Feral Robot Dogs 136
stinkypig sent in a blurb about Feral Robot Dogs, assorted modifications of the commercial AIBO dogs to be "more useful". For various definitions of useful. See also a discussion on smartmobs.com.
They laughed at Einstein. They laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown. -- Carl Sagan
Yes! (Score:2, Funny)
useful? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:useful? (Score:1)
Re:useful? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:useful? (Score:3, Insightful)
I'll have to disagree with you there. $1400 isn't much at all if this tecnology works the way they would like it to. I think you should reserve your griping about cost when the project is over with. That price seems highly conservative IMO. That is much less than what it takes to train and support a Real dog. However, replacing real dogs is not something I see happening anytime soon.
Re:useful? (Score:5, Interesting)
My second thought was 'why use robot dogs to check for pollutants? Why not just have a person walk around with sensors on a stick? If someone thought the area was really toxic, so toxic that a person couldn't safely be in the area (but for some reason a school was going to be built there), then why not just use a radio controlled car and save $1350 per unit?
I do believe that nerds have a tendency to let the 'gee-whiz' get in the way of common sense sometimes.
Oh, but wait - I forgot this point - this idea is to "create a local mediagenic event" and "enable and change typical lay-expert communication patterns, by raising the standards of evidence, or at least changing who produces this evidence". So, if I'm Mr. Burns and I find these things crawling around on the land around my powerplant, what's stopping me from sending Smithers out to pick them up and throw them in the lake?
Re:useful? (Score:3, Interesting)
So, if I'm Mr. Burns and I find these things crawling around on the land around my powerplant, what's stopping me from sending Smithers out to pick them up and throw them in the lake?
Heh. When my doctoral advisor was at Stanford, Shakey the Robot [sri.com] was there, and always had a crowd of graduate students following it around. My advisor got tired of this, and told the folks running Shakey: "If Shakey wanders into my office, it's not coming out."
The operators put foil tape in front of my advisor's office d
Re:useful? (Score:1)
What scares me more than the technology is the thought of people forming the same kinds of emotional bonds with machines as we already do with living pets.
But the cool part is at least it made me think about stuff that hadn't occurred to me before.
already happens... (Score:2)
Re:already happens... (Score:1)
What's with AIBO and DCMA? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:What's with AIBO and DCMA? (Score:1)
Mind you my school is outside the USA, thus outside the range of the DCMA-- which makes this more possibl
Re:What's with AIBO and DCMA? (Score:1)
I can't think of any corporation that has applied the same rules to Govt. Agencies/Police Depts. as they do the general public. That would be down right foolish.
Spelling! Spelling and Grammar! (Score:1)
First:You need a verb between not and people.
Second: The correct link is here [slashdot.org].
Third: You've also spelled 'their' wrong.
Grammar Nazi: +1
Everyone Else: -1 (Troll)
Re:Spelling! Spelling and Grammar! (Score:1)
I'm still not sure whether he (the original poster) would have used 'mind' or 'want'.
Two very different meanings.
Re:What's with AIBO and DCMA? (Score:2, Interesting)
It once cost a substantial amount of money to buy an AIBO devkit from Sony; I now think they're wising up by opening up the SDK [aibo.com] and allowing GPLd libraries like Tekkotsu to exist.
Re:What's with AIBO and DCMA? (Score:3, Funny)
Uh, toss me a verb. "does not mind people modding their robot dog?" "does not want people modding their robot dog?" "does not kill people modding their robot dog?"
Re:What's with AIBO and DCMA? (Score:2, Funny)
"Sony does not _____ people modding their robot dog."
Pick whatever you like!
Re:What's with AIBO and DCMA? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:What's with AIBO and DCMA? (Score:2)
Do we care? The ones that have been bought aren't Sony's dogs anymore, are they?
Re:What's with AIBO and DMCA? (Score:2)
At any rate does this mean a whole new propagation of "____ ate my balls websites?"
My Feral AIBO Ate My Balls
BTW - Everyone here has figured out that Tweekie from Buck Rogers is the cheaper and less functional version of a sex droid (just as TOMY's "Poochie" is a cheaper and less functional version of Sony's "AIBO").
NEW WORDS (Score:2, Informative)
6 entries found for Feral @ www.dictionary.com
feral ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fîrl, fr-)
Existing in a wild or untamed state.
