Improving Digital Photography 401
Milican writes "'It's easy to have a complicated idea," Carver Mead used to tell his students at Caltech. "It's very, very hard to have a simple idea...And now one of Mead's simplest ideas--a digital camera should see color the way the human eye does--is poised to change everything about photography. Its first embodiment is a sensor - called the X3 - that produces images as good as or better than what can be achieved with film.'" We had a previous story about Foveon last February.
Pixel Noise (Score:3, Informative)
I hate pixel noise in my digital pictures. I have heard that since red color has to be detected at the deepest part of the silicon there is an abudance of noise in the reds.
Re:Pixel Noise (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Pixel Noise (Score:3, Insightful)
It's like the eye because... (Score:5, Informative)
What you don't get is Moire patterns - at all!! That is what you probably hate when you say you hate "pixel noise" because it's totally obvious (due to the color changes), very distracting, and annoying to clean up after.
Re:It's like the eye because... (Score:5, Informative)
It sees a real "color" instead of on red/green/blue (dispersed in fine pixels of course). It may not be able to see red quite as well as other colors, but it only means that the sensitivity at the red level is the limitation you have for the picture as whole.
I don't think I agree - it still looks like a standard red/green/blue pickup (and that is exactly like the human eye - we don't have different cones for, say, lime green and grass green). There is possible mileage in having more layers picking up wavebands spanning a smaller range of wavelengths (and there are humans with 4 types of cone rather than 3 - tetrachromatic vision) but it's not going to matter too much for our normal vision. Useful for simple spectroscopy (colour profiles etc.) though.
What you don't get is Moire patterns - at all!! That is what you probably hate when you say you hate "pixel noise" because it's totally obvious (due to the color changes), very distracting, and annoying to clean up after
It's pixelated still so you will still get Moire patterns as soon as the smallest details are finer than the resolving power of the X3 bins (think Nyquists theorem). However, the bizarre colours you get from a fine-grained black and white grid shouldn't be present to the same extent as all the measurements of colour intensity are done at the same point in the X3 layer, as opposed to the different spatial positions of the red green and blue bins in a colour CCD.
Toby Haynes
Nyquist free... (Score:5, Informative)
The bizzare colors (what I really hate about digital photos) are not just reduced - they are gone. If you read the review at DPReview.com you'll find that it has resolution right up to Nyquist is noise free and you get some detail beyond. Here's the relevant section (near the very end of the review, where they test against some resolution charts):
The SD9 is capable of delivering all nine individual lines of the horizontal or vertical resolution bars up to its maximum absolute resolution (sensor vertical pixel count) and slightly beyond. Note also that because the X3 sensor doesn't need a color filter array it doesn't suffer from color moiré.. Absolute resolution is just less than the Canon EOS-D60, Nikon D100 and Fujifilm S2 Pro (at 6 mp).
However, because the X3 sensor doesn't use a low pass (anti-alias) filter it is able to resolve detail all the way up to Nyquist. Beyond Nyquist the system will alias without any objectionable color moiré. Where a Bayer sensor camera would turn detail beyond Nyquist (such as distant grass texture) into a single plane of blurred color the SD9 will continue to reproduce some individual pixel detail (without color moiré).
Re:It's like the eye because... (Score:5, Informative)
Hate to break it to you, buddy, but moire patterns have nothing to do with digital cameras. They are easy enough to see with a human eye, anyway. You can get a moire pattern on a Foveon just as easily as on a regular sensor.
If you're talking about color moire, you are just wrong. read the DP review and look at the resolution tests. The X3 has no color moire at all. That is not to say it does not experience noise (it does). Just not color moire artifacts.
Show me an image from a Foveon that has Moire if you are so certain. Remember that JPEG compression causes artifacts too...
Umm... get a clue. Pixel noise has nothing to do with moire. It's NOISE -- more or less random fluctuation is the measurements of light that each sensor spot does. The amount of noise depends on a bunch of factors, such as temperature and the size of pixels on the sensor. That's why astrophotographers cool their CCDs in liquid nitrogen, and that's why professional digital cameras like Canon D1s, D60 and such have hugely lower noise than (relatively) cheapo consumer digicams.
As C3PO would say, "How Rude!". Yes I understand the difference between noise and moire. But when I see digital pictures that look like they have issues, usually the most noticable aspect (to me) is moire and not so much the noise (which mimics film grain to some extent so our brain does not latch onto it as looking so artificial, being trained by looking at years of film images).
That is why I was saying that if he hated noise, it might really have been color moire he was seeing and hating, not the actual noise from the CCD. Thus I was not saying moire was noise, I was saying that might be what he meant by noise.
