Recycling The First World, in the Third 609
simoncito writes "Ever wondered where that old useless printer ended up? BBC has a photo report about chinese villagers building ramshackle systems out of used and discarded first world computer parts. The effects on their surroundings are drastic - I never knew hardware was so poisonous." Worth a look if you aren't desensitized to suffering.
Anyone know the proper way to dispose of a monitor?
Proper way to dispose of a monitor... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Proper way to dispose of a monitor... (Score:5, Informative)
1. If you can't use the monitor, then first look into local schools. I know that in Ontario, Canada, you can get a tax credit for donating used computer equipment to schools. My high school (according to my brother who still goes there) has about 4 computer labs for ~P100-266 machines from this program which still word process and surf fairly nicely.
2. If the monitor is broken and the cost of repair is more than a comprable new monitor, then there will be specialised safe disposal facilities at must garbage dumps. Chances are you have to drive there and drop it off yourself, but it's worth it in preventing the Lead, Arsenic, etc from getting into the water.
3. When getting a new CRT montior, make sure it conforms to at least TCO99 (there is a sticker) because these have environmentally conscious amounts of harmful chemicals in them, but should still be disposed of safely in the end.
Re:Proper way to dispose of a monitor... (Score:4, Insightful)
Good Will and other thrift stores won't take any more monitors. At least, the ones around here won't. They've already got too many.
It's kind of the same situation with recycling bottles and cans in California. I used to live in Oregon, where you can take your empty bottles and cans to any grocery store, any time day or night. Five cents for cans, ten cents for bottles.
Here in California, you have to take them to a designated recycling center, which is open about six hours a day on weekdays. And there's only one in the city I live in, all the way across town. And you can take a hundred cans back, and you won't get jack shit because the redemption value is so low in California. And they don't give you cash, either, they give you a certificate that you have to take to a nearby grocery store or something, stand in line there, and then they'll give you your 90 cents or whatever it is you've got.
I used to take my bottles and cans back out of a sense of duty. But I got sick of going down there on my lunch break (the only time I could go there when the recycling center is open) to find out that either
(A) The recycling center was closed for lunch, or closed on Tuesdays, or something like that.
(B) There was a long line of people returning bottles and cans, when it's my turn I get a certificate for 90 cents, which I then have to take to the grocery store next door and stand in line to claim.
I started throwing my bottles and cans away. I feel bad about it, but Jesus Christ it's like they went out of their way to make it invonvenient in this state. In some cities (San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Sacramento) you can throw cans into the trash and rest assured that some homeless person will pick them out. But in the suburban white bread town I'm stuck in at the moment? No way. Those cans are going straight to the dump.
Same deal with monitors. They really ought to be recycled. So it'd be nice if it weren't such a pain in the ass to do so. I'd gladly support my tax dollars going toward recycling centers that took monitors and didn't completely suck. Or worked out a deal with grocery stores or someone else to handle it, like they do in Oregon.
Re:Proper way to dispose of a monitor... (Score:2)
Re:Proper way to dispose of a monitor... (Score:2)
Re:Proper way to dispose of a monitor... (Score:5, Funny)
We need a new generation of "tech-hicks" who can leave old computer junk on their lawns instead of broken-down old cars.
"That there is mah old Commodore 64! She don look like much, but she used to play a wikkid game o MULE"
(from the house) "Billy-Bob! Yer new 200gig-o-bite hard disk just come from Fedex!"
"DAMN WOMAN, go install mah raid server willya? Donna forget to stripe drives NTFS. None o that fat32!"
Re:1.5 Kg lead per computer?? (Score:3, Insightful)
Taco, Google. Google, Taco. (Score:2, Troll)
Got thirty seconds?
Google [google.com] has a few suggestions regarding monitor disposal [google.com].
Question: What is the opposite of investigative reporting?
Re:Taco, Google. Google, Taco. (Score:2, Funny)
Answer: Slashdot.
Re:Taco, Google. Google, Taco. (Score:5, Insightful)
The proper way to dispose of a copier ... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:The proper way to dispose of a copier ... (Score:2)
I actually did this once.
One time I was working as a co-op student technician at a university and there were a whole pile of really old non-working monitors and other boxen. I was given the task one day of disposing all of these in the dumpster, so I took them down on a cart and had a fun time dropkicking and lobbing them without fear of damanging something important. I actually grabbed one of the boxes out and tossed it in again just for fun.
This was a fun change from imaging hard drives, building machines, software development, etc.
Proper way to dispose of a monitor (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Proper way to dispose of a monitor (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Proper way to dispose of a monitor (Score:2)
Ummm yeah, and how do you think this crap gets to china anyway? Thats right... our recycling centers sell the material to companies that "process" the material, and sell it to other companies in China.
Re:Proper way to dispose of a monitor (Score:3, Interesting)
The reason I ask is that the US Navy has a regulation that their ships must be scrapped following strict environmental standards. They do about 10 a year at a cost 20 times higher than the standard fee for ship disposal. Everyone else sends their ships to India where they are scrapped using methods that are tremendously damaging to the environment ("PCB contaminated oil? Burn it off").
Re:Proper way to dispose of a monitor (Score:4, Interesting)
1. I called about 10 computer repair shops, asking them what to do, and if I could PAY them to dispose of it properly. No.
