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The (Possible) Future of Alternative Energy 451

Sponge! writes: "The stuff that turns oil into margarine. The stuff that made the Hindenburg float. The stuff that combines with oxygen to make water and with carbon to make methane. The stuff that sends the space shuttle skyward and could someday power your car, office building, house, cell phone, even your hearing aid. That "Stuff" is hydrogen, and according to Amory Lovins, it is the future of energy. Here is an interesting article on Lovins and his view of hydrogen as the number one fuel."
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The (Possible) Future of Alternative Energy

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  • Can we harness the hot air that Jon Katz spews once every week or so?
    • There's always the Max Max strategy [] for organic gas extraction. Or alternatively, we could just shove a hose up his A**. I doubt it would impact the quality of his writing (or at least the perception of his writing).

  • is that you can get it anywhere there is water and sunlight. Never run out of gas and be stranded again! Cool, especially if you're on a budget.
  • by perdida ( 251676 ) <thethreatproject@yahoo. c o m> on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @10:06PM (#2531027) Homepage Journal
    We have been able to transfer a lot of our daily consumer power needs off the grid for years.

    Unfotunately, any large scale production of alternative energy using consumables would require a massive capital investment by government and private enterprise that they have been postponing later and later.

    We could have hydrogen powered cars and solar powered houses right now, if 40 years ago somebody had started a small factory making consumer goods that used these energy sources. By now, there would be lots of factories making the goods, and cheaper production methods would have resulted.

    The short term planning orientation of energy companies and their associated enterprises is what keeps us dependent on fossil fuels today.

    Only now are corps like BP investing in alternative energy. And BP isn't advancing the field much, it seems to be buying up small alternatives industry firms and keeping them in a technological and marketing holding pattern.

    In my opinion, private enterprise and government won't invest the massive amounts required to scale alternatives production until the cost of fossil fuels is so prohibitive that they are (short-term) forced to do so.

    By then, it will be too late.

    I wish I knew what to do about this.
    • by Darth Turbogeek ( 142348 ) on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @10:17PM (#2531065) Homepage
      Convincing Industry and Govt of the Big Gobs Of Money to be had with alternate energy should be the first step. Unless they see a buck in it and preferably an easily redemable one, Alternate energy isnt going to go far.

      That being said, Does anyone realise Texas is one place where this happen and hence Wind Turbines are being built. Odd that it is in Geoge W Buhs's state - but I can say it was NOT done to save the enviroment. It was dnoe because there was shown to be a buck in it.

      Soory Greenies, that's the way it works. You want to save the enviroment, prove to someone with dollars that there is more dollars to be had and quickly. Convince the money men of that aand watch how fast these clean technologies get built
      • Profitability (Score:5, Interesting)

        by Once&FutureRocketman ( 148585 ) <otvk4o702@sneakemai[ ]om ['l.c' in gap]> on Wednesday November 07, 2001 @01:28AM (#2531519) Homepage
        Soory Greenies, that's the way it works. You want to save the enviroment, prove to someone with dollars that there is more dollars to be had and quickly.

        Couldn't agree more. It's been done. Read Natural Capitalism [] by (among others) Amory Lovins.

        Or, to paraphrase The Natural Step [], every business, regardless of industry, produces only two things: Product, and non-product. Selling product makes money. Non-product is, at best, worthless and is frequently a liability.

        The ratio varies by industry of course, but when you trace through the entire supply chain, usually only 5-10% of the materials stream winds up in product. Improving this figure is a huge opportunity to add money to the bottom line, and generally speaking, there is alot of room for improvement!

        As far as the political process goes, the main thing the government needs to do is to:

        1) Stop subsidizing waste.

        2) Correct the legal structures that currently allow industries to externalze costs. Just to give a timely example, a gallon of gas would cost alot more than $1.50 if the oil companies had to foot, say, 25% of the nation's defense budget every year to preserve access to the oil (the ethical considerations notwithstanding, of course.) As it is, the taxpayers pick up the tab instead. A whole lot of "fringe" and "green" technologies would be much more in demand if the users of current technology had to pay the true costs of that technology.

      • by Malcontent ( 40834 ) on Wednesday November 07, 2001 @02:59AM (#2531644)
        "Soory Greenies, that's the way it works. You want to save the enviroment, prove to someone with dollars that there is more dollars to be had and quickly"

        And that's why we are all on a collision course with calamity.

        There is no profit in preserving life. A bluefin tuna swimming in the ocean is worthless to anybody. The same tuna when killed is worth a thousand dollars. Same with clean waters and clean air. They are both worthless but if you can make a lot of money polluting them.

        The problem is one of ethics. Most people are willing to deprive your great grandchildren to make money today. The so called greenies are trying to preseve the remaining planet for future generations. Unfortunately there is no profit in that. As a result they are not as rich are the business owners and shareholders. As a result the natural resources of the world keep spiraling down. Nothing can be done about it except maybe violence.
    • I've been thinking about this a lot recently, since I blame our foreign policy decisions in the middle east on big oil. Foreign policy decisions that lead to general hatred by a lot of people. Who build bombs.

      In other words, I don't think that we're going to have peace until we get away from a Petrol hungry economy.

      Since I'm a freaky peacenik, this means a lot to me. So my thought is - introduce the technology in those "developing countries" that we didn't ratify the Kyoto Treaty over. (I know, I know, we never intended to actually sign the damn thing, that's not the point. ;)

      Point is, if somebody started manufacturing a hydrogen engine cheaply and building and selling it in someplace third world or maybe even a poor first-world country (Mexico, India) then we'd have a chance.

      My thoughts are initially: trains and trucks. If I make my millions in the near future, I'll be learning everything I can about MechE, hiring some people, and moving to Mexico for a while. Build a prototype hybrid hydrogen/hydraulic engine (so that a little hydrogen produces a lot of torque) and then sell it to trucking as a way to meet and beat the US emissions requirements.

      My scheme actually also involves closing the system (cooling and re-cracking the exhaust) and introducing electricity into the system partially by means of solar. Other possibilities (for the nighttime trucker) include flywheels that can be charged at stations and during the journey, and for trains, just bearing the burden on the same thing that drives electric engines now.

      The hydrogen/hydraulic engine is supposedly a very efficient way of producing a lot of torque for a little energy, which makes it ideal for hauling heavy loads. However, I'm going to have to check my facts. Still, if so, this would be a great way to start the little industry that could.

