Firefox Browser On An Upward Trend 670
carbolic writes "The Firefox browser is ramping up as fast as Internet Explorer is ramping down. According to these stats posted from the Engadget logfiles, IE has dropped to 57% of all browsers used to visit the site, while Firefox is up to an amazing 18%! The Engadget stats reflect an early-adopter consumer crowd and backing those up, this chart from w3schools shows the same trend. I guess CERT's recommendation and a mature product are finally paying off for the Mozilla project. Less than 2 years ago, IE had a 95% lock on the market. Anyone else see a trend here?"
Hmmmm (Score:3, Insightful)
self fullfilling prophecy (Score:4, Insightful)
Most IE users (that I know) are pretty much ignorant when it comes to browsers.
Re:Hmmmm (Score:5, Interesting)
What I find funny are those sites that throw you off if you don't have IE - often when the site works fine using a faked user agent. They must have a lot of money to burn if they can turn away 10% of their revenue just for the sake of fixing a few (or no) broken pages.
Re:Hmmmm (Score:5, Informative)
Another site may have 90% Explorer and 4% firefox.
If last year the figures were 92% vs 2%, then the trend is the same as w3schools (where firefox usage jumped from 8% -> 18 %)
Re:Hmmmm (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Hmmmm (Score:4, Interesting)
ok...ok - I know it wouldn't work like that, but it's a nice thought.
They could go through their logs looking for IE hits on the firefox download page, followed by a firefox hit on the default after install (I forget which URL the fox sends you to straight after install) page. The same IP, within 5mins or so of each other = 1 new user
Re:Hmmmm (Score:4, Informative)
And why would web developers use Mozilla instead of Firefox? I want something as bloat free as possible. Compared to Mozilla, IE is bloat free. Look at the feature list:
advanced e-mail and newsgroup client, IRC chat client, and HTML editing
That's why Firefox is nice. It's just a browser, thankfully.
Re:Hmmmm (Score:5, Insightful)
Wouldn't web developers be most likely to use IE. After all, if it is the most used browser (perhaps still >90%) then it is in a company's best interest to make sure their website works properly in IE and not spend time making things working Mozilla if it works find in IE. There was much discussion on this regarding the lack of IE PNG alpha blending support [slashdot.org].
I'm not saying this is a good thing, I'm just saying it seems to be the business attitude. There isn't much financial benefit in spending time to make their website compliant with a browser that has 5% market share if the site is fine in the browser with 95% market share. I do find this shortsighted though, since Mozilla/Firefox could be the dominant browser in, say, 6 months for example. Then all these companies would need to re-do their websites at extra cost so it would have been cheaper to make it compliant in the first place.
As someone that works for a professional web dev. (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Hmmmm (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Hmmmm (Score:4, Informative)
As you can see, about 25% of people viewing Fark use Firefox/Mozilla, and 33% use a non-IE browser. I can tell you that just 3 months ago the total number of non-IE browers was around 20%. The numbers might actually be low, because Fark has a high number of people who read from work, where they're often forced to use IE.
In my opinion, FireFox has a "killer" feature in that it (so far) isn't really vulnerable to many exploits or malware. I call it a "killer" feature because users, regardless of skill level, will use FireFox over IE simply because of security, and you already see it happening.
Re:Hmmmm (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Hmmmm (Score:5, Informative)
MSIE 6.0: 86%
MSIE 5.5: 3%
MSIE 5.23: 1.2%
MSIE 5.01: 0.9%
MSIE 5.0: 1.8%
Netscape 7.2: 0.7%
Netscape 7.1: 0.7%
Mozilla: 2.5%
Opera: 2%
Unknown: 0.3%
Konqueror: 0.1%
(Missing: 0.8%)
I'm waiting for Mozilla to grow. Then again, my site still uses frames, so why am I complaining?
Sum of IE Dropped ~2% since previous months where it hovered around 94.7%+-0.3. Mozilla numbers remain unchanged from previous months; Opera took the space it seems. Oh well.
Re:Hmmmm (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Hmmmm (Score:5, Funny)
Firefox desserves this... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Firefox desserves this... (Score:5, Insightful)
Firefox ignores window manager setttings (Score:3, Interesting)
Well it would be nice if Firefox were a polite citizen in window manager land too. It totally ignores the window manager settings on what to do if a window is clicked.
