Internet Access Via Pneumatic Tubes -- Whooosh! 137
selectspec writes: "Old pnuematic tubes used for delivering mail in 19th century cities like New York possibly could be used as piping to hold new fiber lines. Accoding to this nytimes article the tubes were used to deliver mail through New York City via pressurized air in 1897. Now, an entrepreneur wants to use the tubes instead of laying new pipes which would cost upwards of 100 million dollars a mile in New York City." Pneumatic tubes have been ahead of their time for over a century, so it's cool to see some of their inherent latency problems can be overcome by creative re-use.
Re:RFC 1149 (Score:1)
PFY: Hey, we're loosing packets!
BOFH: Hmmm, looks like a segment on the third floor is blocked. Here, you'll need this Hands the PFY a plunger, high pressure hose, and a fire extinguisher
Scene: Third floor. We hear mad squaking and see thick black smoke and flames
PFY: Oh shit, not again! PFY runs to 'phone, calls BOFH
PFY (Into 'phone): Yeah, looks like the grease ran dry and the friction got 'em. Reckon we've lost about 25% of the pidgeons.
Scene: A little while later, Cafateria. Suit stands at counter.
Suit: That looks nice, what is it exactly?
BOFH (Posing as Chef): Uh, Duck Suprise!
Suit: Oh, sounds lovely. I'll take some.
Fade to black. We hear the faint sounds of the PFY giggling in the background.
I like that idea!
Not new... look at this (Score:2)
Re:RFC 1149 (Score:2)
At least if we go to ferrets, we can say that the Internet not only sucks (and blows), but bites as well.
WilTel (Score:2)
Hotdogs (Score:1)
Re:Steam pipes (Score:2)
Personally, I think that the pneumatic tubes would be a nice idea, but probably just as difficult..
What they *should* do is use old subway lines as roadways...
The down side of tubing.. (Score:1)
The routing turmoil it created was akin to diverting a raging river down your house's drainpipes..
Rumors were being spread that Telstra had prior knowledge that this was going to happen, threats were made, and they passed them off as an extortion attempt.
What are the moral/fiscal implications of this? Surely such a major telco/ISP/Bandwidth carrier should pay more attention to such threats, and make sure that they dont come to fruit. Not only did THEIR customers suffer, but rather the whole country did.
Imagine a mishap with this type of tubing, sometimes Oops! just cant cut it..
Re:Reduce, re-use, recycle (Score:3)
Because fiber-optic cables tend to be much more tolerant of bad external conditions than copper cables, it's small wonder why old sewage systems and the old pneumatic tubes mentioned in the article are being used to run fiber-optic lines. After all, many railroads made a ton of money using their right-of-way land to run copper and later fiber-optic lines (Southern Pacific was famous for doing this--that's how the modern Sprint communications company was born).
Wireless doesn't work in NYC. (Score:2)
Even at that, there is so much echo and shadowing, you can't get a clean signal through without such a performance degradation that its useless. (Its okay for voice quality but that's it.)
In a big city like NYC, Tokyo etc. you're either using cable for your TV signal or you don't watch it.
Pnematic tubes suck fiber??? (Score:2)
By chance, yesterday, I saw a crew busy working at a railroad crossing. They had a hi-rail truck and a hi-rail crane, with a portable compressor.
A strange contraption connected to the compressor was sucking cable from a big spool (very fast, at about 1m/s). What was surprising was the nearly silent operation of the thingamajig along with the compressor (they usually make a lot of racket).
I suppose that the thing blows air in the tube, and the fiber cable is sucked along with a venturi effect.
Re:Wireless doesn't work in NYC. (Score:1)
Re:paint it black (Score:2)
Re:Cost per mile? (Score:1)
I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations
Prior art for routing, other tech (Score:1)
and its description:
"Much time was spent in the manual redirection of cylinders but, after experiments in 1931, automatic navigation was introduced using apparatus which could accept or pass on
cylinders according to the setting of electrically conducting bands encircling the cylinders. "
There could be all kinds of prior art from packet, er, capsule routing system.
Re:internet in the tubes... (Score:2)
Re:Reduce, re-use, recycle (Score:1)
Both are still crowded as hell on Saturday.
