Netscape Code Rush Documentary on PBS 118
Vux writes "PBS is airing a show involving the Netscape team. Quoted off the PBS website sectio about the show:
"The year is early 1998 and a small team of Netscape code writers frantically works to reconstruct the company's Internet browser. The fate of the entire company may well rest on their shoulders. Facing new competition, sales for Netscape's once world-changing browser have sunk to zero. If this gambit fails, their company, their community and their vision of the future might not survive. Welcome to the epicenter of the new American Dream. Welcome to Silicon Valley."
I don't agree with some of the propaganda for the documentary, but it should be an interesting hour flick to watch. " The documentary, according to the PBS site, is airing this evening, through the US. Check local show times and such on the site.
Oopera Preview 3 Out! (Score:1)
I submitted this, but who knows if it'll ever show up around here... So I figure I'll mention it here, too.
Having trouble finding when it will air? (Score:1)
Re:Seattle area? (Score:1)
Portland either? (Score:1)
Better than the Netscape Open Source Release Party (Score:1)
Re:Fate of their universe? (Score:1)
Re:Where in MST? (Score:1)
(Yes, I work for PBS Online. Yes, I wrote the Station Finder and TV Schedules areas. And yes, it all runs under Apache/Perl/MySQL.)
Re:Chicago vs "The Sticks" (Score:1)
How to search (Score:1)
(Let's see, Houston, 4th largest city in the US, lots of high-tech business: Code Rush, 5am, 4/21.
The Death And ReDeath of Netscape (Score:1)
Now as dead as the dinosaurs we can look forard to years of a select few sifting thru the bones searching for fragments of thier shattered egos.
Necrozilla, long may she rot
Sucks!! (Score:1)
Liberal arts, a masters degree in this field teaches you how to say "you want fries with that" in a whole new way!
Re:For those of you in Pittsburgh (Score:1)
At least it's being aired there... (Score:1)
ARGHHH!! Can't get it in Denver area? (Score:1)
Unfortunately, www.tvguide.com verified the bad news...
Anyone know when us "hicks" in Colorado will be able to watch this show?
Re:They drowned in their own spoils! (Score:1)
> in it's own spoils, tripped over it's own fat
This I'd agree with to a certain degree.
> and foolishly underestimated their competition.
Is expecting the competition to play by the legal rules underestimation?
> Then two years later they go crying to the
> Justice Department
Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. The Justise Department thinggy started waaaaay before Jan 1998 (when the decision to open the source of Mozilla was made).
It's on DirecTV on FRIDAY night... (Score:1)
Fate of their universe? (Score:1)
Netscape was bought out by the ugly giant AOL.
Employees were forced to give away all their software.
Microsoft took all their market share.
Re:Fate of their universe? (Score:1)
The new browser is the best on the market.
Mozilla is a world famous open source success.
Microsoft doesn't have a chance.
Re:I think it looks good. (Score:1)
Maybe I'm just pissed about having my Dr. Who re-runs cancelled...
Re:I think it looks good. (Score:1)
Re:Where in MST? (Score:1)
Re:Can't find it. (Score:1)
Re:Anyone else's PBS station not showing this? (Score:1)
However, it is being aired on KTCA on Apr 2 6:00pm, and on KTCI on Apr 6 10:00pm.
Re:I think it looks good. (Score:1)
from here [nader.org]
"In one of the single biggest giveaways in U.S. corporate welfare history, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on April 7, 1997 donated broadcast licenses for digital television to existing broadcasters. Under the terms of the giveaway, the broadcasters will pay nothing for the exclusive right to use the public airwaves, even though the FCC itself estimated the value of the digital licenses to be worth $11 billion to $70 billion."
Re:Where in MST? (Score:1)
Penguin mints, [peppermints.com] of course.
Re:I think it looks good. (Score:1)
Still PBS's time has come and gone... what a waste of my tax money, a big freakin' ad for a failed company.
