On Moving Toward Software Rentals 249
CowboyRobot writes "ACM Queue has an article about the emergence of a service-oriented model of software delivery, supported by the W3C, IBM, HP, and Microsoft.
They already have their acronyms down: WSDL (Web Services Description Language), UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration), and WSFL (Web Services Flow Language).
The article primarily covers the three phases of negotiating, ending with actual service delivery."
"Service Delivery" (Score:5, Insightful)
Licensing for Service Delivery. (Score:5, Insightful)
Is there a need for a new Creative Commons license type that says "if you server services using this technology, I need to share the source"?
I think no existing license covers that need very well today.
Re:Licensing for Service Delivery. (Score:2, Interesting)
Is there a need for a new Creative Commons license type that says "if you server services using this technology, I need to share the source"?
Why don't you just leave out all the verbal pussyfooting around, cut to th
Re:Licensing for Service Delivery. (Score:2, Insightful)
"If you want to try and sell GPLed stuff, you have to give it away as well."
You misunderstand the GPL. It's far stronger than that:
"If you want to try and sell GPLed stuff, you have to give it and the source code that created it away as well."
And what the parent proposed is stronger still:
"If you want to try and sell or server services with [this-hypothetical-license]ed stuff, you have to give
An easier hole in the GPL (Score:3, Insightful)
This is already done by everyone from id Software to the Mozilla project.
Re:An easier hole in the GPL (Score:2)
You are completely free to write your own levels for and GPL'ed game engine.
Repeat after me, kiddies: Free speech, not free beer. It _is_ possible to make money from GPL'd software.
Re:An easier hole in the GPL (Score:3, Insightful)
I also don't really see how Mozilla is a bad GPL citizen. There are scores of derivative projects and the rendering engine can be used by anybody. How are they 'bypassing the GPL?'
I think it would be less than Free... (Score:2)
One possibility (Score:2)
If the WSDL file which is served up by the server has a GPL license attached to it, then no client software would be able to use this "code" without themselves being GPL software.
But I suppose a mechanism other than WSDL might be harder to protect in a similar fashion.
Re:One possibility (Score:3, Informative)
WSDL does not propagate the GPL. (Score:3, Interesting)
There is no direct linkage from the client to the server, simply an XML file that provides hints to the caller as to what structure to send messages. Hints that may or may not be ignored.
WSDL files that are hand-written may be released under a license, but what if the WSDL is machine generated by a runtime, such as the Apache one?
Nor is it mandatory to use WSDL to talk to a SOAP service. With any written documentation as to request structure I could perhaps rewrite my own WSDL/c
Re:I didn't say it would stop abuse! (Score:3, Interesting)
LGPL says 'linkage', with a model of linkage that works well with C++ (but not java, where everything is really a lib). GPL says 'any incorporation into a program', be it static or dynamic linkage.
To say my license applies to things that produce or consume data, even if separate or remote processes is a new extension. Certainly classic GPL doesnt cover it, but you could always write a new license to extend it.
If you take an existing GPL bit of code, you probably could wrap i
Re:Licensing for Service Delivery. (Score:2)
As a business, I do have to walk a line between giving away my work that was the big investment of
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:5, Funny)
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:2)
n) ???
n+1) Profit!
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:5, Funny)
So....basically it will create more jobs in the IT sector. If software and implementation were uniformly perfect for all applications and systems, I know that I and many others would be out of a job. That being the case, I for one welcome our new subscribtion-based overlords.
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:2)
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:3, Interesting)
But, as long as we're going to try to remain on topic, let's debate a bit:
The fact that this may require additional on- or off-site support to implement does not neccesarily mean it will be bad for business. Perhaps it will cost x amount more than current solution to implement due to its unweildy, complex, and buggy nature, but maybe it will produce x^2 more productivity and profits, meaning it both creates more IT jobs for
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:3, Insightful)
Who said they will be local jobs?
