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Polarized Screens to Hide Sensitive Data 264

NiugMan writes " reports that Iizuka Denki Kogyo, a Tokio-based tech company has developed a monitor which appears to be blank if you stare at it with your eyes. Only by wearing a pair of polarised glasses you see stuff on it. The idea is to protect sensitive data from unauthorised personnel. Please take your special glasses with you when you take a coffee-break."
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Polarized Screens to Hide Sensitive Data

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Then what? Nice idea, too bad it's been done for the past 10 years.
  • Tokio? (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by jmu1 ( 183541 )
    Yeah, um... I'd like to go to Tokio.
    I hope thay surv eyes-creem. Maybee evin sooshee.
  • Quick (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Someone warn these guys [] before they are locked away for selling hacking tools.
  • by lorian69 ( 150342 ) on Wednesday September 04, 2002 @07:21AM (#4194387)
    It can be defeated with 3-d glasses?

    How about normal, polarized sunglasses and someone who can rotate their head?

    Me thinks someone spent too much on research for this one.
  • What sort of lenses? (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I suppose the type lenses you need to view the screen is kept secret? Once somebody figures out what type of lens to use, this little security through obscurity exercise is over. Did they ever consider what would happen if someone used a camera with the right kind of lens? I'm sure this will sell big though.
  • These are way to expensive. The cost of polarized system is too high and is certainly not justified. If this thing is not patented and many companies jump into it we hay see monitors and glassed for about 500$ hitting the market.
    • Re:exhorbiant cost? (Score:4, Interesting)

      by ClayJar ( 126217 ) on Wednesday September 04, 2002 @07:35AM (#4194464) Homepage
      > The cost of polarized system is too high
      > and is certainly not justified.

      Actually, all LCD monitors *already* have the capability built in. The way they work is by using the polarization of light. All you have to do to make one of these "secure" panels that can only be viewed through polarized glasses is *remove* the polarizing film from the monitor.

      Put simply, it should not be much more expensive to *leave out* part of the panel, eh?
    • The cost of polarized system is too high

      Which proves why posting is best done -after- reading the article. This is achieved by removing the polarising screen from a otherwise normal LCD. It can possibly be made cheaper than than a normal LCD.. though low volumes will doubtless result in a higher cost overall.
  • by Canis ( 9360 ) on Wednesday September 04, 2002 @07:21AM (#4194392)
    ...if you go outside with the glasses and start checking out the billboards, you might be in for a bit of a surprise [].


    (also, remember to stock up on bubblegum)

    • Why do all the Slashdot headlines suddenly say, "THIS IS YOUR GOD"? :-)

      I guess it's better than all my money saying "COWBOYNEAL"....
    • by mcarbone ( 78119 ) on Wednesday September 04, 2002 @10:37AM (#4195308) Homepage
      I've been meaning to get this on Slashdot for some time now, but I worked on a much more powerful version of such glasses over a year ago at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL) in Cambridge, MA, with Researcher William Y. Yerazunis. Here's the technical report [] if you'd like to see it. We also filed a few patents way back then as well, so I wonder if this work infringes on our own.

      We can actually hide secret images within any image or animation you'd like, not just an obvious blank screen. We also designed a cryptographically secure version which isn't cracked by simply having another pair of special glasses (you also need the private key). Check out the paper, it has some image examples (there might be a few technical errors in it that we later fixed but wasn't updated in the paper. I'm not at MERL anymore, so I haven't bothered checking really).

      Also, we made a video demo for the conference which our technical report was accepted in paper form (at OzCHI2001). I have that video, and can digitize it if there's enough demand. By the way, while I was testing the glasses, I actually used They Live screenshots so that one could simulate Rowdy Roddy Piper's shock upon seeing the billboards and aliens. Also, we referenced John Carpenter in our paper.
  • by IRNI ( 5906 )
    I saw this on a site in 1998. Or some similar technology. I thought it would be a neat idea but it is kind of odd to see it brought up like it is news today, 4 years later.
    • I am pretty sure modifying laptop screens like this was marked as a service by some company in the early 90's. It was advertised as allowing you to work on sensitive business information on an airplane without the passenger next to you reading it. Sorry, I can't provide a citation. I never saw this in action, so maybe it didn't work well.
    • I remeber this technology as well. I believe it was being pushed in laptops at the time. The goal was to block nosy people behind or aside you on an airplane or park bench. Perhaps they're banking on a post-9/11 paranoid public to embrace their unappealing technology the second time around?
  • by NineNine ( 235196 ) on Wednesday September 04, 2002 @07:21AM (#4194394)
    "Why in the hell is my computer always turned off when I get back from taking a leak?"