2. I called the City's garbage/recycling department to ask them what to do. They had no special information, and instructed me to put it out with the trash.
3. I called the local branch of the EPA, asking what to do, since I know that it contains toxic waste. They said that there were no special disposal method that I could do, but that it was technically illegal for me to throw it away. I asked her what I should do... she recommended that I just throw it away.
Yes, yes, I did do a Google search. This was 2 years ago, and there weren't any relevant results.
I hope this is better now.
It's a problem when someone like me, who spent about an hour trying to find the right thing to do, cannot find the right thing to do.
Re:Proper way to dispose of a monitor (Score:4, Insightful)
The problem of waste electronics is already being addressed. CRTs are already less favored than LCDs. LCDs generate less waste because they contain less material, and do not use a giant leaded glass tube. They do not have high-voltage, high-current power supplies, and thus need less fireproofing. Further an LCD can be expected to last practically forever if the backlight can be replaced. That of course reduces waste tremendously.
Finally, there are movements afoot to phase out lead, mercuryt, cadmium, chromium, and other dangerous chemicals from electronics products. Lead-free soldering processes are already available, but not widely deployed. The EU has proposed to phase out these dangerous chemicals in electronics by January 2008. Other nations have similar proposals. Google for WEEE to find the EU proposal.
Monitor Disposal.. (Score:5, Funny)
Ya'll should do what we do in Kansas. Whenever a TV stops working, we place the new one on top of the old one.
If you have too many of them there telly visions, you can place them in your front yard. Move them around the yard enough, and you'll never have to mow it!
Re:Monitor Disposal.. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Monitor Disposal.. (Score:2)
Re:Monitor Disposal.. (Score:2)
The shipbreakers (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:The shipbreakers (Score:2)
Dispose of it. (Score:2, Redundant)
All you have to do is make a little effort. If you call your local trash people, they almost always have a way to handle waste computer stuff, waste oil, etc. Unless you live in a small town or something.
It wasn't environmentally sound in anyway, but the last monitor I "disposed of" was several years ago. I took it out into the desert and blew it to pieces with a shotgun and a pistol. I hope the environment forgives me.
Re:Dispose of it. (Score:2)
There is a lot of lead in monitors, kids, so don't eat them.
Monitor disposal... (Score:2, Interesting)
Usually, you can take your monitor to an appropriate dealer or electronics shop, where trained & certified technicians can safely deactivate, disassemble & dispose of the monitor for you. This is what I'm looking for right now.
Now that i have a new LCD, I wonder if they're trash-safe - I haven't researched if there's any hazards concerning say, the liquid in the display, or any other chemicals.
Re:Monitor disposal... (Score:2)
I'm sure there are public schools in your area that would be ABSOLUTELY THRILLED to take it off your hands, and possibly issue a tax credit in the process.
Recycling old computer (and other) gear (Score:3, Informative)
If you can't find the answer under "Recycling" in your local yellow pages, drop the folks at Eco Cycle [eco-cycle.org] of Boulder a line and see if they can hook you up to a network in your area.
Is this our responsibility? (Score:2, Insightful)
I've seen articles like this before, and it is definitely sobering to see the effects of the things we throw away on others. But is this really our fault? Once I throw a circuit board away--courtesy of a company that specializes in technology disposal or recycling, no less--is it really my responsibility to make sure that no one is stupid enough to light it on fire and inhale the heavy metals in it? If someone tried this in the U.S., they'd be looked upon as an idiot and possibly a social and environmental menace.
Clearly, what's going on in China shouldn't be happening. But give blame where blame is due--to the factory managers, who must be aware of the dangers of what they're hiring people to do. Don't try to pin this one on American consumers--for once, it's not our fault.
Re:"Our" responsibility (Score:2)
Bet if you asked the guy who did the photo essay, he would describe "us" in a different way than you just did.
Re:Is this our responsibility? (Score:2)
>consumers--for once, it's not our fault.
I have to agree with devnull17 on this one. Recycling and reclaiming useful materials is not the problem. The problem is the method with which it is being done.
The chinese have always been able to accomplish much with little. Evidence the railroads in the western half of the North American continent were largely built with bare knuckle chinese labor. Chinese built many airstrips with backbreaking labor even while the planes were landing on the strips during WW2. I don't think anyone can say the chinese are not industrious.
But, labor is evidently cheap in China and, it appears, so is life. I suppose it is too expensive to provide a safe work environment and proper containment of the by-products of the reclamation process. So, let's just use these throwaway chinese to do the dirty work.
I suggest that the owners of these reclamation/recycling operations are the one's who are primarily at fault as well as, secondarily, the chinese govt for allowing it to happen. Looking deeper, ultimately you may come to the conclusion that it is the chinese people's fault because they put up with their govt not protecting them.
Where's the supply coming from? (Score:2)
So my question is, where do these piles of hardware come from? Specifically, I mean -- At what point in the chain do we hand everything off to a central supplier who sells it out of the country? Who are the companies? My local hazardous waste place is how far removed from 13-year-olds dipping circuit boards in tin and lead to "make them look new"?
