Office Depot: Windows XP Apps Must Be Microsoft-Approved 741
An anonymous reader writes "According to an article at The Inquirer, by May 30th Office Depot will only be carrying computer products that have been certified by Microsoft and carry the 'Designed for Windows XP' logo. This may be an initial glimpse at how Microsoft could introduce Digital Restrictions Management by ensuring all retail hardware and software products are approved by Redmond."
I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:4, Insightful)
Did you Vote [] for Linux?
Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:5, Interesting)
Please be aware that Office Depot is immediately requiring all products that connect to a Personal Computer and Notebook Computer must pass these Designed for Windows XP logo requirements to be considered for retail distribution through our stores.
I have never bought software from an Office Depot, but doesn't this mean that no MacOS or Linux products can be bought or sold there? That's a little alarming.
Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:5, Informative)
Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:4, Insightful)
A start menu divided by Program Type (graphics, sounds, internet, etc) and then containing just individual programs makes much more sense. The Windows start menu gets out of control too easily...which may have been part of the reasoning behind the rethink that is XP's default?
To each their own!
Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:4, Interesting)
Uninstall icons are stupid since you can do that through "Add/Remove Software". Help files are accessed by F1. The only conceivable icons would be for additional programs, and those are usually unnecessary.
I can't stand it when a program installs all that garbage. It doesn't help me, it only clutters up my life.
_And_ it's now the Microsoft standard. Even Microsoft agrees with me, which is a rare occurrance.
5 keystrokes ! got time to spare? (Score:3, Interesting)
when I'm in plan9 I right click any text that looks like a url, select plumb and get's freebsd to open it in a new tab in mozilla on my second monitor
Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:4, Insightful)
That's why I like purchasing your software, I don't have to think for myself.
Personally, I want the uninstall in the start menu. You asked why; I ask, "why do you care?". There's a point at which you have to decide for whom you're writing the software. If you're writing it for yourself, don't expect to sell it. If you're writing it for your customers, write it how they want it. Your product may have all the lovely little flashy certifications and logos in the world, but if it's garbage, that's what I'm going to tell my customers when they ask about it, and most of my customers trust my judgement.
Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)
Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:3, Informative)
I think that can be achieved with a grand total of 2 API calls - open the registry key and write it. As far as space, I would guess 500 bytes for string values and perhaps as much as 100 bytes for the code to call it and other integer parameters.
It's not complicated, mate, and it is probably "ANNOYING" for users when you don't implement this standard interface.
pain in the ass to conform to platform standards (Score:5, Insightful)
And I am so glad that most programs are installed in subfolders named after the fucking publisher, because the first thing that jumps in my head when I think of Nero is "Ahead", and Neverwinter Nights always makes me think "Bioware".
Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:3, Interesting)
Thats cool; Im tired of start menu clutter, and they should be registering those things into add/remove programs, just like every other application.
Im glad they are trying to standardize the install/uninstall process. That is where most problems lie, anyway.
Does this sound a lot like game consoles to anyone else, with the necessity to be an 'approved app'? Not that its a bad thing to have standards enforced
Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:4, Insightful)
Is there even a such thing as a Linux app being sold on a store shelf? (pssst, that's partly why Linux isn't exactly ovewhelming people in the desktop world.)
As for Mac, according to OD's site, the only software they have is MS Office and TurboTax. Yep, Office Depot's really racking up the karma with Slashdot.
Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:3, Funny)
As in, "not our problem."
With Good Reason (Score:5, Insightful)
No matter how onerous, capricious or illogical, MS can make any criteria it wants to grant/withhold the "certification". Testified against us? Your program doesn't handle Croation well, you're out! Working on Linux compatibility? Your drivers try to use "reserved" space, you're out!
Re:With Good Reason (Score:3, Insightful)
Besides does anyone really give two shits about Office Depot and there virtual cornucopia of over priced software and $30 ink refills that make you into a felon if you try to open them?
Open mouth, yawn, repeat....
Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)
Re: (Score:3, Informative)
Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:3, Informative)
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Re:I'm sure everyone's knees will jerk. (Score:3, Insightful)
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:No. (Score:5, Insightful)
I agree, this is hardly an MS Monopoly move. You all complain about software not working the way it should, but when a step is taken to light a fire under companies to make it work better with MS's big OS, the Bill Gates of Borg icon comes out.