Remember when the software industry took off. All those support jobs just appeared. But where are they now?
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:2)
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:3, Funny)
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:2)
They a proven track record with this strategy.
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:2)
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:2)
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:4, Informative)
or it could be a simple web app with some enhancements/extensions as envisioned by the whatwg [whatwg.org], behaving as browser users expect it to behave, designed around internet response times, and thus providing response times that browser users are accustomed to.
currently i'm moving a client from a godforsaken ms-access app that i wrote many years ago to a web-based application that i intend to host on my own hosted virtual server. no more installation issues to deal with, no more relinking tables every time i ship a new version, no more ms-access-on-the-client requirement to deal with... when i have a new version ready i just upload it to the server and we're done.
i *am* looking forward to whatwg-like extensions, though, because the user interface is taking a step backward, from the user's perspective. whatwg should address some of those shortcomings.
The vendor will claim that it is due to either 1) client-side misconfigurations, or 2) unanticipated variations in the environment,
further argument for web applications. but again - must... improve... interface... !
both of which will be ironed out via a Professional Services contract accompanying the software "delivery". The end result will be the creation of numerous roles at the client's expense to "manage" and "coordinate" the software delivery, frustration at the end-user level, raises and kudos for the middle managers who jumped on the bandwagon, and fat wallets on the part of the shovelware designers.
unless a competitor comes along and says "why are you messing around with all that complicated proprietary not-thin-enough client technology for? here is my alternative, which is standards-compliant and requires only a web browser to use." (granted, perhaps a mozilla-based browser, but you'd just be doing them a favor anyway if they're not using one already).
go whatwg, go!
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:2)
My site has a flash emulation of a limited *nix command line. http://www.rexiliusgroup.com/
If you click your mouse just about 10 pixels to the right of the command prompt you will get a cursor and you can do some basic commands. It was an ugly and quick hack done more out of irony and fun so dont pick on it too badly.
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:2, Interesting)
Indeed, customer-annoying moves like changing the file format seem much a feature of the sell-once model. With the rental model, they just want to keep yo
Re:"Service Delivery" (Score:2)
Really the cost we are passing on to our clients is actually more hardware and bandwidth as we use all open-source platform and have written all the software ourselves without outside funding.
Now can you say the browser interface sucks?.. well I suppose, but I think its a hell of a lot better then fat-thin client s
Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:3, Insightful)
Other than that I think these companies seem to be accepting the fact that nobody wants to pay high prices for software that is going to become obsolete in matter of months. At least that is the impression I got. Now that they realize that nobody want to pay, they need to find a better strategy of making money. First of all, subscription might be OK for a lot of non-geeks that do not care about their software not being t
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:3, Interesting)
I also see the horror scenario, "oh crap, my internet connection just went down, my registration runs out in 6 hours, must have this paper done by tomorrow". I put my faith in things that I own that cannot be taken away.
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:3, Insightful)
It would if you think it would.
Joe Looser used to pay $90 for bundled Windows XP OEM Edition before, now he'll pay $10/month with a special 25% discount if he buys 12 months at once.
And IBM won't even allow you to buy less than 6 months of service...
All in all - the same shit in a different package.
Some people will feel great about it, others w
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:2)
Basically from what I remember, you hand over your IT infrastructure to IBM who provide all of your services, like email
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:5, Insightful)
a.) We all know that software promises are iffy at best. When you need to get a job done, and software promises to do it, it really is no guarantee, is it? Demo ware is sometimes helpful, but few companies do it right. (I'd like to nod in Macromedia and Alias's general direction for making their demo ware work right.) Basically, what they want you to do is buy their software and
My company recently ran into this. There's an app called ZBrush used for texturing 3D models. It has some really cool features that make organic modelling and texturing quite pleasant. (You've seen this software's work in the latter 2 of the LotR movies.) Unfortunately, it's a ~$500 app, and they haven't released a demo yet. We ended up getting it after watching a live demo at Siggraph, but man, that was a happy coincidence in timing. If we could have 'rented' the software for a week to evaluate it, we'd have been a lot happier.