NPR did a story a while back about infectious diseases being shipped worldwide at new speeds because of container ships full of old tires. (Mosquitoes bred in water collecting in the tires, and the container ship system meant transport speeds were far greater.) Made you really think -- our waste is a desirable commodity somewhere? Desirable enough that people will pay good rates to ship old tires to the third world? The unintended consequence of viral transmission was pretty nasty.
Re:Where's the supply coming from? (Score:2)
Just look at the godawful mess in Africa. You'd think the continent where man grew from would be able to get it right after a few thousand years.
Re:Where's the supply coming from? (Score:2)
I'm asking: what companies in the first world are making the handoff? Where's the point in our system where we say, "We've got this big hazardous waste problem here, but hey, we'll turn it into a little profit -- it's China's problem now."
I ask this because I'm curious what those companies do -- how they do it, what their other economic interests are -- not because I'm trying to be ideological about it.
Shipped there? (Score:2, Interesting)
How can you tell the difference between a "reputable" electronics recycler and someone whose contributing to the poisining of people who are all ready in a bad position?
I know I've gone through my share (or more than my share) of electronics in my day, and I'm afraid that a lot of it has just made it's way to the landfill. With computers becoming obsolete at the rate they do, how can I get rid of this stuff without wasting the reusable metals or poisoning complete strangers?
Expected response (Score:2, Insightful)
best way to get rid of computer equip (Score:2)
I have it.
I box it up and put it in my guest room closet. Problem solved.
We've already seen this story. Twice! (Score:2)
The idiots who submit stories could do it too... (Score:2)
LCDs any better? (Score:3, Interesting)
TechTV. (Score:5, Informative)
Check it out here. [techtv.com]
A co-worker of mine has a friend in China, and it is something that he really takes seriously. He actually wrote an article in our IT newsletter a few months ago, talking about the waste that we dump into Asia. All sorts of countries are doing this. Companies are paying to dump this junk off to the cheapest landfill. It is sick. It is something that we need to take seriously. Large ships take this stuff to Asia every day.
I also read that there are start-up companies that are trying to take this stuff and dismantle it properly. Recycling this stuff, and appropriately preventing serious toxic hazards.
The first way to start is simple... Don't throw this stuff into the trash. Landfills are becoming full of this stuff. Donate working computer stuff, or try to find a suitable recycling facility. It is important to realize that this can be done with all electronics. [recycle.net]
ComputerRecycle.com. [computerecycle.com]
Re:TechTV. (Score:3)
IMHO, given the documentaries I've seen about the production and labor practises used in high-tech, textile, and plain-old consumer products manufacturing in Asia (specifically China), recycling old computers is the least of their concerns.
The reason countries like China can build consumer products so cheaply is the lack (or non-existance) of environmental protection and labor standards.
Sure, I think recycling is good whenever possible, and I recycle in my house. But to say that China's problem is caused by first-world consumers - I have a problem with that.
I don't have much sympathy for people and governments that do it to themselves in the name of profits...
Re:TechTV. (Score:4, Insightful)
Who are we to look down on them? Ok, so China is building its economy by dismanteling computer parts in environmentaly hazerdous ways which are seriously messing with their children's health.
How do you think the US became the economic hegemon it was in the 1940s? It wasn't by recycling or giving a rats ass about child wellfare. It was by employing 8 year old imigrant children in factories for 12 hours a day, paying them slaves wages (or something close) and generaly making life hell for a bunch of people.
Of course now we've forgotton all that. Now we've gotten past our past and we want other States to industrialize and become economicly powerfull according to our ideals and environmental standards. The problem is those ideals and standards are a product of our economic superiority.
You can not expect States like China, India, Vietnam, most of South/Central America etc to pull themselves up by their bootstraps without resorting to the same general horrors that we did. I'm not saying its not possible, just that it's unrealistic.
Look at the photographs of the United States from the early 1900s and late 1800s. It wasn't a pretty place to live. We were a horrid nasty vile little cesspool and from that we have created a fairly impressive society.
So China is playing with fire. They will get burned, just like we did. They will kill their children, just like we did. And maybe someday they to can join the ranks of the post-industrial world. Until then we have to let them do what they can. No one told the US that it wasn't ok to commit our attrocities. Why are we any different?
Hello and we think CHINA cares? (Score:4, Insightful)
These people would have lived CRAP lives regardless of the horrible evil of computer waste products there. It must not be too severe or the Chinese government would be fast to stop it. We all know they could do so if they wanted to. However it provides these people with some form of income and keeps them out of the hair of the rest of the country.
I have traveled the world and the things being condemned here amount to nothing in comparison to what others suffer through elsewhere. Hell I would gie money to the Christian Childrens Fund before thinking twice about if my toner cartridge was going to be salvaged in China. And while on TONER and its evils...SWEET N LOW is a cancerous agent too...as is BBQ's food.
Re:Hello and we think CHINA cares? (Score:2)
recycling options (Score:3, Interesting)
And??? (Score:3, Interesting)
Okay, first of all, is the First World supposed to have a monopoly on common sense?
I agree, this is all tragic, but this is hardly the fault of the First World. We're not forcing China to take our old computer parts. They have a government that clearly doesn't care about the people. Unfortunately the only way this is ever going to change in China is for them to have a revolution.
