The Environmental Cost of Silicon Chips 201
Col. Panic writes "Scientific American is running a small story about the amount of material required to produce silicon chips and the potential hazards of associated toxic chemicals." This combined with coltan mining processes sure paints a dark picture of the chip industry.
How much energy does it take then... (Score:1, Funny)
I refuse to use them. (Score:4, Funny)
Of course my computer doesnt work, but at least i'm helping the environment.
Re:I refuse to use them. (Score:2)
Nifty! I don't suppose you've been trying to build Babbage's Analytical Engine [fourmilab.ch], would you? The concept of building one out of wood sounds interesting... is compost the power source? (I'd suppose you'd still need a combustion chamber... of what are you constructing that?)
Anyhow, good luck in getting it running! (I wonder how many years per frame you'd get playing Quake?)
That's it! (Score:4, Funny)
save some for the fishies!!! (Score:4, Funny)
Re:save some for the fishies!!! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:save some for the fishies!!! (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:save some for the fishies!!! (Score:3, Insightful)
This has made my BS detector twitch. As soon as the pure water hits my mouth, it becomes impure because it mixes with my spit, so there's really no such thing as "drinking ultra-pure water." Water with the same concentration of saline as your body is actually much more dangerous than fresh water, and fresh water supplies all over the world have widely varying concentrations of minerals, yet people survive on them.
Maybe I'm missing something, but I invoke common sense to assert that as long as the mineral concentration of fresh water is reasonably low, the precise value is not important, and furthermore that the value of zero is not special.
Re:save some for the fishies!!! (Score:4, Informative)
The only other way pure water can kill you is in a massive quantity, which would kill you even if it was normal drinking water.
Re:save some for the fishies!!! (Score:2)
HEALTH HAZARD(S): drowning
Re:save some for the fishies!!! (Score:2, Funny)
Don't eat the product.
Re:save some for the fishies!!! (Score:2)
Not only that, but you need an MSDS if you have distilled water.
Re:save some for the fishies!!! (Score:2)
A sip here and there probably wouldn't kill you, but drinking DI (deionized) water is certainly not a subsitute for degowning and drinking from the water fountains outside the clean rooms!
Re:save some for the fishies!!! (Score:2)
Oh no! (Score:2)
Oh no! (Score:2)
A clean room (Score:3, Informative)
Re:A clean room (Score:5, Funny)
That's not hardly fair. We have a newly structured govt. in the US that is pushing hard for greener processes. They will cut taxes for big industry, relax emission standards etc...all so our children can have a greener environment to grow up in. Of course green is the color of more than grass.
The Green Party (Score:2)
Yeah, it's flamebait, but I'm so fed up with the system...
Translation for "foreigners" (Score:2)
Just thought I'd set that straight.
What's that -- our money is green, too? No, I think these industrialists find currency denominations too small and trade only in gold, platinum, diamonds, and the occasional dab of strontium-90. Out government is committed to the environment, one in which oil and gas are plentiful and burned inefficiently.
I'd grin but my teeth seem to be loose today.
Sorry, I'm grumpy since Tuesday, but I don't take all this too seriously. Besides, how much electricity is it that I read these Internet nodes consume? Logging off now...
Re:A clean room (Score:4, Informative)
And what are we supposed to do? (Score:2, Troll)
Re:And what are we supposed to do? (Score:4, Insightful)
or, more likely--this is a reminder to all that are working on this sort of stuff to consider the environmental consequences of their actions.
basically, you could write the same case about the auto industry 30 years ago. then, people started becoming interested in environmental issues, and attitudes within the industry changed. While we're not at ideal yet, we're at least at where even SUV owners have embedded in their minds somewhere that such gas guzzling is not the best idea.
bring gas prices to European levels and... (Score:2)
I'd be interested to see the reaction in USA if gas prices were brought to European levels (in the UK we pay somewhat over 4 dollars a gallon). I think you'd see a shift towards more fuel efficient cars. Can't see it happening, mind...
