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Graphics Software

State of 3d Graphics on Wireless Devices 137

An anonymous reader writes "This Computer Graphics World Magazine article discusses the current and future state of 3d graphics on wireless platforms. Apparently Japan is ahead of the game with a relatively standardized 3d render engine. Seems like the main use is for 3d virtual pets and the standard sort of games one might expect. What I'm waiting for is what I believe to be the next step; the one described in, oh, so many sci-fi novels... a personality for my handheld! Imagine, if you will, a personalized avatar or something that can interact with you and perhaps assist you in your daily endevours (with a touch of attitude?).."
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State of 3d Graphics on Wireless Devices

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  • 3d graphics?!?! (Score:5, Insightful)

    by alwsn ( 593349 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @04:07PM (#5705377)
    How about they build reasonable networks in the US first! Half the time when I ask "Can you hear me now?" I get a "what?" in reponse.

    Keep your 3d graphics, give me a phone that works well and consitantly first.
    • Re:3d graphics?!?! (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      This are two complete different areas. There is nothing wrong with phone, the problem is the service providers who doesn't want to spend enough money for building good networks.

      3D graphics on your cell phone has nothing to do with service providers.
    • many would rather have the board space used to enhance telephone range/reception, if given the choice.

      Now I personally like a well-rounded telephone/PDA/etc (why I purchased a P800), but I could see that many would rather have a phone with better reception -- I note that my p800 is larger than my v60, and does not get as good reception using the same network in the same areas.
    • If I was moderating you'd get my vote! I'm in Canada and coverage in my part of the country actually isn't that bad--of course things in places like the mountains or in Tumbleweed sask. are dismal if you want digital ANYTHING. Beyond that, customer service is ATROCIOUS (thank God my service has been pretty reliable)!

      Affordability, reliability, good service--THAT is what is foremost in my mind with wireless technology right now. What good are polyphonic ringtones, fancy colour screens, digital cameras, 3-
      • What good are polyphonic ringtones, fancy colour screens, digital cameras, 3-d graphics and so on in my cellphone if I can't TALK on the damn thing half the time?

        Well, I suppose when you can't get coverage, you at least have something to play with. Here in Tokyo lots of people play Tetris/Arkanoid/RPGs etc. on their cell phones in the subway where there is hardly any reception in the tunnels.

    • "How about they build reasonable networks in the US first!"

      Wait a while. USA is considerably larger than Japan.
    • I never have much trouble with static and connections. Call me selfish but I'd rather get cool games ASAP instead of waiting around for whoever your carrier is to fix the networks around your house
    • Now that would be quite cool to have on the phone's display.

      Another option would be to allow people to send pictures of their faces to their friends' phones which could be used as a skin for the avatar when talking to them on the phone. If it could lip sync to the sound and be controlled remotely (ie, the other person presses a key to make their representation smile or frown etc) then that would be real cool ;-)
    • It's not gonna happen soon. The problem with the US, compared to most of Europe and Asia, is it's too damn big and empty. There are many areas with low population density, and cell transmitters cost money. The economic return on 100% coverage does not justify the cost. Canada is probably in the same boat.
  • Waiting (Score:5, Funny)

    by pubjames ( 468013 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @04:09PM (#5705386)
    What I'm waiting for is what I believe to be the next step; the one described in, oh, so many sci-fi novels... a personality for my handheld!

    What, are you nuts? A personality? What about huge bouncing boobies?
    • Huge bouncing boobies > 3d wireless, ALWAYS. Hear that corporations? I WANT BOOBIES NOT 3D!@# ok ok....3d boobies is acceptable...
      • They should hire that programmer from Dead Or Alive that made 'bouncing boobies' a yes/no option in the game.

        IIRC 'The Year's Best SF' (I forget which one it was, 4,5, or 7) in one of the anthologies has a short story called 'The Bicycle Repairman', and it referred to something similar to the avatar as a mook

    • Hey, there's only limited space on a cellphone's screen. Besides, the calculations for making the aforementioned boobies look smooth and round are beyond your average FPU-less cellphone.