Good points (Score:3, Interesting)
The artifacts you talk about worry me a little too, I have been reading the Sigma SLR forum on DPreview now for a while and I have seen some samples with color fringing and washed out greens. The green problem in particular seems to be an overexposure thing and so I think can be managed with careful exposre. I'm not sure what is going on with the fringing, hopefully that will improve as they fine-tune the firmware. Also, I think there is some open question around what the Sigma software itself is doing with the raw data - the open source raw converter is handy in that you can take a raw sigma image, turn it into a PPM, and examine it from there. I've been starting to do that to make the final descision about this camera.
I do think having to have grain in a photo to accept it is something that will change over time as people become less and less used to seeing images with grain. It seems like a lot of professional images you see around now are very smooth with nothing like grain or noise, but perhaps even these have subtle amounts I haven't noticed, and you get texture of soome sort from some printing processes.
Re:It's like the eye because... (Score:3, Interesting)
As a PHOTOGRAPHER, what I think of by "sees like the human eye" is that the end result (far more important to me than the means of reaching that point) exhibit sharpness and "true color", which to me means "no color moire" (which I almost never see with my own eye in real life, but I get to see all the time in digital photos). Ideally it would also mean no noise or grain, but while there is some noise it's still better than grain from what I can see.
I was sticking with film SLR's, but the X3 real images have impressed me enough that I'm going to get an SD9 fairly soon I think. I went back and forth between the SD9 and S2 Pro, but real images have won me over to the X3 based camera. For the kind of photography I like to do (landscapes and architecture, just like just about every other photographer on the planet it seems) it's a fine camera.
Re:Pixel Noise (Score:5, Informative)
How is this at all like the way the human eye sees?
This foveon system is like the human eye inasmuchas the light photons penetrate multiple layers and register at more than one levels in the same spot. For example, take a look at this cross section of the human retina [eyedesignbook.com].
Current CCDs only collect one waveband of light at one area. To simulate colour, they collect three different wavebands in adjacent areas on the surface of the CCD. Hence the funky moire patterns you that you see in tightly patterned cloth on the sample piccies on the site.
I hate pixel noise in my digital pictures. I have heard that since red color has to be detected at the deepest part of the silicon there is an abudance of noise in the reds.
If the upper layers are completely transparent in the red, then your concerns don't apply. As long as the actual transparency of the upper layers is reasonable, then there is little cause to worry - traditionally CCDs are far more sensitive to the red end of the spectrum than the blue so even modest photon loss at the red end is unlikely to seriously degrade the pictures.
The other nice thing about this technology is that the spatial size of the light bins is approximately three times larger than that for the equivalent physical sized CCD - that means better signal-to-noise ratios for this new technology.
Anyway, the presentations look compelling. I await cameras with reasonable numbers of megapixels (say 4Mpixels +) and reviews...
Toby Haynes
Re:Pixel Noise (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Pixel Noise (Score:5, Informative)
The X3 actaully measures RGB at each pixel, giving much better quality, at a higher speed.
Re:Pixel Noise (Score:5, Interesting)
"In 1965 came experimental confirmation of a long expected result - there are three types of color-sensitive cones in the retina of the human eye, corresponding roughly to red, green, and blue sensitive detectors. "
Re:Pixel Noise (Score:5, Interesting)
If this X3 thing is so great... (Score:3, Funny)
Whats the hold up? (Score:3, Interesting)
In fact, earlier this year the announcment was that we should see several cameras with X3 technology on the store shelves in time for Christmas. What happened?
Planet P Blog [planetp.cc] - Liberty with Technology.
Re:Whats the hold up? (Score:5, Informative)
X3 still displays some odd behaviors under certain conditions, and until these problems are resolved, the "big guys" aren't going to want to put it into a high end camera -- especially when their customers have grown to expect a certain level of all-around quality and attention to detail from them.
Foveon won the PopSci Best of What's New for 2002 (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Foveon won the PopSci Best of What's New for 20 (Score:3)
Re:Foveon won the PopSci Best of What's New for 20 (Score:2)
digital print... (Score:2)
Re:digital print... (Score:2)
Re:digital print... (Score:4, Interesting)
The minilab system that is widely regarded as the best is the Fuji Frontier system [fujifilm.com]. How does it work? By scanning film. Of course, it accepts files from digital cameras as well.
What is the best way to get large, "professional" prints? The Lightjet [cymbolic.com]. How do these operate? Using very high quality scans! (See West Coast Imaging [westcoastimaging.com], for example). My point? You can already get digital images produced in the exact same manner as the best film prints.
There are already a lot of people who think digital photography has surpassed even medium format photography. See the Luminous Landscape [luminous-landscape.com], for example.
As for widespread adoption, photojournalists have all but abandoned film. The P&S crowd is already beginning to abandon film.
