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MIT To Release Next-Generation OS "Cesium" 392

snowphoton writes: "Slant-Six magazine has an article about Cesium, a fascinating (and soon public) operating system from the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science. A virtual machine, an object-oriented database-driven filesystem, and a 3D GUI mean that this isn't your father's operating system." This article doesn't address licensing, except to say that it "is due to be released by the end of the year for free," so it will be interesting to see just what "free" means here. Update: Yep, it's a hoax. Fun! Tricks are neat!
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MIT To Release Next-Generation OS "Cesium"

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  • Timmy.... (Score:2, Offtopic)

    by keepper ( 24317 )
    Ever heard of the MIT license....?

    It's a BSD derived license... tm l
  • Cesium's architecture and abilities are enough to make even the most jaded computer enthusiast start frothing at the mouth. *starts frothing at the mouth* I've tried out "3D" Windows desktops to little satisfaction. Most of them are just crap, buggy, DirectX8 overlays. If this does what it says it does, I dont think I'll ever need another operating system for hobby use. Heh... should be fun when this little sucker is released... I hope it can run on plain old x86 hardware :) Talez
  • Unless it's just JunkBuster acting really weird, the article doesn't work. I keep getting the following message:

    TCP connection to '' failed: No error.

  • Clock (Score:2, Funny)

    by TalShiar00 ( 238873 )
    I bet the system clock is always off

    Cesium...get in the atomic clock..

    You are right that was not funny.
  • by EccentricAnomaly ( 451326 ) on Monday October 29, 2001 @07:10PM (#2495193) Homepage
    The elimination of the directory/file paradigm seems like a good one as well as the virtual machine... but I don't know about the HTML and XML for all human readable text... and what good is a 3D GUI?

    Can anyone think of a good reason to have a 3D GUI? It seems like a waste of compute power.
    • And how long ago would someone have said "I don't know about variable fonts and font sizes for all human readable text. And what good is a GUI?"

      There are, of course, a fair number of people who *still* feel that any GUI is a bad GUI, but even the most hardened CLI zealot has to admit that the GUI revolutionized the computer industry. If it were all CLI, computers would be nowhere near as widely used as they are now.

      Not to say that Cesium's 3d gui is going to do what those first gui's did (epsecially since I've not even seen so much as a screenshot), but maybe a 3d gui is what we need. Traditional point-and-click has reached something of a standstill. Whether it's KDE, Gnome, Windows, BeOS, or Aqua, it's all still the same basic principles. I've yet to see a really useful 3d gui, but from the (admittedly very sketchy details) it looks like a lot of thought went into Cesium. Maybe someone's finally come up with something that actually adds value.
      • "[....] And what good is a GUI?"

        ...right, and people came up with good reasons to use a WIMP [windows, icons, menus, pointer] interface, and that answered the question. We're still waiting for an answer to the original poster's question.

        Parroting Jakob Nielsen & Edward Tufte here, it's worth noting that conceptually, most problems we deal with are N-dimensional, where N is a very large number with probably several trailing zeroes. Going from a crude, vaguely 1-D interface like the command line to a somewhat less crude 2-D interface like the WIMP interface is a good aid & worth doing. Going from that 2-D interface to 3-D isn't as helpful.

        For one thing, it doesn't really do much to flesh out a rendering of that huge N-D problem space. For another, it's bloody confusing in pretty much every implementation yet conceived. Even if we could get a decent visualization of a 3-D space on a flat monitor plane [hint: we can't, and no video games don't count], the input devices aren't suitable for interacting with a three dimensional space anyway. A mouse has no concept of elevation, and devices that do, like those silly VR gloves, don't work well enough to be useful.

        It's my firm belief that a 3-D interface will never really be viable on contemporary hardware, because both the input & output devices are not designed for or capable of rendering such a visualization acceptably. Even if it were possible, or [more likely] if people were to migrate to say holographic displays and some sort of "tri-axial" mouse, you hit an even bigger problem: it's hard for people to conceptualize what's going on as the number of dimensions goes up [one is easy, two is common, three takes work, and four & higher we just can't do] and i've yet to see any argument or sample implementation that makes the marginally better mapping onto N-D problem sets worth the tradeoff of all the extra conceptualization effort required to understand such a scheme.

