Kiwi Flight Before the Wright Brothers? 336
houseofmore writes "The Toronto Star is is reporting that New Zealander Richard Pearse may have very well made several flights beginning almost nine months before the Wright Brothers ever got off the ground. It also notes that "Mad Pearse's" machine was in some ways more advanced than the first Wright Flyer."
A funny country... (Score:2, Funny)
"New Zealand is still a young country and it's a
Good stuff. Makes me want to go visit.
Re:A funny country... (Score:2, Funny)
In Soviet Russia..... (Score:2, Funny)
Everywhere else, it's history.
In Soviet Russia, we flew this (Score:2)
Behold, the Russian flying machine [cyclogiro.com], circa 1904.
Bamboo Dick (Score:5, Funny)
With a handle like that, one would imagine he may have been famous for something else...
This has been repeated time and time again... (Score:3, Interesting)
Patriotism simply gets in the way of the truth sometimes. It's an unfortunate side-effect of human nature.
Why so many people say the Wrights... (Score:5, Interesting)
Pearce's flights are described as being made from a hill, landing in a spot near a creek at a lower elevation.
People had been gliding for years before the Wright's. People built much better gliders then the Wright Flyer. Glenn Curtis built a great plane very shortly after the Wrights. While the Wrights stored their plane for 4 years after the 17th Dec 1903... Trying to lock down patents on it. The fact however remains that by the majority of serious aeronautical engineers they are the birth of the age of powered flight.
Patriotism... maybe a little... but spliting hairs is much more of an apt description... I for one think that it's a valid distinction.
Re:Why so many people say the Wrights... (Score:3, Informative)
There are other claimants but none had the repeatability of what the Wright Brothers did in 1903.
Re:This has been repeated time and time again... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:This has been repeated time and time again... (Score:3, Informative)
There are other Americans who claim to have flown before the Wrights, such as Lyman Gilmore [ncngrrmuseum.org], who claimed to have flown in 1902. Of course, the guy was nutty as a fruitcake, and the only reason he wasn't dismissed out of hand was that he actually invented stuff that worked. No one was ever found that could verify his claim, though, so he remains obscure.
If Newton's documentation hadn't been as good as it was, Leibniz would likely get all the credit for Calculus.
Mad Pearse (Score:5, Informative)
Richard Pearse: FIRST FLYER [nzedge.com]
Famous New Zealanders - Richard Pearse [nzemb.org]
And a sidenote from an article in Time magazine [time.com]:
Re:Mad Pearse (Score:5, Informative)
That night on talkback radio (newstalk zb) there was a lot of joy. The occasional bitter american hating bastard called in, but no more that usual ;) It was really quite amazing, and the documentary promised that landmark event would be credited to New Zealand. It sounds silly, but it really was an awful feeling when the footage was announced as a hoax.
Still, excellent job. Good job Peter Jackson!
More Stuff on Bamboo Dick (Score:5, Informative)
Richard Pearse [itgo.com] - Features some really cool pics of his aeroplane
Richard Pearse, Aviator [nzhistory.net.nz] - Features a cool VRML 3d model of his flying machine. Remember VRML? Also has some dimensioned drafts.
Richard Pearse - New Zealand Pioneer Aviator [monash.edu.au] - IT's got soem schematics and descriptions of the engine he used.
Lots more cool stuff available out there if you feel like looking.
Re:Mad Pearse (Score:3, Informative)
There were plenty of other powered heavier than air flights before the Wright's 1903 flight, but none of them were either sustainable AND controlled AND piloted.
So what? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:So what? (Score:3, Insightful)
It's not important that the Americans got to the moon first because they didn't make it commercially viable.Albert Einstein discovering relativity wasn't important because he didn't make it commercially viable.
Re:So what? (Score:2)
personally though, i'd give otto lilienthal much much much more credit, he bust his ass testing gliders and gave much much inspiration to everyone.
Re:So what? (Score:2)
Lots of things happen in history. History isn't just a listing of random facts, it is a method of finding cause and effect. Facts that don't lead anywhere are just trivia -- . It has nothing to do with xenophobia.
