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Motif Released To The Open Source Community 183

Mark Hatch writes: "The Open Group has released the source code of Motif to the Open Source community. The Open Group Public license will allow the release of the Motif source code for use, reproduction and distribution on Open Source platforms such as Linux and FreeBSD, without the payment of royalties. The source of Open Motif is available now now available."
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Motif Released to the Open Source Community

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  • by Djaak ( 59417 )
    Pretty funny and weird that they opensource the Motif monster after the not-that old Motif's not dead [] story featuring featuring that interview [] where that Motif guy explains how the "Motif community" is different from Open Source, being all about "Secrecy, intellectual property rights, and long-term, large-scale projects".

    And now, OpenSource Motif ?! Wonder what happened to the great philosophy of the Motif community ? What do you mean, that community's been dead for ages ?? :)))

    More seriously, we've been doing fine without Motif for a long time. There may be some interesting stuff in that source code but I wonder if somebody will take the time to read it and use it now that GTK and Qt are out there.
  • You know, we could have really used something
    like this a while ago, but now Motif seems
    irrelevant. We have GTK and Qt, which I'm told
    are much better (tried selecting a country in
    a Netscape dropdown list lately)?
  • Why would anyone want to use Motif when there are GTK and QT around? Using Motif is kinda like making your desktop look like a (stable) Mac or 'doze machine.
  • I don't mean this to sound like flamebait, but Motif right now is a scourge upon X in general. It is a horrifically ugly and unergonomic from a look/feel standpoint. GTK and Qt were much welcomed developments in the X universe. (This is just my own humble opinion).

    Anyway, how much effort do you think the community will put into making Motif better? Considering that the lion's share of commercial X applications use it, it would be fantastic if we had a better Motif in about a year. Should we expect to see a any time soon?

    If only they did this three or four years ago....


  • Yahoo. I can finally run NEdit, my one and only Motif application, on the original libraries. Yippee.
  • One of the biggest problems I have had with Motif is the report that Purify generates. It is full of memory mismangement. I hope that this development will lead to a cleaning up of Motif's memory usage!
  • >> Does Microsoft have *any* actual input into the
    >> decision-making process/control of GCC?
    >At least one of their engineers are active one the GCC development
    >list, which means Microsoft has about as much influence as anyone
    >else. GCC is run by engineers, not companies. Anyone who can
    >contribute, is welcome.

    Not the same thing. Nice try though.
  • I used to develop Motif software on a machine with 8Mb RAM and 80Mb disk... this distribution is twenty-five megabytes . What on earch have they put in there? Home movies?

    Thanks, I'll wait for a CD.

  • 7.Managers will have to surrender the oft-held belief that Open Source == Carp.

    I always thought the old adage "If you see someone hungry, don't give him fish, teach him to fish".

    If Open Source == Carp, then by fostering an atmosphere of Open Source developement, are you in effect 'teaching how to fish'?

  • It just sucks slightly that so much open source software is under different, incompatible licences - it stops people doing neat stuff.
  • 'Nuff said.

    How many Sun machines are on people's desktops nowdays? Almost none, and declining rapidly. Let's face it, the desktop commercial marketplace is dead. Dead dead DEAD. Replaced by NT, or replaced by Linux. Which means that developers of Motif toolkits and interface builders are dead too -- unless something happens to make Motif popular on Linux.

    Make no mistake about it: the "opening" of Motif for the Open Source operating systems was at the instigation of Motif toolkit and interface builder vendors, who saw their market evaporating. The only place where commercial Unix is used nowdays (with the exception of some legacy installations) is in the server room, and you can't sell too many Motif interface builders into the server room.


  • I could have sworn mozilla doesn't actually use motif. (netscape 4, does sure, but 6 won't.)
  • by Eric Green ( 627 ) on Monday May 15, 2000 @05:57AM (#1072944) Homepage
    The commercial environment is all based upon CDE, which is layered on top of Motif. Motif alone is not going to make Linux any more or less viable in corporate environments.

    Besides, it's swiftly becoming irrelevant. Commercial desktop Unix in the corporate environment is dying, and dying fast, replaced mostly by Windows NT but partially by Linux. This obviously is not good news for those companies that have built their business upon providing drag'n'drop interface builders and such for Motif -- they see their market evaporating before their eyes. This release of Motif as semi-Open Source is a last-ditch attempt to keep those companies alive by trying to make Motif popular in another environment. Whether it will work or not is questionable -- Motif still remains a clunky, difficult-to-use (though very powerful) toolkit, no matter how much the Motif fanatics try to deny it. Otherwise you would not see so many interface builders etc. for Motif.


  • I realize the Xt library is falling out of favor on the free OSes (Linux, *BSD), but it's still alive and well on UNIX(R) systems with CDE. Perhaps we'll see more mainstream development for those systems.

    As for Lesstif, I think it's great news for that project. While Open Motif may have a semi-restrictive license (haven't reviewed it yet), Lesstif will be GPL. That means demand for Lesstif will definitely not go away, but now they'll have the real Motif code to work from to fix those compatibility problems that still exist. Lesstif has come a long way, but it's still got a way to go. I'll keep saying that until I can run netscape-dynMotif without any warning boxes popping up.

    Geez, I'm still reeling from this one...


  • You can also download packages (RPM, DEB, TGZ) from ICS []. You don't have to get the raw source code from the Open Group.

  • by Antony Fountain ( 147528 ) on Monday May 15, 2000 @03:20AM (#1072947)
    My hands have been tied for a long while: I knew about the Open Sources, but could not refer to this fact. Hence I could only say: "Watch this Space". It does not, however, make any difference with respect to the argument of the article: you must differentiate between the purposes (products) to which a toolkit is put, and the toolkit itself. I continue to maintain that much of Motif's usage remains very much behind closed doors. Whether Motif itself is hidden is irrelevent.
  • What about MWM? Is that getting opened up along with the toolkit? It may not be pretty to many people, but it sure is lean. I'd love to see this window manager become GNOME compliant. I've tried running Lesstif's MWM on GNOME with little luck. So far, IceWM (with my MWM theme -- available on makes for a nice substitute for the time being.


  • by Oarboat_7 ( 179743 ) on Monday May 15, 2000 @03:22AM (#1072949)
    QT has many of the same "problems" as Motif.

    1. It is owned by a private entity.

    2. Said private entity restricts how it may be used in commercial projects.

    Of course Qt is available for Win32. Is that why you love it so?
  • Microsoft is involved in a lot of things.