Re:bring gas prices to European levels and... (Score:2)
Re:bring gas prices to European levels and... (Score:2)
The U.S. certainly uses rail to move goods, just as we use trailer trucks. The ratio of the usage is different in Europe, but that is largely because of the costs involved. Change the costs, and the behavior will change.
In Germany, automobile travel is considered desirable, although more expensive than in the U.S.. Another thing to be considered is the quality of the inter-city highways, which is *much* higher in Germany. How else do you think people can drive 180 miles per hour on the autobahn? How do they afford to build such nice roads....the tax revenue from gasoline, perhaps?
Re: transportation mix in Europe (Score:2)
The question is whether a similarly huge investment in rail would have resulted in more efficient rail service. For example, passenger rail service in the U.S. is, through some miracle, supposed to pay for itself, although it does so in no country that I know of. Highway expenditures are, however, huge and unquestioned. Gas taxes are low and unquestioned. Truck transportation is cheap, but only because the highway use is subsidized through government expenditure. Road use taxes and fuel taxes paid by trucks doesn't even come close to paying for the upkeep of roads.
Government expenditures subsidize trucks, they don't subsidize rail. That is obviously going to favor trucks.
I am not arguing that Europe is morally superior, simply that economic incentives are what determine the transportation mix, not some massive distance requirements alone. In fact, the longer the distance, the *greater* the inherent advantage of rail transport for goods.
US - total car culture (Score:2)
Jez, US public transport makes the UK system look good (how rude is that!).
I was over there in February and I tried to get a train from New York to Detroit. Kind of assumed I could wander down to the train station and book a ticket for the next day and it wouldn't cost too much. Bit like how you would pop into Kings Cross London and get a ticket for Edinburgh or Glasgow. Hmmm.... well it was going to take something like 12 hours for a start compared to an hour's flight and the cost was far worse than the flight. Would have to book my place on a sleeper.Nobody takes intercity trains over any distance as far as I can work out. Imagine if London to Edinburgh was going to take 12 hours by train, with only one or two a day going there? Even in the UK we'd get upset. As for what people think about Greyhound coaches...
I believe a city in the West Coast had a big bus service back in the 60s , all painted red, and the oil companies pretty well closed it down to force people into cars.
Long distance, it's the same as over here - flying - and guess what, same tax on air fuel - zero. Have you ever wondered why those flights across Europe are so cheap? zero tax on fuel. I think we'd be taking the ferry /Eurostar more often if the airlines had to pay equivalent taxes for all that gas.
Rant over! (In fairness I am pretty impressed by Santa Monica's blue buses and the New York Metro, they got me round ok).
Re:US - total car culture (Score:2)
Quite. When comparing mass transit, one must remember that your tiny little country is about the size of New England and has been heavily populated for a few years longer. New England is a very small part of the US and like the UK could very easily get lost in a country of this size.
I was over there in February and I tried to get a train from New York to Detroit. Kind of assumed I could wander down to the train station and book a ticket for the next day and it wouldn't cost too much. Bit like how you would pop into Kings Cross London and get a ticket for Edinburgh or Glasgow.
Look at a map. A NY-Detroit trip is more comparable to London-Edinburgh-London. Except that the people of NY and Detroit don't have such limited horizons. What is mass transit? It makes sense when a whole lot of people have one or two places that they are able to go. If they can go elsewhere, they will. In tiny little countries, it doesn't take long to carpet them with all the rails you'll ever need. It also doesn't take long to take a train from one end of the country to the other. Try maintaining the amount of rails we've got sometime. Then look at the number of New Yorkers that need to be in Detroit by lunchtime. After remembering that you can't go anywhere near as far as that in England without drowning, buy a plane ticket and stop whining.
distances... (Score:2)
Fair comment on the size of the countries, perhaps a better analogy is Europe to the USA. I think we have a much better city - city infrastructure for trains and coaches (only way to travel London - Paris is Eurostar!).I agree people travel longer distances by plane, more of that later...! I think part of it is a difference in basic cultural attitude towards public transport, *but* heavily influenced by taxation on different fuels.
