Sandia's 20-Million-Pixel, 130-Square-Foot Screen 110
schauba writes: "Cipherwar has an article describing Sandia National Laboratories' new 10-foot by 13-foot, 20-million-pixel screen. The screen was created to allow scientists to view extremely complicated systems without sacrificing detail. The images are created through a parallel imaging system using 64 computers to generate the output.
This makes my 17" monitor suddenly seem so inadequate." You can also view the same text with pretty pictures on Sandia's site.
oh yeah... (Score:1)
AA Fonts? (Score:2)
[penny sized pixels] ewww..
SGI "portable" model (Score:2) []
But screenshots of this??? (Score:2)
it's a pity . . . (Score:2)
> type, tape the sheets end to end, and work on it with a pen
Sounds convenient. It's a pity we can't convince a company to make paper that's already attached like that. Maybe they could even perforate it a bit tos that it would fold nicely without wrinkling the text . . .
Low resolution? (Score:2)
Imagine if ... (Score:3)
Home Theater (Score:1)
Join my fight against Subway's new cut! []
Say... (Score:1)
Re:Always willing to underestimate human capabilit (Score:1)
Another example of this fallacious research was previously (when nicer monitors first started being made) the claim that the eye couldn't see the difference between anything above a 72Hz refresh rate (the idea being that the eye simply doesn't grab images that frequently anyways), and this "magic number" was heralded by PC magazines everywhere as the magic number where the image on a monitor will be "perfect" and any further increase was mere waste: Is there anyone who believes that now? The target number on most monitors now to make an image that most people can tolerate is >100Hz (and this is coupled with a phosphor that has a persistence long enough that the fade is extremely limited at other words with a quicker-fade phosphor the desired rate would be even higher). I guess humans are just evolving really quickly...
Re:Always willing to underestimate human capabilit (Score:1)
I concur that the major reason why people push for hyper-framerates in Quake is because of the low-end: I don't want a GeForce3 to get 200fps, but rather so it doesn't bog down during a big firefight. Having said that, simply running around an empty level (with the frame rate indicator on showing a steady FPS: It isn't jumping up and down. Indeed using detours [the MS Research tool] once before I tested this theory by logging every page flip [by putting a detour in the OpenGL library] so I could see what the low and median framerate was) betrays a very perceivable difference between even the high framerates (60, 100, 120).
Having reasonable framerates in demanding situations is a necessity for surviving in the game. Having higher framerates in normal situations makes the game more immersive and "smoother" feeling.
Always willing to underestimate human capabilities (Score:3)
From the article: The eyeball is the limiting factor, not the screen
Yeah, sure it is. Throughout the history of time someone with a hard-on for a technology has slobbered away about how it's the last upgrade they'll ever have to do because damnit, it's more than the human eye/ear/senses can detect anyways. How many times have we had the moronic "The human eye can only detect below 60FPS!" arguments on Slashdot (yet I can refute that instantly as there is no doubt that Quake 3 feels smoother at 100+FPS than it does 60FPS, and the sense of natural motion blur is dramatically improved). How many times have people ranted that humans can only see X colors or hear X clarity of sound (both continually being defied).
The next time someone wants to sell their bosses on the idea that this is the last upgrade they'll ever need because it don't get any better practically, they need to stop and pick a different excuse. That particular one has just been proven wrong so many times it is now completely laughable.
Re:Always willing to underestimate human capabilit (Score:3)
Wow. I take it you're in research and it just burns you when research isn't taken as a religion that the unwashed masses simply absorb and believe: There are those of us who simply don't believe (believe in the religious sense of "just because that's what you say") when Scientist XYZ, with loads of documentation to back up their claims, proclaims the truth about something (usually proving exactly what they set out to prove), and months or years later scientist B, with loads of documentation to back up their claim, absolutely overrides the original suppositions and conclusions. This has happened in science countless times, but each time it is presented as this is absolutely, positively true : Look at our methodologies!
