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Evolution 1.0 Beta 1 Released 79

battery841 writes: "Evolution 1.0 Beta 1 has been released. An announcement has been released. The RPMs and tarballs can be downloaded from Ximian. This is the first beta release, and a major step to the much awaited 1.0 release." The last time I tried Evolution it was very buggy, but that was a long time ago - time to give it another try.
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Evolution 1.0 Beta 1 Released

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Popoli che parla altri linguaggi lo infastidisce perché il dont di i conosce che cosa il heck sta dicendo.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Glad to see 18 million dollars will still buy something useful. Oh wait...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    KDE is much more polished, has more apps, and is more reliable.

    And it's much easier to work with because it is written in C++, unlike that lame ass object-styled C interface that GNOME picked up from GTK.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    "Anyone else sick and tired of having to download new binaries, or go to CVS, every 2 weeks?"

    You know, you have a few options, and since you are obviously without clue as to what those are, I'll lay them out for you:

    1) Don't use Alpha or Beta software.
    2) Just pay Microsoft and live with the bugs and security holes while they take 3 months to release a service pack to fix them(maybe).
    3) Quit using computers.

    Oh yes, and there is the fourth reason I'm sure you'll opt for:

    4) Keep using Alpha and Beta software and then complain about having to update them all the time, as if that somehow demonstrates a flaw in open source software. I mean, you probably won't convince anyone who understands what Alpha and Beta level software is, but if you try really hard, I'm sure you'll be able to keep believing it yourself(and any anti-open source bigots you might have around you).

    Oh, and lest I forget:

    EVOLUTION ROCKS!!! Talk about one hell of a shot in the arm to the Linux platform!!!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    "but creationism has so many holes it ain't funny."

    The theory of evolution is missing millions upon millions of intermediate species from the fossil record. But I guess 200+ years of conjecture by pseduo intellectualists and bits and pieces of largely contrived(and many times, later refuted or quietly abandoned) "evidence" is good enough to convince an objective thinker like you huh?

    Hehehe. The little lies we tell ourselves and the lengths of zealotry the zealots go to stamp out zealotry.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Who cares about the GNOME vs KDE war?
    None of the developers cares even a bit about it!
    The fact is that the entire war was made up by trolls who have nothing else to do.
    So even if KDE is better, WHO CARES? That doesn't immediately convert all GNOME users too KDE users!
    So take your stupid war back to the M$ Windows world and start a war about M$IE vs MSN Explorer!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    .... But it's still wrong to write closed software:P
    I understand the desire to produce free software if at all possible, but there are a large number of applications that simply wouldn't be written if there wasn't commercial software. I'm sure there are thousands of verticle-market applications that have taken millions upon millions of dollars to create that simply could not be done if they weren't sold afterwards.
    My problem is with saying it's "wrong" to write closed-source software altogether. Until someone can tell me how to support my family by writing open-source occupational safety and health software, I can't agree with your statement. This is important software that nobody would do unless they were paid for it.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday July 20, 2001 @04:35PM (#71299)
    The last time I tried Evolution it was very buggy

    Case in point: George "Dubya" Bush
    *rim shot*
  • Erhmm... maybe it's just me, but when I go to lution [] I see LATEST-IS-0.10.

    I can see the latest snapshots which are 0.10+cvsxxxx, but well, where do I download this? I run a debian system without ximian and would like to download via deb (the old spidermonkey.* sources.list is gone) without having to depend on all the ximian stuff and replace half my libs.

    And I'm sure that'll get worked out relatively soon, but in the interm, where is the source!? :)
  • The only problem I have with mozilla mail is that there is no support for x509 certificates, which is why I was so happy with seeing the evolution Certificate option (which doesn't work). As soon as SOMEONE other than netscape does x509 certs, I'm ditching that program :)
  • by Alan ( 347 ) <> on Friday July 20, 2001 @08:03PM (#71302) Homepage
    I haven't run evolution since around .9 or so, so I'm very interested in how far they've come. Here's my experiences in short.