Pnumatic Tubes + RFC1149 = High Speed Net Access (Score:1)
Re:paint it black (Score:4)
They mention that back in 18xx they tested the system by sending a live cat in a tube. I wonder what would happen if we sent a troll through the system? Hopefully there would be plenty of breaks and obstructions.
BTW - just for clarification, idiot, they are using the *existing* tubes in New York City, where it is nearly impossible to run any new lines... the city is built layer upon layer upon layer, and nobody is really sure what does what underground. The classic restaurant in New York has a bathroom that is in the corner, go down the stairs, 100 feet down a cooridor, down some more stairs, make a right, 50 feet across, and the bathroom is five feet up.
Now picture a few square miles worth of these labrythine tunnels in 3D, with sewer, subway and other services running between them, and you'll realize how much easier it is to use existing pipes than try to go through what is necessary to figure out who to pay, who has rights and where you should dig to lay new lines.
Re:Reduce, re-use, recycle (Score:1)
"Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes." - Dr. Warren Jackson, Director, UTCS
(Once again, slashdot discussions come back to fortune(1) quotes... Or is it "recycling"?
(What's with this lameness filter bullshit?)
...More Powerful than Otto Preminger...
Great transport method (Score:1)
...More Powerful than Otto Preminger...
Re:Further Reading... (Score:1)
Reduce, re-use, recycle (Score:3)
Re:Brazil! (Score:1)
Dumb idea (Score:3)
There's plenty of work for contractors to do in NYC, and the pipes can be exposed and repaired later. Give me a break!
And what do you think the difference between an old,rusty iron isulator for the fiber cable is and a new, shiny plastic one? Neither will be truly functional, just space holders to keep the other stuff out of the fiber system.
Re:Reduce, re-use, recycle (Score:1)
Sounds like good economics to me. What really counts in a restaurant (other than the building not smelling like sulfur or lacking a roof, etc) is the food. Chili's are nice places to eat in so I would think the new restaurant would be fine.
Re:Reduce, re-use, recycle (Score:1)
Re:Reduce, re-use, recycle (Score:2)
In Leesburg, VA, Home Depot built a store about 1/4 mile from Hechinger's. When Hechinger's went under, no doubt hastened by HD's tactics, they left a building which has now been vacant for over two years... and this is in one of the fastest growing counties in the country. How much you wanna bet when the property does get reused, the building is demolished?
Reduce, reuse, recycle. We should try it some time.
Re:RFC 1149 (Score:3)
Code commentary is like sex.
If it's good, it's VERY good.
Never underestimate the bandwidth... (Score:2)
Re:just like williams (Score:1)
Re:just like williams (Score:1)
Re:Brazil! (Score:1)
Re:Cost per mile? (Score:2)
Even that sounds expensive but, don't forget that you not only have to dig and bury the cable. You also have to acquire a ridiculous amount of permits and you have to buy/lease the right of way. That's where the big dollars go.
The actual cost of whatever your laying is trivial compared with the cost of the trench. That's why you'd typically see lots of ductwork being installed.
Re:Tunnel boring machines (Score:2)
At least as expensive as using a shallow trench. You need to take care to avoid existing tunnels, ductwork, cables, etc.
It would make rather a mess for a TBM to chew through a pipe carrying water or gass, if you hit an electricity cable or train running tunnel then you'd also need a new TBM.
Re:Sounds cool, but some problems... (Score:3)
The expensive bit is digging trenches to lay new ducting, getting rainwater/sewage out of some old stuff costs far less.
Secondly, would the tubes have to be converted in any way at all?
Typically underground fibre is fed through tubes around 2mm internal bore (or rather blown through with compressed air). Several of these are bundled together in a tough sheath then fed through ducting. The tubes simply serve as ducting, only issue is that they are probably a different size from modern ductwork.
Thirdly, are the tubes still readily accessible? Right now, I'm thinking of the old subway tunnels in the District of Columbia and New York City. Some of them are still down there, but the entrances/exits have long been sealed.
Boring a shaft could easily be cheaper than digging a trench over the same distance...
Re:Wireless doesn't work in NYC. (Score:1)
What about cellphones and radio?
Cost per mile? (Score:2)
100 Million per mile?
How did they get that? Wouldn't a good wireless system be much better than even laying down fiber?