      Oh, and btw, Iceland is making the move to Hydrogen. Don't remember where I read it but the story checked out. Take a look on google.

      • Point is, if somebody started manufacturing a hydrogen engine cheaply and building and selling it in someplace third world or maybe even a poor first-world country (Mexico, India) then we'd have a chance.

        This is pie in Sky at the minute, there don't
        even seem to be many expessive but affordible
        to buisiness/risk peoples hydrogen bases engines or Fuel cells, at the present.

        There isn't a shortage of companies trying to
        bring this technology to market, it just seams
        their isn't much of market at present.
        People and Business are very conservate about
        there power sources it seems. You'd imagine
        a few rich people would want to own performance
        electric vehicles or fuel cell cars, just for
        the cool value of the silent acceleration, of
        for PR about how green they are. But it just
        doesn't seem to happen.

    • Cost is the issue here, along with time i might add (as you said). The problem we have is all the artificial pressure keeping fuel prices 'stable', okay excluding OPEC's efforts to the contrary. If fuel costs kept rising at at greater rate than they have been, we would be far more inclined to find and USE new (and perhaps) re-newable energy sources.

      I believe its a very short-sighted policy to think that we must keep our oil costs down at any cost. A perfect example being the end of 2000 and begining of this year when oil prices went up, people across Europe and America i think (and later here in Australia) protested to the government to cut tax's on fuels. Eventually many governments complied, such as the Australian govt early this year cutting the re-indexing of fuel tax. The fact is although tax makes up a huge percentage (over 50% was it here??) fuel costs will contiune to rise how much more can we cut the taxes?

      In my opinion the tax's should remain, and despite the short-medium term hardship it may cause prices should not be controlled so vigerously! The fact is, oil is non-renewable, and unless we start PAYING more now the general short-sigtedness we seem to suffer from will cause us HUGE problems in the future! Imagine in 30-50 years when we have used up the last reserves (excluding the disgusting (IMO) ideas of oil drilling in Antartica and Alaska) if we havnt used these years to prepare for that eventuality.

      That's the main problem with 'artificial' price controls on oil, its naturally going to get much MUCH more expensive, and there is NOTHING we can do about it. Besides of course alternative fuels.
  • Other Infos (Score:4, Informative)

    by robbyjo ( 315601 ) on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @10:08PM (#2531037) Homepage

    Hydrogen Fuel Cell Institute [], California Hydrogen Business Council [].

    Read "Hydrogen Futures: Toward A Sustainable Energy System", from WorldWatch Institute []. Check out its Q & A section [].

  • by herrlich_98 ( 267669 ) on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @10:11PM (#2531043)
    The main thing that gets glossed over in his argument is that unlike oil or solar you never get more energy from hydrogen than you put in. Sure there's a lot of hydrogen around, but to break H20 apart is always going to take slightly more energy than you get when you burn it or use a fuel cell to put it back together.

    Hydrogen is better compared with gyroscopes or batteries than oil, solar or nuclear.
    • by dbrutus ( 71639 ) on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @10:17PM (#2531064) Homepage
      Hydrogen is probably not going to come from H20 but rather from methane, natural gas, or other hydrogen rich sources that don't take as much energy to break apart as H20. The multi-fuel issue is going to set apart hydrogen because you don't need to build an infrastructure, you can use the one we already have and shift the fuel as new ones become available. Indirect competition rules the roost and OPEC pricing power is broken because all of a sudden, switching becomes possible without killing the economy.

    • Exactly, I just don't see much of a situation where using hydrogen as a quasi-battery is better than just using a battery. The Toyota Prius uses an engine to charge batteries which then drive an electric motor, for example. Why mess with the hydrogen intermediate stage? The only reason I can see is that in general, storing electrical power is difficult. Using it to produce hydrogen which can then be burned to generate peak power for the grid (such as half-time during English soccer games, when half the country puts a kettle on for tea at the same time) which can't be done with most green power systems.

      (I'd really like to see some way to plug the Prius in, so you don't have to burn fuel when you're just doing short commutes every day; maybe the next generation will have that.)
      • I just don't see much of a situation where using hydrogen as a quasi-battery is better than just using a battery

        A battery is not particularly efficent. Getting 20% of the power that you put in back out of a battery to drive a wheel is a major acheivement. With combustion or a fuel cell you get greater efficency. Storing the hydrogen is still a bit of a problem.

        I personally like the idea of a big solar powered ammonia plant for peak loads. You break the ammonia up during the heat of the day (and use spare solar heat to generate power) and recombine the hydrogen and nitrogen during the night (and peak demand) to produce more heat to generate power. The recombining step could be skipped if you have a lot of ammonia and want to produce hydrogen for fuel cells, but I suspect that the energy cost to produce the ammonia in the first place would be higher than by getting hydrogen from another source.

    • Well, that's not exactly true. Fusion power would produce far more energy than oil or gas and be very safe and clean.
    • " The main thing that gets glossed over in his argument is that unlike oil or solar you never get more energy from hydrogen than you put in."

      Actually the main thing that gets glossed over is that we use too much energy in the first place. If everybody carpooled one day out of the week we would cut gasoline usage by 25%. Hey we could be free of mideast oil if we just stopped driving one day a week. The solution is so easy too bad it takes actual sacrifice and no american would ever take the bus or carpool, it would be too inconvenient.
    • Electrolysis. But wait, you still need to provide electric power. Ok, how about PV? Check out the "Water Battery". []
    • Hydrogen isn't just better, it's essentially the only choice when it comes to storing and transporting solar energy on a large scale. The idea is to generate hydrogen in desert regions and ship it to where it is used. Furthermore, hydrogen can be generated using solar energy in a variety of ways, and the energy expended on that wouldn't be useful for much else.
  • There's still the problem of generating the hydrogen. Electrolysis is the simplest way, but it requires electricity so you're spending some amount of energy to get it. Some law of thermodynamics or something. Maybe we should get rid of it. []

    Best thing, imho about hydrogren fuel is the ability to use it as a means of transmitting energy from potentially remote renewable generating facilities. Think of that game of SimCity where you put all the windmills in the hilly corner you'd never use. Same idea could work with wind or solar in the real world. Put wind facilities in prime (for wind generating) locations, generate hydrogen with the electricity, and truck the h2 to cities. No need for big ugly lines.

