QT 2.3, With Anti-Aliased Fonts 168
Hazzl noted the announcement that the New version of QT is out. While normally a release of a GUI toolkit isn't that big of a deal, but this release is significant since it is the first Open Source toolkit to make a non-beta release with X-Render support for Anti-Aliased Fonts. Congrats to all the Developers involved.
Re:AA font stuff is cool, but... (Score:1)
Re:I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:4)
I eventually reverted to my standard setup, cause all the different alpha/beta/gamma/dela libraries and such were causing my machine to freak out. I'll try it again when its stable.
On a related note, I upgraded to KDE 2.1 yesterday, and got-DAMN does it whoop ass. Faster, more polished, more solid, better looking, and has lots of cool new gizmos to play with. Konqueror has made great strides. It's on par with Internet Explorer 4.x right now, and if it keeps up the momentum, will catch up to IE 5.5 in no time. No need to complain any longer about Linux not having a world class browser. It's here now, or at least very, very close. Kmail 1.2 is also a really nice email client.
Can't wait to see the final GNOME 1.4. I keep waffling between the two environments. It's nice to see both of them progressing so well.
That was a long-ass, train-of-consciousness ramble, for which I make no apologies.
Re:Arabic looking bad unsmoothed? Rubbish! (Score:1)
Or both?
Re:Wow! (Score:2)
Re:Printing of Screenshots - FUD (Score:1)
Of course the smoothed screen fonts are bitmaps, your whole screen is a bitmap.
Windows renders to the screen context to view e.g. a web page, and since it's a color device, it takes advantage of that by anti-aliasing the fonts.
When you go to print, it re-renders the fonts to the printer context, which is probably mono, and of a significantly higher resolution than the screen, anyway, so it's a good idea to re-render.
After rendering (in either case) the result is a bitmap.
How can you be so wrong and yet so convinced of your correctness that you had to make an epmhatic statement like that? Feel stupid?
Re:Arabic looking bad unsmoothed? Rubbish! (Score:1)
Re:Wow! (Score:2)
Re:AA font stuff is cool, but... (Score:1)
Re:Printing of Screenshots - FUD (Score:1)
Re:Wow! (Score:2)
Re:Printing of Screenshots (Score:4)
Why don't you just choose the 'Print' option from the application, rather than capturing the screen and then printing it? That way you'll get output correctly formatted for the device you're writing to (e.g. the printer).
Complete proceedure - a bit more than Keith's. ;) (Score:5)
1. Get X 4.0.2 source or the snapshot. 4.0.2 has the rendering extention necessary for AA'ed and RGB decimated fonts. Also get all the other software - KDE 2.1, Qt 2.3.0, etc. You get the picture. Also, you MUST get Freetype 2.0 source!
2. Build Freetype2. There's a little hack you must do here on some systems for X to compile properly. In your /usr/local/include/freetype2 directory (which is the default location for Ft2's headers), symlink ft2build.h to freetype/config/ft2build.h. This many not be necessary on all systems... it was for me. Minor problem.
3. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT (HARD) PART! X configures itself rather stupidly in most cases as far as we have seen. hosts.def overrides all these annoying settings and lets you tweak precisely for your needs... so, let's make sure it does it right. Create a new config/cf/hosts.def file in your XFree86 source directory (commonly /usr/src/xc) - note that commented out items are detected at compile time specifically for your platform:
#define DebuggableLibraries NO
/*#define SharedLibGlu NO*/
/*#define NormalLibGlu NO*/
/*#define FSUseSyslog YES */
/*#define HasKatmaiSupport NO */
/* Tweak for your system or remove altogether.*/ /* this appears to be broken */
/*#define BuildDebug NO */
/*#define BuildXF86DRI NO*/
/*#define BuildXF86DRIDriverSupport NO*/ /* this seems to be broken too */
/* Use this if we're going to use external Freetype2 libs instead..*/ /usr/local
#define SharedLibXdmGreet YES
#define LinkGLToUsrInclude YES
#define LinkGLToUsrLib YES
#define SharedLibFont YES
#define SharedLibXft YES
#define SharedLibXrender YES
#define HasZlib YES
#define HasAgpGart YES
#define HasMMXSupport YES
#define Has3DNowSupport YES
#define BuildGLULibrary YES
#define BuildXF86DRM YES
#define DefaultGcc2i386Opt -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -mpentiumpro
#define JoystickSupport NO
#define XF86XAA YES
#define BuildFontServer YES
#define BuildFreeType YES
#define BuildXTrueType YES
#define BuildGlxExt YES
# define BuildRender YES
# define BuildGLXLibrary YES
# define BuildXvLibrary YES
# define BuildXF86DGALibrary YES
# define BuildXF86DGA YES
# define BuildXvExt YES
# define UsbMouseSupport NO
#define Freetype2Dir
4. Build X using a make World and make install (you can make logs of course if you want). You may have some problems... they're usually pretty easy to iron out - and I won't go into how here. Make sure you back up your existing X11 binary tree.