    They sell the GNU C Compiler (and Motif, for that matter) as part of the Interix Posix subsystem for NT. So are you going to back away from GCC because 'evil Microsoft' has touched it?

  • What? You want to write Motif apps for W2K? SICK!

    Or even better, write Motif apps for Mac OS and drive Cardinal Toolbox's followers absolutely balmy.

  • Disk I/O is saved. Since most people seem to think that processor & memory are the end all of system performance (read: IDE weenies), they have 5400 rpm drives with a brain dead controller. But they also have a extremely fast (and underutilized) cpu.

    Put those together and you have a good case for dynamically linked libraries.


  • For whatever reason, commercial Unix users don't seem to realize that they can use KDE -- they think KDE is Linux only. So they stick with CDE, since it comes pre-installed.

    I liked CDE, but KDE is faster, IMHO, and has a lot more features.
  • by AJWM ( 19027 ) on Monday May 15, 2000 @06:03AM (#1072954) Homepage
    I doubt you'll be able to link both into the same program at once, but I can't imagine why you'd want to. Certainly they can both live on the same machine at once, just set up different lib and include paths for them, with choices made at compile and link times.

    I think this is neat. Even if the incompatible licenses mean that Lesstif can't use Motif code directly (of course, if Motif were LGPL'd there'd be no need for Lesstif at all), this makes reverse engineering Motif a whole heck of a lot easier, so Lesstif can become more completely compatible. (Meanwhile, the Lesstif project also has some addtional widget sets that help reproduce/improve-upon commercial Motif widget sets.)

    This also encourages the porting of existing Unix apps that require real Motif (ie use features that aren't complete in Lesstif), so we'll see more (commercial) software for Linux and *BSD. And many of those in-house apps (I'm thinking of a couple in particular that I've been involved with, a million or so lines of code, Motif-based GUI, and requiring something like a Sun workstation on every user's desk) will port more cleanly to Linux without having to worry about buying Motif licenses. (Sure, the Motif license for Linux was cheaper than a Sun-Solaris box anyway, but the minds of pointy haired bosses work in mysterious ways.)
  • Now the major free OS distributions have to make the awful choice of what becomes the default. Do they choose the completed and fully compatible Motif and imperil the nearly complete Lesstif project, or do they stick with Lesstif and force their users to help work out the remaining bugs? I hope they stick with Lesstif.
  • I see your point, but think about this:

    If you're using a UNIX workstation with Motif/CDE preinstalled, is it preferable to get KDE/Qt, compile it, install it, and hope it works, or to just stick with what you've got and know will work. Remember, most applications you'll be running on your UNIX are compiled to run on CDE...

    The same situation applies the other way around, of course, which may have as much an impact on why Linux people don't like Motif, aside from ugliness/freeness. Until today, Motif really wasn't accessible to Linux users, but KDE/GNOME has. To us Linux users, KDE/GNOME is like the UNIX user's CDE. It's what comes with our system, it's what most of our apps are programmed for, and it's what we know works.


  • Now we can merge lesstif and get some of this other stuff that runs well on Solaris but is a bit painful on Linux to run.

    YES, that means that's one fewer things to have to port at work to get Linux based software to give to the client.
  • Unix is dying and they know it.

    Yes, commercial proprietary non open source UNIX is dying.

    Open source UNICES are stronger than ever, and will rise even further.

  • > There's just no pleasing some people

    Oh, don't misunderstand me. I am very pleased when any software is freed. I am also happy to be discussing it with you directly.

    I will say that I was displeased with the original article which seemed to fail to understand the nature of Open Source. In it, you claimed that proprietary development was "better" because a user would have a contract "guaranteeing" fixes (assuming, of course, your company survived). This is, of course, the exact opposite view that proponents of Open Source believe. We feel that the only plausible guarantee is one that lets us do it ourselves.

    So if there's no change of heart, why let the customers have the source? Don't your contracts guarantee that you would do anything they wanted to do with it? That seemed to be the stance of the original article.

    > I can assure you this is not being released just to please the open source community itself

    Well, I still find it ironic that two weeks ago (and I realize that the interview is older, but the /. effect was recent) we were reading about how the only reason Motif doesn't get press is because it doesn't make Open Source announcements and today we see Motif making an Open Source announcement?

    In the original article, you seemed to be advocating secrecy and closed source. Now your open. And you still maintain that there's been no change of heart?
  • I mostly agree with you. However, I don't think Motif every really had a chance. It's too complicated to program and configure. It's actuall worse than MS Windows!

    Compare KDE/Qt code with the equivalent Motif code. It's many times less complex.
  • A year or two ago releasing Motif would have been great but now we have lesstif, which does a really good job. We also have GTK+ and QT, both soon to rival Motif.

    This will help the open soucre movement but, sadly, not as much if it had been a year or two ago.

  • Err, Solaris already comes with Motif. Why would you want to compile your own Motif rather than use the vendor-provided one?

    I agree that this isn't as good as true Open Source. The "open source OS" bit was obviously intended to protect their revenue stream from Sun/SGI/etc. license fees (since they get practically zilch from sales of Linux versions of Motif, it costs them nothing, revenue-wise, to release Motif for free to that environment). On the other hand, there's nothing preventing you from writing commercial applications against the Free Motif and then re-compiling them against the Non-Free Motif on Solaris... for the most part, Motif is Motif. For better or for worse.


  • As a college student with no budget, and with access to a Vax/VMS box (and being a C/S major access to Sun workstations and later AIXen and SCO), yes, a 286 box (at the time, still over 2.5K or more) was expensive. The idea of "Cheap PC's" hadn't arrived yet, because the whole point of getting a faster box was because you simply couldn't run (slow or not) the software you wanted on the slower, older box, especially post-Windows 3.0/3.1/3.11. Due to addressing space issues, the chip itself just couldn't do it (and DOS didn't help matters, of course).

    And no, the 486 was not really out yet. The 25 meg DX one was "introduced" April 10, 1989 (see , but the time between "introduced" and "on sale in most new boxes" is a year or more (as it still is today to some degree). 386's were still expensive boxes, especially if you needed the (then still VERY expensive) memory to really make the chip effective. In 1991, most boxes sold were still 386's, even though the 486 by that point was almost "old technology". The pentium's introduction was March, 1993. Announcents for earlier releases were generally vaporware intended to kill the early clones of the 386. []

    Also keep in mind general inflation. $3000 then is not $3000 now.