A perfect example of this is the number of "images" that the human eye can process per second, with various researchers attempting to come to a static number that quantifies and definitely states what the maximum FPS perceivable is. Of course they almost invariably fail to take into account persistence of vision, which is the concept that even if an entire scene isn't perceived the effects of the "sub-frames" merge together to form a common frame (natural motion blurring). That is what I mentioned about Quake (and it's funny how quickly you'll discount an oberservation: Don't you simply believe? Should I make some tables and package it in a whitepaper? Does that make it more credible?): Any Quake 3 player with a good system would have ZERO difficulty discerning between 60fps, 100fps, and possibly 200fps (or more), yet still there are those who will conclusively state that the human eye cannot see more than 46 FPS, etc. It is quite laughable though. In the case of pixel accuracy simply measuring the number of rods and cones in the eye would be insufficient and a half-measure: The "picture" that we see is the end result of a very intelligent system which may, for instance, do sub-pixel integration via "jitter" (i.e. you may have 20,000,000 "pixels" in your eye, but your eye is never absolutely still, which means that the light hitting your retina is contantly from a slightly different source: When looking at a leaf you are getting information from trillions of rays of light).
P.S. The post is interesting because most people in computers have seen this shit a million times before: Someone stating unequivically that the human ear/eye/nose/etc. can only see/hear/feel/taste/smell XYZ measures. CD is apparently beyond the absolute limit of human hearing (I won't get into the fools who believe that MP3 is beyond the limits of human hearing...), yet strangely they're coming out with DVD audio at 24-bits per sample/96Khz (versus 16-bits per sample/44.1Khz).
So... (Score:1)
Re:Always willing to underestimate human capabilit (Score:1)
Re:I've been wondering.... (Score:1)
Re:I've been wondering.... (Score:2)
Re:Always willing to underestimate human capabilit (Score:1)
By starting at 100, the game has farther to go before the rate drops below 60, which is the point it will feel less smooth at. In other words, you are kind of supporting the statement that 60fps is where it feels smooth, as when it starts there and drops below 60, you don't like the way it plays.
I do have to admit that being that silly about one part of your post does kinda throw a shadow on the rest
Re:schwarz? (Score:1)
it's their equivalent of the Force and the light saber, all in one - a sample line from the movie is, "I see your Schwartz is bigger than mine!"
Re:I have only one thing to say... (Score:1)
this was first shown at Supercomputing 1994... (Score:1)
For more info see:
PowerWall link []
Re:Wow, impressive registration. (Score:1)
the lady is holding a light bulb. You can see the power cable. Also note shadows from the guys legs. I dont think that the projector on the ceiling is even switched on (too short a focal length).
It would be great for playing road-runner type "I'll just go through this open doorway *BUMP* opps, it's just painted on a wall" gags.
Re:Imagine if ... (Score:1)
Intro paper (Score:1)
Introduction to Building Projection-based Tiled Display Systems []
Nice pictures inside, but of course it can't compare to actually seeing a massive OpenGL fractal bouncing around a huge crisp display...
Re:Limits of human vision (Score:2)
The single long continuous printout makes it easier for me to visualize the flow of the code, how the seperate parts relate to one another. I get a snapshot of the flow by looking a single long printout that I just can't get from a scolling window with a max of about 80 lines. The pen allows me to quickly make annotations and draw relationship lines with a speed and simplicity that is impossible on the screen. In short, the printout contains more data per square inch than my brain can pick out immediately, but being able to see the whole picture in one shot allows me to see relationships and flows that I would otherwise miss. I'm then able to immediately zoom in on important sections while ignoring the rest.
I would assume that these scientist are aiming for the same effect. Being able to have any single piece of the information immediately availble while looking at the whole picture. The point is to quickly draw out what might be important in the whole picture without being distracted by the mechanics of zooming into a detailed section. Instead of saying, "Computer, zoom into grid section E5", the scientist just has to look more closely.
Re:it's a pity . . . (Score:2)
Unfortunately, all the manufacturers think that the only thing that anyone wants is 8.5x11 sheets (it's actually a hack to use 8.5x14 on my HP930C). If I want to use tractor fed, fanfold paper, I have to revert to a house-shaking dot-matrix. Ugh!
Re:Low resolution? (Score:4)
RTFA(rticle). This is an intermediate step to the REAL display, which will be 69MPixels. Note also that this gadget isn't really that expensive - 64 PCs and 16 projectors add up to maybe a quarter million bucks. A couple of years from now, maybe 300 MPixels for no more money. Digital IMAX theaters, anyone?
