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Google Launches Google Code 235

ibjhb writes "Google is at it again and has launched Google Code. It appears to be "Google's place for Open Source software". " Can't say that I'm surprised that our old friend (and former Slashdot Author) Chris DiBona is working on this one. They have links to several open source projects, as well as to Google API information.
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Google Launches Google Code

Comments Filter:
  • uh oh (Score:4, Funny)

    by peculiarmethod ( 301094 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @02:58PM (#11968479) Journal
    Freshmeat just got a 'best if used by' date.
    • You have a great point, but I wouldnt go that far yet. Freshmeat already has an installed use base of...... oh damn near everyone.

      While google will have some great features (as they have done with maps and answers) I dont believe it will be enough to cause a mass exodus from Freshmeat et. at. But with their leveraging power they will surely be the next generations choice.
      • Re:uh oh (Score:4, Funny)

        by LiquidCoooled ( 634315 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:40PM (#11968957) Homepage Journal
        What happens when they open ;)
        • Re:uh oh (Score:5, Funny)

          by Ohreally_factor ( 593551 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:45PM (#11969012) Journal
          We won't have as many duped posts? Articles and links will be checked before they're posted? Grievous spelling errors will be corrected in the editing process? There will actually be an editing process?

          On the other hand, there will still be a Cowboy Neal Option in the polls.
        • by Seoulstriker ( 748895 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @04:16PM (#11969392)
          Google Inc. (DOM-258879)
          2400 E. Bayshore Pkwy Mountain View CA 94043 US

          Domain Name:

          Registrar Name:
          Registrar Whois:
          Registrar Homepage: []

          Administrative Contact:
          DNS Admin (NIC-1340142) Google Inc.
          2400 E. Bayshore Pkwy Mountain View CA 94043 US
 +1.6503300100 Fax- +1.6506181499
          Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
          DNS Admin (NIC-1340144) Google Inc.
          2400 E. Bayshore Pkwy Mountain View CA 94043 US
 +1.6503300100 Fax- +1.6506181499

          Created on..............: 2005-Mar-15.
          Expires on..............: 2019-Sep-14.
          Record last updated on..: 2005-Mar-17 10:42:46.

          Domain servers in listed order:


          Uh oh...
    • Re:uh oh (Score:5, Interesting)

      by gl4ss ( 559668 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:04PM (#11968556) Homepage Journal
      not exactly freshmeat..

      **What is is our site for external developers interested in Google-related development. It's where we'll publish free source code and lists of our API services.**

      besides than that.. *Why are you releasing code through Sourceforge?
      Well, because they were nice enough to oblige, and because developers here like Sourceforge. Future homes for new projects might include or language specific sites like the Vaults of Parnassus and CPAN. *

      • Re:uh oh (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Curtman ( 556920 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:35PM (#11968907)

        Good point. Because Sourceforge, Freshmeat, and Slashdot are all OSTG [] pages. This is nice to see Google taking an interest in OSTG, not competing with it.
      • Re:uh oh (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Ed Avis ( 5917 )
        Yes - at first I thought this was going to be a search engine for source code, grepping through tons of free software. That would be a rather useful thing to have (how do I use this library? I'll just grep for an example). There is [] but its search engine isn't that gret - when looking through source code you need to be able to include punctuation characters and search by them.

        All you really need to do is spider, download the tarball of the latest release of each app, and do a mass
        • For koders I should have RTFM - you can search for most things, you just have to escape metacharacters with backslash. Perhaps it will be the thing to use; I just need to make sure all my own code is in there...
  • Well done, Chris! (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Russ Nelson ( 33911 )
    Well done, Chris! You know that I voted for you.
  • Nice (Score:5, Informative)

    by M.C. Hampster ( 541262 ) <M.C.TheHampster@gma[ ]com ['il.' in gap]> on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:02PM (#11968536) Journal

    It looks like rather than try to reinvent the wheel, they are utilizing SourceForge for hosting their code. It's nice to see that they aren't suffering from "Not Invented Here" syndrome.

    • Re:Nice (Score:2, Funny)

      by The Bungi ( 221687 )
      Interesting everything is released under the BSD license instead of the GPL.

      I guess they can expect a nastygram from Stallman any day now.

