Hark! I Hear a Dropped Packet! 276
aarondsouza writes "The New Scientist has an article about Chris Chafe, a cellist and director of the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics at Stanford University in California, who has the idea that one can use sound as an audible measure of the health of an internet connection. By sending a bunch of sound pulses across the line and measuring echo time, an average ping time of 10ms would be heard as a 100Hz tone. The idea is that the human ear is much more sensitive to variations in pitch, and thus "listening" to the connection would be a better indicator of its health. The article is short on technical specs but the project page (SoundWIRE) has more."
Dupe? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Dupe? (Score:3, Informative)
It's one thing when you see a story that had run maybe a few weeks earlier, but earlier on the same day? Ouch.
Dupe Detection Code? (Score:5, Interesting)
It shouldn't be too hard to add some dupe prevention code to Slash. It seems that you could snag all URLs out of a story and compare them to URLs from the last 60 days or so and if there is a match, present a warning to the editor.
Doh! (Score:4, Funny)
Speaking of dupe detection, I should have checked other comments before I posted. It seems that a nearly identical comment was posted by someone else a few hours earlier.
Re:Doh! (Score:2)
Re:Doh! (Score:2)
Good point. JonKatz was redundant before he ever posted a story.
If this happened with articles that were a month old, or happened once a month or something, it might be exusable, but it's happening at least once a week now, and sometimes multiple times per day. That's a pretty shitty success rate for something so easy as remembering an article that's LESS THAN 5 ARTICLES EARLIER!
"I wanted to be a
Yeah, post complaints! Reload the page a few times! Damn the man!
I just find it amusing that we get an entire story of posts saying "dupe!" - as if one post wasn't enough. Nope, just in case I decide to start reading comments at the very freaking middle of the page, there will always be someone there to inform me that this story is, in fact, a dupe! I can't imagine what I would do without that valuable info! Thank you, all 400 of you, that felt the need to uniquely point out that I could have read the same article some 5 articles prior!
The above is not intended seriously, for the humor impaired.
What is this?! A Jerry Lewis Dupe-a-Thon? (Score:2, Redundant)
Re:What is this?! A Jerry Lewis Dupe-a-Thon? (Score:2)
Hat trick (Score:2)
Re:Hat trick (Score:2)
Re:What is this?! A Jerry Lewis Dupe-a-Thon? (Score:2)
It strunk me as ironic that, in a comment complaining about dupes, the same text is echoed in the title and the body.
Re:What is this?! A Jerry Lewis Dupe-a-Thon? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:What is this?! A Jerry Lewis Dupe-a-Thon? (Score:2)
Re:What is this?! A Jerry Lewis Dupe-a-Thon? (Score:2)
Re:Typical industry practices (Score:2, Funny)
dupe! (Score:4, Insightful)
The original is still on the homepage! http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/11/28/123820 9&mode=flat&tid=95 [slashdot.org]
Thanksgiving Tradition? (Score:5, Funny)
Does consuming gigantic quantities of turkey and dressing cause this -- I demand a study.
Didn't I see this before? (Score:3, Informative)
Time to revolt! (Score:2)
Meanwhile, this [bbc.co.uk] gets rejected.
I've decided that from now on I'm going to submit every story at least three times. I figure that if something that hasn't been on the front page is in the system 3 times, it has 3 times as much chance of making it onto the front page as a dupe. Since we all know when articles have been posted before, and the editors don't, maybe we should all submit everything at least three times. It's a very crude way of reducing the dupes, but it can't be worse than what we have now.
Of course, then three editors all approve the story at once and we get three consecutive dupes on the front page...
Hopefully if the eds' workload tripled someone would get off their ass and sort this dupe thing out.
A Funny Related Story (Score:2, Funny)
Re:A Funny Related Story (Score:4, Funny)
I've read it differently (Score:2, Informative)
In soviet russia (Score:2, Funny)
What else were you planning to hear...? (Score:2, Funny)
What other options do we have as an audible measure? Hmmm?