  • by FascDot Killed My Pr ( 24021 ) on Monday May 15, 2000 @02:45AM (#1072964)
    From the FAQ:


    Does the Open Group Public License for Motif meet the Open Source Guidelines?


    No. The Open Group Public License for Motif grants rights only to use the software on or with operating systems that are themselves Open Source programs. In restricting the applicability of the license to Open Source platforms this does not meet term 8 of the Open Software Definition (


    Will Motif be made Open Source in the future?


    Yes, we hope to be able to make a distribution under a license complying with the Open Source guidelines sometime in the future. For now this is as close as to Open Source as we could get.

    Have Exchange users? Want to run Linux? Can't afford OpenMail?
  • by sparks ( 7204 ) <acrawford AT laetabilis DOT com> on Monday May 15, 2000 @02:45AM (#1072965) Homepage
    If they had done this five years ago Motif would a) have the "market" to itself and b) have evolved into a much better product.

    Sadly, the chance for Motif to make good is long gone. It is a painfully old fashioned library. It belongs to the past, not the future.

    I suppose open sourcing it is at least a dignified retirement...

  • by Col. Klink (retired) ( 11632 ) on Monday May 15, 2000 @03:28AM (#1072966)
    It seems like just two weeks ago we were reading Motif's not Dead [] on slashdot, where in an O'Reilly interview [], Antony Fountain claimed:

    Secrecy, intellectual property rights, and long-term, large-scale projects do not marry well with open source public announcements.


    Motif is very much alive and well: it just isn't making public noise because that isn't the name of the game.

    Perhaps the name of the game has changed?

    1. Gnome/KDE could translate Motif calls into something useful.
    2. Lesstif can get a boost on Motif 2.x development.
    3. Any cunning hacks in Motif can be salvaged.
    4. The Corporate Sector will (once again) be reminded that price and quality are unrelated variables.
    5. The Open Group, having been forced by the Open Source community to relinquish totalitarian power TWICE, may decide it's politically wiser to live up to it's name.
    6. Any further attempts to seize control of X will probably now be abandoned.
    7. Managers will have to surrender the oft-held belief that Open Source == Carp.
    8. KDE/Gnome development will INcrease, as developers there realise that =THEY= overthrew the accountants at the TOG, and it's by their work that GUI stuff is being freed.
    9. Work on Berlin might get a boost, as people realise that alternatives DO exist in the world.
    10. The publicity will generate zero shock-waves in any part of industry, outside of computing... ...until people there realise the implication: Their $5000+ per seat licences for commercial Unix + Motif are now so much scrap paper... And their shareholders could wake up to that at any time... Greed and high expenses don't mix.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Yes. 'Open' has been redefined. It now means 'owned by a community of zealots who will drive you out of the market if you don't give it away entirely.'

    It's the equivalent of a tavern, which used to be called 'Open' when the doors weren't locked. Now the tavern is occupied by a big crowd of the homeless who've kicked out the owner and made the beer free. Of course, the beer delivery trucks no longer make their usual stop, because nobody will pay the invoice. The wino in charge doesn't mind, of course. He's got an endowment so drinks 'free' no matter what happens.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Well, if you believe ESR then you should realize that mozilla was delayed and netscape is on life support because motif was a closed source toolkit. ESR argued that Motif was unavailable to open source developers of mozilla which stunted the growth of the project because few outsiders could actually compile it. The stunted growth of mozilla meant disaster for netscape. Anyhow, mozilla is now back on track because it open source tool kits (gtk primarily and qt is somewhere in the tree to for you weenies). Motif would of been a great catalyst to the mozilla team if it had been open sourced but it was not so the whole community has to make do with the current sucky state of browsers. Motif is just trying revive itself- bring in the crash cart!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    First waiting till competition has impressive mind share and quality and *then* opensourcing is not to turn anyone's head. Just as Qt has mainly the KDE niche carved out and then some, but has no "default library" ring to it, so the Motif niche is also carved out, mainly to better supporting old apps (there is not even a particular desktop environment it could monopolize thoroughly).

    In addition, I find its uability lacking. While a simple Athena scrollbar beats everything hollow with regard of ugliness, it nevertheless is much more effective in navigating back and forth than the Motif contraption.
  • By definition: Open Source software places damn few restrictions on who can use it, what they can use it for, and where they can use it. This license prevents usage of Motif on any non-OSS operating system; therefor it is NOT open source!

    When well we start taking companies to task for abusing the term "Open Source"?

    Paging Mr. Stallman, Mr. Stallman to the white courtesy phone...

  • by Eric Green ( 627 ) on Monday May 15, 2000 @03:41AM (#1072972) Homepage
    I suggest you read the FAQ. It *IS* free for commercial use -- on Open Source operating systems.

    The FAQ says that the "on Open Source operating systems" part is why the license is not a "true" Open Source license. Still, given that every closed source Unix already *comes* with the Motif libraries, it's certainly not any big killer to anybody interested in writing Motif apps. (What? You want to write Motif apps for W2K? SICK!).


  • but now we have lesstif, which does a really good job.

    Bear in mind, though, that Lesstif is fully compatible only with Motif 1.2, so there will be some apps built against Motif 2.x that won't run properly with Lesstif.

  • Regardless of the time frame or licensing issues, KDE would not have used Motif. Matthias Ettrich is no fan of Motif -- see his comments on [].
  • How could Java depend on Motif? Swing renders lightweight controls directly into heavyweight frames in bytecode, all with pluggable look&feel.
    AWT uses Motif.


    Blackdown Java-Linux

  • I think there is one more good thing about it. Java source from Sun depends on Motif and now it can be compiled agains The Real Thing. Not that it was not possible with LessTiff, but it might give some warm fuzzies.
    If you intend to do serious work on the Java code you should think about helping Blackdown.


    Blackdown Java-Linux

  • 1) Double edged sword. When I type and want to move mouse coursor out of the way I have to always make sure that it stays within the same window. Hate that.
    2. This is not tremendous advantage. Infact, I think you don't use Windows often because just about every application that uses dialogs have them set during creation to stay on top ( check Photoshop for example.)
    It is a problem on UNIX (specially GTK apps ) that dialogs created by main program will disappear if one clicks on the main window. I know it sucks but it is GTK problem ( or WM that doesn't honor certain falgs.)

    3. Heh .. you know what ? you should blame xterm or whatever are you using for this behaviour. IT should know that there are apps launched and running from it and therefore , like any well behaved program , should ask the user for confirmation before exiting. You blaming WM ( KDE I presume ) for stupid behaviour on the part of xterm.