Re:digital print... (Score:2)
Re:digital print... (Score:2)
But that said, I don't think printing technology is holding anything up. After all, you always want the best quality now, you can always acquire and print with better tech tomorrow, but any better tech won't improve the pictures you've already taken.
Re:digital print... (Score:2)
I got my girlfriend a HiTi 630PL Photo Printer [hi-ti.com] for Christmas, which is a dyesub printer. I paid around $170 for it; you can also get a model that can print independently of a PC (by reading directly from the memory card) for around $250.
She's been pretty busy lately and hasn't had much of a chance to test it out, but all the reviews I saw were very positive. Additional supplies cost $20 for a 50 print kit (includes paper and ribbon), so cost per print is about $.40, which compares favorably to inkjets.
The downside is that it only prints 4x6 size prints, but her current camera can't really do anything better than 8x10 so it's not holding her back much.
Re:digital print... (Score:2)
I'm waiting now for something like the X3 or other higher end digital camera before I upgrade and am very excited to see what the printer will do with a high quality hi rez image.
Review of X3 Camera (Score:2, Informative)
Sadly... (Score:2, Insightful)
I've talked to a few people who have used the Foveon Sigma and while they rave about the technology, the can't stand the camera for handling, feature set, etc.
What Mead needs to do is play whatever game Canon/Nikon/Minolta/Olympus wants him to play to get his chip in their cameras. Then it'll really take off.
Actually (Score:2)
Over at Photo.net [photo.net] people seem to like some of the Sigma lenses pretty well. The 70-200 I think, is supposed to be a fine lens and people use it on other bodies all the time.
I agree I would have liked to see a Nikon or Canon body with this chip, but given that's probably a year or two off I'm probably going to buy the SD9 as my first digital SLR.
This is hardly news... (Score:5, Informative)
http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/sigmasd9/ [dpreview.com]
net-net (Score:2)
The net-net of the review is that it's a great sensor, very accurate, the camera as some first-generation issues, and, of particular interest to this audience, uses a proprietary x3f raw image format that must be converted with Mac or Windows software.
leave politics alone (Score:5, Funny)
I don't know about anyone else, but this GW Bush bashing is getting a little tiresome.
Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:5, Interesting)
Consumer digital cameras are one thing... X3 is another (still hotly debated)... but most photo editors and labs out there right out agree that a Canon EOS-1D, EOS-D60, a Fuji S2 or a Nikon D1X or D100 is simply takes better pictures in nearly every regard (including resolution) than a 35mm film camera, with any brand or grade of film. With the latest range of full-frame cameras such as Canon's EOS-1Ds (11 megapixel, I believe) and Kodak's 14 megapixel offering, the distance between digital and film (with digital on top) will only increase.
And before you comment on other film sizes, realize also that many of the largest advertising companies shooting commercial spreads abandoned film long ago and are shooting with digital medium format or large format backs. Yes, many of the fashion or product spreads you see in your favorite checkout stand magazine are in fact digital these days.
Film is well on its way to becoming a playing for history hobbyists and an art tool for retro artists, and no amount of "ludditing" will change this.
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:2, Informative)
Plus, the speed of film is better. Digital cameras aren't very good for action photography.
So, uh, yeah. Digital is great for posed shots in good lighting. So I guess it is the best. Whatever.
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:5, Informative)
Remember, I said "please be sure you have used the gear".
The ISO 1600 and 3200 shots from the pro digitals are easily less grainy and have better dynamic range than their film counterparts. Try it. And my EOS-1D can do 1/16,000 shutter speed with zero lag. Is that fast enough for you?
Yet another person who is bashing without trying.
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:3, Informative)
Yes, and don't forget the other end of the spectrum too, that these cameras can take wonderful long exposures as well. The D60 in particular can sit on Bulb for minute after minute without any major noise or pixel errors. Taking ten minute bulb exposures seems fairly "low-light situation" to me. I've had comparable results with the D100 has well. I also regularly take 10 to 15 second exposures with it, and never once have I had to contend with excess noise, boomy shadows, or any other difficulties.
Me thinks these people are playing with their friend's Kodak DC3400 or something.
PNG/JNG (Score:3, Insightful)
Also, the statements of some slimy money-grubbers to the contrary, the jpeg compression scheme is patent-unencumbered as well, and the JNG format (one of the PNG family) allows 12 bits per channel per pixel.
See the technical specs on libpng.org [libpng.org] for more details.
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:3, Informative)
In my opinion, the real key is the storage format. Consumer cameras generally store in 24-bit (8 per channel) compressed (i.e. JPEG) format and you lose a great deal of information that way -- the limitation is the storage format itself (JPEG), which isn't capable of holding all of the color and light information the camera captures -- the camera simply throws it away before storing the image. Of course in some low-end consumer cameras, the sensor is that poor to begin with.