Some WMs are more versatile than others, and for example Icewm allows you to configure focus-on-click-but-dont-raise mode. That's brilliant for me, because I like to type text into partially obscured windows witho
Re:Firefox ignores window manager setttings (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Firefox desserves this... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Firefox desserves this... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Firefox desserves this... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Firefox desserves this... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Firefox desserves this... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Firefox desserves this... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Firefox desserves this... (Score:5, Insightful)
It's the truth, and it's pushed as a "Preview Release" and a "Technology Preview". So they should expect about as much as a public beta version of IE from it.
You shouldn't treat Firefox as a polished app, and then pull out the old "it's pre version 1" speak when critcism abounds. It only frustrates users.
Yeah, and it frustrates people with insight of the Firefox status if people whine about pre-1.0 software that's released for preview purposes (says so right on the Mozilla.org front page).
Re:Firefox desserves this... (Score:4, Informative)
Sure, its been a while since the mozilla browser has been in development, but note that a good part of that time was spent perfecting the Gecko rendering engine, and making the Mozilla Suite (browser, mail client, html editor etc).
Firefox (initially Pheonix, then Firebird) has been in development only since last year (around May or June?). They basically started with the browser component of the Mozilla suite, and rewrote significant bits of the UI, and added plenty of new UI features (customizable toolbars, better bookmarks, better extension and theme management, etc.).
So Firefox-the-browser (minus Gecko) is still a bit of a baby, and has only just reached 1.0PR. You cannot seriosly expect extensions to work across pre-release versions when they are still adding features (new RSS/Atom feature in bookmarks, new find toolbar etc, all in this release) and refining the browser!
The browser is still in development and gaining new features, and I don't mind waiting a few days for extension authors to make (mostly minor, if any) changes to their extensions before upgrading.
Workaround (Score:5, Informative)
-- CD
Re:Workaround (Score:4, Insightful)
Maybe I'm just stupid, but Tabbrowser Extensions is singlehandedly the best extension available, IMHO. Why isn't it even on the mozilla extension site? Is there someway to control the tabs without TE? Specifically the oh-so-annoying way that firefox by default sticks new tabs at the end instead of right next to the parent?
Re:Workaround (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm looking for a replacement.
Bye egghat.
Re:Workaround (Score:4, Funny)
Seriously though -- a port should be in the works. Hang on till then
-- CD
Re:Firefox desserves this... (Score:4, Informative)
Ok.. try the following, get the JRE direct from Sun, and install it cleanly.
Go to www.java.com
Select "Get Java"
And choose the "xpi" based installation.
It usually works!
As much as I'd like this to be true... (Score:5, Insightful)
Microsoft's site can probably claim higher numbers of IE users.
RedHat's site can probably claim lower numbers of IE users
Re:As much as I'd like this to be true... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:As much as I'd like this to be true... (Score:5, Funny)
Like the poster said (Score:3, Informative)
What are the numbers for Slashdot? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:As much as I'd like this to be true... (Score:5, Informative)
IE: 84% and falling
Mozilla: 7% and rising
Safari: 1-2% and rising
Opera: 1-2% and holding steady
Netscape 4: below 1% and falling
Google's browser stats (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:As much as I'd like this to be true... (Score:5, Funny)
I can see the press release now: "According to the statistics for windowsupdate.com, 100% of the world is running Internet Explorer"
Not more people (Score:5, Interesting)
But am I alone in the (admittedly selfish) desire that Firefox / Mozilla doesn't become too mainstream? As the usage of Firefox goes up - so too does the interest from exploit kiddies. Can the Mozilla / Firefox team keep ahead of the net nasties when it attains the majority of Internet users?
I can see that an open source browser can respond to security threats quicker than Microsoft has - but will it remain quick enough?
Re:Not more people (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Not more people (Score:3, Interesting)
but that have been countless security vulnerabilities where Microsoft has openly said: "yes, we knew about this 6 months ago, here's the patch now"
thats scary to think back: "so who else knew about this for the last 6 months, what havoc have they been wrecking"
Re:Not more people (Score:5, Insightful)
All Mozilla/Firefox now needs is a good update system. Normal users have already been teached by MS that everything magically gets updated via Windows Update. Not so with the browser - if they use something other than IE.
Yes, advanced users hate autoupdates. So what, they can always be disabled. Firefox and Mozilla need builtin autoupdaters that at least point the user to a page when a new update is available. Or preferrably just go ahead and do the update by default. That way people can browse safely even as new exploits crop up.
Re:Not more people (Score:4, Insightful)
Who teached you your english?
On a more serious note, I'd have to agree that firefox seriously needs an automatic update system that doesn't invalidate a user's extensions.