    Windows interface works great with some small exceptions that are completely not related to problems you mentioned in your post. The biggets problem on Windows is lack of layout managers in Win32API which often forces developers to simply create nonresizable dialogs. VEry often it is not a problem but it simply sucks in things like file requestors etc ...

  • Woohoo! Great news. Finally I can run netscape-dyn.

    Thanks, Open Group!
  • damn...sorry 'bout the html fubar. I'm emailing slashdudes to see if they can fix it.
  • Well, it would allow you to use a newer Motif toolkit than is currently provided by the vendor.

    Keep in mind it is very common for people to still be running UNIX versions that are many years old now. We still support Solaris 2.5, AIX 4.2, and HP-UX 10.20 where I work, and all three are Motif 1.2-ish.

    But if we want to do Motif 2.1 on them, we'll have to spring for the license. (Instead, what we have been doing is using Motif 1.2 on all the newer systems. Lowest common denominator.)

  • I would like people to remember the time period of Motif 1.0: 1989. If you had access to a Unix box in 1989, you had a commerical Unix system. Period. End of discussion. You had SunOS, Ultrix, AIX, DGX, Irix, HPUX, SCO or some other System V variant. MAYBE if you were a university you might have a pure BSD box, but those were getting rarer even then. There was no PC capable of handling unix (yes, a 286 could swag Minix, but those were still expensive, and SCO was already pushing their product around for those boxes as a supported solution).

    I hate to disagree, but you could get a complete 386DX system (incl. monitor and printer) for under $3000 in 1989. There were several varieties of Unix that would run on them (Xenix, SCO, and at least one other) -- admittedly, I don't know how much any of them cost at that time.

    The unix hacking community centered on SunOS at the time. That was it. Since OpenLook sucked (to some hackers), most open source X apps were strictly Athena, or like XV, based on a toolkit written specifically for that application.

    True. At that time, the universities I attended all had Suns running SunOS 4.1.3.x and most hacking seemed to come from the university crowds.
  • Ok, i stand corrected 'bout the chip release. I don't recall seeing all that many sub-3000 pc's at the time though. I seem to recall that most of the other pieces (monitor, memory especially, decent disk space) were still prohibitively expensive at the time. A 4 meg, 25mhtz 386 could handle Unix, but I wouldn't trust throwing X on it (much less a memory hog like Motif).
  • Competing implementations of an API is no bad thing. "Choice for the sake of choice" aside, in any software implementation there are going to be trade-offs, design decisions and compromises that will give the result different properties (memory footprint, speed, etc.) than if different decisions had been made.

    Even if (when) Motif goes to a completely LGPL/X/whatever Open Source license, there may be situations where you'd rather use Lesstif because it fits your design tradeoffs better.

    (Of course, one of the problems here is that while Lesstif and Motif may be fully compatible at the API level, they aren't necessarily "bug for bug" compatible. Since most (all?) commercial Motifs are derived from the same reference source, those are generally bug for bug compatible. (I'm talking about behaviour bugs - misimplementations of the spec, not things like memory leaks.))
  • I hate to disagree, but you could get a complete 386DX system (incl. monitor and printer) for under $3000 in 1989. There were several varieties of Unix that would run on them (Xenix, SCO, and at least one other) -- admittedly, I don't know how much any of them cost at that time.

    SCO was XENIX in those days, or rather, XENIX was from SCO. SCO was also selling a somewhat XENIX flavored SVR2 variant that was the lineal predecessor to the current OpenServer/OpenDesktop products at the time.

    Unfortunately, all of the commercial *NIXes for the x86 at that time were seriously expensive, especially $CO, which would run you up to $4000 to get a complete system with networking and development tools.

    Other *NIX variants that were around on the x86 in those days would include such things as MicroPort UNIX (an SVR3 port -- I technically greatly preferred their product to SCO's, although their marketing was far less successful than SCO), Interactive UNIX (at the time partially owned by Kodak, since bought by Sun), DELL's DNIX (SVR3 port, sold mainly with DELL hardware), Everex's ESIX (SVR3 port, sold mainly with Everex hardware) and AT&T's SVR3 for their 386WGS hardware (generally only sold bundled with the AT&T PC hardware).

    In general, the hardware and software necessary to build a complete development environment in those days would still end up costing $5000 or more.

  • There were a lot of people running character mode Unix on 80286 and 80386 PCs. No GUI or TCP/IP, just vanilla System V with UUCP. Many people wanted to run Unix but couldn't afford a Sun or a VAX. You could get Unix System V for a PC for less than $1000.
  • The problem with the argument that "much of Motif's usage remains very much behind closed doors" is that the commercial Unix desktop market is dying -- and dying fast. I haven't heard of any large-scale deployments of Unix on the desktop for quite some time. Linux, yes. Unix, no.

    While most current commercial Linux programs are based upon the Motif toolkit (e.g., Applix Office, Wordperfect 8, Netscape 4.x, etc.), note that these all originated in the Unix desktop world. As the Unix desktop world has shrunk over the past few years, the Linux desktop world has expanded geometrically, to the point where there are probably more Linux desktops than Unix desktops deployed. None of which come with Motif as a standard component, and thus developers who are now entering the Unix market are looking at toolkits other than Motif. Which means bad news for current Motif vendors, who are seeing their marketplace evaporate before their eyes.

    Thus I don't buy the argument that Motif would remain popular without the Linux community. Motif would have ended up like OS/2, a marginalized product used for a few embedded-type projects but otherwise ignored. As market share shrunk, Motif vendors would have started going out of business (that's already started, to a certain extent), and all the new projects are being done with GTK+ or QT -- my own employer has a major (commercial) project in the works based on GTK+, we did not consider Motif for a microsecond.

    In other words, without the Linux community, Unix is dead on the desktop. And if Unix is dead on the desktop, so is Motif -- unless it becomes popular on Linux.


  • Switch Commerical and Properity Closed Source development, and that statement will be right.

    Qt-free edition can be used for both commerical and non-profit projects, the only requirement is you provide source with your apps.

    If you develop a non-profit or commerical app, and you refuse to provide source you must purchase an $1500 license and support royality for using this library. This fee entitles you to commerical quality support, updates, preferred feature additions not to mention help make the toolkit better for both versions. This price will likely come down in the future, as Qt becomes more populuar to develop for, the main reason for the high expense now is the high development costs of maintaining (and improving) a high quality toolkit.