You all really should figure out what you want from MS instead of taking the attitude that anything they do (or, in this case, somebody who's selling MS products) as negative.
BS, MS has a BIG obligation for certification (Score:5, Insightful)
Whoever modded this 'Insightful' obviously did not bother to do any research beforehand. Maybe if anyone had bothered to look here [] before spouting off with misinformed bullsh*t, Slashdot might be a better place.
Follow the guidelines, pass all the test cases, make sure your VeriSign account is valid, and guess what - you get an XP Logo certified product. Microsoft has a huge obligation to approve a product for logo certification once it's met the criteria; a two-fold obligation to both hardware and software vendors, and users. Microsoft would be taking an enormous credibility hit (which they really can't afford) if it turned out that the logo process was completely arbitrary. And talk about antitrust implications if that were the case.
Microsoft may be the evil empire, but they aren't stupid, and not everything Microsoft does is for the sole purpose of f*cking a competitor in the Windows space, Apple, or Linux. Jesus, I'm no MS fan (this post brought to you by my Al PowerBook), but get a fucking clue...
All a part of the Office Depot plan of (Score:4, Interesting)
Boy, reading that just about literally made me fall out of my chair laughing.
But to respond to your point, no, like many others, I see the hand of Big Daddy Ballmer here.
And even beyond DRM, and the control it gives M$, it becomes just one more barrier to fair competition. Who wants to bet that soon we'll see rising fees from M$ to get a product certified "XP approved"? And that many more small developers, software and hardware will drop out of the market.
I'ld love to believe that all those developers will smoothly switch over to Linux, Mac OS, Palm OS, and other options but I just don't think that it will work out that way.
After all, a small background project of mine is cancelled as of this moment. I had hoped to eventually get an educational history database of ours into OD stores but ain't no way I'm gonna even try to sell through this kind of maneuvering. We've spent a few dollars and a few hours pursuing it. We won't spend any more.
Re:No. (Score:3, Interesting)
Although I have no knowledge of what this decision was based on, I would be willing to go out on a limb and say that it is probably based on back end marketing dollars. Something like if Office Depot does this then they get an additional
Or.. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Or.. (Score:5, Funny)
From what I have heard, Win XP 'almost' works too...
Re:Or.. (Score:3, Insightful)
XP isn't perfect & does "almost" work--just happens to be a lot closer than many ot
Re:Or.. (Score:3, Insightful)
If you are right it could be that Office Depot is getting as frustrated as I was. If so they may take the same course of action that I did and go exclusivly to Linux/Unix solutions to offer customers or get out of the software business all together.
Must be a slow news day at /. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Must be a slow news day at /. (Score:4, Insightful)
It isn't the magnitude of the step, just the direction. I, for one, don't like where this is going.
Might not be as bad as it's made out to be here (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Might not be as bad as it's made out to be here (Score:4, Insightful)
Anyways, isn't that monopoly abuse? Again? Few months after the trial?
But it might be (Score:5, Insightful)
Remember the EULA on windows from two years back? It said "This product cannot be used in life-critical applications, because it contains Java from Sun Microsystems." Don't underestimate the damage a sinister sounding warning message can cause.
Let em run with it... (Score:3, Interesting)
Honestly... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Honestly... (Score:5, Funny)
I surely do not! Ever since I seen them trying to hawk a computer made of cardboard. The desk it was on was nice though.
Re:Honestly... (Score:4, Funny)
Well, so much for (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Well, so much for (Score:3, Funny)
Were you already shopping at Office Depot?
If no..they've lost nothing
If yes...fucking dumbass.
Well... (Score:4, Interesting)
OpenOffice anyone?
I think Redmond is playing the card of trying to keep non-MS approved (i.e. open source and other ISV) software off of retail shelves. However, with retail giants like Wal-Mart only concerned with cost and sales, this could prove a losing strategy....especially outside of the U.S.
My two cents.
Re:Well... (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't think Office Depot considers Red Hat or OO to be Windows XP apps.
Re:Well... (Score:5, Interesting)
It's true. Both are big campanies, capable of and willing to use exactly the same dirty tricks as each other.