Re:Not more people (Score:3, Insightful)
Depends on the auto-update program. An app which simply wants to wrest control of my system out of my hands for the time it takes to update something, as well as not giving much feedback or telling me a huge amount about what it is doing is obnoxious, and I won't use it.
Give me an updater however which lets me choose what I want to download, shows me the commands it uses, (and lets me tweak them if I know what I'm doing, no
Re:Not more people (Score:4, Informative)
The new Firefox v1.0PR has a green arrow under the minimise button that does it. Also, it pops up a message once in a while telling you about new updates.
Re:Not more people (Score:4, Interesting)
Umm. .
Re:Not more people (Score:4, Interesting)
is this correct, or just heresy?
Re:Not more people (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Not more people (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Not more people (Score:3)
That should read, "Most Windows users would find it difficult running under an account that doesn't have Administrative privileges."
Re:Not more people (Score:3, Interesting)
Heh, considering the pain of installing new extensions using 1.0PR, I'd say yes
(For those who haven't tried it yet, any site attempting to install an xpi is automatically blocked and you have to manually enable it - and there's currently no preference override to allow automatic installation from every site. Then,
C'mon (Score:4, Insightful)
I'm waiting for the CNN/Gallup Poll
Re:C'mon (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:C'mon (Score:5, Funny)
"Which web browser do you use?"
The Internet 50%
The Web 15%
Explorer 10%
Internet Explorer 10%
Mozilla/FireFox: 12%
Other 3% (Including 1.2% who stated 'www')
Missing Option. (Score:3, Informative)
Re:C'mon (Score:3, Interesting)
It won me over.. (Score:3, Interesting)
Ah, but this isn't (e.g.) visitors to AOL.com... (Score:3, Insightful)
Just thinking obvious thoughts out loud.
Ok let's hear it from..... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Ok let's hear it from..... (Score:5, Interesting)
Ok, not really, but I do work in tech. support, and spend a significant portion of my day dealing with IE-related issues. If a normal rep spends an average of 1 hour each day on IE issues alone, and there are 250 reps at the center I work at, then we're spending 250 hours a day on IE problems. If no one dealt with IE issues, we could shift the workload and fire 30 people! that works out closer to an eighth, but saying "1/8" isn't impressive enough these days.
IE-only sites? sorry! (Score:5, Interesting)
With tabbed browsing, fantastic bookmark controls (add bookmark here and synchronized bookmarks), great content tools (bugmenot, adblock), the browser goes almost everywhere.
Folks who are reading this and who made the plunge, but still use Outlook, SWITCH TO THUNDERBIRD! While I wasn't very happy with the seemingly random way my old emails were imported (messages with multiple mime parts dont have the correct items displayed on the pane, and others meant to be displayed as shown as 'part1.1' attachments), I was incredibly happy with the abilities and extensions of the program.
Specifically, I found Thunderbird [mozilla.org]very happy to deal with my POP3 and IMAP accounts, interface very easily with GnuPG [gnupg.org] (via Enigmail [mozdev.org])
Mozilla really sucked for quite awhile, but these days I'm surprised when I find people who still only use IE. How 2001.
I look forward to the work being done on calendaring.
None techie site - more representative (Score:5, Informative)
Take into account (Score:3, Interesting)
Internet Explorer 6.x 53%
Firefox 18.16%
Safari 11.25%
Internet Explorer 5.x 4.07%
Mozilla 3.18%
Opera 2.50%
Netscape 7.x 1.42%
In addition opera and mozilla and firefox have user agent string plugins, but even ie can be regedited to send
Mozilla compatible, sod Microsoft (Windows 3.11)
Of course, stats don't matter, as long as you use what you want. Out of interest,I noticed Yoper is using evolution as the mail client, I personally love thunderbird - any ditros thinking of using thunderbird and sunbird as thier mail/calender?
should it be thunderfox and sunfox?
Slashdot Stats? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Slashdot Stats? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Slashdot Stats? (Score:4, Insightful)
What about browser spoofing? (Score:5, Interesting)
I am not sure about Firefox as I don't use it.
Probably the numbers would not swing the percentages to any great degree, but it would still be interesting nevertheless.
Re:What about browser spoofing? (Score:5, Informative)
How about some less self-selecting data. (Score:4, Insightful)
So What? (Score:3, Interesting)
I'm a long time Mozilla user, but this is a silly non-issue.
If everyone in the world abandons IE for a different browser, the loss in revenue for Microsoft is exactly ZERO. Which explains why IE hasn't been updated/improved for years, because, if everyone in the world abandoned Mozilla, Opera, etc and switched to IE, the increase in revenue for Microsoft would be exactly ZERO.
