Buy a Moller SkyCar Prototype on eBay 178
HobbySpacer writes "Moller International has announced that it will offer its first working Skycar for sale on eBay starting January 31st - Press Release. The M400P prototype has repeatedly flown short hovering flights on tethers in tests since 2001 (see videos). The company warns that although '[a]ll systems are operational. Potential buyers are cautioned that this is a prototype model and considered an experimental aircraft.' Also, 'the Skycar has not yet been approved as a road vehicle.' A more powerful 2nd gen production version is currently under construction for longer untethered test flights this year."
So, u can buy a jestson's car now? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:So, u can buy a jestson's car now? (Score:4, Informative)
In case the sarcasm tag wasn't on, I no more believe that Moller can actually make a reliable flying car that gets 28mpg (running on good old Texaco Regular of course) @ 350mph @ 20k feet @ 65dba than they could accomplish the aforementioned mass-reduction-briefcase trick.
What they will offer is a hunk of red, expensive vaporware that sits in your garage like the Russian shuttle [floridatoday.com] they tried to sell on ebay a year or so ago.
Maybe ebay should have a "got too much money sitting around?" section....
Re:So, u can buy a jestson's car now? (Score:2)
It could just be light and really strong.
I hear the next version... (Score:1)
Re:I hear the next version... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:I hear the next version... (Score:2, Funny)
Question (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Question (Score:2, Funny)
Two lane highway. Two trucks taking them up. Can't pass horizontally - pass vertically!
Re:Question (Score:1)
get in the way of some high voltage cables, and then crash into a bridge over the highway. 25 deaths and 20.000 persons without electricity for 2 days
Better not have to pay an assurance for a vehicle like that...
Re:Question (Score:2)
The future sure looks bright.
Ebay link? (Score:1, Redundant)
Re:Ebay link? (Score:2)
OK.... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:OK.... (Score:3, Interesting)
You can drive it on your own property (or any private property w/approval of the owner), and you can fly it over international waters . I would think that you could fly it below a certain altitude over your own property, but I can't find a link.
So yes, completely useless for transport (unless you're Ted Turner [turnerfoundation.org] and own millions of acres of land), this isn't much use as transport. But there's always the "Cool! I have a flying car!" factor, plus if Moller actually attains commercial success their prototype will have huge collector's value.
Re:OK.... (Score:3, Informative)
A homebuilt/amateur-built aircraft - otherwise known as experimental - is one that the builder builds 51% of the aircraft.
They must be inspected by an FAA Inspector or a Designated Inspector (essentially the same, similar to a contract position) in order to get an airworthiness certificate. You cannot expect to get away with slapping a gyrocopter blade on your lawnmower and flying around Podunk, Iowa (Not legally, anyways).
Per the Experimental Aircraft Association [eaa.org]
The builder(s) must provide logs of when, where and how construction took place, along with supporting documents and photographs. If the aircraft passes this inspection, a pilot must fly between 25-40 hours of test flights in specific non-populated areas to make sure all components are operating properly. Only after that test time is flown may passengers be flown in the aircraft.
Anyway, in reference to the question about where you could operate this contraption at.... In accordance with federal aviation reg (FAR) 91.319, you and your skycar would be limited to joyrides (no charging!) over non-dense population areas (no flying through downtown Manhattan) operations in visual conditions during the day only.
Densely populated areas are shown on aviation sectional charts as yellow (that's the shape the lights of the city look like at night from altitude) so as long as you avoid those you should be ok. You might want to check with your local FAA Flight Standards District Office [faa.gov] (FSDO - pronounced "Fizz-do") to get the information straight from the horse's mouth, legal-wise.
As far as the regs go, FAR91.119 states
Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, no person may operate an aircraft below the following altitudes:
(a) Anywhere. An altitude allowing, if a power unit fails, an emergency landing without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface.
(b) Over congested areas. Over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, or over any open air assembly of persons, an altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a horizontal radius of 2,000 feet of the aircraft.
