The History of UNIX 107
Tucros writes "There is a nice article over at Bell-Labs.com detailing the History of UNIX." This is a somewhat lengthy bit with lots of entertaining stuff that normally would just be sorta anecdotal. I enjoyed this one a lot.
Download the source for V5,V6,V7,Sys III,Mini.. (Score:1)
Re:UNIX? (Score:1)
Ancient USENET .sig:
"UNIX? What do I need UNIX for? I don't even have a harem."
-- A VMS User
Re:UNIX? (Score:1)
A port to the x86? (Score:1)
Heck, in 1986, I did a simple kernel on the 286 with memory rings, full segmentation, etc. It was pretty nifty: due to the segmentation, you could call "realloc()" and get back the same pointer, but it would point to a segment of the desired size.
But it is commonly thought that a "port" of Multics would be well-nigh impossible. The old Honeywell hardware was 36-bit and had lots of special hardware features. Check out Organick's book for the gory details.
At one point, I proposed (to the alt.os.multics group) writing a Multics hardware emulator in software, so that the old binaries could be run as-is. The idea left many of the graybeards shaking their heads, due to the complexity of the task. But if someone were to put together sufficient funding, there is no practical barrier to the implementation.
Of course, you'd have to get the IP rights to the original Honeywell object, source, and probably CPU schematics (ugh). But a modern Pentium megagigaherz could probably run a Multics emulator at a decent clip, even if it were written in Java.
And then, I could use "ted" again.
Re:History (and present) according to Miguel de Ic (Score:1)
Re:10 years of Linux (Score:1)
Besides he wouldn't waste his time here.
Re:GPL == below minimum wage (CORRECTION) (Score:1)
The only thing you must do is distribute the source and allow users to redistribute freely. Nothing says you cannot sell the program. Its not free beer its freedom!
Freedom to have the same rights as the author.
It doesn't make much sense to sell GPL'd software because of this but it doesn't disallow it.
Re:features of MULTICS (Score:1)
No, there isn't. (Score:1)
myprog | grep somepattern | sort | uniq
No graphical tools exist that I can think of that would let me do this. However, if they do exist, I want them
For a longer Unix history (Score:1)
Ease Of Unix use (Score:1)
me? Yeah i use Gnome... to run 3 Xterms.
I remember differently (Score:1)
No, SCO made no friends with anyone who used their releases...
Nice troll, ever heard of a company named Sequent? (Score:1)
Re:map of unices? (Score:1)
Re:magic garden explained (Score:1)
Re:UNIX (Score:1)
There were lots of other flaws to their number system as well. For instance, 1337 5kr1p7 k1dd13 had to be spelled iiiiiiivii vkripvii kiddiiii, which is almost impossible to parse correctly.
Re:Who cares? (Score:1)
Re:Bell Labs is not a disinterested party. (Score:1)
Great, now I have to pull out 'ol operation Mindcrime again. It's my "sail away" (cartmann)..
I think it is interesting to see the "baby bells" becoming their parents again. Rather scary. However, the FCC didn't split them up, so there was no rule about getting back together.
I really wouldn't see why a unified phone system would be too bad. At least I'd have DSL by now (or 2 years ago) but I don't want another BT after hearing what those poor blokes in UK have to go through. Pity that, and the whole BBC thing. But at least BBC has some quality programming, and a good website.
Re:Amazing Web page. Too bad it's "spun". (Score:1)
Re:Already? (Score:1)
Re:Who cares? (Score:1)
setvar lispinit 0 -- and lisp functions and data survive loading a new drawing.
Re:UNIX was made to be easy to use (Score:1)
When did that happen?
Re:UNIX? (Score:1)
Code is garbage in garbage out.
Languge is garbage in, non-sequitor out.
Re:UNIX? (Score:1)
Bull-*F-ING*-S#IT (Score:1)
Laptop006 (RHCE: That means I know what I'm talking about! When talking about linux at least...)