Ignore the social side of things for a moment, if gasoline *was* 5 dollars a gallon in the USA and there was nothing you could do about it, I really do think after a few years people would think about travelling in different ways.
New York - Detroit = 650 miles
London - Edinburgh = 496 miles
So actually I'd beg to differ that NY-Detroit = Lon-Edi-Lon. Cost is about 70 pounds for a return ticket by train, petrol for 1000 miles will cost approx 80 pounds, plane tickets go from about 60 if you get a cheap flight to about 120-150 for a standard scheduled. My personal rant is that air fuel has no tax on it, if it was taxed to the equivalent of car fuel, you can only imagine the price increases and how people's preference for travel modes might change.
A small aside - Edinburgh is in Scotland. Please don't confuse England and Britain/UK as being the same, it might get you into a bit of trouble when you are wandering around Edinburgh.
oops, distances (Score:2)
Oops Fat Casper,apologies, got my distances wrong. Lon - Edi 412 miles apparently so NY-Detroit approx 1.5 times Lon-Edi. Still sticking with the rest of my stuff though ;-) Happy travelling! and don't forget which bit is England, and which is Scotland !
Re:And what are we supposed to do? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:And what are we supposed to do? (Score:3, Insightful)
A large company will allways try and producs cheaply . If it becomes too expensive to produce chips using "Dirty" methods you an just bet they will find "Clean" methods to reduce their margins.
Re:And what are we supposed to do? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:And what are we supposed to do? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:And what are we supposed to do? (Score:2)
Wait a second, it it took that long just to make the 32 meg chip, why not just make them larger? Larger chips are almost identical is size. Would this not be safer for the environment? Hence eleminate all small ram peices and just sell large ram chips. For example, they would only sell 1, 2, or even 5 gig ram upgrades. In theory the difference in cost would be minimal.
Alternatives (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Alternatives (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Alternatives (Score:2, Insightful)
No more computers.
No more cellphones.
And no more 'modern' plain phones, back to electromechanical POTS.
No more TV, VCR, DVD player.
No more stereo.
No more alarm radios.
No more electronic wristwatches.
No more car electronics.
No more microwave ovens.
No more hearing aids and pacemakers.
(BTW, did you know the very first chip ever - meaning more than one transistor on a single chip of semiconductor material - was a hearing aid amplifier made by [Dutch] Philips, a couple of years before the "official" invention of the integrated circuit in the US?)
No more work for most of us.
Re:Alternatives (Score:2)
I'd upgrade my phone even less if any of them lasted more than 11 months without breaking.
Re:Alternatives (Score:2)
The chemicals (Score:5, Interesting)
Important safety note: When working in such a place, always wash your hands up to the elbows before going to the bathroom, or rubbing your eyes. I've been told that sulfuric on the willy is an unforgettable experience...
Re:The chemicals (Score:2, Informative)
Re:The chemicals (Score:5, Insightful)
Where on earth did you work with such shitty fab safety that you were likely to get any of those chemicals on you?
I've worked in fabs too, and wrote software to control PVD/CVD and etchers. When I started the job I went to about a week worth of fab safety classes where they scared the hell out of you from doing stupid things with chemicals. Probably my favorite line was "if you hear the gas alarm, leave the chemical storage room immediately. If you choose to linger, at least try to die within 6 feet of the door, because that's how long the hook is to drag your body out."
The chemicals being used in modern fabs are, indeed, incredibly, ungodly nasty. HF, arsenic, H2SO4, etc are the tip of the iceberg. We couldn't wear contacts in the fab because of a cleaning chemical in the floor with the trade name Pirhana. If something ever went wrong and the fans backblasted, Pirhana would melt plastic - and thus your contacts. To your eyes. So we got safety glasses. There were gasses in use that would kill you before they could be detected.
The point of all this is that safety procedures were taken very, very seriously. It didn't matter if it was deionized water or 80 molar HF - you didn't screw around with the chemicals. Having to "wash up to the elbows" wasn't necessary because there weren't going to be chemicals around that you could get on you. Not to mention that you were in a fab suit in the first place.