With pro cameras you generally store the important shots in a raw format (12-bit per channel, 36-bit total) that discards nothing; you can then manipulate this in Photoshop as a 48-bit uncompressed image in a wide colorspace and get dynamic range and color reproduction very similar to what you can get with good quality film. If you happen to be on the road with your pro digital and need your images to stay as small as possible, many higher-end cameras will also allow you to shoot in JPEG format but using an enhanced colorspace (i.e. Adobe RGB rather than sRGB) to try to preserve this additional information while still gaining the benefits of compression. However, to use such JPEG images you must have software which supports these enhanced colorspaces (i.e. Photoshop does, GIMP does not).
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:2)
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:3, Informative)
Besides, night scopes are digital, and they seem to work ok. You can even buy them at CostCo.
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:2, Informative)
What do you think it is about low light situations that precludes digital cameras from working well?
As for speed.. yeah, my digital camera only goes up to ISO 1000. But you don't have to go to 1000 to take normal non-posed shots successfully (There's a lot of space between posed shots and extremely fast moving action shots.)
You forgot to add that you can't use UV or IR film in digital cameras.
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:2)
Digital cameras aren't very good for action photography.
Right...and there's a world-wide market for maybe five computers (true when it was said) and 640K is enough for anyone (true when it was said). Methinks you missed the point of the article (you did read the article, didn't you?) There is a new technology now available that is about an order of magnitude better than CCDs. So I suppose that what you say is true...for now.
Hubble? (Score:3, Informative)
Film still rules for taking pictures in low-light.
So that's why the shuttle keeps visiting the Hubble Space Telescope, to pick up the film!
The is also a company called SBIG [sbig.com] that makes a line of digital imagers for amatuer astronomers.
Steve M
Re:Hubble? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:2, Informative)
Most importantly, not many consumer level output devices can print photos as well as film. I have seen some really nice photo prints from digital but, on the average, still not as good as well developed film.
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:2)
You're right, an EOS-1D is still pretty pricey... But you should be happy about its success. As Canon (for example) has continued to release new models, the prices of the low-end pro cameras like the EOS-D30 (nearly on par with 35mm pro film quality, much better than any 35mm consumer film quality) have dropped like a rock on the used market, to similar price points of high-end consumer digitals.
If the innovation continues at this pace and Canon and Nikon continue to flood the market with better and better cameras, you will soon be able to buy a better-than-35mm pro digital system for approximately the same price as a 35mm film system. Of course, the only problem is that you will still be drooling over the high-end models, which will continue to improve...
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:2)
Digital sucks when it comes to zooming, panning, tilting, or yawing (i.e., any camera movement). The sad fact is that you get artifacts and skips no matter what your speed or resolution. Until the capture rate is high enough that the human eye can't perceive the problems (that ol' DA boxcar versus the analog sine wave), it will never look good enough. At that point (petabyte storage, anyone?) you have achieved quality that analog film had for the past 40 years.
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:2, Interesting)
The human eye? The human eye sees the print when it is finished, after the camera has captured it at such speeds. I challenge you to recognize anything with your "human eye" even if it is shown to you for a whopping 1/500 of a second!
Or are you talking about viewfinders? Pro digitals use glass, through-the-lens SLR viewfinders, just like film cameras. And consumer digital cameras (i.e. Olympus E line) are starting to use glass through-the-lens viewfinders, too.
If you're merely talking about the EVF (i.e. LCD) viewfinders in some consumer cameras, then you have a point -- these are difficult to use when framing a shot. But it has little bearing on the quality of the digital sensor itself or the quality of the image, and as I mentioned, no serious amateur or pro would buy a camera that uses an EVF anyway! Certainly not all digitals are saddled with this limitation, nor is it an inherent limitation of a digital camera.
People should become educated before they post, "Bub."
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:2)
you're absolutely right, and that's all very fine and good for ad and fashion companies, who need to get their images processed and laid-out as quickly as possible; but there's still absolutely no comparsion between film and digital for large-format artistic work, where the quality of the image is key.
before somebody me an example of an arthouse that's gone all-digital, i've looked at 8x10s from a Phase One H20 [vistek.ca] next to contact-print 8x10s from Fuji and Kodak film, and while it's reasonably close, the film prints still blow the digital print away. it's really visble in the tonal changes and ultrafine detail - the H20 is 4080x4080, but good fine-grained film is ~3000dpi (percieved even finer in color film, since the three stacked layers of emulsion tend to fuzz out the detail of the grain in any one of them). makes an 8x10 24,000x30,000...that's a lot of grains/pixels; call me back whn there's a digital back that large. so while digital is making huge inroads in a lot of areas of photography, i think it's safe to say that for situations where image quality is the main concern, large-format film has nothing to worry about for awhile.