  • by Kiro ( 220724 ) on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @10:15PM (#2531055)
    I love reading about alternatives to horribly invasive forms of energy we use today. This is a meta stop gap solution, a way of reducing peaking by bleeding compressed air to help the generators during peak usage. The crux of the issue remains, our power generation techniques are dirty and deprecated.
    Most of quelling of useful technology is done by: the old boys club not wanting to give up on the profits, a lot of it is mis-information, and the remainder of the reason why we use horribly inefficient power sources is lack of attention (by our sheep like media).
    I used to live near a nuclear power plant in Minnesota. I don't know why people are so afraid of good clean nuclear power. There used to be a lot of cancer there, and everyone jumped on the power plant, but it was shown that most of the cancers were not related to the power plant at all, there was solvents being dumped into the local water supplies that were causing intestinal cancer. People don't understand radiation cancers always occur in statistical rings, that certain percentage of the people a certain distance get some very specific cancers. Nevertheless, even after the nuclear power plant was vindicated - the media failed to report that the solvents killed the people, not the power plant.
    Anyways, here we are burning coal and fossil fuels all day long. Fuel cells, gyroscope technology, ceramic engine and electric cars are getting the kibosh due to the retrofitting costs. And we burn, burn burn.
    Today on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, May 1, 2001, Coal and Utility companies are lobbying the ever-environment-hating White House to reduce the clean air rules on power plants. Cheney said the administration energy policy will focus on more output for oil and natural gas.
    They can continue to sell us electricity at higher prices, cut the cost, pollute the air, and keep real technology from proliferating.
    Some say time is the fire in which we burn. My time is running out

    • by Mandelbrute ( 308591 ) on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @10:49PM (#2531151)
      I don't know why people are so afraid of good clean nuclear power.
      Chenobyl, Three Mile Island, Sellafield and that power station in France where all of those people died (from liquid sodium) during the decommisioning.

      Three Mile Island particularly showed that the people who were in charge of the plant should probably not be trusted with anything as dangerous as a motor vehicle - the contractors x-rayed the same weld joint dozens of times (and changed the id numbers) instead of inspecting the whole plant because they knew that no-one would check up on them.

      Fission is clean power to public relations people and a government that wants a good source of radioactive material for weapons, but to engineers it is very dirty power that needs to be very carefully contained in case it gets out and kills everything near the powerplant.

      The financial cost of construction and decomissioning nuclear power plants is enormous - that price may come down after a few more have been decommisioned, but for now it is an expensive form of power over the life cycle of the plant. All of those rare earths and hi-tech materials are not cheap - and everything used in the steam cycle is going to be radioactive enough to cause storage problems for more than a lifetime. The environmental costs have been enormous in the Ukrane, and may be high in other places in the future.

      • by Grond ( 15515 ) on Wednesday November 07, 2001 @02:08AM (#2531588) Homepage
        3 points.

        First, engineers do not regard nuclear power as a dirty source of energy that must be contained, lest it kill everyone. I live in a small city in Arkansas (Russellville, population ~25,000) that is the site of a large nuclear power plant. I know many engineers who work at the plant and a few people involved with the construction and design of the plant (such as my father, who did the environmental impact work on the 'steam cycle,' more on that later). Those engineers regard nuclear power as an extremely safe, potentially cheap form of power. The total number of American deaths from nuclear power is incredibly small compared to that of coal/oil/natural gas and their related activities (such as coal mining).

        Second, nuclear power plants can be built very cheaply. The cost of construction is only about a third of the cost of building a plant (a large plant would, if built today, cost in the neighborhood of 300 million dollars, depending on location (i.e., availability of natural cooling sources like lakes and rivers) and output). Whenever a nuclear power plant is built, the design documents, environmental impact studies, evacuation plans, etc, must all be submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as though no nuclear plants had ever been built before. Read that again. The majority of the cost of building a nuclear power plant in the United States is red tape. Nuclear power is cheap. Nuclear power plants can be cheap. In France, most of the power plants follow the same, well-tested design.

        Third, the water used in the steam cycle is extremely clean. During construction of the plant, the chemists (such as my father) had a valve system in place such that they could take samples of the water at every stage in the cycle. After testing the water, the chemists would often wet their whistles with the excess. The water was just plain, distilled water. The only thing that happens to it is being heated and cooled over and over again. The steam (water vapor, technically) put off by cooling towers is likewise incredibly pure. In the Russellville case, the only thing in the water vapor other than H20 is a small amount of (non-radioactive) Xenon, which, for those of you who slept through chemistry, is inert. Perhaps you meant the coolant itself? Well, the coolant is heavily laced with Boron (in the form of Borax soap, actually), which is a neutron absorber. It's only a 'coolant' in the sense that it absorbs neutrons. Even if the Boron did become radioactive (and I'm fairly certain it doesn't), that water isn't part of the steam cycle and the Boron can be removed from the water anyway.

        The majority of your fears (and the public's fears) about nuclear power are unfounded.

        PS He's 'fission' and you bit, but then I bit off of your line. Who is worse, the troll, the troll who followed him, or the idiot who responded to both? ;)
        • Grond had some interesting points, and I replied:
          First, engineers do not regard nuclear power as a dirty source of energy that must be contained, lest it kill everyone.
          Perhaps I should remove the word "dirty" from that line to make it more accurate. Containment is, of course, vital in the context of nuclear fuel.

          Those engineers regard nuclear power as an extremely safe, potentially cheap form of power
          The ex-patriate Russian turbine engineer I've talked to a couple of times had very different views on the subject. In the ex-USSR there was occasionally dodgy state-run engineering, in the US you sometimes have an unsupervised lowest bidder during a recession - either way the lowest common denominator is not good in a very dangerous system. The Indonesian nuclear power station engineer that I talked to had some stories about some odd attitudes to radiation safety (doing a lot of radiography with neutron sources and things like that).
          The total number of American deaths from nuclear power is incredibly small
          Interesting that you qualified that statement by nationality, but yes, the total number of deaths is lower than that in the very large coal, oil and natural gas industries. Chenobyl, however, did affect a large number of people.
          Second, nuclear power plants can be built very cheaply.
          In comparison to what other forms of power? The exotic materials required push up the constuction cost, which is offset by the lower fuel costs, but the extremely high cost of decommissioning a plant adds in a major cost as well to produce something that is not very cost effective in terms of producing power. The decommisioning cost will most likely go down and perhaps someone will be funded again to solve the waste storage problem, but currently those problems push nuclear power generation into the catagory of a good idea that doesn't quite work. Nuclear power stations are only built by nations that want to be self-sufficent and don't have other resources, or nations that want to build atomic weapons. Britain cancelled the construction of a nuclear power plant a few years ago on economic grounds, you'll find something article about it in a 1996 "New Scientist" magazine (I wish they had put stuff on the web back then).