Damn, I'm glad I didn't work wherever you did. I value my health more than that.
circuit board industry (Score:2)
Um ... before you listen to Zathrus (Score:2)
Oh, wait
If Dickens were alive today, he'd probably use a "shitty fab plant" as a setting for a novel!
Re:The chemicals (Score:2)
Re:The chemicals (Score:2)
I believe this may be a reference to Pirhana Solution, a mixture of Sulfuric Acid and Hydrogen Peroxide. Very effective at removing even the slightest traces of contaminants from a surface, but also known for it's nasty habit of detonating when mixed with organic solvents.
Who's afraid of H2SO4? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:The chemicals (Score:2)
Oh wait..It's used to make cocaine too.
Fun with chemicals: Silane (SiH4) (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:The chemicals (Score:3, Funny)
A superhero doped with arsenic, making him able to conduct electricity one way but not the other? What would you call him? The Human Diode?
Newsflash! (Score:5, Funny)
And, in related news, Bill Gates is incredibly rich and Saddam Hussein may not be such a nice guy after all! (Amazing!)
More information in our next news program... Film at 11.
Benefit too great (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Benefit too great (Score:2, Funny)
The benefit that the microprocessor has brought to human society far outweighs any environmental cost.
What? Like, the digital watch?
Thankfully, I use an AMD K6-2-350 (Score:2, Funny)
as if a geek's taken a breath of fresh air lately (Score:5, Funny)
Okay, it's not very funny. Don't laugh.
If only there were a 'TRUE' moderation (Score:3, Insightful)
judging by some of the posts here there are a lot of people who think it doesn't really matter. As long as their CPU isn't burning a hole through their desk, who cares.
And when the computer's thrown away and the components start to leak out... ah well, it isn't my computer anymore. I threw it away. I have this new shiny computer with twice the RAM and 120GB RAID-5 blah blah blah blah blah...
My point isn't that we techies should stop using computers, but that we should at least be a little concerned about what it's costing us in the long run.
Re:If only there were a 'TRUE' moderation (Score:2)
Silane was the nasty gas Union Carbide leaked at Bhopal (sp? Bopahl?) India that killed and maimed hundreds. It is bad stuff. Highly reactive with organic molecules.
I maintain a FAQ on solar PV at my web site and one of my "open" questions is about the environmental hazards of PV. The finished product (at least Si PV cells, not so much the CdTe or CIS cells) is safe and stable, but the same nasties are used to make PV cells as other silicon semiconductors. I'd say that one of the "problems" of consumer culture is information hiding. We're pointing out the hazards of semiconductor production, but are you aware of how environmentally damaging many things you buy and discard without thinking are? Paper? Flour? Textiles? Don't even get me started about how much waste is produced to make an automobile. As a consumer, how do you know? Would you pay more for something if you know a cleaner but more expensive process was used to make it? Or if you knew that the manufacturer recycled and cleaned up beyond legal minimums?
I'm not a huge fan of mandates, but I am a huge fan of information. It bothers me that I can't easily find out the materials and labor (and labor conditions) that went into the manufacture of any product I think about buying.
Industry's answer to environmental regulation is predictably "It is too expensive," but I think a large number of affluent consumers would pay more for the "green" stuff (witness the surge in "organic" foods -- even though these same people often ignore public health issues in going organic) and industry wouldn't lose a dime.
There is no place to start, however, without the information.
I make waste, too (Score:4, Insightful)
What they fail to mention is the benefit of the chip manufactured. Cost/Benefit - sound familiar?
This article is just reason # 87 why I cancelled my SciAm subscription earlier this year after 15 years of subscribing. They've veered from true science and now feel the need 'preach' environment, evolution, abortion, etc. in the monthly Editor's Perspectives (and various articles).
