CNet on WinFS 466
Weston writes "CNet has posted an article about WinFS, or more specifically, what Bob Muglia (a VP at Microsoft) said about it in a recent interview. According to Muglia, the new filesystem will not replace NTFS, but will incorporate feratures of NTFS, SQL, and XML all into a filesystem which, accoring to Microsoft, will open up a whole new world of information availability. He goes on to describe such a filesystem as the 'holy grail' that is sought by developers. WinFS is slated for release in 2005/06 as part of the Longhorn OS."
Been saying it for years (Score:2)
Re:Been saying it for years (Score:3, Insightful)
if by efficiency, you mean "speed of read and write" then i don't think this is going to be an improvement. the article makes it sound (although it's short on details) like winfs is just a front-end for ntfs and sqlserver - another layer your read-and-or-write has to go through before it gets to the disk.
but, hey, it's got xml for buzzword compliance!
Re:Been saying it for years (Score:2)
Re:Been saying it for years (Score:4, Insightful)
And sometimes all I want is a shitty database.
What worries me is that Microsoft already overrides my wishes; if they think they've created the "holy grail", they'll be even more likely yo impose it on me even if I know it's not what I want.
Case in point: Windows 2000 and above has no problem reading FAT32 partitions greater than 32GB in size. But it refuses to create FAT32 partitions > 32GB in size. Why? Because at that size, Microsoft knows better, Microsoft knows you should be uses NTFS and get the benefits of meta-data and journaling.
Except, I don't want the overhead for my MP3 collection. The meta-data's already present in the ID3 tags, and I don't need journaling -- once the ID3 tags are written, they're essential read-only. I want low overhead storage for very large (several MB) files.
And I want something that is a mirror of my portable plaayer, which can only read FAT32, can only read the first partition, and is 60GB. Since my portable only reads FAT32 (but doesn't format), and since Microsoft, in its wisdom knew better than to allow me to format it as FAT32, instead I got to watch it run the drive for over an hour before telling me the partition was too big. Talk about a linux killer app: I nearly had to switch to linux if I wanted to be able to use my portable.
Fortunately for me that the open-source world exists: somebody had actually compiled the linux mkfs for cygwin, and I formatted the portable with it. I can't use Windows' chkdsk on it, of course, and I haven't yet looked at compiling fsck under cygwin to further work around Microsoft's collosal arrogance.
Given my experience, if Microsoft thinks they have the "holy grail" of filesystems, it, and Microsoft's arrogance, will once again be rammed down the throats of every Microsoft user. But by that time, I'm sure I'll have fully transitioned to linux.
Re:Been saying it for years (Score:2)
Re:Been saying it for years (Score:2)
What worries me is that Microsoft already overrides my wishes; if they think they've created the "holy grail", they'll be even more likely yo impose it on me even if I know it's not what I want
They can only impose their will on you if you let them. You can just say "enough" and move to a Mac, Linux, *BSD, et al.
Re:Been saying it for years (Score:3, Insightful)
There may be a far-less-nefarious reason why it won't let you create a FAT32 partition of size >32GB, namely that the FAT table would be ridiculously large and inefficient.
Now, you could argue that
Re:Been saying it for years (Score:3, Informative)
However, even on the 486-33mhz 16mb Systems that NT 3.1 and 3.51 were released on showed that NTFS's performance was at the same level and sometimes much faster than less featured FS technologies like FAT, etc.
Ironically, Journaling is still seen as a major overhead on OSes like OSX - which baffles me, considering MS was able to offer great journaled performanc
Re:Been saying it for years (Score:4, Interesting)
The fact that file systems are databases has been recognized since, oh, databases were invented. One of the first things IBM tried after inventing the relational database was to replace the file system with it. You can tell how far that went.
The choice to make the UNIX file system the kind of database that it is was deliberate. UNIX file systems are a highly efficient and robust database, with proven metadata, security, and data consistency models. They do almost exactly what people want databases to do with their unstructured data.
For anything else, they use other databases. By a stroke of genius (or maybe just historical inevitability), those more specialized databases can be stored and accessed inside the file system database.
A database file system is quite accurately described as "The Holy Grail": it's an ancient mythological object of no practical value, something that only insane people would pursue.
Re:Been saying it for years (Score:3, Informative)
One of the first things IBM tried after inventing the relational database was to replace the file system with it. You can tell how far that went.
What do you mean? To this day IBM uses a database AS the filesystem in the AS/400. Ever heard of DB/2?
