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Gnome "To Attack Windows" 18

A couple people wrote in regarding the ZD article talking about Gnome taking the battle to Windows. Having talked with Nat Friedman [?] and Miguel de Icaza [?] , I can definitely say that is their intent - and with how good both Gnome and KDE look, Windows should be getting some serious desktop competition.
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Gnome "To Attack Windows"

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  • I think most people comfortable with the command line are able to work faster than most people using a GUI. Why isn't there a middle ground, like in Emacs? I would much prefer to see a graphical display of the filesystem triggered by command line input. There would be a hacked shell that provides hooks into a GUI and would trigger them when certain things happened, such as a directory changing.

    This experiment was carried out somewhat by midnight commander, but why are the large projects not integrating these two interface methods better?

  • ...it'd be nice to have all the bells and whistles we're used to on Windows...but at what cost all these improvements?
  • Personally I would love to be running gnome. But i still run debian 2.1 without gtk 1.2
    Microsoft Windows (TM) (R) (ETC) and Microsofts products do have their places in the computer market though.
    Because of microsoft we have david and goliath story to tell, we also have a place to direct our "we need to be better than that" attitude. Yes that attitude is a little wrong but face it, it helps motivate coders.
    Also GNU, as great a phylosophy(sp) as it is just does not motivate the main stream bunch of coders.

    I'm all in for a battle, may the best opperating system win and user interface, it may not be linux, or bsd (gawd I dont understand you people fighting over the GPL and BSG license, we are on the same bloody side here!) but hopefully the ideals behind these opperating systems will become main stream in computing and even in other parts of the economy.
    Having only seen an early version of gnome (and kde) I prefer kde as gnome had no functianality, but having seen the gnome site I want to run it.
    When I changed from windows (3.11) to linux I did it as a big step. I don't run 95+ and don't need to. I hope gnome can make my desktop better and I look forward to this "battle".

    De Novo. Iota.
    Starting Afresh. Very Small.
  • Re:FP? But why has no one posted?

    It just ain't that interesting. Command line all the way!
  • They're aiming too low. Now, if Eazel can look less like Windows ...
  • The "we need to be better than that" attitude would be more useful directed back at ourselves. We need to be better than what /we/ are. The others do not matter. (interpreted: it's better to be better than good than better than bad.)
  • A door just opened on a street--
    I, lost, was passing by--
    An instant's width of warmth disclosed
    And wealth, and company.

    The door as sudden shut, and I,
    I, lost, was passing by,--
    Lost doubly, but by contrast most,
    Enlightening misery.
  • What he said:

    http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/opinions/ 2203/1/
  • Let me just say that I do use GNOME, but with iceWM. For months I used KDE simply because I found it to be much faster and more intuitive that Enlightment is. Let's face it people, Enlightment is suffering from some major bloat, I almost think Windows Explorer is more stable than the latest Enlightenment is. Maybe someday Enlightenment will be able to find that happy medium between functionality and customizability, but I doubt it.

    In short, until GNOME drops Enlightenment as it's default, it won't be able to compete with anything.

    FoxxTrot -- Just my Opinion, you don't have to like it.

  • This is an article based on exactly the same press release as the infamous "gnome foundation" article. Why not just link to the damn press release instead of separately linking the lousy press reportings ON the press release? This is the Easel/Nautilost mess all over again.
  • Anybody know what Gateway has to do with anything? Gateway serves newbies, the last people that would change operating systems, even if that change was from a text terminal to a GUI. I followed the news link and all that gave was a list of Gateway related news.
  • If you really want to see stuff in ASCII....
    check out aalib [ta.jcu.cz]
    It seems a version of doom works.
    And The Gimp

    How do I do a
    cat * | sort | uniq > BigDictionary
    from the gui?
  • Pshaw!
    A pox on your house!
    I GNOME from whence I come, I KDE you not.
    Billy Bob Gates seems to have set a Standard
  • Enlightenment is not the default window manager
    There is no default window manager for gnome currently

    The helix distribution [helixcode.com] comes with SawFish.
    This is really user-friendly because sawfish is easy to use and integrated with the control center

    I myself like the enlightenment iconbox and pager and am willing to sacrifice a little time to configure it.
  • I'm just worried that all the hype we are seeing about this kind of thing is going to start to turn people off.

    Big backing is a very good thing, and regardless of how you feel about corporate involvement, we will all benefit from this type of thing.


  • It seems as though GNOME is trying to do everything these days. They have many projects going at once, but I never seem to be satisfied with any of them. Why no shut up about battles and put out a decent product, then there will be no need to say "we're going up against this." There's no need for confrontation.

    I also always seem to get this unstable feeling about any of the projects (with the exception of GIMP). Maybe it's just me.

    Even the samurai
    have teddy bears,
    and even the teddy bears

  • Them's fighting words! I use Enlightenment because it feels like, fast and configurable. And on the (very) odd occasion that it does crash, it dumps everything on the X desktop, dies gracefully, restarts and picks everything up again like nothing happened. You have to admit, that is pretty impressive. Crank on, Enlightenment.
  • "Gateway serves newbies, the last people that would change operating systems"

    I've got a Gateway... I don't think I'd consider myself a newbie... In the past I've tried out a couple flavors of Linux before settling down with FreeBSD (running 4.1-Release now =)... So I'm not sure if this correlation is very valid... I know more people that own Gateways running Linux or BSD than, say, people with Compaqs =)

How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One to hold the giraffe and one to fill the bathtub with brightly colored power tools.
