Feature Preview of Gnome 2.8 244
Leonardo writes "The GNOME foundation should release the new version of this desktop environment on the 15th of September. While we waiting for version 2.8, Foot Notes has a link that explains what's new in this release. Improvements include both core parts (like VFS and Nautilus) and UI modules, like a new applet manager, an improved gconf editor and a new theme. In addition there are some proposed modules like new system tools and a new VNC server. Take a look at Davyd Madeley' site (mirror) if you want to view some sweet screenshots."
System Tools? (Score:3, Insightful)
The GNOME project and all its core features should be independent of what OS is running underneath, relying on a minimum of required components like suitable graphics, sound, pointer and keyboard services.
Re:System Tools? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:System Tools? (Score:5, Insightful)
As another poster mentioned, the frontends are all Gnome and C, will look the same on all platforms. The C frontend calls into a standard library of Perl functions to do the distro-specific backend bits, the whole idea being that regardless of whose distribution you're using, the config tool will look the exact same and do the same things.
Pontificating is wonderful and all, but when you haven't RTFA and have no clue what you're talking about, what's the point? Just karma whoring I guess...
Re:System Tools? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:System Tools? (Score:2, Informative)
However, it seems more likely that the parent poster thought that the existance of GST meant that GTK was suddenly mucking around in his OS internals. I don't think he's aware that Gnome is not GTK... which is an important distinction to make. I can see how he might be confused, since they ten
Oh no ! (Score:3, Insightful)
I really wish projects would deal with getting stuff actually working and working well (bug-free and fast) before they start adding even more functionality.
There must be a million and one OS projects out there...
Gnome (like the linux Kernal and loads of other stuff) is getting way t0o bloated to be useful - instead of adding more stuff, they should be slimming it down to core functionaly and the other stuff should be seperate projects.
OK, rant over
Re:Oh no ! (Score:5, Insightful)
And some say Gnome doesn't have *enough* features. Man, you just can't win. Maybe it's just fashionable to bash Gnome.
Re:Oh no ! (Score:2)
I use Gnome exclusively now, and afte rthe past few months of wading chest deep in Mandrake 10 teaching newbies and learning the new stuff I built a fresh "economy" machine and installed Slackware 10.
when I launched X and used Gnome I was blown away almost completely. It looked so much nicer, aced more correctly (I love the mycomputer/drives list in a window!! it makes everyone elses's
Re:Oh no ! (Score:5, Interesting)
The new MIME system is "fixing" the old one by totally replacing it, no other approach would work. The new system by the way is a lot easier to use for both users and developers, and is a freedesktop standard shared with KDE :)
The rest of the desktop is not receiving any major new features really, just lots of bugfixing too small to go in these sort of "what's new" pages and various cleanups. Actually Gnome seems to have slowed down in this release as a lot of the Red Hat and Novell hackers are tied up with non-Gnome work as they round out the rest of the Linux desktop (so, hardware integration, management tools, backwards compatibility work etc).
Re:Oh no ! (Score:2)
Also, do I still have to kill the toolbar or log out when I make a change to a menu or have they got their thumb out and fixed that too?
Re:Oh no ! (Score:2)
Install FAM. It's used for file change notification.
Re:Oh no ! (Score:2)
However thanks for pointing me to famd.
Re:Oh no ! (Score:3, Informative)
Gnome aims to be a fully featured desktop environment, with all the apps a user needs (more or less). If that's not what you want, then you probably shouldn't use Gnome (or you could refrain from installing all the applications).
And how is the Linux kernel too bloated? Would you rather they not support any new hardware drivers or something? Do you have specific exampl
Re:Oh no ! (Score:5, Insightful)
Yes, you need to support new hardware and stuff but it's not sustainable to keep adding it into the core product. If you do, you end up with something like MS Office - how many gigabytes is Office now ?
There's a world of difference between hiding a 3D maze inside of Excel and the Linux kernel having *optional* support for hardware that you dont' own. The kernel source code may contain - what you unjustifiably call bloat - but that "bloat" isn't being used by your system at runtime if you don't have a need for that particular part of the kernel.
And it's not fair to call it bloat just because you don't have a particular piece of hardware. The Linux kernel would be completely useless if it only supported 1 network card and 1 motherboard chipset. Sure it would be tiny, but it would be useless to 99.99% of the population.