Gee, I think a lot of PBS shows have an obvious right-wing slant to them. I guess it's all relative.
Government grants (taxes) are only a small part of PBS funding these days - around 16%, as you can see for yourself at PBS Financials [pbs.org].
Government grants to PBS came to about $47 million in 1999, or about 17 cents per US resident.
Re:I think it looks good. (Score:1)
Well, if you want to have TV that doesn't completely suck, then yeah, apparently so. Subsidize PBS and you get "The Civil War," "Frontline," "Nova," etc. Turn things over to the free market and you get "Jerry Springer" and "Baywatch." 'Nuff said.
Re:Aired in the Bay Area last month (Score:1)
You can still view the current Tinderbox status for Mozilla at http://tinderbox.mozilla
Re:Fate of their universe? (Score:1)
This is what baffles me... If anyone remembers a long ass time ago AOL went balls to the wall supporting Netscape. They made AOL compatible with Navigator Gold and put ads everywhere.
This lasted about 2 months, then they spun 180 and shit on Netscape while signing a deal with Microsoft. They substituted everything with MS propoganda and slated an early version of IE 4(the trident engine?) as the built in browser.
Then, then buy Netscape and everyone seems to forget how much they bitch-slaped Netscape around eariler. They still use some shitty version of IE5 w/ horrible image support and didn't even use the company they just bought to it's fullest advantage. How long will this headline deal last?
From what I've heard a bunch of developers got pissed and left after AOL and the conquest. I still think it's just a damned plot w/ MS to push the market a certain direction. It's a fucking conspiracy that stinks the entire fucking industry.
Goddamnit! You get Waiting For God? (Score:1)
I've got Code Rush on the local PBS, but I haven't seen WFG since I lived in Toronto.
If you haven't seen it, do so. I aspire to be Diana someday: she's my role model for what I want to be when I'm 70- cranky, opinionated and accepting crap from nobody.
Sponsors (Score:1)
I've been trying to imagine a 'worst case' sponsor list, but funnily enough it has only one name on it...
-'Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete to log on..'
Re:Where in MST? (Score:1)
It is to me! I love that show, and it has Josey from the old British Who's Line is it Anyway (sorry, Drew can never replace Clive in a million years).
OTOH, it's kind of interesting that someone would make a documentary about it. I love Netscape, but is it worth a documentary, really? I don't know...maybe I've just become hard to so many net ideas going bust.
Can't find it. (Score:1)
Re:Anyone else's PBS station not showing this? CLE (Score:1)
Here, we *get* to watch "Adventure Divas" (whatEVer) on one PBS station and "European Rail Journeys" ("this beatiful span was built in 1927 and is the 12th longest, blah, blah, blah") on the other.
A search of PBS.org turns up nada in April for both WVIZ and WEAO/WNEO.
Oh, well.
Everyone else lucky enough to watch, enjoy.
Re:They drowned in their own spoils! (Score:1)
As long as they manage to produce something that I (and I suspect most other people) would consider to be a quality product, and not fubar it like last time. I will be more than happy with Netscape 6.0 as my primary browser.
The internals of Netscape the one time corp. really do not interest me and alot of others. Only the quality of the product.
So lets stop slamming them for the past and focus on whats coming in the future.
Re:Afri Cola and cool bottles (Score:1)
Bawls does.
Re:Where in MST? (Score:1)
For caffine, try Mountain Lighting. I think you can only get it from Wal-mart. It's the poor man's Dew, so you can get all wired for cheap.
Or you can just go down to the local street corner and buy some meth.
Waiting For God? (Score:1)
I also enjoy "WFG" -- but my favorite British comedy is -- no, not "Are You Being Served," not the one about that snotty Hyacinth and her lower-class sisters Rose and Daisy -- no, it's "Yes, Minister," which metamorphed into "Yes, Prime Minister." Great stuff! These things used to come on late Saturday nights, just before "The Red Green Show" (also funny, although the people at my high school never understood). Channel surfing was great -- SNL, Mad TV, and those wacky Brits.