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:4, Insightful)
I don't want to star a flame war, but look at resale prices for digital vs. film. Even 20-year-old film cameras can still command a respectable resale value. A 3-year-old digicam is almost considered worthless these days.
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:3, Informative)
So, adding a $2,200 D60 wasn't a *huge* step, price-wise. I've had it around 6 months, and I've shot around 7,000 frames with it. Assuming for the moment that I'd have shot the same number of frames had I been using film, that averages out to $0.35/frame, which is in the same general range as film and processing (that's $10 for 36 exposures).
Assuming that I've got at least another couple years of functional use in the camera, the per-frame cost should drop down under a dime. Plus, I get instant feedback (nice when fiddling with lighting problems) and it's easier for me to sort, edit, and produce prints with digital then it is with film.
So, with six months of use, you can start to argue that it's paid for itself. Add another couple years of use, and it'll be hard to argue that it would have been cheaper to use film. So, even if it has no resale value in 3 years, it'll still have been a good move, financially speaking.
I suppose it all depends on how much you shoot.
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:3, Insightful)
Also, as time goes, digital will overtake low end market too. Last March, I bought 4M pixel digital camera for just $250. Couple of months later, in a party, I used Canon SLR and this camera. I used standard ISO-200 film and developed at local grocery store for films. For digital, I used one of the digital labs which prints for just 14 cents a copy. My judgement is that digital prints are better. Besides, I only got the interesting ones printed. Also, no need to keep track of negatives. That was the last time, I used my SLR.
At the best quality level, film cameras are equivalent to 6-9 mega pixels. At regular quality (ISO-200 print film developed at grocery store), they are close to 2-3 mega pixels. A relatively cheap ($150) digital camera is likely to beat its P/S film counter part.
Anybody who wants to do new $150+ investment in photography, I would seriously advise him/her to consider digital alternative.
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:3, Interesting)
My Canon A1 has sat on the shelf for about two years now; the only time it's been used has been when the digicam (Olympus C2100UZ [dpreview.com]) was away for repair. Yes, the Canon is a slightly better camera and at the limits takes bettwe pictures - the Olympus is slightly flimsy, its viewfinder isn't really good enough for precise manual focus and its autofocus isn't always trustworthy. But the Olympus is far more versatile and far more useable. I take far more photographs with it. As to the range of photograhic situations it's useful for, I've taken a lot of wildlife photographs, including dragonflies and other insects. I've taken a lot of night-time landscapes, moonlight and starlight shots. I've taken literally hundreds of photographs from and of fast moving boats in bumpy water. And of course I've taken the usual photos of house, friends, pets, etc.
As for resolution, 1600x1200 pixels is good enough for 8"x10" photos and doesn't look too bad blown up even further; obviously it isn't as good as 2000x3000 [jasmine.org.uk]. But for the amateur photographer the digi wins every time. It's lighter and more conenient to carry around, while still having as wide a range of focal lengths (equivalent of 38mm to 400mm) as I've ever carried. It takes snapshots without need for thought; and if you want to set things up to take a proper photograph, control over everything - shutter, aperture, focus, focal length - is there.
You'll get the little Olympus for the same $500ish you were quoting for an SLR kit, but provided you use rechargeable batteries that's all you'll pay. With an SLR, every shot you take costs film and processing, so if like me you take several thousand photographs a year that easily adds up to more money than the camera.
The next camera I buy will have a metal chasis and a proper optical viewfinder. It will also be more optimised for manual focus than the Olympus. But it will definitely be a digital - there's no way I'm going back to film.
Re:Uh-oh, here come the digital bashers. (Score:2, Interesting)
Until printers can add the third dimension no one will put down the brush and pickup a mouse. I am willing to bet that you have seen digital art and thought it was from film. I thought that I would never give up my darkroom, but I may eventually have to darken the lights in the computer room to reminisce.
The comparisons stink (Score:5, Insightful)
The tech is cool, but the comparison makes it seem like biased reporting.
Re:The comparisons stink (Score:2)
Also, both cameras were 2MP cameras, how is that biased?
Re:The comparisons stink (Score:2)
Re:The comparisons stink (Score:2)
Diminishing Returns (Score:2, Insightful)
While I'm sure at the professional photography level this is a tremendous advancement, I think to the consumer this is just another step to making their digital photos take up even more space on the memory card/stick/etc.
Re:Diminishing Returns (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Diminishing Returns (Score:3, Interesting)
As to your substantive comparison of 3 and 5 MP images, I guarantee when you start looking at 8x10's, you *WILL* notice the difference. But you are right, with 4x6's and 5x7's, there is actually very little difference between 3 and 5MP cameras, other than the more sophisticated color processing that has come about in the past few years (if we're comparing old CCD's to new CCD's).