Re:Oh no ! (Score:2)
Man, Ill be the first to say Office is the work of Satan and should be extinguished from the face of the earth, but where do people get this when they say this all the time? I unfortunately *have to* install Office, and all I do is pick "custom", and check Excel, Word, Access and Powerpoint. All those take
Re:Oh no ! (Score:2)
The kernel source code may contain - what you unjustifiably call bloat - but that "bloat" isn't being used by your system at runtime if you don't have a need for that particular part of the kernel.
Hell, to take it one step further, if you compile your own kernel, those "bloat" features don't even get included in the kernel. That's why you see little things in the configuration "notes" that say things like "results in a smaller kernel..." and "choosing this will have no effect if you don't use it, but yo
Re:Oh no ! (Score:4, Interesting)
What do you base this on? Do you have any evidence?
You can choose to compile drivers into the kernel or as modules or not at all. Some people use the Linux kernel in embedded devices. It isn't necessary to compile most things into the kernel.
Third parties can also maintain drivers that are separate from the kernel and are loaded as modules. Do you think Windows shouldn't include drivers for hardware on its install CD?
He was referring to MS Word
Do you have any Linux examples?
Printing doesn't happen immediately because it's necessary to convert the data into a format the printer understands. Printers don't understand Word files or PDFs or whatever. They can't magically see what's on you screen and begin printing immediately.
Maybe back in the days of daisy wheel printers it was easy to generate stuff the printer would understand, but these days you need to produce postscript or something else. Unless you want to edit all your documents as postscript, it's going to take some processing beforehand.
But you know, personally I think the output of modern printers actually looks good. You can have good looking printouts, you can have speedy printouts, and you can edit in whatever document format you want, but you can only choose two of the above.
I know you were implying more generality, but I think you're wrong. Yes, you can't use brand new Gnome on old hardware. But that's because it's made to take advantage of new hardware. It does more stuff than old fast applications did.
If you want a speedy desktop, you can use XFCE or Fluxbox. Or you could use bugfixed versions of older apps/Gnome/KDE if they exist. Gnome isn't designed to be super speedy.
Re:Oh no ! (Score:4, Insightful)
I don't have any definitive answer to that question. But there are reasons besides speed to write in C.
For example, it's easier to make language bindings for other languages from a C API. If you write GTK+ in OCaml, how easy is it to make Python and Ruby bindings? You'd need to use an OCaml -> C bridge and then use the Ruby -> C bridge to interface. Most languages have a C interoperability API, but the same can't necessarily be said of Lisp or ML. How easy is it to bridge between Perl and Python?
Or, maybe the people who wrote GTK just like C better. Personally, I like C better than C++, although I like Lisps and so on better.
Also, C is more widely known than ML and Lisp.
Also, perhaps GTK (which came about before Gnome, b the way) was once designed to be speedy. That doesn't mean that everything built with it needs to be speedy, or that it can't go off in another direction. Gnome was a lot more lightweight in the 1.x days, but it's changed. That doesn't mean it makes sense to rewrite all the libraries in a different language and make all old applications port to a new language.
I'm not saying that the Gnome people don't want to be as speedy as possible, but their primary objective is to build a comprehensive desktop. If you want lightweight stuff, go use lightweight stuff. Saying "Gnome uses C so it therefore is trying to be speedy" is not really logical.
Re:Oh no ! (Score:5, Informative)
If you have written your own non-bloated kernel, OS tool chain, and desktop, please submit them to the OSS community so we can all enjoy your excellent, non-bloated work.
Re:Oh no ! (Score:2)
If it isn't BADLY broken, don't fix it.
Re:Oh no ! (Score:2)
Re:Oh no ! (Score:2)
How do you want to support new hardware and new features without adding to the kernel? Also, the kernel is modular, so you can choose to either not compile certain features at all, or to compile certain features as modules so that you don't use memory unless you need it.
And if you don't like how much stuff is in Gnome, you can choose not to compile some of it, or you can use one of the other 4 examples he gave that aren't
Re:Oh no ! (Score:2)
Re:Oh no ! (Score:5, Informative)
Simple answer: because it's important and no.
Complicated answer: because it's important and yes.
