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Ask About Running Windows Software in Linux 456

There have been recent reports about programs from Israel, Canada, and The Philippines that let you run Windows software in Linux. Are they really new? Can they succeed? Is this whole effort worth the time and trouble going into it? CodeWeavers CEO and Wine maven Jeremy White ought to know, since he's been working to bring Windows software to Linux users for many years -- with quite a bit of success. We'll forward 10 - 12 of the highest moderated questions posted here to Jeremy, and run his answers as soon as we get them back.
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Ask About Running Windows Software in Linux

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  • Project David (Score:5, Interesting)

    by mfh ( 56 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:10AM (#9107570) Homepage Journal
    We've heard that Project David could be a CrossOver Office [] rip-off. To what extent is David a fraud [] and what are your options to combat those who would misrepresent themselves using your products for VC or even illegal/infringing sales revenue?
    • Re:Project David (Score:5, Insightful)

      by One Louder ( 595430 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:30AM (#9107756)
      How about first finding out that it is, in fact, a "ripoff", then determining if there's any misrepresentation, then if there's any violation of any license, *then* figuring out what sort of vigilante action to take.

      I like arbitrarily lynching people without any actual evidence of wrongdoing as much as the next guy. but I'm just saying....

  • Timeline (Score:5, Interesting)

    by millahtime ( 710421 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:11AM (#9107580) Homepage Journal
    What is the timeline to get true windows program compatability in the open source operating systems?
    • Re:Timeline (Score:5, Interesting)

      by RLW ( 662014 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:59AM (#9108028)
      Pick the version of windows compatibility to shoot for. There are many many versions and each has its own set of updates; never mind the plethora of patches for each version.

      An emulator that can handle all this would be basically a PC emulator (see VMWare) with a bunch of Windows binaries.

      Does/will WINE have a version selectable compatibility ? There are quite a few windows apps out there that only run on specific versions of windows at specific patch levels and they won't run on subsequent versions or patch levels. It would seem that this kind of compatibility is very difficult. Would it even be worth while given the number of users would may have need for such compatibility?
    • Re:Timeline (Score:4, Insightful)

      by bogie ( 31020 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:04PM (#9108089) Journal
      2007, no wait 2009 er what was that again? Sorry but your question just doesn't make much sense or even seem very fair for that matter. This you would know within 2 minutes of Googling the subject. Nobody knows the answer to that question. You might have well have asked What is the Timeline for World Peace?

      To give you some sort of answer even though I don't really know if you deserve it is this. The only way there will be 100% compatability is when Microsoft completely Open Sources their OS's. Until then you have to use something like VMware which works but can be slow depending on the app and Wine which works for only some specific apps but is improving all the time.
  • Priorities (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Short Circuit ( 52384 ) <> on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:13AM (#9107593) Homepage Journal
    How do features and bugfixes get priority/take precedence in WINE? Is that likely to change?
  • Why? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by the unbeliever ( 201915 ) <> on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:13AM (#9107595) Homepage
    Why dedicate time (and presumably money) to continue the lock-in Microsoft Office and similar apps have in the workplace, rather than dedicating that time to make existing F/OSS software better, thereby removing the lock?
    • Re:Why? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by tachin ( 590622 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:23AM (#9107705)
      Because it's not an instant change, its a process not an event. It'll take a while until comparable (OSS) applications can compite with the Windows versions, we have OpenOffice but if you "must" run MS Office you can use Wine for example, and then you are no longer "locked-in" Windows, so actually the existence of these facilities (Cross Over Office, Wine..) does not continue the "lock-in" but in fact help to end it.
    • Re:Why? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by FortKnox ( 169099 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:24AM (#9107712) Homepage Journal
      Well, for one, why fix what isn't broken? A lot of apps, like Office, have lived for so long and gone through so many iterations, why do you want to start from scratch and try to compete with it?

      And, even if you do make a superior product, 95% of businesses use word's proprietary 'doc' type file. Instead, you can spend half the time and effort to port it over, meaning businesses wouldn't have to change much software for your average joe business user, but they get to move the OS over to something more stable and secure.
    • Re:Why? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by syphax ( 189065 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:38AM (#9107840) Journal
      The other responses answer this well enough, but let me make it simple:

      For many reasons, it's hard to switch, plain vanilla, from Windows/Office to a Free set of OS + applications. Any tool that aids a gradual transition is, most likely, a Good Thing.

      For my office work, I cannot plausibly switch away from Office right now without a major productivity hit, mostly due to file format issues (and some VBA scripts that would take time to re-create in OOo). It isn't right, but that's the way it is. I could, however, switch away from Windows if I could still run Office well enough from time to time.
    • Re:Why? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by AndyRobinson ( 633286 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:41AM (#9107861)
      Because in an ideal world the choices a user makes about which applications to run shouldn't be dictated by the operating system their computer runs

      OK, I know that is somewhat idealistic, but hear me out. When someone goes to do something they want to be able to use what they think is the best tool for the job. It doesn't really matter on what grounds they've made that choice - whether it's objetively better, whether it's the one they've always used and are comfortable with, whether it's that latest in thing, whatever. They want to be able to run their chosen app on their chosen OS.