        If contemporary 2D guis seem to be stagnating, it's probably because they're approaching a kind of maturity. That isn't a bad thing. After 20 years or so of mainstream deployment, we're getting a pretty good idea of what works well and what doesn't. I like that I was able to sit down in front of BeOS for the first time and realize that everything I'd learned with the Win & Mac interfaces was going to help me here. I don't want some kind of radical shift in how the display works, unless I know that in return for the considerable effort that learning it will require (including unlearning much of what I've gotten used to thus far) I'm going to get at least an order of magnitude more productivity out of the new interface.

        And that just ain't gonna happen.

        It's a nice pipe dream, but we don't even have anything good enough on the drawing board, and that's not by accident. And this article, in case you didn't realize it by now, is troll fodder. Your leg has been pulled... :)

    • by javaman235 ( 461502 ) on Monday October 29, 2001 @09:15PM (#2495578)
      Actually, I think a 3D GUI is a great idea. Consider your existing desktop as it is, but it is being rendered on a flat 3d, plane, exactly in front of you. If the 3d engine is written intelligently, this won't take a whole lot more resouces than you existing desktop does, because it is outputting the same thing to your monitor...the BEAUTY of this system however, is that a programmer has the ability to do incredible things with the GUI, because that 3d functionality is there, at such a low level...things like taking a window and zooming out to infinity on minimalize, or renering it partially transparent when it loses focus...the possibilities are limitless.

      OF COURSE things like this would take resources, but you can bet that the MIT guys will think of this, and give you options to balance your GUI kewlness factor against your system resources, like any OS from Windows to Linux does.
    • all human-readable text is assumed to be HTML or XML, instead of Notepad-style plain text, and formatting can be customized with cascading style sheets.

      Chicken and egg problem that no real MIT OS guru would allow himself to be caught in. If every document is considered to already be HTML or XML by the OS, how do you create HTML or XML above the OS layer? Use a text editor? Ah, but all text is considered to be HTML or XML at the OS level.

      Sorry guys. There are some really great ideas here, but the article is really just a troll. It's just an interesting wishlist of OS feature desires.
  • Coooooool.... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by krmt ( 91422 )
    Well, here it finally is. We've been waiting for how long now for a big clean sweep of the PC? Throwing out everything from the file/folder/desktop heirarchy to plain-text formatting is a fascinating move, one that I'm sure we've all thought about at least one time or another, but had no way of going about it. I really hope this pans out.

    The immediate problems that I see are
    1. The UI will scare people. Unfamiliar == Scary.
    2. Hardware support. Hopefully drivers will get out there fast.
    3. Very new programming model. People can't build off of years of UNIX experience as with linux.
    4. People like what they've got, be it windows, linux, mac, or both. Change is scary.
    5. Is the VM slow? Probably not, but we won't know until it's out.
    That said, I really hope these hurdles can be overcome. I'm betting ideas from this will be incorporated in to the more traditional OS's in the long run, but who knows? I'm certaintly going to check it out and maybe give it a spin on a spare partition (if that's even possible yet). A 3d GUI! I can't wait.
    • slight problem, its not plain text, html or xml
      look back
    • The UI will scare people. Unfamiliar == Scary.
      I assume you are referring to the 3d gui. The article makes it seem as if the 3d gui is sort of optional. It is slashdotted now, but I remember reading something like, "anything from a text console to a 3d gui." Either way, this definitely looks like a great step for operating systems.
    • Throwing out everything from the file/folder/desktop heirarchy

      Is it just me? I really can't see a distinction between the folder/file relatoinship and the parent/child data relationship.
    • Dagum it. Where's "-1, Gullible" when you need it?
      • No shit. Mod my ass down. I got suckered like a lot of people. I don't happen to work at MIT, and I never bothered with a search (of course, the /. editors didn't either, so I'm in good company). The whole thing should have sounded too good to be true, and I should have realized it from my own post, talking about everyone having thought about this but no one having any idea as to how to do it.