It would be nice if we could do it for them, but the fact is, we can't. Sometimes people must be responsible for their own goverment. We can't realistically overthrow China without serious repercussions. If the people overthrow the government though, I don't think a whole lot of countries are going to be too upset about it.
So, yeah, I'm sorry this is happening, but eventually, it's going to be one thing too many and the people are going to revolt. There's not a whole lot anyone outside of China can do until then. They have to come to terms with the fact that their government doesn't protect them or even care about them.
I feel bad some days. (Score:4, Insightful)
I feel bad about the fact that I generate trash with everything I do. I want to go completely paperless, because I don't like the idea of killing the rainforest for paper. I know that some cutting in forests is actually good for the forest, but few loggers do that.
Even if I didn't use paper, I still get things in the mail, I have packaging, etc...
My computers, my music equipment, my house, my car (esp my car), generate waste.
Even the food I eat, I consider waste. I want to be a vegitarian some days, just because of enviormental impact of hog farms, overfishing, etc... I would like to be in touch with the earth more- kinda of like how you think of indians (opps, native americans), of being.
You may ask, well why don't you. It's because I can't. I am in college. I live in Boston (well in 6 days I do). I can't plant myself a garden. I can't rid myself of paper. I can't use solar/wind/geothermal power in my apartment. I know that there are little things that I can do, and I do those, but it feels small in comparison. Well, at least I won't have my car in Boston, so the T should save some energy somewhere. Does anyone else feel bad about their impact on the enviorment? I am not an activist, just a concerned person. Even if something actually doesn't 'impact' something drastically, I still feel bad for that disruption.
Re:I feel bad some days. (Score:3)
Get yourself pulled up by your boot straps. HUMANITY and all we are ARE JUST AS MUCH A PART OF NATURE as that tree!
WAKE UP!!! This world is about ALL OF IT not some damn tree or piece of paper etc. Use the earth responsibly and die someday to refertilize it!
Re:I feel bad some days. (Score:2)
Nothing we could possibly do would destroy the world... It could kill us, and all life on the planet off, but nature would eventually recover and move on.
Are we so important that the universe couldn't get along without us? I rather doubt it.
Re:I feel bad some days. (Score:3)
Being of an OPEN MIND, I decided to go take your little quiz. I have to sit here and LAUGH at you! NOT ONLY is your current of 33 ACRES HIGHER than the national average (showing you are an absolute KILLER of our precious environment). The 14 you will go to is MORE than my current 12!!!
So rather than be an asshole and tell me what I know and do not know. Get off your holier than thou horse!
Paper doesn't come from rainforests!! (Score:5, Informative)
I want to go completely paperless, because I don't like the idea of killing the rainforest for paper.
God dammit!! Why do people keep saying this?!? Paper comes from trees specifically planted to produce paper! It doesn't come from the trees in the rainforests! The rainforests are being cut down because space is needed for agricultural development in 3rd world countries. Do you really think trees are falling in South America and then being shipped to the USA to make paper??
Your post (which someone modded as 'Insightful') seems to ask what you can do for the environment. Here's my suggestion: make sure you really understand the issues. Because when you start spouting things like "killing the rainforest for paper" you make ALL of us look like idiots. It's too easy for the pro-big-business, anti-environment forces to point to someone like you and paint all concerned people as morons who want to save the rainforests "because Sting said so".
Re:Paper doesn't come from rainforests!! (Score:3, Insightful)
You do have a point that a significant portion of the damage to the forests is done in order to get new agricultural land, but it's not cut down it's usually burned down illegaly by rogue farmers.
Don't go getting smug though, because 90% of that agricultural product (usually beef) then gets sold in the developed world as well. Not only that, but because most of the cleared land was burned down to graze cattle, the soil becomes unusable within a few years and they do it again.
Regardless of how the damage is done, the vast majority of it is financed for by money from the developed world.Yes, what you do here does mean you're responsible for acres of rainforests being depleted. Quit denying it and do something about it.
dont feel bad about the planet (Score:2)
if we pollute the planet and use up its natural resources to the point where we can survive
the worse we (as humanity) can do is kill ourselves off
the planet will recover/repair itself after we are dead.
Then be pro-active. (Score:5, Informative)
Fine, you feel bad. So what are you gonna do about it? Short term? Long term?
Short term- you could buy your food from local farmers markets and buy organic in supermarkets.
(remember: Organic means poop!)
Don't buy soaps and shampoos from companies that test on animals (you can get a list from peta.com- my wife does this and you can still buy producst from Target... just not all of 'em.)
Don't buy products from companies who "pollute" the environment.
For the mid term- the next car you buy should be a hybrid. Get in touch with people who have gone completely off the grid (hydro, wind, solar, etc.)
and see how they made the transition.
Marry someone who can sew and make your own clothes. (or do it yrself!)
Make a plan, and DO IT. Its gonna cost you more money, its gonna take up more time and effort to do what everyone else does; but no one said character building was easy.
If you can dream it, you can do it. If you whine about it, you'll get the smack-down you deserve.
If you do it and whine about it, then yr just like me!
Why do you think MS just sends you another mouse? (Score:2, Insightful)
(everything in this post is from memory, which means it may not be 100% correct)
Here's Info on IBM's Recycling Service (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Here's Info on IBM's Recycling Service (Score:3, Redundant)
Don't be stupid (Score:4, Insightful)
Now thats the dumbest thing I've heard in a while. How do you think those monitors got to china anyway? People improperly dumping them in the woods, and then the monitors get up and walk to china? C'mon!