    OpenMotif's license on the other hand does allow properity close source applications, the only requirement is that they are to be developed for OpenSource operating systems, and not closed properity systems such as Windows or Solaris or whatever.
  • I would have to whole heartedly agree with this one.

    I have done both and prefer Qt to Motif. But I suspect that C++ programmers are a minority on Linux/FreeBSD/Unix.
  • Why do you think that an app will run faster when it's dynamically linked? There's more work for the operating system to do when you run dynamically linked programs.

    If you have a very small amount of memory, you could end up with poorer performance when running statically linked programs, but only when you are running programs that use the same libraries (but they are not dynamically linked). You are loading more copies of the library than necessary. This wastes memory, causing your system to swap. Swapping generally occurs when you don't have enough memory to hold all the information in memory at once.

    With today's computers, which typically come standard with 128M, 256M, and more, you shouldn't have any trouble launching both KDE, Gnome, and CDE, all at the same time, in separate X sessions. I have 256M, and I don't think I've ever seen my system swap more than a few hundred kilobytes. If your system does swap more than that, you need to stop editing such large pictures.
  • RTFAQ. MWM is released with the rest of the toolkit.
  • their FAQ is pretty specific about what their license is and isn't. It doesn't meet the terms of the Open Source Definition because it only applies when Motif is being run or distributed for Open Source operating systems (the OSD does not allow such a restriction). Other than that, it appears to be a descendent of the GPL -- e.g., you can make modifications and sell your modified version, but you must make the source available. As long as your modified version is for an Open Source operating system. (And yes, they have a very good definition for what they consider "Open Source" -- Solaris's "Community Source" need not apply!).


  • Certainly not. I refer to my answer above. There's just no pleasing some people: but I can assure you this is not being released just to please the open source community itself. Its very strongly for corporate reasons also. Antony Fountain.
  • Most of the VAXen in academia in those days ran 4.2 or 4.3BSD. I was administering and developing on some of them in the late 80's. Unfortunately BSD wasn't "totally free" in those days. It was still encumbered by AT&T source code and licensing. That didn't start changing until after the release of the NET2 distro, the settling of the AT&T vs. the world lawsuits and the work of people like the Jolitz's and others to replace the old AT&T bits. All that didn't really come together until 1993-1994 or so.

  • Linux boxes, mainly...

    Most of the places I know of are certainly not replacing UNIX boxes with Windows anything. They have Windows boxes, but those are generally being used for purposes other than what the UNIX boxes are doing. NT seems to be able to displace only Novell in any kind of numbers, and even then, slowly. I know of a lot of places that had large Netware installations that planned to have completely replaced Netware with NT two or three years ago that are still using Netware today.

  • Well, I never really saw Motif as that hard to program...for some reason, I was a natural to Xt's programming style from day one. One thing that made Motif difficult was its timing -- when C compilers (and certainly C++ compilers) were finally enforcing the standard, and many "cheats" people got away with were getting snagged by the compiler as violations and errors. Not one demo of code in the original O'Reilly 6 or Doug Young's first book would compile on a C++ compiler.

    GTK doesn't really seem all that different. I'm trying some GTK in adding a piece to a GTK app, and finding its pretty much all the same as motif so far. The "big look improvements" (skins/themes) are all hidden behind the scenes. Benefits to the end user, but not an API simplicity. Its still "create object, set parameters, create callback, add callback to object, lather, rinse, repeat" ad nauseum for every widget you create. To me (and JWZ's said the same), nothing's different. Yes, it did take a number of years (thanks to OSF's closed source model) for decent "How To Write a Widget for Motif" works came out (O'Reilly's XResource 6 and 10 had the best ones), but otherwise...

    The most dramatic change for GUI's to me was Java's Swing, with its plugable models for just about everything (models, renderers, editors, etc...), but then again, I never studied Smalltalk's MVC or what was in Fresco, so i can't comment on what they delivered. Yes, Swing is heavy, but after finally making sense of the renderers and editors and all that, I have great difficulty programming without them.

    Motif was also (in my later years of it) made VERY easy with the XMT toolkit from David Flannagan, in what was at the time O'Reilly's "Motif Power Tools", later just X Reference 6C.
    It got to the point where I never had to do "XmCreate..." or "XtCreateWidget" again.
    Something like that for Java/Swing needs to come in, but Javasoft spent too much time trying to make money for GUI IDE's to do something practical for real programmers.

  • SunOS 4 looked pretty damned BSD to me.

    - A.P.

    "One World, one Web, one Program" - Microsoft promotional ad

  • You could get a PC Unix from Interactive for around $500. The cost of PC Unix wasn't the problem. The cost of the hardware was. An 80 megabyte SCSI hard drive in 1989 costed $499. Even though Interactive Unix wasn't GUI-based and thus did not use the astounding sums of disk space that modern Unixes do, you would need at least three of those 80 megabyte SCSI hard drives to have a reasonable system. So we're talking $1500 just for the hard drives. Then let's talk memory. 4 megabytes of memory would get you a reasonable Interactive Unix setup. Okay, 4 megabytes of memory was actually somewhat reasonable by comparison to the hard drive -- that'd only set you back by $400 or so.

    I looked at the costs of PC Unix, gulped, and simply added more memory to my (even then) aging Amiga. It was not until 1995, when the costs of memory and hard drives had come down so much, that I returned to look at PC Unix and bought Slackware instead.


  • This SOUNDS good, but think about how M$ had said they'll 'open up' the kerberos extensions, and how Apple was 'opening' all of their development, and how long it took to get the Mozilla license straight, along with the hundreds of other examples. Right now, it's good political karma to claim you are opening the development, but until the license is approved by the people with known intentions and experience dealing with licensing issues, I'll stick to lesstif/QT/GTK, since we know of any associated licensing evils there. Now, if the license turns out to be good, I'll be more than happy to support Motif development again.
  • by Dacta ( 24628 ) on Monday May 15, 2000 @04:45AM (#1073016)

    If the Open Group had done this back in '97 or earlier, it would probably have continued as the dominate toolkit on Unix.

    When was it that the Gimp guys stopped using Motif, and started work on GTK? '96 or something?

    There is little doubt that had Motif been freely available on Linux at that time they wouldn't have done that and the Gimp would have continued to be a Motif app.

    QT might have come out, but I suspect that the KDE would have used Motif anyway (remember, the original KDE idea wasn't that concerned about the licence (this licecne seems somewhat similar to the original QT licence), and there was no "Open Source Licence Definition" back then anyway.), and there would have been no need for the GNOME vs KDE wars.