I like to say (permuting an old saying about open source) that open source succedes because it scratches a niche. The more niches, the more success.
"Gnome" is not a single application, it's a distribution of applications that meet a plethora of needs based on all of the niche audiences that use it.
You can say that having an IRC client is just bloat, but if Gnome didn't have that some people wouldn't be using it, and they'd be using a desktop system that was inclusive of their needs.
I really wish projects would deal with getting stuff actually working and working well (bug-free and fast) before they start adding even more functionality.
Actually, Gnome works pretty damned well circa late 2.6. It's been a long time coming. 2.4 was a big change (as the version numbering implied), and a lot of people had a lot of good and constructive feedback that shaped 2.6. 2.8 is clearly taking the next steps in becoming the desktop environment that we can all rely on, and I'm happy with that.
As for bugs... well, I guess it's a matter of perspective. From where I stand, 2.6 is not bug-free (nothing ever is), but it's moving substantially in that direction (kaizen if you will). As for fast... I run a suite of applications on my desktop at home that do things my poor little 300MHz Pentium 4 years ago could only dream of, so I'm a bad judge. I'm quite happy with the current suite of Gnome video and 3D tools in terms of their response and bandwidth, though. I don't really use a file manager much, so that I can't speak to. The Web tools are slick and fast. The high-level object drag-and-drop seems like it could be faster, so there's a place for improvement.
But seriously, do you think the addition of system configuration tools is going to slow down the desktop?
Gnome (like the linux Kernal and loads of other stuff) is getting way t0o bloated to be useful
Well, let's look at Gnome and the Linux kernel. Both are highly modular, allowing the user to strip away what he/she does not need.
Both have many, large components that provide functionality so powerful that most users DON'T go without, at the expense of resources.
Both address the needs of dozens of niche users (internationalization, accessibility for disabled users, strange hardware, etc).
So... I guess I have to ask... what exactly is the bloat that you're not happy with, and how willing are you to configure your system so that that's not a problem?
I've seen Gnome running on top of Linux on an iPaq, so I'm not really buying the "bloated" party line. I just think you're too lazy to configure it to your needs.
Re:Oh no ! (Score:2)
Re:Oh no ! (Score:2, Insightful)
In order to achieve the high-level of functionality coupled with ease of use that the Gnome project is striving for, it must - simply put - be bloated. Features like DBUS and HAL implementation via daemons, CD burning, etc create an immensely intricate desktop experience. Too many people forget that the Gnome project aims at being an extremely accessible desktop while catering to as many needs as possible in an unconfusing way.
It may seem 'bloated' compared to other DEs out there, but we compare the 'big b
Re:Oh no ! (Score:4, Insightful)
Not everyone is a programmer, and not everyone has the know how (or the time/desire to gain the knowhow) to work on GNOME/any other OSS project themselves.
The idea is the developers take input from those who CAN'T develop, but DO use the software, and make adjustments accordingly.
It's a good idea (Score:5, Insightful)
Even though different distros may have different internal solutions to configuration, I see no good reason why a consistent front end can't (or shouldn't) be provided. Furthermore, I'd rather have many hands working together to achieve the best interface once, rather than divering talent toward reinventing a boring wheel to mediocre effect.
Re:It's a good idea (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:It's a good idea (Score:2, Insightful)
my e-penis is bigger than your e-penis!
Re:It's a good idea (Score:2)
Even though different distros may have different internal solutions to configuration, I see no good reason why a consistent front end can't (or shouldn't) be provided.
That's very true. In fact, Webmin [webmin.com] already achieves that for a lot of stuff - it can auto-detect which OS or distribution it's installed on. It should be very easy for the Gnome team to do the same.
Nice UI - better for Linvirgins? (Score:5, Interesting)
This may even help faster corporate adoption, with the remote control software and other networking tools.
Re:Nice UI - better for Linvirgins? (Score:2)
If the GUI tools are done right, then many tasks can simply be done with the GUI and there would be no reason to go to the command line.
For example, if you want to shut down your Wi-Fi, you would probably be content to right-click on a widget on your desktop; going to the command line wouldn't be better.