        Ah well, fuck it. I can still dream that someone will come up with a good 3d GUI one day...
  • Cesium's architecture and abilities are enough to make even the most jaded computer enthusiast start frothing at the mouth.

    *starts frothing at the mouth*

    I've tried out "3D" Windows desktops to little satisfaction. Most of them are just crap, buggy, DirectX8 overlays. If this does what it says it does, I dont think I'll ever need another operating system for hobby use.

    Heh... should be fun when this little sucker is released... I hope it can run on plain old x86 hardware :)

    • Until I have a 3-D *display* and an intuitive way to navigate 3 dimensions, 3D "environments" are just another waste of time (IMHO). I can already have windows in front of, behind, below, above, left, and right of other frames, so my present "2D" setup is a fine way to not waste otherwise useful resources.

      That said, more OS's with more OS developers that are free to collaborate with other OS people is generally a good thing for everyone, so I hope this goes somewhere. It'd sure be nice if the article was somewhere I could read it, though, as the page linked to just comes up with a worthless entry page... :)
  • Slashdotted (Score:5, Informative)

    by Knunov ( 158076 ) <eat@my.ass> on Monday October 29, 2001 @07:12PM (#2495208) Homepage
    The story has been Slashdotted already. I am posting it here for the benfit of fellow /.ers and EZ Karma points:

    The Advanced Operating Systems Group, a branch of the Lab for Computer Science at MIT, has begun planning for a public release of their formerly unknown operating system known as Cesium.
    Currently at version 4.2 (version 1.0 was finished in 1993), Cesium's architecture and abilities are enough to make even the most jaded computer enthusiast start frothing at the mouth. As an assistant to one of the lab's directors, I was invited to a private presentation given last week to some MIT staff members as part of the planning process for its eventual public release. I was given permission to write this sneak preview.

    The primary goal of Cesium's creators was to fully abandon the "historic principles" that have shaped most contemporary operating systems. Concepts like "desktop", "folders", "files", etc., have all been thrown out the window. The results, while unusual when compared against the de facto standard of Microsoft Windows, are nevertheless fascinating and potentially very useful.

    Cesium comprises five main parts, or "Overmodules". These overmodules are made up of semi-independent modules, which can be replaced or updated at will in order to add, remove or modify system functionality.

    The Platform overmodule is the only platform-specific part of Cesium. It serves as a virtual machine, allowing the OS to run almost identically on a variety of platforms. The AOSG Lab has a distributed Cesium system made up of a seemingly random batch of Mac and PC machines, and Cesium has also been successfully tested on some handheld devices.

    The Storage overmodule is one of the more unique ideas behind Cesium. Instead of using a traditional filesystem, all data is stored in an object-oriented database (OODBMS) that is written through the Platform overmodule directly to a hard drive. This allows for queries and operations that would not normally be possible within a traditional filesystem. In addition, it eliminates the concepts of files and folders, opting instead for child-parent relationships between any data stores.

    The Program overmodule serves as interpreter, compiler, and API for Cesium software. After translating code into an intermediate language called "Cilantro" (which is cached for future use), it passes the code to the Platform overmodule, which then executes it. Cesium currently supports C, C++, Java, Perl, Fortran, Lisp, COBOL, and numerous smaller languages.

    The Presentation overmodule works with the Platform overmodule to give programs access to a powerful and platform-independent visual interface that can present the output of programs as anything from terminal text to a 3-dimensional Hollywood-style GUI called "Tripwire" (which does shadows, transparencies, textures and light rendering better than most video game engines) depending on what the user chooses to see and what the hardware can handle.

    Finally, the Security overmodule handles access issues, providing administrators with user maintenance and permissions functionality that rivals anything offered by mainstream operating systems.

    The most interesting parts of Cesium, however, are often the little things. For example, all human-readable text is assumed to be HTML or XML, instead of Notepad-style plain text, and formatting can be customized with cascading style sheets. The default text editor that comes with Cesium, therefore, handles such things as bold, italics, tables, graphics, colors, etc., without trouble.