In Canada, those of Scandinavian descent are into the idea that the Vikings were the first Europeans to reach North America. Even if true, who cares? The wave of colonialism was inspired by Columbus, plain and simple.
Re:So what? (Score:2)
If someone came alone tomorrow or in the next decade and figured out a way put people on the moon and make money by putting more people on the moon, he would all but reduce NASA to a footnote. And NASA would have at least directly lead to that innovation.
While Bamboo Johnson's uncontrolled decent into a bush might have been the first one with alerons, his innovation didn't lead to that next big innovation. The proof is that his accomplishment has remained obscure for a century. Sony proved it with Betamax, and Microsoft is built on it. It's not first or best that carries the day, it's popularity. (Which continues to enjoy unprecidented popularity.)
Crashing into bushes has remained relatively unpopular until the birth of Steve-O, who's lead something of a renaissance in the areas of bush crashing and nut stapling. Maybe your local hero will find his richly deserved recognition in that area, in which he appeares to have accomplished much.
Footnote for Einstein: When the president of a superpower is redistributing a significant amount of a planet's resources to build a superweapon based significantly on ideas teased from your intuition, those ideas are officially commercially viable. But why quibble with the facts, when your sarcastic assertions are a little more true, and a little less supportive that you thought.
OUCH (Score:3, Funny)
The first thing I thought of was OUCH!!!
Re:OUCH (Score:4, Funny)
This sounds like the ultimate compliment, or at least the ultimate spam advertisement.
Essentially another first-poster, a 100 years ago (Score:5, Insightful)
Newspapers need to have stories like this occassionally. Therefore, Francis Bacon wrote Shakespeare, and this guy flew first.
If he actually did, well, tough. Inventions and discoveries often happen contemporaneously. One of them gets the credit, and the others peddle paranoid theories.
Paranoid theories (Score:4, Interesting)
But there is an important aspect of international politics here too. Being able to claim that your nation is the 'inventor' of aviation is a powerful tool of propaganda. Maybe not alone, but along with several other claims of invention, you would make your nation look intellectually superior to others. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, and would probably give the inhabitants in that country greater confidence in themselves and their abilties or opportunities as inventors, thus spurring new inventions.
I perfectly understand why one would resort to this type of propaganda, but it is nevertheless still propaganda. Even if you or I don't care much what country really 'invented' aviation, somebody appearantly care enough to, if not falsify, then certainly to bend history to fit their means.
Even if in this particular case, the Wright brothers turn out to be the real 'inventors', there are plenty of other interesting examples out there (like Edison vs. Swan).
Patriotism is no excuse for ignorance
Take the Smithsonian with a grain of salt (Score:4, Insightful)
I not saying that they'd shade the truth, but they definitely have an agenda in this matter.
Revisionist History (Score:4, Informative)
This looks like revisionist History to me and searching around uncovered this
"Neither the Smithsonian Institution or its successors, nor any museum or other agency, bureau or facilities administered for the United States of America by the Smithsonian Institution or its successors shall publish or permit to be displayed a statement or label in connection with or in respect of any aircraft model or design of earlier date than the Wright Aeroplane of 1903, claiming in effect that such aircraft was capable of carrying a man under its own power in controlled flight."
Add the fact George Carley's first flight [google.co.uk] predated the Wright Brothers by a hundred years.
The Wrights flew before 1903 (Score:5, Informative)
The flight in 1903 was the first powered flight.
The achievement of the Wright's was that they took a scientific approach to the problem of flight (eg. they invented the wind tunnel in the process) and that they were the ones who actually figured out how to control an airplane in flight.
its great..... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:its great..... (Score:2)
Come to think of it, why isn't Pearce on one of our notes? Edmund Hillary and Rutherford are. I think we should kick the queen off our 20s and put a right nutter in her place. That'll learn 'em.
Re:its great..... (Score:3, Funny)
Why not just wait for Prince Charles to become king, and it'll happen anyway?