Re:So What? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:So What? (Score:5, Insightful)
Microsoft didnt make IE out of the goodness of their hearts, they paid staff, millions of hours of development time, a court case with the DOJ, to get this "free" browser out. And we know MS doesnt give things away unless they are either goign to earn profit somewhere else, or to prevent loss occuring somewhere else.
going back to 1996/1997, Microsoft realised that Netscape, the dominant browser at the time, were slowly morphing from "Just a Browser" into something that together with Java resembles an OS. It was a platform that allowed applications to be delivered over the net, making the core OS irrelevent. Have a look at archived docs about Netscape's Aurora, and you will understand why MS was scared.
Secondly the Java & HTML can be developed by MOST students for free. You only needed a Text Editor, a paint package and a freely obtainable JDK. There is no relatively "simple" ways to create windows applications for free. This was the reason why Microsoft gave away Visual Basic Active X edition for free, to get people less intrested in Java, and create More MS centric solutions.
Therefore dont assume that there is no value to MS from Internet Explorer. It is core to them. They only got a bit of a breathing space because fo the Dot Com bust, didnt create as much intrest for Web Applications as originally thought.
Obligatory Mastercard Parody:
- development time: 10000 Man hours
- Cost of development: $1million
- Sending SP2 free to anyone who asks: $1 per CD
Mahing the Windows/Office/Visual Studio triopoly maintained, and seeing Netspace and many other compeitors ground to dust - PRICELESS.
A growing trend? (Score:3, Insightful)
Although Firefox is gaining popularity the fact is: IE 6 is the #1 browser. Until we (a combination of the open source community, and regular users) can pursuade a lot of ignorant web developers (dont get me wrong, not all web developers are stupid and ignorant, just a small minority that only design for IE) - then the web can still be a hostile environment for non-microsoft users.
<rant> Personally I've been an Opera user for a few years (but reguarly use Mozilla/Firefox, Netscape 4 & IE to check the compatibility of my sites), and I was shocked when I went to a site that said 'You have to download the latest version of IE to view this site'... Sure.. I can run IE in wine, but some people really don't think when developing sites. </rant>
Re:A growing trend? (Score:5, Insightful)
What helps for me so far (100% score until now): If you find an IE-only website, make a screendump of what the website looks like in FireFox, and mail it to the sales- or marketing-dept of the company. You can be sure they contact their developer/ site-maintainer about it.
If you contact the "developer" directly, you can end in a yes/no battle about W3C, so get to the guys with the money instead
Wiki sidebar extension for Firefox -- Wikalong (Score:5, Interesting)
Google (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Google (Score:5, Informative)
And maybe if we keep telling ourselves it's true.. (Score:3, Insightful)
Does anybody really believe that the 95%+ market share of IE is going to drop to 57% in a few months? We can advocate and yell and scream and whatever we want, but people ain't switching in big numbers.
You are the Marketing Department. (Score:3, Informative)
Help spread some Firefox love by visiting the official "Spread Firefox [spreadfirefox.com]" portal.
They aim to achieve 1 million downloads during the next 10 days. The countdown doesn't reflect that actually it has already been in progress for a couple of days now, but still, quite cool.
I'm helping their promotion by telling my friends and family, and my website visitors about it. I recommend the same.
Go slashdotters!
Early Adopter, techie trend (Score:5, Interesting)
38% -- Mozilla family
35% -- IE
4% -- Safari
3% -- Opera
On the OS front:
62% -- Windows
12% -- Linux
6% -- Macintosh
These stats also tells us that a lot of Mozilla/Firefox users are Windows users.
Wacky browsers (Score:3, Funny)
Moz's growth at large (Score:3, Interesting)
I help run a bunch of fannish websites. Fannish websites tend to attract females with at least a slight bit of geekiness (even if they're non-technical), so the members of fannish communities tend to end up on the "front end" of mass market shifts. Based on message board conversation (unfortunately, I don't run those message boards so don't have access to those stats), a major shift over to Mozilla/Firefox occurred about four months ago. They were geeky enough to recognize that the security holes in IE announced over the past few months COULD affect them (and did, in many cases) and driven by the fact that MS wasn't putting out the updates to keep them safe. There was real fear, and there where the technically geeky of the community offering a solution that they could understand. Although my sites aren't directly connected to these message boards (and we haven't run browser stats in years) I think that if I looked at the logs for the past couple of months, they would reflect that community shift to Mozilla products. (I'm going to ask the server admin to run some historical vs. current stats for me and I'll post them if I get them in a reasonable amount of time.)