  • FAQ (Score:4, Informative)

    by e03179 ( 578506 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:02PM (#11968537) Homepage
    Google Code FAQ: [] is our site for external developers interested in Google-related development. It's where we'll publish free source code and lists of our API services. A lot of people worked together to both prepare source code for release and prepare for launch and ongoing maintenance. We really care about free and open source software (F/OSS) at Google, and this site is one aspect of that affection.

    Read the rest of the FAQ: []
  • Sourceforge (Score:5, Informative)

    by aftk2 ( 556992 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:03PM (#11968549) Homepage Journal
    When I first read the article blurb, I thought it meant Google was announcing some sort of source code repository, like SourceForge. Instead, it's a listing of their various open source projects.

    That's cool, certainly, but nothing terribly exciting. Isn't this stuff that's already been floating around on the Google website? Or is this a quick-and-dirty attempt to match [], which still looks to be more capable.
  • Google (Score:3, Funny)

    by Enjoi ( 857482 ) <snkenjoi@gmail.TIGERcom minus cat> on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:04PM (#11968561) Homepage
    What next?

    Google Personals?
    Google Quotes Database?
    Google Car Insurance?
  • Google and 20% time (Score:5, Interesting)

    by nathan s ( 719490 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:05PM (#11968578) Homepage

    From the FAQ []:

    You may have heard about 20% time, in which Google engineers are encouraged to work on a personal project one day out of the week. Open Source interests a lot of Google developers, so we thought taking advantage of this program was a good way to prepare code for release and maintenance.

    People at Google keep saying that they get ~20% time to work on personal projects. I'm curious about a couple of things here.

    • Does this 20% time come out of the normal 40hr/week thing (and for that matter, do these engineers work 40/week or are they doing 100/week and get 20% time out of that)?
    • Does Google or the developer own intellectual property developed out of that 20% time?
    • I'm not sure about the first question, but the answer to the second question is easy: Google.

      They're paying you to develop ideas, they may be your ideas, but you're using company time and resources to create them (ie: you're being paid to generate the ideas AND they're financing the initial development effort), so the ideas are their property.

      I'm sure someone can come up with some philosophical way around this, but if it ever went to court, the case would prolly be over pretty quick.

    • by digidave ( 259925 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:24PM (#11968783)
      "Does this 20% time come out of the normal 40hr/week thing (and for that matter, do these engineers work 40/week or are they doing 100/week and get 20% time out of that)?"

      It's one day a week, so that's 20% of working days, not hours.
    • by arkanes ( 521690 ) <(arkanes) (at) (> on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:25PM (#11968804) Homepage
      As I understand it, it's one day a week and Google owns the IP. It's basically like free play in kindergarden.
    • Does this 20% time come out of the normal 40hr/week thing (and for that matter, do these engineers work 40/week or are they doing 100/week and get 20% time out of that)?

      I assume it's one day a week. And it's "their own projects", so I assume Google don't own them. It's to keep their creative minds bubbling away.
      Mind you, that's an awful lot of assumptions I've just made.

  • coredumper (Score:5, Funny)

    by Thrakkerzog ( 7580 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:05PM (#11968581)
    coredumper: Gives you the ability to dump cores from programs when it was previously not possible.

    Gee, I've always been pretty good at that!

  • Well, I guess we'll be seeing alot of duplicate projects posted there.

  • by SmokeHalo ( 783772 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:08PM (#11968612)
    I hadn't seen a Google story in a couple of days, I was starting to suffer withdrawal.
  • ? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by ballermann ( 124688 )
    When I read the headline I thought Wow Google copies [] . But no - it's just a "look people use our great API"-advertisement page.
  • Good to see (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Sv-Manowar ( 772313 )
    Good to see apple moving more towards open source software, but has anyone worked out what happened to GoogleX ( [])

    it now 404's, yet was working yesterday as a 'prototype' of what a google for mac and on other systems could look like. Obviously the labs are having a fun week.
    • Re:Good to see (Score:2, Informative)

      Slash mentioned it earlier on today here []

      here [] is a working mirror.

      And theres also a zip available for your local running pleasure here []

      Plenty of people supplied mirrors and online copies inside the comments of the article.
  • C'mon Bowie, you know that you can't resist trolling Chris DiBona. Let us know about how Google Code was all your idea until he stole it from you!

  • by manmanic ( 662850 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:14PM (#11968675)
    This (along with the Yahoo API [] and Microsoft's promise to do the same) is good news for developers who are taking search APIs seriously.