Anyway, I'm guessing the next person to be put on a NZ banknote is going to be Frodo Baggins
Re:its great..... (Score:2)
Damn straight (Score:2, Insightful)
Common knowledge.. at least in NZ. (Score:2, Informative)
<flamebait>but we're used to the americans taking the credit for everything </flamebait>
Re:Common knowledge.. at least in NZ. (Score:3, Funny)
But they did a great job capturing the Enigma machine from the Germans, in that "based-on-a-true-story" movie :-)
One has to admire the nerve of this guy... (Score:5, Interesting)
Anyway, here's a picture of the replica and a lot more info. [itgo.com]
Re:One has to admire the nerve of those guys... (Score:5, Insightful)
To be fair, the Wrights didn't build the engine.
Re:One has to admire the nerve of those guys... (Score:3, Insightful)
You are forgetting they used wind tunnels to test flight characteristics on scale models, something that I don't think anyone else had. It's an idea so scientifically sound that even today aerodynamicists use wind tunnels to test airplane shapes even with access to modern supercomputers that can study aerodynamic shapes with computational fluid dynamics.
Peter Jackson (Score:5, Interesting)
And in a few months, I get to travel to NZ again...hooray!
Cheers, Mike V.
Gustave Whitehead flew before all of them anyway (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Gustave Whitehead flew before all of them anywa (Score:5, Funny)
My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend knows this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Ferris pass-out at 31 Flavors last night and who's parent's own the patent office that Einstein worked at, so if you have any questions about the theory of relativity I'm practically an expert on the matter.
Re:Gustave Whitehead flew before all of them anywa (Score:2)
Apparently the boyfriend of the fitness instructor of the wife of the Prime Minister of the UK is a bit dodgy.
Never mind that twenty suitcase nukes have been confirmed missing from soviet times, north korea has been selling missiles to yemen, the EU has decided to admit ten new countries. The big news is that some Australian con-man is good at negotiating real-estate deals... Sheesh!
And Otto Lilienthal flew before them all (Score:5, Interesting)
For that matter the Wrights themselves flew long before they 'flew.' In gliders rather than powered planes.
Pearse's plane seems to have been something more than a mere glider, but less than a true airplane, which the article in question seems to say Pearse himself fully realized.
What perhaps Pearse didn't realize is that the Wrights were no more 'schooled' then he was, one of the facts that led many to deny the Wrights had actually flown. I mean really, just who were these upstart bicycle mechanics from *Ohio* who claimed to have accomplished that which those who the world acknowledged as having the best engineering minds had failed at, time and again?
Unlike Pearse though, the Wrights were highly scientifc and methodical in their approach. Taking every step slowly. Testing, testing, and then testing some more. Working up the final product in careful measured steps.
The true legacy of the Wrights wasn't the first flight. Just as Tesla left little for anyone else to do other than refinement in the world of electricity, the Wrights left little for others to do in the theoretical field of subsonic aeronautics. Some of their theoretical principles were so advanced that they weren't commonly accepted as true until after WWII.
It doesn't really matter who 'flew' first. The Wrights gave us the *field* of flight.
All that having been said Pearse certainly sounds like the sort of 'loon' I could spend a happy lifetime hanging out with.
Re:And Otto Lilienthal flew before them all (Score:3, Informative)
I think there are a couple of things that made the Wright Brothers' first flight more believable to the scientific community.
First of all, the Wright Brothers--being bicycle mechanics--already had the experience to build and design machines of various types. They just applied much of their bicycle engineering experience into building the Wright Flyer.
Second of all (and this is the very important one), the Wright Brothers methodically used the scientific method to design and refine the Wright Flyer design. Why do you think they were using wind tunnels to study airplane design on scale models, an idea far ahead of its time?
Finally, they actually bothered to get someone out there to take pictures proving such a flight did occur. That's why we have a number of pictures of the setup of the launching system and the actual flight itself.
Re:And Otto Lilienthal flew before them all (Score:3, Informative)
Their work was based on Lilienthal's work. Including the methology.
Lilienthal reduced some problems into small self-contained experiments to devise several formulas for aerodynamics and published them.
And he build small models and real glider out of this data and documented that, too.