At the same time, the "computer guy" (computer idiot) in my local paper started recommending Firefox. This is a guy whose columns usually make me want to slap him upside the head, because he spreads SO MUCH inaccurate information about computers and operating systems, and reinforces a lot of the misunderstandings that are in the non-technical population. He's gone the distance with Firefox love (too far, really), now recommending it as the solution for any IE-based problem. He's completely lost the MSIE love . .
What I find interesting is that w3schools is one of the sites reflecting the trend. Who uses that site? Web designers and developers. It's a great quick-check resource (no, it doesn't go into depth on most topics, but when you've forgotten the syntax for something . .
Oh good grief... (Score:5, Informative)
Okay, I realize it's considered Geek Chic to rip the methodology (or, more usually, the lack thereof) used by the "reporters" of these stories. But c'mon! My daughter, who's in 9th grade and not a particular fan of math, could see the holes in this one.
The link used in the sentence quoted above, showing 95% market share for IE, goes to onestat.com. If the reporter had taken the time to check their latest report, IE still has a 93.9% share of the market [onestat.com]. It's right there in their press releases! How hard would it have been to look?
I love Firefox, and would love to see IE go away. But I'm getting real tired of having to apply my own personal lameness filter when it comes to determining what Slashdot stories actually have "stuff that matters".
I realized the trend last week (Score:4, Interesting)
Well, why is this suprising? (Score:3, Insightful)
besides, if you want extra gadgetry in your browser, Firefox has a lot of nice extensions and they are extremely easy to install(1).
1) Except for the fact that the the response times from the extension download is horribly slow. Do something about it!
Firefox gets faster, IE gets slower (Score:3, Insightful)
Whereas FireFox gets more efficient, has all the features that IE has(infact more) and uses much less memory.The browsing experience is smooth and fast.
A lot of people are hesitant to move to FireFox cos they don't know what it has to offer and Windows ships with IE so it naturally captures most of the market.With just the right kind of exposure FireFox will bloom even more.
From my webtrends reports that I run... (Score:4, Interesting)
IE vs Firefox (Score:5, Informative)
Last week We had 12,156,966 hits to our sites, which is only the search related pages, not photos etc.. 11,689,635 (96.15%) were from Internet Explorer.
I'd wager to say we would see a much more diverse range of users than a site specifically designed for web designers. I hate to say it, but IE is still as much of a force in the market as it ever was.
Hardly a trend (Score:4, Informative)
Trends require more than one anomalous reading.
OpenOffice next ? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:I don't know about you (Score:5, Informative)
Actually, it's not even really a "fox"
Re:I don't know about you (Score:4, Informative)
"What's a Firefox?"
A "Firefox" is another name for the red panda [bbc.co.uk].
IE and FF (Score:4, Insightful)
Actually IE on an XP box running SP2 is pretty different. This may not be a formal version change but MS did catch up pretty well. Sure, I don't touch IE unless I have to, but the popup blocker, activex manager, extra nag screens, etc go a long way to fighting spyware and help make the web usable. Most people will never switch browsers and SP2 is for them.
I was playing with 1.0PR last night and found the firebird developers have already mimicked IE. The "info bar" [everythingisnt.com] which displays when something is blocked is blatantly "stolen" from IE. Not that I care or even think its wrong, but its interesting to see the browser war heat up again.
MS is catching up to FF while FF is picking what it likes from IE. I do like FF's policy of "looking a lot like IE" because it helps with mass-adoptation and frankly IE's interface and MS's usability are actually pretty good. Its a shame the code beneath isn't so hot.
Re:I see a trend! I see one! (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:I see a trend! I see one! (Score:5, Funny)
That's a trend you know. In fact, it's the same one the article was claiming: Firefox usage is rising.
Now what was your point again?
Re:Botched statistic if I've ever seen it. (Score:5, Informative)
The Engadget stats reflect an early-adopter consumer crowd and backing those up, this chart from w3schools shows the same trend
He never claimed that the stats were for the entire net or anything. -1 Redundant.
Re:Botched statistic if I've ever seen it. (Score:3, Informative)
Re:One teensey advantage of IE (Score:3, Informative)
Right click on the toolbar and choose customize. Drag all the elements from the navigation toolbar up next to the field menu. Click close from the customization box. Right click on the now-empty navigation bar and uncheck it from the list.
Voile! Buttons, address bar, and menus all in one toolbar.