b.) Always up to date! Imagine not needing to shell out hundreds of bucks for an upgrade. As long as you're subscribing, you should (in theory, anyway) be using the most up to date software. Done right, this could mean virtually instantaneous security updates, for example. No more people lagging behind with older software perpetuating the problem. No more "I can't open that file!" Etc.
c.) Mobile licenses. More and more companies are trying to prevent people from installing software on multiple machines. Sadly, those of us with laptops and home stations to do work on get bitten. I'll go back to ZBrush's example. They have a locking scheme kind of like Windows'. It id's itself to your hardware, and that's it, that's the only software you can unlock to. Unless I call them up and ask them politely (and I've heard they are quite happy to do this...) to unlock my software, I can only use it on the one station. Doh. If done right, I should just be able to log in to a server and say "I wanna use this", it'll check that nobody else is using it, and allow it to run. Sort of like how ICQ works.
d.) Spend less money. I'll use ZBrush as an example, again. First off, I'm reasonably certain that in order to make the subscription scheme work, it has to be competitive with the cost of buying the software outright. I've heard this a number of times before. (Remember, this is 'the glass half full' comparison, not a prediction) My company is going to reach a point where ZBrush will probably be inactive for a long time. If we could cancel/suspend the subscription then, at the end of a year, we could potentially spend less than we did to buy it a month ago.
Now, I want to reiterate something here. This is simply an optimist's view. Who knows how it'll play out? The worst that'll happen is nobody will want to use it. The best is that we get an experience better than we have today. Works for me.
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:5, Insightful)
By the way, ZBrush now offers a demo: http://pixologic.com/support/contents.html
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:2)
That would be one really really stupid company. I can't think of an app that has ever done that. Not saying they don't exist, but Lightwave opens old version LW files, Photoshop opens old
I'm sorry, but whoever modded that up as i
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:2)
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:2)
Renting bug software (Score:2)
Software rentals probably make the most sense for project-duration needs, especially when some form of remote hosting is involved.
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:5, Insightful)
Personally, I detest the idea of automatic updates. I don't want my software changing until I have reviewed whatever the new version offers and have made a considered decision to upgrade. It would be hell on a corporation if Microsoft decided to "autoupgrade" all of its users and suddenly all the user menus changed. Nobody would be able to do anything and productivity would come to a screeching halt. That's an extreme example, of course, but, honestly, most users would rather the software they have simply work in the manner to which they've become accustomed and not be "upgraded" (i.e., change) all the time forcing yet another learning curve. How many of us really use any more than 1% of all the stuff built into, say, Microsoft Office? And if we did learn everything it can do, by the time we have the latest version will have changed so much that our efforts would have been wasted. Office is so complex and so full of features and is such a continually moving target from the user's perspective that having it mutate even more often would hardly be perceived as an improvement.
And all of this "software as a subscription" business depends entirely upon a reliable Internet (ha) and a software supplier that is able to effectively build and maintain the required network infrastructure. Microsoft has shown, time and time again, that it cannot be trusted to manage a big network: for example, their instant messaging services have had repeated failures on a global scale. I, for one, would not be happy if my company was unable to even send an email because Microsoft's subscription management servers went offline for a while. And that will happen, you know that. And what happens when a company suffers an Internet outage and can't get access to the server-side component of their critical business applications? No, there are definite advantages to maintaining ownership of important software and being as independent as possible of the vendor.
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:2)
You have cancellation fee's, minutes, confusing rules, and contracts.
This is a great way to suck money off you. If your reception sucks too bad you keep paying or end up paying a fine and a number change.
Zbrush would likely love to charge your business for a minimal 2 year contract to prevent you from leaving. Or would have you sign a horrible EULA for the rental agreement.