A URL that explains the STRUCTURE of UNIX? (Score:1)
why the superuser is called ROOT, and
what the logic in the directory divides of
/usr/lib verses
directories, etc. It would be nice to know
where and why files are kept where they are kept in unix, so that one might understand the structure of his own OS installation alot better..
Off topic history lesson (brief) (Score:1)
No, but the Magna Carta (1215, BTW) set the groundwork for our modern justice system with the idea that the accused has the right to trial by a jury of his peers. It is a rather important document in western history, which is why any decent western histort class should discuss it, preferably at some length so you understand its relevance, not just when it was signed.
(OK, John first called "Lackland" (as his father, Henry, and mother, Eleanor of Aquitane (who was a minor figure in the start of the 100 years war, married two kings, mothered several, and left all her land to Richard the Lionhearted) didn't give him squat) ended up king of England (he was also known as "Bad King John), mostly because all his older brothers died. He was so utterly oppressive that the English Baronry rose up and demanded he sign the Magna Carta (great letter? great something -- my Latin has gone to hell it would seem) to make sure he couldn't keep stripping them of land, titles and freedom without any sort of trial. It originally only assured landed, titled men to trial by a jury of thier peers, but it was a pretty important start)
Re:"Like another legendary creature...." (Score:1)
Like another legendary creature whose name also ends in 'x,' UNIX rose from the ashes of a multi-organizational effort in the early 1960s to develop a dependable timesharing operating system.
"...rose from the ashes..." indicates a pheonix, but it can't be a pheonix because the ashes the phoenix rose from were not those of a multi-organizational effort in the early 1960's to develop a dependable timesharing operating system.
I'm puzzled.
"If you look under the bed, you can see my house from here." -- Pulp
Re:"Like another legendary creature...." (Score:1)
Regards, your friendly neighbourhood cranq
Re:Who cares? (Score:1)
magic garden explained (Score:1)
I would guess you could also find this in Design and Implementation of 4.4BSD, and other histories of Unix.
I seem to remember also seeing it in books on system administration.
Re:Nice to See (Score:1)
The real motivation for UNIX - games! (Score:1)
Also during 1969, Thompson developed the game of `Space Travel.' First written on Multics, then transliterated into Fortran for GECOS (the operating system for the GE, later Honeywell, 635), it was nothing less than a simulation of the movement of the major bodies of the Solar System, with the player guiding a ship here and there, observing the scenery, and attempting to land on the various planets and moons. The GECOS version was unsatisfactory in two important respects: first, the display of the state of the game was jerky and hard to control because one had to type commands at it, and second, a game cost about $75 for CPU time on the big computer. It did not take long, therefore, for Thompson to find a little-used PDP-7 computer with an excellent display processor; the whole system was used as a Graphic-II terminal. He and I rewrote Space Travel to run on this machine. The undertaking was more ambitious than it might seem; because we disdained all existing software, we had to write a floating-point arithmetic package, the pointwise specification of the graphic characters for the display, and a debugging subsystem that continuously displayed the contents of typed-in locations in a corner of the screen. All this was written in assembly language for a cross-assembler that ran under GECOS and produced paper tapes to be carried to the PDP-7.
Space Travel, though it made a very attractive game, served mainly as an introduction to the clumsy technology of preparing programs for the PDP-7. Soon Thompson began implementing the paper file system (perhaps `chalk file system' would be more accurate) that had been designed earlier. A file system without a way to exercise it is a sterile proposition, so he proceeded to flesh it out with the other requirements for a working operating system, in particular the notion of processes. Then came a small set of user-level utilities: the means to copy, print, delete, and edit files, and of course a simple command interpreter (shell). Up to this time all the programs were written using GECOS and files were transferred to the PDP-7 on paper tape; but once an assembler was completed the system was able to support itself. Although it was not until well into 1970 that Brian Kernighan suggested the name `Unix,' in a somewhat treacherous pun on `Multics,' the operating system we know today was born.
I knew it.. the gamers always push the leading edge of technology. :-)
Re:features of MULTICS (Score:1)
As multics was a large bloated behemoth, unix (eunuchs) was intended for smaller networks (at the time)
I think that nobody knew how much of an impact unix would have when it was being initially being developed in a forgotten lab in the bell labs empire on a pdp-7 machine which was found unused on the floor ready to be discarded.