These montors and other computer junk gets sent to china because its collected properly here in the US at our transfer stations and recycling facilities. This stuff is "recycled", just like scrap metals, plastics, and paper. "Recycling" means that its collected, and sold en mass to bigger companies willing to buy it. Then, those companies sell it to bigger companies, and so on. Apparently, the end of the chain is China, and I'm fine with that.
Its like we're shipping our computer crap over there and forcing it on them. Its bought by companies over there, and shipped. Those companies employ people to process the material. Its not my fault that they don't use respirators! For crying out loud... there's a reason why we're the #1 industrialized nation, and they're a "3rd world" nation, and its not because we've spend hundreds of years feeling guilty for other nations.
Re:Don't be stupid (Score:2)
Re:Don't be stupid (Score:5, Insightful)
Hey, good point. While you're at it, why not gloat over the fact that your accident of birth in the United States (I'm guessing) instead of, say, Thailand means that you have the money and the power to purchase the virginity of a 13-year old in Bangkok?
Seriously though: think about it. Capital is no substitute for morality, and just because the "market will bear" your exploitation of other human beings doesn't mean you have the right.
Re:Don't be stupid (Score:5, Insightful)
The problem here, as it always is, is poverty. The reason why people choose to work in horrible conditions is because they don't have a better alternative available, in their own estimation. Americans have a powerful tendency to project their own values and choices onto others without a realistic appraisal of the situation. For example, when we crack down on "third world" sweatshops (in itself a slightly racist term, IMHO), net effect is that all these children who were working in horrible conditions are fired. Of course we would prefer that the children be going to school, or just about anything more healthy for a child than working. But if nothing more attractive is available, these people migrate to a less desirable, and less visible means of supporting themselves.
In this country, we've decided that some things are not to be held open as options, no matter how horrible the alternative. I tend to say that what I see in this photo article should be stopped, but I do wonder if I'm not assuming options that would be available here are available there, when that's not necessarily true.
Re:Don't be stupid (Score:4, Insightful)
Earth = Closed system.
More toxics in China (or wherever) means more toxics on Earth. You know, remember Earth? Its where you keep your stuff.
This is wrong... (Score:2)
Ah, yes, the high-tech China of the future. I also hear they test power cables by licking them to see if they feel a current and checking CD-ROM drives to see if they spin by placing them against their groins and seeing if they vibrate too much.
So? (Score:3, Insightful)
B) There hasn't been any form of 'you can't throw away your computer' legislation made.
C) What about the places that have been sending the waste to China. Why aren't they the bad guys? Just because I bought several computers over the year doesn't mean I'm evil. Hell, I've got every computer I've ever owned down to my Atari 800. I've either given one to another person, or sold it on eBay. The only stuff I've thrown away is a monitor or two, and the trash guys took them.
D) Don't see any evils of old TV articles anywhere. Last I checked a TV Screen and a Monitor screen don't differ a whole lot in basic construction. I'm sure there are a lot more TVs out there in dumps leaching dangerous crap into the ground. Just because the Chinese didn't think them worth recylcing and killing themselves must mean that it's OK to throw a TV away, just not a computer.
Ship Wrecking (Score:5, Insightful)
Alang is a small stretch of beach along the coast of India where a surprising number of ships are eventually scrapped. Instead of a dry dock, the ships are rammed full speed into the oily beach, then are picked over by workers for scrap. There are 35,000 men ripping apart the things with hammers and sledges. The welders use oxygen and cooking propane, the most skilled of them getting the choice assignment of ventilating fuel tanks to get rid of the fumes (yes, the welders ventilate the explosive fumes). The place is a filthy mess of pollution and there's an estimated fatality a day. By all estimates, it's basically Hell on Earth.
I read about this in an article in the Atlantic Monthly (Aug 2000). The piece detailed the horrible conditions, the economic motivation (wrecking a ship filled with toxic waste is an expensive proposition here in the West), and the efforts of enviromental groups to put a stop to it. But the real eye opener was the reaction of the Indians.
Many were pissed that the industrialized world wanted to stop the wrecking and considered such efforts hypocritical. They are not stupid and they know the risks they're facing. They are more than willing to take those risks for steady, reliable income. Many of them point to the pollution and conditions in Dehli that are worse than at Alang. They laugh at what concerns Greenpeace in their tidy offices in London and Holland.
Do I think it's wrong to ship toxic waste to these countries instead of taking care of it at home? Yes. Should I condemn people who are not really that much different from Americans during the Depression from trying to get by? No. These things are never black and white.
PS: I have heard that some regulation has come to Alang and other wrecking operations of late, so my Atlantic Monthly article is likely out of date. Apologies in advance. Also, I found two stories online about the issue: in Wired [wired.com] and The Baltimore Sun [sunspot.net]. I have not read them all the way through, though, and highly recommend the dead tree version of the Monthly piece if you can find it.
Re:Ship Wrecking (Score:2)
Re:Ship Wrecking (Score:2)
In the minds of the U.S and rest of the world, having children make those shoes you wear is a horrible thing.