    "I don't know, Bob. I had to look at it for something, it was off, and I tried to turn it on, but all that happened was that "power" light turned off."

    Yeah. Brilliant idea.
  • Can't you get a pair of those glasses at your local Toys 'R' Us? I think they come with Spy Tech, or some sort of kids spy kit ....
  • that this will only be used by people in the finance dept of companies. (I know there was is a case in security e.g. CIA but face it: if a spy comes into the building to get info it's all the easire to shoot him..
  • by Anonymous Coward
    "To others, you would look like someone with sunglasses working in front of a totally white screen,"
    They needn't know that I'm actually wearing sunglasses, *sleeping* in front of a totally white screen, then.
  • Would it be possible for the glasses to be polarized with a private key, and have the monitor polarize with the corresponding public key?
    • I was wondering about that... maybe some sort of weird trick with light wavelengths and changing frequencies? But then you might need some sort of powered glasses to decode, which clashes with my other idea, to whit:

      What about polarized contact lenses? :)

      • What about polarized contact lenses? :)

        Smiley or not, that's actually a brilliant idea, that would render all of those sixteen hundred dollar and up monitors (for just 15"--sheesh) useless from a security standpoint.

        Wearing polarizing sunglasses and tilting your head would be very conspicuous, to say the least. But polarizing contact lenses would work perfectly in this application. (This 'application' being the misappropriation of sensitive information.) It's not a trivial task to prepare them, but it's certainly not out of reach of a person of above average competence. If a person has naturally dark-coloured eyes, the added shading from the polarizers wouldn't even be apparent.

        Need a quick and dirty solution? Look at the reflection of the monitor in a piece of plate glass. A blank acetate sheet will do in a pinch. Reflection off of a clear material will separate the two orthogonal polarization states of light if you adjust your viewing angle correctly. Sure, the information will be backwards, but if you're just feeling a bit nosy, it's no problem. And it doesn't look like you're looking at the screen in that case.

        You want to protect sensitive information? Put it behind a wall.

  • I remember IBM selling Thinkpads (amongst other manufacturers) with such screens back around 1995 or so. One of the suggested purposes was for using the computer on a plane, so that people behind you wouldn't be able to see what you're looking at. However, anyone who really needs to spy on someone using one of these computers would only have to go to a camera shoppe and buy a telephoto lens with a polarising filter.

  • If they can overlay two images with different polarization. That would be much cooler, and actually useful.

    Or even cooler, if they couldoverlay a non polorized image, you could have subtitles or annotations on a image, if you put on the proper glasses.

  • Many many (from my 18 year old standpoint) years ago, I recall having read about this same technology being used in laptops for paranoid business users. I don't remember the company or the product, but I recall it being touted as a great thing for people traveling coach. I don't see how this is so great, seeing as they just removed the polarization layer from the LCD and put it in some glasses. Won't any set of polarized glasses work? Hell, I've got some Oakleys that'll penetrate that security.
    That's why I only talk to my computer with the numlock light and the spacebar. Morse code all the way, man!
  • Of course, anybody with a proper camera may be able to take photographs from your screen.

    Most people with expensive camera equipment add a polarizing filter to their glassware in order to protect the lens. The filter will kill some nasty reflections and improve colors, and is much cheaper to replace than the actual unprotected lens should it become scratched.
  • Security (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Doodleman3 ( 409554 )

    Now you have to find a way so that your data can't show up on a normal monitor and you've got an effective defence, Aganst at least the low end script kiddie type hacker that has trouble affording pricy hardware upgrades.

  • Funny how we had these at General Dynamics back in 1989 on our Wyse 55 terminals. you wore these funky old-people (tm) style lightly tinted sunglasses to see the screen.. it was for really basic security to stop the casual passer-by.. I remember figuring out the polarization angle needed to get a decent looking pair of glasses made for myself so I didnt look as geeky as the rest of the people there using those 5 terminals.