Office depot sounds like they're onto a loser here. If the customer wants goods that MS would prefer they didn't have, the customer will get it from somewhere else. It's in the interests of retailers to satisfy the customer, not their supplier. The customer is the only one that will give them money after all.
Conflict...Hmm (Score:5, Interesting)
Ofice Depot will only sell Designed for Windows XP products, yet the page says RedHat Linux 9.0 will be available from.....(you guessed it!) Office Depot!
Well, this IS a turn-up for the books - who thought RH would manage to get a "Designed for Windows XP" certification!
Re:Conflict...Hmm (Score:5, Funny)
"Designed for replacing Windows XP".
Aggressive? (Score:4, Interesting)
I only use Windows when I have to, to be sure, so maybe I'm out of touch. But I sure didn't think the penetration of XP was that large, yet--is Office Depot really ready to sacrfice 75% of their customers?
I guess just because it's ready for XP doesn't mean that it won't work on older versions of winders. On the other hand, I see lots of users of win98 knowing what it feels like to use a Mac and go shopping for software in an office supply store...
Hint--they won't be paying $199 just to shop with you.
Looks like it's for hardware ONLY (Score:5, Informative)
Please be aware that Office Depot is immediately requiring all products that connect to a Personal Computer and Notebook Computer must pass these Designed for Windows XP logo requirements
The specific use of the word "connect" smells strongly like the new policy applies only to hardware products, so that customers aren't scared when they bring home their products and get the "unsigned driver" alert. (Under Windows 2000 and Windows XP, installing an unsigned driver produces such an alert. Installing an unsigned user-mode application program does not produce such an alert.)
Re:Looks like it's for hardware ONLY (Score:5, Interesting)
If this really is targeted at hardware (which I doubt, IMHO), then good luck to Office Depot. I've noticed an increasing number of hardware products whose quick install guides include a passage that says, in so many words:
If Microsoft wants to combat that attitude, they're better off quietly tightening the screws on those hardware manufacturers who tell users to blow off the "unsigned driver" warning.
Hardware or software, if this is motivated by Microsoft, it can't be anything more than a trial balloon. This is most likely some middle-manager at Office Depot demonstrating symptoms of clue-deficiency. That's assuming The Inquirer report is accurate to begin with. I rank those guys somewhere between The Register and the Weekly World News on the journalistic integrity scale.
Business Alliances (Score:4, Insightful)
Nobody else is going to do this (Score:5, Interesting)
Another good example is Radio Shack. Shit, are they supposed to get every FAN and HEATSINK and power supply Y-cable M$ certified for XP? Right... Office Depot is going to be the loser here. Nobody else is going to go along with this steaming pile of crap.
Re:Nobody else is going to do this (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Nobody else is going to do this (Score:5, Interesting)
However, I'ld bet this is the beginning of the end for Office Despot (err depot). For a while now they have been competeing agains such big-box retailers such as CompUSA, BestBuy, and Walmart. CompUSA is probably hurting their computer sales all over, but especially at the "mom and pop" business and geek level. BestBuy and Walmart have been underpricing everyone for a long time now and are probably killing off the "just need x peice of hardware" market. Office Depot has neither the knowledgeable staff of CompUSA, nor the low prices of BestBuy and Walmart.
All in all though, this isn't likely to affect anyone in the /. community very much. Office Depot, Staples, and OfficeMax have traditionally had very high prices and very limited selections for computer hardware anyway.
Microsoft Pressure (Score:5, Interesting)
This IS a big deal. (Score:5, Insightful)
Has already happened, long ago (Score:4, Informative)
Windows crashing with a mysterious error message when run under Dr. Dos instead of MS DOC. MS eventually lost the lawsuit in that one. Turned out they had designed Windows to detect the DOS vendor and crash if a non MS Dos was found.
Walmart (Score:3, Interesting)
If Walmart and MS seriously butt heads I'ld expect Walmart to win. If for no other reason that it can threaten to put a complete Linux PC on its shelves for less th
OfficeDepot UK, not US, decision (Score:5, Informative)
I don't know how autonomous the different Office Depot divisions are, but many companies give a lot of autonomy to national divisions.
