Embedding Data Signals In White Noise 239
Anemophilous Coward writes "ZDNet has the following article which describes a company that 'has devised a method for sending wireless signals over ordinary audio speakers so that humans can't hear them. With this same technology, radio stations can unobtrusively transmit ads, Web site URLs, or information about music and artists to in-car cell phones.'" Here is some further reading about the company, Intrasonics.
OK....Where's my tinfoil hat? (Score:5, Funny)
Color encoded in black-and-white signal! (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Color encoded in black-and-white signal! (Score:3, Informative)
Orginally, the NTSC chose CBS Color ( a mechanically-timed color wheel system ) because RCA's "no moving parts" system was late and looked terrible.
But RCA had an established Black and White user base, and the CBS color sets were incompatible, so CBS color sets didn't sell. A few years later, NTSC formally retracted their endorsement of CBS Color and endorsed RCA color, which hasn't changed for 48 years.
I only wonder if the same shiznit is going to happen to HDTV, we'll be stuck in 480i land forever!
No, really, this will be great. (Score:2)
Re:No, really, this will be great. (Score:2)
With this same technology, radio stations can unobtrusively transmit ads, Web site URLs
There must be a better way to get ads to people... like when people actually want to look for a new product (what a concept!). Most ads I skip right by because I'm trying to get something done when they show it to me. I'm in a mental train of thought (a "zone" if you will) and actually reading and comprehending the ad would take me off of what I'm concentrating on doing - like if someone were to tap on my shoulder. Advertisers need to think of better places and times to get their ads to me, or give me a place to go to look for them (hey how about a catalog, huh?).
Re:OK....Where's my tinfoil hat? (Score:3, Funny)
Come on' this is
tinfoil hat? It's all in your head (Score:2)
Imagine, the universe is filled with spam. Ahhhhh!
bandwidth? (Score:1)
Re:bandwidth? (Score:3, Informative)
Let's assume some rockin' speakers with a 22kHz rolloff, and a great FM reception with 96dB Signal-to-Noise (and a very quiet listening room). That's approximately 16 bits at 44kHz or 704Kb/s of information. That has to carry both the audio and the data signal. The data signal would have to be mono, since most toys & cell phones don't have two ears (err, microphones). Now, you have a 704Kb/s bandwidth in which you only need about 1/5 = 140Kb/sec for good audio, leaving you with a theoretical maximum of 563Kb/s left for data. Put in some forward error correction and packet and coding and other overhead and you'll probably get something more akin to 200Kb/s.
But wait! Let's assume a car with some poor tweeters with a 15kHz rolloff, and poor FM reception with 65dB Signal-to-Noise with road noise added in. That's approximately 11 bits at 7.5kHz or 82Kb/s of total information. Ooops! You've exceeded your channel capacity by almost 2x, and you'll pretty much get a big fat zero data bits.
So, the makers have make a tradeoff ->
1) Low data rates: significantly less than ~200kB/sec to accomodate cheap stereos but retain audio quality.
2) Poor audio quality: significantly less than ~140kB/sec to accomodate higher data rates or cheap stereos.
3) Lose functionality on cheap stereos: but retain both good data rates and quality audio for those who can receive it.
My guess is that they'll just go to something tiny like 500b/s, in order to reach the most market share. Even at that rate, a text ad would come through right quick.
I can just see the next Furby craze, now they get instructions (programming??) from the TV!
Anyone know the max bandwith and SNR of NTSC audio?
Re:enormous compression (Score:2)
Now I don't know shit about maths (tends toward might actually be "1", for instance) but that's kind of how it seems intuitively. If someone's going to rip me a new one, at least answer the guys question with your superior knowledge.
Re:enormous compression (Score:2)
White is colored dots anyway (Score:3, Insightful)
Embedding signals leads to noise with cumulants different from zero for different times, and thus the noise is not white anymore, it becomes colored.
Your display probably isn't true white either; it's made of tiny red, green, and blue dots. This article is about perceptually hiding information in audio that humans hear as "white" but that machines can pick apart. It's steganography.
Oh Great..... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Oh Great..... (Score:2)
Thank you, thank you... (Score:1, Offtopic)
In dulcet tones ... (Score:2)
"Buy the CD... Twenty-five dollars is cheap... Go ahead... You know you want to... Uh huh... Buy two copies - you need a legal backup... Come on honey... Hilary needs a new Cadillac... Only thieves copy music... Copy music and go to jail... Turn in your neighbors who copy music... Oh yeah, baby..."