Since you
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:2)
Actually that's what happened at my studio. Pixologic was quite helpful.
> I'd never touch such a program with a ten foot pole if my business depends on it.
Yes, you would. Food on the table > software principles.
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:2, Interesting)
That said, there are lots of details that would need to be worked out to get this working properly. For example, I would not expect that EVERY time you use it, you must access a server (this is assuming the software is actually client-side and not a web service running on a server somewhere). Would be quite hard to use Word (for example) on an airplane with no internet access. So I w
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:3, Interesting)
It's odd that when someone puts some marketing spin on the practice... it actually gets noticed.
I deal with several software packages designed for POS and accounting. They each have a time out period and a new code must be entered to keep it running.
It's a support + software functionality rolled into one. I don't like it, but the implementations already there.
I am currently writing my own point of sale/accounting software package for video store rentals. I'm not sur
You don't own the software now. (Score:2)
The only thing this will do is "expire" your software rendering it unusable after a time - which is the part that I think really sucks ass.
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:2)
Secondly, if you've got antivirus software, you are almost certainly already paying to rent without realizing it. Except as you've already noted, they call it a "subscription," those sneaky bastards. The same with MMORPGs. It'll be coming very soon with Microsoft also. Why do you think they're readying their own antivirus product? They're going to push that along with oth
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:2)
For a second I was really in complete awe of your retro-geek chops.
I'm afraid I'll have to downgrade that to quietly impressed.
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:2)
Seriously, do you think they are going to watch everything each of their clients do and at a whim stop them using the software. Do you seriously think even MS could get away with a contract like that.
There are already plenty of software products which have annual licence costs and which require new keys at licence time. The world hasn't ground to a halt yet.
You must be able to think of some better reasons to fear this than that big b
Re:Rentals? As in, no ownership? (Score:2)
My company is like salesforce.com in that it is 100% browser based and you are using it to manage parts of your business, completely different application and market but its still a rental/subscription/usage model.
The one thing I would look for that we built into our system, is control and access of your data. Just like a hosting company you would be dumb to have the only copies of your HTML on their server. Our system
Nice idea, but... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Nice idea, but... (Score:2)
Then why worry if they'll make it OS or whatever specific?
Besides, I'm sure their stuff will be cheaper than IBM's.
Also - if they don't join (with proprietary technology or not) prices will be higher and choices will be less.
Re:Nice idea, but... (Score:2)
WIM (Score:2, Funny)
Re:WIM (Score:2, Funny)
When I saw the word "Microsort" I all of a sudden got this mental picture of tiny yellow guys with antennas, about the size of thimbles, called "Booquards" working relentlessly under strict watch from the bigger general Booquards. They needed to hurry and sort various nick nacks. The intergalactic demand for nick nacks is quite high these days, and the distribution of them is very important. Though, Baglork, the first yellow booquard I imagined, is sad because he has to work o
What could possibly be offered? (Score:2, Insightful)
The only avenue I see th
Re:What could possibly be offered? (Score:2)
their attitude seems "we can't make better software so lets just fuck about with pricing schemes".
seems to be inspired by the mobile phone ringtone market - pieces of crap served at $1+ a pop to people who don't know better.
Re:What could possibly be offered? (Score:2)
For example i'm in a very little (4 ppl) software company, we only have to modelize new apps at most twice a year, but the soft costs huge bucks for us.
If we could just rent the soft two weeks when we're starting a new project instead of buying it and maybe have to rebuy it the year after because some needed features are added, it would be worth it.
Application Service Provider (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Application Service Provider (Score:3, Interesting)
The authors talk convincingly about the price negotiation that might occur at the time of the service
What is it 2001 all over again? (Score:4, Insightful)
I thought the market already rejected this idea!
Oh well, even if they didn't, I can't see this approach finding any more than a niche market because for commodity software, the price has to be low enough to outweigh the benefits of ownership.