I sit two doors away from a Staples so I don't really go into an Office Depot much anyway....
Please, RTFA, and then THINK about it, too (Score:5, Informative)
What the heck does that mean? (Score:4, Insightful)
selling linux there. (Score:3, Funny)
Wouldnt this be a funny way to slap MS in the face ?
Write a shiny wrapper whose sole purpose in life is to "extract" a linux distro ISO from a "database" and write such distro to a CD, then reboot the computer, forcing a linux install if you're configured to boot off cd.
Make sure your wrapper is working according to the WHQL "standard" and BOOM! Instant Microsoft Certified Linux distro. How's that for market penetration ?
I should get a patent on this. And on breathing...
I work at the Depot (Score:5, Informative)
I'm actually posting this message from a Computer located inside of an Office Depot location. I have been working at the depot for 4 years now, and I personally consider this to be a good thing, although I do have some reservations.
Consider the current retail culture in this world, sales are down, margins are slim and overall, profits are down. Office Depot is in a position where something has to be done to distinguish themselves from our competitors. Staples, Office Max and Grand & Toy (in canada) as well as whatever other retailers in the states are out there, make for a very competitive selling atmosphere, and with margins being as slim as they are, you cannot compete on price, what you have left is customer service, selection, and reliability. Most of the items that are going to be affected by this are the cheap little invoicing programs that no one buys anyway, that all get returned to the vendor after a year of not being on the shelf. Also consider that your typical customer at the depot, is not as computer savvy as you, or I am. Our typical customer is the home user, who is upgrading their early pentium box, and places constant phone calls to the store, whenever "This Driver is not digitally signed" comes up, or even today, the lady that called to ask how to find the CD Key for her Black ICE Defender. These are the type of people who NEED everything to work as smoothly out of the box as possible, with few or no questions.
Just because all of the itmes that we will now carry must be supported my XP, does not mean that those items will not work in alternate OS' just means that if an item is not 100% XP compliant, we won't carry it. If anything, this is just going to be an incentive for companies like HP, Canon, Lexmark, Epson etc to get off of their asses and fix all of the broken drivers that we see daily.
Disclaimer. I'm personally an avid OSS user, including Debian and FreeBSD. My home network has been windows free for 3 years now, and I could not be happier. However, I realize that 99% of the people that I see on a daily basis at my store, are using XP, or are upgrading to XP in the near future. From the standpoint of my employer, this makes sense, and I agree with them.
Re:I work at the Depot (Score:5, Interesting)
I respectfully disagree - if there is a subtle bug, that gets through the certification, then there is less incentive to fix the bug cause releasing a new certified driver is a lot more work now.
Re:I work at the Depot (Score:3, Informative)
1) "Designed for XP" certification begins to appear on some products.
2) Clueless buyers (most of them) show sufficient preference for products with the sticker that it hurts sales of any competing products that aren't certified.
3) Certification becomes necessary for anyone who has a software or hardware product they want to sell to the mass market.
4) Microsoft now has control.
5) Certification criteria are updated to force
Mac Hardware? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Mac Hardware? (Score:4, Insightful)
Mod me down (Score:5, Insightful)
Anyway, there are some notable advantages to a system like Palladium. Theoretically, it could enable certain types of applications that aren't possible today which involve trusting the client. Yes, I'm aware that even if the hardware is integrated into the processor someone could still steal the private keys the system depends on, and create an emulated version, cracking the system wide open. I'm also pretty confident the initial versions will have some subtle but still gaping hole, allowing them to be cracked with ease.
However, in theory if it all works right (and from a theoretical standpoint it IS possible to make it work right and be unbreakable) applications running under its protection would have their memory space protected against intrusion.
There is NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING planned that would stop you from writing your own applications that hide under this umbrella (but an integral part will be the system kernel, so microsoft OS only), and I'm sure microsoft will encourage you to do so. There is nothing that will stop you from running untrusted code : it just won't have access to resources belonging to trusted applications (unless you've hacked it of course)
Palladium won't prevent you from installing a different OS on the system, you just won't be able to run trusted apps in that OS (technically its possible to give these same features with open source. The actual keys would have to be hidden, controlled by someone, but everything else could be viewed and contributed to) . Yes in theory SOME types of remote hacking exploits could be stopped. Network applications would now only process messages that are signed by code that your palladium chip certifies as meeting certain criteria. This could make it possible for a microsoft server app to only even look at messages sent by a microsoft client app, preventing many hacks.