The article mentions that one of these toys is under construction down the road at UT. I can see I'm going to have to be extra nice to my lapsed contacts in the CS department!
Sandia is what?? (Score:1)
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. With main facilities in Albuquerque, N.M., and Livermore, Calif., Sandia has major research and development responsibilities in national security, energy and environmental technologies, and economic competitiveness.
Owned by a private company???
This display is cool and all... (Score:2)
What I still tend to wonder is - why do those damn projectors still cost so much? I mean, sure - prices have come way down, with higher resolution - but why don't they offer "low-res" consumer models - ie, a 640x480 projector for $500-800? The panels should be dirt cheap to make - and I would bet there is a market for higher-res TV projection systems (people still buy normal - ie, non-HDTV - rear-projection systems), right?
It just irritates me that one can't go out and get a new projection system cheaply (actually, I have yet to even see the high-end projectors being sold at a place like Best Buy or Fry's).
I recently set up a cheesy Fujix P401 video projector, coupled to an Avermedia VGA->TV converter. Good enough to watch VCDs, anyways - and it was inexpensive ($250)...
Worldcom [] - Generation Duh!
Re:Wow, impressive registration. (Score:1)
But how do you account for the weird squared-off edges of his shadow? I was assuming the crops were because some other project was putting a bright light overtop, making it visually disappear.
Re:Low resolution? (Score:2)
A lot of theoretical science is all about collaboration and sparking ideas through talking with colleagues. (My father-in-law is a theoretical physicist and visiting the Aspen center for Physics I was amazed at the number of chalkboards the halls, outside of offices, etc. They're there so that people can talk and collaborate whereever the idea hits them.)
If you look at the pictures, you'll see that many people can stand and discuss the high-resolution image together. Sure, it may be only 40dpi, but that's 20 million pixels that 5 people can stand in front of, talk about, walk up and point at, etc.
Wow, impressive registration. (Score:4)
When I saw the high-res image (the first one) and saw it was an array of projectors, I said "Eeeeuw! How can they get them all aligned at the edges well?"
When I looked at the 2nd hi-res image, and saw the color mismatch down the vertical center, I nodded to myself and said "Thought so. Bleah!".
But then I looked at that first hi-res image again, and noticed the bizarre shadow. Why is it all squared off? And then I realized--those projecters aren't just aligned at the edges, they're actually overlapping and registering correctly at 40dpi! Have you ever tried to get your company's LCD projector to project a reasonably orthogonal image? I can't get it even close. Now imagine getting two projectors to OVERLAP perfectly at the edges.
Color me impressed.
Not quite Frank's 2000" TV... (Score:2)
this is revolutionary how? (Score:2)
Re:We've got one, too... (Score:2)
Re:this is revolutionary how? (Score:2)
One question: (Score:2)
Re:Always willing to underestimate human capabilit (Score:1)
You seem a little skeptical of scientists in general. That's a good thing until you toss out all claims only because something is claimed at all.
There is an inconsistency at the heart of your post that I'd like to weed out.
(and it's funny how quickly you'll discount an oberservation: Don't you simply believe? Should I make some tables and package it in a whitepaper? Does that make it more credible?)
I never said anything about being published
Any Quake 3 player with a good system would have ZERO difficulty discerning between 60fps, 100fps, and possibly 200fps
You'll also note that this isn't necessarily proof that the eye is picking up each frame. If you've ever programmed a time-relative game (that is
The point is that you've got to be precise about what you're "seeing."
In the case of pixel accuracy simply measuring the number of rods and cones in the eye would be insufficient and a half-measure: The "picture" that we see is the end result of a very intelligent system which may, for instance, do sub-pixel integration via "jitter"
You mean interpolation
I hope you're not going to suggest that we can process photons faster than photons can move.
The notion that there are no limits to our capacity for visual interpretation is silly.
P.S. The post is interesting because most people in computers have seen this shit a million times before
Yes, many people on Slashdot talk out of their ass but that doesn't mean that it's interesting.
CD is apparently beyond the absolute limit of human hearing, yet strangely they're coming out with DVD audio at 24-bits per sample/96Khz
I suppose that you're going to say that we can hear sound at any frequency for any amplitude.