In other words, he did scientific work on aerodynamics.
The Wright Brothers discovered (probably among other things), that one constant in Lilienthal's formulas was wrong.
From the The Wright Brothers Page [umd.edu] (hardly a page underestimating the work of the Wright Brothers):
So, attributing creating the field of flight to them seems to me a bit overestimated.
It's All About Eyeballs (Score:5, Insightful)
The Wrights were not stupid. They realized the importance of what they were doing and made sure that their efforts would be documented. As the above quote demonstrates, this documentation is what led them to fame and fortune.
In today's competitive marketplace, it is not enough to be a "geek" with a dream. Different people have different kinds of expertise, and one asset any inventor or entrepeneur needs is a good marketing department, one that will see that the right information gets out to the right market segments, ensuring success for all.
Microsoft, RSA, eBay, the tech world is full of companies whose founders had the foresight to recruit and work closely with top talent from the management, financial, and marketing communitites.
So remember the lesson of "Bamboo Dick" Pearse the next time you want to curse out some "marketroid" who doesn't have the same comfort levels around technology as you. His department might be the only thing that keeps your company from joining the long, long list of good business ideas that didn't quite work out.
So what? (Score:2, Interesting)
Its the popular one that always gets the credit (Score:5, Interesting)
The credit (or lack thereof) given to the inventor or discoverer throughout history has always been to the one that speaks loudest to the commons. We all know the debate that Columbus did not "discover" America, as there were plenty of people there first.
A lesser known example but just as true is was the fight between Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray over who invented the telephone [about.com] (Google other resources [google.com]). In that battle, Bell filed a patent and Gray filed his caveat (intent to file a patent) the same day.
Sadly, we all too commonly think that a "single" person or firm must have invented something, while others often have inventions that predate them. It's no wonder the patent office is getting confused (although they really should try cutting down on the duplicates).
Re:Its the popular one that always gets the credit (Score:2, Insightful)
This came as quite a shock to the Red Indians who had thought it was there all along.
(feel free to substitute Australia/Aboriginies)
Who's on First? (Score:3, Insightful)
This is obviously related to NASA's celebration (along with the rest of us Americans) of the centennial of flight, as measured in years from the first Wright Brothers flight. Reminds me of the other stories of the italian fellow who did radio first and the british fellow who did a version of television first.
Here in America we also celebrate Independence Day on the 4rth of July (unlike many other countries), we consider Ford's Model T to be the first car (we all know it wasn't), we take credit for baseball (a derivative of cricket and many other earlier games)and claim a lot of other national achievements which are just that, American 'achievements'.
What we don't do is tell the rest of the world to celebrate these individuals or events along with us in the same way that we, as a nation, don't celebrate French holidays or Chinese new year, unless it's out of personal regard.
You can argue that we attempt to force our events and holidays down the world's throat via media, etc. but that is all subjective. An example is MY birthday. It's important to me and my friends and family but you probably don't care too much. Now if I was a celebrity you might pay attention for entertainment's sake but that's your choice.
None of these people, Wright Brothers, this Australian fellow or any of the people I mention or who were involved in the events mentioned asked for your attention. They did what they did because they wanted to achieve their goals. Who's on First? Who cares! If you think the person is interesting and should be celebrated for their achievement then do so.
It's all subjective in the end so do what you think is best, give credit based on your own views and let others do the same.
Re:Where is First? (Score:2, Interesting)
And if you don't think you celebrate the Chinese new year, you've obviously not spent any time in San Fransisco or Manhattan... for a start.
Re:Where is First? (Score:2)
In regards to Chinese new year, well I did say it is a matter of personal regard. Yes America is multi-cultural but as a nation we do not celebrate other nation's holidays (grain of salt).
Re:Where is First? (Score:2)
Are you really? Or did someone else beat you to it? ;-)
Re:Where is First? (Score:2)
Re:Who's on First? (Score:2, Funny)
You mean, other countries don't celebrate the _American_ Independence day?!
Re:Who's on First? (Score:2)
Re:Who's on First? (Score:2, Interesting)
New Zealander! Please pay attention.