This means the application could have secret information in it that needs to be hidden from the end user. For instance, the application could be a movie player that decrypts a spiffy new high definition format which is capable of encoding 1080p digital movie quality video, copied byte for byte straight from the version used in theaters. It could be an online gaming client that to run efficiently must have certain information protected from access and tampering(coordinates of other players, your crosshair location, the current state of the world physics system, objects occluded from view, and many many more). The current generation of MMORPGs have very limited interactivity (cannot aim, shitty AI, no physics, no elements that require player twitch skill) because the client cannot be trusted with anything (and even then it has to have SOME information that could be useful to a hacker) nor control anything interesting.
And yes, it could be a document viewer that reads encrypted documents. The document files themselves might contain more information than the author wants revealed, so the viewer would obey certain rules about when the file can be accessed, and what machine. Currently this is impossible to create because someone could steal the decryption key the viewer uses right out of memory, or edit its code such that it no longer obeys restrictive tags in the file.
None of this would stop you from using untrusted players to view your current data files, and nothing would force you to convert. Unfortunatly, since the keys to the kingdom will be controlled by microsoft bad things could come from this. They could charge monopoly prices, use it to squeeze out their competitors, and do many more things. However, I believe that this has the potential to be a killer app. If you don't want microsoft to rule the software world even more than it already does, perhaps the open source community should look to creating their own, equivalent, alternative.
It HARDWARE - not software (Score:3, Insightful)
don't like it, write (Score:4, Insightful)
You could be surprised at how seriously corporation take these letters. Hell, I got Saturn* to drop the price of a car when a I wrote them a letter at how angry I was at the way a sales rep. treated me.
*Saturn is a car company that has a non-negotiable car price.
Where can I get (Score:5, Funny)
Office Depot Matters (Score:5, Insightful)
Moreover, having a fairly major outlet only carry XP certified hardware will possibly encourage manufacturers to cut back on support for non-XP operating systems across their product lines. This will not only affect Mac/BSD/Linux users, but users of Windows 2000, NT, 98, and ME (yes, both of them).
Hardware is the Target (Score:5, Insightful)
Two, if you can't get your stuff on the shelves without MS certifying your drivers, and MS is a bit...slow about certifying devices with vendor-supplied Linux drivers.... Guess how many companies will look at the 98% of the peripheral/card market that is Windows and the 2% that is not, and decide they don't need to distribute their own Linux drivers, after all? We'd be back to 1995 for Linux drivers, rolling our own from reverse engineering.
Three, to really implement DRM for video and audio, you need to build it into the video and audio cards, and MS is still pushing their own DRM standards. If they can turn XP certification into a club to beat the card-builders over the head with, how long before you can't buy a SoundBlaster that isn't hard-wired for MicroSoft DRM?
Maybe that's all so much conspiracy-spinning, but the implications and conclusions look pretty obvious to me.
THis is for HARDWARE, not software (Score:4, Interesting)
Please note that this policy refers to HARDWARE, not software. Thus, serial modems, mice, keyboards, surge supressors, cables, etc. could all fall under this category.
Does anybody seriously expect anybody to go through the motions of getting its serial cables "certified" by The Beast? Surge supressors? USB cables? All these things plug into PCs and notebooks, right?
This is GOOD! (Score:3, Insightful)
Bias? Certainly not... (Score:5, Informative)
List of Windows Fundamentals Requirements
1.1 Perform primary functionality and maintain stability
1.2 Any kernel-mode drivers that the application installs must pass verification testing on Windows XP
1.3 Any device or filter drivers included with the application must pass Windows HCT testing
1.4 Perform Windows version checking correctly
1.5 Support Fast User Switching and Remote Desktop
1.6 Support new visual styles
1.7 Support switching between tasks
Installation Requirements List
2.1 Do not attempt to replace files that are protected by Windows File Protection
2.2 Migrate from earlier versions of Windows
2.3 Do not overwrite non-proprietary files with older versions
2.4 Do not require a reboot inappropriately
2.5 Install to Program Files by default
2.6 Install any shared files that are not side-by-side to the correct locations
2.7 Support Add or Remove Programs properly
2.8 Support "All Users" installs
2.9 Support Autorun for CDs and DVDs
Data and Settings Requirements List
3.1 Default to the correct location for storing user-created data
3.2 Classify and store application data correctly
3.3 Deal gracefully with access-denied scenarios
3.4 Support running as a Limited User
This may be an initial glimpse at how Microsoft could introduce Digital Restrictions Management by ensuring all retail hardware and software products are approved by Redmond.