    Really old tech... and as secure as a wet paper bag.
  • I've seen those polarized screens for laptops that reduce the LCDs viewable angle so that people on planes etc. can't shoulder-surf....but this concept is a just a bit extreme!

    I mean, who works in highly sensitive areas *AND* needs to hide the data on the screen that badly?

    And if you truly do need "for your eyes only", what about some sort of HMD (Head Mounted Display)?

    (Anyone remember those PC Private Eye devices? They used an oscillating mirror and an LED array to "paint" a text screen in the users field of vision.)

  • Heh (Score:1, Redundant)

    by Mr_Silver ( 213637 )
    What a great way to surf for porn without anyone knowing.

    Of course, to others it'll look like you're enjoying Planning_Budget_2002.xls a little too much ...

    • I gave up caring. I now watch dvd length pornos fullscreen on a laptop on a plane with small children sitting next to me. They don't mind so much as the stewardesses. They won't say anything to you but you get some strange looks and probably some spit in your food. Good thing the food is already inedible.
  • Duh . . . (Score:5, Funny)

    by Ezubaric ( 464724 ) on Wednesday September 04, 2002 @07:29AM (#4194439) Homepage
    Kuhn adds that an opaque shielding device might be simpler way to obstruct prying eyes.

    I wonder if he has a patent on this idea. Wouldn't it just be better to have people in, I dunno, offices? You could control entry via special security signatures know as "keys," which would be small metal devices small enough to fit into your hand. Access to data would be protected by an "opaque shielding device" called a wall.

    I'll take my consulting check now, please.
    • Look at the hidden advantages of this: it will hide the user's sleepy eyeballs. This will allow them to be more productive as they can work in their sleep. The caffeine induced finger spams on the keyboard will have everyone fooled as it appears they are focused on producing better code.
  • Effective ? Nah (Score:4, Informative)

    by XPulga ( 1242 ) on Wednesday September 04, 2002 @07:30AM (#4194440) Homepage
    First, if you're leaving for a coffee break, you should lock your terminal, which will prevent others from seeing your screen contents while you're out anyway.

    Second, how many different polarizations are there ? Last time I studied optics, one pair of glasses will work on any of these monitors (maybe needing some rotation/tilting). Unless you can assure polarizing glasses will always be bright red so you recognize "people with bright red glasses coming near my computer", and you can't assure that - it's quite easy to make polarizing lenses - the protection is senseless.

    I can hardly wait until some company buys monitors and glasses to all their employees and then put several monitors in the same room, all people with polarizing glasses, making the whole buy futile. (Hmm, ok, will prevent the floor sweeper from reading your screen. Great.)

    • Heh... "lock your terminal" is an interesting idea. I've been meaning to get around to re-tooling xscreensaver for a long time so that all of the hacks that display your desktop can be overridden with a flag that you can pass an image to. That way xscreensaver can be turned on in "no, use this image instead" mode.

      There are other hack attributes that should be centrally controlable like this, but xscreensaver has always wanted to maintain a very hands-off approach to the hacks.
  • by joshtimmons ( 241649 ) on Wednesday September 04, 2002 @07:31AM (#4194450) Homepage
    As others have pointed out, polarizing filters are so common that there's no security here.

    It's like locking your house with a skeleton key.

    Why not insert noisy frames between real ones and just synchronize the glasses so that they filter out the garbage frames? Why not just have the screen in the glasses?

    • As others have pointed out, polarizing filters are so common that there's no security here.

      Kind of how like ROT-13 decryptors are so common that there's no reason to send someone for jail for breaking the 31337 ROT-13 encryption on your valuable copyrighted digital content?

      Give it up. Polarizing filters are now terrorist Weapons of Mass IP Destruction.
    • As others have pointed out, polarizing filters are so common that there's no security here.

      It's not really about security.

      It's like locking your house with a skeleton key.

      Or like closing the door on your cube and not locking it. Sure, someone can open it, but if they do so it's noticible.

      Why not insert noisy frames between real ones and just synchronize the glasses so that they filter out the garbage frames? Why not just have the screen in the glasses?