Slashdot needs killfiles (Score:1)
He spelled it "Torllvalds." Perhaps he meant "Trollvalds."
An idjit in Minus One Hell where s/h/it belongs, and yet another reason why Slashdot needs killfiles.
Ooh, moderator points! Five more idjits go to Minus One Hell!
Delenda est Windoze
Re:Irrelevant, meaningless, wrong. (Score:1)
Re:Bell Labs is not a disinterested party. (Score:1)
Re:Bell Labs is not a disinterested party. (Score:1)
What I'm most disappointed by... (Score:1)
"Simulate an entire solar system", "Fly between and land on the various planets", "Rendered in stunning graphics" (What is stunning graphics on a PDP-7?) Oh wait, its probably in PDP assembly. Bah, maybe they open sourced it
Re:Bell Labs is not a disinterested party. (Score:1)
Re:map of unices? (Score:1)
"unusual simplicity, power, and elegance" (Score:1)
Re:Amazing Web page. Too bad it's "spun". (Score:1)
Re:Who cares? (Score:1)
Re:Already? (Score:1)
Bell Labs didn't create Unix!! I created Unix!! Bell labs is the devil!!!
Re:UNIX was made to be easy to use (Score:1)
Well I'm not a chimp, but I have an arts degree...
I can, however, spell Chimpanzee, and write a 30 page essay on how it relates to contemporary neo-feminist criticism. ;)
I know the effect of "|". After reading the article, I now understand what it does and why. That is the value of history. Just one of those damn now that makes sense! moments in life.
Already? (Score:1)
A history of all OS's (Score:1)
I'd like to see the similarities and differences that are threshed out over time (what, for example, are the fundamental differences between Windows 2000 and the best UNIX systems? What's the same?)
heeyhaaa! (Score:1)
Re:UNIX? (Score:1)
"eunuch (ynk)
1.A castrated man employed as a harem attendant or as a functionary in certain Asian
2.A man or boy whose testes are nonfunctioning or have been removed. "
"eunuch \Eu"nuch\, Eunuchate \Eu"nuch*ate\, v. t. [L. eunuchare.] To make a eunuch of; to castrate. as
a man. --Creech. Sir. T. Browne. "
"eunuch n : a man who has been castrated and is incapable of reproduction; "eunuchs guarded the
harem" [syn: castrate] "
[Insert UNIX vs eunuch joke here, or "UNIX ate my balls"
Re:Who cares? (Score:1)
Well, the winners write the history books. When the hard AI/LISP community finally recovers from their crushing, total defeat by neurofuzzy systems, maybe they'll do it.
But, even worse, worshipping technology in and of itself is stupid. Technology is a tool. Do you worship axes? If you worship computers enough to write a history of an obsolete OS, why not write the history of the axe?
Unix is the work of great artists. Art inspires us to greatness. The history of Unix shows us people on the edge, how they acted, what decisions they made, and how they felt about it. Important for those who want to be doing that today. The rest can just go back to playing Quake.
"Superior" Microsoft. (Score:1)
If you consider the "Enterprise" doing small, simple tasks, then yes you're right, Microsoft is doing well there. I can tell you from experience that when we tried to switch over from Tru64 to NT 4/Intel for our FORTRAN data processing (at the time we were writing chemical analysis systems), it was a complete joke. The system gave us "illegal operations" and hex dumps (on that blue screen with grey writing) at least twice a day.
I've never run an "Enterprise" server, but unless it doesn't require a lot of resources, I simply can't see how Microsoft "owns" the Enterprise. It's ridiculous. In the scientific community, NT is considered something of a joke. I don't see it being different in the "Enterprise" Market, unless the "Enterprise" Market has very, very low expectations.A Good Joke: (Score:2)
"Unix may suck, but Miguel swallows." - Anonymous
Re:map of unices? (Score:2)
modern examples? (Score:2)
Hmmm, mp3 players with Good UIs? Not all skins are made equal.