Re:I make waste, too (Score:5, Interesting)
I have subscribed for about 6 years, and I noticed that there have been more environmental articles, but I don't consider them to be preachy. They give some good environmental data, and ususally don't go into too much politics about it. I know recently there was a story on how some impoverished countries get a lot of our scrap electronics, and how they salvage metals from them. They point out how toxic this is to the people and the water supplies there. I like finding out about this stuff, because nobody else is reporting on it. We use a LOT of microchips, as do other countries. We need to know that there are dangers in this. Granted, I haven't read this article yet (I am a couple of months behind on my issues) but I'll bet that they are simply pointing out the environmental hazards of chip production, and as chip use increases, the hazards increase. Why is this such a bad thing to know? The more chips we produce, hopefully the better our processes will become, and eventually we will come up with a replacement technology that will make silicon obsolete. Hopefully this new technology will be more friendly to the environment. I'm no Moby, calling the turkey hotline to save the widdle turkeys, but I think we do need to consider our environment.
Re:I make waste, too (Score:3, Insightful)
But I really don't like the way the magazine is going. It has long had a bit of a political skew (it frequently ran articles on nuclear deterrence, for example, which is hardly a scientific policy).
But it is really sad what is happening now. The percentage of science articles to environmentalist articles is declining. Sure, there are scientific issues with the environment, but it is a small part of overall science. Where are the major physics articles? Why are most biology articles now about species diversity or global warming impact on the biota, or whatever?
The answer is simple: the magazine has become a shill for a particular viewpoint.
If one wants to see how biased it has gotten, and how the editors consider pushing their viewpoint more important than informing the public on science, just look at how they handled the debate over "The Skeptical Environmentalist." They spent 14 pages debunking it, with articles that were more venom and ad-hominem than scientific. They forced the author to take down his point-by-point refutation from his website (copyright violation, they said, even though it was obviously fair use).
Another example is how they treated Forrest Mims on the Amateur Scientist issue. Forrest Mims is an anti-evolutionist, which is unfortunate. But he is also very good at the sort of thing that the Amateur Scientist used to be known for: doing practical science experiments and building interesting scientific gadgets. They hired him for the job, then found out he was anti-evolutionist, and promptly dropped him.
I see no place for anti-evolutionist views in Scientific American, but he had promised not to put those views into his work. It appears that he was sacked just because they couldn't stand to have a person whose *private views* disagreed with them.
The result of the bias and changed focus at SciAm shows. The magazine is shrinking. Obviously they are having financial troubles. I am afraid that this 150 year old American classic is doomed to extinction. Its great tradition is being destroyed by those who want to inject their political views into every aspect of life.
Re:I make waste, too (Score:2)
I see no place for someone holding anti-evolutionist views anywhere near something that uses the word science. I can't stand intellectual dishonesty. It doesn't take much in the way of practical science experiments to demonstrate evolution. It also doesn't take much of a brain to see the trend backwards and put 2 and 2 together. This Mims guy is apparently only a highly developed ape.
Re:I make waste, too (Score:2)
I would argue that if there is no place for folks whose views on a scientific area are shaped by religion, then there is no place for folks whose views are shaped by politics. And yet scientists frequently make political statements that are just as silly. And Scientific American is among the worst in that regard.
Re:I make waste, too (Score:2)
Agreed. pure science isn't a stone for grinding your axes. Your inference is flawed, however. Scientists can make silly political statements. Their view of the facts can lead them to overly optimistic policy wants. Politicians should not bring their views into science. Your political leanings can't change objective, scientifically proven facts.
Re:I make waste, too (Score:2)
Exactly. Only further scientific research can do that.
Re:I make waste, too (Score:2)
Very funny NOT!
To someone at Mims' level, a blind spot of that nature is intentional, hence intellectual dishonesty.
As far as I can tell, Mims firmly believes in creation. This does not strike me as dishonesty, which by its very definition means doing or saying something that you do NOT believe in.
Re:I make waste, too (Score:2)
They've veered from true science and now feel the need 'preach' environment, evolution, abortion, etc.
I suppose you'd prefer them to state the "facts" of creation "science" instead.
