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Email Notification via SMS in the US? 41

Joel McShiston asks: "Back in Europe I had set up a system through which urgent emails matching certain criteria were automatically forwarded upon arrival to a (free) email account which my cell phone carrier (Vodafone) provided for free with each account - {cell number} At the carrier's site I could then turn 'SMS notification of new email' on and would receive a text message telling me to check my email each time a matching email came through. I'll be soon moving to the US and would like to know whether any of you has a similar (or better) system working over there. Which kind of SMS-email 'interfacing' are you able to do on that side of the pond?"
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Email Notification via SMS in the US?

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  • I know for a fact that AT&T give you an address and T-Mobile give you a

    Of course, you'd be lucky to get any reception anywhere unpopulated like, say, MANHATTAN! with either of those services.

    -- Just a bitter cell phone loser
  • will be sent to you as an SMS message.
  • Tmobile (Score:2, Informative)

    by CaNeS ( 13483 )
    Tmobile does this and has for quite a while.

    It's usually pretty reliable. I've only had problems when my mail server had problems.
  • by pauljlucas ( 529435 ) on Monday August 02, 2004 @02:09PM (#9864091) Homepage Journal
    See my instructions []. While specifically for Verizon, the technique should work for any carrier that supplies you with an e-mail address.
    • I didn't give it a good look, but on initial inspection your perl script has potential for some odd display bugs because many of you regex's don't use the zero-width ^ match. Like if you got a message (and I have in the past) formatted "<> John Q. Public", it'll spit out as "> John Q. Public".

      If I'm right it doesn't take much to fix :| just do /^([^<]+)/ or whatever instead. Cool proccess though, I'll probably use it :D

    • by gtrubetskoy ( 734033 ) * on Monday August 02, 2004 @03:55PM (#9864745)
      I don't think you need a separate script to provide notification - if you just forward the e-mail to your Verizon account you will get however many first bytes of the e-mail, which is usually sufficient to figure out what it's about. You just have to make sure that the message is explicitely addressed to your account or it might [] get dropped by their server. I use something like this:

      :0 c:
      :0 Af: /var/tmp/.vtext.lck
      | formail -b -f -I "To:" -I "Received"
      :0 A:
      "CONDITION_GOES_HERE" should be a regexp that selects your message as worthy of forwarding to the phone (mine are $0.02 a piece). It looks like I also had to get rid of the "Received" header for some reason - perhaps Verizon drops messages if a count of "Received" headers exceeds a certain threshhold.

      ...and of course you'll need to replace 7035551212 with your number.

      • I don't think you need a separate script to provide notification - if you just forward the e-mail to your Verizon account you will get however many first bytes of the e-mail, which is usually sufficient to figure out what it's about.
        Probably true; however, I still prefer to "clean up" the e-mail and grab just the sender's name and subject so I can see the name at a glance.
  • .procmailrc (Score:5, Informative)

    by JeffL ( 5070 ) on Monday August 02, 2004 @02:10PM (#9864092) Homepage
    There is almost always an e-mail to sms gateway address, such as (or whatever). I have a .procmailrc that forwards interesting e-mails to my phone. It strips quoted text and other stuff, to squeeze as much as possible into the allowed 160 characters.

    I've been using my phone as a biff for years. If an e-mail is important I know about it right away, if it isn't important I can deal with it later or ignore it completely.

  • Verizon ... (Score:2, Informative)

    by arhar ( 773548 )
    ... Verizon, which by far provides the best service in the US, has this feature: []
    • The site and addresses is ONLY an e-mail-to-SMS gateway. You can't send messages to those addresses exceeding 160 characters (which rules out 99% of e-mail). is NOT an ordinary POP or IMAP e-mail account.

      However, Verizon acquired and will, if you ask Verizon's data group, set you up with a POP e-mail account there. But e-mail sent there has nothing to do with your phone.

  • It works just as you described with Sprint. Also, Yahoo has SMS notification ability. It can let you know if you have an email; plus, with the Yahoo WAP and a data-capable phone, you can get into your Yahoo account and read email, IM etc.
  • just became a member of Slashdot and trying to figure out how i can post a question. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Among other services mentioned, nextel also has this feature.

    When I was still on dial-up I had it set up so that when my gateway machine was kicked offline it would redial and and notify me on my phone, along with sending me my new ip.
  • echo '\'$USER', "|'$HOME/.do_sms_spawn'"' > ~/.forward
    cat >~/ <<EOF
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <unistd.h>