          Nuclear power plants can be cheap
          Example please. The only cost breakdown I've seen was for the unbuilt British plant listed in a "New Scientist" article - and that one was very expensive in comparison to a coal fired plant. They didn't really need it since they left the cold war early.
          Third, the water used in the steam cycle is extremely clean.
          True, it has to be or it destroys your pipework. I'm talking about the pipework that is exposed to the water that is heated by the rods (the radioactive steam cycle, for plants that are built that way) - eventually neutron sources (like that water that is converted to heavy water by radiation) irradiate the pipework, making it radioactive and a furthur waste problem. Similar things happen in plants with other liquids in the loop that is exposed to the fuel. Obviously the steam that goes through the turbines has never touched the fuel, and the cooling water that runs through the cooling towers doesn't touch the turbine.
          After testing the water, the chemists would often wet their whistles with the excess
          Probably safe, but very bad practice. In a lot of cases it is a good idea to add some things (hydrazine? can't remember) to reduce the corrosion rate of the pipework, and that may make the water toxic. The water may be "distilled" by definition (since it has condensed out of steam, but it is rarely pure, and you don't really want it to be.
          The steam (water vapor, technically) put off by cooling towers is likewise incredibly pure
          Yes, it's far removed from radioactive material, except for incidents like Sellafield where an accident happened.
          Perhaps you meant the coolant itself?
          Yes - that's the material that has become highly radioactive in the past (also creating other radioactive materials) and created problems with decommisioning. From what you said it looks like some advances have been made in that area.
          The majority of your fears (and the public's fears) about nuclear power are unfounded.
          There's a lot of hysteria, but I strongly dispute the discription of nuclear power as "clean".

          An accident in a coal fired power station or oil refinery can kill a few people, but an accident in a nuclear power plant makes the entire continent worry - just ask a few europeans how "clean" they think nuclear power is.

          Why do I feel justified in my opinion? I've read about the subject (a long time ago now) and talked to a couple of engineers from nuclear power stations - one that I was working with and another that I was teaching (about ceramics - so not much to with the subject). I'm not in opposition to nuclear reactors, since we need a source of radioactive materials for a variety of reasons (medical etc), and I've used an Iridium isotope to examine weld joints at an oil refinery, and thick welded test plates. I've talked to one of the people that worked on the "synrock" project for containing nuclear waste (it probably works, but we'll never know). I've also worked in coal fired power stations, alongside people that work in the research facility attached to my nations small reactor. What I do think is that using very large quantities of radioactive material is a dangerous and expensive exercise. Ask the Swedes and Fins how much they are spending to prop up the reactors in the old USSR - it's bound to be on public record somewhere. I've got no idea how much in US Federal government funds goes into propping up the US nuclear power industry - have you ever wondered why they pay so much for weapons grade materials if nothing else? It looks like a subsity to me to keep a weapons production system and some jobs.

          He's 'fission' and you bit, but then I bit off of your line
          Yes, it is a bad pun, but I don't consider any of this thread to be a troll - just offtopic.

          Fission is not an alternative energy, and I am not convinced that a lump of plutonium is any more "clean" than coal or oil or the HF acid used in oil refining. If the HF gets loose people die. If the plutonium gets loose a lot of poeple die, and keep dying unless they stay away or until it's cleaned up. There's more to environmental issues in power generation than carbon dioxide, NOx and SOx.

  • A long time ago I read something about how every generation of fuel uses a higher hydrogen to carbon ratio. For instance, coal to oil and then oil to natural gas.

    Every generation was less poluting and more efficient because of this larger ratio, and so it seems almost natural that eventually we'd get to pure hydrogen as a fuel source.

    Please correct me if someone else has more info.

  • Interesting timing for this article as i've
    just been looking into weather Fuel Cell Stacks,
    such as Zetek Powers [] 2.5Kw Fuel Cell stacks, would make
    a useful backup power source for our server shop,
    fortunately it looks like Zetek's gone tits up.

    I can thing of many places were a compate, safe
    energy source would be ideal, but somehow this
    Technology just doesn't ever seem to get
  • by Goonie ( 8651 ) <> on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @10:40PM (#2531133) Homepage
    That article was singularly uninformative, but it strikes me as possible that in the future instead of electricity transmission wires, electricity generation plants will simply electrolyse water, and we'll turn the hydrogen back to energy in domestic fuel cells.

    The benefits are considerable:

    • no transmission losses (except for leakage and pumping costs)
    • the ability to deliver it in trucks to remote areas, or even ship it between continents, just like oil.
    • No need for peak load generators, because you can just store a surplus of hydrogen during low-demand times and release it during peak periods.
    • Very efficient at fuel-cell end - most of the waste heat runs the household hot-water system.

    Is such a system ever going to be feasible?

    • Not such a bad idea, but electrical transmission energy losses have got to be less than frictional losses in pumping or trucking the gas to every end user.

      But the idea of using hydrogen as a energy storage medium for peak power demand is viable, and using a fuel cell to power your home or business and using the excess heat for space heating is quite possibly ecconomical. Now if we could combine that with rooftop solar cells...

      On an only tangentially related topic, the last couple of Home Power Magazine [] issues (most recent one available for download) have had some articles on solar hot water heating. They very convincingly claim that the return on investment is substantially better than you could possibly expect in the stock market long term:

      An investment in a solar water heating system will beat the stock market any day, any decade, risk free. Initial return on investment is on the order of 15 percent, taxfree, and goes up as gas and electricity prices climb. Many states have tax credits and other incentives to sweeten those numbers even more. What are we waiting for? Forget the stock market. If you have invested in a house, your next investment should be in solar hot water.