I think a lot of web and net based apps show examples of people using different tools as well.
You've got your lightweight database, an XML parser, some sort of servlet runner or http engine. Hook them all together and you can create some pretty choice net based apps.
In a lot of cases you can swap out different tools for more powerful or less weight without affecting the rest of your code.
Re:UNIX - Moderated Down? (Score:2)
If you're feeling really brave, you might also look up Eunice. It was a UNIX-like environment running under VMS. There used to be entries in some early versions of autoconf that ran something along the lines of "checking for eunice... not found, fortunately".
Re:features of MULTICS (Score:2)
Sounds like a story about "covert channels"; I don't know to which story your professor was referring, but here's one story about covert channels [multicians.org] from the multicians.org site [multicians.org].
Re:Who cares? (Score:2)
This has been done [mjdtools.com]. History is a great tool, as I'm sure you're aware. To someone like yourself you could use this history to tell you how NOT to design an OS. Personally, I find it incredibly interesting.
Oh, and as you pointed out in a later article, it "took all of 30 seconds" to find the axe history "in Google."
Re:Nice to See (Score:2)
If you don't know where you are coming from, going forward might take you somewhere you have already been.
And the point to doing that is....?
Re:Who cares? (Score:2)
No argument about that. But the history of UNIX is far more interesting than other OS platforms for several reasons: it's the history of a definable sub-group of people, who are not bound by ties of employment or purchasing to one specific company, but are bound together because of the tools they created, shared, & refined.
This includes people who were interested in computer research, who were interested in developing technology or useful arts, & those who were interested in spreading the word about a technology either out of religious-like enthusiasm or to make a buck. There's a richness here that you just don't find with the history of, say, Windows 95 or the Amiga. (I know, I'm setting myself up to be flamed.)
More Unix and/vs. Lisp (Score:2)
Because of RMS's correct priorities for promulgating his ideas on free software, he choose a Unix style because, as much as he innovated in non-Unix areas (including TECO, Emacs, and the fabulous ITS operating system), he realized that Unix-like systems would have the virus-like qualities that would carry the GNU philosophy around the world. Even a Unix-hater could perceive that (most of them know Unix better than the fanboyz themselves).
Mentioning NeXT is a little ironic because one of the main authors of the Unix-Haters handbook, Simson Garfinkle, wrote for NeXTWorld. While it is true that NeXTStep was built on a Unix base, the NeXT APIs and UI design are pretty much non-Unix in philosophy, having more to do with Smalltalk, Lisp, and the Macintosh. A lot of Unix diehards really hated NeXTStep back in the day; my theory is that they were offended by a Unix variant that was more concerned with being compatible with people than being compatible with Unix design mistakes and seriously flawed Unix-associated software like X Windows.
Also, I beleive that whitehouse.org was running CL-HTTP, at least at first. Whoever said that there no http servers written in Lisp was making a losing bet -- it would probably be more difficult to make a list of computer languages and platforms for which web servers are not written !
Re:features of MULTICS (Score:2)
How about a Multics port to the '86 architecture?
Re:Nice to See (Score:2)
Yup, though there likely was a reason why he did it: all the other system calls at that time were five letters or less. Rather than make "creat" break the rule (and perhaps mess up those nice neat columns of assembler code -- you did read enough of the article to know that Unix was originally written in assembler, hmmm?) he dropped off the "e".
Typing on those old ASR-33's got to be painful after a while; you had to press pretty hard on those keys and then klunk! it would press in and bottom out. There is a reason all those ancient Unix commands were so short!
Re:features of MULTICS (Score:2)
I believe the competing operating system was GE/Honeywell's GCOS. As far as I know, they kept on selling Multics until the hardware, which had special features to support the operating system, was discontinued. Security conscious users, such as the NSA, liked Multics. NSA's dockmaster system ran Multics.
Re:Irrelevant, meaningless, wrong. (Score:2)
Win2K doesn't need to work on four dozen different processors; it's got a good one already,
So you tout Windows's lack of portability as a strong point?! Makes you wonder how bad the weak points are... LOL!