(c) Over other than congested areas. An altitude of 500 feet above the surface, except over open water or sparsely populated areas. In those cases, the aircraft may not be operated closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.
(d) Helicopters. Helicopters may be operated at less than the minimums prescribed in paragraph (b) or (c) of this section if the operation is conducted without hazard to persons or property on the surface. In addition, each person operating a helicopter shall comply with any routes or altitudes specifically prescribed for helicopters by the Administrator.
Re:OK.... (Score:3, Informative)
Note that I am not an FAA representative; if you want to license your airplane, talk to someone who is. I take no responsibility for anyone trying to replicate the Spruce Goose in their spare time, then flying it, crashing, and saying "It's OK, I read it on Slashdot"! Don't be a moron. Please.
Right after MOO3... (Score:5, Funny)
So I guess Duke Nukem Forever is coming out soon.
Re:Right after MOO3... (Score:2)
no thanks (Score:2)
The flying Exoeskeleton (Score:2, Interesting)
No. (Score:2)
As for whether anyone has succeeded, well, the closest thing you'll find is probably this Japanese mini-helicopter [engineeringsystem.co.jp] that was featured on /. a while ago. It flies, but from all reports it's not exactly the safest gadget ever made...
Question (Score:2, Interesting)
It isn't approved for traffic, and it's pretty much a useless prototype.
oh well, ebay auctions are great for slashdot articles at least...
Re:Question (Score:2)
Um... why? (Score:3, Insightful)
Surely it would be the one that you'd want to keep and the one that has the most company history in it so to speak. In any case, selling the prototype off seems very strange...
Re:Um... why? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Um... why? (Score:5, Funny)
It said that it can't do untethered flight because the insurance would go way up. Also they haven't yet tried any manned flights for the same reason.
What they want is for someone to fly it. They are banking on that someone who pays $1m for a flying car is actually going to want to use it.
Then they just check the darwin awards every day to see how long it lasts...
Re:Um... why? (Score:2)
The sources I've read also paint the man as not much more than a politician crossed with a used car dealer (read: big fat liar).
Take that however you like it.
Re:Um... why? (Score:1, Informative)
It is poweree by 4 rotary engines, and if any one fail, you will fall to the ground. The engine is a new and not very well tested type. Let's assume you are lucky, and each engine only fails every 4000 hours, your skycar will suffer a catasrophic crash every 1000 hours. And that is just the engines!!. A plane and even a helicopter can glide to a controlled ground impact. This will not.
Statistically you will be much safer as a bull rider in a rodeo.
Re:Um... why? (Score:1)
I want one... (Score:3, Funny)
Willy Wonka Where Are You? (Score:1, Funny)
Oompa Loompa world!
Affordable? (Score:5, Interesting)
Then, when you click on the purchase link [moller.com] you find out it costs $1,000,000.
Re:Affordable? (Score:1)
Re:Affordable? (Score:1)
(See here [ml.com] for the details.)
Of those 57,000 people, I'm sure one of them can afford a flying car :) I know I would if I had that kinda cash...
Re:Affordable? (Score:2)
I don't see where's the confusion.
Doh! (Score:5, Funny)
"You must be 18 years of age or older to Bid."
Sweet If I get this... (Score:2)
if 1000 slashdot readers jump on the car (Score:4, Funny)
Re:if 1000 slashdot readers jump on the car (Score:2)
Which would beg the question of what happens first:
- 1000 simulatenous HTTP request bring the car down.
- 1000-cumulative-pounds of slashdot readers bring the car down (physically).
- 1 slashdot reader makes a Bewoulf cluster of 1000 of these things.
Ah. eBay. (Score:4, Funny)
Negative from SkyCar: Seller didn't pay and is a cunt. E-
Response by ukmarkyboy: Admit it. You're the goatse man.
Re:Ah. eBay. (Score:2)
Could I please have your eBay userID so that I can promptly block you as a bidder?