    Another interesting little tidbit is that Cesium was intended to be well documented from the very start. Error messages are dynamically generated and context sensitive, meaning that almost any error comes with a plain English description of exactly what happened, how it probably happened, and how to fix it.

    Cesium is due to be released by the end of the year for free, bundled with approximately 200 software applications including HTTP, FTP, NNTP and SMTP servers; a fully functional office application suite; graphics and audio software; and four video games including CesiumQuake.

    For further information, stay tuned to The MIT Laboratory for Computer Science website.

    • by Luyon ( 203720 )
      Cesium is due to be released by the end of the year for free, bundled with approximately 200 software applications including HTTP, FTP, NNTP and SMTP servers; a fully functional office application suite; graphics and audio software; and four video games including CesiumQuake.

      This is by far my favorite part of this troll: while most people would consider, say, NetHack a noble effort for game porting on a unreleased-brand-spanking-new OS, we're going to release it with QUAKE.

    • At the bottom of the story on Slant Six there is a hit counter. When I first read the story it stated:

      This story has been read 71 times.

      After the Slashdotting, I went back and just a few hours later the counter read:

      This story has been read 20416 times.

      Behold the power of /.

  • Mirror (Score:2, Informative)

    by redhotchil ( 44670 )
    Site seems slow, heres a mirror:
    here []
  • by plam ( 123263 ) on Monday October 29, 2001 @07:15PM (#2495225)
    ... which is fishy, because I'm sitting here in my office on the sixth floor of the Laboratory for Computer Science [], and the operating systems dudes are on the fifth floor. There is also no mention of Cesium on the projects page [].

    I couldn't actually read the original page, slant-six being slashdotted and all, but it sure doesn't sound like an LCS initiative. In fact I don't see any mention of any such operating system on the web.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      I second that. I'm not sitting in the building, but I know several folks who work there. None of them have mentioned any work covered in the article. I also don't understand what the purpose of keeping an OS project secret would be in an academic enviroment. Remember publish or perish? I think this a hoax.

      • I also don't understand what the purpose of keeping an OS project secret would be in an academic enviroment. Remember publish or perish?

        Actually there's a whole bunch of reasons which make it hard to deal with a large system in an academic environment. Publish or perish is certainly a major contributor. But large systems just have so much icky overhead to make them work that, in terms of work-to-reward ratio, it's almost never worth it to do a complete system. Or feasible; we don't have enough people to write large quantities of production code. Successful systems projects (wrt an academic metric for 'successful'), for instance, the self-certifying file system [] use parts of other systems that people have built. It's a lot easier that way, and it's really useful when those other systems are free software.

        Of course, there are major minuses to not having a system you can actually use day-to-day. A lot of the microkernel research, I'm told, was done by people who didn't 'eat their own dogfood'. They would boot up the system, run their benchmarks, then shut it off. This didn't capture problems which occur only after a few days of uptime.

        By the way, you can check out what the operating systems dudes are actually doing at their website: Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems Group [].
      • I think this a hoax.

        I can see this being a scare, an april fools joke in reverse, just in time to give certain Microsoft execs a heart attack.

        sort of like a halloween scare. Trick or treat, like earlier memos from earlier years.

    • by Cato the Elder ( 520133 ) on Monday October 29, 2001 @07:32PM (#2495298) Homepage
      I didn't find anything on the web either, although of course project names get changed a whole bunch.

      But the article was supposedly written by a
      "Harvey M. Dunkirk" who says he's an assistant to one of the lab's directors.

      However, no such person appears in the LCS directory--and "Support Staff" is listed for some of the people there.

      Mighty fishy--I welcome a clarifying comment from anyone with more first-hand knowledge.
      • by Tim Macinta ( 1052 ) <> on Monday October 29, 2001 @07:39PM (#2495326) Homepage
        However, no such person appears in the LCS directory--and "Support Staff" is listed for some of the people there.

        Also noteworthy is that running "finger" turns up nothing (you can look up a person's info by fingering their last name at MIT's finger database is usually very reliable and thorough.