Corrupt filesystems faster, (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Corrupt filesystems faster, (Score:3, Funny)
drop database winfs;
Re:Corrupt filesystems faster, (Score:2)
Re:Corrupt filesystems faster, (Score:2)
Some things they do seem to have no other motive than getting your data into their system, and not letting it get back out again. No reason to assume DRM is the motive in all cases.
the 'holy grail' that is sought by developers. (Score:3, Funny)
What about those of us (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:What about those of us (Score:2)
Maybe not for us, but many people don't have that kind of hierarquical organization, and thus searching is faster.
I would suspect that XML will be used to store metadata from files, and not the files by thems
Re:What about those of us (Score:2)
Well, a file system is already a database, albeit a fairly poor one. Directories and sub-directories are essentially just fields attached to the record for each file. The new one will still
Re:What about those of us (Score:2)
In fact i would rather have a lightning fast filesystem and use special software to scan and index special data (ID3 tags , Documents info, etc) than have it into the filesystem.
After all, the programs most users use to look up files could very well do such jobs as display Id3 tags and snapshots (eg Nautilus does a good job). Combined with a userspace program that scans and indexes stuff (lets say something "like" GTKtalog ) then you would have a disk that is searchable. Not to mention that if
Re:What about those of us (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:What about those of us (Score:2)
A standard file hierarchy is a database with only one dimension, and one hierarchy. You can organize with one first level characteristic, then for each of those subtrees, one 2nd level, and so on. A database lets you have multiple hierarchies simultaneously.
You don't lose organization, you gain multiway organization. The real issue is that you need something better than the typical flat directory listing or tree listing to view the structure of your data. MS needs to combine
Re:What about those of us (Score:3, Informative)
In order to display the contents of C:\Foo\ the system has to search the entire File Allocation Table to look for files that reside in C:\Foo\.
This is wrong. To look up the files in C:\FOO is first looks up the FOO entry on C: off the root drive, and then it loads the FOO directory information directly. No searching the file allocation table, just searching the root directory entry and then the FOO directory entry. With 1000s of files under
Re:What about those of us (Score:3, Informative)
Nope. You'll have to search the FAT for the clusters in which the directory information is stored. This is similar to walking a single-linked list, if you get cluster numbers that don't belong to the directory (list), your filesystem is corrupt.
The basic idea here to replace the simple FAT, or even NTFS, with a database that has a lot of indexes, so that any tim
Re:What about those of us (Score:2)
> File Allocation Table to look for files that reside in C:\Foo\. This is why a
> directory that has 1000 entries can sometimes take nearly forever to display in
> Windows, and even longer if a networking situation is involved.
If it were true that searching the whole FAT is consuming so much time, it
wouldn't matter if your open a directory with 1000 entries or _any_ other
directory on the same partition (same FAT!).
NTFS + SQL + XML + buzzword compliance? (Score:5, Insightful)
This seems classic MS-predictive-FUD, where people hold their breath for the Next Release, which is a 1.0 version that sucks. Meanwhile, support people and PHBs have committed to it, so its Too Important To Let Fail. Ultimately, it becomes a time and resource sink the likes of which is only matched by
All of this won't help the average user find files easier, and will be massively more bloated and complex (read: too many moving parts, read: Service Pack Hell), and probably REQUIRE that Athlon-64 system we've been drooling over.
Re:NTFS + SQL + XML + buzzword compliance? (Score:2)
I'm actually surprised it's not being called .NETFS. I suppose it's because you'd have to use ls -a to see it. :)
Re:NTFS + SQL + XML + buzzword compliance? (Score:2)
I'd we willing to wager that TPCA (and indirectly DRM) will be fully supported by this new filesystem. However, they have to introduce it in such a way that consumers don't realize they made a new file system just so they could more fully control the contents of people's hard drives. So, instead they tell you how fast and efficient it is.
Re:NTFS + SQL + XML + buzzword compliance? (Score:2)
And how exactly is this FUD. Where is the Fear? Where is the doubt? Where's the Uncertainty?
You also say
Wouldn't you mean 'developers' and PHB have committed to it? Support people are always the last to change, and hate it the most.
Look, WinFS is a document repository. It's a good thing if you work with or build document management systems. Because right now, Document Managem
Re:NTFS + SQL + XML + buzzword compliance? (Score:2)
Adjective: decent
Enough to meet a purpose
Noun: descent
A movement downward
I can't tell whether you were trying to be funny, or trying to be critical; at any rate, you failed on either attempt. The original poster was correct, and you still tried to 'correct' him. Pathetic.