Haha! (Score:2, Funny)
I still have hope for gnome. (Score:3, Interesting)
1. Jettison the whole gconf/registry thing in favor of a tree of plain text config files in
2. Resurrect the old GNOME control center
3. Give me a default window manager with the ability to select focus-follows-mouse mouse
4. Construct a usable menu editor somewhere so that I can customize my menus
5. Choose: either a) reincorporate gecko into Nautilus for Web browsing or b) go lightweight and jettison Nautilus for the old gmc
6. Create a base distribution of official GNOME applications from a lot of the GTK stuff out there, based on which authors agree to follow a rigidly follow a GNOME style guide and use the GNOME API rather than just GTK, so that there is more desktop consistency
7. Add compatibility with KDE themes to GTK, since they seem superior (ability to change colors, not just widget styles, etc.)
8. Give me an "advanced mode" to turn on all kinds of extra GUI configuration bells and whistles like keybindings, autoraise, MIME types, etc.
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:5, Informative)
gconf _is_ a tree of text config files in
2. Resurrect the old GNOME control center
What did it do differently than the preferences view in nautilus?
3. Give me a default window manager with the ability to select focus-follows-mouse mouse
Settings->Windows, choose "Focus follows Mouse".
4. Construct a usable menu editor somewhere so that I can customize my menus
Not sure what you feel is wrong with the current method?
8. Give me an "advanced mode" to turn on all kinds of extra GUI configuration bells and whistles like keybindings, autoraise, MIME types, etc.
keybindings - in the preferences already. autoraise windows - you find that in the same preference dialog as focus-follows-mouse above. MIME type editor - already exists, improved for 2.8. For other things, gconf-editor _is_ your advanced mode.
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:3, Interesting)
gconfd-2 is also a broken database server. On my two systems using Gnome 2.6 (Solaris and RedHat), gconfd periodically goes rogue and eats all configuration. Gnome poorly implemented what was a bad idea in Windows.
Consequentially I use either WindowMaker, WinXP or OS X.
Not sure what you feel is wrong with the current method?
So is there a menu editor? I've never spotted one anywhere.
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:3, Informative)
Well, it's disabled in fedora, but in a default Gnome install, like on slackware, you simply open Nautilus, go to Applications://, and edit it's subfolders. Really, it couldn't be simpler.
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:2)
No, It's some kind of XML variant which is so obfiscated that you can't touch anything without breaking it unless you use the gnome tools - and that means poorly documented command line nastiness like gconftool-2 (no man page exists folks) in distributions as recent as RedHat9.
Another thing that would be nice if someone told the gnome people that most operating systems are multiuser now - and that permissions of lock files should never be changed to root wi
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:2)
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:2)
Or c) put more file management functions into Epiphany. I for one think haveing a tabed file manager would be just as usful as a tabed browser
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:4, Informative)
It is. Konqueror does this and it's quite nice.
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:5, Interesting)
If you're a system administrator, gconf is a godsend. You can "lock down" certain preferences so your users can't break things or waste time playing with useless preferences. Another win from using GConf is that it's "process transparent." This means that if I change a setting from one application, it instantly updates in all other applications that are interested in that setting. This technology is vital for the snazzy "instant apply" UI of GNOME, and vital for writing applications made up of multiple out-of-process components.
GNOME Menu -> Preferences -> Windows, then select the "Select windows when the mouse moves over them".
Nautilus isn't a web browser, use Epiphany [gnome.org] for that. Nautilus's performance has come on leaps and bounds in the last couple of years, particular between 2.4 and 2.6.
More and more of the GNOME API is moving into Gtk+ - the icon theme implementation, for example, and the new UI Manager system. But GNOME can't coerce other developers into following their guidelines, they can only encourage them.
You may also find that things like the GNOME Fifth Toe [lyrical.net] has what you want.
Check out this project [freedesktop.org] for a Gtk-Qt unifying theme.
gconf-editor and GNOME Hacks [jodrell.net] are your friend
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:2)
How can I get case insensitive order in the gnome file dialog/nautilus etc.
This has to be one of the most stupid default settings btw. If you're doing a desktop for new users and are ready to piss off lots of people to achieve that goal why oh why would you use something so unintuitive
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:2)
Nay, a curse. If a user looks at the gpanel of another, and sees a complicated mass of icons aand "drawers" full of icons that will work well for them too, you can't just copy a configuration file like you could with almost everything from fvwm on - you have to constuct the whole thing mouse click by mouse click.
