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Gnome 2.0 Beta 2 Released 238

plastercast writes: "Following the release of GTK2, the second beta of gnome 2.0 is available. There are also release notes here. From Gnotices: 'The GNOME 2.0 Desktop is a greatly improved user environment for existing GNOME applications. Enhancements include anti-aliased text and first class internationalisation support, new accessibility features for disabled users, and many improvements throughout GNOME's highly regarded user interface.'"
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Gnome 2.0 Beta 2 Released

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  • does anyone know if gnome2.0 beta can be installed via red-carpet?
    • There's a Gnome2 snapshot channel there (it's down this weekend, though). I wouldn't expect the second beta to show up until monday at the earliest.

      It is a pretty convenient way to test it out; all the Gnome1 programs will of course still work as usual. It _is_ a Beta, of course, so don't expect a pillar of stability :)
      • all the Gnome1 programs will of course still work as usual

        So they claim. :( I've used that channel twice now. Twice it's hosed my entire GNOME install and I've had to uninstall everything and go back to the original RPMs from my install CDs. (On a RedHat 7.2 install.)

        The last time it hosed some system libraries somewhere in the process, and half my applications wouldn't run. (Anything using Python or Perl, apparently... plus X was very... flaky.)

        My advice would be to only use the Red-Carpet snapshots on a machine you're willing to lose.
  • GNOME 2.0 (Score:4, Informative)

    by nzkoz ( 139612 ) on Sunday March 10, 2002 @03:08PM (#3138851) Homepage
    For those of you who aren't too keen on manually downloading all the individual packages and their dependencies, you may wish to try garnome (

    It behaves a bit like the BSD ports tree as it'll download and install all the necessary packages. Even better, it'll install them in an out-of-the-way place so you can keep running gnome1.2!

    • Re:GNOME 2.0 (Score:1, Interesting)

      by HanzoSan ( 251665 )

      Why dont they just release one big RPM ?
      • Re:GNOME 2.0 (Score:3, Informative)

        by nzkoz ( 139612 )
        Because a few of the libraries (libxml, libxslt etc.) are useful without the whole gnome desktop, and some packages aren't needed by everyone.

        If you want an easy way to install gnome, use Ximian's redcarpet or the garnome system.
        • This isnt really a response to the question though :). Releasing one big RPM wouldnt prevent the release of everything as single packages.

          Extra packaging work not being taken into account, of course.
      • Re:GNOME 2.0 (Score:3, Informative)

        by tempest303 ( 259600 )
        Why dont they just release one big RPM ?

        Because that would be Compeltely Retarded(TM) and go against the whole damn idea of having things installed as components.

        On the other hand, a nice little gtk-perl/pygtk frontend to a downloader script would be great.

        Also, if you use Ximian Gnome, there is a "Gnome 2 Developer Snapshots" channel that you can use to get everything in just a few clicks...

        • Because that would be Compeltely Retarded(TM)
          Umm, what's completely retarted as that GNOME consists of a dozen RPMS with circular dependencies! Components mean crap if you have to install everything anyway! (Especially bad on Mandrake. I tried installing ssh-server, and it asked to install XFree86!)
          • (Especially bad on Mandrake. I tried installing ssh-server, and it asked to install XFree86!)

            And there, my friend, is the crux of your issue. While Mandrake has some GREAT featues, and is, IMHO, the best distro for newbies, hands down, it also has *serious* packaging issues. The kinds of problems you're describing are part of the reason I switched to Red Hat. While they aren't as bleeding edge, I find Red Hat to be a much more maintainable, stable distro. (Debian is very nice too, but way too steep a learning curve for newbies)

            BTW: you said you wanted ssh server, but it wanted XFree86? This implies you didn't have XFree installed, which in turn implies you're using Mandrake as a *dedicated server*... can't say that's something I recommend for *anyone*, newbies or otherwise. ;)
    • Not yet... (Score:2, Insightful)

      by salimma ( 115327 )
      GARNOME has not been updated for the beta 2 release, but you can download the latest GARNOME (0.7.5) for the 20020225 snapshot and manually change the version info for the latest packages and their checksums, and then it will work just as normal :)


      Michel Salim
  • by seldolivaw ( 179178 ) <me.seldo@com> on Sunday March 10, 2002 @03:09PM (#3138859) Homepage
    the GNOME 2.0 Desktop is a greatly improved user environment for existing GNOME applications. Enhancements include anti-aliased text and first class internationalisation support, new accessibility features for disabled users, and many improvements throughout GNOME's highly regarded user interface.

    Thanks for that info, it's not like we didn't read exactly that same blurb [] when beta 1 was released... :-)

  • release codename (Score:5, Informative)

    by ( 89920 ) <> on Sunday March 10, 2002 @03:09PM (#3138861) Homepage
    I bastun bor vi allihopa = we all live in the sauna (it's swedish)
  • If there was a way for me to grab one tarball and ./configure; make install, then I'd actually check it out this. I simply don't have the time (ok I have the time, but there's other things I should be doing) to do that to 20 different packages.

    Oh and even if I did configure 20, ok now that I look at it again, 30+ packages, what's uninstallation like to clean up if I decide to go back to plain old wmaker? I've always how hated linux spreads it's files all over the place :/ Or is there a way to ./configure; make debs?