  • by ClayJar ( 126217 ) on Wednesday September 04, 2002 @07:31AM (#4194452) Homepage
    I read about this a long, long time ago (I can't remember when, but it is on the order of years). It was a mod that a company was selling for business people's laptops. They'd strip off the polarizing film from the laptop's LCD panel, and then you could only see what was on the screen through polarizing glasses.

    I'm not sure whether the glasses required were vertically polarized of horizontally polarized. If they were vertically polarized, anyone with a pair of sunglasses could quite easily read the screen (but wouldn't you look odd wearing sunglasses on a plane while staring at a business person's apparently blank laptop screen).

    On the other hand, if the required glasses were horizontally polarized, you'd have to rotate the sunglass lenses 90 degrees (which, since most sunglass lenses do not posess rotational symmetry, would mean you either would have a serious mod coming, or else you'd just have to tip your head 90 degrees... Actually, this might just work, but only if you were pretending to sleep and laying your head on the business person's shoulder, and that's likely to just make them upset. ;)
    • I actually saw this company at a computer fair and tried it. The laptop monitor looked gray without the clear glasses. They were pitching the product as a solution for people who fly often.

      They would modify your laptop for you in a couple of days and ship it back to you with the glasses. I was always a little weary of sending them a laptop to modify. I don't know what they would do if they broke it. The nice feature was that they would also include a polarizing screen that clipped to the front of the display in case you diddn't want to use the glasses.

      I always wondered what happened to that company.

  • ...but I will have to train myself to stop ducking, weaving, and saying "gotcha" before this will truly bring counter-strike to my cube.
  • I remember doing something similar about 15 years ago at home. Take an old calculator apart, and remove the polarization layer (it looks like a thin sheet of clear plastic over the top of the display). Just hold the filter in front of your eyes to see the digits on the calculator. Voila, you now have a super-secret calculator that you check how badly your 401k is tanking.
  • This is such a useless security measure. It can be defeated by anyone wearing polarized lenses, and such lenses are worn innocuously all the time so you couldn't accuse someone of spying just for wearing them. And what scenario is this supposed to be useful for? An environment where the display is visible to untrusted viewers -- public places, mostly. In an office you get better security by locking the doors. But in a public place you have no control over who wears sunglasses, so anyone who wants to see the screen can easily do so. It's just stupid.
  • what about that white van that's always outside? can they still see it, too? (hi guys! there's a pizza special down the street today!)
  • by HerringFlavoredFowl ( 170182 ) on Wednesday September 04, 2002 @07:42AM (#4194496)
    I just love the cost of these monitors ...

    Um, put a polarizing filter on the monitor, add a simple 90 degress polarized light source to the front of the monitor (translucent sheet) put on your polarized glasses and you are set.

    Sounds like bad security practices to me ...

    Btw. The gentle fisher folks have been using polarized sunglasses for spotting trout for years ...
    • I just love the cost of these monitors ...

      Um, put a polarizing filter on the monitor, add a simple 90 degress polarized light source to the front of the monitor (translucent sheet) put on your polarized glasses and you are set.

      Simpler than that. Normal LCD monitors use liquid crystals between two polarizing filters. So this nifty new secure monitor is just a normal LCD monitor without the front polarizing filter. It's less monitor, for five times the cost.

  • Sounds like... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by ackthpt ( 218170 )
    Sounds like my laptop (VAIO) screen. Certain colors are only visible while tilting the screen at extreme angles, which makes other colors less visible. Not sure I'd call it an invention, more of a discovery.

    In particular, if you have a 505tx, or similar laptop, download CCS (the c64 emulator) and play M.U.L.E. and try to find the mountains. There's a way to change color settings, but It's not high on my priority list, yet, to figure out.

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • ...and people with those polarized driving glasses, I imagine.

    I suspect it would work, but it's just a hunch.
  • by xee ( 128376 )
    If the screen could alternate between two different polarizations, which the glasses have lenses for (one on each eye), then this could be used for 3-D imaging. All we have to do is call the glasses "goggles" and we might as well be in Snow Crash [].
  • I remember, back in the PC boom when Gateway was running those ads in Computer Shopper soap-opera style, that someone came up with a similar idea.