Logo requirements exist to ensure a quality user experience. NOT to force DRM onto the world through Office Depot. This is biased speculation on the part of the submitter, and timothy, objective as always, posted it on the front page.
Re:Bias? Certainly not... (Score:5, Funny)
That explains why Windows packagings themselve do not have the logo.
This is great!! (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm having a problem with an MP3 Player at the moment that has a USB interface. If I move this USB interface to any other USB port other than the one I installed the MP3 Drivers on, the MP3 Player won't work. It's clearly a software issue and this product isn't cleared as 'official' XP hardware.
The Manufacturer's suggestion on how to resolve this issue is not 'wait for the next version of the drivers' but install the drivers on each individual USB port. I've got 7 ports and I'll be damned if I'm going to install the drivers 7 times.
Palm screwed? (Score:3, Interesting)
Please be aware that Office Depot is immediately requiring all products that connect to a Personal Computer and Notebook Computer must pass these Designed for Windows XP logo requirements to be considered for retail distribution through our stores.
Well, Palm and most other PDA's do connect to the PC. I wonder if this is also Microsoft's way of cutting in at Palm?
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
I don't like this article... (Score:3, Insightful)
"Almost certainly" means that they're not sure. The article really pushes my anger buttons and I don't like it. Before the INQUIRERER pushes my rage button I would like to be sure that they know what it is that they are talking about so that I don't go off and make an ass out of my self.
This may be a dark plot by Microsoft, it wouldn't be the first time but it also could be a decision made completely by Office Depot. Please don't push my buttons if you're not sure.
From an employee (Score:5, Informative)
What this policy is affecting most is going to be the bargain software as well as the cheapo hardware. From the perspective I see from working there, it is most definately a wise move, since most of the time when a piece of software or hardware does not carry the logo, it is much more difficult to install/use, and is prone to return (Example: Lexmark... who here HASN'T had problems installing their shitty inkjets?). It is unreal how many people buy something, can't get it to work without tweaking something that they dont know how to change, and take it back, even if there is a big "DO NOT RETURN TO STORE" sticker on it. Most of these products get return to "DND", which is either returned to the vendor for repair or destroyed; but either way it costs the store money. I think the biggest company this will hurt is Lexmark, unless they can get their certification soon. The bargain software, in my opinion, is good riddance.
Is the commercial software business dying? (Score:3, Interesting)
Who Looks At The Cert Logo? (Score:3, Insightful)
You *have* to look at the system requirement anyway, and you don't need to be "certified" to say that your software runs on Windows.
For that matter, who makes major software purchases at Office Depot anyway? Getting the best price is so much easier online, and unless you woke up and suddenly decided that your office had to use the next version or you were all going to die, the wait for delivery is no problem. I mean, it's one thing when a monitor goes out and you have to have it right now, but I can't conceive of any situation where you would suddenly have to go to OD and buy a shrink-wrapped title.
At any rate, I wager that this is no harm to OD because most of the software they sell is probably "big name brand" stuff. Smaller vendors that don't cert will just keep selling online and through other outlets.
It's possible this is being blown out of proportio (Score:3, Interesting)
How Do We Know Inquirer Isn't Lieing? (Score:5, Insightful)
So much for journalistic credibility. Slashdot has neither the interest or the ethics to verify facts (hiding behind their "we just post other peoples' stuff" alibi), but I guess we can now add another source to the list of online rubbish vendors.
It only applies to hardware (Score:4, Informative)
It says nothing about application software.
Can we stop the "Will they sell Linux" stuff now.
I assume they got sick of people bringing back everything that threw up the "This is not signed" box.