Win2K has solved the stability issue. It's got superior SMP support to most variants of UNIX (vastly superior to Linux and BSD).
Let's see some facts... Let's hear some numbers. Still, half way into your spewage we only have mindless blathering and opinion.
UNIX with working SMP is grossly overpriced compared to Win2K.
As long as you don't consider Linux to be a UNIX, then yes you are correct.
Golly gee, Win2K is cheaper, more powerful, just as stable . .
Again, where are the numbers? Where are the facts?
Yea now that I think about it, it looks like I was just trolled. Oh well sometimes its fun to feed you guys. Carry on!
map of unices? (Score:2)
So old and still working (Score:2)
Re:features of MULTICS (Score:2)
Re:Already? (Score:2)
Not to squash your reminiscing mood, I just wanted to remind you that the people who speak so casually of software are from a different world than the one Unix resides in. Personally I still use Pine, Sendmail, Lynx, and a slew of programs older than me. But in that other world, the OS gets replaced every 3 years, you need more memory and a larger CPU just to run a word proccessor, the web browser takes longer to load itself than it takes to load most sites, and those are the highlites of their world. If you were still in it, you would say the same thing about software.
Devil Ducky
Re:Bell Labs is not a disinterested party. (Score:2)
Re:UNIX (Score:2)
One of the main reasons for the collapse of the Roman Empire was that without a 0 in their number system, they had no way of knowing whether or not their system calls were working...
Regards, your friendly neighbourhood cranq
Bell Labs and Historic Revisionism (Score:2)
Hardware (Score:2)
Re:Nice to See (Score:2)
History (Score:2)
Re:Nice to See (Score:2)
I'm decrying knowledge without understanding. People can learn to operate computers by using the levers and knobs provided them, but I think this will always be a more tedious and error-prone endeavor if the operator doesn't understand the context of those knobs and buttons. This isn't even about GUI vs CLI -- it's about thinking that the GUI *is* the computer, or the CLI *is* the computer. The GUI provides a better example, though, because it's intentionally an analogy, so the problem of people taking the analogy as reality is more clear.
And I'm going to defend my history analogy, too. How would you even imagine such a thing as distorted "official" histories, if history had not provided so many examples? (Unless it's a staple of Britney Spears' music, maybe.) And all the people fighting their centuries-old conflicts are the last ones I'd point to as understanding history.
Mainly, though, I was reacting to the idea that knowing Unix is pointless. I'm not advocating that everyone be forced to learn it, but I don't know anyone whose experience with computers was not enhanced by it.
"Like another legendary creature...." (Score:2)
"Like another legendary creature whose name also ends in 'x,'"
What "creature could they mean"?
The Lorax? The Sphynx?
Re:Nice to See (Score:2)
Furthermore, many people downplay the need for studying such things as optimization. Back when you had to fit your entire OS and applications into 32k on a machine that could only perform a few tens of thousands of instructions per second, optimization for both size and speed were important. Projects like SETI@Home and whatnot can make use of these ideas to make even today's best machines work better!
Re:Bravo! We need to question our assumptions! (Score:2)
Why should I?
Another Link (Score:2)
Amazing Web page. Too bad it's "spun". (Score:2)
No mention on the Labs page of the "B" programming language, developed as a "high level assembler" to speed the development of the project so that the bosses wouldn't get too upset. What makes the above claim believable is when you take the PDP-7 instruction set and compare it to the operations set in the original K&R C language set, you find almost a one-for-one match, including indirection! Many of the other features of Unix which makes it so popular are there not only because they were good ideas, but they had to get something working quickly, and not spend a lot of time debugging. Code reuse? Speeds up debug. Pipes? String together what you have, don't reinvent the wheel. The shell? Interpreted code may run slow, but it is much faster to write and debug. Speed of implementation was paramount when you were doing something that, er, you weren't supposed to be doing...