      Personally, I don't really care whether someone uses MS Office or Open Office as long as their happy using what they're using. I would, however, like to be able run Dreamweaver, Fireworks and Photoshop reliably under Linux because then I have the option. If other people are happy running open source equivalents then great. But regardless of whether Gimp is better than Photoshop, I know which I'm better at using Photoshop so that's what I'd rather use.

      Working on Windows compatability is a way of reducing lock-in and promoting competition as it removes restrictions of what can run where. That way the best products should be most successful, not merely the ones that have already got market share or have managed to tie people in whether they like it or not.

    • Re:Why? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by NanoGator ( 522640 )
      "Why dedicate time (and presumably money) to continue the lock-in Microsoft Office and similar apps have in the workplace"

      Think about why the lock-in happens in the first place, then think about the value of at least getting those lock-in apps running on another OS.
    • Re:Why? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Zathrus ( 232140 )
      Why dedicate time (and presumably money) to continue the lock-in Microsoft Office and similar apps have in the workplace

      Because the lock exists. Wishing it away won't change things. Contrary to popular belief, the world will not beat a path to your door if you build a better mousetrap. Not if everyone uses the old mousetrap, it works "good enough", and your new mousetrap won't fit through standard doors.

      In the business world migrating desktops from Windows to anything else is problematic at best. Do you
  • Hurdles? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by baudilus ( 665036 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:13AM (#9107599)
    What have been the most major hurdles in your projects (both past and present)? How were they handled in the past?
  • by iapetus ( 24050 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:14AM (#9107600) Homepage
    To what extent do you believe Windows binary compatibility on Linux could stifle development of native Linux solutions that compete with those Windows applications?
    • by FortKnox ( 169099 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:32AM (#9107772) Homepage Journal
      I think the exact opposite will be true, here.

      Its best to explain as an example:
      Suppose OSOffice is an open source competitor to MSOffice.
      Good sys-admin Charlie finally convinces management to convert all machines from Windows to Linux. By putting in Wine, the business users still have MSOffice and can do their jobs regularly, but they pay less money for the operating system, and still gain a stable and secure operating system in the process.

      Eventually, Eugene, the marketing director, plays around in the new operating system and finds OSOffice. It can do the same things, and actually a few nice things that MSOffice can't. He plays around with it, and eventually switches to the new app. He convinces so co-workers to do the same. Before long, most of the employees are using OSOffice instead of MSOffice, and they drop MSOffice in favor of OSOffice (and save money).

      Converting people from MS to Linux isn't a "drop ms and use linux" solution. Its a slow process that needs helping. Wine is one of those 'helpers.'
      • by iapetus ( 24050 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:38AM (#9107831) Homepage
        I see that process as more likely to work the other way round, and I'm sure I've seen cases of this reported on Slashdot and elsewhere - OpenOffice (sorry, OSOffice) running under Windows is the first step towards change - when the application software has been gradually phased over to open source, there's no point in paying the premium for Windows licenses when there's no software left that requires Windows to run.
    • by Kenja ( 541830 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:35AM (#9107793)
      Well, I guess one could say that being able to run windows native apps on Linux gets the end user over to Linux in the first place rather then spend money on Windows. One there is a good user base of Linux systems there is a reason for companies to release Linux native versions of the apps. So a Windows emulation layer (or what ever) solves the chicken and the egg problem of commercial apps.

      HOWEVER. I for one think Linux has a long way to go before it can be used be Joe and Jane CompUSA customer. Simple things are missing from many distros that end up requireing extensive work to add. Untill the end user dosn't need to mess around in the kernel code it will not be acceptable. For example.

      I'm building a PPTP server, which should be simple.
      1. Debian has a package for Poptop. However I want to use MSCHAPv2 which requires that the kernel support MPPE (why the hell is this in the kernel?).
      2. There is a kernel module for MPPE for Debian. However it needs a 2.4.x kernel.
      3. Debian by default installs a 2.2.x kernel.
      4. Installing a 2.4.x kernel over the default Debian install kills Lilo.
      5. Installing with the 2.4.x kernel from the Debian installer breaks the included driver for the 3COM NIC in the server.
      6. Vodka makes all my troubles go away for a while.
      7. GOTO 6

      • by koali ( 175176 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:45AM (#9107906)

        HOWEVER. I for one think Linux has a long way to go before it can be used be Joe and Jane CompUSA customer. Simple things are missing from many distros that end up requireing extensive work to add. Untill the end user dosn't need to mess around in the kernel code it will not be acceptable. For example.

        I'm building a PPTP server, which should be simple.

        Wait a minute, you're telling me that Joe and Jane from CompUSA want to build a PPTP server. I'll give you good news: with Linux they can even run a beowulf cluster of those...

    • This is EXACTALLY what happened with OS/2. With WinOS2, there was no reason to write applications in the OS/2 api, because if you used the windows API, you are guaranteed one more OS your app can run on.