It would be nice if the gnome people got away from the MS Windows single user non-networked PC idea. Having portable configuration files would
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:2)
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:2)
"4. Construct a usable menu editor somewhere so that I can customize my menus"
In Windows you can right click on the Start button
and add something to the menu. No such luck with Gnome 1.6.
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:2)
Yup, there absolutely can't be such functionality in gnome 1.6 since that version does not exist.
It is, however, in 2.6, that's disabled in Fedora, but it's hardly Gnome problem if RedHat decides to customize some features away.
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:2)
How did you know oh wise one.
I don't suppose there's an easy way to turn in back on?
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:2)
Right click the start menu/folder you want to add to, and select "Open". Then add your shortcuts there.
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:2)
2. A nautilus view with all the capplats would be nice.
4. Nautilus is your friend.
5. No..not gmc..Nooooo! Why would you like to browse the Internet and your local computer
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:2)
With *my* unreliable ide controller, there is very little different between the local disk and a remote disk. Latency and reliability seem to be about the only difference, normally.
I suppose you really meant browse the web, but even the web is made up of many concepts, there is the document, the image, the animation, the video, the song, the interview, the chat room/channel, the bulletin b
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:2)
Not having written any GTK themes, I nonetheless beleive that GTK has that ability. If they are true theme "engines:, then you can apply whatever color scheme you want to them. Unfortunately, this is very difficult to do in the "new and improved" GNOME.
Why the GNOME leadership considers color schemes distinct from widget themes to be too difficult for newbies to use is beyond my unde
Re:I still have hope for gnome. (Score:2)
it's all about xfce (Score:4, Informative)
Anybody who still hasn't settled on a wm, take this advice: try xfce [xfce.org]. It's fast, it's customizable, it's simple, but it still feels like a desktop environment, not just a window manager like fluxbox. It's the middle ground between the two huge desktop envirnments and the dozens of ultra-lightweight window managers.
It's gnome without the bloat.
Re:it's all about xfce (Score:4, Interesting)
I do use XFCE too, plus the Rox [sf.net] pinboard - makes the perfect combo, and still keeps the environment lean and fast.
However, I beg to disagree with your last sentence. The "bloat" in gnome is something relative - it may be heavier on the system, but Gnome and its apps feels far more integrated than XFCE. XFCE is pretty much only the panel, an eye-candied window manager, and a taskbar, and while it comes with easy to use configuration tools, they are very limited in the sense that there aren't not much room for customizing - something that gnome surely wins. The taskbar, for instance, have no real meaningful configuration, and always lives separated from the panel - IMHO, it should be a plugin, so you could attach the taskbar to the panel, thus freeing desktop space.
I can live with that tough. My main beef with the state of desktop on Linux is the fragmented situation of the GUI Tookits (mainly QT vs. GTK, though there are lesser ones). The problem is not having many toolkits per se, but the fact that this leaves the desktop with an unconsistent appearance. I'm all for having toolkit choices, but I wish they'd unite to create a standard themeing format, so a theme could be used on both toolkits, thus leaving a more or less consistent appearance to the desktop (there's still the GUI guidelines).
Well, not gonna happen anytime soon, tough... :-(
Re:it's all about xfce (Score:5, Insightful)
Gnome is 90% the application libraries that manage inter-process data, configuration, internationalization, accessibility, theming, common invocation semantics, error reporting, etc, etc.
That 10% that you're thinking of (window management, applet baubles, desktop layout, file management, changing the root background, etc.) is nice, but if you still have to have all of Gnome around for the important parts (the applications that integrate with the desktop), what exactly is the point.
If xfce is a Gnome- (and implicityly ICCCM-) compliant window manager, it will work just fine in the Gnome desktop, but that doesn't make it a Gnome-replacement.
What people love to refer to as bloat in Gnome (and KDE for that matter, I'm not playing favorites here) stop seeming like bloat the moment you a) want to know how to configure 20 different applications at once b) want to change all of your applications to use LCD-friendly font-smoothing c) speak a language that isn't the default (and perhaps has strange rules like being written backwards) d) can't see / hear / type / use a mouse / etc. ; or any other sort of desktop-level strangeness.... then you actually want a suite of tools and libraries that support your needs.