Much thanks,
Re: (Score:2, Funny)
Moller...bwahahahahaha (Score:5, Insightful)
Based on Moller's track record, the thing will _never_ fly. All it does is suck investment money. He's even worse than Bede (at least a few of Bede's aircraft actually flew and were successful).
Re:Moller...bwahahahahaha (Score:1, Insightful)
More importantly, the design is flawed. The first basic rule of any aircraft design should be "can it glide back to earth in the event of a complete power failure?" Conventional aircrafts can glide and helicopters autorotates, the Moller Skycar will just drop like a rock.
Re:Moller...bwahahahahaha (Score:1)
So what happens to a helicopter in the event of a complete power failure?
Re:Moller...bwahahahahaha (Score:2)
Re:Moller...bwahahahahaha (Score:4, Informative)
When you get close to the ground (one chance!) you convert the rotational energy into lift. You retwist the blades generating enough lift to slow you to landing speed.
I've only watched practice sessions. But I think the next step is to change your shorts.
Re:Moller...bwahahahahaha (Score:4, Interesting)
Now why would picturing some poor sap's mortal terror be so funny to me?
You couldn't do that with autorotation practice, though. Like you said, you have one shot to do it right, otherwise you have used up all your rotational energy and are too close to the ground to restart the engines. You have to do it at the right time, I believe that the ground effect has something to do with it working right as well.
Re:Autorotation : was Re:Moller...bwahahahahaha (Score:2)
I have no experience in helicopters and only a hundred hours in fixed wing planes, so I assure you, I only envy you your experience and knowledge. When I was learning to fly, I used to watch the Pomona PD practice autorotations, and like I said it was much more thrilling to watch those than to watch a private plane practice power off landings. And the helicopters always landed safely....
Back to Moller and things that can plummet, I found it very interesting that they are to be licensed in this new flight category: powered lift. That sounds to my fearful consumer ears as "no power, no lift, plummet", but Moller claims without providing evidence that the skycar has a reasonable glide rate. Seems hard to believe, the thing barely has any wings. And then for powered off landings, it definitely relies on TWO parachutes....
Still and all, I will happily take possession of the 1500th one off the assembly line (well, as long as it has cup-holders.)
You need to lay off the smack (Score:2)
A conventional airplane needs just as much room to land power off as power on. even the smallest normal planes need 1000 feet or more to land (yes, yes some STOL planes get in under that). If you don't have a runway you will hit the ground with a forward speed of 100 mph or so and be in for a really scary ride, usually killing you in the process.
Uh, bullshit. Each and every plane has a different best-glide speed. A Cub or 152 that rotates at 45/50k or whatever sure isn't going to need to be doing an approach at your speeds. And a lot of GA still flies those, so don't give me the excuse nobody uses those anymore. Now, I'll give you that trying the flying brick approach with a "doctor-killer" Bonanza or a Saratoga means things need to happen at a quicker speed but it's still no less safe.
Helicopters have other failure modes that are pretty hairy (loss of main rotor, tail rotor or transmission failure) where you will drop like a rock. But the wings come off airplanes too.
Respectfully, if you ARE a retired Army aviatior and you fly without knowing anything about the maintenance history of an aircraft you deserve what you get. I would never fly a machine that I was not allowed to see the logbooks for. Knowing your mechanic and trusting him accounts for quite a bit too, as I'm sure you know. And honestly, how often do wings just fall off an airplane?
Re:You need to lay off the smack (Score:2)
Welllllll.... I'll agree with you that if you exceed Vne you're going to snap the wing spar clean off the airframe, but really... that's why it's Vne, you know?
With this skycar, I'd be more concerned about this fire-and-forget guidance system designed to fly you around automatically. Seems that would rely heavily on the yet-to-be-finished Highway In The Sky (HITS) system NASA and the FAA have been kicking around.... I don't think I'd prefer that to shooting my own approaches with VORs.