Another solution for the problem... (Score:2)
Re:Another solution for the problem... (Score:2)
Re:Another solution for the problem... (Score:3, Insightful)
Also, issues with "separate" pixels are how many pixels for what color (usually there are more green pixels than other pixels, for psychovisual reasons), what tiling pattern you put them in, how you combat moire, and how you interpolate/combine the data that you have. No one solution, stacking pixels a'la Foveon, SuperCCD a'la Fuji etc is really better or worse. They each have their drawbacks which resonate far into the firmware and algorithms. Also, there is the issue of sensor type. Currently we have CCD (various types, actually, as any astronomer can tell you), X3 and CMOS, and each is continually being improved. Technical progress with one type may well surpass a theoretically more pleasing design.
Re:Another solution for the problem... (Score:3, Interesting)
May not be such a big deal... (Score:5, Insightful)
Second, there is an active discussion of Foveon advantaged/disadvantages on sites like www.dpreview.com and it seems that the general consensus is that it's a promising technology, but needs more work. Yes, it's good in some areas, but the current implementation is lacking in some others.
Third, a sensor is not the only important part in digital photography. Basically, the advantage of Foveon is that its images do not suffer from certain artifacts that the conventions Bayerian sensors have to deal with. That's not such a huge deal.
All in all, a Foveon sensor is technically better, but that doesn't necessarily mean it'll be more successful in the marketplace... So far it's only available on a Sigma platform and no serious photographer is interested in building his photo system out of Sigma cameras and Sigma optics.
Re:May not be such a big deal... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:May not be such a big deal... (Score:3, Insightful)
Not to mention that the SD9 only shoots RAW files, which you MUST "develop" using the Sigma-provided software in order to convert them to a useable format (i.e. jpeg, tiff, ...) Not only is the software proprietary, but you can't get it if you don't own the camera. And it's also awefully slow (1 minute or so per image) and the batch mode sucks: the exposure of individual images will be set to exposure of the first frame!!!
For the moment, I say no thanks. Great sensor and promising technology but let's give it a couple of years to mature.
Digital Cameras, the guts. (Score:2)
The light comes in through the lens.
The light is filtered through the charged coupled device (CCD).
This is where photons are translated to pixels. (Terry Pratchett readers will call this the painting demon.) This is also where all of the non-lens work is done. (White Balance, Compression, Color Interpretation, Sharpness, Saturation)
The resulting data is written to an image file with all sorts of fun Exif information (image tag info.) and
Voila! A new image is born.
All of this research is going in at the CCD level. I am interested to see how well it compares to the trained photographer's eye's interpretation of color.
Art=!Elephant Shit.
Which of my eyes? (Score:2)
If it is of any relevance, my Iris' are also not well defined in colour - my left eye is predominantly green, whilst my right eye is obviously more bluey (but nowhere near as blue as a person with "blue" eyes).
I can pass all colour blind tests with, er, flying colours.
Re:Which of my eyes? (Score:2)
So you can see those 3-D movies without those dorky glasses?
Need new screens, no? (Score:2)
Can anybody provide some insight about that?
Re:Need new screens, no? (Score:3, Informative)
The CCD device in a digital camera has one of these set up for every pixel the camera is to capture.
This new way will allow all 3 colors to be captured on one "pixel" instead of 4, so that will allow much higher resolution pictures to be taken. Hopefully this simplified explanation makes sense, and didn't totally confuse everyone
Just to be clear... (Score:3, Informative)
blocks as one. That block is 4 pixels. Foveon-based cameras would have
which is still 4 pixels, but gives you more accurate color information at each pixel and reduces moire. So, while there will not be any more pixels per area with Foveon CCDs, the *effective* picture resolution will be much better.
I wish I had known this before I shopped for digicams-- it feels like false advertising to me, and I learned after I had made my purchase. Manufacturers ought to be required to state "4 single-color Megapixels" or "1 Megapixel effective with color" for 4MP cameras with traditional CCDs.
It's finally here, and it's promising (Score:2)
And for something useful for this... (Score:2)
This is an incredibly awesome technology and I wish against wishing i could just drop in my Fuji and go with it rather than having to drop about $3k when the tech makes the rounds to Fuji/Canon/Minolta. This really is what digital photography needs, it's going to be as big a boost to the market as was the single lens motion picture camera or kodachrome. No more moire, no more "interpolation," no more expensive low light high sensitivity CCDs, cameras using this can be cheaper because of this. Less jaggies. All the minor stuff that's keeping film afficianados out of the digital age are going to go away.