      And a lot of people don't realize it, but the same is of course true wint Winnt/2k/XP. The Windows API is on top/along side the actual Native NT API (convienient since NT evolved from OS/2)... and how many Native NT applications do you know of?
  • Challenges (Score:5, Interesting)

    by AKAImBatman ( 238306 ) <> on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:14AM (#9107603) Homepage Journal
    What are the biggest challenges in getting generic Windows software to run? So far, WINE has appeared to be mostly focused on games. While it's great that my son's Blue's Clues game runs just as well as on Windows (Thank You!), getting applications like Video Players installed tends to be difficult if not impossible.

    • by penguinoid ( 724646 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:31AM (#9107765) Homepage Journal
      So far, WINE has appeared to be mostly focused on games.

      I have heard it said, "Windows is only good for playing games". Does that explain anything?
  • by Gerv ( 15179 ) <> on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:14AM (#9107607) Homepage
    Is there any value in Windows-apps-on-Linux solutions which force you to own a copy of Windows anyway?

    • by C10H14N2 ( 640033 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:57PM (#9108650)
      Because I have to use various Windows software in order to makea living, what I find myself doing is using SSH+XForwarding into my Linux machines, thus mooting the argument.

      With Wine or VMWare or whatever, I take a pretty huge performance hit and have no guarantees that anything will actually work. By pulling my Linux apps onto my Windows desktop via X-Forwarding, I end up with a VERY powerful desktop where EVERYTHING works. I thus have ZERO use for any Windows binaries mucking up my Linux machines.
  • Microsoft (Score:5, Interesting)

    by XMyth ( 266414 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:14AM (#9107608) Homepage
    Do you receive any help or tips from developers at Microsoft? I don't mean illegal access to source code or anything, but maybe discussions on how duplicate certain methods to increase compatability and stability in WINE?
  • by merlin_jim ( 302773 ) <`moc.tlupatarts' `ta' `nekcarCcM.semaJ'> on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:14AM (#9107609)
    I understand that most of the work of Wine was in porting the Windows APIs. Have there been a lot of surprises outside of API porting that you've encountered along the way?

    Of the various API libraries, are there any you thought would be particularly easy or difficult to port, that ended up surprising you?

    I imagine at least some of the APIs worked somewhat contrary to their documented (or undocumented?) nature; in those cases have you chosen to go with the Windows implementation details in order to maintain compatibility?

    Which API have you disliked working with the most?
  • Paradox? (Score:5, Funny)

    by FortKnox ( 169099 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:14AM (#9107610) Homepage Journal
    How easy is it for you to sleep at night knowing your job is dependant on Linux succeeding, yet MS software staying popular? You are living in a paradox of a job!

    (This is supposed to be a joke, not to insult the guys)
    • Re:Paradox? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by slamb ( 119285 ) * on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:16PM (#9108234) Homepage
      How easy is it for you to sleep at night knowing your job is dependant on Linux succeeding, yet MS software staying popular? You are living in a paradox of a job!

      Forgive me for posting a serious reply to a joke, but:

      There's no paradox. Not only is there room for more than one significant OS (say 60% Windows, 40% Linux), but OS use is not mutually exclusive. That is, it could be 80% Windows, 30% OS X, 20% Linux. Any pie chart that shows OS use adding up to 100% is either oversimplified ("primary"? what does that mean?) or wrong.

  • by kaufi ( 98353 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:15AM (#9107617)
    will there ever be the possibility to run the famous windows worms and virii in linux?
  • by Otter ( 3800 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:15AM (#9107619) Journal
    If you could reimplement the Windows API yourself, keeping it in recognizable form but making improvements, what would you do differently? What are your favorite and least favorite things about it?
  • by rben ( 542324 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:15AM (#9107624) Homepage

    If the EU really does pass the software patent law under consideration and the U.S. adopts that treaty that Bush is pushing, won't MS just be able to sue any compatibility products out of business?

  • by TheGavster ( 774657 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:15AM (#9107627) Homepage
    What types of applications are currently being focused on to get working under emulation? Do you target specific applications, or catagories of applications?
  • API vs VM solutions (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Dana P'Simer ( 530866 ) * <dana DOT psimer AT dhptech DOT com> on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:16AM (#9107628) Journal
    The WINE web site goes a long way towards making the case for the API solution. Obviously, the VM solution seems to be easier to accomplish, would a hybrid solution give us a better result?
  • GUI compatibility (Score:5, Interesting)

    by xenostar ( 746407 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:17AM (#9107648)
    A lot of people I know are put off by the way applications running in WINE look on their *nix desktop. Are there plans to integrate WINE with a native linux GUI toolkit for a more streamlined user experience?
  • WINE 1.0 ... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by molarmass192 ( 608071 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:17AM (#9107650) Homepage Journal
    It's been coming for a long time, any idea as to when it will get here and what are the criteria for achieving that mystical 1.0 milestone!
  • Obstacles (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Daneurysm ( 732825 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:18AM (#9107655)
    What have been the biggest obstacles encountered so far?

    ...and what has been more difficult:

    Poking the WinAPI and figuring out how and what it does?


    Microsoft breaking what you do figure out?

    has microsoft actually been as much of a hinderance as us Slashdot readers would expect them to be?
    • Re:Obstacles (Score:3, Informative)

      by dasmegabyte ( 267018 )
      Speak for yourself. Some of "us" Slashdot readers don't expect Microsoft to stand in the way of WINE at all. After all, they couldn't stop DR-DOS or PC DOS or Pro DOS. And they didn't stand in the way of VirtualPC or VMWare.