    I know, there this page [] which simplifies compiling a lot for stable sources, but I can't find a page like this for gnome 2 beta 2.
    • this script downloads and installs it wherever you want. it takes a while though...
    • Sure, that's what GARNOME [] is for.

      There will be a beta 2 version ready when I get home from work tonight. :-)
    • Well, for starters, I think the beauty of GNOME is that there are 30+ packages. During the build, it is easier to troubleshoot one failure in 5 or 6 packages than to troubleshoot 6 failures in one package. Also, from what I've seen, most of the dependencies are part of a standard install anyway.

      As for uninstall try setting:

      "alias gcfg=./configure prefix=/opt/gnome_beta"

      then do:

      gcfg && make && make install

      for all the packages you need. If you want to uninstall, just delete the gnome_beta directory.

      You can also do a make uninstall on most packages to remove them. Or even boot off a floppy and tar your system to another disk before trying gnome2. If you don't like it, just do an untar and you are back where you started.
  • Then I am hosting the same page here:

  • Gnome needs full install RPMs. I'm on broadband and i refuse to download a file in 200 diffrent peices.

    I want a 150meg RPM of Gnome2 and then i'll try it.
  • At the end of the announcement, there is the phrase:
    Apparently the GNOME developers are bouncing with joy. I hope that is what it is, at least.
    • *bounce*bounce*bounce*ka-BOOM* "Is that supposed to happen?" "Let me check my notes."

      Apparently the GNOME developers are bouncing with joy, at least until the whole system crashes.

    • It's actually ...&nbsp ;*bounce*bounce*bounce*, and it's the sound of a thousand bouncing Miguels.
  • Gnome 2 is out? I thought it was released along time, that was Leprechaun bad.

  • This is the sort of thing that will make open source software broad and popular. You get a dedicated audience who (literally) depends on the product, and the social brownie points racked up by catering to the disabled improves the image of GNOME in broader tech and policy circles.

  • by fialar ( 1545 )
    Does this mean the new GNOME will incorporate the new Xft Hack []?

    Or did they finally release an anti-alias process for fonts that doesn't make them look fugly? :)


    • You seem to be rather mistaken.

      The Xft hack is for X [], not GNOME.
    • Of course, that was simply disabling hinting, which is nothing new, it is a freetype option, the better, but illegal way is to enable the proper bytecode interpreter of freetype, that does 'proper' hinting, but infringes on a patent...

      Between that modification and MS fonts, my desktop looks much better now :) Sawfish, gnome-panel and ROX look great with GTK2 :)
  • Don't you think that is their internationalization was so good, it would have changed that 's' into a 'z' for those of us in the US.
  • clearance (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    one point that piss me off all the time. GNOME DOES NOT ANTI-ALIASING FONTS. so please stop telling people who asks 'whats new in gnome 2' that it supports 'AA'. its not true. GTK supports AA so gnome 2 profits from it. so please stop telling people that gnome 2 is the inventor of this stuff its basically not true and shouldnt be spread as this in the public.

    true is that gnome 2 is basically a major rewrite of gnome 1 with a FEW visible replacements and a shitload of removed options. a speeded up nautilus that still doesnt operate correctly. THATS it and if you ask for screenshots now and you use gnome 1 then look on your desktop since its the same ugly shit you get with gnome 2.

    only major annoying news is this implementation of a windows registry like system that pollutes your homedir with 1000000 directories and 1000000 *.xml files.

    another news is that SUN investigates into that pile of shit to substitute their CDE with a more or less broken DE.

  • "Q. How do I use anti-aliased fonts?
    A. Set the GDK_USE_XFT environment variable. eg.: export GDK_USE_XFT=1"

    and in windows I just click this button here...

  • i, for one, am excited about the evolution of GNOME, not so much as a desktop platform but as a pleasantly competitive basis for designing GUI apps on *nix. i think the desktop thing should be a matter of preference, and while some interoperability between GNOME and KDE would be swell, they're two very different project right now. as far as people wanting a quick-fix easy desktop on linux, well.. *nix has never been friendly, but i think the people who can get by with a few terminal windows, a couple GTK/QT apps, their gkrellm, and their window manager of choice are right at home. why be all-or-nothing about this stuff? choice is a wonderful thing.
  • I have to agree with a couple of posts here. One, yes I personally can't stand the slower speed of GNOME, but as of right now, that's the only thing keeping me on KDE. KDE is faster, but GNOME has the programming tools to make more exciting programs on it. Speed up GNOME, and KDE has a worthy challenger.

    Either way, keep the competition going, choice is a great thing, hell, lets get a third project started here!

    And to imagine M$ actually releases propaganda that says having a choice of desktops is a bad thing... heh.

  • GTK+ has been pretty good with speed (as far as Linux goes). Does the 2.0 release make it worse or better? I just upgraded to a Athlon 1700+ and KDE-2 finally runs as fast as Win2K did on my PII-300. Some things, like resizing the web browser, are even a bit faster. Not as much as I was expecting for 5X the clock speed, but at least the Konqueror prefs panel opens about as fast as Word used to...

To be or not to be, that is the bottom line.