Latency problems (Score:2)
I'll say. There might be latency problems, but never underestimate the bandwidth of a stream of MRAM chips hurtling your way. ;-P
Note for the humour-challenged: This is a joke. ... What's a stack?
I'm an assembly guru
Re:Reduce, re-use, recycle (Score:2)
Re:What about.... (Score:1)
Can it carry a coconut by gripping it by the husk?
Re:What about.... (Score:1)
I don't know!
(/me falls into ravine of general nastiness.)
Tubes aren't out of date yet... (Score:2)
The tube station I've seen was in the maintenance department, used mostly for zipping plans and specs about. The canisters were about 18 inches long, with rubber-stopped ends.
The stations are controlled by 70s-battelstar-gallactica-like buttons, knobs, and lights, used to select the destination of the torpedo.
The air can still be heard wooshing through the ducts.
Re:internet in the tubes... (Score:1)
"We need to go down there."
River of Slime (Score:1)
Brazil! (Score:4)
The first thing I thought of, when reading the story, was Terry Gilliam's movie, "Brazil."
When will we have Robert de Niro zip-lining into people's apartments to fix their networks without a 27B-6?
Re:Not new... look at this (Score:1)
Insert fiber cable into tube. Pull out of other end. Plug in.
Isn't that one of those natural and obvious advancements of technology that patents don't cover?Old-skool (Score:1)
Pneumatic Pnetwork Pneomenclature (Score:3)
This reminds me somewhat of the first implementation of the avian IP network discussed earlier in this forum.
There seems to be a great deal of potential for using pneumatic tubes as part of IP network.
Right off I can think of one problem though. If I were to load my tube with a nonstandard payload, of say a bunch of "holes" (the variety that is produced by a 3-ring punch) or the ever favorite chads then my recipient would likely suffer from packet fragmentation in a big way.
...just like my job (Score:2)
Re:Sounds cool, but some problems... (Score:1)
Fiber lines can get very dirty without functionality being affected. You just can't bend 'em.
I don't see what would need to be converted. A tube is a tube. There may need to be new connectors, quite a few changes in the way they are interconnected, but the premise remains the same. The advantage to using these tubes isn't in the tube design at all. It's in the fact that THEY'RE ALREADY THERE. Thus, we don't have to dig up big cities to lay them down. (trust me, it's turning traffic in Philly to shit) So they go down and find the tubes, take a month or so to map them out, then make some plans as to how to use them/change them, etc. Then they make their modifications, and install the cable.
The fact remains that digging up streets will take more time, cost more money, and make more of a mess.
That's a good question. But I'm thinking that if they know the tubes are there, they can find the tubes. And They may need to dig up a street or two or re-route subway traffic for a day or so to find them, but it's still better than digging up the whole damn city.
Re:paint it black (Score:1)
Home Depot uses pneumatic tubes... (Score:1)
Conspiracy Theory on death of NY Pneumatic Tubes (Score:1)
Dig just a little deeper... (Score:2)
Those pneumatic tubes are made of cast iron that has been oxidizing in New York's ground for over a century. Let's just say you COULD snake your cables through those corroded pipes, get past all the cracks and breaks, and make your way to where you want to go. Your destination had better be a post office, 'cause that's where those old babies take you. Seems to me, though, that unless you're expecting to move PAPER through your fibers, a phone company central office would be a much better bet for terminating your telecom lines.
Whoever said "there's one born every day" grossly underestimated the extent of the problem.
Amazing infrastructure facts (Score:1)
100 million (Score:2)
Reuse is not always best option (Score:2)
People would like to close their eyes so that a huge problem would disappear without having to deal with it, and then they dress this up as a 'solution' and say they're 'saving millions of dollars per mile' for their cabling project.
Think about this, New York is a festering hive of who-knows-what, layer upon layer of cabling, pipes, electrical conduits, and other miscellaneous detrius of centuries of city living.
New York has been the most densely populated 'modern' city for quite a long time, and by that I mean all the little things like electrical and water access everywhere, etc.
In the past when something broke, they pathced it, instead of doing a more thorough fix, they just paved over a huge sinkhole in a road without looking into why it sunk in the first place, they just pile more new crap on top of the old crap until it's impossible to sort out what lies under the surface.
Now someone want to use an ancient (by modern standards) system, in whatever unknown condition it is in, and try to make a new utility out of it. People are going to come to depend on this utility like they depend on electricity and water, but the infrastructure being used to build it is already over a hundred years old.