5. Configure X... do the whole thing. Try starting X with the bare basics. (Duh-step. :-)
6. If X is working, download this file...
...and extract it in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts
http://keithp.com/~keithp/fonts/truetype.tar.gz [keithp.com]
7. Download this file...
...edit it and copy it to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11
http://keithp.com/~keithp/fonts/XftConfig [keithp.com]
8. Start X again... this time, try to open an Xterm with the command:
xterm -fa courier
If the font is AA'ed... then BINGO! It works!
9. If you succeeded at 8, build Qt 2.3.0 and KDE 2.1 as you normally would. Read the docs. And there you go! Have fun! AA'ed fonts. :-)
Re:..and in other news... (Score:1)
¹QT != QuickTime (Score:1)
video codec ... Sorensen ... Apple
You're thinking of QuickTime [apple.com], rather than the communist-looking Qt toolkit [trolltech.com] used as KDE [kde.org]'s widget set.
textual display information imbedded into movies now?
<OT>This has been in quicktime for a while (since at least 3.0).</OT>
Back on topic: will qt free edition (or xfree86) ever be ported to windows 9x?
All your hallucinogen [pineight.com] are belong to us.
Re:"Enhanced detail"? (Score:2)
Yes and no, depending on the implementation. A simple anti-aliasing of a given bit of text at a given resolution will decrease the detail of the font. A form of supersampling, using a higher resolution bitmap to generate an antialiased smaller version will add detail, at the expense of losing background detail. Luckily the background we're talking about is usually a solid color, so detail, schmetail...
Re:Falicies of OOP (Score:1)
-- Brian
Re:Pricing? (Score:2)
Pretty nice... (Score:1)
Re:I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:2)
But... (Score:3)
Re:Wow! (Score:1)
Re:Complete proceedure - a bit more than Keith's. (Score:1)
Marginal Improvements (Score:3)
The impressive thing about KDE an Gnome is how dramatically and rapidly better they are getting. This suggests that they haven't neared anything like a plateau, and that the commercial GUI vendors may find themselves lapped in the next eighteen months. It's easy to criticize these desktops since they are evolving in the open and all their early awkwardness is exposed for all to see.
Already they are at or near the magic boiling point of usability for most people. If you are much better than your predecessor but not good enough you're still not good enough. But good enough and rapidly getting better is a different story.
Duh. QT is free dumbass. (Score:2)
Re:Arabic looking bad unsmoothed? Rubbish! (Score:1)
Re:Pricing? (Score:2)
Re:I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:1)
This is where clear type and sub-pixel AA on LCDs kicks ass, as it doesn't suffer from the blur problem of CRTs.
There is an art to choosing good convolution kernels for AA, and judging from these comments, it seems that different people on different output devices have different optimal kernels. I hope the final product has this as a configuration option.
Re:Cool ... a release song! (Score:2)
Unsettling MOTD at my ISP.
Re:I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:1)
Re:What does the acronym QT stand for annyways? (Score:1)
Just a guess though.
I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:3)
Nooo! Do it! It's worth it! (Score:2)
Re:I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:2)
When I tried an AAed KDE beta, I found that I wanted smaller fonts AAed, and it let me work with smaller point sizes than otherwise. Part of this is surely due to the fact that I had subpixel rendering on (yes, I have an LCD screen), and part is due to my own preferences/tolerance/whatever.
Re:QT = QuickTime! (Score:2)
screenshots? (Score:1)
Re:KDE charges ahead (Score:4)
Yes, Gnome is nice, but did you know that there are KDE bindings for C++, java, python and perl? Python is also the common scripting language built into most major apps. If you want to, you can even access all exposed internal functions in KDE apps at the command line (via dcop), allowing things like bash scripting of GUI programs.