    The laptop computer had just gotten usable (sort of), and business users were taking work on the road. Normally the cube jungle and office walls are fine to protect data from prying eyes, but laptop screens were a real concern.

    The solution was...a solution, which you wiped onto your laptop screen, intended to strip off the last polarizing layer. This last layer is what made sense of the supertwist LCD displays. The kit came with a pair of polarized glasses to prevent anyone else from seeing your screen; to them, it looked like a blank white display. Of course they addressed the issue of normal polarized sunglasses allowing circumvention...their glasses needed to be polarized at right angles to normal sunglass polarization. Of course this doesn't keep people with normal sunglasses from simply rotating the glasses, or their head, 90 degrees.

    I never saw the point. Once enough people have the glasses, it's just like having an open display again, except less convenient to use.

    There's a reason it never took off in the years since it was first invented.
  • I couldn't believe reading through the article, and thinking "wait a minute, all that someone needs are a pair of polarizing glasses" .....and then I found the following hilarious quotes:

    • ...he warns that this security measure could be defeated by anyone who can get hold of a pair of correctly configured, light polarising glasses.

      ...simple 3D movie glasses could defeat the system. These have a horizontal polarising filter on one eye and a vertical filter on the other eye. "By tilting the head up to 45 degrees to either side and switching between both eyes, you can easily observe light at all polarisation angles".

    Price of the monitors: between $1600 and $2500.
    Price of polarizing glasses: $15.
    Everybody rotfl: priceless !

    • ...he warns that this security measure could be defeated by anyone who can get hold of a pair of correctly configured, light polarising glasses.

      The other option is to scramble a monochrome screen with a red or green or blue filter.

      If the filter is red then all red, white, yellow, tan, etc... pixels will be white and all other shades will be pushed to black. The classic trick is to scramble the colorspace of the pixels randomly so other viewers see multicolored static unless they have one of the color filters.

      Now another option is to sync the static with special glasses, but if you have that then why muck with the monitor signal? Now one other option is to create a multi-polarized (simplest tech is to take two polarized sheets, go scissor-happy and glue to a clear plastic sheet in the many random orientations that would occur) pair of glasses. Then sync the polarization to the unique glasses, but the viewer has to maintain an exact close distance & have very little head movement.

      Another variation of the concept is to do the same thing with the pure color filters and cut & glue the pieces into a stained-glass unique viewer which matches the color-space scrambling of the monitor. Again the same limitations of viewing distance & head motion come into play. However, the glasses will look a damn spot more stylish.
  • Otherwise, as soon as you have two or more of these monitors, all the people with glasses that are authorized to see screen A will also be able to see everything on screen B. Which makes it kind of pointless, right?
  • by Obiwan Kenobi ( 32807 ) <> on Wednesday September 04, 2002 @08:25AM (#4194659) Homepage
    Working in the IT Dept. of a bank, I can see how this could possibly appeal to the decision makers in the bank, and the industry at large.

    Privacy is big in banking. Bigger than big. There is nothing more important that people's money, and there are enough federal guidelines and regulations on the subject to choke a horse. People can argue about the importance of their kids, cars, and homes, but if a bank employee makes a mistake and suddenly your financial information is stolen or made public, you've got one hell of a lawsuit, and one severely ill person on your hands.

    While the technology does seem a bit silly in its inception, and beating this security measure is a moderately difficult at best, what security guard or bank personnel is not going to notice the strange looking individual with 3-D glasses on and a terrible case of tilting-head looking over the shoulder of a CSR or teller.

    Of course it's beatable, and of course it's not going to make sense in your average office environment. But I'll tell you right now that there is nothing better than this, that I can think of, that has come along in terms of blocking people from looking over the shoulder of bank employees. Sure there are vertical-blind-like shadded screens, where the information is only viewable when looking directly at the monitor (and we employ those as well), but this again is foilable by a person's mere position. If the employee gets up for coffee, a smoke, whatever, the information the screen is still viewable by anyone with a direct line of sight.

    This technology can prevent the average person from seeing what's on an employee's screen. The "average person" is about 95% of all bank customers. The "average person" won't really care how it works, won't want to know why it works, but I'll tell ya, the "average person" will feel a 100 times more confident in his/her financial institutions commitment to security and privacy when using this technology, even if it can be foiled by 3D-glasses or expensive shades.