This is entirely off of the original topic anyway. It's fine to take issue with a statement like, "humans can only process 30 frames per second," but unless you prove otherwise (note: you don't even have to prove the actual limit) then your statement amounts to, "I don't think so" (which is also fine, though much less interesting than proof.) What you did was even worse than that though. You essentially said, "ignore all measurements of human capabilities -- they're inherently flawed because people have made mistakes in the past." That's the issue. That's bad reasoning.
Thank you.
Re:Always willing to underestimate human capabilit (Score:2)
There are actual quantitative experiments that have demonstrated the limits of photon reception in the human eye. To just dismiss all of this work with, "there is no doubt that Quake 3 FEELS smoother
The next thing you know, he'll be saying that there's no limit to how much energy we consume in a given instant (after all, if the capabilities of the eye aren't fine-grained, then neither is the structure of the body -- surely!)
The next time someone wants to sell their bosses on the idea that this is the last upgrade
The next time that someone purports to defy many many years of research, make sure that you have more than "his word" to go on
If you think that there are no limits to our capabilities for processing colors, sounds, and variations through time, you'll have to ignore an awful lot of biology.
better monitor (Score:4)
Re:Wow, impressive registration. (Score:1)
So no, the projectors are just aligned at the edges, they're not overlapping.
Sandia News (Score:1)
There's a loop for ya,
Re:OT: Your sig. (Score:1)
Doesn't seem like the screen should be the 'focus' (Score:2)
What they should focus on is the video card technology used to drive this display. Not too many video cards that I know of that can go up to 5120 x 4096.
Visualising DNA Interactions? (Score:2)
I suppose there's not too much we can spot with the naked eyes that we can't find with a couple thousand computer years these days, but it's be really nice to visualise complex protein interactions with these. Could be the visualisation tool that allows DNA-computer design to take on new dimensions.
Think about it: Massive numbers of ddNTPs radioactive markers on dna molecules (bear with me - especially if I've got the acronym wrong) all flashing when the nucleotides bind to other molecules. By inferring where those markers are and projecting the rest of the molecule accordingly, you could get a slowed down real-time picture of multiple molecules interacting at massive numbers of points at once! Not just poxy small fragments like RAPDs, but mystery proteins released beside a suspended target cell with marked cell receptors. Yes, I know these are amino acid chains as opposed to DNA molecules.
Ok maybe this doesn't take a 69 MegaPixel monitor, but it'd be fun, wouldn't it? Maybe better than crystallography, which normally breaks the protein..
Re:Visualising DNA Interactions? (Score:2)
Re:Can you imagine... (Score:1)
I think my 56k modem might struggle to get 24fps of 20 million 24 bit pixels, and anyway, I'm not sure my 1Mb S3 ViRGE is compatible with it.
Now wheres this option on the voting poll? (Score:2)
Re:I've been wondering.... (Score:2)
Yes, it should be equally simple to do this from a curved screen, if you get a snug fit. You could even have all the screens sat in seperate places and just string the cables close to each other - no need to be limited by having them a foot apart. Assuming you could get it working of course...
There's probably also some good reason why individual fiber-optic cables have a round cross-section too (I'd guess something to do with refraction), but I didn't really pay as much attention in my optics lectures as I should have done ; )
Finally, setting all this up in an array as you suggest might be a bit tricky. It probably could be done, but whether it'd be worth the effort is questionable. It may well be more appealing (and cheaper) to just buy a bigger screen (or a high resolution projector if you're that desperate) and wait until the technology makes this simpler to do.
Re:I've been wondering.... (Score:2)
First up - I meant really really close to the surface. The monitor I'm using at the moment has a few millimetres of glass between the flourescent bit and the surface. This is going to be an issue with most screens, but more expensive ones seem to have a thinner layer here.
My comment about the display blurring is based solely on my experiences playing around with fibre-optics - it could just be because I was using low quality fibre or something. However, I do recall that when seperate signals are simulataneously sent down fibre-optic cables (as you mention) they use seperate frequencies for each channel (frequency division multiplexing) and de-multiplex them at the other end, so perhaps they do get mixed up. Could be that it's a combination of the two, or that it wouldn't be an issue over a straight 1 foot connection. I'm sure there's someone here on Slashdot who knows more about the subject than me.
Oh, and fair point about the projector.