    First of all, the link [] to the sources provided in the original announcement and the "latest release" page on has the .10 release. After a bit of digging I found the .11 .debs (whoho!) and supporting files that are a bit higher than my unstable system has. A bit of dpkg -i'ing and all installed.

    First impression is that it looks great! Well, honestly my first impression was "fscking peice of .... " because the first thing it did was crash on me. I restarted and it was ok though :) It offered to import my netscape and/or pine settings (very cool) and started up the the welcome message.

    I'm not going to bitch at UI problems here :) Things I don't like however are:

    You have to go to your folders to get to imap mailboxes. When you click on something the mailboxes 'tab' immediately dissapears without what you clicked on highlighting, so you don't know if you mis-clicked or not (unless its showing all the time from the view menu).

    I've been so looking forward to the nice integrated GUI gpg support. Sadly, my key id (which the interface for sucks btw, you are not given any idication what you're supposed to put in there or where to get the information from) is NOT SAVED when I apply the settings.

    S/MIME certificate support. Oh god I thought I was going to blow a load when I saw this. I have been waiting for ages for this in something other than netscape mail (which sucks) and I was overjoyed to have this. Certificate ID? What is that? Where do I get it? The "digital ids" button does nothing. When I type in my name (no clue what else to do) it isn't saved either, so I guess it doesn't matter.

    When I click on tasks I get asked to pick a time zone. When I click on calendar I get asked to pick a time zone. Shouldn't they be able to share information?

    Even after picking the time zone it doesn't appear in the tools-> settings menu

    Under tasks tools->tasks preferences doesn't do anything

    At one point I got a 0x0 window that I couldn't get rid of. It didn't dissapear when I shut down evolution and I ended up having to killall evolution-mail to get rid of it

    The "Define Views" is a neat idea, but very buggy.

    If the main component crashes (which it did thanks to the above item about defining views) wouldn't it be a good idea to give the user the option to restart it?

    Threaded message list option is not saved

    All in all a bit dissapointing, especially for the pgp and s/mime options. Also absent were smtp/imap/pop3 over ssl (which I thought were said to be there, but maybe not). These things would be good to have, and would (IMHO) show the mark of a truely mature and advanced mail client (and would make me an instant believer!

    So conclusion, much better, and probably great for day to day mail, but still has a ways to go before I'll switch. I'm going to go and file some bugs now, and maybe build from source in case the .debs have features turned off or something.

  • by Alex Belits ( 437 ) on Friday July 20, 2001 @07:00PM (#71303) Homepage

    iirc you have to still select all mails in a folder; ctrl+y ( apply filters ) to apply filters to stored mail.

    At least once it failed

    Also the mailbox format is easy to remover - I corrupted my inbox several times now -- often all I have to do is remove the *.ibex for that folder and it's fixed...

    When pine uses imap, it doesn't use any mailboxes locally and completely relies on the server. Since I use Cyrus, it allows me to have >100000 messages in a folder without any loss of performance.

  • by Alex Belits ( 437 ) on Friday July 20, 2001 @04:53PM (#71304) Homepage
    ...was one released yesterday, and it was kinda ok except that it has a poor idea when to ask for passwords for IMAP mailboxes, and was hard to convince to apply filters to the whole mailbox if it was already cached. However the main problem for me was that it always caches mail received through IMAP locally -- I have huge mailboxes that I never want to see sorted, so I prefer pine's way of handling IMAP where cache is small (and fits in memory), and messages are read only when user scrolls to them.
  • It'll be nice to use a graphical mail reader that supports SIMAP and SSMTP and PGP/GPG.
  • by Masem ( 1171 ) on Friday July 20, 2001 @04:32PM (#71306)
    You mean that crappy movie that was in the theaters was only a 'beta'? I want my 8 bucks back!
  • Doesn't beta exactly mean the feature list is frozen?

  • How do you enable SSL with IMAP and SMTP? I'm not able to find the options. Maybe they weren't compiled into the package distributed via Red Carpet?