    When you combine this technology with the common sense of "closing all applications when leaving your desk," a financial instutition's employee's desk becomes 10 times safer than it was originally, and that's a big step. I'm certain that the larger financial institutions out there (Citibank, et al) would be glad to show off the new technology and tout about its security, even if it can be foiled by the strange looking man wearing $3 3D glasses.
    • Once you figured out the correct angles you can make glasses such that it is unnecessary to tilt the head. Also you don't need to tilt the head in an exact angle, probably anything within 15-20 degree of the correct angle will do well enough. And there's already sunglasses out there with polarisation filters.

      If the person gets a cup of coffe it pretty damn better lock the screen. It's really sad to hear, that banking business not yet discovered the use of a screensaver/screenlock and sees a need to "close all applications" for a cigarette break.

      Also often the "average customer" might have a legitimate interest in the data that's displayed (maybe because it's his own data about what he's discussing with a bank employee) and he will feel a bit silly if he has to put on those funny looking glasses first. Let alone walking into a bank where half the employees (all that are working with computers) wear the same kind of geeky looking glasses.

      So let's conclude: This technology isn't secure against anyone who really wants the data from that screens, it only creates a false sense of security. At the same time it makes everyone in the bank (including the customers) look silly. Also there are already better ways to protect that information (screensavers, arranging displays such that customers normally can't see it, displays with a narrow viewing angle).

      Maybe privacy is big in banking, but i think it's more important to avoid looking silly.
    • But I'll tell you right now that there is nothing better than this, that I can think of, that has come along in terms of blocking people from looking over the shoulder of bank employees.

      Sure there is. You put the computer & the employee on the other side of the desk from the customer. This brings into play the non-x-ray effect, in that with the exception of Clark Kent, people can't see through the back of the monitor.

    • This technology can prevent the average person from seeing what's on an employee's screen.

      How does this "technology" find itself in a science magazine? When I was 10 years old I noticed that I could take the polarzing filter off of my school calculator's LCD screen, and make the numbers displayed invisible, unless viewed through the filter. As far as I know, most LCDs (like the ones on digital watches, etc.) can only be viewed if the polarizing filter is in place. This is not new technology. This is greedy people trying to sell something many people already have -- most just don't know they already have it. (Try it! Take apart any cheap digital watch or calculator -- it will have a polartization filter in front of the LCD that without which the numbers will be invisible!)

      While the technology does seem a bit silly in its inception, and beating this security measure is a moderately difficult at best, what security guard or bank personnel is not going to notice the strange looking individual with 3-D glasses on and a terrible case of tilting-head looking over the shoulder of a CSR or teller.

      The absolutely most ill-conceived approach to security is any kind of system that merely provides a layer of obfuscation. Why? Because it creates a false sense of security. This is mere obfuscation and nothing more. If I walk in to your bank wearing my driving sunglasses will the security guards have me arrested? Probably not. I wouldn't stand out at all -- yet my completely normal sunglasses would crack this so-called "technology". This is not secure. Secure means that NO ONE has the technological nor financial means to break the security system -- not even governments.

      Anyone can buy polarizing sunglasses very cheaply these days. I've seen pairs at the grocery store for about $12. Hell, you can even buy a polarzing filter for your camera for around $25. Anyone can view and take photographs of the information displayed on these screens with off-the-shelf products. I bet your bank's owners would be pretty damn upset if the new security system you recommended, and they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on, was foiled by a 10-year old with a $12 pair of glasses.

    • Privacy is big in banking. Bigger than big.
      Oh? Then why were they so against the consumer privacy bill that just died in Congress. Oh! You mean the bank's privacy...
      • ...from the propaganda broadcast message, a bank I work with indicates that it would be impossible for a single service representative to access information from different departments - mortgages, securities, whatever.

        Don't trust banks much, but... that's their line.
  • Would I still be able to seem my screen with my peril sensitive sunglasses on?
  • Without screen shots, critical commentary, or a real review it's hard to tell just how effective this really is. SLIGHTLY polarized light is very common in the everyday environment. For example, light from most parts of the sky is partially polarized. Many of us have probably noticed pale rainbow- or oil-film-like colorations in car windows as a result of the interactions between birefringence in the prestressed safety glass and natural polarized light from the sky. This is even more noticable on airline flights with airliner windows.