  • by _aa_ ( 63092 ) <j@uaau . w s> on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @11:01PM (#2531180) Homepage Journal
    Being a crotchity old man, I fear change and progress. This.. this so-called Hy-dro-gen you speak of has been nothing but a pain in my rump ever since my days as a gold prospector. This margerine business.. try as I might, I still don't beleive it's not butter. I was a hearty 45 when I witnessed the Hindenburg disaster. What guarentees can you give me that such an incident won't befall my hearing aid? I have had a fear of water since I was knee-high to a crawdad. The most respected talk-show host in the world, Phil Donahue, said that this methane gas is responsible for a hole in the O-Zone layer. I beleive that space travel is best left to the Russians. I am not allowed to operate a motor vehicle in my state because I'm legally blind, deaf, and my reflexes ain't what they used to be. These yuppies in their office buildings need to get out and get real jobs gold prospectin'. Why in a single day I panned up 6 bits! All while fendin' off coyotes. I ain't ever needed no power in the house that the Ol' wind mill can't provide. I dunno what cell phones are, but they sound like the work of the devil to me. Anyway.. The Price Is Right is about to start so I have to go.
  • by cryptochrome ( 303529 ) on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @11:02PM (#2531182) Journal

    For all it's good points, people often gloss over the one big dealbreaker - hydrogen is a gas. And a very, very small gas as well, which has a tendency to work it's way even through metal containers, making them brittle in the process. In a nutshell, it's difficult to store. Even if you overcome that with tanks on cars or buildings, what are you going to do for smaller devices like lawnmowers or whatnot? If you run out of gas on the road, you won't be able to just walk to the nearest station to fill up a tank.

    The fact is, for practical purposes, gases are difficult fuels, even relatively easy ones like LPNG. We need a liquid alternative that we can make in a renewable fashion, even if it doesn't trigger as many buzzwords. Methanol would be ideal for most purposes. Alternatively, rather than using hydrogen and oxygen we could use the easier-to-store sytem of ammonium and nitrous oxide. That produces water and nitrogen as a byproduct.

    • Alternatively, rather than using hydrogen and oxygen we could use the easier-to-store sytem of ammonium and nitrous oxide
      Um, we may have to rethink this idea. Making copious amounts of nitrous oxide (aka laughing gas) easily and cheaply accessible to reckless teenage drivers doesn't seem like such a great idea.
  • Energy density (Score:3, Informative)

    by Michael Woodhams ( 112247 ) on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @11:03PM (#2531186) Journal
    "Pound for pound, hydrogen packs more chemical energy than any other known fuel."

    But litre for litre, it is lousy. I've seen pictures of designs for (liquid) hydrogen fueled jetliners - they are very significantly larger to contain the fuel.

    This is one of the reasons people are so interested in 'reforming' methane or methanol to form the hydrogen on the spot - they are so much easier to store compactly. (This does, however, mean you now need much more *weight* for your energy.)
    • The answer is simple. Compress the hydrogen into its metallic form.
      • Wouldn't help much. When it crystallizes at 14 K its density is 0.088 g/cm^3. Compare that to the liquid density of 0.07 g/cm^3 and you see its not much of an improvement. Gasoline, by comparison, is around 700 g/cm^3.

        This is about the single most limiting factor in hydrogen powered vehicles. There are people working on tricks to store hydrogen at greater densities, but I don't know if any of them are close or whatever. Storing it as a liquid isn't a good anwer anyway, it takes wayyyy to much power to do it. Several times what you'd get by burning it, in fact.
        • As I understand it, you can stuff it into a metal cylinder, but then the cylinders weighs lots. There's no point in compressing the gas down further if it adds hundreds of kilograms to the vehicle- performance suffers.

          Or you can stuff it, cold fusion style, into a palladium catalyst. However, then the catalyst weighs a lot too.

          Basically hydrogen turns out to be really bulky and/or heavy.

          If you want to know how big- look at the space shuttle. If it wasn't for the fact they use hydrogen- that entire external tank would be gone and the space shuttle would be only slightly bigger.
          • If you stuff it into a metal cylinder then you're going to have a much lower density than either the liquid or the solid.
            • It's very unlikely indeed to ever be practical to carry liquid hydrogen around in a car; it boils way to easily for one thing. The practical issues with liquid hydrogen are immense. It's a deeply cryogenic fuel, it has large thermal expansion characteristics, it tends to freeze water (sticking valves!) and condense oxygen from the air (boom!). Hydrogen makes a very small molecule- it escapes from tanks without there being anything resembling a hole.

              Solid hydrogen? Yeah right ;-)
  • by uncadonna ( 85026 ) <<mtobis> <at> <>> on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @11:05PM (#2531193) Homepage Journal
    Hydrogen is a clean fuel, in that it can be burned without harmful emissions. Because water is plentiful, hydrogen is also a sort of a battery. Electrical current can be used to separate it from water molecules, and some of this energy can be recovered in fuel cells.

    Hydrogen extracted from fossil fuels necessarily produces less energy than the raw fuels themselves. Hydrogen produced from water by electrolysis is an energy sink.

    Hydrogen may be extracted from water by using solar energy. That is solar energy, not hydrogen energy.

    Whether hydrogen is a suitable fuel for vehicles depends on whether the energy costs are worth the emissions benefits. If so, this will make energy more scarce, because of the inefficiencies of converting energy in some other form into the energy of electrolysis.

    Whether electrolysis of water is the right method for storage of solar energy depends on the comparative costs, risks and benefits of alternative storage technologies.

    In neither case is hydrogen competing with fossil fuels as an energy source. It is competing with fossil fuels and batteries and flywheels and passive heating media as an energu storage system in both cases.

    There are no significant pools of free hydrogen on the planet that can be used as an energy source.

    Hydrogen is an energy storage strategy and not an energy supply strategy. It may have its uses as the former. Proposing it as a replacement for fossil or nuclear energy is complete nonsense.

    All the above should be fully understood by anyone trying to venture an opinion on this subject.

    Sorry to be blunt, but anyone who misses this point is one of the following: 1) not seriously interested in the subject 2) incompetent or 3) dishonest.
    • Hydrogen is an energy storage strategy and not an energy supply strategy. It's also an energy _shipment_ strategy. You can put H2 in a pipeline and ship it far further than is practical for electricity. This is important because rooftop solar panels in the southwest could probably supply the USA's non-mobile energy needs, but more than half of the energy consumption is over 1,000 miles away.
      • You can put H2 in a pipeline and ship it far further than is practical for electricity.