Re:it's all about xfce (Score:2)
Gnome is 90% the application libraries that manage inter-process data, configuration, internationalization, accessibility, theming, common invocation semantics, error reporting, etc, etc.
That 10% that you're thinking of (window management, applet baubles, desktop layout, file management, changing the root background, etc.) is nice, but if you still have to have all of Gnome around for the important parts (the applications that integrate with the desktop), what exactly is the point.
Do people actually u
Re:it's all about xfce (Score:2)
Lots of KDE apps are designed as kparts with wrappers around them to be actual applications. For example, KGhostview can view PDFs. But since it's written as a kpart, Konqueror can load up that kpart in itself and display PDFs. In fact, Konqueror isn't much but a wrapper for a whole bunch of kparts, which is how it can work as a browser (khtml) and also display images, text files, PDFs and so on.
Another example is kwrite
Re:it's all about xfce (Score:2)
Ok, I see.
But the apps I actually use are, say, OOo, Mozilla, emacs, xpdf, GAIM (hey, that's Gnome, isn't it?), eboard, Scid, mplayer, some mp3/ogg player... and a bunch of development stuff. That's about it. A lot of terminal windows, too.
Those are fine, I don't really see the point of switching to similar-but-probably-inferior apps that do similar things but that happen to be part of Gnome (or KDE).
Re:it's all about xfce (Score:2)
Some of the KDE stuff is kind of nice. For example, kmplayer wraps Xine/mplayer in a KPart so you can view videos in web pages (I know, there are similar plugins for Mozilla).
There are other interesting things you could do with it as well. for example, you could theoretically specify a vim/emacs kpart (only vim exists, as far as I know) as the default text editor part, and then kwrite and kate and so on would all automatically have vi/emacs behavior.
Re:it's all about xfce (Score:3, Informative)
No offense, but you replied exactly like someone who has no idea what XFCE is.
Almost half of what you mention (configuration, internationalization, theming) is GTK stuff, not Gnome. And those aspects managed by Gnome
Re:it's all about xfce (Score:3, Informative)
Much of this functionality that has been trickling into Gtk+ over the last year or two is being moved there from Gnome to allow non-Gnome applications to participate in the desktop, but let's not confuse things like Gtk+ internationalization and accessibility support with Gnome... they work at different levels of abstraction.
Well, except that this doesn't work because you will hardly find 20 applicatio
font smoothing actually contradicts your argument (Score:2)
The problem is in fact these "desktop environments". Both try to write the fonts.conf but neither correctly reads the settings stored by the other program, and I think Gnome just reads it's own data and ignores the fonts. I discovered thi
Re:it's all about xfce (Score:2)
Re:it's all about xfce (Score:3, Insightful)
And for those who thought the above made sense:
See FVWM themes here [google.com] and Fluxbox themes here [google.com] both of which are full of fine icons....
What you're really concerned about isn't memory usage (my task bar, just to use one example, uses a fair amount of memory under Gnome, but most of it is rarely used and often swapped in favor of things like OS f
The media device manager... (Score:4, Interesting)
For me personally, this means that my non-ubergeek wife (who isn't aware of the root password or the commands mount -a and umount -f), and will be able to download pictures off of the camera without asking me to unmount the camera or to fix the multiple mount points that cropped up since she plugged in the camera multiple times.
Thank you Gnome hackers!
Re:The media device manager... (Score:2)
edit your
you still have to unmount them, but all real OS's require you to unmount the media first (CD's can do an auto unmount by detecting the eject button) I cant count the number of times a windows User comes crying to me because they hosed their presentation by saving to their thumbdrive and then yanking it out of the hub before unmounting it.
It's not new, many Linux users h
Re:The media device manager... (Score:2)
Re:The media device manager... (Score:2)
They shouldn't delay a good feature on the grounds that it's not a perfect feature.
Gnome gets better all the time (Score:2, Interesting)
I'm looking forward to their plans to further integrate OpenOffice.org (though I can't think of anything off hand that they could improve) and once the Mozilla project changes to Firefox as the official browser component, hopefully Gnome will switch to it. (I liked Galeon for a while before I heard about
Re:Gnome gets better all the time (Score:2)
Bigfoot (Score:2, Insightful)
I don't think I'm trollin, I honestly want to know if that icon can be user-defined.