Of course, for joe q megapixel, there's going to be no benefit whatsoever. It's not going to make the digital zoom better or make the software to send 640x480 snapshots of the baby's ass to grandma any easier. And this may be the reason why the biggest names haven't touched this now year old technology. Or it could be that they're trying to find a way out of licensing it...Fuji'll probably adapt their own kickass "hexagonal" pixelalignment to the idea of single pixel tech and make a good product that much better.
Cheaper (Score:2, Funny)
Reviews, etc. (Score:3, Insightful)
A good review is at dpreview.com (skip to conclusion [dpreview.com] if you're in a hurry).
This technology still has a way to go, but the SD9 certainly is an interesting camera.
One huge problem is with adaptation - Sigma makes consumer-grade lenses and cameras, some of which are of poor quality (but quite affordable). For these cameras to be adapted by professionals, Sigma need to create a camera with Canon or Nikon mounts, but furthermore, they need to erase the stigma attached to their equipment by many professional photographers.
If they were to make a full-frame sensor in a Canon mount that worked better at higher ISOs, this camera would be a huge seller.
Astrophotography? (Score:3, Interesting)
That's just a thought...
Re:Astrophotography? (Score:3, Interesting)
Since this new chip is able to gather more light than traditional CCD chips, I would imagine that there will be some interesting uses for it in astrophotography. Instead of having to use a CCD imager with a 30 minute exposure to get an image, wouldn't you technically be able to get a higher resolution pic with this a lot quicker?
All the serious astrophotography I've done has been carried out with single waveband CCDs and filters, rather than colour CCDs so you would get an equivalent depth of image with the old style CCDs to the new X3 sensor for the same exposure time. However, the X3 sensor provides the advantage of doing three bands simultaneously but I would want to see the data sheets for the wavebands for each layer to see whether it could be used for colour measurements. I suspect that if you want more than just a good colour piccy, you are stuck with the R, G, Gb, B, V, etc. filters.
Toby Haynes
P.S. in case you wondered which telescope I used for my astrophotography take a look :-) [pparc.ac.uk]
Good as Film? (Score:5, Funny)
And it sees just like we do! Same 3 colors, same intensity relations, all on each pixel! Because everyone knows the human eye has only one kind of sensor in it. It's not like mammal eyes that have rods and cones.
Sorry, film will be around a little longer....
- dave f.
Pseudo Mirrored (Score:2)
"A Dramatically Different Design
The revolutionary design of Foveon X3 image sensors features three layers of photodetectors. The layers are embedded in silicon to take advantage of the fact that red, green and blue light penetrate silicon to different depths--forming the world's first full-color
The human eye? (Score:5, Interesting)
Now, this technology does sound like a great way to increase the resolution of digital cameras, if it's feasible. However, all this "neuromorphic" stuff is pure marketing. (Though I admit that "Foveon" is a clever name.)
The future of digital image sensors (Score:5, Informative)
To sense an RGB (Red, Green, Blue) pixel one can use a veriety of methods. At the center of this technology lies the ability to turn a stream of photons into an electric current. This photodetector is colorblind, it is only capable of measuring the _amount_ of light, not it's color. To recognize color the estheblished method used to be to put several photodetectors near each other and put color filters in front of them. The most widely used color filter array is known as the Bayer pattern and consists of 2 green photodetectors (diagonal from each other) a blue and a red detector in a 2x2 grid. These 2x2 blocks are then repeated over and over to create the full image sensor.
Specialized software or hardware needs to take these individual Red, Green or Blue pixels and recreate a single RGB pixel, this technique is known as demosaicing. The major advantage of this method is the simplicity of the photodiode (photodetector). It allows for the creation of very dense image sensors that are now passing the 10MegaPixel barrier while keeping the cost down (start seeing 5MegaPix sensors for less then $100 before the end of this year).
Foveon's approach is to layer these color filters vertically.
The good:
- idealy you get R,G,B at each pixel.
The bad:
- very complex layered photodiode technology, this makes the pixels significantly bigger. Currently the pixels are bigger then a 2x2 bayer image pixel. The complexity also adds to the manifacturing cost, these chips will not be cheap for the forseable future.
- Color bleeding. For example: Photons in the green wavelenght do not nescecarily stop in the green layer, but might be picked up by the underlying red layer. This means that specialized hardware needs to apply a non-trivial color correction for each pixel layer.
Foveon's idea is a very interesting approach. Since they nicely pattented their idea shut, we will have to patiently wait for this single company to provide the world with this technology.
Side fact: The human eye see's colors using pigments that respond differently to different wavelengths. In the simplest model we can say that we see Red Green and Blue with spatially seperated pigments that resemble a bayer image sensor closer then the foveon's sensor.