"Here in America we also celebrate Independence Day on the 4rth of July"
(it's 4th) and at least that makes SOME kind of sense - America was a colony and gained independence, so a national holiday in celebration seems logical enough. Surely Americans don't REALLY believe the Ford Model T to be the first car? Apart from anything else, there were plenty of American cars that preceded it.
Re:Who's on First? (Score:2)
Surely you don't think that Christmas was REALLY the day of Christ's birth? And yet we (Americans? World?) celebrate as such.
Anyways, the point is that celebration of anything is a subjective experience. America's independence day is not the same as elsewhere, first flight isn't either...
Da Vinci had plans for flight, helicopters WELL before any of these actual flights. The idea was ancient before anyone accomplished the task. Who's on first? If Da Vinci had 'patented' his idea first would he be getting credit?
Re:Who's on First? (Score:2)
Sorry but that question is a subjective one and there are many, many precedents to verify that (for instance, why isn't a hot-air balloon considered a 'flying machine'? it has all the contituents of one, ie: controlled flight by means of mechanical aid...).
Re:Who's on First? (Score:2)
So tell me, what's all that Canadian crap you were just talking about?
Re:Who's on First? (Score:2)
Hey, that's my neighbourhood :). (Score:4, Interesting)
A replica of his plane is on display in our local museum, sadly it's not online but it's mentioned at the bottom of this article [richardpearse.com], with the original at the Museum of Transport in Auckland (NZ's largest city, at the top of the North Island, we're in the middle of the South Island's east coast).
As the article states it's hard to verify his accomplishments, and for that reason I believe that the Wright brothers will hold their record for a while unless any stunning new evidence arises. Still, good on Pearse, one of aviation's original hackers
Evidence (Score:2)
Not Bridgeport? (Score:2)
Wright's patent (Score:2)
I'm A New Zealander... (Score:4, Informative)
Wright brothers my ass! (Score:4, Informative)
Putting aside the aerostation, he began to devote himself towards solving the problem of steering the balloons. His first steered balloon, "Santos Dumont no. 1," ascended on September 18th 1898. Balloons "Santos Dumont no. 2," which wasn't successful, and "Santos Dumont no. 3," built at the Vaugurand workshop, followed. "Santos Dumont no. 3" ascended on November 13th, 1890. It circled a few times the Eiffel Tower, headed to the Park and from there finally headed towards the Bagatelle field where it landed flawlessly.
In view of the success of no. 3 balloon, the Aero Club of France was founded and Mr. Deutsch de La Meurt instituted the "Deutsch Prize" to be awarded to the balloonist who, taking off from Saint-Cloud, circumnavigated the Eiffel Tower and returned to the starting point in less than thirty minutes. This prize was conquered by Santos Dumont on October 19th, 1901, with dirigible no. 6. Besides this prize, Santos Dumont received the sum of 100,000 francs which he distributed in equal parts to his workers and the beggars of Paris.
Dirigibles nos. 7, 8, and 9 followed. With the latter, on July 4th, 1903, Santos Dumont maneuvered over Longchamps, where a military parade was being held in commemoration of Bastille capture.
Once he solved the problem of steering the lighter-than-air vehicle, Santos Dumont devoted himself to the heavier-than-air problem. Aboard the 14-BIS he made his first unsuccessfull attempt in July, 1906. On September 7th, the 14-BIS wheels left the ground for a moment; on the 13th it could reach the height of one meter; on October 23rd, the airplane flew 50 meters. It was on November 12th, 1906 that Santos Dumont's airplane, the 14-BIS, flew a distance of 220 meters at the height of 6 meters and at the speed of 37,358 km/h. Thanks to this flight the "Archdecon Prize" was awarded to Santos Dumont, who had thus, solved the problem of making a heavier-than-air machine take off by its own means.
Santos Dumont died on July 23rd, 1932, in Brazil. According to the law no. 165 of December 5th, 1947, enacted by the National Congress of Brazil and sanctioned by His Excellency President Eurico Gaspar Dutra, Alberto Santos Dumont was permanently listed in the Brazilian Air Ministry Almanac with the rank of Lieutenant Brigadier. He was promoted to the Honorary rank of Air Marshall on September 22, 1955, according to the law no. 3636, and is permanently listed in the Brazilian Air Ministry Almanac.