No look at things from the perspective of those children. They have an income to help thier families. They actually have gainful (abeit shitty in my eyes) employement.
Sure they don't make as much as they would here but then again the scale of the conomy is different there.
Would you rather have a country of people who are 85% unemployeed or a country of people
Or are you just pissed that the thuggish unions can't get a foot in the door and make money off it themselves?
Would you rather pay 4 times the price for that CPU you just bought because it couldn't be manufactured overseas?
The only thing that REALLY concerns me about this article is the fact that it's fucking up the environment the way it is. Then again farmers have been washing cow shit from barns into pupblic streams for years and they can't seem to understand why it's such a big deal.
Give it back to the manufacturer (Score:5, Informative)
Try HP Product Recycling Services [hp.com]
In the US, it costs $13-34, including shipping. There are cheaper solutions, but you risk having your monitor end up in somebody's backyard in China. HP at least operates 2 recycling plants in Roseville, CA, and Nashville, TN.
Oh my lord look! (Score:3, Funny)
Use old Monitors as TVs? (Score:3, Interesting)
Pure unadulterated junk photojournalism hype (Score:2)
Isn't this the same topic that about a quarter of the "Ask Slashdot" threads are about? :-)
Interesting to see that lead is now a horribly toxic substance, at least to the BBC reporter. When I was a kid we played with mercury with few precautions, and all fishing line weights were lead.
The pictures are pure photojournalism hype at its worst. Yeah, let's put some kid in front of that pile of junk and have them make a face!
send you old monitor to (Score:2)
50 Nagog Park
Acton, MA 01720
perferably COD.
First World? (Score:2)
I always thought the First World referred to
Europe since the Renaissance, the New World referred
to the Americas, with the Third World being any
nonindustrialized ("developing") country.
Saw this in Nat'l Geographic (Score:2)
Stuff (Score:2)
Previous /. Stories (Score:2)
Also here is a previous article [slashdot.org] on recycling costs added onto PCs.
Nothing like spending the few extra minutes to search your own website for a topic. On the other hand, this is a more important, concrete, and immediate problem than hypothetical flame wars associated with the DMCA/RIAA/MPAA that are the meat of most
Odd statistic (Score:3, Interesting)
But... can we trust the source. The quoted Basel Action Network says that a pile of 500 computers contains 717Kg of lead. That just doesn't sound plausible. Does every computer really have 3.15 pounds of lead in it? Where? Not in the case (all plastic and steel usually). Lead is used in PCB manufacturing, but has anyone heard of a 3lb. PCB?Lead is not a major component of ICs. Perhaps if it was an old portable computer is might have Lead-Acid batteries, but I very much doubt there's more than 3 pounds of the stuff in any portable.
Perhaps I'm wrong, but I am sceptical of this figure. If their basic stats are wrong, how much can we trust the rest of the reporting? It seems emotive and biased. I'm sure there is a story here and a legitimate concern, but I'd like to see the real facts.
Re:Odd statistic (Score:3, Informative)
This is literally not true, but it's close. CRTs do contain lead to block the low-level radiation that they produce. See the Electronic Industries Alliance's information page on lead use in CRTs [eiae.org], along with a handy PDF [eiae.org]. Examples range from 1.7 lbs in a 14" CRT to 2.3 in a 21" one. Add that to whatever amounts may be present in other system peripherals, and 3 lbs probably isn't too far a stretch. Remember, most people in this world consider a "computer" to be not only that box with the retractable coffee-cup holder, but the entire system (including monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc.).
Seattle's county ahead of the game on this (Score:4, Informative)
For instance, monitors are disassembled, and the tubes sent to Pennsylvania, where the glass is smelted, and the lead separate for reuse. (The poster who mentioned that LCDs change this equation are right: no new smelters for recycling are being built because CRTs will no longer exist outside specialized uses, so existing smelters will handle the tens of millions of discards.)
Likewise, circuits and other components are sent to companies that often offer job retraining and are nonprofits to safely, under OSHA rules, extract useful materials. One outfit in the SF Bay Area can even get usable epoxy out of circuit boards which can be reused.
The real problem with computing as with white goods (appliances) and other products like cars is that the manufacturers are only required to use safe techniques in building them. Disposal is not part of the price tag. This is changing gradually in Europe, and it's clear to all concerned that if there were a federal mandate, we'd all see savings over the lifecycle of the product: we wouldn't have surprise billion-dollar cleanup funds, and would stop poisoning the rest of the world.
HP and other companies have taken some great steps with toner cartridges and some other limited products that they build in such a way that they can be easily disassembled and much of the parts reused or refashioned.
Why are they obsolete to begin with? (Score:3, Interesting)
Last year I got rid of a 9 year old PC that was a workhorse but eventually ran out of upgrade capability even for my humble needs. Today I have 5 PC's in my house. The newest one is 4 years old the oldest is 8. And frankly if you can't get the job done on one of them then you are doing the wrong job. They are Caldera (or SuSE I keep going back and forth) and Win95OSR2. And that's it.
PCs get recycled because people get suckered into thinking that 1.6Ghz, a half Gig of RAM and 2 120GB drives and a 48X CDRW to replace that old crappy 32X is gonna make their lives perfect. And you know what? If you did everything the Gods-o-Redmond told you, you really would have to upgrade forever. I mean what's Office 2000 without more compute power than ran NORAD? Nothing, it's crap that's what.