Cheap hardware at OfficeDepopt ~May 30th? (Score:3, Funny)
The Big Lever (Score:4, Interesting)
On the surface this seems insane. There are 40 million people still running Win98, who have never seen fit to upgrade their OS, let alone buy new hardware. Microsoft must have a strategy for making the switch happen. Perhaps they intend to embargo customers who don't switch, controlling the supply of software and hardware. Forcing the diehards to shop at secondhand stores for things like hard drives and video cards might be the Big Lever they use to make the world go where they want it to.
How long do you want to bet it will be before non-Palladium hardware is outright illegal?
A couple of observations... (Score:3, Interesting)
This tells me that OD may not have even decided where they're going with this right away, outside of getting persnickety with their suppliers. I don't see it affecting "generic" stuff like cables, CD-R media, floppies, etc., nor (according to the manager I spoke with) is it likely to cause them to stop carrying stuff like Linux or FreeBSD packages.
OD is, I was told, in the market to make sure that everything they sell in the computer hardware arena works with everything else they sell in the software arena. Those dreaded "Unsigned Driver" messages are indeed a big sticking point. They're out to provide, in the manager's words, a "Total Solution" to their customers (yes, you can laugh now).
I don't dare invoke Godwin by making a comparison that I'm sure you can guess at. I will say that I've bought maybe two software packages at CompUSA in the last ten years, and I don't see that changing any time soon, especially since you couldn't PAY me to use X(tra)P(ain).
The only other thing I'll add is that, in the long run, I believe this will only increase the demand for older (as in pre-XP and, more importainly, pre-DRM) software and hardware. I think, once again, the used-computer market is about to see another metaphorical shot in the arm (at least from those who know what the frell they're doing).
Logo Certification != DRM (Score:3, Informative)
- Obtaining a certificate from Verisign ($400)
- Adhering to certain Windows Standards (noting that MS Office 2000 and Media Player would not pass)
That's it. There are no DRM requirements, just making sure your software a) works with the latest Windows version and follows certain standards (not very strict), and b) is code-signed to ensure it is published exactly the way you released it (signed by you, with your own key).
Re:No (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:No (Score:3, Insightful)
I agree that it's not an abuse of monopoly power, but to assume Office Depot does it out of the kindness of their hearts and not their wallets is perhaps naive.
Re:Has to be said... (Score:5, Funny)
The more you tighten your grip, Gates, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
To quote Shatner: Get a life!
Re:Fight this! (Score:3, Insightful)
I disagree. Do NOT get the ones where you can disable it. Get the ones that do not include it at all.
Re:free market (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:free market - BS (Score:5, Insightful)
I just bought a notebook, and although I searched I was not able to buy one with the features I wanted in the price range without paying the extra Microsoft XP tax. Don't tell me it's a free market when a company found guilty of these monopolistic practices in federal court can continue to do business as usual.
Re:piracy (but piracy of what?) (Score:3, Insightful)
Perhaps it might, particularly if the trend moves to other retailers. Office Depot isn't the first place I think of to get software, but apparently some people do buy there, and as a low profile seller they might have been a good place to start this practice, then when it shows up at the major retailers it can be dismissed as "nothing new".
But in asking if it will not just increase piracy, you should also ask who is behind this, who would be
Re:Lord of the OS (Score:4, Funny)
Recently one of my friends, a computer wizard, paid me a visit. As we were talking I mentioned that I had recently installed Windows on my PC, I told him how happy I was with this operating system and showed him the Windows CD. Too my astonishment and distress he threw it into my micro-wave oven and turned it on. I was upset because the CD had become precious to me, but he said: 'Do not worry, it is unharmed.' After a few minutes he took the CD out, gave it to me and said: 'Take a close look at it.' To my surprise the CD was quite cold and it seemed to have become thicker and heavier than before. At first I could not see anything, but on the inner edge of the central hole I saw an inscription, in lines finer than anything I have ever seen before. The inscription shone piercingly bright, and yet remote, as if out of a great depth:
'I cannot read the fiery letters,' I said. 'No,' he said, 'but I can. The letters are Hex, of an ancient mode, but the language is that of Microsoft, which I shall not utter here. But in common English this is what it says:' From email, author unknown