      As for breaking WINE -- well, Microsoft would be hard pressed to change their APIs in such a way that would break WINE, but that wouldn't break third party applications. The last thing Microsoft wants to do is to further annoy third part devs who have enough trouble with service pac
  • Remaining Hurdles (Score:5, Interesting)

    by div_2n ( 525075 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:18AM (#9107656)
    One would think with lots of API documentation available that a near perfect compatibility layer should have been feasible by now. This has not happened and many people (myself included) don't really understand why.

    What hurdles stand between Wine/Codeweavers and a near-flawless Windows compatibility layer?
  • Educational Software (Score:5, Interesting)

    by north.coaster ( 136450 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:19AM (#9107665) Homepage
    It seems like most of the effort so far has been to get office productivity software (ie. Microsoft Office) to work on Linux. However, there is a market for low cost home computers that Linix could help to fill if the educational software that kids use (such as the Reader Rabbit series) could run on Linux. Why is this potential market being ignored?
    • Mod parent up! (Score:3, Interesting)

      by RealAlaskan ( 576404 )
      However, there is a market for low cost home computers that Linix could help to fill if the educational software that kids use (such as the Reader Rabbit series) could run on Linux.

      Reader Rabbit and his ilk are the only reason we still have a Windows computer in the house (but never on the net!). That won't last forever: either our kids will outgrow that, or Wine will get good enough. Our youngest is 1, so they have about 17 years to liberate our family from Windows, or it's too late.

    • by ahfoo ( 223186 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:48AM (#9107936) Journal
      I think I can answer this one at least in part and I doubt it will make the list. So, allow me.
      The largest part of the educational multimedia market uses software built with either Macromedia Director or Authorware or some other very high level authoring system as opposed to C++. This is because typically these applications are heavy on realtively simple mulitmedia interactions and light on intensive computing that requires stramlined code.
      For the most part, these systems do already work quite flawlessly under Wine. I've developed a few of these type apps and I used to go to the Marcomedia corporate newsgroups and harrangue then to come out with a GNU/Linux run-time so educational authors could create native GNU/Linux apps in addition to Windows and Mac. But then Wine came out and I discovered that not only did my own apps, but several dozen other Macromedia based apps I tried all worked under Wine. Not only that, the authoring environment itself works under Wine. And that was at least four years ago. Probably more like six.
      Since then, I've assisted a number of teachers who simply assumed that their apps wouldn't work under Wine to make them work. In every case what I have found is that Wine already did work, but the real problem was the teacher in question didn't understand how Wine worked and how to setup the fake_Windows directory. So, it's not really a Wine problem as much as a lack of familiarity with the Linux filesystem among those people who would be responsible for making the switch, ie teachers.
      I don't know the Reader Rabbit series per se, but I do know that the average public school in California and Colorado where I have had direct experience in such things has purchased a copy of Macromedia Authorware for just about every single staff and the janitors too in hopes that they would take a crack at putting some multimedia lessons together and very very few of them have. However, there are a number of existing and many many bankrupt companies that devoted themselves to producing these type of titles and since they all use similar run-times which use only a limited subset of the Windows API that was supported in Wine a long time ago, the chances are your app quite likely might already work.
  • Funny stories? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by NanoGator ( 522640 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:20AM (#9107678) Homepage Journal
    Do you have any funny stories about making this sort of thing work? Ever discover embarrasing or silly stuff about a developer? Seems like your line of work would lend itself to those sort of things.
  • by 4of12 ( 97621 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:21AM (#9107679) Homepage Journal

    So at some point Linux will work on and with more old hardware than the newest versions of Windows.

    And will be able to use Wine to run crusty old applications better than the newest versions of Windows. (Microsoft's biggest enemy to getting people to use its new products has for many years not been any other company but its own installed base.)

    For people outside first world corporate IT departments that transition time when Linux appears more attractive will be sooner. How soon?

    How do you expect the transition to desktop Linux to play out?

  • Performance issues (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Warlok ( 89470 ) <> on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:21AM (#9107682) Journal
    I had the dubious honor of testing a Windows app that was ported to Solaris a few years back, using a Win32 translation library (not WinE, forget the name of the library). Not only was it 5-7 times larger than the equivalent U*ix app, it was 7-10 times slower.

    So I'm wondering what provisions are being made to maintain performance levels in the libraries themselves. Simply mapping Win32 API's to U*ix API's and providing some compatibility stuff won't cut it if my Win32 apps run on U*ix system like poorly written recursive shell scripts.
  • by solosaint ( 699000 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:22AM (#9107693)
    correct me if I am wrong, but doesnt the whole windows emulation thing come down to whether or not you can utilize the drivers, namely the video drivers... if you could run PC games JUST AS WELL on a Linux box then a Windows box... i think it would boost Linux sales into the roof... what do you think?
  • by jd ( 1658 ) <imipak AT yahoo DOT com> on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:23AM (#9107697) Homepage Journal
    In the event that you succeed in porting the Windows API to Linux, have you thought of adding a few... extensions of your own? And, if so, what would those be?
  • by R2.0 ( 532027 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:26AM (#9107721)
    Is the current focus on a broad compatibility or making specific (but large userbase) applications work?