Like I need any more SPAM (Score:1)
For those who don't know what white noise is (Score:5, Informative)
I think I know... (Score:3, Funny)
oh wait...you mean the OTHER white noise
Hmmm (Score:2)
Yeah, but how much is dog insurance going for these days?
Re:Hmmm (Score:1)
Why does spot keep beating his head on the ground? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Why does spot keep beating his head on the grou (Score:2)
How is really works (Score:1)
Re:Why does spot keep beating his head on the grou (Score:2)
Not based on frequency (Score:5, Informative)
Frequencies are already optimized for human hearing, and it's not usually possible to send, say, a 40,000Hz signal on most anything you can think of, analog or digital. Standard phones have a bandwidth of something like 3 K Hz. CDs of course top out around 20,000Hz, give or take a bit. (It's not a perfect cutoff at 22050, it's a curve, so there isn't quite a point you can say is "the limit".) I don't know for certain but I'd bet FM can't transmit those frequencies and be compliant with FCC regulations. (Of course the tech could do it in theory, but the radio station may have to leave their allocated frequencies to do it; I don't know for certain.) AM could do it in theory but based on the low quality of the signal I hypothesize that something is preventing high frequencies from getting through.
Finally, the coup de grace is that our speakers are optimized for human hearing, pretty much no matter what. Covering the bases from 20Hz - 20,000Hz is a hard enough problem without pushing the required range up another couple of octaves.
In fact, what the company is proposing seems to be in some sense the inverse of MP3 coding. MP3 coding strips the signal of things that you can't hear through by analysing what is psychoacoustically masked [mp3-converter.com] in the original signal. The MP3 encoding process can then focus on just the parts of the signal you do hear, which is obviously going to require less space, except in some pathological cases where the whole sound is perceivable (like a pure sine wave tone).
From what I understand of the marketing, the part of the signal that an MP3 encoder strips out is exactly where they would place their data. They can stick any data they want in there and we just plain won't hear it, but a computer+microphone doesn't have this problem.
Interesting corrolary: The time frame this will work in is limited, as digital transmission usually uses compressed audio, and the act of compressing the audio will preferentially eliminate this data. (Or does digital radio transmit an uncompressed stream?) They'd better get marketing this now, so that there's an installed base and they can try to later create receivers that will re-add their signal on the receiving side. Of course, if all anybody is using this for is advertising, I can't imagine we're going to go out of our way to buy "Advertising Enabled!" digital radio receivers.
Why not a perfect cutoff? (Score:2)
Re:Why not a perfect cutoff? (Score:4, Informative)
At the recorder, you must cutoff signals over 22050 or risk the horrible problem of aliasing (again, out of scope of a Slashdot post but pretty interesting). Since you can't have a perfect cutoff filter, you generally can't record 22049Hz signals except with extreme attenuation (in the specific case of 22049, it will well below the noise floor). Generally, when the CD players re-construct the sound, they will also do some filtering as a side-effect of how they do it. So you can't generally play back a 22049Hz signal either, even if you directly encode it onto a CD.
So while you can encode it, you can't record it directly and you can't play it back, so in a very real practical sense, 22049Hz is not usable with CDs. And so on and so forth for the other frequencies between 20000 and 22050. It's a smooth curve (and not necessarily the same one for two pieces of equipment, though my impression is that they have standardized somewhat because it's cheaper that way), so in a real-world CD recording and playback application, in a very real way there's no particular cutoff frequency you can directly point at, even though there's one in theory.
In general, it's a pretty pedantic point.
This, by the way, is part of the reason that CD's sample at 44100, instead of 40000. 40000 would be somewhat more efficient with the storage medium, but you'd have problems with the fact that you have no room to filter out the higher frequencies without hitting "good" ones as well. There are other concerns too, that's not the whole story, but it is a very significant part of it. In fact that goes for this whole post; I'm skimming over a lot because this is only a Slashdot post. (Like "20-20,000 is only a convenient fiction", the exact way filters behave, etc.)
Re:Why not a perfect cutoff? (Score:2)
When you chop a signal (turn it on and off), you are modulating it. Turning a signal ON, waiting a second, and turning it OFF are equivilent to modulating the signal with a 1 second long square wave. In the frequency domain, that corrisponds to convolving the signal with a sine(f)/f function, which has infinite bandwidth (though only the first lobe of the signal has appreciable energy) - as a result the modulated signal has a wider bandwidth (for a 1 second on/off cycle, most of the energy will be within 1 Hz of the center of the signal). Since the signal will have a +/- 1 Hz bandwidth, it will extend across the Nyquist limit.