Hope I made myself a little clearer. If anyone wants to shoot down my answers then I'm all ears (or should that be eyes?).
Re:Limits of human vision (Score:2)
Re:Limits of human vision (Score:2)
I was questioning whether the intention had been to simply get a bigger clearer display (motivated by the same reasons that make people swap their 800x600 15 inch screen for a 1024x768 17 inch unit, though to a much greater extent), as opposed to "flooding our sensory input leaving our brains free to do what they do best - recognise patterns, holes and anomalies in the massive amount of data" (as a previous poster put it) - intentionally overwhelming the user's brain to force it to pick out patterns and work differently to how it would on a smaller screen.
Re:Limits of human vision (Score:2)
Re:Limits of human vision (Score:2)
Limits of human vision (Score:3)
IANAO(ptician), but I recall that it's down to the distribution (thanks to evolution) of rods and cones (light receptors) on the retina - near the centre there's one sort (can't remember which) that's good for recognising colours and shapes (useful when examining objects), and round the edge there's the other sort that's more sensitive to light/dark and movement (useful for spotting something with big teeth sneaking up on you).
On a normal computer screen we only have to focus on a small part of the image at one time (try reading the text at the top/bottom of this page while staring at the centre). Even on movie screens (which are a comparable size to this screen) we typically only need to look directly at one small part of it at a time and let our peripheral vision pick up the rest. But if this screen is going to be running hi-res images across it's whole surface (i.e. you want to watch the whole thing instead of focusing on one small part) then anyone using it is going to have difficulty seeing the whole image at once, unless they sit really far away or run the thing over and over so you get a chance to see everything.
I could just be talking out of my ass here, so I'd be interested to know if anyone here has used something like this and noticed any problems.
Oh, and before any wise-asses reply - I know my eyes move - I'm talking about trying to see the whole thing at once instead of focusing on different parts in rapid sucession and getting a killer headache.
Re:Limits of human vision (Score:1)
I'd be interested to know where you got this number... Really. Just curious.
We've got one, too... (Score:2)
Re:Doesn't seem like the screen should be the 'foc (Score:1)
For a single frame of video at 5120*4096 at 24 bit color, you'd need 60 MB of memory. That doesn't include anything like Z-buffering, or double or triple buffering, so that's one reason why you don't see the GeForce3 running at that resolution.
Re:Low resolution? (Score:2)
Keep in mind that this is meant to be viewed by a whole room-full of scientists, which can't all sit/stand next to the thing. As stated in the article, at 10 feet away the limiting factor is human vision.
Re:this is revolutionary how? (Score:2)
Developing an automatic alignment system, or manually adjusting the alignment?
In the early 1950s, director Michael Todd did some tests in Cinerama, which used three aligned 35mm cameras and three aligned 35mm projectors. Cinerama was actually a holdover from a WWII multi-project training system for aircraft gunners. After the headaches of that project, he went to the head of American Optical and said "Doctor, I want a system where everything comes out of one hole". The result was Todd-AO, the first good 70mm system. Hollywood then dumped multiprojector systems and never went back.
Still, Cinerama, with a 152 degree field of vision, was truly impressive.
I saw this thing today. (Score:1)
Overall, very cool and I'm glad I was able to see it (and the teraflops too
Looks like... (Score:2)
Re:...let me guess at the comments. (Score:1)
Rendering fractals (Score:2)
Re:Giant spliff.... (Score:1)
Giant spliff.... (Score:2)
I'm convinced their 'l33t screen is displaying a quality WinAMP plug-in, adn the guy on the right is saying
"If you look closely you can see the little people, dude!"
... and the one on the left is just awe-struck at the realisation his head is floating in space.
mein-schwarz-ist-laenger?? (Score:1)
Anyway why are you USAmericans using germany words for emphasis so often?? "Uber" which should be "Über" and so on??
...let me guess at the comments. (Score:5)
- I need to replace my 19/21/23/50" CRT/LCD/Plasma whatever.
- Imagine a beowolf cluster of these
- Someone give the reasearchers the link.
Your 17" monitor (Score:1)
OT: Your sig. (Score:1)
Wasn'it Arthur C. Clarke who said that?
A typical example from last week headlines... (Score:2)
But well, they'll have to process very-high-res movies, first, which might be much more expensive in terms of supercomputing power.