New Linux Add (Score:2, Funny)
Re:New Linux Add (Score:2, Insightful)
getting better! (Score:5, Informative)
The new manufacturing technology enabled by the 300-mm technology also provides significant benefits from an environmental perspective. The chips manufactured in Fab11X will require less water and generate fewer emissions per chip than other fabs. Water and chemical use will be more efficient. When compared to a 200-mm facility Fab 11X will produce 48 percent less volatile organic compound emissions, use 42 percent less ultra pure water and will use approximately 40 percent less energy.
How about solar cells? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:How about solar cells? (Score:4, Informative)
One thing I've often wondered is whether a typical solar cell produces more energy in its lifetime than it takes to manufacture it?
I'm sorry I can't cite a reference, but it was either Home Power magazine [homepower.com] or the US Department of Engergy [doe.gov] that claimed solar cells pay for their energy (in terms of CO2 emissions) after 2-5 years of use, depending on location. 2 closer to the US Southwest, 5 closer to the Canadian border.
Yeah, but whatcha gonna do? (Score:3, Interesting)
Don't worry, our grandkids can clean it up. Luckily, they'll have plenty of oil wealth to help them do it.
No, wait...
</sarcasm> aside, this just goes to show that capitalism means cutting off your nose to pay for your facelift.
Oh, sorry, my <sarcasm> must have been nested, along with a <mixed metaphore>. But really, why is this a suprise to anyone? Our entire economy is based on the premise that the lowest bidder is always the best one. Without artificial (read: gubmint) controls (which we're not going to get under undisputed reign of George II), using the cheapest process without regard for the consequences is inevitable. It's actually the fiduciary duty of the execs in these industries to do this! If they were to switch to using a cleaner (but more expensive) process, they'd be sacked at best, and quite probably sued by their shareholders.
Oh, I absolutely agree. (Score:5, Insightful)
That explains why everyone here drives a Yugo, eats Big Top-brand cereal, and writes their posts from an eMachine.
Re:Oh, I absolutely agree. (Score:2, Insightful)
Sure, that's a good point - people do consider a little more than money when making decisions. Quality of product is definitely a concern (if you can afford it).
Yet, the question then is, do people still consider everything they could? Have we perhaps learned, at some time in the 20th century, that there might be some costs we tend to overlook, that we weren't even aware of before?
But of course, it may be too costly to worry about hidden costs...
Re:Oh, I absolutely agree. (Score:2)
Sure, because Yugo's were the lowest bidders in the mid sized executive auto class, Big Top the lowest bidders in the "tastes like Kellogs cereal" class, and eMachines the lower bidders in the "computer that plays Quake 3 at 30fps" class.
Sorry, clearly I needed to spell out that "lowest bidder" means "lowest bidder actually tendering the desired goods". If you want to class eMachines and P4's in the same category, we'd currently all be trying to play Doom 3 on pockets calculators. Or slide rules, for that matter.
I do take your point though, especially in the 2nd case. Let's make an exception for those people who keep advertising weasels in a job.
Apparently, you didn't take my point... (Score:2)
My point is that each person defines what "lowest bidder actually tendering the desired goods" and, therefore, it's relative. Some people will buy an eMachine because they need to send email. For those people, an eMachine is perfectly adequate. For most of us, an eMachine isn't adequate.
By the same token, some of us are more concerned about the environment or other variables, than the rest of us. For example, I refuse to buy anything from Sprint, ever. Besides being extremely annoying, every commercial with the guy in the trenchcoat implies that anyone without a Sprint PCS phone is an ignorant buffoon. It's important to me that a company that wants my money not imply I'm an idiot.
Because of the article, the manufacturing costs associated with making a processor are now known to me. Like most people, I've evaluated those costs versus my need/want for a faster processor. I decided it's worth it. Frankly, until I find out that for every P4 processor, Intel clubs a baby seal, I probably won't give a damn. That's not a defect in the principles of capitalism, it's a reflection of human principles.
