I'm assuming that AOL/Netscape has been working on a parallel browser effort, using some Mozilla components. Navigator 6 is supposed to contain an integrated AOL Instant Messenger and porobably some other features that AOL thinks will give it the leg up on IE5 (aside from a bigger version number!).
Navigator 5 is most likely the version number for the plain-vanilla Mozilla browser without the bells and whistles. Ultimately, this is a dead project since only a minority (mainly Slashdot readers) would choose the plain version over the tricked-out Navigator 6...
Netscape != Mozilla (Score:3)
Re:The problem with Mozilla... (Score:3)
Mozilla left native widgets because... (Score:3)
*sigh* (Score:3)
I am doing some contract work just developing an intranet. FreeBSD/Apache/Php4/PostgreSQL For the server platform. (I need triggers MySQL people!)
My heartache comes in when I have to select a client. You see there is not much of a choice honestly. I can pick Netscape 4.x Which has somewhat lacking support for a LOT of goodies I like to use. Just standard CSS/DHTML/HTML4.0 that it cant even handle. And on the scripting side VBScript seems to play the nicest out of all scripting languages. It stops me from having to change coding mindframes when im doing VB/Delphi work.
The point is If you pick something IE4 is the way to go. Ive encountered some *nasty* problems with IE 4 and 5 and some Nasty problems with NS 4.x. Im at a rock and a hard place because they will be using this app for the next 4 to 5 years locking them into an investment with IE. What can I do I need to make money and im not gonna sacrifice some useability features AND time coding to make it work with Netscape I refuse.
I think this is happening a whole lot in RAD application development projects. It also locks people inevtiably into a windows platform when you throw ActiveX and stuff closer tied to windows.
I think I would jump on the Mozilla 6 band wagon Immediately if they could really put up some stable competition. But Ive used it and its crap. I tried to moderate on
*sigh* Im watching some fairly good dreams become just that
Re:So where is Netscrape 5? (Score:4)
Netscape 5 was out a *long* time ago. It was the original Open Source Netscape that went to mozilla.org. They never released it. They simply scrapped it and started from scratch with Gecko.
Note that this was all covered just over a month ago:
The only news is the specific release date. In February, they simply said that they would launch it in the "Spring". Being that today is Spring, it's nice of them to give a specific time frame now.
Important Note for Mac Users (Score:4)
So, if you have a Mac and the spare time (under an hour, if all goes well), please come to irc.mozilla.org at 8am PST (ish), 4pm GMT in channel #smoketest.
I am the GateKeeper (Score:4)
just couldn't resist...
Article Tone (Score:4)
Is it just me or did that article sound like a press release straight from netscape with no effort put in to remove the mindless netscape drivel in order to create a balanced article? Whats Next?
Yahoo Reports
Microsoft Corp has announced that Bill Gates has ascended to the right hand of the God today. This ascendence took place at the Gazeebo of the Rock located in the heart of Microsoft's Redmond campus. Microsoft urges its shareholders not worry about the loss of the chairman since he will reportedly descend from heaven with the divine inspiration for all future MS products. First among these will be IE 6.0 which, in a stunning announcement from MS, is going to be released to beta testers in 24 days.
CEO Steve Ballmer replied to all questions about the new product at a press conference saying, "IE6 will be a new paradigm in web browsers. It will be a cadillac of browsers, large and roomy with many features." When asked about some of these magnificent features Ballmer replied by saying, "Ummm... well... It has a wonderful soothing blue screen which appears at regular intervals to calm the user and prevent them from over-working themselves. We will also be including that cute paperclip into IE because everyone loves it so much."
Confirmation of divine intervention in Microsoft's product line was made by Pope John Paul II as he stood on a pile of unrelated money. The Pope was reported as saying "Direct divine intervention is the only thing that could give Microsoft high quality products." The pope then returned to writing his next sermon on his Jesux workstation.
Source: Microsoft Corporation
MSIE: Standards compliant? (Score:5)
Forgot to mention this in my first reply
Here's what happens in the real world when browsers collide in W3C standards testing:
Click here for test results [harvard.edu]
As you can see, last September's version of Mozilla completely trounces MSIE 5 (and Opera, and Navigator 4.7, not that that's hard).
Apologies in advance to the page owner if they get Slashdotted
Mozilla past, present and future (Score:5)
Many people have pointed out how M14 is unstable and how there's still so many bugs in Mozilla. As I've been testing many milestones and nightly builds, I'd like to tell a few things about how Mozilla has developed.
First of all. Don't run that M14 milestone any more. Go and download a nightly build and give it a try. If it crashes or has annoying bugs, report them and download a new one a few days later. Some builds are really keepers. They are nice and stable. Some builds may have more bugs.
There's also been lots of improvements in Mozilla. M12 or M13 choke on Slashdot. Incremental table rendering was a nightmare. A long Slashdot page could take minutes. But in the beginning of this year Netscape got it right. Slashdot is loading nicely and most pages I often visit work perfectly. Actually I use Mozilla way more than Netscape 4 already.
Someone also got moderated to 5 - insightful for bashing Mozilla's skins. It's pretty weird as he really didn't give any hard facs. It was just opinions. Well Mozilla is really skinnable. You can make Mozilla act and look like whatever you want. And it's not only about looks, it's also about functionality. And the most important is that thanks to skins Mozilla is really cross platform. The bonus is that we don't have to wait for Linux ports or curse the differences between platforms. Mozilla will really be the same on Win32, Linux, Mac, BSD, you name it. And when there's tens of different skins for Mozilla after a year, there should be absolutely no reason not to like skins.
Memory footprint and speed? The newsgroups are slow and Mozilla still eats a bit too memory. But I can remember when the browser's scrolling had a one second delay and the whole UI was sticky. Now it's really fast at least on Win32. So what makes you think that those slow parts won't be fixed?
I'm absolutely positive that Mozilla will be a success.
Re:PLEASE stop the hype (Score:5)
As for "slow performance," optimization is at the bottom of the list, behind getting things feature-complete and getting to zarro boogs. Besides, mozilla _is_ fast. But you haven't tried it, remember?
As for "inevitable crashes," I dare you to state that IE never crashes. I also dare you to say that _beta_ software never crashes. Besides, mozilla doesn't crash that much. But you haven't tried it.
As for bugs, there is a massive public database [mozilla.org]that anyone can access to report bugs. Several of the bugs I have reported have been fixed, and several more are being worked on. Again, this is old hat to mozilla regulars... but you haven't tried it.
Hype is one thing, but in this case there are avenues to decide for yourself exactly what the product is like.