    • Interesting that there seems to be no other mention of this Cesium OS elsewhere on the web. Anyone see a quick way to inflate web site hits going on here?

    • finger
      Student data loaded as of Oct 29, Staff data loaded as of Oct 27.
      URL data loaded once a month.

      Notify Personnel or use WebSIS as appropriate to change your information.

      Our on-line help system describes
      How to change data, how the directory works, where to get more info.
      For a listing of help topics, enter finger Try finger to read about how the directory works. Please see for questions about the new URL field.

      No matches to your query.

      The penultimate line says it all. The email address for the author is bogus, as is the article. Additionally, the LCS folks I know haven't heard about this. Smells like BS to me.

      • Where did you get that?
        I got this:

        Student data loaded as of Oct 29, Staff data loaded as of Oct 27.
        URL data loaded once a month.

        Notify Personnel or use WebSIS as appropriate to change your information.

        Our on-line help system describes
        How to change data, how the directory works, where to get more info.
        For a listing of help topics, enter finger Try finger to read about how the directory works. Please see for questions about the new URL field.

        All your base are belong to us.

    • I would also have to agree with that.

      First of all, I don't think MIT is known for keeping people a floor up in the same building in the dark for 8 YEARS on an OS. Why would they?

      Second, there are no references to Harvey Dunkirk on G except for someone who died in the civil war.

      Finally, a test message to, the email address given on the story page, doesn't exist. In the words of MIT:
      ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
      (reason: 550 ... User unknown)

      ----- Transcript of session follows -----
      ... while talking to
      >>> RCPT To:
      ... User unknown
      550 5.1.1 User unknown

      So, I think we have a hoax on our hands.
    • Plam sez: > ... which is fishy, because I'm
      sitting here in my office on the sixth floor of
      the Laboratory for Computer Science...

      Perhaps this is fiscal April Fools Day? Those fiscal holidays are so hard to keep track of.


    • by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 29, 2001 @08:43PM (#2495496)
      heh, pretty creative way to troll slashdot. Use a little-known website that allows story submissions [] and trick them into posting it. After they do that, turn around and submit a 'story' to slashdot and use the story that got submitted on slantsix to get the slashdot editors to put your submission on the main page.

    • This was also a very efficient hoax. "Harvey M. Dunkirk" has been a member of Slant-Six since "10/29/2001 3:09:40 PM." See: Slant-Six Information for Harvey M. Dunkirk []. The Slashdot story was posted by Timothy on October 29, @06:58PM. Four hours from start to successful completion.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    1. Release Next-Generation OS
    2. ???
    3. Profit!
  • virtual machine, an object-oriented database-driven filesystem, and a 3D GUI mean that this isn't your father's operating system

    Especially not in the area of PERFORMANCE, I'll bet!

  • Another interesting little tidbit is that Cesium was intended to be well documented from the very start. Error messages are dynamically generated and context sensitive, meaning that almost any error comes with a plain English description of exactly what happened, how it probably happened, and how to fix it.

    I have nothing else to say, that in istelf is all I ever wanted from my OS.
  • You'll have to have a GeForce3 card to show the desktop.

    But, hey, atleast you'll be able to shoot the icons with a rocket launcher or another Quake3 weapon of your choice...
  • Actually... (Score:5, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 29, 2001 @07:20PM (#2495258)
    It =is= your father's operating system!

    It's called OS/400. Other than the 3d GUI, those are the base features of the AS/400 software. The virtual machine and OO database file system have been there from the beginning.
    • I've tried it. It has perhaps the worst learning curve of any system I know. You have to learn about 300 pages worth of concepts to write 'hello, world'.

      Of course once you do that, there are a lot of really neat things about it, but sadly I just didn't have the time to learn it :-(.

  • by Anonymous Brave Guy ( 457657 ) on Monday October 29, 2001 @07:20PM (#2495259)

    Well, from the details in the article, it certainly sounds promising. I'm glad someone's finally going "very public" with ideas to replace the underpowered filing systems we're using now, for a start. It'll be interesting to see how their OODBMS system works out.

