Email Notification via SMS in the US? 41
Joel McShiston asks: "Back in Europe I had set up a system through which urgent emails matching certain criteria were automatically forwarded upon arrival to a (free) email account which my cell phone carrier (Vodafone) provided for free with each account - {cell number} At the carrier's site I could then turn 'SMS notification of new email' on and would receive a text message telling me to check my email each time a matching email came through. I'll be soon moving to the US and would like to know whether any of you has a similar (or better) system working over there. Which kind of SMS-email 'interfacing' are you able to do on that side of the pond?"
Most providers do this (Score:1, Insightful)
Of course, you'd be lucky to get any reception anywhere unpopulated like, say, MANHATTAN! with either of those services.
-- Just a bitter cell phone loser
Re:Most providers do this (Score:2)
Re:Most providers do this (Score:1)
No need for any other notification of email at the cell provider - you get the email alert your filter sent directly on your phone as an SMS.
Re:Most providers do this (Score:2)
Re:Most providers do this (Score:2)
Re:Most providers do this (Score:1)
as far as he knows he doesn't pay any extra fee for this service.
Verizon has this (Score:1)
Tmobile (Score:2, Informative)
It's usually pretty reliable. I've only had problems when my mail server had problems.
Easy if you have your own domain (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Easy if you have your own domain (Score:2, Informative)
I didn't give it a good look, but on initial inspection your perl script has potential for some odd display bugs because many of you regex's don't use the zero-width ^ match. Like if you got a message (and I have in the past) formatted "<> John Q. Public", it'll spit out as "> John Q. Public".
If I'm right it doesn't take much to fix :| just do /^([^<]+)/ or whatever instead. Cool proccess though, I'll probably use it :D
Re:Easy if you have your own domain (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Easy if you have your own domain (Score:2)
.procmailrc (Score:5, Informative)
I've been using my phone as a biff for years. If an e-mail is important I know about it right away, if it isn't important I can deal with it later or ignore it completely.
Verizon ... (Score:2, Informative) []
Re:Verizon ... (Score:2)
However, Verizon acquired and will, if you ask Verizon's data group, set you up with a POP e-mail account there. But e-mail sent there has nothing to do with your phone.
Sprint too (Score:1)
How do I ask question to Slashdot (Score:1)
Nextel (Score:1)
When I was still on dial-up I had it set up so that when my gateway machine was kicked offline it would redial and and notify me on my phone, along with sending me my new ip.
If you have Cingular (tested: sun4-solaris) (Score:4, Interesting)
cat >~/ <<EOF
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
execlp("BASH", "bash", "HOME/.do_sms", NULL);
sed 's/HOME/'$HOME'/g;s/BASH/'`which bash`'/g' <~/ >~/.do_sms_spawn.c
cc ~/.do_sms_spawn.c -o ~/.do_sms_spawn
cat >~/.do_sms <<EOF
do=0 #0=email,1=SMS
part=0 #0=headers,1=body,2=tagline
exec >/dev/null 2>&1
while : ; do
read line || break
if [ "$debug" = "y" ] ; then echo $part$do $line >$debuglog ; fi
if [ $part -eq 0 -a "$line" = "" ] ; then
elif [ $part -eq 0 -a "$(echo $line|cut -c1-4)" = "To: " ] ; then
echo "$line" | fgrep "+sms@" >/dev/null 2>&1 && do=1
elif [ $part -eq 0 -a "$(echo $line|cut -c1-6)" = "From: " ] ; then
msg=$(echo $line|cut -c7-|cut -d\< -f2|cut -d\> -f1)
elif [ $part -eq 1 -a "$(echo $line|cut -c1-2)" = "--" ] ; then
elif [ $part -eq 1 -a $do -eq 1 ] ; then
msg="$msg $line"
if [ $do -eq 1 ] ; then
msg=$(echo $msg|cut -c 1-160)
msg=$(echo -n "$msg" | od -t xC | cut -c8- | sed 's/
if [ "$debug" = "y" ] ; then echo msg: $msg >$debuglog ; fi
s=''`cat ~/.cellno`'&msg='
wget -q "$s$msg" -O
chmod 700 ~/.do_sms
umask 077
echo XXXXXXXXXX > ~/.cellno
umask $um
mail Hi there. | $USER'+sms@'$HOST
I don't trust the system (Score:3, Informative)
Depending on how urgently you need to know you've got mail, this may not be acceptable to you.
In the US - consider the costs... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:In the US - consider the costs... (Score:2)
hoever, some providers here, their own mail to txt gateways are usually not free, in UK (T-Mobile) charge for email to SMS. however, u can get other mail to text gateways such as yahoo. that IS free.
Re:In the US - consider the costs... (Score:2)
All the cell companies around here (Rogers/AT&T, Bell, Telus) offer free uncoming text messages. You only pay for out-going messages.
Rogers plans include e-mail to SMS gateway services ( Telus forces you to purchase their data plan to connect to their e-mail servers to check for new messages. No idea about Bell.
This is the only reason I stay with Rogers. All the servers I admin are configured to send a message
Re:In the US - consider the costs... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:In the US - consider the costs... (Score:1)
Some incomming SMS is free (Score:1)
Sprint PCS (Score:1)
Re:Sprint PCS (Score:2)
To send an SMS message DIRECTLY to a Sprint PCS phone, especially older, pre-SMS phones, use address. To send a ShortMail message, -- when mail is received here, you'll get an "alert" on your phone that you have a new message, which you then have to
How about Australia ? (Score:1)
Any ideas ?
I don't think we have a free email address here which goes to a mobile phone.
Virgin USA (Score:1)
Interestingly, Virgin does not charge for receiving a SMS as opposed to other cell phone companies.
I do it via the web (Score:3, Interesting)
So I simply went to that page, examined the form to see how it worked, and then wrote a simple little Perl script to do the same thing.
I can then invoke that Perl script from procmail to send me notices when I receive email I'm particularly interested in.
If you really need your email (Score:2)
Email notification = SMS Spam (Score:1)
However I do not consider this to be a good idea, as spammers found this e-mail address five months ago. I now receive about 4 SMS each day related to e-mail notification for a spam received. My SMS box is quickly full (10 entries on my phone including sent SMS).
The operator provides absolutely no me