As for the eventual audience of this skunk-works project, there is a legand (which may or may not be true) that the system was to be used by lawyers for word-processing stuff -- it was a cheaper alternative to buying a word-processor system like the one sold by NBI. Anyone recall the Writer's Workbench that used to ship with SCO Unix and other Unix systems? Now you know.
Re:UNIX - Moderated Down? (Score:2)
I can't believe that was moderated down! That was very funny. Either the moderator who did that takes UNIX way too seriously, or he just didn't get it.
Being a UNIX guru is very castrating.
For the ignorant, look up "Eunuch" on Yahoo [yahoo.com].
Re:UNIX - Moderated Down? (Score:2)
That's something that I didn't see getting covered on the History of UNIX webpage. I mean, cracks about UNIX' unfortunate homonym should be legion to its history.
When I was first introduced to UNIX - not accidentally coincidental with my first Internet account back in 1988 - it was by a guy who sounded like High Pitched Eric off the Howard Stern Radio Show.
Between the combination of the frequent use of the word "UNIX" and the spoken falsetto this guy had, I was feeling very protective of the ol' family jewels.
A few years after that, in 1996 and at the ripe old age of 22, I was in a rush to get to a meeting. Get this: the meeting was for the National Capital Freenet, which used Solaris and was one of my early forms of Internet connectivity. I finished urinating, and in a hurry, I caught myself in my zipper. I got to find out how it felt to speak with a falsetto for a few days. However, it wasn't without its benefits; when I went to the hospital, the doc there circumcised me, and my only regret about being circumcised is that the zipper accident didn't happen sooner in my life.
UNIX hit me way too close to home that day.
Re:Who cares? (Score:2)
If your main means of locomotion is "stumbling", you won't get far in this world... CL-HTTP [mit.edu] is just one HTTP server in Lisp. And finding that took all of 30 seconds in Google.
features of MULTICS (Score:2)
It was also asserted by said prof that MULTICS was shelved so that it wouldn't compete with a proprietary OS by the same company.
Can anybody shed light on these statements?
Re:Nice to See (Score:3)
ACtually, a better analogy would be:
"Would it be a better world if everyone spent weeks learning enough about a car to operate it safely without bumping into other cars/inanimate objects?"
Of course, the answer to this is, YES!
It truely is an ideal world where people have a solid understanding of computers, how they function, and how they are operated. Unfortunately we don't live in that world. We live in a world full of people driving minivans off the road and into telephone poles.
UNIX (Score:3)
-- Dave
Re:Nice to See (Score:3)
It doesn't matter if the OS is complex and only for relatively few to work with it. To normal users the only thing that matters are the end-user applications.
People learn how to drive a car (end-use app) but not how to fix the engine, in fact with all modern electronics etc that becomes more and more difficult without special equipment etc.
Likewise, a solid and complex-to-use (for the average end-user) OS is fine, as long as it is a good development environment for the specialists, and as long as there are easy and good end-user applications.
Re:Nice to See (Score:3)
Well, except some decisions appear to have been made near-randomly. For example, I recall an interview with Ken Thompson a few years back in which he was asked what he would have done differently if he could design UNIX all over again. His answer? He would have put an "e" at the end of creat().
Re:Who cares? (Score:3)
However, I thought that this article was a reasonable introduction to what UNIX was about, It had a positive tone, but there wasn't any attempt to distort history, unlike what Eric Raymond does. Actually, if you read the original Kernighan and Mashey 1981 IEEE Computer paper "The Unix Programming Environment", you can see that the original creators of UNIX were trying to create something like the LispM. K&M talked about writing programs in an extensible environment that the user could use combine components together at run time.
It's just that since the LispM had a much better dynamic programming language than the UNIX shell and a richer variety of types that subprograms could exchange beyond integers and byte streams. This way, the distinction between shell scripts and system programs in C that exists on UNIX was unnecessary and programming on any level of the system was much more pleasant.
There are some lessons to be taken from the history of UNIX. Flexible, open representations of data and system programmability were steps forward for the time. Of course the LispM had this in spades, but the LispM companies didn't pay attention to the critical component of UNIX's success: Running on commodity hardware!