'We don't want to dig up the city' they say, 'it'll cost too much money'.
Yes, it will cost a lot of money, but you know what? That money will actually go stright into the economy, workmen will have jobs to go to for the next decade; city infrastructure will be vastly improved as old pipes and cabling are exposed and replaced as their condition is shown; perhaps a new design in city infrastructure management will be put in place so that the same problem doesn't happen again, we could make the entire city of New York what the Epcot Center was supposed to be.
Do you people not have vision at all? This could be the spark for the largest urban redevelopment project ever attempted by humankind, but all you people can do is put your hands over your eyes and carry on the chant 'Do it the cheap fast way!'.
Your lack of vision disturbe me.
Re:Reduce, re-use, recycle (Score:1)
Re:Brazil! (Score:1)
That'd be 27B/6 - 'twenty-seven b stroke six'. :)
Great movie.
London (Score:1)
Pneumatic tubes for travel? (Score:1)
I know they've been using abandoned mail ducts for running copper coax and fiber.
This was a good article! This was news for nerds and stuff that matters!
Further Reading... (Score:2)
Re:yes... (Score:1)
yes... I have visions. Visions of decades long rebuild projects in the heart of manhattan that reduce the already 30 mile an hour average traffic to 15mph, that increase commute times and drive up cab fees to absurd levels. YES! The glorious white elephat visions of bloated disorganized public infrastucture projects that go on aimlessly for years, sucking up billions in tax dollars and showing little in return. The endless political bickering that will ensure the project is never really completed. Oh! the Visions I see!
Yeah, and in case you hadn't noticed, NY is already Disneyfied [earthcam.com] enough thank you without the "Epcot Ideal" you so childishly whine for it to become.
Re:paint it black (Score:1)
You do realize that the tubing they are talking about has been sitting in the ground and buildings for more than 100 years? That they aren't talking about putting in any new tubing?
Just checking. I didn't know if I should mod this as Funny or Flaimbait, so I declined to do either.
Steam pipes (Score:2)
Don't forget... (Score:1)
Re:Steam pipes (Score:1)
And for the two months I worked in hell [nytimes.com], tenants were taking it on themselves to run cable up the internal inter-floor mail chutes. Only people were still trying to drop physical mail in them...
Pneumatic tubes and the Victorian Internet (Score:2)
The telegraph, the Victorian Internet according to the book of that name, suffered from the same "last mile" problem that the Internet today experiences. The answer then was another paired technology, the pneumatic tube system in cities.
Telegraphers in suburban or other city center locations, according to the book, could communicate directly with other telegraph offices. But it was impractical to have a telegraph office distributed for each business or residential user. Thus the message was communicated first by hand delivery to a telegraph office located centrally in the city, then transcribed by the receiving telegrapher, sent by pneumatic tube to a location near the recipient, and then hand delivered from there.
It was only the wide availability of telephones that destroyed both the telegraph and the pneumatic tube system. Western Union, for example, continued for some years to deliver telegraphs over the last mile via local telephony instead of hand delivery.
So using the pneumatic tube system is a strange echo of a proven old technology, one that we are usually ignorant of because we don't look at our history carefully.
One remaining question will be, are there sufficient concentrations of users (department stores or insurance companies, for example) at the endings of these pneumatic tube companies, or have they left for the suburbs? If the latter, maybe this will promote a return to a vital central city in places where such infrastructure has been preserved.
Patent? (Score:1)
Speed! (Score:3)
Thinking about this, I realized that this compares favorably with email, in that between meetings, and so on, the response times are similar. This puts a new light on the commerce of the early 20th century. However:
"the pneumatic service began to pale next to the new technology of the motor-wagon, which could deliver mail two to three times faster than a horse-drawn cart with equal or greater volume and more than 10 times the volume of a pneumatic tube, while only slightly slower."
Now that has gone to hell in a handbasket since then.
Check out the Vinny the Vampire [eplugz.com] comic strip
Re:internet in the tubes... (Score:2)
Futurama (Score:1)
New RFC? (Score:1)
Can enhance security by writing message in pig latin.
are you talking about PT Barnum... (Score:1)
. . .
internet in the tubes... (Score:4)
. . .