    Where should the focus be?

    Will your efforts be a success when Crossover and/or WINE have equal compatibility with WIN32 applications as does Windows (i.e. not very good except for MS products), or will you have to be better than MS at making applications work?
  • Wrong approach? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by proverbialcow ( 177020 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:28AM (#9107728) Journal
    Wouldn't it be better more productive to bring Linux functionality to Windows (in an intuitive way, unlike Cygwin) to make that 97% aware of the potential their computer holds?
    It seems to me that telling someone "Use this system with a steep learning curve; it's a lot better and most of your Windows programs will run a lot of the time." is a lot less likely to work than admitting a lot of people will find Linux daunting, and trying to meet those people half-way
  • Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:29AM (#9107737)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Moving Target (Score:5, Interesting)

    by andrew_j_w ( 630799 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:29AM (#9107746) Homepage
    Do you ever get disheartened when Microsoft announces a new API, as that means you've suddenly got a whole load of new code to replicate? DirectX would seem to be a prime example of this. How do you see .Net/Mono in relation to Wine? Do you think they will ever become the prime method of running Windows applications under *nix?
  • by Sheepdot ( 211478 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:30AM (#9107753) Journal
    An oft-ignored subject when working on WINE is the emulation of Microsoft's operating systems primarily for gaming purposes. Indeed, it could be argued that this is the last big hurdle that might not ever be truly possible.

    What options/alternatives do you see Linux gamers having with regards to DirectX emulation for popular Windows games that don't have Linux equivalents? Do you see better support for DirectX API in the near or distant future?

  • Longhorn (Score:5, Insightful)

    by somethinghollow ( 530478 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:30AM (#9107761) Homepage Journal
    How scary is Longhorn for WINE / CO? What problems does it introduce, if any?
  • by zentu ( 584197 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:34AM (#9107787)
    I know of many projects (like TransGaming's WineX) that are commercial and made for the idea of running windows games on Linux. My quesions are this do you feel that this is the correct way to get a developers to slowly switch over to Linux, or do you belive that it would make more sense to make complier and library that is more 'friendly' for game development? Also, what do you feel is the largest factor that slows the production of games for linux?
    • Actually, the biggest problem with production of games for Linux is that same one as producing games for Windows. The PC games market is being eroded by the great success of the ever more powerful and ubiquitous games consoles (PS2, XBox, GameCube). Game developers generally won't target a platform that won't make them any money. And consolidation in the industry is removing the desire to take the risk of innovative gameplay on multiple platforms.

      That said, I would say that development tools are definitely
  • Tax Software? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by mengel ( 13619 ) <mengel AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net> on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:35AM (#9107807) Homepage Journal
    Every year I end up having to boot MSWindows in order to run Tax software. It's pretty much the only time I boot MSWindows anymore, and I end up doing a lot of work to keep that environment around and running just for that one, annual, task. And it's not just me, we have had several [] articles [] here at Slashdot discussing this topic at great length.

    Are you guys working on a deal with any of the tax software publishers to ensure their software runs under Wine each year?

    If not, would you consider it?

  • Native Widgets (Score:5, Interesting)

    by protomala ( 551662 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:39AM (#9107846) Homepage
    There is a growing effort to make KDE/Gnome programs to look similar, for example using open/save dialogs from the enviroement or to use the same visual theme.

    Programs running under wine however simply look just like windows programs making them a bit "alien" on unix desktops. Do you think it would be a good idea that programs running under wine look and feel more like native programs?

  • Transgaming (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Apostata ( 390629 ) <apostata AT hotmail DOT com> on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:40AM (#9107855) Homepage Journal
    At the present moment, TransGaming Technologies, which implements their own version of Wine (WineX) seems to be both the poster-child for what's good and bad about running Windows applications (games specifically) on Linux.

    Of all the games they list for compatibility, only 8 games score a "5" for useability (meaning: no glitches, no 'minor irrirations'). That's 8 out of a virtual gazillion.

    While some trumpet this as a promising turn in the tide towards Linux gaming (as opposed to waiting for native ports), many feel that it's trading the virtues of one OS in order to subsidize another.

    What is Jeremy's opinion on TransGaming's approach to 'Windows apps on Linux' in light of this?

    (and thanks!)
  • by rrkap ( 634128 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:41AM (#9107862) Homepage

    It seems to me that there are two good approaches to running Windows and Linux programs on the same box without switching between operating systems. One is to use Wine under Linux and the other is to use Cygwin under Windows. What are the advantages of each approach?

  • by hirschma ( 187820 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:42AM (#9107880)
    It'd seem to me that the biggest problem with Wine and its derivatives is that they're constantly chasing a moving target.

    Since MSFT is, to some degree, held hostage by a need to ensure compatibility back to Win 98 (or perhaps, Win2k), why not create an independent standard for ISVs industry wide? Freeze a Win32 API set that meets the needs of most ISVs, call it something like OpenWin32, and get the word out that if writing to this API will ensure that software works on BOTH Windows and Wine-like constructs.