  • If you are using potato, you can grab what is effectively an RC beta (1.0.91) from The more it gets tested, the better the next RC release will be. [Disclosure: I'm the Ximian Bugmaster.]
  • This is a fair report. I think I went through the exact same steps and found nearly all of the same bugs. When they get it stabilized and add a few more of the basics (drag/drop, imaps, content-type action keys) I will switch over from Mozilla (which is SLOOOOW but more fully featured). The interface looks polished and (when it's working) VERY fast.
  • Well, time to use up my free weekend internet and download this version :)

    Must admit though, I've been using version 0.9 for a few months now,
    on Mandrake 8, and I've never suffered a crash or bug with that version...
    perhaps I've just been lucky?

    Anyhoo, download time for me :)

  • Just Evolution :)

  • by miguel ( 7116 ) on Friday July 20, 2001 @05:17PM (#71313) Homepage
    Evolution supports using SSL over IMAP, SMTP and POP3 on top of many others.

    The camel library from Evolution is the most advanced mail library in existance right now. The API was inspired by the JavaMail design, but it has been extended and improved to deal with many real world situations that JavaMail did not cope back in the day.

  • by miguel ( 7116 ) on Friday July 20, 2001 @05:32PM (#71314) Homepage
    We have put together a list of the major features [] of Evolution.

    You can also read an functional overview [] of Evolution and what it has to offer.

    Since Evolution is not feature frozen, we are polishing the GUI and killing all bugs that we have reported so far, you can help by going to the developers [] page and learn about how to report bugs on Evolution or how to send your favorite patch and improvement.

    You can get Evolution using Red Carpet [] (that is how I installed it myself a few minutes ago). Select the `Ximian Preview' channel and then select Evolution, all the required software will be installed for you.

    Finally, now that I am pasting URLs, I would like to say that on the preview channel you can also find the latest two great contributions of Ximian to GNOME (plug, plug). The Ximian Setup Tools is there for people to test (ie, unified System Administration across Unix systems, with a nice and friendly GNOME UI). The technology behind it is extremely nice. And we are also previewing the Metatheme selector, which allows you to change all the theme setting across the board in your desktop.


  • iirc you have to still select all mails in a folder; ctrl+y ( apply filters ) to apply filters to stored mail.

    Also the mailbox format is easy to remover - I corrupted my inbox several times now -- often all I have to do is remove the *.ibex for that folder and it's fixed...

    I have been using as my primary mailer for months now.
  • > There are advantages to doing OO code in C -- it shows you exactly what is going on, and doesn't hide anything from you.

    No, in fact it's all up front for you to use, because you *have* to. Inheritance? Manual. Polymorphism? Manual. Overloading? Manual. Hell, why not just write an OO language in C and use that, you could still say you're programming in C (how many C apps end up implementing their own little languages after all?) Isn't the point of a high-level languge to insulate you from the low level details? God knows I certainly don't concern myself with reference locality or pointer arithmetic when I'm programming in python.
  • It takes a little time for all the mirrors to pick it up. It's there though, and a few mirrors seem to have it already.
  • 0.11-ximian.2 is the beta.
  • "404 File Not Found"

    This is a major feature Evolution? Sounds vaguely Microsoftian to me;}

    Here's the link after its Slashdot-ectomy. []

  • what do I have to do to try the beta of Evolution? Give up my system over to the Ximian package cruncher? Will I still have a functionnal Kde? Last time I checked, Ximian mangled my installation and just simply "simplified" my menus. Shoudn't there be an alternative between tarballs and "All my rpms are belong to Ximian"? I would like to try the latest release of that sofware, but I sure don't want to nuke my system... is it normal that i need to set up a virtual machine in vmware just to check out a mail software?
  • Actually, it is feature frozen.

    Silly Miggy
  • The Outlook mail files are stored in a proprietry database format and the only way to get at the data is through mapi.dll. So, the way to import the files into Evolution is to use Mozilla on Windows to convert the Outlook mail stuff into mbox format files and then import those files into Evolution. Yeah, it's a hassle, but it's the only way currently (wonder how Wine's mapi implementation is coming on).