Re:Bigfoot (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Bigfoot (Score:2)
Re:Bigfoot (Score:2)
Unfortunately, this won't change. The people behind X seems to hate the thought of a general API for showing a button or a menu or a what-you-want.
Re:Bigfoot (Score:3, Insightful)
The way Fedora installs by default, no you get a
Don't like the foot menu? Change it or install a theme that changes it. What Gnome is a set of tools, libraries and interfaces for allowing your desktop (infrastructure, apps, etc) to communicate and for providing a set of standards to which a user ca
Why VNC? (Score:2, Insightful)
I hope you can choose not to install the VNC server... it's of utterly no use to me, and seems to smack of copying XP's built in remote desktop functionality.
There are several good VNC client/server packages out there for Linux, if you really want to use it.
Re:Why VNC? (Score:2, Informative)
Look at the use cases for Vino, the proposed included VNC. Mark McLoughlin has done an excellent writeup [gnome.org].
If you follow GNOME development you'll notice the shift towards better integration into the other desktop applications. See: Evolution and GAIM speaking over evolution-data-server.
Mark's use cases answer your question.
Re:Why VNC? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Why VNC? (Score:2)
Please please please (Score:5, Insightful)
(Yes, I know I can run konsole within gnome, but aside from the inconsistent themes, it sucks up a lot of memory to load both the gnome and kde libs at the same time.)
Re:Please please please (Score:3, Insightful)
Besides, you're assuming the problem is in terminal itself and not the underlying font layout and rendering libraries (pango and xft).. full unicode support and anti-aliasing take a toll.
Can't you just run rxv/x/e/aterm if you know you need to run something that's going to put a LOT of stuff to stdout, if gnome-terminal isn't fast enough and konsole hogs as much memory as running the whole KDE
Re:Please please please (Score:2)
Re:Please please please (Score:2)
I'm sorry to inform you, but it's you. Scrolling in a full-screen 1600x1200 terminal window on a 1Ghz machine is _slower_ than what I can read. Konsole is more than 20 times faster.
And 'outputting to a temporary file' is only an option if you're not interested in the output...
Re:Please please please (Score:2)
It's one of the _main_ reasons why I finally switched from gnome to KDE.
Re:Please please please (Score:2)
The GNOME terminal is really just a shell for VTE. (It may still be possible to build it with ZVT.) 90% of the bugs associated with the terminal should really be filed against VTE, the maintenance for which seems to be a low-priority task for Nalin Dahyabhai at Red Hat.
If you want to help, try testing some of the unconfirmed bug reports, or some of the patches, such as 143914 [gnome.org].
Standards are the key (Score:2, Insightful)
Gnome isn't too big, nor is it ugly... (Score:2)
Why does it do this? If all applications were identified this way a user could end up not knowing which item to click to launch the correct program. If t
Re:Gnome isn't too big, nor is it ugly... (Score:2)
Not meant as a troll, that is exactly why I gave up on Gnome years ago, and started using KDE.
Every time I upgraded RH (several versions, we're talking years here) I gave gnome a shot, and every time something (button click/standard app/config tool) caused gnome to leave a smoking crater within 5 minutes.
I NEVER had that problem with KDE. If I wanted flakey, I'd run Windows.
Gnome: Good... Metacity: Bad... (Score:2, Interesting)
One way maximize (Score:2)
WTB: Innovation (Score:2)
No excuses, just make KDE and Gnome go away and make OSX look bad.
One question! (Score:2)
Re:sso what? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I know it's been discussed before (Score:4, Informative)
Re:I know it's been discussed before (Score:2)
- RustyTaco
Re:I know it's been discussed before (Score:2)
If you want to run in expert mode then you need to be an expert to enable it.
Not that it's exactly hard to find that option. Gconf-editor is in the main menu (Applications -> System Tools -> Configuration Editor). All of the "registry keys" are described. That particular key had this description.
Re:Did they kill "spatial" Nautilus yet? (Score:4, Informative)
* Visible preference that allows you to disable spatial mode
Re:Did they kill "spatial" Nautilus yet? (Score:3, Funny)
So in the end, they're both really going for the same objective?