    Of course, there might have been a KDE vs CDE war, but I suspect that CDE would have been surparassed sometime in 1998, and would have been abandoned, even by the major vendors.

    As it is, we have three main toolkit - GTK and QT have broard support in the free software world, but Motif is still used by lots of commerical Unix software.

    Another thing.. no, the licence isn't Open Source (TM), but I don't think that is a huge problem. On most non-Free Unicies, Motif comes as standard anyway.

    I don't see a lot of new free-software being written specifically for Motif, but it will help commercial Unix software get ported to Linux quicker. I guess that's a good thing.

    Anyway, look at this announcement like this: Motif is now freely (in the beer sense) available on all Unixes, either supplied by the vendor, or for download. That is good.

  • by Useless ( 11387 ) on Monday May 15, 2000 @04:45AM (#1073018) Homepage
    Hi, ICS now has 7 mirrors up with worldwide coverage. You can also order a CD and avoid the crunch.
  • by yerricde ( 125198 ) on Monday May 15, 2000 @04:47AM (#1073021) Homepage Journal

    bash-2.03$ info less

    You forget,, less is more.

  • Sounds shockingly like QT.


    Qt is available for free even on non-Open Source OSes, but you have to buy Qt Professional Edition if you're going to make commercial (non-Open Source) software that uses Qt, regardless of whether it runs on an Open Source OS or not.

    On the other hand, you can develop, on an Open Source OS with OpenMotif, commercial software that uses Motif - but you can't use OpenMotif on a non-Open Source OS, even if it's only to be used with Open Source applications.

    So you can, for example, install KDE, including Qt, on a Solaris box, but you have to buy Qt Professional Edition in order to develop and sell FooWare as a non-free Qt application, even if you're only going to sell it for Linux and the BSDs, and you can install OpenMotif on a Linux or BSD box, and develop FooWare on it and sell it without having to license Motif, but you can't install OpenMotif on your Solaris box (the Solaris box I use doesn't have Motif 2.1 on it; which releases of which commercial UNIXes, if any, come with Motif 2.1?), even if you're only doing so in order to download and build OpenFoo, an open-source application that requires Motif 2.1.

    It's "like" Qt in that there are restrictions on what you can do, based on whether something involved is open-source or not - but the "something" in question differs significantly between Qt and OpenMotif.

  • POSIX actually requires Motif.

    Indeed? Do you have a citation to support this claim?

    There may be some X/Open standard that requires it (although I don't see any X stuff in the W-Z section of the API tables for the UNIX 98 spec []), but I have not heard of any POSIX standard that requires it. (I think there may be some IEEE standard for the Motif API, but I don't think it's required to claim POSIX conformance - for that matter, there's more than one POSIX standard, so one can probably claim some degree of POSIX conformance merely by offering 1003.1 support.)

  • by barleyguy ( 64202 ) on Monday May 15, 2000 @06:53AM (#1073031) 1989 Intel had already released the 80386 and the 80486 and they were just about to release the Pentium. If a 286 was expensive for you then, you got ripped off.

    That's not true. The 486 didn't even exist yet. I worked at a computer store then, and the vast majority of the machines we sold in 1989, and into the early part of 1990, were 286's. In late 1990, the 386/25, 4 megs of ram, a 90 Meg hard drive, and a color VGA monitor was going for about 2500 dollars. About that same time, the 486 came out, but the only one that was affordable was the 486SX/20 Mhz, which was a piece of crap. The 486/DX chips were still around 1200-1500 dollars (for just the chip), and the motherboards for them were still really flaky.

    The Pentium wasn't released until 1994 - the marketing and posters for it hit in the late part of 1993. The bug fix to do math on it was the later part of 1994.
  • They brought this up with me a few weeks ago. It seems that TOG makes money from Motif, and at the moment they can't go Open Source because they can't make up for the funds they'd lose. I suppose if they could get a grant or something, an Open Source license might become possible. So we agreed on that FAQ language and left it at that - the principle here is If It's Not Open Source, Don't Say It's Open Source and they are complying with that.

    I think this would have been much more important if it happened before KDE and GNOME were so well established. Motif now has two worthy competitors on Unix, not just Linux, and both are themselves OSD-compliant.



  • You could get a PC Unix from Interactive for around $500.

    How complete was that? SCO had some 'runtime' packages that were in the $250 range at that time, but I'd hardly have considered them to be complete enough to be very useful (they didn't include networking, a compiler, any of the 'text processing' tools like vi, ex, sed, awk or troff). By the time you added up all the pieces in those 'ala cart' pricing schemes of the day, you were usually talking $1200-$1500 for the 'off brand' PC UNIXes and $2500-$3500 for SCO.

    The cost of PC Unix wasn't the problem.

    The cost of PC UNIX in that period wasn't the only problem. The hardware costs obviously were even worse, but I don't think you can say they weren't a problem at all.

    It was not until 1995, when the costs of memory and hard drives had come down so much, that I returned to look at PC Unix and bought Slackware instead.

    You really waited a long time to try Linux. In 1990 I bought three used NCR Tower 1632's which had 10MHz 68000's in them. The best of the bunch had 2M of RAM and a pair of 40M hard drives. They were slow and unreliable and ran a pretty dismal Version 7 UNIX variant. I jumped into Linux in mid '93, and first started trying to run 386BSD in early '93 when I was able to put together a PC-clone from enough cast-off junk parts.

    I was never able to get 386BSD to run on it (panic'd right away), but I was able to get the Yggdrasil Linux BETA CD to work with it, and very soon after that the 1.01 version of Slackware.

    My initial Linux hardware consisted of a 386DX-20 motherboard bought used. A case, keyboard, amber monitor and herc video card from a cast-off Samsung 286 PC aquired free, 8M worth of 1M 30-pin SIMMs aquired free as cast-offs from Sun upgrades from work. An Adaptec 1540B SCSI card and a Seagate 320M SCSI drive bought on the surplus market (Digital labeled). I think I put less than $300 into the initial hardware, although I was encouraged enough after my initial success with Linux to purchase a Cirrus 5422 based 1M SVGA card, a used 14" SVGA monitor and a few other parts. I think the most expensive parts of the initial system were the Adaptec card (about $100 if I remember right) and the hard drive (I think that set me back $120 if memory serves).

    I was never able to get 386BSD to run on it (panic'd right away), but I was able to get the Yggdrasil BETA CD to work with it, and very soon after that the 1.01 version of Slackware.