Re:NTFS + SQL + XML + buzzword compliance? (Score:2)
Thoughts on XML (Score:5, Interesting)
That being said, does anyone else think using XML in a filesystem is a horrible way to go? Especially given the hard drive capacity we're seeing today... number of files that can be stored, folders/subfolders, etc...
Unless I misread the article, I just don't see this being a smart move.
Re:Thoughts on XML (Score:2)
This makes an amount of sense - if you want to send a file and maintain the metadata about it, you package it into something that contains the XML file to make it future proof (supposing the format changes, say, because another OS comes too close to being able to read/write WinFS) and the actual data s
Re:Thoughts on XML (Score:2)
One would hope they're planning on using it as an outside repository just for the metadata, but even then, it's doomed to become extremely bloated. Hopefully, it would not be tied directly into file properties, and you would have the option to use it or not at that point
Re:Thoughts on XML (Score:2)
Re:Thoughts on XML (Score:3, Funny)
<data file="myfile.zqp byteIndex="1">0x2b</data>
Boy, am I excited.
Re:Thoughts on XML (Score:4, Interesting)
Your basic linear span of bytes file type becomes a subset of all possible data-structures. Structured file filesystems with various semantics have been around since the 70s (perhaps earlier). XML gives you a way that everyone can agree on to store the schema (of course you'd use a binary XML representation on disk, and have a few prefab schemas (like the DBM type key-value pair) hard-coded into libraries for speed).
This is a good idea, and perhaps one of the few places that I've heard people talk about using XML at a low level that I would agree with in princable.
Of course Microsoft will get it wrong. Because they're idiots? Not at all, there are a lot of bright people there, but Microsoft's priorities are set by their largest customers and for those customers and for marketing reasons, they make some truly AWFUL descisions, like consolodating the Win32 API and throwing away the multi-tiered, user-space service approach that NT was originally supposed to have on top of HAL and the NT microkernel. That was done because MS saw a need to give their largest base of developers (corporate in-house mostly) as close to a seemless transition from Win3.1 as possible, and for no real technical reason that had to do with NT.
That ruined what was likely to to have been one of the coolest pieces of software that Microsoft would have ever produced. NT (now the heart of XP and Longhorn) is still a cool OS at its core, but as I expect to happen with this filesystem, it was so hobbled by the needs of their business customers that it took a decade to extract any real value from that.
I'm not MS-bashing. I'm a Linux/UNIX/BSD user, but I'm willing to accept that good developers work on all sorts of software, open and proprietary. The problem is that the larger a software business is, the less voice the developers have.
Personally, I'm waiting to see where Reiser goes...
Re:Thoughts on XML (Score:2)
Re:Thoughts on XML (Score:2)
I've ignored quite a few system critical process in win2k (lsass, mdm, regsvc, system, winlogon, etc..) but you get the drift. Windows in low RAM is fine if you only want an app or two open at a time. MS has a history of using more resources than compe
WebDAV??? (Score:2)
Do you guys really think (Score:2, Insightful)
great (Score:2)
Does this mean that Bill Gates represents ... (Score:2)
Cool (Score:2)
In particular what I'm looking for (and maybe other people are too), is a file system where it's easy to find files. I don't mean finding them by the name, but by content, and not just text, but graphics, executeable, you name it. For example, I have tons of pictures from my digital camera, scattered into different dir
Price of admission is a full disk comprimise (Score:2)
File now or file later (Score:3, Insightful)
Of course you'd have to do that scut work for any of these FS's to be useful. Now if you've gone to the effort of making the directory meta-data useful and explanatory then wouldn't just walking the directory tree accomplish the same goal while being less complex
Only cool when used correctly (Score:3, Insightful)
And this is the point where it will fail. Look, the concept is nifty, that is true. However common users rarely bother to give a document a good name, so why would you think that they are going to fill in the metadata? (Which you can do by the way in Office documents)
Now imagine this: we are in 2006, you have your digital camera and come home from a long vacation. You want to upload the pics to your machine
Re:Cool (Score:2)
I haven't worked out all the kinks, but to me, being able to find stuff quickly in file systems that are continually growing would be a huge bonus.