        We can ship electricity all the way from Quebec to California if we want. The only reason we don't is that there isn't any need to ship power that far, when there are places with excess power inbetween. However if it proved neccessary, it would happen, and with less losses than pumping gases around.

  • I love the way people talk about the "pure, clean" nature of hydrogen as a fuel.

    Unfortunately the reality is that it has a long list of problems associated with it -- and a number of them are environmental.

    As others have pointed out -- it's a fuel with a very low energy density (by volume), it's very difficult/expensive to store, and most of it is produced by "dirty" methods such as the cracking of hydrocarbons which come from -- you guessed it -- oil!

    In short, hydrogen is a fuel for the academics amongst us -- those who find the easiest way to deal with reality is to ignore it.

    You know -- these are the kind of people who write computer software that does no error-checking on its input data. When such a program crashes, the response tends to be "well don't enter bad data then."

    Unfortunately, if we want to write software for the general public -- or in this case if we want to create a practical, clean fuel, then reality can't be dismissed.

    We've got a long way to go before hydrogen becomes everything it's cracked up to be.

    By the way, what ever happened to those breakthroughs in solar-cell technology that were going to bring us ultra-low cost energy from the sun?

    Bah... humbug... I think I'll just go and burn a few more gallons of dinosaur-extract in my pulsejet :-)
  • Hydrogen for free (Score:5, Informative)

    by CaptainCarrot ( 84625 ) on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @11:19PM (#2531229)
    I work for Lockheed Martin []. Many years before the merger that created this company, when I worked for what was then called Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., there was a series of articles in the company rag talking about a technology we were developing that generated electricity from the temperature differential between shallow and deep seawater. This was back in the early 1980's. The process is called OTEC for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, and there's a a bit of information about it [] available online.

    Such a plant could generate enough electricity to pump seawater up and crack it into hydrogen and oxygen. It would be a whole hell of a lot cleaner than oil rigs on offshore platforms, and could in fact be set up on oil platforms in tropical regions (like the Gulf of Mexico) that no longer produce enough crude oil to be profitable, or that must be shut down over environmental concerns. OTEC plants are very clean, very safe, and fairly inexpensive to run. They could be a viable method for producing hydrogen almost for free.

    • Re:Hydrogen for free (Score:2, Interesting)

      by btellier ( 126120 )
      This is an excellent idea, just as solar [] power was or wind power, but can someone please tell us why this didn't work?

      When a company comes out with a new plan to solve the world's energy problems the rational person always asks "So why hasn't it been done?". Barring OPEC conspriracy theorists I refuse to believe that if this was valid it wouldn't have been done already. In fact, if it were possible the first people to jump on the bandwagon would be the people who already have the oil rigs in place.. i.e. the oil companies themselves.

      • Re:Hydrogen for free (Score:5, Interesting)

        by CaptainCarrot ( 84625 ) on Wednesday November 07, 2001 @03:25AM (#2531671)
        OTEC is fairly limited as an electrical generation plant, which is what it was originally conceived as, because it really needs to be situated in tropical waters to work well. There's an experimental plant off the coast of Hawaii, which admittedly doesn't produce any net power largely because it's made from parts designed for other purposes and so operates suboptimally. (Its primary purpose right now is to validate a particular design of heat exchanger.) But the location requirements imposes insuperable tramsmission obstacles. It's just not practical to transmit the electricity from tropical oceans to the industrialized countries that need the power.

        Hydrogen doesn't have that limitation, but it's also not now a mainstream power source. If proton exchange membrane fuel cells come into common use, that will undoubtedly change. But as things are, it's just not profitable enough to make it worth the capital investment.

  • by Neutron_F1uX ( 534720 ) <webmaster@smokin ... g ['rro' in gap]> on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @11:22PM (#2531236) Homepage
    Why is everyone so affraid of Nuclear power? Pound for pound, Nuclear Energy is far cleaner and environmentally friendly then coal power plants, that's been proven already. The chances of a catastrophic reactor melt down are not very likely, as long as they are properly maintained and staffed. While I'm all for new forms of energy, we are currently not even using what is within our grasps. How can we expect power companies, who have a lot of money sunk into their current operations, to change their way of thinking? I doubt they see it as a viable thought to try these things out when they may flop. I have little faith that anything such as this article describes will be used, when we are not even using Nuclear Energy to what it could be. Look at the Navy, they have tons of nuclear reactors on their ships. Have there been any indicents with them? Not that we know of, and it'd be hard to hide something like that. Of course, those are smaller reactors, but none the less, it just proves the government knows what is going on. They are using the technology we already have, while the power companies are still stuck back a 100 years ago.
  • by TACD ( 514008 )
    I'm not knowledgeable about all of the technical stuff being said here (e.g. "you can never get more energy out of hydrogen than you put in"). However, I do know that this is unlikely to become a reality until it is also a necessity; simply because it isn't profitable.

    It would be nice to think that people would wise up and convert before all of the fossil fuels are gone, but we know it won't happen until someone either takes out OPEC or manages to invent a hydrogen engine more efficient (and crucially, more profitable) than a petrol engine.

    Money makes the world go round. Not common sense. :-(

  • Never understood (Score:2, Insightful)

    by MisterPo ( 520698 )
    When I was studying engineering, I never understood why people folk tried to experiment with alternative forms of fuel such as wind, solar and my personal favourite biomass :)

    Take out the benefit of them being limitless, and you are not left with a lot, possibly their only other strength is that a lot of these systems can be installed in remote places.

    Their problem is that the technology behind them is so underveloped and so implementing any systems is not only initially very expensive, but also costly to maintain. For what you put in, you normally get *very* little out.

    What always got me was that the amount of heat billowing out of the chimney tops of convential electrical power stations is tremendous. I have yet to see any country implement a widescale plan to harnass some of that power. It would be no trouble to redirect that steam and heat up more steam for the turbines, or to heat up water for local community. And of coure the wasted heat energy begs the question of just how much they power stations are in the first place.