  • There are two different issues at play here: firstly, GPL compatibility, and secondly, availability for closed source development at no charge.

    The QPL is incompatible with the GPL due to the "changes may be only distributed as patches" clause. This is just plain silly, but a fact of life. When writing new code, you can grant a licence exception and be done with it.

    Contrary to popular opinion, the QPL does NOT restrict you further in any way that the GPL doesn't. You can sell your apps, as long as you supply source code. You can port all of Qt to Windows, as long as you distribute that port as archive + patchset. You can't use Qt to write closed-source apps without paying Troll Tech, but then again you can't use GDBM that way either (it's GPLed, not LGPLed). So where's the problem?

    The current OpenMOTIF license is, too, incompatible with the GPL. You can't take GPLed Motif code, link with Open Motif, and redistribute. The incompatibility isn't silly, either: you cannot allow your users to port away from the freeNIXes.

    As far as closed-source development goes, it's just as impossible without paying up as it is with Qt. But - do we really care about that?
  • You wont be able to use the dynamically linked Netscape, because it's linked against Motif 1.2 not 2.1.

    Chris Wareham
  • its great that the subroutine package that mozilla requires to build is now available to us.


    oh wait, you mean that motif is more than just a minor subcomponent of mozilla?


  • Interesting because I think that is the very reason that they released the source code.
  • I've tried, filling in the registration form, etc, but neither of the links ( and seem to work. Netscape gives a "Unable to find the file or directory" error...

    Anyone had any better luck?


  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 15, 2000 @02:47AM (#1073061)
    So does this mean that Motif is no longer valuable? Is this the software equivalent of recycling? Paper, Plastic, Source Code?
  • This potentially sounds like a great thing - but I'll wait 'till people have had a chance to peruse their 'Open Group Public License' before getting too happy... IANAL, but I would like to see what the legal eagles among us make of it..


  • First, Qt *is* available with a commercial license. So Motif is not really any better here.

    Second, you think that Open Source toolkits can't "take over the world" because of "mission critical" applications. Please explain how MicroSoft has come so close to taking over the world...

    Third, "mission critical" is a pretty vague term. Everyone thinks that their programs are mission critical. I would say that NASA and the airline industry require "mission critical" software. And both of those industries do almost everything in-house. They can take any Open Source package and bring it to whatever standards they desire. They can't, however, do the same with Closed applications.

    NASA, for example, is pretty much responsible for why we have Beowulf clusters. They did it in-house, but they released everything Open Source.
  • Motif is a widget set built using the X primitives. Opening Motif has no effect on X.

    Have Exchange users? Want to run Linux? Can't afford OpenMail?
  • I could never figure out why they would push it as a standard UI while pricing it out of reach of the hacking community.

    HOLD IT!

    I would like people to remember the time period of Motif 1.0: 1989. If you had access to a Unix box in 1989, you had a commerical Unix system. Period. End of discussion. You had SunOS, Ultrix, AIX, DGX, Irix, HPUX, SCO or some other System V variant. MAYBE if you were a university you might have a pure BSD box, but those were getting rarer even then. There was no PC capable of handling unix (yes, a 286 could swag Minix, but those were still expensive, and SCO was already pushing their product around for those boxes as a supported solution).

    The unix hacking community centered on SunOS at the time. That was it. Since OpenLook sucked (to some hackers), most open source X apps were strictly Athena, or like XV, based on a toolkit written specifically for that application.

    If you needed Motif, you bought it (since Solaris didn't support Motif in any official vein until 1993). If you had one of those boxes, you could afford it. Generally, university CS departments and corporations were the only places Unix was found. So generally, if you had a unix box at the time, you could afford the extra few $K for Motif (if it wasn't already there). The idea that every student could have their own Unix-like box was absolutely unheard of. Workstations were $20-150K, and most unix boxes were "mini computers" that still took up the size of 2 refridgerators and needed an air conditioning box of the same size to match (hence the whole idea of X terminals and central servers).

    There was no "100% Free" system out there that was reliable or fast enough to bother. Linux is just now getting the kind of attention its getting not because its especially better, but because the platform was suited for (the Intel box) is finally fast enough to handle it.

    Motif was a commercial solution to the problem of commercial software vendors, priced at the time when commercial software on unix boxes was expensive. That the prices even recently were as low as $99 for motif (binaries only) was unheard of 7 years ago when I graduated.

  • The rights granted under this license are limited solely to distribution and sublicensing of the Contribution(s) on, with, or for operating systems which are themselves Open Source programs.

    I wonder what they're defining an operating system to be? Is it just the kernel, or the complete installation? If it's the former, then there's no problem. If it's the latter, then does this mean Linux/BSD dsitributions incorporating closed course components (e.g., Netscape, Acrobat Reader etc.) will run into problems? Also note that the license explicitly defines the term "Open Source", and it doesn't mean the same as the OSI definition [].

  • There are XFree86 ports for OS/2 and Win32 (Cygwin based).

    This way it would not be possible to use the Motif source here.

  • The Open Group, having been forced by the Open Source community to relinquish totalitarian power TWICE, may decide it's politically wiser to live up to it's name.

    Well, from their standpoint, they missed a huge opportunity to be relevant.

    Think about it -- if Motif and CDE were under the X11 licence from the beginning, all of you Linux users would be running Motif and CDE right now, and not Gtk/Qt and Gnome/KDE.

    There would be no incentive to re-engineer the GUI the way the free software community has been for the last couple years. Instead, folks would be hacking CDE to accept themes, something like Gtk would be a small, interesting side project, and TrollTech wouldn't have had a business model and would have never developed Qt.

    Meanwhile, Motif is still used heavily in commercial UNIX applications, but at the same time commercial UNIX is dying quickly on the desktop. Replaced with NT, replaced with Linux, the vendors are too busy selling servers. The TOG isn't really trying to help the free software community -- they are trying to salvage UNIX commerial software developers as the market shifts from real Unix (where Motif is a 'standard') to Linux (where Motif is disliked and disused).
  • by Anonymous Coward
    remove the tars portion of the URL and you will get [], which works.
  • by smartin ( 942 ) on Monday May 15, 2000 @02:51AM (#1073087)
    I always hated the OSF for forcing one of the major splits in the Unix world. They were a knee jerk response to Sun and AT&T trying to create a unified base for Unix to move forward. The only useful thing OSF ever came up with was motif, but it was never open. I could never figure out why they would push it as a standard UI while pricing it out of reach of the hacking community. I suppose it's too late now that we have gtk+ and qt, but it would still be nice to be able to download and install the motif RPMs for free so that we can build xmcd and other useful apps.
    • This has nothing to do with the XFree86 [] code base.