Re:Moller...bwahahahahaha (Score:2)
Re:Moller...bwahahahahaha (Score:2)
Re:Moller...bwahahahahaha (Score:2)
Re:Moller...bwahahahahaha (Score:2)
Moller , decades of vaporware (Score:2)
Yeah. I have Moller's brochure from 1974. His "Discojet" was supposed to be about a year from commercial delivery. That was 29 years ago.
His "Skycar" doesn't fly. Hovering while suspended from a crane doesn't qualify as flying.
In three decades Moller hasn't produced a free-flying prototype. That's inexcusable. Such things were built in the 1950s, after all. The AvroCar and the Hiller Flying Platform both flew in the 1950s. Stability was lousy, range was lousy, and fuel economy was lousy, but they flew. VTOL is only hard if it has to work well enough to be useful. If all you need is a cool demo, it's straightforward. But he can't even do that.
Moller also claimed in 2001 to have a contract [skyaid.org] with CALTRANS for an unmanned "Aerobot" for bridge inspection, but that project doesn't seem to have been heard from since.
Re:Moller , decades of vaporware (Score:2)
Useless commentary. (Score:2)
They jibed Sikorsky. Now we have helicopters.
They called Goddard a loon. Now we have rockets.
You know what? All that bitching never helped. There simply is no benefit from it. Let the people with vision do their wacky things. Sometimes it won't pan out. Sometimes it will.
Making progress is not easy. Complaints from the peanut gallery that it will never work because it hasnt been done before is just stupid.
Re:Useless commentary. (Score:2)
The Wrights were true engineers with a methodical approach. So was Sikorsky. The naysayers in those cases were naysayers probably for the heck of it.
But Moller?
I'm well aware of making progress not being easy etc. Moller isn't even a wacky inventor, in my opinion he's a charlatan who's been taking a lot of people for a lot of money for far too long. Even Jim Bede, who's engineering talents have been questioned by many, has produced worthwhile flying machines. Moller exemplifies all that's wrong about TLAR (That Looks About Right) engineering. His claims aren't even realistic - they actually break the laws of physics. The efficiency figures he cites for his 8 Wankel-type engines are numbers that are not achievable in this universe.
That's the difference. An engineer could critically evaluate what the Wrights were trying to achieve, and see it was actually within the laws of physics and realms of possibility. But Moller? Bwahahahahahahaha!
Re:Useless commentary. (Score:2)
The Wright brothers were not famous scientists, just a couple of dudes. They used TLAR engineering. What you think they had wind tunnels and CAD programs? They are only praised as great engineers in HINDSIGHT because their efforsts panned out. They would have remained crackpots otherwise.
Thank god they didn't listen to the naysayers!
Re:Useless commentary. (Score:2)
I kind of doubt it. Birds had been flying without breaking any physical laws for a very long time; everyone knew it was possible. Furthermore, and more relevantly, people had been flying gliders for decades before the Wright Flyer took off at Kitty Hawk. Controlled, human, heavier-than-air flight had been demonstrated to be entirely possible, and there were a lot of people in the race to add power to the equation. The Wright Brothers just (maybe) got there first.
Now, there was a lot of skepticism that powered, controlled, heavier-than-air human flight would be achieved any time soon, because so many attempts had failed so spectacularly. But anyone who knew anything about aviation knew it was possible, and would happen sooner or later. Those who believed it was impossible were by and large members of the lay public, not scientists of any kind.
Cranks and their supporters tend to overestimate the mockery which pioneers received. They didn't think Columbus would fall off the edge of the Earth; they didn't laugh at Newton or Darwin or Einstein. Skepticism, yes -- because skepticism is the appropriate reaction to an untried venture or unproven theory. Those few people who prove the skeptics wrong (the skeptics are far more often right, something which is often conveniently forgotten) deserve our applause. But outright mockery or disbelief is far more rare than would-be pioneers and their sycophants tend to believe.
I'm not saying Moller is a crank, mind; I don't know enough about aeronautical engineering to judge one way or another. But saying "They laughed at ____ too" is not enough to counter those who say he is.