I have tried this and... (Score:3, Funny)
The human ear (Score:2, Interesting)
Seismographists used to convert earthquake vibration patterns to human-audible sounds; this way it became very easy for a trained ear to distinguish between natural quakes and Soviet nuclear tests. On a screen, both looked like a jumble of lines.
Of course, a clever piece of software can do this too - but you already have this clever piece of software installed for free in your brain.
(Unfortunately it is free-beer, as the source is not available. Hmmmm, I guess rms should target God as the largest producer of closed-source software in the Universe?)
Re:The human ear (Score:2, Funny)
We've done a good job of reverse-engineering it for the most part; hopefully He doesn't slap the human race with a DMCA lawsuit.
Re:The human ear (Score:4, Funny)
As much as I hate RMS, I have to say that he works pretty much the same way God does; compare, for example, the source code to Emacs with the human genetic code. Both are available to anybody who wants to look at them, both are vast, and both are completely incomprehensible without doing a huge amount of analysis, deduction, and plain old guessing.
Maybe RMS is on to something after all. Release the source, but make sure before you do that it's utterly useless to anybody but yourself. After all, if the code were well documented and easy to understand, there'd be no need for the author of it.
(Hmm. If the world were well documented and easy to understand, there'd be no need for God. Uh-oh. Dangerously close to being profound here. Better bail out while there's still time.)
Re:The human ear (Score:2)
The big revelation here is, God is a computer geek.
No wonder the world is buggy. Bet it's written in C++.
Re:The human ear (Score:2)
Obligatory dupe comment (Score:4, Funny)
Not everyone has clever software in their brain. I'm still doing a Search for Terrestrial Intelligence. But maybe /. isn't the place for it.
But at least I try and double-check the data.
Re:The human ear (Score:2)
Word for word. Do you reckon karma gets you laid or what?
Re:The human ear (Score:4, Insightful)
Thanksgiving day turkey! (Score:5, Funny)
1. Duplicate [slashdot.org] Original [slashdot.org]
2. Duplicate [slashdot.org] Original [slashdot.org]
3. Duplicate [slashdot.org] Original [slashdot.org] Happy turkey slashdot!
Tripes (Score:4, Funny)
The quark matter/stranglets hitting earth story was covered on May 12 [slashdot.org], Nov 22 [slashdot.org], and Nov 25 [slashdot.org]
Re:Tripes (Score:2)
Yea, and if you read drudgereport.com and the Register, you'll find that another 1/3 of Slashdot posts are copied with little creative discovery.
CmdrTaco may claim that most slashdot readers only come in for the headlines and the discussion value is minimal, but for his sake per the total lack of effort in finding Slashdot stories, I pray he's wrong...
Re:Thanksgiving day turkey! (Score:5, Informative)
4. Duplicate [slashdot.org] Original [slashdot.org]
5. Duplicate [slashdot.org] Original [slashdot.org]
6. Duplicate [slashdot.org] Original [slashdot.org]
(PS, this list is a duplicate [slashdot.org].)
Re:Thanksgiving day turkey! (Score:2)
Cold Turkey. (Score:2)
And I don't talk about all this OSNews FUD you relay. Now I bet the next step is to post LinuxGram newsletters to the frontpage.
The new "Alzheimer's" category (Score:2)
"Wow, an X-10 camera!" (click)
"Wow, an X-10 camera!" (click)
"Looks like Redhat 4 is out already!" (click)
A few hundred repetitions of this, and the money really starts to add up.
Re:Thanksgiving day turkey! (Score:3, Funny)
Must be the tryptophan.
Is it just a coincidence that the "busiest shopping day of the year" follows directly after the country ingests large amounts of a sedative? I smell a conspiracy.
No Dupes... (Score:2)
Re:Thanksgiving day turkey! (Score:2)
I don't remember having duplicates is anything. Read some serious newspapers.and you will notice they duplicate news as well, everytime maybe a bit from another view point, maybe a bit another focus, but the news is duplicated, do I want it? Yes, I want to see an important event from different views, different focuses as events propergate.
Well stands to reason... (Score:2)
Today (Score:2, Funny)
enjoy the trip
/. needs a system like this... (Score:2, Funny)
Does this mean... (Score:5, Funny)
...sysadmins will begin carrying metronomes and tuners?