So if you feel bad for the poor orphans chained to their soldering irons then think of Bill (I have more money than the entire fucking nation of Peru) Gates and the scourge that is his software.
No (Score:2)
For those with no sense of humor, this is a joke
Re:old news (Score:3, Insightful)
The problem isn't the difference, it's the lack of difference. The problem's still around.
Re:boosheet. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Possible Human Carcenogen (Score:2)
I am also in favor of shipping all our garbage into space. I will rely on huge technology advancements in the future to help clean it all up.
Huh? Asbestos is not a carcinogentic material? (Score:2)
This is the first time I've ever heard anyone say that Asbestos is not cancer causing.
Is that true? Anyone?
Re:Huh? Asbestos is not a carcinogentic material? (Score:2)
Cancer me this. (Score:4, Informative)
Sure, saying "asbestos causes cancer" is FUD, if by FUD you mean "Fear," "Uncertainty," and "Doubt".
In this case, however, FUD does not mean "unverifiable myth."
If you're curious about the level of toxicity of asbestos, try going here. [cancer.org]
The upshot of that site reads as follows:
Furthermore, many kinds of toner are listed as possible human carcinogens. One of the reasons for this may be that conclusive evidence has not yet been gathered (read: powerful lobby to defund government studies).
The first 5 pages of this Google search [google.com] yields results you might find handy.
Re:I am so glad ... (Score:3, Insightful)
Your view on human life really makes me ashamed of being a fellow countrymen of yours.
Plus you obviously don't realize the situation in China. I don't think you can just get up and leave China if you'd like. You don't wake up and say "I think I'm going to America to start a new life!"
But this issue has been brought up before on slashdot. "last time I looked China wasn't the 51st state" Then why should we have a right to dump our waste there. Not In My Back Yard! But to make it worse... when the kids play in the dump you think they deserve it.
Is it America's fault? I don't really know the _truth_, yet I don't see why I shouldn't care about my fellow man either way.
You're absolutely right (but so is he) (Score:4, Insightful)
Unfortunately, there's a flip side of that which makes things even more tragic:
there's places in the world so desperately poor that stripping old, dangerous electronic equipment is actually a step up for them.
This is the heart of the problem, and why I can't condemn what happens in China (or the Indian ship-breakers). Our wealthy society discards these materials because they no longer have value to us. However, they have sufficient value as to advance the lives of some poor souls overseas, where their lives are so wretched as to make scrap-sifting a viable living.
Despite all the hazardous material that can lower life expectancy through exposure, a lot of these people are so poorly fed and cared for that it makes virtually no difference what sort of danger they face - they'll die young regardless. It's awful, but it's reality. And projecting our standards onto their lives won't help them, really - it'll just make us feel less guilty about the reality.
Western civilization went through a period like this - it was called the Industrial Revolution, and it lasted almost a century. Now it's happening elsewhere, and the people who are suffering now are doing so so that the generations that come after them may have a better chance of success. I'm not saying things are identical today, but the privileged life we Westerners live today (and especially we North Americans) was built on the backs of our ancestors who worked as essentially conscript labor and died young.
Think about it. I may be horrified by the life these people in China are living, but for many of them it's their only chance at a better life. That's not our fault. I'm not saying we should waste more to give them something to do. I'm just saying they are part of the system, and if for some reason we're all able to stop disposing of monitors someday they'll find another job that nobody else in the global economy wants to do. It may be a safer job. But then again, it may not.
Are you a troll? (Score:5, Insightful)
I can't tell if you're trolling or not but since I've seen a couple of comments here that seem to agree with your position, I feel the need to reply.
As for the enviornmental concerns, last time I looked China wasn't the 51st state. If their government can't control it then it's their problem not ours.
You're a little heartless, aren't you? "Hey, if it's not my fault, I don't wanna hear about it." These people are suffering. Doesn't that mean anything to you? And as far as the thought that environmental concerns outside of the US isn't our concern, what do you say about the chemicals that are being released into the atmosphere when they burn all that stuff? Toxins don't respect international boundaries.
Amazing how America can be portrayed as the bad guy all around the world.
I didn't see anything in the article specifically pointing the blame finger at the US. But it's worth noting that we are making this problem worse with our throw-away society. I would wager that the average American buys a new computer every 3-4 years. And they don't just buy a new processor and more memory, they buy a whole new friggin' computer! New keyboard, new motherboard, new monitor, new printer, etc. even though their old one is still functioning. If more people would simply buy what they need instead of being lazy and buying the package deal they get from Dell or Gateway, there wouldn't be so much hazardous computer trash to get rid of. Hell, even if you don't want to deal with the hastle of installing your own components into your old motherboard, just tell Dell or Gateway that you don't want the monitor. If they say "No, you have to buy the monitor as well!" you say "No, I dont. I'm leaving." No one is forcing you to add to the waste problem of the world.
Face facts, if you're stupid enough to inhale fumes from PC parts you're burning you should be dead. Those who don't die make money.