    Creating such a thing would be expensive - there'd have to be developer tools and compatibility suites created - but it'd not only help crack MSFT's lock on the industry, but it'd be a potential revenue source for Crossover (who better to create such resources?), and help popularize Windows software on non-Win platforms.

    My likely misinformed $.02

    • Sadly this won't work.

      Why? Because unless you are prepared to write better (and unencumbered) documentation for each API, no one is going to bother to read it. After all, why should they when DevStudio offers all the help they need just by pressing F1?

      And even if they did read it, it still wouldn't do much good since most software is written against ATL or MFC, or in a language that doesn't even hit Win32 directly. Not to mention that WINE would still have to support the 'broken' Win32 API anyway in ord

  • Hmm...XWindows (Score:3, Insightful)

    by sepluv ( 641107 ) <blakesley AT gmail DOT com> on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:42AM (#9107882)
    >>There have been recent reports about programs from Israel, Canada, and The Philippines that let you run Windows software in Linux. Are they really new? Can they succeed? This is a late April fool, right? Ye, it's called XWindows--runs windows on top of Linux just fine.
  • What's your itch? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Clockwurk ( 577966 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:43AM (#9107883) Homepage
    Many, if not most FOSS apps are developed as a way to scratch an "itch" for a developer; a task or problem that isn't solved by current software. The Wine project's itch could logically be construed as the inability to run a Windows program on Linux. What was the app that you couldn't live without; the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back?
  • wine speed (Score:5, Interesting)

    by iplayfast ( 166447 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:44AM (#9107891)
    I'm a wine user, windows user, and linux user. It seems that games under wine work slower then the same app under windows.

    I would have thought that because the linux filesystem is faster then fat32 (the fs I'm using under windows) it would be faster in that respect. In other respect it should be equal.

    Where are the current bottlenecks and will it ever be close enough to a windows platform that a wine'd application will run as fast as windows, and without any noticable differences?

    (BTW, I'm not complaining, the wine crew have done a fantasic job thus far!)
    • Re:wine speed (Score:3, Informative)

      by ptr2void ( 590259 )
      Direct3D games probably never will be as fast on Linux as they are on Windoze. It simply because the native API on Linux is OpenGL, and every call has to be "translated" from D3D to OpenGL. 3D Sound and other arcane features still have issues under Linux, but straight OpenGL + Stereo Sound should perform as well as it does on Windows.

      The filesystem has about nothing to do with game performance, as any game with a chance to run fluently has to keep most of its data cached in RAM.
    • Re:wine speed (Score:4, Informative)

      by k98sven ( 324383 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:17PM (#9108238) Journal
      Yes, with respect to the filesystem, wine is probably faster. But for games, this is not the most significant thing.

      Most windows games use DirectX for graphics. DirectX is an API, i.e. a set of standard commands programs use. Most graphics cards provide a DirectX driver, so DirectX calls usually exploit the capabilities graphics card as much as possible.

      Wine emulates DirectX through OpenGL, which is a different API. This makes for bottlenecks in several ways:
      Firstly, the DirectX calls have to be 'translated' into OpenGL ones. That takes some time.
      Secondly, there is the OpenGL driver.
      OpenGL is unfortunately not as well supported as DirectX by card makers. This means that the capabilities of the card may not be as well exploited, and that some things that could've been done in hardware are performed more slowly in software.

      The second bottleneck is the bigger of the two, and there isn't much the Wine team can do about it, except hope that the card makers get better at supporting OpenGL. Nvidia is known for some pretty good work.

      The first bottleneck is more directly related to Wine, but that overhead is the smaller of the two.

      I'm not certain if you should expect Wine to ever run at the speed of windows, even if it is not impossible. But after all, you are adding another layer between your program and the OS.

      But as processors get faster, and games continue to utilize as much of it as possible, you could expect this second bottleneck to get less and less significant, since its size is relatively constant.
      (The amount of computation increases faster than the number of system calls)
  • by Azureflare ( 645778 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:44AM (#9107896)
    I would like to know what your plans are for the next CrossOver Office release. I think CXoffice 2.1.0 is a great product and well worth the money.

    One major problem I have with people who are currently on windows is: Financial and tax software. Microsoft Money doesn't work in Crossover Office. I know that Quicken 2002 works, but often people don't like switching after settling on a financial suite, and a lot of people use Microsoft Money. Are you planning to try to get these certain problem, and popular, applications to work in the next Crossover Office? I feel that if applications like those seamlessly worked in linux, a lot more people would be able to transition to linux.

  • by cgreuter ( 82182 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:47AM (#9107916)

    I hear a lot of talk about binary compatibility with Windows, but not so much about source-code-level compatibility. What sort of efforts, if any, are being made toward letting people trivially recompile existing Windows programs to run natively under Linux/X? Have any commercial software vendors considered taking this approach?