Practically, even at 4X oversample, you will have problems reconstructing the signal. Consider a sine wave at 20kHz being sampled at 80 kHz. If you sample the signal at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees, will get a full amplitude sine wave after reconstruction. Sample it at 45, 135, 225, and 315 degrees, and you will get a square-ish looking signal at sqrt(2)/2 the amplitude.
Sample a 19.995 kHz signal at 80 kHz, and you will get a pulsation of the signal, since the sampling phase will slowly drift.
That's why oscilloscopes usually sample at 10x or more of what the scope's rated bandwidth is - a 100 MHz bw scope will usually sample at 1Gsample/sec.
(Yes, there are ways a scope can have a 1GHz bandwidth and sample at 1Gsample/sec, but they use tricks that only work on a repetative signal - don't try to capture transients with it).
Re:Why not a perfect cutoff? (Score:2)
IANA-electrical engineer, but I believe the way this problem has been addressed in instrumentation I have worked with is to oversample the signal (record at 200 KHz for instance) and then just filter out the undesired frequences digitally. I have worked with NMR equipment which used this approach so that you can acquire data at any desired sampling rate centered on any particular frequency without needing all kinds of fancy adjustable filters and oscillators.
In NMRs you are usually interested in collecting a signal with about 10KHz of bandwidth at a frequency of 500MHz, but the required bandwidth and base frequency can change. Also, if your data is going to be in a 2KHz range, you don't want to record 10KHz of bandwidth as the recording times can be serveral seconds long, and you are often acquiring this data every couple of seconds over a few days - disk space usage is an issue, as is FFT processing time.
The solution is to just have the hardware set to record at 500MHz with a REALLY large bandwidth, and the hardware tosses out unneeded data before it ever gets recorded to disk. That lets you move the acquisition frequency around at will, and adjust the bandwidth as well.
Again, I wouldn't be surprised if there are others wiser than I on this topic - but I believe in a nutshell this is how you can get around filter problems when you record. Now, the playback circuitry in a $30 CD player is probably still going to be a bottleneck - the data has to get converted to analog somewhere..
Re:Why not a perfect cutoff? (Score:2)
OT: FYI FM and AM audio bandwidth (Score:2)
AM radio stations are only 10kHz apart so you are limited to less then 5kHz of clear audio bandwidth.
This web page [gsu.edu] has some good info. It shows only 15kHz of audio bandwidth for FM stereo which is probably typical, but that is not a limitation of the specification.
Re:Not based on frequency (Score:2)
The only trick is making an algorith for white-noise and some how syncing things up.
I'm not sure how they plan on using this.
Re:Not based on frequency (Score:2)
Because of the erratic nature of psycho-acoustics, the amount of data they can safely stuff in the psycho-acoustically "masked" portions of the signal will vary widely, second-by-second, depending on the signal being sent. Playing with the variable-rate MP3 encoders can give you a feel for that. Conservatively speaking, I think they could only really depend on hundreds of bits per second, even if they could spike to two or three thousand bits with some signals.
Computing the exact bandwidth they could get depends too much on your initial assumptions, in particular what they consider the threshold of detectability and what they consider an "average" signal, so it's impossible to compute without a lot of potentially faulty assumptions. It won't be a lot, but it will be plenty to send small text messages, or URLs for loadable resources.
Hey! (Score:3, Funny)
Ads" Unobtrusive"? (Score:2, Interesting)
Is this really possible? - I guess so, as long as they're only "tansmitted", and never converted into a form that can be picked up by my eyes, ears, skin, tongue, nose, ...
Interactive CDs? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Interactive CDs? (Score:1)
It's already digital media. The "embedding" part is kind of redundant.
Is there no escape? (Score:4, Interesting)
Advertising everywhere... no escape. I remember reading a short sci-fi story about this many years ago. Unfortunately, it looks like somebody else read it as well...
Re:Is there no escape? (Score:2)
Were there any ads in the book or magazine that you read the story in? I hope you read all the ads first; otherwise you were stealing the book [kuro5hin.org].
Exciting! (Score:5, Funny)
Where can I buy stock?