  • Storage Systems (Score:3, Interesting)

    by SpeedBump0619 ( 324581 ) on Tuesday November 06, 2001 @11:39PM (#2531276)
    The primary problem with Hydrogen as a fuel source is not generation (which can be accomplished in large facilities dedicated to the task), but rather in safe, efficient delivery.

    One of the most interesting systems I have seen recently is the Powerballs [] system. It does appear to be a well considered, functional, and (most importantly) *available* system. I don't think this is anything (scientifically) extraordinary, but it is available now.

    Hopefully the site will take a slashdotting, they deserve a little publicity, and I'd like to see what others think of the basic idea...I'm not enough of a chemist to understand the efficiency or practicality of their method.
  • Hydrogen has been around an awfully long time. Doesn't at least one mega-corp have it patented?

  • Use this story link. [] less ads, less /.effect...

  • by T. Will S. Idea ( 463154 ) on Wednesday November 07, 2001 @12:11AM (#2531368) Homepage
    A quote from the article:

    Imagine a world where ...
    "OPEC is out of business because the price of oil has fallen to five dollars a barrel,"

    Currently the vast majority of commodity chemicals are made from crude oil. That means most everything you own, the synthetic fibers in that cotton blend shirt, the plastic in your keyboard, the tires on your car, down to the aspirin that you take after staring at the computer screen all night; all of it is made from oil.

    If oil prices dropped to $5 a barrel, the chemical companies would still crack the oil to get at the compounds that they are interested in, and we would be left with a lot of gasoline. What would we do with that? Burn it? Give it away?

    This is why oil is such an integral part of our world. Finding a cheap alternative fuel source is only part of the solution.
  • Real solutions (Score:2, Informative)

    by jdstahl ( 173821 )
    Until energy consumers start demanding clean energy (both in the marketplace, and through the political process), we'll never make the transition to a sustainable energy system. One organization that is working to build both real markets and realistic policies for clean energy here in the Pacific Northwest is Climate Solutions []. Worth checking out... these folks are trying to take the pie-in-the-sky that Lovins et al. discuss and make it real on the ground.
  • Most currently produced hydrogen is extracted from fossil fuels, like natural gas. And extracting hydrogen from natural gas, then burning the hydrogen, is far less efficient than just burning the natural gas. So that doesn't help.

    A pilot plant for extracting hydrogen by electrolysis, driven by solar cells [] was built in Riverside, California in the early 1990s. Overall efficiency was 4.7%, which isn't too good.

    There are occasional lab reports of better schemes for separating hydrogen [], but so far none of them work in production. The U.S. Department of Energy funds work in this area, but no breakthroughs yet.

    This isn't a new idea. It's an old one with lousy performance.

    • A pilot plant for extracting hydrogen by electrolysis, driven by solar cells [] was built in Riverside, California in the early 1990s. Overall efficiency was 4.7%, which isn't too good.

      Doesn't sound too good until you realise that the input energy is free. As typical solar cells have an efficiency of around 15% (from memory), that make the rest of this plant about 30% efficient, not good but not terrible compared to other energy conversions.

      The real question is how much money, resources and most importantly energy is needed to built and maintain the plant. This scheme couldn't fuel our current road system without consuming huge resources, but it isn't useless as a starting point. Quoting meaningless numbers which make it look like crap doesn't help anyone, I don't see why they use this as the main result in their report.

  • Natural Capitalism (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Chris Hanson ( 1683 )
    Amory Lovins, along with Paul Hawken and Hunter Lovins, wrote a book a couple years ago called Natural Capitalism []. Read it. It'll change the way you think about renewable energy and efficiency.

    The central thesis of the book is that while getting incremental improvements in resource/energy efficiency may be expensive, radical improvement that comes from leveraging synergies within a system can often be more cost-effective than the status quo. Companies and individuals who realize this will profit significantly in the 21st century.

    Read the book. Even if you disagree with it, you'll learn a lot about systems thinking and optimization. And maybe even wind up saving a few bucks (and a few barrels) down the line.

    -- Chris

  • On saturday night live many years ago, they had a "commercial" for airbags that inflated with popcorn. These would actually be quite useful if your hydrogen powered car slams into an oil truck.
  • Industrial Hemp (Score:3, Informative)

    by lazytiger ( 170873 ) on Wednesday November 07, 2001 @02:48AM (#2531630) an answer to virtually all energy problems. I'm potentially starting a completely off-topic and/or flame-inducing thread here, but man, this is something that should be discussed.

    It would probably make most people downright mad to know the potential uses of industrial hemp and why it's illegal. Obviously the main reason (and the one you'll hear from any government source) is that it's marijuana, and we all know how "bad" pot is for our health. I'm going to try really hard though to stay away from the legalization of marijuana, because it is a separate issue from industrial hemp.

    For starters, most people are unaware of that last statement, so I'll repeat it: INDUSTRIAL HEMP IS NOT MARIJUANA. It contains very low levels of THC, so low that you may as well smoke paper (except plain white paper is potentially toxic... we'll get to that later). Now, they are from the same family of plants, cannabis, but they are indeed different plants. Therefore, it is entirely possible to grow industrial hemp without producing marijuana. Most people (and senators/representatives) don't seem to realize that, or are concerned that THC-producing hemp could be grown in or around industrial hemp. The validity of that argument is up for grabs.

    But let's get to the point here, which is energy. What can hemp do? Here's a quick synopsis:


    Hemp biomass can be converted into gasoline more efficiently than fossil fuels (coal, oil) and without sulfur or acid rain as byproducts. Hemp fiberboard is stronger than wood, hemp houses are as strong as cement houses and better insulated. Plastic, rayon, and cellophane made from hemp are biodegradeable. Paper uses nearly half the world's timber. Hemp produces FOUR TIMES the amount of paper per acre as trees, and grows in all climates of the US. Hemp paper lasts about 1500 years. Cotton requires more pesticides than any other agricultural product. Hemp grows without pesticides and herbicides, and is much stronger than cotton cloth.

    We're only touching the tip of the iceberg here. The point is that people simply don't realize what hemp can do, because the government's blackballing job has been so effective. I'm hoping to at least enlighten a few /. readers, and hopefully spurring them to check out some websites that I'll list below and spread the word.

    Here's the short version of why hemp is illegal:

    -Major corporations such as DuPont, Monsanto, Dow, ExxonMobil, Lilly, etc. stand to lose MILLIONS, if not billions, of dollars if hemp were allowed to be used to its potential.