Nobody is going to pay $150/year to rent MS Office Pro when OpenOffice is free to own. $30/year, maybe, but then MS has to make a decision about whether that price is too low to be worthwhile. Actually, at $30/year *I* have to wonder if it's worth it, but then I can't stand the last few version of office because of all the annoying "non-features" I have to turn off to get actual work done.
Web applications anyone? (Score:4, Interesting)
Thin client = web browser.
We run a subscription-based software service, over the web. As the net gets faster, latency goes down, and web-apps will become more and more like desktop apps. Sure desktop apps will always be a bit faster, but for many applications an HTML interface works just fine.
All these new acronyms are just a waste of time. The only thing it will achieve is a PhD for whoever the idiot is that worked on those specs.
Re:Web applications anyone? (Score:2)
Yahoo! for example allows you to rent games via their "Games on Demand" service... 3 bucks gets a game for 3 days, completely streamed to your PC.
But this is the same reason Microsoft killed Netscape, they were afraid that Netscape would become the interface for all new applications. I've already talked about this before on Slashdot, so I really don't feel like going into it all over again.
Simply: Microsoft is powerful because they provide the user-land. That is kernel+gui
Dequeue ACM Queue (Score:5, Interesting)
Software architecture term, not business model (Score:5, Insightful)
Web Services, WSDL, etc., all parts of implementing SOA, are essentially ways to provide software services via some network transport (typically HTTP). This makes sense for alot of things. For example, integrating inventory systems in real time. In days gone by, Company A would provide some random way for Company B to access it's inventory/price sheet. Text files, spreadsheets, EDI, etc. All SOA does is apply a machine-readable contract to the process. It says "this server will answer requests that look like ABC with data that looks like XYZ." WSDL, Web Services, etc. are all just about defining that "contract" to cover things like security, data types, etc.
Ironically, this allows for more diversity in the actual implementations. It doesn't matter if your service is provided on a $20,000 HP/W2K3 box running IIS or a $200 Linux box running Apache- as long as it provides a description of it's service, others can consume it- again using whatever language they choose. There are already implementations for most of these standards for Java, PHP, Perl,
So, put up the tin foil, this isn't a massive conspiracy to get you to pay each time you open your "word processor service." It's just a better way to provide data services where they make sense.
Re:Software architecture term, not business model (Score:2)
I don't see a great deal of utility in spelling out the syntax of an interface, unless one cares to solve the Halting Problem. The syntax of an interface is perfectly meaningless without also describing the semantics of the interface,
Ah yes! Finally! (Score:4, Funny)
"Sorry boss, I can't get that report to you cuz some part of the internet's down."
Re:Ah yes! Finally! (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Ah yes! Finally! (Score:2)
What is difference from software subscriptions? (Score:2, Interesting)
If it ain't broke, don't fix it (Score:2, Insightful)
I do not get it. (Score:5, Insightful)
No I did not RTFA
The poster of the story should have made his story better to get me to RTFA
UDDI ^= universal directory and discovery service, aka a phonebook or DNS for SOAP
WSFL ^= web sergvice flow language aka process or work flow definition for web services or web based applications
That all is TECHNIQUE,
renting is a BUSINESS MODEL.
Most of the poster to this article seem not to see that difference.
Re:I do not get it. (Score:2)
It's interesting that there is a new class of products (both hardware and software) emerging over this "service oriented architecture". For instance what if you are handling all your data interchange via SOAP and have to have certain credentials to access certain rows of data? In other words, the app functions
The final stage of intellectual property law? (Score:5, Insightful)
The first step for the corporate elite in the 1870s-1930s was to try to remove the idea from the public consciousness that natural law is a legitimate basis for our legal system. Then it began to push for a steady expansion of intellectual property law into previously unacceptable domains. Originally patents were very hard to get, you had to produce something truly unique, now you can patent business models!