And now I have no TV. Such is life.
Waiting for God "Living Together"
Explain to me, living in the East Coast's technological backdoor why they aren't broadcasting this.
When called, they had never heard of Code Rush. They have no plans to broadcast it. Probably the one time a year that my knuckle dragging self would actually flip to PBS and they don't even know what PBS national is doing. I find it odd.
I really hope that I am never asked to donate to PBS again.
For the wned viewers (Southern Ontario/Buffalo) (Score:1)
8PM - April 6th on PBS
Code Rush
"Code Rush" takes a dramatic, inside look at living and working in Silicon Valley. The one-hour documentary follows bright and quirky Netscape Communications engineers as they pursue a revolutionary venture to save their company from an impending corporate take-over. Through the program's verite style viewers see human and technological dramas unfold in the collision between science, engineering, code and commerce.
PBS (Prada Broadcasting system) (Score:1)
At least they're not having the annual beg-a-thon now.
Re:Anyone know the time, channel, & station in L.A (Score:1)
Re:It's not on in LA or NY (me 2) (Score:1)
Anyone know the time, channel, & station in L.A.? (Score:1)
Seattle area? (Score:1)
Re:Portland either? (Score:1)
Re:Where in MST? (Score:1)
Well I found something out. I know this is bad manners to reply to one's own post. However I think this is interesting.
Apparently stupid things like British comedy and the interesting exploits of Johnathan Creek are far more important than this. I will have to stay up quite late just to even watch this?
Anyone know of a really good source of stimulants?
Not showing in Portland, Or..... (Score:1)
Hopefully Code Rush will come out on video soon.
It's on at 9:00 pm CST on PBS in Memphis (Score:1)
Digital transmission a day later. (Score:1)
Looks like we will either have to wait or slum it by hooking up the old antenna and going analog.
Atlanta, GA (Score:1)
When will Internet Explorer's Documentary be made? (Score:1)
Aired in the Bay Area last month (Score:1)
I must say that it was a great show. I really got a grasp of the total amount of bugs that existed in the early mozilla (netscape 5) code release when one of the programmers scrools down a huge table, with various blocks representing different code segments of the browser. A green box represents good code, and red represents bugs that exist in that section. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of these blocks and the sea of red blocks was amazing.
It was a great chronicle of Netscape's drive to fend off microsoft's recent onslaught. I would have to say this is one of the best show's I have seen on television chronicling the high tech industry.
Re:Where in MST? (Score:1)
I use www.tvgrid.com. I love ti!
Re:Fate of their universe? (Score:1)
Well... I might say the Gecko looks like a very good piece of software, and since after reading the MPL it looks a lot like the LGPL you can use it for other stuff. The Mozilla browser is still too slow and prone to crashes. As much as I have great disdain for MS, IE on Windows is the best browser right now.
Mozilla is a world famous open source success.
Yes Mozilla is world famous, but is it a success? The first real version hasn't been released yet. I have downloaded the nightly builds this week and while it is looking good, it is still slow and has crashed on me (I have filed bug reports, yes). This can not be considered a success as it currently stands. Apache is a success. It makes up more than half of all web servers. Sendmail is a success. It can be argued that the Linux kernel is a success from the adoption it is seeing from base users to corporate not to mention its use as a server. Mozilla is practically still in its infancy.
So Linus, what are we doing tonight?
Re:It's not on in LA or NY, at least this week (Score:1)
Unfortunately, it's not on my local station until April 9. I was looking forward to watching that tonight, oh well..
KHOU in Houston.... (Score:1)
Re:For those of you in Pittsburgh (Score:1)
Re:For those of you in Pittsburgh (Score:1)
Re:For those of you in Pittsburgh (Score:1)
No go in Phoenix either (Score:1)
"This is the nineties. You don't just go around punching people. You have to say something cool first."