  • I wasn't aware that the mail could be exported as CSV, I know the addressbooks can. Eventually there will be a CSV importer for Evolution, there just wasn't enough time before the feature freeze.
  • by Nodatadj ( 28279 ) on Friday July 20, 2001 @07:57PM (#71326) Journal
    Evolution has one of the most complete IMAP implementations in a mail client, especially an open source one. Evolution also supports iMIP and iTIP scheduling.

    The problem with the Outlook files is that they are in a proprietry database format, and the only way to access the data stored in them is via mapi.dll. The same with Exchanges messaging, the over the wire protocol is proprietry.
  • by Nodatadj ( 28279 ) on Saturday July 21, 2001 @01:14PM (#71327) Journal
    I understand that Michael Zucchi is working on a system where you can point Evolution at your pine mailbox and have it read that, so it means that you can use Evolution locally and then pine remotely. You'd be best to ask the evolution-list @ to find out more
  • Come on, this is an article about Evolution (which looks like it's getting very interesting) -- what's the point of sneering at theKompany?

    One of the reasons mindless trolls have left to refuse to use QT and KDE is that QT is GPLed, not LGPLed, which makes it impossible to write closed source programs using QT without paying TrollTech a licence fee. In contrast, you are perfectly free to write a closed source application using GTK and Gnome, because they are LGPLed.

    So, you are using a system which makes it easier to produce closed source programs, and you are sneering at a company which produces closed source programs. Are you feeling ok?
  • by jonathan_ingram ( 30440 ) on Friday July 20, 2001 @11:49PM (#71329) Homepage
    Don't go away thinking that C++ is some paragon of Object Orientated virtue - it's a horrible mixture of low level and high level, with bits of generic programming (templates) and functional programming (STL) thrown in for good measure; all mixed and blended to produce a very unintuitive language, and one of the largest specifications since PL/1.

    There are advantages to doing OO code in C -- it shows you exactly what is going on, and doesn't hide anything from you. Most people would use lots of boiler-plate templates, and just fill in the blanks.

    If you want simplicity and ease of use, try some real high-level languages. Python, for example, shows you that mixed metaphor languages don't have to be a cluttered, unreadable mess. Lisp (and its modern relatives like Scheme) is beautifully pure, with a simple specification (ignoring the abomination of CL), and is also very readable once you've hit your head against the monitor 5 or 6 times (although I wouldn't want to code it in an editor without a decent Lisp-mode).

    Getting back to the main point: KDE may be more polished, but at the moment Gnome has better apps in many areas. Hopefully, Gnome will gain polish, KDE will gain applications, and in 2 years time we will have two excellent free UNIX desktops.
  • by Khalid ( 31037 ) on Saturday July 21, 2001 @04:10AM (#71330) Homepage
    Don't forget the main unspoken point of KDE and Gnome and many of their applications ! their aim is to bring Windows users to Linux, not to convince geeks who already use Linux and know about Mutt or Pine or whatever, and can also find their way through the multitude of other Linux applications. So the applications need to feel loke Windows applications to attract Windows users duh !
  • Are you guys gonna start allowing directory listings again on spidermonkey []? I'd personally much rather use APT to handle this stuff (right now at least) verses red-carpet which is still a tad buggy.
  • I just realized that made me sound like a dick. I really like evolution, it's an awesome program, and I thank Miguel for working on it. Along with his work on mono [], whcih I would like to get involved with some day. I just have problems with red-carpet right now (not philosophical problems, just weirdness with trying to install software). Anyways, sorry.
  • A nameless, spineless, quivering hunk of sea-jelly (just kidding, I see the smiley!) wrote: "You'd written this beforehand, hadn't you? ;)"

    No, but perhaps I should have. I didn't know this beta was out until I saw the story on the page and started reading the comments.

    Since it's a predictable genre of comment whenever software releases are mentioned on /., perhaps I should just keep it handy for easy changing and pasting! Complaining that slashdot is too much like freshmeat is sort of silly, IMO ... completely different types of forum, even when the subjects overlap. Plus, the people who work on freshmeat are weird.