George Cayley (Score:2)
Cayley are also discovered the theory of flight [demon.co.uk]
Scientific Flight (Score:2, Informative)
Not only did the Wright's reproduce their results, they modeled their experiments in wind tunnels and engineered their aircraft. Thus, they had data about the lift, weight and propulsion they planned to test.
With that data and their experiments, they improved upon their results. In the process, they formed a company that had a viable -- if ultimately unsucessful -- business model. Their business failure was only an inability to adapt to businesses that were more adept at improving upon their proven technology. These businesses were global in aspect; Curtis, Bleriot's monoplane Fokker, etc.
This debate has been covered for many years; by the standard of controlled, reproducable results, the Wrights were the first. We went through much of the same debate during the 75th anniversary, but those who forget history are condemned to relive it.
Photos, records, a journal.... Anything!? (Score:3, Funny)
"And I swear officer, I saw a dozen lights flying through the sky and one landed near me! This little grey man with huge eyes stepped out...."
Too bad every last one of the records of this alien abd-- er, historic flight were lost or destroyed.
Wrights Get the Credit (Score:3, Interesting)
The Wrights developed the very first theory of propellors, and theirs was 70% efficient. Quite remarkable. The Wrights built their own engine from scratch, did not employ skilled engineers for their first airplane, and devised the first wind tunnel to test airfoil sections. The Wrights did make a survey of all available information on building airplanes, and found what little existed to be totally wrong (such as Lilienthal's data). They did what was likely the first modern R&D program (building successive prototypes, each building on the results from the previous, all targetted at powered flight). The Wrights did it all from scratch.
Re:Wrights Get the Credit (Score:2)
I'm kidding of course. (I think.) I strong agree with everything you said.
So what... (Score:2)
Yay... Not a Brit ! (Score:2)
Sir Hiram Maxim (Score:2)
Maxim was most famous for the Maxim machine gun. He also built a fairground ride known as "The Captive Flying Machine". One of these is still in use at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, Lancashire, and will be celebrating its 100th birthday in 2004.
He was born in Sangersville, Maine in 1840, moving to London in the 1880s. He died in 1916.
If this were true... (Score:2)
Anything good to come out of NZ is claimed as Aussie.
Exclusive!!! (Score:2)
of the plane: [aardvark.co.nz]
and of the man itself: [aardvark.co.nz]
yes, he also is santa claus.
(there even is groundshaking video footage of this historical event)
The dodo... (Score:2)
We should rephrase and specify that the kiwi/wright brothers are the first documented modern flight personalities. Old epics such as the Mahabharatha and Ramayana (which countries like India,Sri Lanka and Indonesia believe in) have records of flying vehicles.
The Legacy (Score:3, Insightful)
First of all, if anyone had flown, they would have gotten widespread attention, as the Wright brothers did. A dozen people saying they witnessed the first flight, but not saying anything for years, just makes no sense at all. That would be like someone having made the trans-atlantic flight before Lindberg, but not telling anybody about it... It's a ridiculous assertion.
But more to the point, let's say someone flew before the Wright brothers... Let's go to extremes an say the Mayans had the technology to build jumbo jets. What does that mean? NOTHING. The Wright brothers' flight wasn't just an interesting outting... it was the spark the led to our modern world of aviation. None of the previous tales of flights led to anything but a handful of books and videos to make some money off the gullible.
If you had even the slightest bit of proof that you'd flown before them, you wouldn't be sitting in a bar, telling your story to uninterested passers-by... You'd have gone to court right away, looking to get some of the money from the brothers' patents. But back then, decades hadn't passed, so there would still be evidence that could be investigated. Convenient that all theses incredible stories aren't brought to light until after there is no evidence left to investigate...
As for witnesses... give me a few days and I'll have hundreds of people swearing that they watched me levitate, and fly around hundreds of feet off the ground.