  • Microsoft Source? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by NinjaPablo ( 246765 ) <jimolding13 AT gmail DOT com> on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:00PM (#9108039) Homepage Journal
    If Microsoft were to release more source code (legally, not the leaked source from a while back), or if Microsoft approached the Wine team and offered access to portions of the Windows source code, would you accept it? What if it involved an NDA or adding non-GPL portions to Wine?
  • by KlomDark ( 6370 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:01PM (#9108048) Homepage Journal
    Aren't you worried that you'll corrupt Linux with the viral Windows licensing scheme?
  • Wine vs. VMWare (Score:5, Interesting)

    by corvi42 ( 235814 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:02PM (#9108063) Homepage Journal
    I have had some extensive use of both wine and VMWare, and to be perfectly honest have found wine to be lacking. I realise that, being free software, wine has certain economic & ( dare I say it ) "ideological" advantages, but for most of the programs for which I actually need windows compatibility, I find that it simply doesn't ( yet ) cut the mustard. Also, it seems that the approach you've taken for wine of mapping libraries to their linux equivalents rather than doing actual emulation produces a vast number of compatibility issues that need to be resolved, and keeps the advancement of the wine project very slow. Could you tell me what technical advantages wine will ultimately bring once its reached full compatibility with windows, as compared to a solution like vmware.
  • by PSaltyDS ( 467134 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:06PM (#9108111) Journal
    My question: I can see that security holes that come from Windows OS code shouldn't effect the CrossOver Office Win98-like implementation of the APIs. Security holes that come from the MS application's code may or may not be present in that environment, but how do I know? What types of MS security updates apply to my CrossOver environment, and which don't? Are any of the security houses (like e-Eye) testing for vulnerabilities in the Linux/CrossOver (or Linux/WINE) space?

    As to those who ask "WHY?": I run Office 2000 and IE under Crossover Office on Mandreake 9.2.1 because many functions at work require the MS apps. Our test report is generated by a template and macros under Word 2000 that do not run under OpenOffice. Several secure web sites I have to access are not supported for any browser except IE. I can't change these things, but I have the freedom to not run Win2K for my desktop OS. So Crossover Office is a great solution for me.
  • by Anthony Boyd ( 242971 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:08PM (#9108132) Homepage

    Hi Jeremy. One of the advantages I don't see Wine exploiting is that Wine doesn't have any financial need to constantly force users to the latest and greatest version of Windows. Microsoft of course is happy to deprecate features, change APIs, and so on. Why doesn't Wine offer different codebases as different "versions" of Windows are needed?

    I've seen some of this -- as I setup Wine, I can select what kind of Windows widgets I want to use (95 or 98). But I've also seen some apps work for a while and then stop working as the codebase is updated. If I were able to say "run my BG2 game as Win 98" and "run my Office XP as Win XP" and so on, I could end up with a Windows that is more powerful and more capable than Windows itself. And possibly more stable too, if I can match my software to the version of Windows that ran it best.

  • by wasabii ( 693236 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:15PM (#9108221)
    I think Wine really needs a standerized unix deployment methodology. As of right now, Wine is "self contained". By that I mean, you usually install it in one place for one peice of software.

    We need a standard distro supported Wine layout, such as /usr/lib/win32, which contains win32 dlls. Software such as mplayer and friends can install their DLLs here, and reuse each others.

    Similar to Java /usr/share/java containing .jar files, and Mono having a central place to put them, etc.

    Doing this would reinforce the fact that Wine is just one more Unix subsystem, like Java, Mono, Perl, Python, and all the others. Commericial Windows developers, who want to distribute there software for Linux, can integrate such a package layout (RPM building, .Deb building) system into there current Windows build system.

    I sort of envision this creating an easier division of logic for WineX and Crossover as well. It means the common components of each could be shared. WineHQ could provide the linker, loader, and base framework, as they do, and other projects like WineX, could just provide implementations of Microsoft DLLs, such as DirectX, etc. Intead of what they are doing now (complete forks).

    Hmm. Food for thought.
  • by martinflack ( 107386 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:17PM (#9108249)
    A lot of us assume that older applications/games (those written for Win95/98) are easier for Wine to facilitate than newer ones (those for 2000/XP/.NET). Is this indeed true?

    If so, how long do you think it will be before Wine has matured to the point that we finally catch up with Win95? That is to say, I can install Wine and be confident that 99% of the windows apps targetted for Win95 will just work with no fuss? Same question for Win98?
  • by XNormal ( 8617 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:20PM (#9108273) Homepage
    CoLinux (the "Israel" link in the article) is for running Linux under Windows - not the other way around.

  • Linux shortcomings (Score:3, Insightful)

    by twise ( 106719 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:26PM (#9108331)
    What, if any, are the shortcomings in the Linux API's that make implementing Windows API's more difficult then they should be, e.g., sound, graphics, filesystem, etc.? Are you seeing any efforts to address these shortcoming?
  • Work for Microsoft (Score:5, Interesting)

    by luugi ( 150586 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:27PM (#9108339)
    Would you consider working for Microsoft if they offered you a job.
  • by WetCat ( 558132 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:38PM (#9108444)
    Why run Windows in Linux, when you can
    run Linux in Windows.
    I like it very much.
    I can work in X session in Linux while playing
    pinball and have my modem (strange Toshiba software modem, closed source :((( ) serviced by WinXP...
    Works great!
  • by metacosm ( 45796 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:39PM (#9108454)
    Lots of people seem to think that compatibility with windows applications is a "Killer Feature" for linux.