    Added to which, there's just something weirdly negative about complaining when something in the world doesn't perfectly conform to some arbitrary vision of what it *should* be based on prior experiences ... if you visit a place (IRL, on the web, in reading an involving book, whatever)it should strike you as odd if things *aren't* different, if there aren't signs of change and vitality. Otherwise, we could just pick the Ultimate Average Slashdot Story and just run it every 58.7 minutes, and robotically post averaged-out comments, applying averaged-out moderation points ...

    that would be boring and dumb ;)

    (note -- by 'places in the world' I mean ones not under your own direct complete control -- it would be weird to come home and find Weird Al feeding your kitten anchovies from a tin, especially if you don't have a kitten already.)



  • by timothy ( 36799 ) on Friday July 20, 2001 @06:16PM (#71334) Journal
    At least, if you're saying that Slashdot reports "EVERY NEW SOFTWARE RELEASE!!!" ;)

    In fact, relatively few software releases reach Slashdot (a few more if you count the sections, where slightly more esoteric releases might reach, say, the Apache section).

    A 1.0 version (OK, a 1.0 beta in this case) of what is one of the most-awaited pieces of software in the Free software world is not the typical announcement you'd find on Freshmeat -- are you nodding along with me, or shaking your head in disagreement?

    Yesterday, Freshmeat listed around 70 pieces of software, and doubtless other sites (like the apps page of KDE, or the recent software of GNOME's site) listed apps which were not also listed at freshmeat. Some of that software is probably just as interesting overall as Evolution, and a lot of smaller pieces are certainly interesting when viewed for what they might turn into (sound aps plus video aps, some cool possibilities for the near future).

    Slashdot has a lot of other types of stories, but heck, since a lot of people here are interested in Free / Open Source software, is it not appropriate that occasionally we mention ... Free / Open Source software?

    Also, completely serious, if you know of stories you'd rather see here, submit them :) []. That's where the vast majority of stories on this site come from. A lot of people pointed out the release of Evolution, and besides, it's something that's been the topic of both excitement and criticism for a long time. Outside of mailing lists, how many other places do you get to see comments from Miguel explaining in near-real time his company's software / plans? I think that's pretty cool.

    And as a last resort, you can also choose not to see the stories in categories where software might be announced or talked about; just go to your user preferences. I'm personally glad to see this announcement here (just logged in after 4 hours of driving), but tastes differ violently. If we had a "sports" section, I'd probably block that ;)



  • Couldn't you just export the mail folders to a csv flat file and slap together a little perl script to change it to mbox format?

    Or is there not enough info in the export file?

  • by nakaduct ( 43954 ) on Friday July 20, 2001 @04:56PM (#71336)
    Munitions regulations forbid exporting this software to Kansas [].
  • Yes,

    If I only had a dolphin for every CVS checkout, I'd have alot of dolphins.
  • by Uri ( 51845 ) on Friday July 20, 2001 @06:13PM (#71338)
    Tip: if Evolution seems to load up really slowly then you probably need to restart your oaf server. Just run killev followed by oaf-slay and Presto. Or else follow the windows approach and wait for your next reboot :)

    Screenshot: check out the funky new (and configurable) summary page []!
  • i hope that evolution has some groovin lawyers, we might see the end of where we came from
  • I have done this. Unfortunately, you don't get attachments. The best way I found was to select a group of messages in Outlook, and forward them to another email account. This puts all of the email messages as attachments into one big email. Then I used mutt, configured some keys to do "macros", and saved the individual attachments into another mailbox. Wala! I had a PERFECT mail export feature.
  • I'm looking in the "Ximian Preview" channel in Red Carpet, and all I see is version 0.11-ximian.2. Is this the beta of 1.0? (It would help if there were dates listed with the items, but there don't appear to be, at least not that I can find.)

    Can anybody point me at the right thing to download if this isn't it? I'm dying to see this thing. Thanks.