Well, duh: that's what UNIX is all about. That's why you have dozens of command line tools to search and manipulate files with. For example, to find all TeX files in your home directory containing a keyword, use this:
he said, (Score:2)
Which is what, exactly? In my experience, NTFS has been nothing but slow, unreliable, and utterly unscaleable. Ever try running an NTFS volume as a cache or some other-small file storage device? Utterly unuseable.
So if WinFS is to augment NTFS, my prayers go out to you Windows administrators.
Re:he said, (Score:3, Funny)
It is really good at all of those things.
Re:A better question... (Score:2)
feh (Score:2)
When was the last time... (Score:2)
New Filing Cabinet System Announced (Score:3, Funny)
Why risk it? (Score:2)
1. It is discivered to be broken shortly after release. This would cripple the entire OS and require a huge mae culpa from MS.
2. It is insecure. Once again, the whole OS would be undermined, us
SQL, XML not a Holy Grail: relational would be. (Score:2)
SQL is just a corruption of the relational model, loosing power and simplicity. XML is just markup, and perhaps a nice programming convenience, but attempts to force feed it into databases and filesystems are bound to fail as miserably and costly as the similar attempts to force feed OO.
On the other hand, even SQL would be better than the current hierarchical file systems. And a truly relational database system such as Alphora Dataphor as a filesystem would be my technical Holy Grail, yes -- just not in
Re:SQL, XML not a Holy Grail: relational would be. (Score:2)
Please reply, I'm really intruiged
It's a simple question of weight ratios... (Score:2)
Re:It's a simple question of weight ratios... (Score:2)
BuzzwordFS (Score:2)
A few points (Score:2)
Re:A few points (Score:2)
The typical solution is to use OS-specific archiving tools (like tar) to handle the transfer of that metadata. But, for example, would you really want your audio
Complete this sentence: (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Complete this sentence: (Score:2)
Someone has to pick up the slack and MS seems to have grabbed it with both hands (they already had the right hand on it.)
Wrong mythology (Score:2)
Theory only? (Score:2)
On the other hand, maybe Microsoft will pull a beauty out of the hat.... Naaahhhhhhh.
M$'s real holy grail (Score:3, Insightful)
MS Filesystems are Internet Enabled!!!! (Score:5, Funny)
It's really easy to administer. Just plug you Windows computer into the internet, wait for a few minuits for a helpfull worm - and PRESTO!!!
You file system is on the Internet Baby!!!
Holy grail? (Score:2)
And i thought AI was the holy grail! Damnit!
But...I like NTFS! (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:But...I like NTFS! (Score:2)
It doesn't force people into functionally unnecessary upgrades which keep MS profits high, that's what's wrong with it.
"Microsoft - We force you to upgrade because We Care (about our profits)".
Re:But...I like NTFS! (Score:2)
Yes, compared to (V)FAT, it's a great file system. But don't worry, Microsoft is trying to give you that old DOS feeling again by adding ample new opportunities for data loss and performance bottlenecks.
Oooooooh, yeah... (Score:2)
No, I am not trolling. I am not even being funny. If Microsoft cannot reasonably secure their OS, what makes you think they will be able to secure this new file system?
Think about the possibilities: no Admin password on this Windows 2020 box you just r00ted? No problem!! Just do the following SQL request and you'll find the password in plain text in t
Odd statement (Score:2)
If this were the "holy grail", wouldn't people have cared a lot more about it when BeOS did it ten years ago?
I find it amusing Microsoft has now for years been harping on this one SQL-drive feature in an OS that keeps getting pushed back and back. I guess it's because it's the only thing Microsoft has done i
Can it get any more open? (Score:2, Funny)
Seems like with all the worms and viruses out there that Microsoft has already achieved this goal
The Blue Screen of Corruption (Score:2)
BSC like BSD has a nice ring to it.
Lack of Ideas (Score:2)
I think this File System idea is just another example. Everyone talks about a "new" file system as if adding a relational database (of some kind) or meta data for the existing concept of file is somehow revolutionary.
Why not try more radical ideas. We have a document style that is based on a generic "template" some of the document is the s
The holy grail (Score:2)
I've already got one and it's very nice!
Holy Grail, Batman! (Score:2)
Information Accessibility revolution (Score:2)
Typical /. (Score:2)
"It will be horribly slow!"
"It might be insecure!"
"NTFS is all we need."
"LiNuX R000lZ!"
"MS SQL is stupid, mySQL is better!"
"XML is dumb, no one uses it."
"In Microsoft WinFS, the files database you!"