    I fear it could "Kill" the linux developer community.

    OS/2 was highly windows compatibile, and this lead to people not developing application for OS/2 -- they could just build it for windows, and it would work on OS/2. People never took advantage of the more powerful APIs and other tools available in OS/2.

    From a developer point of view, developing for OS/2 made no sense, if I developer for OS/2 -- I get that market, if I developer for Windows -- I get TWO markets.

    Do you feel this is a valid concern?
  • The road to .NET ? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by IGnatius T Foobar ( 4328 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:40PM (#9108457) Homepage Journal
    Microsoft is, obviously, pushing .NET as hard as it can, making every effort to deploy it as widely as possible.

    What is the Wine project's strategy for enabling compatibility with applications that are not "pure .NET" i.e. partially in Win32, partially in .NET ? Is there going to be lots of thunking between Wine and Mono, or is the Wine team going to attempt to get Microsoft's CIL interpreter and other tools running on Linux?

    Furthermore, what are the pros and cons of each approach?
  • by Sleepy ( 4551 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:49PM (#9108547) Homepage
    Is there any talk with Rational, Segue, or another automated test tools vendor about recording/playback automated test using WINE as a target platform?

    Windows vendors want delivery targets - not "date releases" of runtime platforms. I work in Software QA... you tell me you want the app certified on Windows XP SP1, Windows NT4 SP6a, and Windows 2000... I'll do it. Same with Windows 98, ME, and 95.

    But you start talking about Linux, and then I have to ask which base distribution and which release of Wine.

    The only way to know your application works in Linux + WINE is lots and lots of grueling, manual test effort.

    Multiply this by the number of Linux distributions, versions, and that Wine is often distributed by "date releases" not "versions", and it is impossible to support.

    The same can be said about Microsoft's systems... wierd things that crash on 98 but work on XP... BUT there are automated test tools. Record, edit, cleanup and you have an automated test library that can be run against every 32-bit Intel version of Windows.

    There's no such support for WINE, and there's no developer incentive into manually auditing such a liquid platform.*

    *(And that's not an insult.. I happen to think most of the innovation is happening on Linux, but my job's hard enough without putting extra hours testing a platform that won't make or break sales. Without real SQA certification tools, any sensible Technical Support manager won't touch WINE either.)
  • .NET, WINE, and Mono (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Travis Fisher ( 141842 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:52PM (#9108586)
    The Next Big Thing (or maybe the current big thing) that Microsoft is pushing for the software industry is the .NET framework. This makes it a safe bet that much of the new and updated Windows software appearing in the coming years will use and require .NET technology. What does this mean for WINE? I understand that Mono is using WINE to provide the windows widgets ("WinForms") compatability for its .NET compatible implementation.

    Do you expect WINE and Mono to move closer together or merge into one project when the next Windows OS ships with .NET as an integral part?

  • by Lew Pitcher ( 68631 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @12:53PM (#9108604) Homepage
    From what I can see of the Ignalum Linux website, they do not claim to be able to run MSWindows programs under Linux. In fact, the only mention of MSWindows appears to be in conjunction with Samba (explicitly stated), in that they give instructions for use of Samba in Linux to connect to an MSWindows network. They do not state anywhere that I can see that MSWindows programs run in Ignalum Linux.

    Perhaps the story contributer could clarify why he thinks Ignalum is claiming MSWindows runtime compatability?

  • LGPL Licensing (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Stealth Dave ( 189726 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @01:41PM (#9109120) Homepage
    How has the switch to LGPL affected contributions to the project, both positively and negatively? When the switch happened, there was a lot of noise from groups like Transgaming [] who needed to license proprietary technology from third parties, and the formation of the ReWind [] project. Has there been a noticable effect on contributions to WINE from outside groups as result of the licensing change?

    - Stealth Dave
  • by a.ameri ( 665846 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @02:04PM (#9109365)
    What are your opinions on the .Net platform, Microsoft's push of C#, and all these combined together that are in practice creating a new API for Windows Longhorn called WinFX? What will Wine and Codeweavers do when the new API replaces win32? Also, as Wine is an implmentation of win32 API for x86, what will wine do now that Intel and AMD are both replacing this instruction set with the new AMD64? Is wine only going to rely on AMD64's ability to run x86 programs nativly? Or are there any plans to port wine to other platforms, namely AMD64 and IA-64?
  • by ceswiedler ( 165311 ) * <> on Monday May 10, 2004 @02:20PM (#9109503)
    WINE will have truly succeeded, not when everyone switches from Windows to Linux, but when software developers begin to:

    1. Code their Windows apps in a way which makes it easy to run them on WINE
    2. test / support WINE as a platform

    If this happens, XAML and all future Microsoft dominance is doomed. What we will end up with is the common set of easy, sensible Win32 APIs usable across multiple implementations, and the crufty, proprietary, unnecessary crap being ignored.

    Doesn't anyone remember the other proprietary OS [] this happened to?

"I may kid around about drugs, but really, I take them seriously." - Doctor Graper