I'm not saying Gnome is bad at all -- but since you're saying "First time I started using C++, I thought what a hideous hack!", I figured you might be under the assumption that you have to use C++ to develop KDE apps. Yes, KDE itself is written in C++, but its apps are open to several languages.
In fact, KDevelop also has templates and good support for building Gnome and commandline apps. So you can even use KDE while developing Gnome apps, if you'd like.
Re:I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:1)
If you aren't trolling then simply don't worry about our fatigure/eye strain and go play with KDE w/ AA and see how it feels to you.
Re:i18n? (Score:1)
Re:Yeah! (Score:1)
But in the meantime, there's no reason why elite users like yourself can't figure out how to turn stuff like this off, is there?
Re:What? This makes no sense (Score:1)
Re:KDE charges ahead (Score:2)
- - - - -
Haha (Score:1)
Why, because nvidia's X server does not currently support the render extension and so anti-aliased fonts will not work with it.
I hate anti-aliased fonts (Score:1)
Re:¹QT != QuickTime (Score:1)
Re:So what exactly... (Score:1)
e.g.you have a 1pt (.72in) thick line, from 0.5,0.5 to 30.8,20.12
the line's area - here, a 'line' is really a transformed rectangle (or polygon in the case of a line with a more complex style), will cover some pixels almost entirely, and only partially cover other pixels.
So we simply colour any pixel that the line intersects with a grey value proportional to the area of the pixel covered by the line.
This does require a fair bit more work, since our line drawing algorithm is now more complex than simple bresenhams.
Compositing is also an issue, since handling the intersections of multiple antialiased lines can produce annoying visual artifacts due to additive alpha values etc.
Re:Debian (Unstable) Users had this 2 weeks ago. (Score:1)
Re:Arabic looking bad unsmoothed? Rubbish! (Score:1)
Oooh, you're right! I'm swiching back to windoze right now! Hey, it's no big secret that Linux doesn't do AA as well as windows. Nobody's going to be shocked about this.
Any hints on "upgrading" to this? (Score:2)
I've been running KDE 2.1 on QT 2.2.4 and XFree86 4.0.2 just fine. (It's BEAUTIFUL, by the way!) Now I want to try anti-aliased fonts.
Firstly - I have the current CVS for the DRI drivers, which includes the Xft, Xrender, etc. library sections. I managed to get freetype2 built and installed (I think! There were some problems...), and configured the hosts.def file accordingly. I managed to get everything to build and install...but then KDE wouldn't start. (KSplash complaining about undefined symbols in the Xft library).
I figured maybe I needed to rebuild KDE (at least KDELIBS) against the new X stuff, so I tried. Firstly, the 2.1 configure script complains about 2.3.0 not being "QT >= 2.2.3", but I got around THAT. Trying to build, it errors out with similar complaints about undefined symbols in Xft...
So (to finally get to the point)...I figure either I need to rebuild QT (my next try), or I didn't actually successfully build freetype2, or I have to build all of X from scratch...
Anybody know any good "shortcuts" for me to add support for this feature? (I'm running on a "Slackware-Post-7.1" based distribution if it matters...)
"They have strategic air commands, nuclear submarines, and John Wayne. We have this"
Re:¹QT != QuickTime (Score:1)
>>Back on topic: will qt free edition (or xfree86)
>>ever be ported to windows 9x?
>Probably not in this lifetime.
YM "not by Trolltech." Qt Free is GPL and can be ported. XFree has already been ported to NT, and there's a good shareware X server from Microimages [microimages.com] called MI/X. I don't think it would be that hard to get Qt Free running under Win32, or does Qt have some technical issues I'm not aware of that one of its biggest competitors [gtk.org] that has been ported to Win32 [gimp.org] doesn't?
"write one, run anywhere" widget set
Java Swing [sun.com], Tcl/Tk [scriptics.com], GTK+ [gtk.org], Allegro [sourceforge.net]... The field is already crowded.
All your hallucinogen [pineight.com] are belong to us.
Re:GTK? (Score:1)
Anyone know when similar improvements to GTK are coming out?
AFAIK, The font handling in gtk+ 1.2 makes implementing the new scheme painful (although there are some hacks around if you really want it...). Gtk+ 2.0 will have AA support supposedly, with much better font handling all round.
Re:i18n? (Score:4)
Re:Pretty nice... (Score:2)
If you'd have bothered to read about this at all you'd realize that, yes, X does do sub-pixel AA if you want it to.