Nonsense. (Score:3, Informative)
Heck, the head of the Smithsonian at the time (Langley) demo'd flying machines - but they used steam engines, IIRC.
Airplanes and Santos Dumont (Score:2, Informative)
A 14-bis picture can be seen here http://www.centennialofflight.gov/essay/Wright_Br
it looks today as it was made "backwards" as the sustentation wings are in back part of the plane.
The 14-bis also is recognized as the first motorized airplane, it used a 50hp motor to fly, the flying machine from the Wright brothers was more like a glider.
Powered flight? (Score:2, Insightful)
What exactly does this guy consider powered flight.
According to the article, this guy flew 140 meters (as opposed to the Wright brothers 36.6 meters). He also had elements that would not appear in US aircraft for another 20 years (such as the 3-wheeled landing gear).
And I don't know about others, but I would still consider a glider an aircraft. Especially if its a prop driven craft, with single wing, decent landing gear (even if it did not get used often), and aileron steering.
I get the feeling that there has to be an american flag on the side, or at least an american pilot before it can be considered 'Powered Flight' by the Smithsonian. Yet another uncredited first buried because it was not an american that did it.
And before you call me an 'anti-american foreigner', I'm an American too, but I believe the truth is more important than patriotism. Even if its not what you want to hear.
Re:Powered flight? (Score:2)
When will New Zealand announce their centennial of flight?(they have already AFAIK) When will Brazil announce? How about Italy or England? The Wright Bros are America's legacy. We announce it. Do other countries or people have to agree? no.
Americans announce their achievements, we're egomaniacs and we like attention, so be it. If other countries just sit on their collective asses and say nothing then America ends up with the loudest voice.
BTW this seems to apply to a lot of other issues as well. On the other hand I live in America so maybe I'm only hearing one side of the story.... that's why places like
And yes America is slow to recognize achievements that don't involve Americans... big surprise.
History lesson (Score:2)
Before going off on some ill-conceived rant about the evils of stolen credit, bear that simple concept in mind. Thousands of people could have flown before the Wright Bros., but if their having done so leads us to where we are today, then they become more important to history, the others become curious footnotes. It happens all the time. You don't have to read much to run across other instances of this. Don't get too bothered by it. There isn't some evil conspiracy at work.
What difference would it make at this point? (Score:2)
Just as with radio, it doesn't matter now who made it first. The determination came late enough that it never made any financial difference to Tesla or his estate and never changed anything in the history books. The same would be true of powered flight.
It might make a difference in national pride. But I don't think it would decrease the Americans pride much. And, from the sounds of the article, I'm not sure the kiwi's would buy into the whole thing anyway. Even with proof.
Kiwi's, god love 'em, are like that.
And if he flew (Score:3, Funny)
Thank god.... (Score:3, Funny)
What is a flight? (Score:3, Interesting)
The prize he won by doing this was offered to the one who would solve the problem of autonomous flight, needed to any practical use of a plane: the ability of take-off, fly to destination, and landing, then take-off again, fly back and land again, without any external support.
Useless to compete with factories? (Score:3, Funny)
It seems he was a man ahead of his time. He should be working today, where this situation is standard and accepted...
More Grist for Self-Induced Paranoia (Score:4, Interesting)
No one, including the Wrights themselves, ever denied that others were competing with them. And, no one has ever denied that a few others probably managed to build some sort of powered craft that generated enough lift to get off the ground for a feew seconds. But, lift alone does not a airplane make, no more than someone who tosses an empty wooden box on the water can claim to have invented the boat. The Wrights -- who were not really the Midwestern yokels they're superficially presented as -- deserve credit for inventing sustained, controllable flight. In other words, an aircraft that could take off, go where the pilot wanted it to go, and land without crashing. No one did that before them.
(And they were clever enough to patent their work, something that is sure to draw the knee-jerk antipathy of many Slashdot readers who think the only person who doesn't own something is the person who made it in the first place.)
This kind of "Someone Beat the Wrights" story feeds the same self-induced paranoid, alienated, conspiratorial audience as do the "Moon Hoax" stories that appear here frequently.