Re:Who cares? (Score:3)
People love to say that Unix is obsolete, becuase they hold on to the notion that their pet project in college is going to turn out to be the Next Big Thing. But the fact of the matter is that nobody, nowhere, under any circumstances have been able to produce an operating system that worked under so many different architectures and situations. End of story.
And sure, lots of people are making new OSes, and showing them off as "better than Unix", but I'll bet if you took the cover off, you would still see Unix like methods and alogrithms.
But thats ok, I worship Unix, so thats how I feel. Maybe you should ask Steve Jobs. He just based the entire future of his company on Unix. See if he thinks if it is obsolete....
Get it from the horse's mouth (Score:3)
There are some very interesting insights into his work on Unix & C.
The Evolution of the Unix Time-sharing System [bell-labs.com]
The Development of the C Language [bell-labs.com]
If you're reading these slashdot articles you should be reading these papers instead!!
Also check out "The Unix System" by S.R.Bourne.
Who cares? (Score:3)
But, even worse, worshipping technology in and of itself is stupid. Technology is a tool. Do you worship axes? If you worship computers enough to write a history of an obsolete OS, why not write the history of the axe?
UNIX was made to be easy to use (Score:4)
It's really funny to read stuff like this. I use GNU/Linux because I find it the easiest system to use for the work I do, the freedom part is a nice side effect which have become important to me now that I'm used to it, but freedom was never why I chose the system at first. Besides, why am I talking about freedom when we're talking about UNIX ? Nevermind.
Read any paper or article where some two-bit reporter mentions UNIX or GNU, and watch him bitching about those complicated commands, ackward syntax, and what not. Now that's a person who never took the half hour it takes a chimpanse to learn the effect of the ``|''. It's almost not funny.
I'm happy knowing that the system I use is build from the philosophy of making things easy to use. There's just no replacement for ``|'', grep, sed, or their successors. There haven't been in 30 years, and I'd be damn surprised if there was a replacement for this in the next 10 years. Maybe later on, but not in just 10 years. Virtually nothing happens in this industry in 10 years (remember, pipes are from the 50's, they got implemented in the 70's. The wavelet transform is about 100 years old, we still don't use it for streaming media compression)
The other really funny part is, of course, that the pace of real development -- evolution -- is as slow in this industry as in any other. The time between real breakthroughs is not measured in seconds as some would like us to believe, it's measured in decades. A nice example: If you powered off one of your memory banks on your Multics machine, only the processes living in that memory would die -- even Sun Enterprise series can't do that _today_, you'll have to warn the system of the change first. And people were using toilet-paper for storage those days ! We're 30 years past that, we're about to colonize mars, and our operating systems today can't do what they could 30 years ago.
Oh, and don't even get me started on the new economy...
Re:Nice to See (Score:4)
Okay, I've now had it with this analogy.
The level of understanding most people have of computers, translated into automotive terms, would not be enough to encompass ideas such as "cars are driven on the street," "tires are less effective when they're wet," and "things in your rearview mirror will look backwards." Most people's interaction with their computer is less like driving a car and more like shouting commands to a barely-competent, intellectually stunted chauffeur. It's not just that they can't rebuild their engine, they don't have *any* understanding of the machine other than that they can sit in it and be taken to the highlighted spots on the map.
My own analogy would be to history. Obviously it's not necessary in any immediate, practical sense to know the year of the Magna Carta or the Battle of Hastings. And I'm the first to admit that, in school, I thought it ludicrous that I should be expected to know such things. But you know what? There is *meaning* behind those minutiae. History gives you insight into how things work. Without that context, one's view of the contemporary world is massively impoverished. And it's the same for a person whose idea of computers is based on buttons and windows and talking paper clips.
See all that stuff in there, Homer? That's why your robot never worked.
Re:Nice to See (Score:4)
The level of understanding most people have of computers, translated into automotive terms, would not be enough to encompass ideas such as "cars are driven on the street," "tires are less effective when they're wet," and "things in your rearview mirror will look backwards." Most people's interaction with their computer is less like driving a car and more like shouting commands to a barely-competent, intellectually stunted chauffeur.