Microsoft to the rescue! (Score:2)
Get it Here [microsoft.com].
The extension is
Someone has also packaged it as an RPM [rpmfind.net]
Re:Arabic looking bad unsmoothed? Rubbish! (Score:2)
Unfortunately Microsoft's "anti-aliasing" still isn't as good as existed on home machines in 1987... an interesting comparison of RISC OS vs. Windows' font renders [impulse.org.uk] contains these two examples:
Down at the bottom of the first page is an example from a reimplementation of RISC OS' font manager on Linux, which does look nice! ;-)
Re:What are you talking about? (Score:2)
Could your post your config please? I used the qt-2.2.4 rpm that came with the kde 2.1 download for Redhat 6.x . What config files do I need to change to make dead keys work?
> See:éóáû Got it?
Proves nothing. Could have been typed in from another version of qt, or from a non-qt app (such as ... netscape)
Re:Any hints on "upgrading" to this? (Score:2)
While I can't confirm this right now I think you are over-thinking this upgrade. AFAIK all you need to do is upgrade the libqt.so library to 2.3.0 (rpm -U, apt-get) and set an environment variable (QT_XFT, or something). If your XFree 4.0.2 was compiled with XRender (xdpyinfo to make sure) then it should "Just Work"(tm).
Re:But... (Score:2)
In the free software world, if you let someone down, the project can just fork. Get used to it.
Re:Pricing? (Score:2)
I'd like to see how they define UNIX platform.
You mean for licensing purposes? Qt Free is GPL, so you can port it to any platform.
Does NT's POSIX count as a UNIX platform? Does BeOS count as a UNIX platform?
Currently, Qt Free requires a working POSIX subsystem (NT's is subpar but Red Hat Cygwin [redhat.com] is good) and an X11 server. XFree86 works on Windows NT/2K [redhat.com] but not on 9x because of stupid assumptions in the design of Windows 9x's USER and GDI servers. (Why oh why didn't Microsoft just release NT 4 as Windows 95?)
free for OSS and pay for commercial is one thing. Doing the same for UNIX and Windows is just punishing a developer for not liking *NIX.
It's not punishing but instead "not wasting effort on porting a free software package to an environment that's thought to be hostile to free software."
All your hallucinogen [pineight.com] are belong to us.
Re:I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:3)
The fonts under Linux are fairly legible -- provided you find the one or two point sizes that actually look good, so the loops aren't closing up, etc. But under the Mac OS, ALL the point sizes look fine!
Maybe it has something to do with the fonts for the Mac being designed for a 72 dpi screen resolution, while X11 is designed at 75 dpi? But I thought TrueType was supposed to solve the resolution-dependence problem...
Truly perplexing, this rotten X fonts thing.
Re:screenshots? (Score:2)
Re:screenshots? (Score:2)
AA and eyestrain (Score:3)
On my desk as I type this, I have a laptop with a nice, crisp (but jaggy) non-anti-aliased display, and another machine running an older version of Linux and X displayed on a cheap 14" monitor that achieves anti-aliasing but the simple method of having a slightly out-of-focus display. (Dang cheap magnet coils, or something). I can read either at length without bother.
However, when I look at a screen shot of an antialiased display on this nice crisp LCD, it bugs me. I think the problem is that because the rest of the screen has sharp lines and text, my eyes keep trying to bring the AA'd text into focus -- obviously without success. On the CRT, however, the whole screen is "soft focus" so my eyes just give up and go with the flow.
Shrug. As long as it's something I can turn off (by font, perhaps?), I like the idea. Maybe its just that my eyes burned out long ago reading dot-matrix printouts and 80x25 character dumb terminal screens. They expect anything on a monitor to be jaggy
Re:screenshots? (Score:5)
Without anti-aliasing, arabic letters look very bad...
Re:I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:2)
It helped me make my X-windows usable!
Re:KDE charges ahead (Score:2)
Freenet mirror of 2.3.0 (Score:4)
Re:Any hints on "upgrading" to this? (Score:2)
The catch is (I THINK!) that Xfree86 support for freetype2 is optional, and not compiled by default. RENDER is in my xdpyinfo list, but I don't recall compiling it with freetype2 support - hence all of the recompiling I just tried...
The "undefined symbol" errors looked like they were all related to the truetype aliasing and such, which is what makes me wonder if my build of freetype2 was incomplete...