Re:Yeah, but whatcha gonna do? (Score:2, Insightful)
You got that totally ass-backwards:
An industrial process which consumes fewer resources is cleaner because it consumes fewer resources. An industrial process which consumes fewer resources is less expensive because it consumes fewer resources.
More efficient methods of production are more profitable because they consume fewer resources to produce the same amount. So long as resources cost money, there will be financial insentive to conserve resources. (One corallary is that government giveaways promote wasefulness.)
If I adopt a new manufacturing process which yields two widgets from every one pound of raw widgiteum, whereas previoulsy I only produced one widget for each pound of widgiteam, then I lower my costs of producing a widget. The cost which I charge for widgets is unaffected. Therefore, my profit, the difference between what I spend in producing a widget and what I earn from its sale, increases if I conserve resources.
This can apply to public goods such as the air and the oceans just as it can to exchangable goods such as steel and oil. For example, with air, all that is neccessary is to charge air polluters in proportion to how much pollution they release into the air. Doing that provides financial insentive to pollute less, in the same way that the cost of a good provides financial insentive to consume less of it. The profit motive can work to lower pollution. If it costs money to pollute, then the profifit motive works for the environment, not against it. For those who understand such terms, all that is necessary is that the government internalize exterternalities.
(which we're not going to get under undisputed reign of George II)
If you look at who lines up on the side of tradable pollution credits, a way of charging polluters according two how much they pollute, it is conservatives. If you look at who is against that, it is liberals.
1.6kg fossil fuel (Score:3, Insightful)
Cost benefit analysis (Score:5, Insightful)
Every time I use conferencing over the internet, I am saving (typically) about 30lb of Diesel (and it would have been nearer 45lb of gas in my last car)
I'm not arguing that we should ignore the environmental costs of technology - places like the former Communist block and Texas are unpleasantly polluted as a result of doing just that - but that we should look closely at the costs and benefits. Given the potential of global warming and the eventual runout of oil, the more we use silicon to reduce the number of boring journeys we have to do, whether by mobile phone, networked computer, or whatever, the better it is going to be for us.
And for those who don't already know - substances like sulfuric acid and HF are widely used in the petrochemical industry. And what happens to all the sulfur they have to remove to get low-sulfur fuel? It surely doesn't get fired into space by a rail gun.
Re:Cost benefit analysis (Score:2, Insightful)
People who love a certain tech, whose lives are wrapped around that tech, will always complain when others start pointing out the downsides of said tech. Yet they should see calls for improvement as nothing more than calls for improvement; certainly if they love the tech, they should jump at the challenge to improve it!
Yeah, some people will start going around saying "down with microchips - back to the trees", but you can safely ignore them (or at least their "solution").
Something the article doesn't mention... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Something the article doesn't mention... (Score:2)
So the 0.2% of people that this applies to makes it the general rule?
Re:Something the article doesn't mention... (Score:2)
Of course, one could argue that all the above is for naught anyway and does nothing more than feed our materialistic urges, but that's a whole nuther can of worms.
taxes? (Score:3, Insightful)
i only wonder if the taxes actually will help lower the pollution to the environment.
Re:taxes? (Score:2)
No. It ends up in the government's general spending pot. It's just another meaningless tax which is not being used what's it supposed to be used for.
Re:taxes? (Score:2)
Prices drive behavior. They serve as the mechanism for resource usage (of all kinds) to be regulated. E.g. using scarce precious metals vs. less scarce minerals. The problem with pollution is that it causes a decrease in people's well-being without an accompanying payment.
In principle, you could bid with me for the privilege of making my air dirtier in exchange for money. If I decided I wanted pristine air, the bid would have to be high, and there would be few polluters who could afford to pollute. As long as I voluntarily accepted the bid, and were fully informed as to the effects of the pollution, I would have no reason to complain. I gave up my clean air for good money. Perhaps even enough to buy an air filter that would remove the pollution with some left over.