I wish all we had was a beg-a-thon (Score:1)
But at least sometimes they show some cool stuff, like the full unedited letterbox version of The Shawshank Redemption with no commercial interuptions. Hope we get The Matrix soon!
Re:Anyone else's PBS station not showing this? (Score:2)
My local PBS station isn't showing it either. Instead, we'll be treated to Adventure Divas - Cuba: Paradox Found . Must see TV! Not.
PBS blows.
saw it (Score:2)
The pace of the documentary is very odd. It starts out at a very important time in Netscape's lifecycle, but even at the beginning you get the sense Netscape is past its peak here, though it still feels like a startup. The focus is very much on something that is (oh, thank god!) becoming foreign to me, and is generally not such a big deal in the free software world: the rush to release on time. Lots of detail on all nighters, the rush to fix bugs and rewrite code, the usual things you'd expect near a release.
Although I always had the impression they just grep -v'd for profanity, excised third party code, and made a tarball, there was actually a lot of work there, including pulling in third party linux people to try to build it before release and bugfixing.
After the release is chronicled, it's all downhill, and the story skips forward faster. Before you know it, it's discussing people leaving the company, the buyout by AOL, etc.
Throughout, I was very pleased with JWZ's pointed comments on life in the valley. I also enjoyed the segment on Pavlov, since I know him vaguely from IRC and was suprised to realize this was the same person.
Oddly, there is no single establishing shot of a full netscape screen. Either they assume you know what it is, or it's meant to be a mysterious, incomplete entity. A great deal of screen time is given to extreme closups of scrolling code on linux boxes, and people typing (what are supposed to be) crypic commands into shells. Loads of fun, although it can be annoying to try to keep up with what the programmers are doing and try to listen to the narrator at the same time. Video of a shell prompt being typed at is hypnotic to me..
There's a tiny glint of hope at the end -- will Mozilla be released successfully at long last? Of course, this we don't know. Here's hoping.
Re:I saw this a couple weeks ago (Score:2)
Yeah, same here, I ride light rail by there. Seeing your effective home town on TV is an interesting experience. Also recognized shots of 4th and Market in SF.
Re:Already been on... (Score:2)
This aired, I think, earlier this month on my local PBS station (channel 54, in the silicon valley...PBS on channel 9 sucks...no anime on sunday nights like 54 ;) )
KTEH (channel 54) probably should be declared The Official TV Station Of Slashdot Anonymous Cowards -- it's quite an achievement being the first to show in US Ayanami Rei Naked and Petrified (not an official translation of the episode title but quite adequate description) ;-)
No, I have nothing against them, UY or Doctor Who -- the most annoying part is that their transmitter sucks, and in San Mateo it's barely visible with my antenna.
Re:I think it looks good. (Score:2)
I mean really, there are at last count, what, 6.02 X 10^23 TV channels out there.
...mostly owned by AOL, Microsoft and other people with wild fantasy yet poor taste...
NM has to wait, as usual (Score:2)
I wonder if this is because KNME is a poor station and can't afford to buy the first-run shows? I know that's how some movie houses have to do things, does anybody know if buying PBS shows works like this also?
Re:Anyone else's PBS station not showing this? (Score:2)
We'll see how well Linux records TV shows (Score:2)
Re:Where in MST? (Score:2)
mpeg video capture? (Score:2)
Re:DETROIT-area viewers!!! (Score:2)
But, it will air 2 a.m. and 5 a.m. on Friday morning and will also air Saturday at (I think 4 a.m.) on WFUM (UofM-Flint's PBS TV station). Most cable systems have this (its channel 22 on Time-Warner).
Re:Suggestion to Slashdot (Score:2)
It basically explains how at the time Netscape was in big big trouble and covers the open-sourcing of Mozilla... It culminates with the AOL-Time Warner deal...