"They have strategic air commands, nuclear submarines, and John Wayne. We have this"
Cool! With LINE, antialiased Qt on windows, FREE! (Score:2)
Re:Pricing? (Score:2)
Re:I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:2)
Re:Pricing? (Score:2)
Re:KDE charges ahead (Score:5)
Printing of Screenshots (Score:3)
With anti-aliased fonts printing of screenshots is nearly impossible, because of the anti-aliasing: the printer can't re-aliase and then do it's own anti-aliasing. It anti-aliases the fonts again, therefore you can read a 1280x1024 screen with a small font (aliased or not), but you can't read the printout if aliased
It would be nice to rerender for a printout - without aliasing
Windows has this problem too.
Re:I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:5)
In fact, as I look over this page in Internet Explorer 5.5 on Win98, I notice that while there are fonts drawn all over the screen (menus, address bar, window title bar, text on webpage, status bar, Start menu, etc) there are only two places on the entire screen using AA fonts: The two large bold headers on the comment I'm replying to. Every other font on the screen is NOT AA! When you use a windows machine, you're only looking at AA fonts perhaps 10% of the time. No system fonts are anti-aliased. They just have better quality fonts.
Someone needs to start a Open Fonts project. Well, probably someone has already. Someone needs to promote existing Open Fonts projects, then, becuase X is in need of some better fonts (that look good and are readable at ALL sizes).
[me@localhost]$ prolog
| ?- god.
! Existence error in god/0
Re:AA font stuff is cool, but... (Score:2)
signature smigmature
Will they ever learn? Guess not. (Score:2)
A good font smoother -- like the one in Microsoft OSes ever since Win95 Plus Pack (over five years ago, folks!) -- only anti-aliases problem areas in diagonals and curves. Furthermore, it should only be applied to text above a certain type size.
For more details, see Microsoft Typgraphy [microsoft.com]. For an example of how not to do things, see TN 1149: Smoothing Fonts [apple.com] at Apple [apple.com].
Falicies of OOP (Score:2)
And another thing, just because something is written in C automatically means no "object oriented" code. You can accomplish OOP in C by various mechanisms that all work even though C itself doesn't naitively support OOP. X (which KDE depends on anyway) and Gnome and Win32 all work on the concept of a modifying a "black box object". It is interesting to note that there are C++ bindings built on these toolkits!
And let us not forget that OOP code doesn't automatically mean better written code. Some of the neatest code I've seen (in Perl btw) doesn't require OOP.
Does Gnome need to be written in C++? No because they found that the extra synax was just sugar. I have no problem with Gnome and GTK being written in C because others will come along and implement C++ wrapping around it(just like MFC).
"Enhanced detail"? (Score:2)
It may very well be that I just don't "get" antialiasing...but I thought I understood the basic concept. That being the case, this question sounds funny to me.
Isn't "antialiasing" (to oversimplify) a form of "intelligent blurring"? (In this case, blurring the fonts corners a bit so that they blend a little smoother with the background).
If so...don't you LOSE detail (while improving the actual appearance) when you antialias?
"They have strategic air commands, nuclear submarines, and John Wayne. We have this"
Re:Wow! (Score:2)
i18n? (Score:2)
Re:Will they ever learn? Guess not. (Score:2)
Firstly, the MS Font Smoother is not an antialiaser, and never has been. Secondly, there's no point in smoothing large text, as the aliasing artifacts you're trying to get rid of have a tiny impact on the letterform.
Antialiasing (as practiced by Acrobat, Acorn RISCOS, gv and the like) isn't available for general use on the Windows desktop. This will turn up in XP with the advent of ClearCase - which looked nice, but made my eyes tired surprisingly quickly.
The current Windows font smoothing technology ruins letterforms; a true antialiasing technology preserves *the visual appearance* of letterforms - look at the difference between 12pt bold arial in an Acrobat document (antialiased) and in a Word document (smoothed).
Re:I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:2)
Ehm... Linux has no quality fonts -- there is really nothing to compare with.
Someone needs to start a Open Fonts project. Well, probably someone has already.
Yes, me. But, to make Free fonts, you have to have tools! Currently there are only tools to make bitmap fonts, so I am making those. Bitmap fonts are sufficent in most cases anyway, something MS hinted fonts prove. Of course, TrueType and OpenType technologies are much more sophisticated (especially in terms of print press), but there are no Free tools to make such fonts. Linux wouldn't be without GNU tools -- same holds for fonts.