Re:Exciting! (Score:2)
Re:Exciting! (Score:2)
and later does BZZZZ for a really really long time
Re:Exciting! (Score:2, Funny)
Actually, a pervasive peddler of socially repugnant (but widely used) products has already enlisted an unsavory character to respond to hidden broadcast signals: 2/7/1997: Microsoft Launches ActiMates Early Learning System, featuring Barney the Dinosaur [microsoft.com]
Oddly enough, both product concepts include playing "peek-a-boo".
Re:Exciting! (Score:2)
MP3s and Watermarking (Score:5, Interesting)
But if they are saying that it is random pops and cracks how will converting it into MP3s affect it?
I guess also, how would extra noise because one has a lousy stereo do to the signal?
Re:MP3s and Watermarking (Score:5, Insightful)
Depending on how this is implemented, lossy audo compression techniques used in MP3 or OGG may strip the info. One of the reasons that these formats can get such good compression rates is that they strip a lot of the acoustic information that people can't hear -- which is exactly where these guys are looking to put their signals.
My guess is that someone could come up with a lower bandwidth approach that would remain in the signal after compression. But they'd probably have to tailor their approach to the specific algorithms in a particular MP3/OGG encoder. If someone used a different encoder or the encoder was upgraded, a new solution would need to be created.
Of course if this technology is primarily used for advertising, then people would want to strip the information. If, on the other hand, the data were truly useful to users, there might be an effort to preserve it after compression.
Re:MP3s and Watermarking (Score:2)
Re:MP3s and Watermarking (Score:2)
Noise, pattern and deliberate filtering (Score:2)
You may expect steganographic stuff to get munched, but what if the watermarking software identifies noisy passages and replaces them with apparently random "noise" that is your watermark? Unless you knew about it and delberately munged "noise", your codec would try its best to *preserve* that signal. Filter too much of the timbre (aka noisiness) out of your signal and it starts sounding lifeless.
Re:MP3s and Watermarking (Score:2)
Any inaudible 'hidden' data will also have to be below that same threshold, otherwise it would be heard.
Hence, if the audio codec doesn't remove the hidden message, then it's not optimal or you're encoding at a too high bitrate.
Re:MP3s and Watermarking (Score:2)
This whole technology is based around sending full-bandwidth signals, which is definitely NOT the trend in digital communications.
Stegography-like stuff requires lossless compression ala GIF. Doesn't work well with JPEG!
And straight into our brains, man! (Score:4, Funny)
Unobtrusive? (Score:1)
How effective can an ad be if it's unobtrusive? And if an ad is ineffective, the who would pay for it?
I suspect that this will become a method to obtrusively transmit advertisements.
Overlooking the obvious usage (Score:2)
However, I doubt this is "inaudiable" - rather I suspect it is "unobtrusive" - you would hear it, and if you know what to listen for would identify it, but you wouldn't find it objectionable in most cases.
But keep it the hell off my CDs!
How can this work? (Score:1)
Re:How can this work? (Score:1)
So? (Score:4, Insightful)
Let me guess, by using the correlation of psuedo-random noise sequences summed with the signal.
Applications vs intentions (Score:5, Interesting)
But not everything interesting to do with this will be done by the company involved, because it may not make good business sense or they may not have thought of it. I'd be interested in what slashdotters can think of to do with such a channel. The obvious use of embedding artist and recording information is mentioned, and I like that one a lot. It would be great to have a radio displaying those things, and to be able to scroll back and look at the last N songs. This would let you find out what that song you heard the end of was, or do a statistical analysis of a station's playlist, whatever you want.
A use that occurs to me is adding the information to advertisements so that adverisers can automate the task of making sure that they get what they pay for. Even performers could use an "ad id" check to make sure they get their voice-over royalties and the like.
Of course, voice of america and similar programs could use this right away. First they start adding this hidden content to all programming, using encrypted books, articles, or any other easily accesible source. They can then easily put a specific message with a specific key into a program that certain people can unlock. There's no entropy difference between the "real" message and the usual dummy ones to detect.
Hmmm lots of fun to be had here...
Re:Applications vs intentions (Score:2)
Filling up the frequency gaps with data up to the treshold of hearing (which would be utilizing psychoacoustic modeling to open a data channel) would increase the total power output of the FM transmitter for the same strength of the audible part. Hence, an FM transmitter of a particular maximum power output would have a smaller range when they start using this. Since increasing the transmission power of a radio station often is often not financially or legally an option, stations will only do this if this data more than compensates for the smaller coverage area.
For embedding artist and recording information, there already has been RDS for almost a decade now, which has more than enough bandwidth for that.