Re:Useless commentary. (Score:2)
Name ten famous scientists who said that flight would break the laws of physics.
The Wright brothers were not famous scientists, just a couple of dudes. They used TLAR engineering. What you think they had wind tunnels and CAD programs?This statement is wrong in every important respect, and it shows your lack of understanding of the differences between the Wrights and Moller.
No, the Wrights weren't scientists. They were real engineers and they did NOT use TLAR engineering. They used a proper, methodical engineering approach, and a proper, methodical experimentation approach, slowly building up to the Wright Flyer. They didn't construct something that 'looked nice' then tried to fly it. They did have wind tunnels and extensively used them in research. Their wind tunnel still exists and can be seen at the Wright-Patterson Air Force museum in Ohio. They might not have had CAD programs, but they did know how to make a technical drawing.
That is the difference between the Wrights and most of the other people trying for powered flight at the time. The Wrights had a proper engineering approach - the others didn't. That's why the Wrights succeeded and the others didn't.
The difference between the Wright brothers and Moller is like night and day. I think it is you who miss the point entirely.
Re:Useless commentary. (Score:2)
Lord Kelvin "Heavier than air flying machines are impossible."
and look here. [executive-speaker.com]
Re:Useless commentary. (Score:2)
It still says nothing about the approaches that Moller is taking and the Wrights took. As I said, the Wrights did have wind-tunnels, they did incrementally build up to their first powered flight by solving the problems not in a random way, but methodical and documented way. The other thing to remember about the vast majority of scientists is that they have less knowledge of aerodynamics than the typical private pilot.
The thing is - what Moller is trying to do is NOT impossible. But Moller still hasn't reached the stage that the Hiller Flying Platform reached decades ago. Moller has said time and time again in the press that he was six months away. Years later he is still six months away. If he was taking a true engineering approach, he'd have at least made it as far as getting helicopter-style performance out of it - but all Moller has achieved is periodic newspaper articles about being 'six months away from flight'.
The standard reply to the credulous... (Score:2)
fortune (6) is the font of all wisdom :)
Is there any other footage of the tests? (Score:2)
Re:Is there any other footage of the tests? (Score:2)
You might need to compile it in tho.
Re:Is there any other footage of the tests? (Score:2)
Re:Is there any other footage of the tests? (Score:2)
All you are after is the codecs. You could always install it, copy over the codecs, and delete it again
Re:Is there any other footage of the tests? (Score:1, Informative)
Uhm... (Score:1)
If it is still a protype and experimental then why don't they just wait until it is far more developed rather than offering a mediocre imitation of what they promise which will probably make itself very apparent as such?
Re:Uhm... (Score:2)
If they improved it then sold it, it wouldn't be the first version, now would it?
Re:Uhm... (Score:3, Interesting)
All the power to them: Moeller's been at this his whole life and he deserves to win one.
And Kevin Smith should buy the freaking flying car!
Re:Uhm... (Score:2, Informative)
Well, the fact that it's considered an experimental aircraft does not necessarily mean it's unsafe. Just by the fact that it's flown (tethered or not) I'm sure that they've gone through the design process many times over.
I used to fly Cessnas, and while I was at the airport, I'd frequently see a canard-style plane that was rated as experimental simply because it was a kit plane and the owner built it in his garage. The plane was not unsafe; the owner told me that it had excellent stall characteristics, that it gave a smoother ride than most conventional small planes he's been in, and that it was generally easier to fly because it had better visibility in all directions. Also, a friend of my father is building an amphibious plane in his garage, and once he gets it flying, it will be also be considered experimental simply because it's a kit plane. The plans for the particular model he's making are constantly changing, and many of the minor changes are his doing because he found better ways to build it as he progressed.
Sorry for such a long post, I just wanted to clear up any confusion you had about 'experimental' meaning 'untested', because they are VERY different terms.
Ok... (Score:4, Funny)
Test pilot (Score:3, Funny)
Pilot's License... (Score:2)
Pigs are flying... (Score:5, Funny)
Can you hear that? It's hell... freezing over.