Currently there are more or less no useful/readable Free fonts available that would benefit from font anti-aliasing. The only fonts that do, are from Microsoft! It takes 5 minutes to install them with APT, but that's not really a solution.
It's not. Microsoft fonts are good, some of them, at least, but none of them are perfect. Especially the hinted sizes aren't. Well, perhaps it's the renderer's fault... but I have no way to find out without the tools. I could make them better. Anyone could. But we can't.
But, as I said, for now I am making bitmap fonts. And I find some of those fonts more readable than Microsoft's, but of course, I haven't done *that* much progress to be able to totaly substitute all Microsoft fonts, mainly because I work alone... I suppose. Which leads me to your last comment.
Someone needs to promote existing Open Fonts projects, then, becuase X is in need of some better fonts (that look good and are readable at ALL sizes).
Bitmap fonts have existed for more than 30 fucking years! And in those 30 years no one have made good, readable bitmap fonts (something that isn't impossible) exect for Lucida font family which is okay, on the *NIX platform. I am not only talking about X, but console too. The standard VGA font is a big failure, mainly because of serifs. Please prove me wrong if I am mistaken! People nowadays deserve better. Think about it.
Font anti-aliasing isn't a (the) solution! People keep complaining about different renderers, but it's the fonts! It's the fucking, stinking fonts that are the problem. And the solution is Free fonts, neither AA magic nor high resolution monitors!
So yes, Free font projects should be promoted. You can begin today by visiting my Linux Font Project [nitro.dk] and look around. Visit other sites (none that related come to mind, hehe) by doing some research. But font makers still need the tools. This is getting silly.
Re:Any hints on "upgrading" to this? (Score:2)
Oh, well then, you are right and truly screwed. Looks like you are going to have to recompile XFree86 or install a binary package with freetype2 support in it. You still shouldn't have to recomple Qt and I am certain that you won't have to recompile KDE as it knows nothing about the anti-aliasing happening in Qt/XRender
Re:Wow! (Score:2)
I'd rather use Linux and contribute what I can while I wait for certain features, vs using Micro$quish products that crash all the time and cost a fortune.
Re:I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:2)
Re:I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:2)
For those wanting to play with AA fonts in KDE make sure you grab the truetype font package from here: http://keithp.com/~keithp/fonts/truetype.tar.gz [keithp.com]
Without that font pack all my truetype fonts where bold when => 8 point size. Yes I did setup all the font.scale/alias crap... Probably occurred because I was missing the Xft* doc in the font archive mentioned above (not the config, a file that goes in the font dir).
This was all with the "nvidia" X server so perhaps the problem is there and not Qt/KDE...
Re:Printing of Screenshots (Score:2)
(Not all people are too stupid to find the 'Print' option, the applications are too stupid to give you one.)
"Freeware" != "Free software" (Score:2)
Okay, I didn't realize it'd require a port. However, I take offense to your "hostile to free software" comment. Windows has an extensive freeward community
I assume "freeward" is a misspelling for "freeware." In that case, I know about all roy [aol.com]alty [winamp.com]-fre [icq.com]e bi [real.com]nari [napster.com]es, but most of them are not free software. There's a difference [gnu.org].
OSS software does not need to run on an OSSOS.
But copylefted free software can never be written in Visual Basic, as that would require providing the source code of the MS Visual Basic runtime and releasing it under a compatible license [gnu.org]. Tough luck getting Microsoft to comply there. (Or is the VB runtime covered by the operating system exception to the common licenses?)
And there isn't that large of a library of GPL'd Windows software to infect Windows programs with GPL either.
All your hallucinogen [pineight.com] are belong to us.
Re:XRender & nVidia drivers (Score:4)
This info comes from a reliable [xfree86.org] source. And since NVidia has hired this X guru, I can only conclude that they're very serious about Linux/XFree support (Think SGI [sgi.com]).
Posted from an AA'd konqueror browser (driver "nv" for now
Re:Wow! (Score:2)
Check to see how long Internet Explorer has been around. Now compare that to Konqueror. If that doesn't knock your socks off then you aren't wearing any.
Re:Any hints on "upgrading" to this? (Score:2)
In my case, I "cheated" - I've been putting the QT libraries in /usr/local/qt-[version] (e.g. /usr/local/qt-2.2.4 /usr/local/qt-2.3.0) and just making a symbolic link /usr/local/qt to whichever one I'm using. When I want to try a new one, I put it in a new directory, compile it, change where /usr/local/qt points to, and go.