It has interviews with numerous Netscape employees -- including then-employee Jamie Zawinsky (blue hair/nails and all...) -- and tells which ones quit and roughly why...
I enjoyed it quite a bit... Made my parents sit through it -- especially the interview with Pavlov's parents...
Early 1998? (Score:2)
Re:I think it looks good. (Score:2)
If you can get past the liberal propaganda and PC nature of their programs, yes they are generally well done.
Still PBS's time has come and gone... what a waste of my tax money, a big freakin' ad for a failed company.
Re:I think it looks good. (Score:2)
I mean really, there are at last count, what, 6.02 X 10^23 TV channels out there. Does the government need to subsudize TV?
Chicago vs "The Sticks" (Score:2)
Ironically the PBS station I grew with back in "the sticks" of Southern Illinois WSIU [wsiu.org] (and the station I support) is running it tonight (mar 30)/tomorrow (mar 31) at 4:00 am CST.
Have to get my mom to tape it.
Re:Suggestion to Slashdot (Score:2)
I saw this a couple weeks ago (Score:2)
Reading through the description of the show on the PBS site gave me more information about the people in the documentary than I remember getting from the show (e.g. I don't remember seeing that Michael Toy home schools his children. Maybe I just forgot...). It seems like we saw the start of many stories, but not the end. Somehow it felt incomplete. But then, maybe that was the point. Some of the internal views on the AOL merger were interesting, though. And there was a funny/sad part, when they were trying to drum up publicity for the Mozilla announcement and it seemed like they were getting a lot of ``Netscape who?'' responses.
It was cool seeing places I know. I drive by the Netscape buildings nearly every day on my way to work. They also showed University Avenue and I think it was Fiesta Del Mar where they had a going away party.
I think it was interesting but not compelling television. Because the whole story of Mozilla is not yet done, it just felt incomplete. Maybe it's a little early for this story.
A little help? (Score:2)
Twin Cities, MN: Wait till April (Score:2)
People: you need to remember that your local PBS station may be broadcasting it later. Just because your schedule doesn't show it for tonight doesn't mean it won't be shown. Personally I was discouraged after finding that KTCA [ktca.org] wouldn't be playing it this week, but after doing a search on "code rush", I found two dates in April when it will be broadcast:
It's not on in LA or NY, at least this week (Score:2)
It's not listed.
The only showing I can find is the national PBS feed available to sat owners like DirecTV and DishNetwork. The national feed is delayed one day (to encourage you to support local PBS?), so the show is on Friday at 10pm Eastern (7pm Pacific).
Of course the PBS.ORG listings can't be searched....
Re:PBS (Prada Broadcasting system) (Score:2)
I found that the show was going to be shown on 2 dates that are rediculously late but I guess if your not busy coding or sleeping you can watch the show (it's about an hour).
Hope this helps
Where in MST? (Score:2)
Re:I think it looks good. (Score:2)
Oh please. They're funded mostly by large corporations...at worst they make democrats look like radicals.
Boston area (Score:2)
Where's iCraveTV when you need em? (Score:2)
Anyway, I'm bummed not to be able to even findout for myself if it was a good show or not.
ClickTV and Canada (Score:2)
(Of course, I probably wouldn't use ClickTV if it didn't have Canadian listings to begin with...)
"I trust in my abilities,
but I want more then they offer"
For those of you in Pittsburgh (Score:2)
old news. watched this in bay area 2 wks ago (Score:2)
They drowned in their own spoils! (Score:3)
Bad News and Good News for KET area (Score:3)
Well, there's bad news and good news for us folks who get public TV through KET (the Kentucky Network, the statewide PBS system here in Kentucky). I'll give the bad news first as it makes the good news sound better:
The Bad News:
1) Apparently KET does its own scheduling, so you can't find its schedule through PBS's pages; rather, try ket.org [ket.org].