Re:Low resolution? (Score:1)
The article mentions that one of these toys is under construction down the road at UT. I can see I'm going to have to be extra nice to my lapsed contacts in the CS department!
CS people have one? That's soooooo not right! needs to go in the EE building... I mean there's already that *GIANT* capacitor in there, why not a giant screen? :)
Sounds like regular projectors (Score:1)
How many GForce 3 cards can you put in a high-end system? One projector for each card carfully laid out to minimize lines along the edges, and you've got a big display. I use Windoze 2000 at work with a Matrox G100 dual-headed card. There is native support for multiple cards in Win98, 2000 (I haven't tried Me). Guiltily, I admit that I haven't used Linux for a while (work, and home life with my wife and 1.5 year-old). What support does Linux have for multiple display-adapters? Also, a high-end card would best interface to a projector via a digital line, to minimize cross talk on all those video cables.
I got a different impression from this title... (Score:2)
more Slashdotters leavings their houses and going outside...
I'm going to bed... this reality vs nonreality is just too tiring today
construction (Score:1)
how are they making sure that those projectors stay in the right spot?
Sweet! (Score:1)
I just downloaded the 300dpi JPEG []. It's pretty sweet! You really can see all those pixels in that image if you look at your monitor close enough! :)
sort of (Score:2)
You mention that you worry about the possibility of "focusing on different parts in rapid sucession and getting a killer headache." Here's the thing: Your eyes "focus on different parts in rapid succession" all the time when viewing real-world images. That doesn't normally cause killer headaches. (The exception is usually if you're, say, farsighted and insist on looking at a close-up image all day long -- the muscles that focus your eyes spend all day working hard, which like any protracted muscle work get tiring.)
Admittedly, a display like this is probably best when you need to see lots of detail in static images rather than in movies. I think the idea is to be able to visualize lots of spatial detail in extremely complex systems -- to be able to look closely at one part of the image while still maintaining a sense of what's in the periphery. That's hard with current displays, where zooming in means you have to discard stuff outside your immediate field of focus. You're right that if you wanted to watch a moving image, a lot of this resolution would probably be wasted -- in fact, I'm led to believe that some professional flight simulators and similar devices use this fact to their advantage by performing eye-tracking and showing full detail only in the area that the user is actually focused on, while showing lower-resolution imagery in the periphery to save CPU cycles. (Of course, that only works if you have a single or very small number of viewers, all of whose eyes are being tracked.)
One other funny perceptual thing: it's unlikely that "the limitations imposed upon our vision by evolution will become more obvious" when using this or any other display. We cope with those limitations in a very high-resolution environment (the real world) every single day and rarely notice them unless we really take the time to think about them and/or do experiments. We all have a fairly sizable blind spot in each of our eyes, for example (caused because there are no receptors whatsoever where the optic nerve exits the eyeball), and yet we never notice that gaping hole in our field of vision. The combination of unconscious eye movements and the fact that the brain maintains a basically continuous picture of the environment around us do a pretty good job of convincing us that we see everything in the world around us fairly well even when we don't. If anything I suspect what this display will show is how good a job evolution has done at making us ignorant of all the visual limitations we actually have!
impeccable timing. (Score:1)
Now who's stupid? -Homer J.
I've been wondering.... (Score:1)
You know how sometimes when take off the front of a computer, there are little fiber-optic-looking things that 'translate' the location of the blinkers, so the LED's actually shine from a different location on the front of the case (when the face-plate is on) from where they are actually located? Well, this is kind of what I'm talking about:
What if you took a really big version of a fiber-optic line, like one that's 19 inches in diameter, but square instead of round, and very short, and cut both ends at such an angle that you could push one end of it up against the face of a 19" monitor, and attach it (at the sides) so it's right up against it, and every pixel goes in that end and comes out the other, and snaked it so that the other end would also be a 19" square plate, but because of the snaking the new image would be translated by a foot. (And, of course, be a foot or so away from the old monitor). The two faces (the two ends of the line) should be parallel. Okay, have you got that pictured? You could sit in front of this thing and the visible face of the fiber-optic cable would look just like a normal monitor? Okay: so now we've "translated" the image of the montitor by a foot.