Having just installed qt-2.3.0 earlier today, I hadn't yet deleted qt-2.2.4, so I pointed the qt symbolic link to that, ran the ./configure script, then re-pointed the qt link back to qt-2.3.0.
Not a real elegant solution - I imagine the "current" KDE sources (i.e. CVS and/or beta versions coming soon) will have that fixed. Maybe if we're lucky they'll fix the current kde-2.1 scripts to realize that 2.3.0 is greater than 2.2.3....
"They have strategic air commands, nuclear submarines, and John Wayne. We have this"
Re:In hardware (Score:2)
That's nothing, I've got a screensaver built into my monitor's hardware. I just push the little button with the "circle with a line through it" symbol and up comes this screensaver. It appears to be a 3D animation of being lost inside of a coal mine without a light source. Neat! :-)
"They have strategic air commands, nuclear submarines, and John Wayne. We have this"
Arabic looking bad unsmoothed? Rubbish! (Score:3)
Read 'em and weep, Linux people. Read 'em and weep.
Re:So what exactly... (Score:3)
Anti-aliasing is any technique that makes edges look sharper to the human eye. Note that this applies to object edges in 3-D models every bit as much as in text.
In practice, if you use interpolation to calculate the pixel values along the representation of a line, only thoes pixels that wholly or partially contain the line will be affected. With AA, pixels that do not contain any part of the line, but are "near" the line, may be drawn in a subtly different colour to fool the eye into seeing a smoother edge.
Take a screen capture of some AA text and blow it up in the gimp so that you can see the pixels, then take a look around the text edges - it's quite enlightening.
P.s., although I could easily give formulas for interpolation (it's simple linear interpolation), I don't offhand know what the calculations for AA are - but you can look them up with Google as easily as me, so its left as an exercise for the reader.
Re:I hope the rendering is improved... (Score:2)
Re:"Freeware" != "Free software" (Score:2)
So, according to your logic, I couldn't license a Perl program under the BSD license, since it would conflict with the GPL? I doubt it.
And there isn't that large of a library of GPL'd Windows software to infect Windows programs with GPL either.
There wasn't a large library of free software on UNIX either, until GNU came along. Don't tell me the same can't be done on Windows.
Your arguement doesn't hold water. OSS software can be written perfectly well on a non-OSS system. BeOS is proprietory, and I use OSS software all the time. It might be true that OSS developers are more inclined to support an OSSOS, but that's not exactly a hard and fast limitation.
ADDENDUM (Score:2)
Cool ... a release song! (Score:3)
I can see all the objects on the page
Gone are the dark fonts that made my head ache
Thanks to those bright, bright Trolls, hacking away"
I think EVERY release of any software should come with a song!
Re:¹OK, granted, but... (Score:2)
There are two types of libraries that can be linked into a GPL'd program: (a) GPL compatible libraries and (b) libraries that are included with the operating system distribution and are distributed separately from the program. BeOS programs use the latter, but the MS Visual Basic runtime is neither.
In that case, a lot of WIndows could be considered not part of the OS. Thus, on Windows 95, a GPL program could not link to DirectX (which isn't a part of the OS proper). I just think some of the symantics of the GPL are ridiculous. For example, is it wrong to port an OSS driver to a close source OS? Stallman discourages it. Plus, how does the license of the language one uses in any way related to the license of the software? It just seems that some parts of the GPL change from being a "good for the whole community" license to "let's screw closed source developers, even if it hurts the user community."
This seems to imply that a "critical mass" of free software will be achieved much faster on free operating systems.
Does this mean that it isn't morally wrong to make a developer pay for a toolkit just because the OSS community doesn't like his preferred OS? Does a GPL program on Windows count any less than a GPL program on Linux?
Go spread the word about Wine (a free clone of Windows that runs on top of POSIX+X11).
Why would I do that? I like Windows (NT4) better!
Re:¹Could Trolltech release a port if it wanted t (Score:2)
entities; it costs money to develop GPL compatible code. This is part of why Mozilla took so long to replace
some of the features of older Netscape releases. But Qt Free Edition is under GPL; you are free to start a
project to port it to whatever platform you choose. According to QT's README, "If you want to port Qt to a
new platform, please read the PORTING file.
You're hedging. I can understand Qt's position, but in general, is it morally right to charge OSS Windows developers for toolkits that *NIX guys get for free?