Having returned to an untamed state from domestication.
Of or suggestive of a wild animal; savage: a feral grin.
Re:NEW WORDS (Score:1)
Am I missing something here?
free nanobots (Score:4, Insightful)
Small robotic devices sent into most landfills could harvest bost the useful and the harmful substances from them.
This "robodog" mod is an excellent first step towards this. Well intentioned, but likely doomed to
the humour or "wierd news" fold.
I look forward to following it.
Re:free nanobots (Score:2, Informative)
Have you payed attendtion to recyceling costs? Most curbside recyceling programs are lossing money because resources are not worth the effort to collect. In theory we can mine landfills, and I expect in the future we will. Today Almost nothing is worth the cost extract it.
Re:free nanobots (Score:2)
Re:free nanobots (Score:1)
Well yeah (Score:5, Funny)
... It's about time someone did something useful with these things.
A local newsagent is selling a series of these horrid mags with a bit of a robot on the cover, collect them all and build it, sort of a thing. I can just imagine how proud I'd be to watch my lad's robot savage the postie ...
Re:Well yeah (Score:1)
"Because it's dull, you idiot - it'll hurt more."
Something vexes thee?
Re:Well yeah (Score:1)
Re:Well yeah (Score:1)
What department is this? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:What department is this? (Score:2)
Re:What department is this? (Score:5, Informative)
It is a sci-fi reference to a cybernetically enhanced attack dog. Snowcrash (?) I think. One of those cyberpunkesque novels, where the dog lived much of his life in a virtual state, eating steaks that grew on trees. Rather clever, though clearly an insider reference.
Re:What department is this? (Score:3, Informative)
oh no! (Score:1)
Even in jest, using newspeak is bad mojo. Offtopic I know, but it gives me a frowny face to think that anyone would willingly use it.
Feral NanoDogs (Score:2, Funny)
Of course, the waste may be hazardous... or at least nanosmelly. I definitely want a pack of NanoDobermans protecting me from the other nanobots.
hmmm, I feel a rock band coming on...
Legal issues around feral robots (Score:5, Interesting)
When you release your feral robot to freely wander about, would you have any legal right of ownership over it, if, say, someone else took it into their own possession ?
On the converse, could you be held responsible for it's actions ?
Are there any legal precendents around for any of this stuff ?
Re:Legal issues around feral robots (Score:1)
Re:Legal issues around feral robots (Score:1)
How is that any different than putting a crowbar in my John Deere's steering wheel and letting it loose on my neighbor's lawn? Or putting a brick on the gas pedal of my car and letting it roam around the neighborhood?
Don't let the gee-whiz-brave-new-world-buzz o
Re:Legal issues around feral robots (Score:3, Interesting)
See the problem ?
If a fault was unintentionally, or even malicously coded into the robot's software, could yo
Re:Legal issues around feral robots (Score:2)
Chilling effects alive and well I see. Stories of cool hacks greeted with "oooohhh. [sucking of breath]... wouldn't that be... somehow illegal?"
The hacker ethic [mit.edu] is dead in maharg. Abandon his soul to the matrix.
laser beams? (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah baby!
Not their heads. (Score:4, Funny)
You put the laser in the dog's nose [bbc.co.uk].
Re:Not their heads. (Score:1)
Re:Not their heads. (Score:2, Funny)
ON vs IN are two very different things.
As George Carlin said, "You can get ON the plane, I'M going to get IN the plane!"
Re:Not their heads. (Score:1)
Re:Not their heads. (Score:1)
Re:Not their heads. (Score:2)
Interesting to see exploration of behaviour.... (Score:5, Funny)
On a more serious note - it's always interesting to see explorations of behaviour in robotics (since future robots used for autonomous exploration of planetary surfaces and such will likely need different programming than the traditional robot (many of which would actually be closer to teleoperated machines than robots as they rely on human instruction for just about everything.
It reminds me to some degree of some sci-fi stories exploring AI and von neumann type machines interacting in such a way to create robotic "evolution". Which makes you further wonder - one day could obsolete robots be considered endangered species? (Look over there... it's one of the last VIC-20's left in the wild!)
Get a real dog (Score:1, Informative)
I'll get a real dog... (Score:2, Funny)
me any shit when I mod the thing.