It's okay... (Score:4, Interesting)
Reportedly, the Wright Brothers were assholes, and fought madly to keep control of their invention private. It took World War I for them to cede. Assholes, like Graham Bell and Newton. All of whom seem to have been heavy plagiarists. However, they stole for unpublished people, so it was all dandy.
Funny! (Score:3, Funny)
I'm an American.
Watching all the dicussion's been funny. No one knows who did it first, but they all know the Americans are jingoists because we too claim to be first in flight
Italians claim they did it first.
The French claim they did it first.
Kiwis say "No we did it first!"
Now, Brazilians are piping up.
It seems to me that every country is definining the first successful flight based on whatever small step their pioneer took.
What you guys need to do is get together, come up with a firm list of requirements for what makes a flight The First Flight, figure out who did it, then talk Rupert Murdock into producing a special for his TV stations. This definitely sounds like something Fox Television would show.
So if 'Bamboo Dick...' (Score:3, Funny)
(I wonder how many Karma points that's going to cost me?)
Re:For those of you too lazy... (Score:2)
It's just too bad you didn't read the article. Of course it's powered flight.
Re:For those of you too lazy... (Score:5, Interesting)
Erm, yes they had.
Do a google on
"John Stringfellow"
"Clément Ader"
"Gustav Albin Weißkopf"
All of whom flew before both Richard Pearse and the Wright brothers.
The history of why the Wright Brothers are considered to be the first is almost as interesting as the history of aviation. For instance, this sounds plausible:
Dr. Peter Jakab, a curator at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C., doesn't deny that Pearse got off the ground. "But what he flew was essentially a powered glider flying into a ravine. So it wasn't a true powered flight. He's just one of many pre-Wright claimants."
But as the Smithsonian can keep hold of the Wright Flyer only as long as the Smithsonian never claim that somebody else got there first, one has to say Dr. Jakab isn't exactly impartial.
If you ask me who was first is irrelivant. It was an idea whose time had come.
Re:For those of you too lazy... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:I'm offended (Score:5, Funny)
IF we start to believe that the Wright Brothers weren't the first to conduct a powered, controlled flight then the terrorists have already won. Won't somebody PLEASE think of the childeren!
Re:I'm offended (Score:2, Flamebait)
2 - Alberto Santos Dummont was the first man to really fly, in Paris. Before a heavy crowed park, winning an international prize for his feat. Also, his is the first DOCUMENTED flight, and his creations ( like flaps, for instance ) are the only ones used today in the modern aircraft industry.
Only the US credit the Wright Brothers for the invention of aircrafts, as the rest of the world credits Santos Dummont, who also invented the wrist watch ( which was first produced by Cartier and known as the Santos Dummont wrist watch ) and the shower:) All proofs of Dummonts work are now held in Paris ( Aerospace Museum I think ), and it was the first successfull documented airplane flight experiement, and the only one people base modern flight techniques on. Dummont went back to Brazil after the start of WWI, and when informed his creation was being used in the war, tried to commit suicide in the ship. After arriving, he led a reclusive live in Petropolis, Brazil, shattered by the idea of creating a weapon of great destruction. Thank God he didn't live to see a plane dropping the first nuclear bomb.
Sources? Take Scientific American for example, but it's something any kid in any country outside north america knows. Ask any Brazilian, french or ittalian kid for example. But if you still want to believe every important invention in the world was of american origin, just go ahead. It's almost Xmas anyway and you also probrably believe Santa will climb your roof and leave you a sock full of gifts:)
PS: This is not a direct answer to Anonymous Coward, but let's just drop the subject. A Brazilian priest is known of doing Radio experiments before Marconi, but he didn't invent it. Why? No documentations of the procedures, techniques and of the fact itself.
Re:To the contrary! (Score:2)
Kiwis... (Score:3, Funny)
What do you mean RTFA?
Re:Too late (Score:2)
Next thing people will be claiming that Christopher Colombus discovered America - or at least the Colombia river :-)
Re:The French Did It Before the NZ!! (Score:3, Funny)