Did you read the article? These people have the equivalent of a few years of schooling at most. How many American elementary school kids do you think realize how much toxic stuff is in computers? These people don't have the education or knowledge to realize what they're doing. And even if they did, these people are desperate for a job. I'm sure that you, sitting at your computer munching away at a jelly donut or gulping down a SuperSize McDonald's meal don't fully realize how desperate one can be when you have a choice between a job that gives you headaches or watching your family starve to death.
If you don't like where you live ... move. It's like Sam Kinnison used to say, "You live in a freaking desert. Move."
Again, these people don't have any money. It takes money to start a new life. And where the hell do you suggest they go? Oh, that's right: this isn't your problem. As for the Kinnison quote, keep in mind that he was a comedian. You're not supposed to live your life in accordance with his routine.
I suspect America is "portrayed as the bad guy all around the world" because of awful human beings such as yourself who openly laugh at the less fortunate.
Re:Are you a troll? (Score:2)
What sucks is that the Chinese people have to put up with the bullshit governmnet that they've got. (And actually, with a billion odd citizens, you'd think they'd find the means of toppling it, but they haven't so far.)
Nobody is saying that it isn't sad, or tragic, to see anyone living in those kind of conditions.
All I'm saying is that the fact that all that waste has ended up in several impoverished villages in China is no accident. Sure, we produce a lot of waste, and much of it is comprised of substances that pose health risks, but China's government is actively collecting money to accept this waste material.
If blaming someone makes you feel better, how about starting there.
(This post is not a direct response to you, GMD... It's more of a "something needs to be said," and I was as far down the page as your post kind of thing.)
Re:But is is his Job. (Score:2)
The best topic in weeks had to be the Haiku thread.
Re:But is is his Job. (Score:2)
Where can I read CmdrTaco's Job Description? Why's it such a big friggin deal? "Oh no! A story was posted twice within the last 90 days! We mighta missed a story about how somebody is using Linux!"
Re:But is is his Job. (Score:2)
Today Slashdot is owned by OSDN, but it is still run by many of the same people as it was 'Back in the Day'. Today we serve millions of pages to hundreds of thousands of readers. But the goal is still the same."
from cmdrtaco.net "Slashdot I guess I should just fess up and take the blame- I created Slashdot a long time ago, and now it seems to have grown into something pretty amazing. Come on down and check it out for news about Linux, Open Source Software, Legos, Games, Star Wars, Science, Technology and pretty much anything else that falls into the "News for Nerds, Stuff that Matters" umbrella. "
from the
If you have anymore questions please let me know
Re:How to dispose of a monitor??? (Score:2)
Geez, you guys act like you might have missed a story about how somebody installed Linux on a doorknob.
Re:USA's fault (Score:2, Insightful)
I don't think so. (Score:2)
Would you not think it more likely that the Chinese companies are paying for, not toxic waste but, used equipment. Which these companies then canibalize for parts, hoping to resell said parts for a profit? Their probably paying the shipping too.
Furthermore, the recycling companies that take this equipment in the US are doing basically the same thing with the equipment. But, in the US the government has laws restricting the methods that can be used. These environmental laws not only keep our environment relatively safe, they also raise the cost of the recycled parts considerably which makes it hard for the american recyclers to compete with the Chinese ones. Not to mention that the Chinese labor laws also give them a significant profit advantage over the US. This is a major reason why so few US companies do this recycling but, there are probably many in places such as China
From an environmental standpoint, the things shown in this article are atrocious. The same is true from a human rights standpoint. But, this is definitely not a situation forced upon them by the US. The only people that can really beleive that are the same people that feel that gun manufacturers are responsible for murders.
Linux is not blameless... (Score:3, Insightful)
One of the reasons I am so pro-Lycoris is that the distro takes that very stance. Why confuse the beginning Linux user with a myriad of apps, most of which are redundant, when you can provide the best email program, the best browser, the best Tetris clone game, etc. etc.? While I can question some of their choices, I can see where this approach is best for their target audience. And hey, the more expert users can ADD to the installed apps! What a concept!
Because it is a KDE-centric distro, Lycoris' ability to function on computers degrades with less powerful processors. The suggested minimum processor speed/type is a 300MHz Pentium II. I suspect that with a lot of the eyecandy turned off it should be fine on a 233MHz Pentium MMX or better.
This does nothing for older machines, though. What is needed is a lightweight graphical distro that can make low end Pentia and 486en useful. The recent issue of Linux Journal has an interesting article by Marcel Gagne [linuxjournal.com] suggesting the kind of apps that would work in such a lightweight distro.
I don't know the first thing about putting together a distribution, but I am looking to learn. I have been riding this particular hobbyhorse for years now but nobody's done anything about it. People are either compiling ultra-tight distros for bootdisks and whatnot or making monster distros for bleeding edge computers. No middle ground. It is this middle ground that can make the kind of machines hitting these landfills in China usable again.
There are kids in Pacoima and the South Bronx and the Southside of Chicago and Oaktown who could use these computers. The companies upgrading their boxen are throwing perfectly useful machines out or sending them to fly-by-night "Recyclers" who instead ship them to the 3rd world. When companies donate instead of recycling, MS gets on their case about licensing. The refurbishers get static from MS about licensing. The underpriveleged kids who need computers at home go without.
A good, lightweight Linux distro could change all this. It's time to create one.