      On the other hand, if we put your idea into a pair of VR glasses, we might have a hit on our hands :^)

    • VirtuaGirl [virtuagirl.com] already makes this for the desktop. If they manage to port it they should get a lot of business :)
    • What, are you nuts? A personality? What about huge bouncing boobies?

      Forget the handheld, thats my description of the perfect woman!

    • We can already have those on cell phones... It's called a screen saver
  • Great.... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Seeth42 ( 138589 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @04:09PM (#5705387) Homepage
    "Imagine, if you will, a personalized avatar or something that can interact with you and perhaps assist you in your daily endevours (with a touch of attitude?).."

    Great. Clippy for my cell phone. Wonderful idea.
    • Isn't it? That's the only thing I can immagine being more annoying than a cell phone ringing in a movie theatre... "Hi, you have a phone call!"
      • *Thwunk*

        Message for you, sir!
      • Isn't it? That's the only thing I can immagine being more annoying than a cell phone ringing in a movie theatre... "Hi, you have a phone call!"

        Oh, it could get much worse. "Hi, you have a phone call! I notice your phone is on silent, would you like me to tell them you are occupied and shouldn't be bothered?"

        Or perhaps, "Hey there, tiger, you got yourself a hot momma calling you, you studly man beast." Then promptly having your date realize what a pathetic loser you actually are and kill herself laughi
        • Oh, I dunno. My current ringtone for the girlfriend is a sample of Mr Burns saying "Excellleeent!"

          Even in the anti-cell-phone coffee houses I frequent, people bust a gut when she calls.

          • Oh, I dunno. My current ringtone for the girlfriend is a sample of Mr Burns saying "Excellleeent!"

            My GF is Japanese, and I got a custom ringtone made of this rather amusing J-Pop song. Unfortunately, in the US, nobody gets the joke :(
    • You can also get Batboy and Cowboyneal in the add on pack [haptek.com].
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Clippy is infinately cooler than Tux will ever be.
    • "It looks like you are trying to dial a phone number. Would you like some help?"
    • I'm so happy I found the joys of disabling the office assistant during setup, its the only way to ensure he will NEVER come up :)
    • Damn, you stole my post.
      btw, have you seen this http://www.microsoft.com/Office/clippy/

      Why does M$ use so mouch foul language in their videos? Also, why does video 2 feature Hitler??
  • Forget 3D on wireless, I just want decent 3D graphics on my PC!

    I really should replace my VooDoo 1 card someday... ;-)
  • ...is Virtual Valerie CE. Well, that and an attachment to my other battery operated device...
  • by chunkwhite86 ( 593696 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @04:12PM (#5705415)
    I'll sit this techno fad out...

    Let me know when I can play UT2003 on my cell phone using a 1280x1024 virtual screen that's projected straight into my retinas. Oh yeah, and wireless broadband net access of course. ;-)
    • I definitly agree, I see little point in paying to be a test bed for a new shoddy technology that is yet to settle down into a some what steady predicitable state. Manafacturers still don't know what to aim for in a handheld device, and the ones that attempt an all in one solution don't do so well. The problem is size, I carry a modbile phone, keys and my wallet. I like my little phone, and my wallet fits in my back pocket real sweet. I am stuck with my keys (which I hate) until an alternative (and reliable
    • There's 3 aspects to this though. You can already get Doom [wildpalm.co.uk] for the Nokia 7650, and Quake [pocketmatrix.com] for the iPaq. So 3D gaming for portables is already here. I've also heard a lot of games developers saying that they are looking at bluetooth to do multiplayer games on mobiles.

      As far as wireless broadband goes, (and this is probably massive flamebait), but it does amuse me how far behind the US is compared to the rest of the world on this. Already in the UK, GPRS is enabling up to 33,6k (or even maybe 56k, I'm n
    • I would think that having UT2003 projected onto your retinas anywhere you like is a recipe for disaster!

      Some... impressionable types might find it even harder to divorce reality from virtuality. Imagine people massacring scores of 'n00bs' before attempting a rocket jump only to realise that they are in real life and have no legs left.

      Ona side note, I should be getting my three [three.co.uk] 3G mobile fone next week (my partner works for three) and am looking forward to seeing just how the downlaod speeds measure up to
  • by robslimo ( 587196 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @04:12PM (#5705416) Homepage Journal
    Until computers/processors begin to approach the complexity of the human brain, you can forget about ...a personality for my handheld! unless you're willing to settle for a souped-up 3D cousin to Clippy(tm).