This is all part of a general push away from an ownership society to a corporatist renter society. Capitalism is not to blame here, fascism is, because it is capitalist doctrine that is directly at odds with copyright holders. Capitalism gave us the concept of a government protecting everyone's property rights and not regulating most aspects of the economy to ensure that no class of business had an advantage over another. It was fascism that gave birth to the idea of controlling the economy to "protect industry."
The software rental model is intended to be the final blow to the idea that customers should have a property right in software. Pseudo-capitalists can come out all they like about how "choice" is what really matters, but choice is utterly irrelevent in every respect when basic property rights are not an option anymore. When no one can own their software in any way, to any degree, the difference between competitors becomes inherently pathetic and trite, just like the major parties in 2000 and 2004.
So what happens? Software companies use patents to protect their business model where copyright law isn't enough, by going after upstarts offering an ownership-friendly model.
But what many geeks and nerds won't get out of this, is that this battle has been raging for not a few decades but for about 144, the first battle being the American Civil War. The public schools frequently gloss over three very curious facts about the Civil War, because that would make Abraham Lincoln look like the most fascist stooge in American history:
Now does it become clearer, when you consider the almost 1 and a half century history of this fight, why the federal government really is a government of the people, by the people and for the corporations? Look at the push for things like UCITA, the goal is to essentially in the long run whittle down and destroy the state contract laws and nationalize them, so that the states, the governments much closer to you and your wishes, and thus further from corporate control than the feds, cannot protect you from the monied interests.
There never has been a conspiracy, because the elite has always had the audacity to operate in the open. For the last several decades, they have unabashedly eschewed any pretense of being Adam Smith-style capitalists and their economic model draws upon a more sophisticated, and moderately liberal version of Mussolini's fascist doctrines. What do you think, "protecting and advancing American economic interests" really means? Adam Smith would call it that vile system of Mercantilism which was an influence on socialism and at odds with laisez faire capitalism.
People have asked me why I vote libertarian, it is because they are capitalists. The party was born and bred from an ideological pedigree concerned with the minimization of the elite's power and influence and the preservation of an ownership society
Re:The final stage of intellectual property law? (Score:2)
Re:The final stage of intellectual property law? (Score:3, Funny)
I can rent him one if you like?
Article is unrelated to software as a service (Score:3, Informative)
Someday, maybe one of the editors will read the submissions before they post them? I'm paying for their services by accepting their ads -- keep this up, and I'm blocking the ads here.
Re: (Score:2, Informative)
This won't work, until... (Score:2)
It is now in the best interests of ISPs to support OSS. Currently, Open Source has massive bandwidth requirements and ISPs stand as the only real barrier to access to free software. It is better for them to support OSS, through mirroring/etc, than to support software subscriptions, which have equal bandwidth requirements yet also take some proceeds from the consu
Fundametal Flaw in Software Service/Rental (Score:3, Insightful)
The problem is service/rental is that you become beholden to the service, thus you incur a hidden cost due to risk because you could run the risk of losing access to your own data or processes if you can't make the monthly payments. In the non-rental mode, s/w to control your data and processes become sunk cost at worst with ready substitution of the status quo in lieu of new purchases (expenses). There is no compensation for this added cost for the user in the rental model, while the producer is gaining a cashflow series that was originally a single transction - software rental == higher NPV for the seller and lower NPV for the buyer, making it a simple and audacious market power grab.
Rightly, buyers will expect some compensation (I've yet to hear a single argument s/w rentals that really holds water) to justify switching. Otherwise you can expect the creation of non-rental substitutes (Open Source?) or the creation of black markets.
Sounds familiar (Score:2)
And now it's closer than ever. Riiight. The only company I've seen make a success of it is SalesForce.com. Siebel made noise with IBM about a year ago with a plan to offer hosted service...haven't heard anything more about that, either.
Part of the problem might be people really don't want to rent software. I think a certain segment of the
Re:Sounds familiar (Score:2)
Anyway, my company is now moving towards We Services. I can see this becomimg more popular as time goes on to. Web Services will make sharing data easier.