RFC 1149 (Score:4)
No DON'T DO IT!!! (Score:1)
Re:Use the tubes to deliver pizzas! (Score:1)
Been too long since I've been to Taco Cabana
No kidding, I used them at my previous job. (Score:2)
Re:Tubes aren't out of date yet... (Score:1)
Re:Dig just a little deeper... (Score:1)
Con Ed in on it too (Score:1)
Here is a good link to what Con Ed (NYC's Utility company) is doing to get in on the act. Notice they can get a whole telecom network for $110 million
http://www.electricfiber.com/Crains.htm [electricfiber.com]
Does this mean . . . (Score:2)
Re:subways are bigger (Score:2)
Other old tubes (Score:2)
Granted, in some cities the ATS right-of-way alone was valuable, but utilizing it required a great deal more than pulling new cable through existing conduit. In many large cities you can still find WU manholes right next to the Bell manholes, but I haven't heard of any cities where the WU conduit has been used extensively. Has anyone else?
What about.... (Score:2)
Internet Access via Carrier Pigeons... It'll be good for everyone in areas where there's no broadband schedualed for the next 5 years (like me, damn 56k, three hours for the Linux Kernel). Unfourtunatly it will be more limited to my Central Office than DSL. I'll have five "plans": One Pigeon with One packet at a time (2-300bps). 10 Pigeons with one Packet each. (20bps-3k). 1 Pigeon with 10 Packets (20bps-3k). 10 Pigeons with 10 Packets each (200bps-30k). Or for the Wealthy, the BroadPigeon option, 100 Pigeons with 10 packets each, (2k-300k).
Of course you'll be more likley to get closer to 2bps-2k but becuase someone MIGHT live next door to me I can advertise "Up to 300k Per Second!!!*" The more pigeons you have the more expensive it is but the more packets they carry the more chance one of them will faint and you'll get packet loss...
*Depending on how close you are to the Central Office of PigeonBand Inc.
Save tons of money on pulling cable, too? (Score:2)
Re:just like williams (Score:2)
Course I'm not sure if it has paid off for CP&L at least. They bought some local internet companies (like Interpath) but its been a strange story after that.
just like williams (Score:2)
Re:internet in the tubes... (Score:2)
Probably it does both.
I dont know how the details of the real system, but if you have a pump pumping air out of the pipe at the destination you woud get a force on the post equal to the difference between the effetive vakum and normal astmostferic pressure. So you will have a limmit to your max effect.
If you have a pump behind the post you will get a force equal the difference between astmostferic pressure and the pressure of the pump.
For best effect use a pump both in front of and behind (suck and blow).
In addisjon you must off course factor inn that the air also need to move in the pipe in front off and behind the post.
But everyone has cables to his home already (Score:2)
I'd prefer an uninterruptible coffee supply. Tubes would be the perfect solution.
Re:Use the tubes to deliver pizzas! (Score:2)
Re:Not new... look at this (Score:2)
Re:Not new... look at this (Score:2)
Re:Screwed (Score:3)
Well that depends. Suppose I visit your house and I find a long-forgotten baseball card in your basement which turns out to be worth several thousand dollars.
I'd want to say 'finders keepers', but you'd argue that it's your property, and it was found on your property. The fact that you forgot that you had it has no impact on who rightfully owns this.
Likewise, your government spent your tax dollars to build that system. It goes through government-owned land. Even if it was built a century ago, it doesn't change the fact that they paid for, and thus it's their right to decide what to do with it.
In any case, they should let the guy use it, but I don't think it's right to say that they're screwing him because they're not letting him use their stuff for free.
Re:Sounds cool, but some problems... (Score:2)
Dilligence is being done here. Abandoned infrastructure is commonplace in any installation, and if you can reuse it, you're saving resources and time that could be better spent elsewhere.
Use the tubes to deliver pizzas! (Score:3)
Sounds cool, but some problems... (Score:2)
Secondly, would the tubes have to be converted in any way at all? Remember, the tubes are dead tech now. They weren't designed for cable, as that was still decades away.
Thirdly, are the tubes still readily accessible? Right now, I'm thinking of the old subway tunnels in the District of Columbia and New York City. Some of them are still down there, but the entrances/exits have long been sealed.
Cool idea, but due diligence needs to be done.
subways are bigger (Score:2)
Screwed (Score:2)