Just you wait (Score:2)
Vaporware no more? (Score:2, Insightful)
Roads? Where we're going... (Score:4, Funny)
[cue Back to the Future theme]
Now, someone please tell me... when can I get my hands on a damn Mr. Fusion?! Ugh...
Re: Mr. Fusion (Score:2)
They're still working on that part about making more engergy than they are using...
I love my Job (Score:1)
But really I think they want the buyer to be the one to suffer the consequences if the thing explodes in midair. And I've always wondered when I was going to get my flying car!
Legal to fly (Score:5, Interesting)
The Experimental Aircraft Asscociation [eaa.org] is a group of people interested in these types of aircraft. There's a large airshow hosted by them in Osh Kosh [airventure.org].
These aircraft are subjected to thorough inspection by certified mechanics and FAA inspectors during their construction or restoration. In addition, owners of this type of aircraft tend to be more knowledgable than your average privat pilot. The result is that aircraft certificated (it's an FAA term, not a typo) as experimental aircraft have an excellent safety record. You can fly them anywhere any other private aircraft may be flown.
Re:Legal to fly (Score:2)
Gots to love the chain to the truck and the gas can kept in place by blocks. It's all in the details.
Not anywhere (Score:3, Informative)
"No person may operate an aircraft that has an experimental certificate over a densely populated area or in a congested airway"
This includes over large cities and congested airspace within (usually) 30 miles of a large airport.
Re:Not anywhere (Score:2)
Let's say these machines.... (Score:2, Interesting)
Will there be a need for "flying" insurance?
Will "fly-by" shootings get an extra ordinary amount of media attention like their grounded counterparts.
Will fast food "fly-throughs" replace drive-up windows?
How will the government tax - air space tax?
is it just me (Score:2, Funny)
Who would want one? (Score:2, Funny)
Conversation of the future:
Dad: OK kids! Let's get ready to fly! Don't forget your ear plugs and dust masks!
Kids: Yay!
Oh Great! (Score:2)
Cool toy except... (Score:2)
They are not designed so that you can really fly them. They were/are designed to fly themselves. You tell it where you want to go and it handles the rest.
I have followed this thing since its inception years ago. They were looking to create a means for travel for more than just a few people (though the cost ensures that only a few trust-fundies will ever own one so it doesn't matter as much). They knew it would make the skies too dangerous for most yahoos with a car to transfer into the air, plus it would be an FAA licensing nightmare. Thus, they intended to take it out of the owner's hands and make it automatic. You may "drive" it out of the garage and taxi a ways, but when it comes time to fly somewhere, the intent is you enter the destination and let it rip. It takes you there, flown by itself with inputs from a still nonexistent system for air traffic control. You as the passenger would simply sit there and read, look out the window, play video games, etc, until the thing got to the destination and landed - then you could have it to taxi/drive to a parking spot.
Give me total control over it - let ME fly the thing - and it becomes cool. Otherwise, its richboy trash.
How to get prototype pilots... (Score:2)
This is the mother of all cunning ideas!
I want to believe. (Score:2)
I think my feelings are best summed up by Fox Mulder, "I want to believe!"
Finally! (Score:2)
Dammit, this technology of the future thing isn't all it's cracked up to be. I wan't my personal robotic assistant!
BTAF's take on the subject: (Score:2)
Not Safe (Score:2)
"Purchase Skycar" yields 404 Not Found (Score:2)
"Not Found
The requested URL
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/1.3.27 Server at www.moller.com Port 80"
I think I'll be watching the eBay auction with interest... and I'm certainly going to check out the feedback the buyer leaves for the seller.
Re:"Purchase Skycar" yields 404 Not Found (Score:2)
Re:Segway (Score:2)
They make airplane parachutes [popularmechanics.com] that can actually prevent a hard crash.
As I said, these are not unsurmountable problems. The solutions to these problems are available today.