    The level of present 'chatterbots' doesn't even live up to their lowly title.

    See www.chatterboxchallenge.com and cry for real AI
  • Not a good idea (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 10, 2003 @04:13PM (#5705429)
    I'm saddened that it appears ALL the new wireless phones coming out are active matrix color screens. I personally would prefer form over fashion in this case, and would be happy with a conventional indiglo type displace.

    The benefit: greatly increased battery life. Even with the new-fangled lithium-polymer (and soon to be proton-polymer) technology, the full color display are batter wasters!
    • It's not just battery life, backlit screens are also horrible in bright light - outdoors, in a car, etc.

      IMHO the B/W screen on my Palm V was better than the color screen on my m515.

  • by azzy ( 86427 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @04:15PM (#5705439) Journal
    1) MSAvatar - Where would you like to go today?
    2) OpenSourceAvatar - You wanna go somewhere, go there yourself!!

    • No, no, no, he said with attitude... I'm envisioning it already:

      "I pity the foo who tries to play minesweeper on this PDA."

    • Hmmm... or it could be more like:

      MSAvatar: Where does Bill want you to go today?
      SolarisAvatar: You wanna go somewhere? "Go" isn't installed, build it from source.
      RMSAvatar: It's "GNU/Linux"! Dammit, "GNU/Linux!"
      ESRAvatar: Go somewhere before I get out one of my 32368 guns.
      AppleAvatar: Go Different.
      AmigaAvatar: Could not 'GO'. GURU MEDITATION A0DB863F:83FB
      SbaitsoAvatar: Does it make you happy to know that Go to the store?
  • ...and it looks like a big, smiling, 3-d paperclip...
  • Oh wow, Avatars! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by wheany ( 460585 ) <wheany+sd@iki.fi> on Thursday April 10, 2003 @04:15PM (#5705447) Homepage Journal
    something that can interact with you and perhaps assist you in your daily endevours (with a touch of attitude?).."

    Ever considered human contact? You know "IRL"
  • by NitsujTPU ( 19263 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @04:16PM (#5705450)
    I'm done imagining that. No offence to the supporters of such a UI, but it's a lot quicker for me to look down at my watch and see the time than it is for me to look down, see a teddy bear, ask it the time, and listen for it to tell me the time and that it loves me.
  • Uhh.. (Score:2, Funny)

    by fadeaway ( 531137 )
    Imagine, if you will, a personalized avatar or something that can interact with you and perhaps assist you in your daily endevours (with a touch of attitude?

    Is this a dream for the future, or the plot of an upcoming Disney movie..? ;)
  • by Wirr ( 157970 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @04:17PM (#5705463)
    until I get a personality like the guy in Mona Lisa Overdrive, or at least the librarian from Snowcrash.
  • Imagine, if you will, a personalized avatar or something that can interact with you and perhaps assist you in your daily endevours (with a touch of attitude?).."

    If I punch the touchscreen will the avatar take damage for being such a worthless piece of s***?

    Add that feature, and you can bring clippy back.

  • I'm not getting one before I can play Doom 3 on it. Allright, allright, let's not demand resolutions higher than 1024x768, but at least I want 4xFSAA.
  • persacom (Score:2, Funny)

    by Photon01 ( 662761 )
    What, are you nuts? A personality? What about huge bouncing boobies?
    Which is why i cant wait for a persacom (chii from chobits) [animenfo.com]
    • I swear to god, the first time someone makes a Sumomo-themed PDA or cellphone, I will do something very unpleasant with it and to them. I am not joking.
  • ...no one seems to really understand the complexity of what they're asking for. I hear this kind of talk daily, so the author is not to blame; but without even getting into philosophical issues, the idea of AI is so far beyond anything we actually understand right now, that it shouldn't really even be mentioned. Now an interesting and far more feasible idea would be a 3D GUI for our cellphones AND computers. That is both within our reach, and reasonable for increased productivity. Why limit our usage to t
    • 3D GUIs are a joke. Not a joke, but not worth the extra dimension. It's bad enough having to sort through two dimensions of "desktop" clutter.