    -It is simply TOO EASY TO GROW. Sounds absurd, right? It is. Hemp grows in virtually any environment with virtually no need for chemicals. In short, any Tom, Dick or Harry could become a hemp farmer. The government does not like not having absolute control over what is grown. Tobacco seeds, for instance, are carefully controlled AND TAXED by the US government. They would have a very, very tough time trying to control and tax hemp growers.

    I'm really tempted to dive into the THC-friendly portion of this debate. :) But I don't want to drone on or piss anyone off.

    Whether or not you support legal use of marijuana should have no effect on your support of legal hemp cultivation. Please keep that in mind. They are completely separate issues.

    Please continue your learning at this most excellent website:

    It has a definite slant towards pro-marijuna and hemp. But even if you think the website is biased, you can't deny the pure volume of bullshit that we're fed about the marijuana/hemp issue.

    Hemp SHOULD BE one of the main alternative energies of the future.
    • Re:Industrial Hemp (Score:2, Insightful)

      by IronChef ( 164482 )

      That site is nutty. Can you provide a link to a site with hemp facts that doesn't go on about the wacky tobaccy? I just want the facts on the one part, not the other.

      I think that the crossover between the industrial hemp and pothead crowd is killing your crusade as well as any gov't conspiracy. :)
  • Not really a fuel. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by squaretorus ( 459130 ) on Wednesday November 07, 2001 @03:02AM (#2531647) Homepage Journal
    Hydrogen is not really a fuel as such, in the way that Oil, Gas or Wood are fuels - because you have to use some other fuel to produce it.

    Hydrogen is best thought of as a way to transport energy to places where you can't make it on the spot efficiently, or in sufficient quantities.

    For example, the average suburban house has enough sunlight and wind to cater for all its energy needs. If we make solar and wind capture more efficient, every garage could have a small 'charger' cracking Hydrogen and storing it for the car.

    A similar idea is being researched for Mars projects (using CO and O2, but the same principle). This allows an ongoing process (powered by the sun for the martian experiment) to generate useful amounts of transportable 'fuel'.

    By turning the energy model on its head, away from the current 'few big power stations' model to 'millions of tiny power stations' model we not only get better efficiency but less polluting powerstations because they are in EVERYONES back yard.

    Hydrogen has a role to play, so might CO. But this is no fuel of the future - the fuel of the future is the sun and the wind.
    • >Hydrogen is not really a fuel as such, in the way that Oil, Gas or Wood are fuels - because you have to use some other fuel to produce it.

      So are you suggesting that oil, gas, and wood just jump out of the ground and walk themselves to the nearest point of consumption?
  • There are loads of places outthere in the world where hydroelectricty is the prime source of energy. For a long time, it has been touted as the most green method of producing electricity.

    This is, indeed, a vile lie. Hydroelectricity, which involves building huge dams to collect water in reservoirs, has a huge detrimental impact on the environment. Thousands of river based eco-systems have been devastated because of hydroelectricity plants.

    Everytime time a huge dam is built, millions of local people are displaced. Unfortunately, many of the so-called developing nations have embraced hydroelectricity, and often in these countries, these displaced people are left destitute. While the rich folk in rural areas get all the energy they need, the poorer displaced people lose their lively hoods.

    I totally agree that it is high time that we moved away from burning fossil fuels to harness energy, but there is no point in finding alternatives that are equally, or as in this case even more, environmentally hazardous.

  • USNEWS has a good article here: h/ 12energy.htm on this subject.

    One of the things the article says is that Wind power is becoming more efficient, the only problem is storing the power created at night when power demand is low. It goes on to say that at night the windmills could go into hydrogen creating mode.
    They think fuel cells are about a decade away from being cheap enough to replace internal combustion and Shell is already looking into establishing an infrastructure for hydrogen.
  • by Bikku ( 531345 ) on Wednesday November 07, 2001 @09:03AM (#2532343) Homepage
    So when we boil down this analysis of H vs other energy sources, what do we get?

    Some axioms:

    - There are no energy sources, just temporary energy storage forms. The only true energy source on earth is sunlight.

    - Every use of energy creates some form of "pollution" (1st law of thermodynamics). What differs is how much, how unpleasant it is for humans, at where it is created. (eg, electric cars still create air pollution, but it is moved back to the generating station, instead of the car tailpipe)

    - Every conversion of energy from one form to another is lossy (3rd law of thermo). And constitutes a "use" of energy, which creates "pollution".

    So, the real questions about comparing energy sources amount to these criteria:

    - What does it cost us to find and access the stored energy?

    - How easy/cheap is it to convert the stored energy into a useful form (eg, rotational kinetic energy of a car driveshaft)?

    - How efficient is that conversion? How much of the sourced energy is lost as general thermal radiation (ie, friciton losses, i^2r transmission line losses, etc)

    - Doing so creates what form of pollution, in what amounts, and at what locations?

    - How politically acceptable is that particular pollution arrangement? Who benefits, who suffers?

  • The stuff that turns oil into a butter-like substance that is far, far worse for your arteries than butter.

    The stuff that made the Hindenburg burst into flames.

    The stuff that combines with carbon to make greenhouse gases that will supposedly plunge us all into Venus-like hell.

    The stuff that sent the space shuttle Challenger to a watery grave.

    People are scared of Hydrogen. We need better examples, the ones you used are linked in people's minds with bad events.
  • by ClarkEvans ( 102211 ) on Wednesday November 07, 2001 @11:40AM (#2533019) Homepage
    On Wed, Oct 17 the Diane Rehm [] show had a wonderful talk [] on this very subject. If you listen to the show, make sure to pledge [] as hosting real audio archives cost a good deal of cash. Details about the show...

    Wednesday, October 17, 2001 10:00 - War on Terrorism and U.S. Energy Policy
    A panel talks about how the war against terrorism could affect U.S. imports of oil from OPEC nations - which account for almost half of our imported oil - and how domestic energy policy and the economy might be affected.
    Phil Verleger, California-based energy economist
    Peter VanDoren, editor of Regulation magazine for the CATO Institute
    Charli Coon, Heritage Foundation

    For more information about ANWR, check out the U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-0040-98: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1002 Area, Petroleum Assessment, 1998 []

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