MOD PARENT UP! (Score:1)
So... (Score:3, Interesting)
Yeah but can it?! (Score:2, Funny)
since that other site "contains 'artsy' stuff, and doesn't include technical tidbits."
I wanna know if I can make it give me back rubs...
and no I don't want to talk about the implications or the websites and spam that would be sent out!
"Hot Young Aibo Bestiality Sensual Massage Pics In Your E-mail Everyday!"
Hmmm maybe theres a Niche Market there somewhere
Note from the sysadmin (Score:4, Interesting)
I just throttled back MaxClients in httpd.conf. You'll be able to get in a little bit easier now, for a little while at least.
And no, I have no control over the content or the hardware.
Federal? (Score:1, Funny)
Seriously, I was starting to wonder about the airports.
I KNEW IT!! (Score:1, Funny)
Robot Feral Dogs, Sam Waterson, and Old Glory (Score:1)
Old Glory Insurance
Angry Fish (Score:5, Funny)
Fahrenheit 451 (Score:1)
According to Captain Beatty, "We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the constitution says, but everyone made equal...A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it."
Re:Fahrenheit 451 (Score:1)
Yipes! (Score:3, Funny)
Will the madness never end?
What next? (Score:4, Funny)
Re:What next? (Score:3, Funny)
Have mercy! Us geeks have enough competition already without creating more!
Federal Robot Dogs? (Score:2, Funny)
I read Federal Robot Dogs at first and immediately a picture of Janet Reno [store44.com] popped into my head.
New web censorship counter measures.... (Score:3, Funny)
"We have an order to shut down that grotesque web server. Where is it!"
"In the killer robot... over there. I forgot the password, you'll have to shut him down manually."
"Nice doggie..."
Eyes in the back of their WHAT? (Score:2, Funny)
An emblematic feature of the adapted dogs is placement of the webcams in the non-barking end of the dogs
Evolution in action... (Score:4, Funny)
2. Humans domesticate wild dogs.
3. Humans create domesticated robotic dogs
4. Robotic dogs go wild
5. Wild robotic dogs tame humans???
Re:Evolution in action... (Score:4, Funny)
Or just wait for the explosive collar mod.
Obligatory Snow Crash Quote (Score:3, Funny)
-Y.T., Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson
Obligatory (Score:2, Funny)
I worked with these at the Florida Film Festival (Score:5, Interesting)
Modding a single dog took about 2-3hrs per dog, if you count in the soldering and layout of the PCB and the modification of the dog shell.
The purpose of the exhibit was to create a mediagenic event around coordinated releases of the dogs. There's a development here in Orlando called Baldwin Park, which has a bit of notoriety around it for being build on the site of an old Army base. They wanted to draw attention to the repurposing of these dogs and the fact that they could be used to make a statement, rather than trying to expose specific polluters, etc
It was kind of fun working on the dogs, and to see them run. We sent a team out into the field to videotape the dogs in action - supposedly they took it to a Burger King and it just ran into a corner. On a construction work site, one dog caught a whiff of a truck and went rolling after it.
We had fun working on the dogs, but weren't able to spend much time discussion the potential for this kind of renegade modding - in that sense I was a bit disappointed. But the whole sense of modding these dogs is what Slashdot is all about! Unfortunately, they don't run Linux yet...
Feral Robot Dog? (Score:2, Offtopic)
Re:Feral Robot Dog? (Score:1)
New AIBO Bumper Sticker? (Score:2)
It appears someone has hacked the site.... (Score:1)
Re:It appears someone has hacked the site.... (Score:1)
robot doggie deathmatch (Score:1)
battlebots meets the dogpit...."hello, UPN..."
Snow Crash guard dogs (Score:2)
Take an army of the recently-described feral hunting robots [smartmobs.com]. To each robot, add a GPS chip [nasa.gov] and wireless mesh networking [nec.com].
Give the people and dogs smart name tags [smartmobs.com], and have your dogs exchange your "business card" with the other smart name tags. Publish the FOAF url in it, so you can immediately check for compatibility and give the new information to the dogs.
Study the discovered FOAF files [rdfweb.org], each describing individual traits ("attributes") [xmlns.com].
Instruct the f
What do you call a pack of these things? (Score:1)
Opps! (Score:2, Funny)
I thought the title was... (Score:1)
Re:I thought the title was... (Score:1)
And then promptly die from electrocution.