Well, apart from being highly pejorative, this is just a statement of your viewpoint. Unless you could actually back that up with at least some examples, I don't think you're about to convince me or anyone else. It just comes across as prejudice.
My own analogy would be to history. Obviously it's not necessary in any immediate, practical sense to know the year of the Magna Carta or the Battle of Hastings. And I'm the first to admit that, in school, I thought it ludicrous that I should be expected to know such things. But you know what? There is *meaning* behind those minutiae. History gives you insight into how things work. Without that context, one's view of the contemporary world is massively impoverished.
Of course there is meaning in history. There is also meaning in the minutiae of current times. There is meaning in romantic novels and the pop songs of Britney Spears (no, really, there is). We all glean meaning from a vast number of sources. I just don't believe we should hold history as a particularly good source of meaning. Why? First because "history" is notorious for being very hard to get right - whose history do you trust? Secondly, history is by its nature very specific to particular time periods, and it can often be highly misleading when applied to modern times. Just ask the Israelis, Palestinians or anyone in Northern Ireland about how clinging to history can be a bloody and unproductive activity.
And it's the same for a person whose idea of computers is based on buttons and windows and talking paper clips.
No, modern GUIs really are made of windows and buttons. These objects are real in the context of the UI. This is exactly what makes computers so powerful - if I make a world of buttons and windows and menus, then those objects are precisely real. Computers are infinitely flexible processing machines that can simulate any reality to whatever degree of accuracy the programmer wants to create.
If you believe that the commands a CLI system understands are any more or less real than the widgets of a GUI then I would highly recommend you go back to first principles and actually learn some of the very computer science principles we are debating :-)
Bell Labs is not a disinterested party. (Score:4)
Nice to See (Score:4)
Here are a couple other histories of Unix; check 'em out. Learn something. Return to your roots.
http://crackmonkey.org/unix.html [crackmonkey.org]
http://www.uwsg.iu.ed u/usail/external/recommended/unixhx.html [iu.edu]
http://www.hsrl.rutgers.edu/ug/uni x_history.html [rutgers.edu]
A quick final note, but if there's one thing I love about Unix histories, it's the explanation factor. I mean, every time I run across something completely inexplicable (to me, anyway) it's always nice to eventually discovered exactly why its implementation was so inscrutable. At least there was a method to the madness. Usually.
Re:Nice to See (Score:5)
As McIlroy quoted "Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs that handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.'"
About the only place I see this going on in modern program design is the mp3 players and that is a result of the people who do good UI work generaly don't have the skill set to do the MP3 decoding so they link to something like mpg123.
Another quote: "Cognitive engineering" is what Condon called it, "...that the black box should be simple enough such that when you form the model of what's going on in the black box, that's in fact what is going on in the black box."
Based on one of the major ideas in Unix, why does every program grow till it can read mail? I don't think I've ever seen a program that uses
I also like the bit about fixing the code so they didn't have to document the uglyness. Now that might be the best reason I've ever heard to properly document a program.
Re:Nice to See (Score:5)
Hey, as far as I'm concerned, anything that reminds us of our roots -- computing or otherwise -- is great.
Interesting, but don't the "roots" at some point become so distant as to be irrelevant? Isn't it better to look forwards, solving the problems of today and tomorrow, than to stay in the past constantly trying to re-solve old and obsolete problems?
An "easy-to-use" OS is a fine solution to a real-world problem, but imagine the ideal: everyone is able to use a real OS because everyone has a grounding in computers and how they work. At the very least, entertaining and interesting histories such as this are a step in the right direction.
I have to disagree with this. Why would it be ideal for everyone to have the detailed grounding in computers necessary to use a complex and powerful OS? Would it be a better world if everyone spent years learning enough about car mechanics to be able to strip down and rebuild an engine? No, it would be an enormous waste of time; time that could be better spent (for most people) learning other knowledge. We need well trained car mechanics, but only a fairly limited number. Similarly, I don't think 3-5 years of intensive training in the basics of computer science would be a sensible use of most people's limited time.