  • Cant verify this now cuz im on the windows box and my main mailmachine is at work where i run Evolution but im still pretty sure that latest evo builds had a support for signing and decoding pgp'd messages.
  • adapt and survive, at least IMO, is much MUCH more believable than a man on a throne in the clouds made me out of dirt.

  • This has to be the worst headline ever. There is no mention of what Evolution is or does, and i am still clueless.
  • The problem isn't with KDE/QT isn't the fact that QT is not LGPL'd. The problem is that it used to have a source-under-glass license and the KDE camp didn't care.

    Don't get me wrong - I like theKompany. Any company that released any software GPL'd is doing something right. They certainly do 'get it' more than most other companies. I just happen to believe that it's fundamentally wrong to sell closed-source software. It's nice that they're contributing to the community and all, and hey - we're not forced to use their proprietary plugins/stencils. In fact, we're free to make our own using their Open technology. But it's still wrong to write closed software:P

    I've heard all the arguments about software not being politics before, and don't care to get into it here. Regardless of what the nay-sayers spout, I won't be adding non-free to my sources.list anytime soon.
    signature smigmature
  • I have no problem with selling software. Just with closed software. There is a difference.
    signature smigmature
  • by gengee ( 124713 ) <> on Friday July 20, 2001 @05:38PM (#71347)
    I'm a big evolution supporter. Have always liked it. I like the fact that the entirety of the program is GPL'ed (Unlike certain products from certain nameless others. []

    But it's a little bit discouraging when you install the binaries through red-carpet, rm -rf your existing ~/evolution directory, run oaf-slay, start evolution and then find that it crashed consistently if you try to open the 'Welcome to Evolution' email.

    I'll go file a bug report now... - James
    signature smigmature
  • Wow, this *is* refreshing. I'm so used to hearing about BSD's death....

    Damn....Just blew my moderation of this discussion. :)
  • ...but I just finished hunting down and killing all of the errant ximian packages on my debian testing install. My system has never run more smoothly--even Nautilus is zippy since I moved to a consistent distribution. I'm not going to let that happen again, and I just tried dpkging the available .deb but it wanted to overwrite libcamel0. I guess I'll wait for it to magically appear as an official .deb.
  • Use a local IMAP server, fetchmail to retrieve the mail, and then use Evolution for local and Pine for remote...
  • I've been a long time Mutt user (and Pine before that) so I was pretty excited about trying out Evolution. I've heard some pretty rave reviews and decided to give it a spin, thinking I may be convinced to take the GUI mail client plunge. Beta 1 was completely stable for me, but I really didn't see what was so impressive about the thing. To be totally honest, it looks and feels very much like an Outlook clone. It certainly has all of the latest wizbang features, but I honestly had expected a better, more innovative interface from the folks at Ximian.

    All in all, it's a very solid, feature-complete client. Especially for those with Outlook envy. But I think the GTK/GNOME community could do (and would like) something a bit more original. But hey, it's certainly a lot better than the Netscape mail client!
  • Having a complete fossil record is not required to show that evolution does infact occur - sit down and read "The Origin of Species" sometime, I think you'll be pleasently surprised.

  • is what all gui mail clients need: a command line client that i can log into from afar

    until then, i'm stickin to good old Pine


  • Thanks for the usability report ;-) I think that somehow bonobo-config must be broken on your system if Evolution isn't saving your config info :( Anyways, I was the guy writing S/MIME support (I finished PGP) but we will not have S/MIME finished for 1.0, instead we plan to support it by version 1.1 or so... You had a good point about the calendar/tasks sharing the timezone config... I'll have to mention that (or if you submit some bugzilla bugs, definetely make sure to say something about that one). I sorta agree that the PGP settings are kind of non-intuitive, but I'm not sure of the best UI for that. This is definetely something our UI expert needs to take a look at when she gets a chance. I mostly just took the UI from other mailers that do PGP like Spruce/etc. If you click on the "View -> Folder Bar" menu item, the folder-tree will pop up and stay up (you can also click on the pin icon in the upper-right corner of the folder-tree to make it stick). I also happened to write the SSL code which should work with OpenSSL but I mostly wrote it to work with libnss from Mozilla. Anywyas, you had some good overall comments - I hope you enter them into our bugzilla system ;-) Jeff
  • Well, maybe it's just me (or my RedHat 7.1 install) but when I finally decided to give Ximian GNOME another go I had nothing but problems.