Re:The future of digital image sensors (Score:3, Informative)
Wrong. Said software or hardware takes two green pixels, a red pixel, and a blue pixel and recreates four RGB pixels. It conjures two thirds of its information out of thin air. (I've written software [duke.edu] to do this for the Color Quickcam.) The worst two effects of this hack are color moire and blurring. Color moire is when detailed B&W objects (detail above the Nyquist frequency) gets colorful edges. Blurring is the loss of detail that occurs when cameras use an anti-alias filter to reduce color moire.
dpreview.com has an excellent review [dpreview.com] of the Sigma SD9 in which they examine the pros and cons of the Foveon image sensor. It really does eliminate both color moire and blurring, but there new artifacts to be fixed.
Quantum efficiency (Score:2, Interesting)
Warning! Marketting Hype (Score:3, Interesting)
As far as this camera comparing it to film - more baloney. A good 35 mm camera on a tripod is capable of somewhere 11-14 megapixels of in a conventional digital camera. This particular sensor does not deliver resolution in that ballpark.
Posted before, old news. (Score:2)
Interesting Technology (Score:2, Interesting)
Sure, Sigma is not stellar quality, but those images werevery vibrant.
Sounds a bit like the Segway (Score:3, Informative)
Too much hype. All they did was stack pixel detectors rather than mosaic them. The mosaic was simpler and now cheaper, this thing costs $1800 in a camera, else I'm sure someone could've come up with it. The real accomplishment is creating those silicon layers precisely, not coming up with lets stack em
They say the resolution is like a 120mm film, and the color lattitude is big. So are CMOS sensors in Canon and Nikon's cameras. Checkout the awesome photos on photo.net [photo.net]. A lot of those have been shot by modern digital cameras with CCDs and they dont look bad. Mead has his own marketing to do to try and take Foveon to Intel and Microsofts level, so he has to push down CCD. Theres a reason why people are buying digital cameras with sensors smaller than fingernails and submitting their pictures on professional photography site. I think Mead has work to do.
Neat, but not essential (Score:5, Interesting)
It's a neat technique to increase resolution, but the implication that the article gives that you need this technique to improve resolution is silly. Effectively each grouping of red, green, and blue sensing points in a CCD camera returns a single pixel. If you replace each red sensor with three smaller sensors (one red, one green, and one blue), you'll get the same increase in resolution. In theory you could lose data because a little bit of blue light hit the red sensor, but not the blue one, but in practice it isn't an issue. Assuming you can keep making the sensors small, you can keep scaling the resolution of CCD technology.
This is neat technology and may well improve the quality of cameras to come. But it's not essential to improving the quality of cameras.
Hype, hype, hype... (Score:3, Informative)
HERE is where it gets interesting, and where I get to my point. Cones are what we use to see color. An individual cone cannot see red green and blue as this marketing hype would lead us to believe. "The cones come in three types: Red (60%), Green (30%) and Blue (10%). The red and green cones are randomly distributed in the center of the fovea and the blue cones form an annulus around the outside." So in effect this camera will actually surpass the human eye.
As a side note, the link goes to a very interesting document that states how "126 million photoreceptors must be transmitted to the brain via 1 million fibers in the optic nerve [while] [t]he overall compression ratio of 126:1 is not evenly distributed." Check it out.
Achilles' heal (Score:5, Interesting)
The detector works by the difference in absorption of the colors of light. The first layer sees a lot of blue, with some green and red. The next layer sees a lot of green with some red and a little blue. The last layer sees a lot of red with only a little blue and green. What this means is that in order to determine the true colors of the reverse of this process needs to be calculated. However, if any of the detectors saturate (and the first is the most likely one), there probably is no accurate way to do this reversal. Currently, it looks like the camera makes these pixels grey, which looks aweful. They will need to come up with a better way of estimating the color of these pixels if this technology is to work well, and I have no idea if that's possible.
Note that a standard CCD with separate pixels can also have one of it's channels saturate. In this case, however, the pixel will simply become whiter than it should, which looks natural.
Re:Good As Film? What SIZE film? (Score:2)
If you got an array of these sensors that was 8"x10" do you think your camera would compare to it?
Re:Good As Film? What SIZE film? (Score:2)
Obviously (Score:2)
To buy such sensor you'll probably have to mortgage your home and sell your family to slavery, but still.
Re:It looks interesting (Score:2)
Re:Digital Color Correctness (Score:4, Informative)
Be careful with fluorescent lighting as its spectrum is quite fragmented to a specific wavelenght and can be tricky. Watch out also for street lights, as they tend to either be sodium (orange), quartz ("halogen") and sometimes arc (very hot - blueish). Mixed lighting is hell for any cameraman (film - mostly slide - is lighting-specific too), hence the use of filters on lights or windows to balance the whole set to a consistant colour temperature.
Hey, I wonder how this X3 sensor deals with different coulour temps. Anybody care to enlighten me on this one? My CCD colorimetry/sensitometry knowledge is kinda rusty...