    That does raise an obvious question, though. Given that we're all used to filing systems where you have a lump of data in some form and you give it a name, and beyond that, it's just a hierarchical arrangement, how does that translate to/from their world? Converting from PC <-> Mac <-> Linux is no big deal (although even then we have details that may get "lost in translation") but they all follow a similar paradigm. How do you map from such a system onto an OO set-up? Given that they mention supporting an office suite, clearly a necessity for any mainstream OS today, they must surely have considered this issue in some detail.

  • by meta-monkey ( 321000 ) on Monday October 29, 2001 @07:32PM (#2495297) Journal
    How come there are no pictures at the slant-six story, and no mention of this project on the website at ? How come a search on google reveals...nothing? Do you really think MIT could develop the most fantastical OS ever for and keep it a giant secret? They said version 1.0 came out in where is that?

    Also, why would a university bother to write an office suite for this project? How exactly does that qualify as new research, worthy of publication leading to a master's or Ph.D.? I don't think any grad student actually interested in graduating would waste his time on such a thing.

    hey, timothy, next time do some fact-checking before you post this stuff...
  • Is this for real? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by David Ziegler ( 5030 )
    This sounds great and all, but like someone else pointed out, there's absolutely no mention of this anywhere on the MIT website, and a quick scan of the MIT website and directory for Harvey Dunkirk (the author, and supposedly an assistant to one of the lab directors) turned up absolutely no hits. I'd love to be wrong, this sounds cool, but this sounds really fishy.
  • I have a feeling that this is a hoax. Even if it is, there's some hope for the proposed features.

    DBMS filesystem: A filesystem is a database... there are two major things that most filesystems today lack (so far as I can think of), that more modern database systems could provide. One, is that databases can be indexed fairly easily, providing for fast searching. Unfortunatly, indexing on many columns (in RDBMS) can actually take a lot of disk space... maybe more than many people would be willing to accept. I also wish that filesystems could hold much more meta-data. What I envision, is a filesystem which provides meta-data fields dynamically, based on mime-type (stored seperately - not in filename). Imagine meta-data for image/jpeg to include compression level, height, width, or even a thumbnail version of the image, or meta-data for audio/mpeg to include the info that's now stored in ID3. This shouldn't necessarily mean slowness, or excessive disk useage - especially if you can turn extended meta-data off for particular parts of the filesystem.

    Visual interface: While 3D sounds cool, I'm not convinced. A monitor (currently) is a 2D object, and merging a 3D environment into a 2D display is going to cause as much - if not more - metaphore 'clash' as the 'desktop' metaphore. I think that some of the best/most interesting display technologies can be found in things like Aqua which uses display PDF and Berlin which uses 'fresco' to provide similar features like resolution independance, good printer output, vector based stuff, etc. Until we get holographic display, or maybe even good VR stuff, I'm not betting much on 3D interfaces except for very specific applications.

    Security: They didn't really go into this much, unfortunately. Unix security is nice and simple (which is a mixed blessing); sometimes you need more control. It's also nice to have things NOT run with excess privilige (this is hard in some situations - like SSHD for example). Projects like RSBAC ( address some of these issues.

    Current projects like Linux already have lots of hardware support, and people support; any new OS, no matter how revolutionary is not likely to take over too quickly. This Cesium project, should it exist, will have had to create all drivers internally without help; the Linux community hasn't even been able to support enough hardware to make everyone happy - I don't know how Cesium would. (not that wide hw support would have been a goal necessarily)
    • A filesystem is a database...

      Which makes me wonder, what filesystem does the database reside on? Inquiring minds want to know.

      Unfortunatly, indexing on many columns (in RDBMS) can actually take a lot of disk space...