    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    execlp("BASH", "bash", "HOME/.do_sms", NULL);
    sed 's/HOME/'$HOME'/g;s/BASH/'`which bash`'/g' <~/ >~/.do_sms_spawn.c
    cc ~/.do_sms_spawn.c -o ~/.do_sms_spawn
    cat >~/.do_sms <<EOF
    do=0 #0=email,1=SMS
    part=0 #0=headers,1=body,2=tagline
    exec >/dev/null 2>&1
    while : ; do
    read line || break
    if [ "$debug" = "y" ] ; then echo $part$do $line >$debuglog ; fi
    if [ $part -eq 0 -a "$line" = "" ] ; then
    elif [ $part -eq 0 -a "$(echo $line|cut -c1-4)" = "To: " ] ; then
    echo "$line" | fgrep "+sms@" >/dev/null 2>&1 && do=1
    elif [ $part -eq 0 -a "$(echo $line|cut -c1-6)" = "From: " ] ; then
    msg=$(echo $line|cut -c7-|cut -d\< -f2|cut -d\> -f1)
    elif [ $part -eq 1 -a "$(echo $line|cut -c1-2)" = "--" ] ; then
    elif [ $part -eq 1 -a $do -eq 1 ] ; then
    msg="$msg $line"
    if [ $do -eq 1 ] ; then
    msg=$(echo $msg|cut -c 1-160)
    msg=$(echo -n "$msg" | od -t xC | cut -c8- | sed 's/ /%/g' | tr -d '\n')
    if [ "$debug" = "y" ] ; then echo msg: $msg >$debuglog ; fi
    s=''`cat ~/.cellno`'&msg='
    wget -q "$s$msg" -O /dev/null 2>&1

    chmod 700 ~/.do_sms
    umask 077
    echo XXXXXXXXXX > ~/.cellno
    umask $um
    mail Hi there. | $USER'+sms@'$HOST
  • by barzok ( 26681 ) on Monday August 02, 2004 @08:54PM (#9866273)
    We use Verizon at work for sending SMS messages to phones for system/on-call notifications. We have had a few occasions where messages have been delayed by anywhere from 15 minutes to a few hours. We've also had complete outages (average one day/year).

    Depending on how urgently you need to know you've got mail, this may not be acceptable to you.
  • by SD_92104 ( 714225 ) on Monday August 02, 2004 @09:07PM (#9866308)
    Considering that the OT comes from Europe, there is a very important thing to add - you will pay for incoming SMS (or have them deducted from your bucket of allowed SMSs - depending on your provider and/or plan). As opposed to Europe (at least the countries I lived in) where all incoming communication is free, you will pay for that in the US - both, for voice as well as SMS. So, depending on your email volume, you might re-think whether this is really worth it... (I use it - T-Mobile customer - and their website allows you to set up rather precise filters for which messages/accounts/senders/... you receive a notification)
  • If you're a Sprint PCS user, you get a address. You can set it to notify you on your phone when you receive an e-mail to that address, and you can read the e-mail on your phone.
    • With Sprint PCS, there are actually two types of messaging: your standard SMS (only recently rolled out), and Sprint's own ShortMail. (Just to confuse you, they named them similarly, but they are not.)

      To send an SMS message DIRECTLY to a Sprint PCS phone, especially older, pre-SMS phones, use address. To send a ShortMail message, -- when mail is received here, you'll get an "alert" on your phone that you have a new message, which you then have to
  • I'd like to do the same thing in Australia. Using Vodafone.

    Any ideas ?

    I don't think we have a free email address here which goes to a mobile phone.
  • I used a similar approach while living in the USA with my prepaid Virgin cell phone. There is an e-mail address associated with your phone. I don't remember the exact format (it was something like but finding out is as easy as to send to yourself an e-mail from the cell phone, and look at the from.

    Interestingly, Virgin does not charge for receiving a SMS as opposed to other cell phone companies.

  • I do it via the web (Score:3, Interesting)

    by harlows_monkeys ( 106428 ) on Tuesday August 03, 2004 @02:47PM (#9871151) Homepage
    Both my previous cellular provider (AT&T) had and my current provider (Sprint) has a web page that anyone can go to and fill out a form to send a text message to one of their phones, given the phone number.

    So I simply went to that page, examined the form to see how it worked, and then wrote a simple little Perl script to do the same thing.

    I can then invoke that Perl script from procmail to send me notices when I receive email I'm particularly interested in.

  • and have some cash to burn do what my employer does and set yourself up with Verizon and Color BlackBerry 7750's []. It's nice having my email everywhere I go and the browser is handy for important sites (THough, you need the $5000 BlackBerry Enterprise Server for web iirc). Plus it has a calendar, games, messaging clients, etc. The only thing I don't like doing with it is talking to people - it just doesn't fit my hand right!
  • I'm not in the US but in France and I have SMS notification for each e-mail received on the e-mail account provided by the operator. I receive in the SMS the e-mail of the sender and the subject of the message.

    However I do not consider this to be a good idea, as spammers found this e-mail address five months ago. I now receive about 4 SMS each day related to e-mail notification for a spam received. My SMS box is quickly full (10 entries on my phone including sent SMS).
    The operator provides absolutely no me

It was kinda like stuffing the wrong card in a computer, when you're stickin' those artificial stimulants in your arm. -- Dion, noted computer scientist