"I'm sorry, but your NIC seems to be running a quarter-step sharp."
hhuuhh?? (Score:2, Funny)
I don't see any dupes. wtf are you talking about?
I don't see any dupes. wtf are you talking about?
I don't see any dupes. wtf are you talking about?
I don't see any dupes. wtf are you talking about?
The Secret.... (Score:2, Funny)
Ratio (Score:4, Insightful)
I agree (Score:2)
Mirror (Score:3, Funny)
In case this gets Slashdotted...
Mirror [slashdot.org]
Re:Mirror (Score:2)
this thread has turned into a real dupe o rama.
seriously though, the bars in the sourceforge banner ad kinda look like vu bars, going up an down. does this mean the new sourceforge real-time metrics reporting system is audible too..
Homestar Runner (Score:3, Funny)
What gives? (Score:3)
Have the collective editors of online content decided to play "lets see who really pays attention" this week?
C'mon. Enough.
Make it stop!!
Used in Nuclear Facilities (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Used in Nuclear Facilities (Score:2)
My 2 (sic) cents (Score:5, Funny)
64 bytes from slashdot.org ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=144 usec
64 bytes from slashdot.org ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=144 usec (DUP!)
64 bytes from slashdot.org ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=133 usec
64 bytes from slashdot.org ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=133 usec (DUP!)
64 bytes from slashdot.org ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=134 usec
64 bytes from slashdot.org ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=134 usec (DUP!)
PP..SS.. DDoonn''tt ffoorrggeett ttoo ttuurrnn oonn llooccaall eecchhoo!!
Re:My 2 (sic) cents (Score:2)
So what is now BAD on duplicating stories? What, I duplicate myself, in all newspapers you will encounter duplicate stories as well. So what?
Re:My 2 (sic) cents (Score:2)
I know we're joking about the dupes, but... (Score:4, Insightful)
...this is really, really, sloppy work. I'm bored of this. Can I get the URLs of some other geek-friendly news/info sites? Ones that have a bit more QA?
Re:I know we're joking about the dupes, but... (Score:2)
Re:I know we're joking about the dupes, but... (Score:2)
Re:I know we're joking about the dupes, but... (Score:2)
Re:I know we're joking about the dupes, but... (Score:2)
www.kuro5hin.org [kuro5hin.org]
All stories are user submitted, user edited, and user voted on. Even the site owner has to go through voting to get meta stories accepted. All users can moderate all comments all the time.
And yes, it does scale.
Slashdot... (Score:5, Funny)
No Thanks... (Score:3, Interesting)
(meaning the pings changed from 100Hz to 50Hz; that is, from 10ms to 20 ms).
No thanks.
[so the post's a dupe
What's that racket!? (Score:2)
Latency (Score:2)
Anyhow I was meaning to point out that the stringent set of requirements mentioned in the article does not include a requirement for latency. Don't mean to be a dickhead, but you can get really high quality sound it you're prepared to wait long enough for it to transfer. Have I missed something? (Just been at the pub for a while, so it's likely) Baaarf
Play nice. (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Play nice. (Score:2)
Re:Play nice. (Score:2)
Link Found to Tomorrow's Slashdot Home Page: (Score:5, Funny)
We don't need no steenking flux capacitor.
PING! ... ACK! (Score:2)
PING... Ping... ping...
luser2: ACK!
ACK... Ack... ack...
luser1: Cool, I can hear echo replies on the network now.
luser2: No, those are just slashdot dupes.
interesting.... (Score:2)
Since this story is pointless (repost) anyways.... (Score:2)
How long until some poor sap on a 56k (Score:2)
Do the Eds *read* Slashdot? A Thanksgiving rant! (Score:4, Interesting)
If I did this at my job I would be fired or hollered at.
Come on already. I love /. I spend too much time reading it as it is. Why must I have duped stories to wade through?
