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Music Software Media Apache

mod_mp3 Introduction 5

dam_ned writes: "O'reilly has put a nice introduction to mod_mp3 online. Mod_mp3 is an apache module that offers shoutcast/icecast like mp3 and Ogg Vorbis streaming, and allows for playlists via frontends like ampache. The project is only a few months old, but it's quite stable, and has far more features than shoutcast/icecast." Heh. You might recognize Brian Aker, aka "krow", from his work on Slash.
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mod_mp3 Introduction

Comments Filter:
  • Where can I see a demo of mod_mp3 in action? Who would download without checking it out first? Also, I've been using Apache::MP3 with great success for the past few months, I love it. It installed and worked fine right out of the box and the documentation is excellent. Written by Lincoln Stein (the auther of the eagle ORA book). Check it out on CPAN.
  • Well, I'm cool too. Been doing this [] for 4 months now.

  • If you're frustrated with mod_mp3, give Rimps [] a try. I've been using it for a couple of months now with no problems.
  • by Matt2000 ( 29624 ) on Friday June 15, 2001 @07:45AM (#150027) Homepage

    And if you don't have Apache running, or don't want to install it, then check out streamsicle at the link below. It's all Java and comes with it's own webserver and HTML frontend.

    Kind of works "out of the box," most of the time.
  • by grammar nazi ( 197303 ) on Thursday June 14, 2001 @05:19PM (#150028) Journal
    I noticed only trolls were replying to this article, but I wanted to say that I'm glad that this is an article. I tried using mod_mp3 about a month ago, but gave up due to a lack of documentation.

    I'm looking forward to being able to finally using mod_mp3 to listen to my home music while I am at work.

    I also didn't think that it was fair that such an informative article that had only troll posts, whence I added my own.

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