      So there actually IS a traditional filesytem underneath it all? Or are all the index files stored in the same database they index?
      • Why do you think the database would require an underlying filesystem? Many DBMSs use raw disk access in order to maximize speed. I know, because I've inadvertantly crushed a few partitions because they appeared to have no underlying filesystem on them.
    • Oh, one other nice thing for filesystems would be transaction logging for consistency.
    • you just described BeFS, whch can have arbitary new metadata tagged on to any file/directory (like artist name, song name, song length, and stuff that doesnt exist normally on BeFS filesystem entities (node, date stuff, etc., are all the base/required file metadata)

      a 3D GUI ala seen in Lain sitting on BeOS, with a fast VM (java, or whatever) would be a good catharsis for the ppl disappointed by this hoax =\
  • No mention of this on any MIT website I've looked at...

    Cesium? Come on...

    Uses "Tripwire" as a name for a GUI?

    "Hollywood style"?

    Looks like someone took some computer terms, sprinkled heavily with jargon and made something up.

  • Comments from LCS (Score:5, Informative)

    by angio ( 33504 ) on Monday October 29, 2001 @08:12PM (#2495407) Homepage
    OS research at MIT happens primarily in the PDOS [] (Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems) research group these days.

    I'm a grad student in the PDOS group; I certainly haven't heard of this project, nor have my colleagues with whom I've checked. This story could use a bit more background checking; I strongly suspect that it's completely bogus. If you want to see the real research going on in operating systems at MIT, check out the PDOS [] web page, the Networks and Mobile Systems [] page, and the Advanced Network Architectures [] sites.

    • The famous AOSG (Score:3, Insightful)

      by srichman ( 231122 )
      The Advanced Operating Systems Group, a branch of the Lab for Computer Science at MIT...
      Besides, doesn't anyone else think it's weird that a lab that has supposed been around for a decade isn't mentioned anywhere [] on a website?
    • Sure, but "Cesium" is a much cooler name than "PDOS", which sounds like some kind of Pathetic Disk Operating System.

      You can think of some cool taglines too -- "Cesium: Just Add Water And Watch The Flames". Or the fun you'd have explaining to your British colleagues that it is c-e-s-i-u-m not c-a-e-s-i-u-m. Or the late night BS sessions where you dream up acronyms that spell C.E.S.I.U.M. ("Cooperative Environment for Serving Information something something").

      • You can think of some cool taglines too -- "Cesium: Just Add Water And Watch The Flames". ... Or the late night BS sessions where you dream up acronyms that spell C.E.S.I.U.M. ("Cooperative Environment for Serving Information something something").
        I don't know about that... Making people say "seize" ("To come to a halt") every time they mention your OS has to have some bad subconscious effects...
        • That reminds me of the poet Andrei Codrescu, who when learning to drive had problems selecting a car. The Chevy "Citation" seemed like tempting fate. The Dodge Dynasty (break it down to Die-Nasty) was even worse.
  • Harvey M Dunkirk...


    Sorry, but since this one is sounding more and more of a hoax, someone had to do it.

  • I don't know for sure and I hope I'm wrong but this is likely a hoax. Remember the light emmitting diode CPU thing? This is one of those concept articles of the ideal operating system. Sounds great and it's good for inspiration but I doubt such a Utopian OS exists. I wish it did but we would have heard about it already. I just hope MIT doesn't get pissed off at these guys.

  • OK, what kind of academic research institute does research in *secret*? I think I have to go with others here in thinking that this is a hoax...
  • by Migelikor1 ( 308578 ) on Monday October 29, 2001 @09:09PM (#2495562) Homepage
    The man doesn't exist
    The department doesn't exist
    The project doesn't exist

    It's pretty sad that there are still new comments appearing talking about this system as a reality. In the last few days, we've had the completely wrong iPod slashback, now this. Come on editors AND readers, do a little research before posting. More readers should have caught the fake, and it shouldn't have been here in the first place.
  • by q-soe ( 466472 ) on Monday October 29, 2001 @09:14PM (#2495575) Homepage
    Look, as someone who likes slashdot and comes here several times a day i dont like to be seem as critical, but this story is an indication of whats happening on /.

    A few minutes web work would have shown that this group doesnt exist, the person mentioned doesnt exist and the email address doesnt exist, thus this is a hoax which worked very well i would think.