Now imagine that this monitor is really sitting in a box in a huge strucutre of boxes, and right above it is another 19" monitor, whose image is also "translated" but in such a way that the very bottom of the translated image from this second monitor meets the very top of the image from the first monitor, with only like 1 dead pixel. You probably don't even need a dead pixel, if you push them tightly enough together and their edges are precise enough...
Anyway, to the left you have a box holding a monitor, and to the right you have a box holding a monitor, and each of their images is translated to match up with the one next to it.
In other words, it's like one of those huge displays made up of lots of individual monitors [], only without the dead space (which you translate around). The limit to the size of this whole thing is the limit to how far you can translate the image from the monitors farthest from the center of the Giant Image.
So, does someone who knows about fiber-optic lines able to tell me whether this is something that's possible to build? And another thing: I'm looking at a flat CRT, so that's what I had in mind, but would it be possible to translate a curved image into a flat one?
For anyone who's at a workstation, it's the DPI that's more important, not the size of your monitor, and this 40 DPI that people mention for the display linked from this article is...uncompelling. So, I'm looking at a 19" monitor at 1600 x 1200 right now. I can imagine another monitor on top of mine, two to the left and two to the right (I mean the whole thing would be 3 monitors by 2 monitors). Since right now mine costs about $300, this would mean:
For a base price of $1800 I could get a 3 foot by 4 foot display running at 4800 by 2400 with a nice flat screen, which I could easily take apart and carry in 7 trips? (1 per monitor, one for the ultra-light fiber-optic thing that pastes them together?)
Since fiber is flexible, I really don't see why this shouldn't be a possibility...4800 by 2400 is already close to doable by run-of-the-mill $350 agp video cards, so that's not an issue...and for big walls made with this system, you'd use a cluster of why not? why not just master the image together from a bunch of 15" monitors, and get a huge wall with DPI of whatever each monitor maxes out at?
Re:I've been wondering.... (Score:2)
The point. (Score:3)
Re:Can you imagine... (Score:1)
A screen like that might even make VirtuaGirl watchable :-)
Home theater & big screen Quake (Score:2)
I guess all I'd need is to install LiVid []. Which would be the most impressive to see, Ronin [] or Titanic []... hmmm. Definately Ronin.
Imagine playing Quake on this bad boy!
Re:better monitor (Score:1)
17" high maybe...
With 200 pixels per inch and more than 9 million pixels in total on its 22.2-inch screen, the T220 monitor displays photographs with a degree of realism not previously possible.
All you need to enjoy this... (Score:2)
Re:Limits of human vision (Score:1)
Re:Limits of human vision (Score:1)
I presumed that you were talking about the person voluntarily moving their eyes over the image to view the picture.
I thought I was clarifying, in denoting the INVOLUNTARY movement of the eye in the process of the brain gaining the data at the behest of the human moving the eye. Try looking at something without moving your eyes.
I apologise if I did not understand the distinction you made of the movement of the eyes. I was attempting to clarify.
Another point of interest is the difference between male and female eyes and the degree of peripheral and central acuity.
Man, that display sucks (Score:1)
So, uh, is that some kind of back projection or are you supposed to peep through the projector rack? Great potential for shadow puppets though.
Interlaced, or... (Score:1)
Re:Low resolution? (Score:1)
Nuthin' New (Score:1)
Re:Sounds like regular projectors (Score:1)
For what I know, you must have XFree 4.x which supports xinerama extensions
Re:Your 17" monitor (Score:1)
Scent Generator (Score:2)
DigiScents has been working on this very thing for years now; I've talked to people who've tested it, and they claim it's damn spooky just how well it works.
Can you imagine... (Score:4)
HOT TEENS with incredible resolution! Hotter than you've ever seen before!
No more squinting at tiny Media Player windows!
Next collaboration tool? (Score:1)
For a backdrop, have a large virtual fish tank bubbling away.
I'd almost pay to work in an environment like that...
Projector bulbs (Score:1)
Re:Low resolution? (Score:2)
Have you thought perhaps they couldn't make it that small? They're already using a lot of projectors in a relatively small area, and planning to thrity-two more. As with much of electronic and computing technology, the challenge has been making it small enough to be convenient, not making it larger
Re:I was just wondering... (Score:4)
Well, if you actually read the article it would have answered your question:
Resolution is not really the issue (Score:4)