In our case we have an application that has a database. Currently our clients direct populate our database. This leads to problems because NONE of the necessary edit che
Pros and cons, plus a showstopper... (Score:2)
On the one hand, I don't want to not "own" something I buy. Yes, I know about software licences etc., but until they're tested in court, I don't believe that I can be bound by a contract that:
- I don't sign
- is only presented to me after I've paid my money at the shop, gone home, unpacked the box, inserted the CD and started "setup.exe" or whatever
- seems to present me with no benefits for my requested compliance with a huge bunch of legalese that is beyond the scope for a
Businesses probably won't like this. (Score:2)
If the software is used frequently enough to be of use, there is currently no financial benefit to paying as you use it unless you are perhaps already paying a subscription fee for usage (mainframe software for example).
Additionally, how do you budget for this software. Companies typically like to make up a sheet saying we will spend X amount of dollars on this 'solution' and then expect you to stick to it. Have you ever tried to change or add on to
how does one vendor provide flexibility (Score:2)
And that in an environment where any business is able to choose between different Operating Systems, different middleware structures, different applications with sometimes radically different ways of providing a solution and lots of competition between vendors of various sizes who will do anything for you to get your work. That all might be hard to manage and is
For some apps renting makes sense (Score:2, Insightful)
Anything that requires regular updates lends itself to a rental model. Doesn't mean you have to ASP the whole thing. And btw, what's new here? Who would want to rent an app like Excel that's used frequently but rarely changes? Whatever Microsoft might want, there's s
the missing ingredient! (Score:2)
1. Invent a free OS that works via HTTP.
2. Find some suckers to rent that OS.
3. Profit!
Okay, so some of the kinks have yet to be worked out.
Why bother ? (Score:2)
Is this the last gasp of the proprietary software business, desperately looking for ways to fleece the customer for every last penny ?
Thanks, but you can keep your software "rentals".
Re:Boycott this color scheme! (Score:2)
Re:Paying Microsoft.. (Score:2)
Re:Paying Microsoft.. (Score:2)
More likely you'd pay a monthly subscription and then pay the 10 cents on top of that. I have a better idea though. How about I give them the finger *flips bird* and use Open Office.
Re:Um...I thought that according to the EULA... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Um...I thought that according to the EULA... (Score:2)
Re:How about reading my own files after cancelling (Score:2, Insightful)
Please take off the tin foil hat; it is causing brain wave interference.
Do you think that this new model will automatically kill Open Source? You'll "read your .doc v9" with Open Office.
What's to
Re:How about reading my own files after cancelling (Score:2)
Re:Digital medium is NEVER secure (Score:3, Informative)
*At least* if you're going to post something like this, you'd have the brains to actually read up a little bit on it. Not only are you wrong about Mozilla using "obsolete Netscape 4.x code" (as netscape is based on Mozilla, NOT the other way around) but you're also wrong about IE being the standard for "all web protocols" - no, IE is the standard for "all microsoft-only protocols."
Get your f
Re:Digital medium is NEVER secure (Score:2)
Fortunately, the same can be stated about the author of this article.
UDDI, DISCO, WSDL, etc. describe web services - which, in fact, have very little to do with a software rental model. Web services are mainly a way for businesses to provide formatted data over a platform-independent HTTP channel. They are also a way to interact with the company, by using its objects, in a secure, object-oriented manner, without a lot of client/ser
Not to nitpick but... (Score:2)
Re:Not to nitpick but... (Score:2)
The EULA is not a legally binding document since no notary is there and because of the fact that you never signed anything.
No one has proved you are only owning a copy of the product that is licensed yet in court.
MS likes you to think this but the law is not on there side.
However corporate licenses due require a legal document and the more rights you have over the cheaper MS will sell you a copy of Windows or Office.
Now you know why one version of Windows is alot more expensive than a OEM or