      Of the attempts I've seen, all have been incredibly less useful than their 2D counterparts. A great way to say "wow, that looks cool" and little else.

      Show me a voice controlled multi-relational interface, and then you're talking. I say "hey, show me my bank balance," and it determines the appropriate box of my checking account spreadsheet, and tells me. Now that

    • A 3d GUI makes absolutely no sense right now with the screens and input devices we have.
      Until we have wraparound screens (either really big ones or the size of sunglasses) and a way of getting our hand movements on screen, a 3d GUI is just a layer of 'irritating to get through'.
  • How long before the average slashdotter talks to no humans in a day, then negative humans?
  • Sometime ago, I read an article that had 2 persons talking through graphic interfaces on handheld devices.

    It sounds like a wonderful interface, but doesn't it ultimately come down to bandwidth?

    A good 3D rendered graphic is BIG! The devices are getting more powerful, but the bandwith hasn't. But then technology does improve each day, eh?
  • ...I don't want to have ANYTHING to do with it!!!
  • finally! (Score:3, Funny)

    by Connie_Lingus ( 317691 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @04:34PM (#5705610) Homepage
    new life for Microsoft Bob...
  • Make my avatar a split personality, with my hand on the switch - Belldandy when I feel good and Faye Valentine when I wanna be baaad.
  • but come on, a touch of attitude?

    Do you really need more reasons to be mad at your PDA?

    Just give Joe a PDA that sasses back and watch as he chucks it across the room into the wall at 50 miles per hour. Actually, that'd be awesome for Palm et al--more broken pdas yields more pda replacements...
  • Just think, video game future becomes reality... and we can have Rockman, Gutsman, Cutman, etc. on our PDA's to hack into the network for us!

    (If you haven't yet played Rockman.EXE/Mega Man Battle Network, I recommend it.)
  • by brandido ( 612020 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @04:42PM (#5705675) Homepage Journal
    My sister works on the Avatar technology that is mentioned in this article (at Haptek), and I must say that it is pretty stunning in real life. I haven't seen it on the handhelds, but using it on the PC is pretty damn good looking - much higher res and more believable mouth movement for speech than I have seen anywhere else. And I must say that it is always fun to have it try and pronounce impossible words :) When I first saw it, it definitely made me flash to "Snow Crash".
  • OpenGL is fine (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Daniel Phillips ( 238627 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @04:42PM (#5705678)
    Apparently Japan is ahead of the game with a relatively standardized 3d render engine.

    OpenGL is perfectly suited to 3D rendering on handelds, with the caveat that software rendering for OpenGL, which is to say, Mesa, has not been seriously optimized for this purpose. This is only because there hasn't been much manpower focussed on the job, to date. What's needed is some more thinking like this [radgametools.com].

    After all, it's just a matter of programming.
    • Re:OpenGL is fine (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      This is why OpenGL ES is being developed. Go to www.khronos.org
      • This is why OpenGL ES is being developed. Go to www.khronos.org

        Certainly, a standard OpenGL subset [khronos.org] for embedded use would be a useful thing, though not in any way essential, since straight-up OpenGL 1.4 (say) will already fit comfortably in today's relatively fat handhelds. What is essential is a software renderer that does a particularly good job on the common render paths needed for these embedded applications. There's no technical obstacle to this, it's just a lot of hard work.
  • I don't think so. It would be a great idea, but so would the Matrix being real.... and we are just no where near that in technology. I've tried both HAL and HAL with ALICE and they suck. The conversations are not at all intelligent - unless you consider having a conversation with a 3 year old intelligent. I've even downloaded plugins for HAL that was supposed to make it smarter, as well as I took advantage of it's "learn from text" and had it "read" a text version of "The Network Encyclopedia" which afterwa
    • I asked it "What is a toekn ring" and it replied by opening up "google" and doing a search for token ring

      Sounds pretty damned smart to me. Now if it had opend up MSN...
  • Would you prefer the "Max Headroom" obnoxious type, or the "Al" helpful-in-a-vague-sort-of-way type?
    Or perhaps you would appreciate the "Kitt" state-the-blatantly-obvious type.