Screw advertising, obfuscation for crypto! (Score:3, Interesting)
And you don't even need to seem to be doing anything funny during decoding (the message would obviously have to be enciphered; pass it in the clear and anyone who owns a cell tower between the two points can read it); build that into the phone/PDA. With the ridiculous proliferation of the damn things, no one will blink if you receive a call, chat for a few minutes, and then tap a few buttons. For all they know, you're sending an SMS, even if you are entering your passphrase.
All it really takes to do 3DES or Blowfish in software in a reasonable period of time is a StrongARM or similar (my Newton's got one, you cell phone must), though you'd get far better performance doing it in hardware. (Watch out for escrow, though!)
Ignore the man behind the curtain (Score:3, Funny)
Ignore the messages embedded in this whitenoise.
You will Loooooooove Microsoft
You will Haaaaaaaate Open Source
Linux is eeeeeeeevil
War on Iraq is goooooooood
Re:Ignore the man behind the curtain (Score:2)
Re:Ignore the man behind the curtain (Score:5, Funny)
Oh Great (Score:4, Interesting)
Hm, could someone send a mass-broadcast virus this way?
Depressing lack of imagination (Score:3, Insightful)
I find it sad that everytime a new technology such as this is developed, the first instinct of the marketing people tasked with selling it is to figure out a way to make it push ads into my perceptual environment, almost guaranteeing an initial cynical reaction..
Re:Depressing lack of imagination (Score:2)
Migurski's Law:
For every advertising action, there is an equal and opposite cynical reaction.
So, I wonder if there's money to be made advertising in the cynical marketplace?
Poor dogs (Score:1)
** And as it took 5 minutes to download PDF [thecommslab.com] with only marketing jargon, analysis of an Slashdot Effect [openchallenge.org].
Really, somehow the Intrasonics thing sounds like even more outrageous marketing stunt than for example posting a link to a slashdot effect analysis. Or, if someone from the company is listening, please do provide some real technical specifications on the thing.
Re:Poor dogs (Score:2)
Well the article says that they spread the encoded data throughout the spectrum, not that they place it frequencies that we normally can't hear. My understanding of animal hearing is that they hear frequencies that we can't. Assuming that this is the case, then animals shouldn't be too affected, if at all. I'm definitely not a scientist so I may be off base here, but my first thought too was that they were using inaudible frequencies, but the article seems to suggest that they don't. Which would make sense since your average oem car speaker would have a pretty tough time reproducing sound at frequencies high enough.
Re:Poor dogs (Score:2)
Does the company's technology work on the dog whistle principle, using sound waves that are below the threshold of human hearing? No. If it did, you couldn't send the signals over standard audio speakers. Instead, the technology revolves around what's called psycho-acoustic masking.
However, I would still like to have someone explain how this will work in reality. What kind of performance will be required to catch and decode these messages. It does not seem like a very light task.
I can hear the audiophiles now... (Score:5, Funny)
will my pet hamster freak ? (Score:2)
Will my pet Hamster Fred, freak out ? Inaudable usually means higher sound frequencies. If it is audible but comes off as white noise
I fail to see the usefulness of this technology (Score:1)
Wait, I just thought of a use... a prankster's dream come true. Imagine 40,000 cells all ringing at the same time during the playing of a *special* version of "Black in Black" during a major sports event. Or even playing a *special* CD in a boombox, laughing as everyone within listening range has their cell ring and deliver them a message that has been imbedded into the CD sound. Good luck tracing that obscene phone message.
Mirror (Score:1)
Mirror provided by Mr HOSTBOT [mrhostbot.com]
Out My Ear (Score:2)
RDS has been around for ages (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:RDS has been around for ages (Score:3, Informative)
RDS signals are not only inaudible they are heavily filtered out before the audio stages of the receiver.
A european FM radio carrier has mono audio
at 0-15KHz, a pilot tone for the stereo decoder at
19KHz, a stereo difference signal around 20-35KHz
and RDS data above that.
question... (Score:3, Funny)
Humans tend to filter out what they don't want to hear, especially the pop, fizz and hum of white noise."
So if I understand this correctly, the technology can transmit advertisements, spam, and pop music completely unheard by the human ear by disgusing them as advertisements, spam, and pop music?
Other applications of white noise (Score:2)
My guess would be that this could be used to create a signal, and block it from human perception but perhaps still allow it to be picked up be electronics.