    First, the freshly-installed Ximian Red Carpet installer hung whenever I selected an unsubscribed channel. It would say "Receiving channel data..." or something like that and do nothing for many minutes. I finally installed a Red Carpet RPM that I grabbed via ftp and was then able to use Red Carpet to get Evolution Beta 0.11.

    Now in Evolution Beta 0.11, with "Leave Mail on Server" and "Check for new mail every 1 minute" options set, it pulls the same mail off my server every minute. I didn't notice until I had ten copies of everything.

    Finally, I tried sending mail. No matter what I select for authentication options (authentication required or not, authentication method=password/CRAM-MD5/DIGEST-MD5/NT Server) Evolution tells me my server doesn't support authentication type PLAIN.

    What's up with that? Is anyone getting this to work? Seems like alpha software to me. Right in line with Taco's recent rant about Linux usability, I guess. I suppose I'll try the MonkeyTalk or Bug Buddy thing next...
  • No. It gives my life a porpoise.
  • Open source and leaders.leaders and opeN sourcE; please, i just got out of escher's assending and descending...
  • does anyone know of any win32 port of evolution?

    This isn't as hilarious as it sounds. I'd like to have Evolution for Windows. And once (if?) a groupware back end for Evolution is developed, having clients for mulitple platforms would be great.

  • All in all, it's a very solid, feature-complete client. Especially for those with Outlook envy.

    Which raises the main issue (aside from overall stability) that would prevent me from switching to Evolution today: can it import the mail database from Outlook?


  • by kypper ( 446750 ) on Friday July 20, 2001 @05:43PM (#71360)
    but creationism has so many holes it ain't funny.

    ...and that one has been around for millenia.

    Screw 3...

  • This feature really needs to be added to evolution. It really helps to hear when a new message arrives.
  • Where did I say Gnome is shit? I believe I expressed the opinion that KDE is superior, and gave several reasons, from poor integration, to downright dog-ugliness. YOU need to learn to moderate with your brain, not with your heart, my friend.
  • You are not a developer. The "WE" in your title is ill-applied.
  • If you were a "KDE or Gnome person", you'd remember things like this [].

    You claim to speak for both camps. Did you confer with them first, or did you just assume everyone accepted your point of view? This despite the fact that you have nothing to do with either.

    If KDE people liked gnome, they'd develop for it. The fact that they don't proves that I am right.

  • It's all absolutely true, except for the bit about Alan Cox. Nothing is uglier than Alan Cox.
  • You love it, you know you do.
  • I seem to have expressed the incorrect opinion once again. How can I make amends? Ah! Of course:

    With this new release of unstoppable GNU/Linux software, Linux will surely replace Windows on the desktop. The unparalleled brilliance of the Open Source development methodology has produced another example of robust software superior in every way to the primitive and poorly written Micro$loth versions. I know we've been saying this for the last four years, but every time this happens, I feel more certain that within the next four years, Linux will rule the desktop market.

  • It still strikes me as a very silly idea. A large part of the point of OO is supposed to be encapsulation. When working on a huge application, it is counter-productive to bombard a programmer with information. While C does give you a better idea of what's going on, it's dubious as to whether or not this is particularly useful when coding desktop apps. The argument could be made that you could use asm, and get a real good idea of what is going on.

    The point of coding in languages like C++ is that the programmer sacrifices some control over his code in order to make coding faster and project management easier. Additionally, there are considerable advantages to sensible use of things like templates and the STL.

    Frankly, I consider Sun's adoption of Gnome to be a kiss-of-death. They seem to have a history of adopting UIs and watching them crash and burn.

  • does anyone know of any win32 port of evolution?

The price one pays for pursuing any profession, or calling, is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side. -- James Baldwin