    The most depressing part of this is that is see posts with people arguing authoritatively about what is wrong with this OS etc etc when discussing an OS that doesnt exist ?

    All im asking is that the editors actually check out stories they post before they do so - its a matter of respect for the people who come here.

    NOTE - im posting this under my user name in the full awerness that someone brave and wise (enter sarcasm mode)will likely mark me down for being offtopic etc etc - but as this topic is a load of bull how can anything be off topic ?
    • I'm thinking that perhaps the /. staff posts stuff more cavalierly without fact-checking precisely because its comment structure allows for easy reader corrections. I know that whenever I see an iffy story, I go to the comments to see if there have been any corrections, and there usually are. Because of this, I can't really say "I'm not going to read /. any more!"

      Fact is, for people like me who read the score 4/5 comments, /. remains a pretty reliable news source, if you take those comments into account. This, as I've said, probably contributes to editor slacking, since they feel that fact-checking isn't necessary. However, there is a significant portion (majority?) of /.'s audience that does not read the comments. You can say, "This is their own fault," all you want, but some people just choose not to spend more time than is necessary to get a brief glimpse of the news. For these people, /. is spreading uncorrected misinformation, and it is doing a disservice to its readership.

      I think that, if the editors don't want to spend the time to fact-check, they should at least post immediate update/corrections to the article, visible on the front page, when a glaring error has been made as in this case. That way, the people who don't read comments can at least be informed of mistakes.

  • LOL - Unreal. First, Slant-six has an open submission queue. And Mr Harvey?
    Harvey M. Dunkirk

    Website: MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
    Member since: 10/29/2001 3:09:40 PM

    LOL - A posting member < 24 hours old - ROFLMAO!


  • I think we can all be sure that this is a hoax. But so what. This cesium actually sounds like a good operating system idea. I think it's the responsibility of MIT to start developing it. :)

  • "This article doesn't address licensing, except to say that it "is due to be released by the end of the year for free," so it will be interesting to see just what "free" means here."

    Hopefully MIT learned from Microsoft's "embrace and extend proprietarily" approach to kerberos, and will release it under a license that keeps Microsoft from doing so again. On that note, anyone who is involved in the politics that play on MIT's dean and directors should keep an eye out for the handiwork of the devil, ie Microsoft sending in the clowns to stop them from releasing software under a "proprietary" license.
  • Step Three: (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Tekgno ( 321071 )
    Step One:
    We wet out pants over it (I know I did :P)

    Step Two:
    We realised it was a hoax

    Step Three:
    Are we going to do something about it?

    This sounds very cool, the OODBMS for starters is cool, it saves so much wasted space; the practicalities of the 3dGUI are a bit suspect but
    all the other details are good.

    Personally, I think it would be good to wipe the slate clean and start from scratch every so often. It is about time that somebody created a new OS FROM SCRATCH. It would be a mammoth undertaking but in the end we would have something beautiful, the next generation of OS.

    (If I don't stop in a minute I'll cream my pants again :P)

  • HTML for all text? 3d built into the subsystem? Virtual Machines and OODMBS?

    Sounds to me like a beefy version of Java3d, which while not an OS, I've always thought should be the basis for one. Who doesn't want a natively multi threaded high security OS with the "metal" LaF and true object oriented design? Plus, by devoting all system reources to the VM, we might actually get Java that could respond on an older system...
  • MIT LCS other "big" operating system? OS by committee that did everything and nothing well. Used by Honeywell. Was a negative inspiration for the bare-bones OS from Bell labs wil parody name UNIX.
  • So What? Wasn't Parrot (the Python / Perl merger)a hoax last year? IIRC, it went into alpha or beta recently.

    How long before someone thinks this is cool and starts implementation?
    • The story of the whole Parrot thing was:
      1) April Fools Day hoax from the Perl and Python people creates a merged Perl / Python language called Parrot.
      2) Perl 6 wanted to abstract the interpreter for bytecode from the rest of the system.
      3) Perl 6 decided to name the bytecode interpreter "Parrot", in reference to the afformentioned joke.
  • Even Slant-Six has acknowledged it. Check their front page.

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