The problem is that we don't have the power to control the air we breathe, except through governmental regulation. Therefore, one alternative is to tax activities that cause pollution. The government collects the money, instead of the individuals, but in principle, it has a similar effect on polluters. Presumably, it would be even more effective if a market existed to determine the price of pollution, with producers having to bid for the right to pollute, instead of having a fixed, somewhat arbitrary tax rate. (Good luck trying to explain this to an Earth-firster.)
It's an add-subtract thing! (Score:2, Interesting)
Think of waste-plants being monitored by computers so the waste is constantly being processed ideally.
But it's an interesting set of numbers, though.
Re:It's an add-subtract thing! (Score:4, Insightful)
Someone said elsewhere I was missing the point, and that silicon manufacturing processes need to improve. OF COURSE. But what drives the improvement is that it is invariably CHEAPER in the end to make things using best environmental practice, unless the State gives the manufacturer a dispensation from paying the costs of the environmental damage - a statist subsidy. And it is usually cheaper anyway because of the savings on materials and consumables. As an example, one project I looked at (to prevent the discharge of cesium by monitoring the composition of a bath and reprocessing it) had a payback of about a week based on the cesium savings alone: the management simply didn't know what was going on in their own plant and had accepted the costs blindly. In another project, a closed loop treatment plant turned out to be cheaper than open-loop because the cost of the electronics was more than offset by the smaller outlet holding tank that was required. I could go on and on...but then, I got into the computing business because you can, actually, do much more interesting things with silicon than make Word or Quake run faster.
Huh? (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm not saying that people should be digging in animal preserves, but that is 'illegal' over there.
If you read the article, the author seems to think that self-righteous bans on material from certain countries, as well as the tech slump are causing more harm to people then the mining system.
Wired story about clean ship production (Score:2, Informative)
actualy tells you about ways to use clean technology in chip business
And the stupid part is... (Score:2, Insightful)
I'm getting really, really, really tired of the extreme minority of PC users, such as people who annually put down $400 for a new video card, driving the entire PC upgrade cycle.
This stuff ends up as hazmat in other countries. (Score:2)
This finding was published in Harper's Magazine a few months ago.
Content Free - just the way we like 'em (Score:2)
Such as - "That hot dog you are eating has lots of chemicals in it! You shouldn't eat it!"
At which point, I slap the hippy herbivore and say "There's even more chemicals in your bean curds, you idiot. Chemicals like 'hydrocarbons', 'hydrogen di-oxide' etc. etc.....Did you know that Hydrogen Di-Oxide is a mild acid, typically in nature is a breeding ground for bacteria and infectious diseases? It's addictive! Once you take it once, you have to take it for the rest of your life...or the withdrawls will kill you!"
Specifically WHAT evil chemicals do they use in making microchips? How much as compared to making...the jars they sell babyfood in? What exactly is the environmental impact of these evil chemicals?
Until those questions are answered, this article is just running around screaming that the sky is falling....
No - that's not enough... (Score:2)
IANAME (I Am Not A Microchip Engineer) but I would assume the "chemicals" they use in processing silicone would be something acidic (rinse away everything but the silicone) and then water to rinse away the acid. Those can all be neutralized easily.
Then there would be the pollutants in the silicone, but typically that shouldn't be anything REALLY bad in large ammounts. Then there's the germanium, gallium et al. that they dope the semiconductor with - but the idea is to keep those inside the chip. Then there's the lead solder.
If you want to bust some ass on heavy metals, how about we go after battery makers - you know - those HUGE batteries they want to put in gas/electric hybrid cars... How much "chemicals" do they produce as waste to make one of THOSE?
That should just about do it...
At least get the words right.. ok? (Score:2, Redundant)
One of my pet peeves, when people mis-pronounce it, saying silicone when they mean silicon..
Re:ROTF (Score:2)
That is your food for thought. Those archeologists will do research how silicon was used in our lives and how it affected us.
Re:and... (Score:5, Insightful)
The manufacturers need these markets. If the markets dont like the manufacturers methodds, they can force them to change.
Re:Yes, it's true (Score:4, Informative)