    - OrbNobz
    This post provides tactile feedback. Put on your PowerGlove and touch it!
  • The immediate future of wireless Webcasting, according to face2face, involves talking heads rather than full-bodied characters

    I don't know the "Full-Bodied Characters" but I know who Talking Heads is. I'm sure David Byrne will be pleased to hear that his band is so important to the future of wireless technology.

  • Mobile 3D standards (Score:4, Informative)

    by Jouni ( 178730 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @05:18PM (#5705937)
    For what it's worth, there are some real standards being worked on for mobile 3D graphics. Even HI Corp who the article mentions are contributing, but everyone is welcome to participate in community review.

    The two main standards currently under development are OpenGL ES by the Khronos [khronos.org] group and the JSR-184 [jcp.org] headed by Nokia. If you read through the list of participating companies, you'll notice a good bit of overlap; we can expect the two APIs to play quite nicely together.

    Mobile 3D hardware will also be coming probably sooner than what most people think. Some Ericsson researchers will be giving a SIGGRAPH [siggraph.org] talk on the subject ("Graphics for the Masses: A Hardware Rasterization Architecture for Mobile Phones" [brown.edu]) even if nothing more than the title is known at this time.

    While all mobile devices will have to make their own compromises on functionality, battery life, weight and cost, almost all of them are capable of running 3D graphics when the software is carefully constructed. Many modern software rendering techniques are based on dynamically generated/compiled code, and the processes are very similar to what happens inside 3D hardware. As these libraries will also be fairly small, they will not add cost or weight to the devices themselves. 3D chips will be reserved to those more keen on playing games on the road.

    The technology is definitely coming, now all we need to do is invent the killer application. Ideas anyone?


    • I should have read the last few sentences of the article before typing up the response. Apologies for the duplicate information, hope the links make up for it. :-)


  • So some scriptkiddy can create a virus which switchs the personality from 'loving pda' to 'evil bitch' which wakes you up at midnight!
  • Damn, I just got a new phone with the new VooDoo 3DFX Mobile and Nvidia comes out with their new Nvidia GeForceMobile ARP983X-412. As soon as you buy it, it's obsolete! Can't wait for that new ATi All-In-Phone Pro 1002-AX next month! I hear it does circles!
  • But check out this game available for ARM [arm.com] handhelds. Its available here [frontier.co.uk], and is actually pretty cool. I'm not sure if someone has already ported Quake to ARM processors (I'd be very surprised if they haven't), but the current crop of ARM processors seem to be high powered enough to run demanding applications.

    Oh yeah, the yet in the subject refers to the fact that ARM devices are making the push to the wireless space in a big way.
  • by dWhisper ( 318846 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @05:42PM (#5706094) Homepage Journal
    The push on Cell Phones almost seams contradictary at times. I have a Sprint PCS vision phone, with a list of features as long as my arm, and I know how to use three of them. Maybe. It's not that I can't figure it out, it's that the phones are not condusive to such things.

    3D graphics wouldn't be so hard to do in this environment, assuming they stick with the little screens and the bad interfaces. I know that my phone can actually have some pretty cool games, but the actual buttons on the phone, or the "control stick" as well, are about as accurate as using a half-chewed pretzel on an older PDA. Especially if you have fingers larger than your average six-year old.

    I'd have to agree that it'd be nice to see work done on the networks. My phone has a habit of wandering out of it's calling coverage (a tower less than a mile away) if held sideways or at an angle (say, against your ear. But how often will that happen). The push for more features that would imply something a little larger and nicer is in opposition to a smaller package you're finding phones in. Unless they all start to look like PDA's, or better yet, Game Boys, I just see this as another feature to add $5 to my bill that I'll never use.
  • What really irks me with all these fancy schmancy geforce fx based latops coming around the bend is that NO ONE has plans for dual headed 3d accelerated lap tops.

    I'm not talking about your stupid "LCD + VGA" or "LCD + S Video" junk here, I want good ole dual VGA out. Not only is dual monitor the way god himself intended, but how in the world are we supposed to use the badass stereoscopic vision gear that slowly trickles down the pipeline?