2) On the main KET network, apparently they aren't showing "Code Rush" at all. :( Damn those grandmas paying for "Mystery" (though I can't say much--a big part of it too, at least in Kentucky, is also people paying for KET to show Britcoms and the Red Green Show, so I guess all of us who like Red Dwarf and Keeping Up Appearances are just as much at fault...).
The Good News:
In those areas that get KET2 feeds (yes, Kentucky actually has two separate networks run by KET--the second one consisting of the non-KET PBS affiliates that got bought up en masse by KET a few years back), they're showing "Code Rush" on April 11. Check yer local listings and times, yadda yadda yadda, blah blah TV Scene blah blah Courier-Journal blah blah. :)
More Bad News (ok, I lied):
As far as I know, KET2 extends to Louisville and that's it (did I mention, offhand, that there was all of ONE non-KET-affiliate PBS station in Kentucky before KET bought them out?). If one hasn't got cable, Louisville is about the only place that one can see it (at least if you don't live in Covington--no idea what Ohio's public TV network has planned).
More Good News (at least according to KET's website):
If one does have cable, it looks as if darn near the entire Insight network in the Louisville-surrounding-area up to around Frankfort and Elizabethtown carries KET2. (No, I do not know what to tell you if you live in Lexington, except maybe you ought to move to Louisville seeing as Lexington seems to be populated mostly by snobs related to the horse-racing industry and nearly everyone I know who lives there loathes it. :) Those of you in the rest of the state might be able to get someone in a KET2-enabled area to videotape it for you, or you could probably buy it on cassette off KET's website come June or so.
10:00pm Mystery!, Hetty Wainthropp Investigates 3--All Stitched Up, ()
is going to have the masses rushing to their tv's.
You can buy a copy of the video, too. . . (Score:3)
. . . here [pbs.org]. They must have a lot of faith in it, huh?
Cthulhu for President! [cthulhu.org]
Saw it a couple of weeks ago ... (Score:3)
It did a great job of showing the crazyness around the whole process along with the Netscape/AOL stuff going on in the background (some of the engineer's comments about AOL just as it was announced are interesting :-).
It also follows what happend to various people as they burn out and leave
I think it looks good. (Score:3)
Suggestion to Slashdot (Score:4)
Re:Early 1998? (Score:4)
Caffeine (Score:5)
I can talk a bit about non-coffee caffeine sources... There are three I feel are worth considering..
The cannonical caffeine drink, made by Wet Planet Beverages, based in Rochester, NY. It's not sold everywhere but every major population center should have one or two grocery stores that stock it. It's a cola, more bitter than Coke. Caffeine content: 75 mg / 355 ml (1 12 oz. can)
This is imported from Germany, and it's elegant bottles sport the warning "Keine vergnügen ohne gefahr" - No pleasure without danger. It's a cola as well, but has a tangier (spicier?) flavour than other colas, and is less strongly carbonated. It's a bit more expensive (Local retailers pay about $.90 / bottle). I've had good luck finding this at coffeeshoppes. Caffeine content: 100 mg / 330 ml (1 11.15 oz bottle).
Bawls is not a cola at all, but a fruity soft drink. Flavoured with the juice of the small red (naturally caffeinated) Guarana fruit of Brazil, it tastes like a cross between ginger ale and an Orange Julius. It's bottle is a deep blue with bumps on it. Right after the ingredient list, it says "Warning: This product contains high levels of caffeine". I believe this to contain 100 mg / 296 ml (1 10 oz bottle), though I am not sure on this. I bought mine from a coffeeshop, though I believe Copyleft also sells this product (as well as other caffeine bearing products, like Penguin mints)
For reference, Coke contains about 35 mg of caffeine per 355 ml (12 oz can), and a cup of coffee has around 75 (though this can vary by as much as 400% depending on an arbitrillion factors, like the kind of beans, how you brew it, et cetera). The free sample Vivarin sent me came in 100 mg pills.
Conclusion: I haven't slept since 1982.