Moderation and the Friend/Foe system are supposed to make /. easier to read, by filtering out trolls and crapflooders. Perhaps it's time to allow the STORIES to be moderated. I enjoy reading all /. stories, because invaribly, I learn something, or get a new perspective on an issue or idea. Having valuable front page space taken up by something that was already discussed (on the same day!) only annoys the readers and surely affects the advertisers effectiveness.
I am only a reader and poster of rants and one-liners, sure, but I happen to like /. I hate to see it like this.
Perhaps I should have assumed there was a lack of attention to the site, when I sent a fixed flag icon to Taco, and never got a response - email or otherwise. I'd guess that Taco gets many emails asking questions, ranting about features, moderations, trolls, and plenty of spam. My note was purely friendly and included the new icon.
No response. No 'Thanks but no thanks', automated "Yoyre emial iz impotent to us". Nothing
That's it. Have a good Thanksgiving. Turkey ....taking effect... sleeeeepy...so sleeeepy.... must fall to ... floor....
Re:Do the Eds *read* Slashdot? A Thanksgiving rant (Score:2)
Re:Do the Eds *read* Slashdot? A Thanksgiving rant (Score:2)
Hey - since this is a dupe... (Score:2, Funny)
So - a joke:
At the Miss World Pageant in Nigeria a girl puts on a skimpy bikini and asks her manager "Does this make me look Fatwa?"
Laugh. It's funny...
Ahh, the good ole days... (Score:5, Funny)
Sound is just feedback (Score:2)
Sound is just another effective method to provide instant feedback to the user. Use of colour and shapes are also excellent methods.
I think more software should integrate sound, colour, and shapes as informational cues than they do. Less text to read, and yet instant recognition because of the amazing properties of our brains.
The best examples I've seen that use these techniques are games which have lots of options and feedback - like simulated war games, etc... The biggest challenge with those games is coming up with an easy to use and intuitive interface. Sound, colour, and shapes play a crucial role in their design.
Sounds like Peep (Score:2)
man nc (Score:3, Funny)
dupedupedupedupedupe (Score:2)
hide the story submitter's identity as well. i think the editors can handle the blow to their egos, having their little tags removed from the story post. and as someone who has had 2 stories posted here, i can handle not having my name appear on the story i posted, what do i friggin' care?
oh boo hoo hoo! i live to see my name on slashdot! lol
and by the way, in the spirit of slashdot, this post of mine is a dupe, copied verbatim from a previous post just last week... i thought for a second about doing this, but then i don't really want to change things here after all
Personally, I'm all for the Dupe! (Score:3, Informative)
like the CCRMA home page.
WWWeeee! We got
Of course I'm biased 'cuz I WORK there and
Chris Chafe is an awesome guy and the project
is super cool...
'skyooz me while I go watch our webserver get
Seiously though, the page may be kinda dry, but if you dig you'll find some great stuff. There are links to all the top sound software for Linux and ways to optimize your system for sound and music. Check out
It's an amazing lab, doing great work and producing some amazing open source sound software, as well as testing and distributing the work of many others in the field. And there isn't a windows box in the entire place!
Enough (Score:2)
I'm really not trying to bait flame, but IMHO Slashdot has been slipping more and more recently. Yup, I realise it's free, but that doesn't mean it doesn't need standards.
Anyway, this will be my last post here. If anyone is looking for an
Name: BoBaBrain
Password: password
Be gentle with it.
Re:Enough (Score:3, Interesting)
Noises from tape drives (Score:3, Interesting)
Bad week for the editors? (Score:2)
Too much turkey and wine?
Re:there's still time (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Do I even need to say it? (Score:2)
Maybe we could send the editors one of these [thinkgeek.com] ;)
Re:Fingernails, cream cheese, and gravy. (Score:2, Interesting)
We should start a tradition on slashdot where we only post stupid sentences for dupe stories. Here's mine:
Hehe, you've got a good point... (Score:2, Insightful)
Yeah, OK, I did too. Still ironic. And yes, for those who like to debate the meaning of Irony (would that subject be Ironology? *), I think that this case does fit the definition pretty damned well.
*- Yes, yes, I expect it would be Etymology or Didactics or something. And arguing that point might be... somewhat ironic?