    I really want to order a nice stereoscopic headset, but theres noth
    • Just buy a high end diplay PCMCIA card - you can even hook up dual Apple cinema Displays to this one:

      32MB GforceMX PC CARD [villagetronic.com]

  • Do we really want to see this? Well, I guess on Slashdot, a Microsoft flop is something people do want to see...
  • I have enough crap in my life to deal without having to cope with appliances giving me 'attitude'.

    An 'attitude' from a PDA based on near-current technology would surely be as intolerable as a bad attitude from, say, an employee or manservant with the IQ of an imbecile (slow, insufficient memory, poor software) who frequently forgets things, falls asleep just when you need him (flat battery syndrome) and even has occasional fits (locks up neeeding a cold reset).

    If the technology improves to the point where
  • -we get some good voice recognition systems, dammit...

    I mean, really, have you heard of an 'end-all/be-all' voice recognition system? When voice recognition systems can match the speed of typing and be accurate, -then- we can mess with all these concepts such as avatars.

    Sure, some day we may be assaulted by commercial avatars that refer to me by name, but dammit, I want to be able to say "Fuck off" and have them understand it!

  • ... they need models of their specific user: how the user likes to use the device, what knowledge of the device the user has, what the user is trying to do with the device presently, what emotional state the user is in, etc. A model of this type with minimalist presentation would be far superior to a pretty 3D visualization in helping the assistant do its job.

    note that by this hypothesis a personal assistant should collect plenty of data about the user before ever interdicting - as opposed to making an im
  • by stickyc ( 38756 ) on Thursday April 10, 2003 @07:28PM (#5706772) Homepage
    Imagine, if you will, a personalized avatar or something that can interact with you and perhaps assist you in your daily endevours (with a touch of attitude?)..

    Top 10 phrases spoken by cell-phone avatars:
    10. "No, I dont know the way there, why dont you just stop and ask directions?"
    9. "You really need to clean out your pores."
    8. "Just because I'm small enough to fit in your mouth doesn't mean you have to actually show everyone."
    7. "How would I know where the charger is?"
    6. "Hooweee, when yo' mamma sees yo' bill, she gonna whup yo' ass!"
    5. "an-NUN-ci-ate!"
    4. "Elf is about to die. Hah! Get it? Bah, kids these days."
    3. "Whoa dude, that is NOT an earpiece!"
    2. "What, you think I enjoy being that close to your crotch?"

    And the Number One phrase spoken by cell-phone avatars....

    "Stop looking at me and watch the #@$@#$ road!"

  • yes .. built in avatar eh?

    to help you with your tasks... eh?

    sounds like another paperclip to me
  • "We're trying to make things move in 3D, in a limited environment--that's the challenge."

    Good god, could there POSSIBLY be ANY better candidate for this than old demoscene programmers that built 3D raytrace engines from scratch in assembly on 386/33 boxen that ran at 30fps?! That was the first thought that popped into my mind, at least. I imagine that these are probably much more powerful than a 386 anyway. Find some of the old (school|skool) demosceners and set them to work. I bet they'd create some reall
  • Before looking into 3d graphics, I think there's a much more fundamental necessity that needs to be addressed : A purpose for handhelds!

    Sure, they're light, they store text and run cutesy little windows applications, but what the hell are they used for, that a 20$ Casio Organizer can't do ?

    If I wanted to play games on a 500$ PDA, I'd whack myself in the face and pick up my GameboyAdvance instead. PDA's are NOT computers, they are "Portable Digital Assistants". Playing games on a PDA is even dumber than
  • Coz, you know ... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by torpor ( 458 )
    ... can interact with you and perhaps assist you in your daily endevours (with a touch of attitude?)...

    We all want this because we have no friends.
  • a personalized avatar or something that can interact with you and perhaps assist you in your daily endevours (with a touch of attitude?).."

    Me: OK phone, time to call that hot chick about tonight...

    Phone: No, you should call your mother first!

    Me: What? No! Hot chick time, please.

    Phone: Your mom has called five times and left messages that you've never returned.

    Me: So what - she can wait - get me the hot chick, I'm ultra horny!

    Phone: You shouldn't treat your mom that way! I'm half inclined to delete t

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