    I think it is VERY unlikely that the screen looks PERFECTLY blank all the time. I'll bet that, for example, in a laptop on an airplane, it would be easy to see that there was SOMETHING on the screen, and even to read it without glasses by close inspection.

    So, I'm not completely sure I understand the practical point of this invention. It isn't going to make spies think that the screen is truly blank or truly turned off--if, indeed, the fact that someone is looking at the screen with special glasses was not a giveaway in itself. As a casual "privacy" device it probably works--a spy probably couldn't read it from three feet away, and staring at it from six inches away while rotating it to get the greatest amount of naturally polarized light would make the spy conspicuous. But various existing privacy devices that limit the usable angle of view would probably be just as effective.

    On the other hand, if someone can develop a version of this that simulataneously display TWO DIFFERENT images with 90-degree-opposite polarization--the computer-display equivalent of a Polaroid "Vectograph"--it might be a useful form of 3D-with-glasses display.
  • Hmmm... it seems that the MPAA has closed half of the analog hole. Now they can do video-on-demand and charge for each connected headset!

  • This device is obviously going to be popular for
  • If they have and X-Ray version of the glasses i'm up for a pair.
  • You have to get contact lenses so you can wear our polarized sunglasses to see your monitor. Glasses of your own just wont due. And no you can't have polarized glasses of you own, then we couldn't restrict you from seeing screens by taking your glasses away.
  • by SethJohnson ( 112166 ) on Wednesday September 04, 2002 @09:03AM (#4194831) Homepage Journal

    This would be a great excuse for people who have to build Proof of Concepts for client demos. You could bring your non-functioning demo to the pitch meeting and just show them a white screen. Run through the sales pitch and if the customer complains, you could explain that because the product is so proprietary, your boss requires you use this screen to enforce confidentiality.
  • by p3d0 ( 42270 )
    I'd better get rid of my polarized sunglasses before they come after me for DMCA violations...
  • If they don't want people having a peek at their monitor, rather than building some complex/ineffective system using light polarization, why not simply drop monitors alltogether and use some sort [] of eye-mounted display like iGlasses ?
  • Of course, all the glasses will have to be the biggest, ugliest, most obvious looking things on the planet so no one will no to take them.
  • Theys should make them of the style worn by Agent Smith of the Matrix. I'd love working with a company with everyone wearing those!
  • You heve to use two of these glasses, in a right angle ot eachother. That way, really nobody can see what you are looking at...
  • by rew ( 6140 )
    Take an LCD screen, remove the front-polarizer and there you go. Simple.

    -- Roger.
  • Gee, this would be just the thing for Digital Rights Management. Imagine, if your CPRM or Palladium personal ID were coded into the glasses! You would only see things they wanted you to see, and only things you've paid for, of course.
  • Quick, someone report these folks [] to the feds. They are in violation of the DMCA for distributing eye-wear -- or would that be eye-ware :^) -- that will decrypt my polarized monitor.
  • Companies would never go for this. They would be exposing themselves to massive costs to provide people who wear prescription glasses with polarized glasses in their prescription. They will also be risking lawsuits from people who find that the weight of glasses causes sinus problems.

  • 1) obtain, and take apart a $5 calculator.

    2) look at the LCD - there's a little piece of polarizing plastic in front of it - hey!

    3) when i take this out, i can't see the screen.

    4) stick the little piece of polarizing plastic that was taped in front of the LCD, and tape it to my glasses instead.

    5) apply for New Scientist Story, and claim we invented something unique, and get slashdotted.


    j []

  • You can get privacy filters for any monitor. 3M makes one which is available from any office supply store, like Staples [].

    This "invention" is silly. I can pick up a pair of polarized sunglasses for $8 at the local drug store.
  • Is it near Kioto? North of Iokohama maybe? Ies, I think that must be it.

  • With this technology and a decent pair of headphones, your boss doesn't know you're playing Quake at the office again...

  • Employees who are unworthy of their posts will be unable to see what is on the screen, even with the glasses.

"I've seen the forgeries I've sent out." -- John F. Haugh II (jfh@rpp386.Dallas.TX.US), about forging net news articles