      The restrictions that the XFree86 team have on releasing source code have nothing to do with the non-freeness of Motif, and everything to do with the fact that hardware vendors sometimes release documentation for hardware on the basis of Non Disclosure Agreements.

      Why would you think that the "partial freeing" of Motif would have anything at all to do with the activities of The XFree86 Project?

    • As for anti-aliasing font handling, there are two methods to implement this:
      • As an extension to the X protocol.

        Perhaps in X11R6.5.

        As an extension, this would mean that only new applications that are aware of the new extension would use the new font handling scheme.

      • As an extension to some existing libraries.

        For instance, the GNOME "Canvas" [] appears to provide support for the use of anti-aliased fonts right now. Ditto for Display Postscript.

        Of course, in order to use the antialiased facilities, applications have to be specifically coded to use things like GNOME Canvas or DPS. Existing applications don't get benefit of it "for free."

      The only way that "legacy" applications would get any benefit from this extension is if they use libraries like GTK or Tk, and those libraries can be compatibly retrofitted to use anti-aliasing.

      Again, this is a matter that is almost entirely irrelevant to the "opening up" of Motif source code.

  • by Beached ( 52204 ) on Monday May 15, 2000 @03:02AM (#1073094) Homepage
    Motif is used extensivly in corporate enviroments. It has been here for quite a while and probably still will be for some time. This will allow for an even greater corporate acceptances of Linux and FreeBSD in big business.
  • by IceFox ( 18179 ) on Monday May 15, 2000 @03:02AM (#1073095) Homepage
    As I have moved to Linux development toolkits have been a primary thought. I have dabbeled in gtk and even tried my hand at motif once, but it was QT that I kept coming back to. I was not looking to sell my software under windows and so the qpl was more then fine for me. I found the qt toolkit suited me completly.
    I heard arguments that motif is better and gtk is better etc etc. Personally I never liked motif for one reason and one reason only. It is ugly. Ok, maybe it is a great toolkit, but it is still ugly. A funny as it is the original reason I got into Linux in the first place was that kde's toolbars could horizontal shade before win98 did(plug goes to a Chris I met randomly at the computer cafe for interducintg me to Linux). How ironic that I switch to Linux because it looks better? For that same reason I was first trying my coding hand at qt way back in the day. I recently took another look at motif now that I was beyond that "look isn't this cool" three year faze. Realizing that it cost money to develop for motif closed the door on that toolkit in my mind. I continued working on my qt projects. I have spoken to a number of people who ask the question, so what toolkit should I use? This gets asked in a lot of commercial places also. To my dismay they have all chossen motif simply because it is everywhere even if it is ugly. I a previus slashdot article someone commented that maybe motif would just die because of its closed sourse. We all knew that it wouldn't happend, but we also knew that in a small way was true. The motif toolkit wasn't progressing that fast and was quite closed source.
    With this anouncement it makes a lot of people take another look at motif, myself included. As sad of a statement as it is I hope some people go and pretty up motif. Along with everything else obscure bugs might be fixed. Even thought I am not the greatest coder by any means I can happily say that I found and reported two very obscure bugs in qt that I never would have found withouth the source. (and yes in the new release they are patched :) It should be an interesting watch to see what happens with motif.
    By no means will I stop working with qt and gtk, but I will be keeping a eye out for future motif releases. Who knows what might come of this.
  • I can assure you this is not being released just to please the open source community itself. Its very strongly for corporate reasons also.

    Well seeing how Motif is used entirely on Unix platforms and almost all the major Unix players are embracing open source then this is being done to please the open source community. It really doesn't make any difference now anyway. GTK and QT are taking over. GTK may not be completely ready for advanced apps but QT is. People both in the open source community and proprietary hate Motif. I have talked with some of the IBM engineers and they constantly share their disdain of that accursed toolkit. Like it or not current development is being done with either QT, GTK or a home grown toolkit. This is the direct result of the stagnation of Motif. It is dead for good or ill.

    So Linus, what are we doing tonight?

  • Yes, I'll conceed that not being able to fix motif bugs was a pain in the ass.

    By the time I was working in Motif and getting paid for it, I had already taken to using either Doug Young's C++ framework, or David Flanagan's XMT library (I _really_ wish he'd do something like that for Java/Swing, rather than just the reference rehashes he's been doing for O'Reilly recently...).

  • Actually this is a last-ditch effort to keep their IP from becoming completely devalued as GTK and QT take over the UNIX GUI programming market. They've been talking about doing this for quite a while now. Their hope is that they can convince some developers to use Motif by doing this. They are, of course, going to try to retain as much control as possible while appearing to release the source to the public. I expect we'll see more companies doing this in the future.

    It's irrelevant anyway. Motif has the same 1980s feel that Windows 3.1 does. GTK and QT both have much more robust and interesting development communities.

  • Hot Damn!

    Netscape can finally run fast, SOffice, WordPerfect, Acrobat Reader, FrameMaker, etc...

    I might even try a CDE desktop...


    Its a bit late. I mean, I'm only going to use it
    for Netscape for ~6months and Nedit.

  • The balkanization of Open Source continues. This won't merge with any existing license (including LessTif's). It's also a tad obnoxious in that you can't use it with commercial OSes, and it has all sorts of scary auto-termination clauses.

    IOW: not quite as bad as the SCSL, but still a sneaky attempt to co-opt open source into helping them while still leaving their code isolated.

    Although, reading the licence, they've slipped up in that they've provided no way to slurp back up the changes into the official motif, apart from releasing a license upgrade - they've forked their own code. Silly them.
  • We can't merge Motif and Lesstif as the licences are incompatible. Lesstif is under the GNU GPL and Open Motif is not even open source. (despite being called Open Motif)

    This release however is a Good Thing as it means the user now has a greater choice of free (beer) Motif-like toolkits.

    If they eventually release this as "proper" open source as their FAQ suggests then that will be even better.
  • The only useful thing OSF ever came up with was motif, but it was never open.

    Of course it was - it's just you have a strange definition of open. In the days when Motif was being developed nobody would have used 'open' in such a way that it excluded all commercial UNIXes.

    Admittedly, things have moved on since then.

If I want your opinion, I'll ask you to fill out the necessary form.