One question I have though, if they're making such advanced uses of white-noise technology now, and these headphones/soundcards came out over a year ago, why haven't I seen rave reviews on the technology and white-noise headphones available at every radio shack? From what I remember, including the price of the card the 'phones weren't that expensive.
Just wait till someone cracks their algo (Score:2)
This is novel? (Score:2)
Is it just me, or does embedding data in white noise "sound" like it's already happend? Every time I pick up the phone when someone else is using the line for a dial-up connection, I am abruptly reminded of the transmission of data using seemingly random noise....
$ # Patent pending...
$ bzip2 -c </lib/libc.so.6 >/dev/audio
And how is this diffrent from steganography + a pair of 2,400 buad modems?
Besides, elephants [csmonitor.com] have been doing this [about.com] for millenia (with their feet instead of over their THX system).
the ring (Score:2)
Re:the ring (Score:2)
The CueCat had this... (Score:5, Interesting)
Since one of our local channels was owned by the Belo corp (who owned a LOT of Digital Convergence stock), they pushed it HEAVILY, and embedded URLs in the news program.
So, nothing new.
Re:The CueCat had this... (Score:2)
Wouldn't your sound card already be connected to your PC? Maybe you mean video/tv to your sound card instead...
Re:The CueCat had this... (Score:2)
Top Sekret invention! (Score:2)
After a pretty thorough search I was unable to find a data rate for this new top sekret modem technology. I'll confidently wager it's going to be between 10 and 100 baud, as in a 0.01K modem or 0.1K modem.
anyone know subliminal advertising laws? (Score:2)
This kinda scares me a bit. I feel the sudden urge to rm -rf
Compare it with RDS (Score:4, Informative)
- Show the Station name in your radio display
- Show what's playing
- Certain stations are transmitted over several frequencies. RDS knows the alternative frequencies of your stations and automatically switches to the best frequency
Infrasonic (Score:2, Interesting)
There also seems to be a strange deep sound around in Europe. Nobody, not even the scientists measuring some American farts deep into the bavarian woods, was able to determine the source of that sound yet. Over 1000 people in Europe seem to be affected by that. They even made some conlusions about global soundwaves created by military sonar and stuff. Pretty scary...
So I'd like to know about every stupid signal I will get, purely encoded data or else. I'm not a technophile but those stuff scares me because I won't be able to switch off the router or TV anymore...
Won't these have to be in the audible range? (Score:2)
Does this mean we get fewer audio ads in trade for the lower quality?
Pipe your radio through lame, output through sound card, information gone all done!
Re:Won't these have to be in the audible range? (Score:2)
If it is sporadic, clever production techniques could work it in without much of an impact at all.
Can't wait for the first hack. Political ad with a link to free pr0n. Whoop! Nobody but the lawyers would be happy with that one!
Just What We Need (Score:2)
Another method for the delivery of spam. Guess we'll have to start work on the anti-white (black) noise generator.
Subaudible tones already used (Score:4, Informative)
Of course, then there is IBOC from Ibiquity [ibiquity.com] which is an on-channel digital enhacement for AM and FM signals, part of which could be used for datacasting [beradio.com], as part of most DTV signals will.
Hehe.....this is ironic :) (Score:2)
Just chain a realtime OGG encoder to the incoming music stream and it should strip the info! HEHE
Comment removed (Score:3)
Better use of technology (Score:5, Insightful)
Song Titles - How about ID tags so you can actually see the exact title of the song your listening to? You can keep a 10 song list like caller ID. You can see the last few songs you listened to. For advertisers you would keep one text line scrolling on the display.
Second Audio Channel - A secondary program at AM quality on an FM station. Kinda like how HDTV can have up to 6 lower quality channels.
Radio for the Death - Close Captioning of radio lyrics. 'Nuff said.
Emergency Broadcast Technolgy - Give both a readable text warning and GPS cordinates of pending danger.
Exact Station Date and Time - Isn't that what you really want half the time you turn on the radio anyway.
Weather and News Broadcasts - Get the local or national news in an instant.
Automatic Request line # - Never have to listen for those damn # to call while your driving.
Possible interactivity - Broadcast a survey to a cellphone, you log your answers, and then you transmit your results.
That's the easy part... (Score:2, Funny)
More of my disjointed thoughts (Score:2)
Song title/artist (Score:4, Interesting)
*song is ending* "Damn, I love that song, I wish I could remember who sings it. Maybe the DJ will say the song title before the next song comes on." Oh wait, DJ's don't do that anymore...Just show it to me on the LCD!