EFL Preview Release: Asparagus 30
HandyAndE writes "For everybody out there who has been waiting for Enlightenment 0.17 or been thinking what alternatives are there to Gnome/GTK and KDE/QT this is an important day for you. The Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL) today have an (albeit pre) release named Asparagus. From the E site: 'We are pleased to announce the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries Preview Release, codenamed "Asparagus"! After years of work, we've come to a place where it is time to start opening these powerful tools to the wider world to use.'
" Read more for more information.
Libraries included in todays release are:
- ecore-1.0.0_pre7 (loops, timers, X, evas and config abstraction)
- edb-1.0.5 (database library)
- edje-0.5.0 (powerful theming library)
- eet-0.9.9 (theme compression format)
- embryo-0.9.0 (embeded scriptiong for themes)
- emotion-0.0.1 (DVD / video wrapper for libxine)
- epeg-0.9.0 (super-fast JPEG thumbnailing etc)
- evas-1.0.0_pre13 (canvas library)
- imlib2-1.1.1 (image manipulation)
- imlib2_loaders-1.1.1 (image loaders)
Get your browsers pointed to sourceforge for a copy and see what EFL can do for you!
Re:Enlightenment has really dated itself (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Enlightenment has really dated itself (Score:2)
Re:Enlightenment has really dated itself (Score:2)
screenshots (Score:2)
That said, what WMs do the rest of you use? I personally try to avoid Gnome or KDE because they are copies of windows, and I find that interface clunky. I like windowmaker, but I have strange taste in OSs, I also like gentoo
Re:screenshots (Score:1, Informative)
Re:screenshots (Score:3, Informative)
Re:screenshots (Score:3, Insightful)
I long to see a group of thoughtful geeks with some good knowledge of human-computer interaction sit down and say, "How do we want our OS to behave, really?" because right now with Gnome and KDE the plan seems to be to just get as many features out the door as quickly a
Re:screenshots (Score:4, Informative)
The release is not of Enlightenment the Window Manager. It is a release of EFL, the libraries that they wrote to underpin Enlightenment. Here are some screenshots of E components that will depend upon the EFL: Evidence [sourceforge.net], Entrance [xcomputerman.com]. and Emotion [enlightenment.org].
Some other details:
Edje provides a revolutionary method of absstacting every aspect of your interface from the application itself. By passing signals between the interface and the application all communication is done in an interface neutral way. No longer are "themes" simple changes of pixmaps over a fixed area. Using Embryo we can provide scripting ability to the interface componant itself to harness even more power and flexability. [sic]
So, no, this is not just a brushed metal window manager theme (of course, E 0.16 was always more than that, too). I've been watching E, and making the same jokes on April 1st, but I must say that I'm looking forward to trying what they're coming up with once they've got a semi-stable release; and since the EFL seems to be close to a freeze, I think we can hope to see E 0.17 soon.
This harms Linux more than SCO, MS do (Score:1, Interesting)
What about the apps than finally figured out how to use fonts that don't suck under Gnome? What about the apps that finally figured out how to use fonts that don't suck under KDE? (that's two, largely non-overlapping, sets of apps BTW.) What will their text look like under Enlightenment?
Will it look as good as all text looks under Windows?
Today, AFAIK, there is no Linux environment under which all apps generate text which looks as good as Windows text, all the time. I k
Re:This harms Linux more than SCO, MS do (Score:2)
The font smoothing in Linux with certain options (same options that the firefox binarie come with ... . can't think of it) and nice fonts installed surpasses this Windows that you speak of. Put a font at size 34 in Windows and it simply will not be attractive. Put it on a gray background and the rough edges look worse. In a tweaked system this is a non-issue.
Perhaps because I use GTK2 apps with gnome's font smoothing and I select all the fonts in portage I'm missing out on these horrid experiences. If tha
Huh? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Huh? (Score:2)
Flip side is I never had any problems with this in Gnome ... or FluxBox, or anything else really. It seems to be a KDE problem. In everything else the fonts were fine for me.
Re:Huh? (Score:2)
Fixing ugly fonts (Score:2)
Check the output of xdpyinfo|grep inch, and see if you have anything other than 75x75 dots per inch (or 100x100). In at least FC2 with fontconfig, the system determines font sizes based on resolution (this is new), and X occasionally decides on some weird resolutions for your monitor, which makes everything quite unappealing.
If it's some oddball size, like 85 dpi, add the line "Xft.dpi: 100" or "Xft.d
Re:Fixing ugly fonts (Score:2)
Re:This harms Linux more than SCO, MS do (Score:1)
I'm using Fedora Core 2 for my desktop, with Gnome as my desktop environment, and *everything* is atni-aliased properly by default except for one app, xmms, which just looks like a Windows app. Only XP supports anti-aliasing of text, and it's off by default. Some OEMs turn it on before shipping, but most don't.
Re:This harms Linux more than SCO, MS do (Score:1)
My thanks to the E team. You've come a long way and I'm ecstatic.
Re:This harms Linux more than SCO, MS do (Score:1)
I hope it continues to look better. The default text on my XP system looks horrible, especially when compared to my GTK/Freetype desktop.
wow (Score:2, Funny)
What's next, Duke Nukem Forever?
e17 apps... (Score:4, Informative)
What can it do... (Score:5, Interesting)
Just take a look at some of those thumbnails and remember to pick your jaw up off the table once your done, my favorite has to be the embeded xine's alpha-transparancied ontop of other xine's
My personal favorite. (Score:2)
Re:My personal favorite. (Score:1)
(Slightly OT) A WM Change of Pace (Score:1)
I have a premade slogan for them (Score:1)
All apps starting with an E (Score:2)
Great. Not that it would have been enough to have KDE with this annoying capital K on every program.
The rest looks promising and refreshingly different, though.
Wow (Score:1)
Enlightenment is my second favorite WM/DE, fluxbox being first. I may be going back to Enlightenment if more stuff starts using these awesome libraries.