"Imagine a beowulf cluster of these.."
Re:Typical /. (Score:2)
And I'm glad you're an expert on filesystems, too. Perhaps you can help them write WinFS!
Not neccessarily bad (Score:2)
What the article says is: WinFS will use the "querying capabilities" of SQL Server and the "data labeling capabilities" of XML. Now, put this into context. It does not neccessarily mean that everything will be stored as XML. I imagine it could mean something like this.
Think of a directory as an SQL table, where the file name for each file is the primary key. Other metadata for each file, such as size, timestamp, priviligies can be thoug
doom scenario (Score:2)
Next data recovery will become a enterprise class only service, which will cost fortunes. People might start loose data on their PC's as frequently as today BSOD screens popup. So next Wintel strongly suggests to put your valuable data on their subscription storage sites.
Inspiring! (Score:2)
NTFS is NOT dead, read the article! (Score:2)
Think about it: It doesn't make much sense to move (for example) the kernel and other low-level files into WinFS because (a) it raises bootstrapping issues (in order to load the kernel, you'd have to bring up the database engine, but the database engine depends on the kernel) and (b) they don't contain much, if any,
Filename conventions (Score:2)
For example:
My Word Doc.doc
My Word Doc.doc.xmlannotations
My Word Doc.doc.sqlindexedtextversion
My Word Doc.doc.xmlenterpriserelevancy
together with a bunch of services that monitor, and assist in generating, querying, and interpreting the data.
MS may be providing tools to assist in all this, but isn't this a very simple idea that can be done/copied with any existing OS, with little effort?
Isn't this just slocate with more metadata? (Score:2)
As I see it, if an app that doesn't know about WinFS, say a legacy app (or open up its data storage to WinFS) goes to store data in WinFS, it will ignore most of the metadata layer, and store its data as binary, whether that's as a BLOB in a DB or a file pointed to by a fs tree seems immaterial. This says to me that the main problem is that apps don't TELL each other
Oh Boy! (Score:2)
The first two were such huge innovations I just can't wait for the next one.
Somebody Left the Grail Beacon On... (Score:2)
The moment you enter meta-data it becomes stale. Unless the meta-data is derived from the data itself, it cannot and will not stay synchronized without manual intervention or diligent application coding.
If the application is responsible for maintaining the tags, only standard meta-data fields can be used or applications will not interoperate. Can we expec
Re:Developers, developers, developers! (Score:2)
NTFS won't "lose" data when the power is cut off. I don't know if it'll "loose" data, though.
Nor will it overwrite important data just because I told it to.
So then you want a FS that *doesn't* do what you tell it to do? Somehow, that sounds like a really, really bad idea.
Re:Developers, developers, developers! (Score:2)
Re:Developers, developers, developers! (Score:2)
Re:Developers, developers, developers! (Score:2)
Re:2006? (Score:2)
And where is the inventor of BeFS now? Apple. I'm expecting so see some serious FS innovation in MacOS 10.4 (codenamed `pussycat').
The nicest thing I've seen using BeFS is a partial Jabber client that exposes each online person as a file, which can be viewed and messaged from the Tracker.
Re:Isn't this what Hans Reiser is doing? (Score:2)
If MS is so concerned about developing a stable and good filesystem, why not just take what's free for the taking the opensource world? I guess doing that would damage their co
Re:Isn't this what Hans Reiser is doing? (Score:2)
No, no :) They could change it slightly, in undocumented ways, like they did with Kerberos and Ldap for Active Directory.
Re:Translation: (Score:2)
Re:Translation: (Score:2)
What if the price of SQL Server is "bundled" into the price of Longhorn?
Or, maybe you really don't need an SQL server. Developers get hooked by an easy to use new way to store and query vast amounts of data. And it is just the filesystem!
Oh, you're going to deploy more than five workloads? You'll a twenty thousand dollar license for that. Sort of like MSDE today. It's free to get you hooked
Re:My Docuement into My Database (Score:2)
Another key building block is the querying capabilities of Microsoft's SQL Server relational database, according to Microsoft. WinFS also will incorporate the data labeling capabilities of Extensible Markup Language (XML), Muglia said.
This seems like way too much overhead for a problem that can be solved with some clever indexing.
"Today, applications encapsulate data. In the future, applications will be able to read and w
Re:My Docuement into My Database (Score:2)
Perhaps Microsoft should invent some sort of Standard Code for Information Interchange. It'll be a big hit, I'm sure.