    But who will be the first to throw open the floodgates and actuallly provide unlimited API querying at a price? Businesses (such as (plagiarism detection), [] (rank tracking) and [] (advanced alerting) are starting to be built out of this stuff, so there's obviously a genuine economy out there for the taking. []

  • by topside420 ( 530370 ) <topside.topside@org> on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:15PM (#11968693) Homepage
    Nice to see the three open source projects linked on the right are all projects that list chrisd as a developer.

    What a coincidence!

  • Google Too (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Doc Ruby ( 173196 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:17PM (#11968710) Homepage Journal
    Using the Google API is the best way to encourage its growth. The more apps that use it, the more those apps become "Google" - and the more Google will grow itself by growing its web services.

    However, hosting all those Google API apps solely on Google is a bad move. Too many eggs in one basket. Better to host them on both Google AND Freshmeat/SourceForge. In fact, one great Google API app would be an automirror. Hosting at one is automirrored at the other. Which has immediate benefits in load balancing and uptime (no single point of failure). And longterm benefits of keeping the code free of capricious corporate decisions down the road
  • Good Show! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by polyp2000 ( 444682 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:19PM (#11968735) Homepage Journal
    It is great that Google are visibly supporting the development of open source software - to whatever degree.

    The ubiquity of google and the respect they have gained over the years make them somewhat of a model company. While im sure there may be a couple of people who might dispute their company motto to "not be evil" I think most people would agree that google seems to be doing things the right way.

    Google is well thought of by anyone who uses the web, not just geeks, but the PHB's and Grandma's alike. This brings me to the next point...

    Google have got Microsoft worried - frustrated that they couldnt "own" google they paid google the greatest compliment- they redesigned their search engine that is functionally more than just similar to google - and to a certain extent the low graphic - no-frills feel!

    It is interesting to see Google innovating and re-thinking many of the ways we use the web. Now that google are being visibly more active in open source - It couldnt be better press for F/OSS at this time - and damn that's really going to p*ss Microsoft off - I'd like to see them match this idea. In addition to this its certainly going to help to legitimise F/OSS to those PHB's who have been toying with the idea but afraid to test the water.

    Its going to be extremely interesting to see what google has deep in the bowels of its R&D department waiting to come into fruition. Lets hope that they can keep their face clean in the process!
    • Re:Good Show! (Score:3, Informative)

      by SpiffyMarc ( 590301 )
      damn that's really going to p*ss Microsoft off - I'd like to see them match this idea.

      Microsoft has several open source projects on SourceForge, and in the past has hosted sites like GotDotNet that allowed users to share libraries with one another. Microsoft developers would also post libraries they had written and allow other developers to see and use the code.
  • by GoogleGuy ( 754053 ) * on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:24PM (#11968787) Homepage
    You can see code that Google is opening up here []. My favorite is the perftools code [] because it helps with things like heap profiling. Very handy stuff, and it's hosted with Sourceforge. I'm pretty sure these four projects were just added in the last day or so.
  • Opportunity (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Red_Icculus ( 866366 )
    Since this is for dev related to Google, this could be a great opportunity to attract lots of talent to their company. This has the opportunity to be a great thing for all parties involved.
  • by grusapa ( 756151 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:33PM (#11968884)
    "We're going to feature a new one every week or so and we'll send a fabulous, always fashionable, t-shirt to the maintainers as a small way of saying thank you!" anyone seen the pic. where a dud is holdig a poster that say "I well do html for food"
  • UI (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Morgahastu ( 522162 ) <bshelNO@SPAMWEEZ ... fave bands name> on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:36PM (#11968911) Journal
    Why is that anything related to Open Source has to have a terrible interface? This is only google page I do not like and it looks like it skipped the UI team.
  • Updates Blog (Score:3, Interesting)

    by epohs ( 775630 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @03:37PM (#11968919) Homepage []

    The update blog, and an easy way to subscribe to the RSS feed with Firefox

  • What I've been hoping for is a specialization of Google that would search for open source code and commentary/documentation on same.

    So many projects have names that tend to return a lot of unrelated links when doing a search, it would be nice is there were a categorized search similar to that which they've created for Linux (NICE! Helps significantly. I've given it a browser link on my toolbar.).

  • ...learn grammar while at SlashDot?

    Hashtables that use memory the way you want them too.

  • Not invented here (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Qwavel ( 733416 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @04:28PM (#11969526)
    Several people have commented that it is nice to see Google using an existing code site (sf) rather than create their own.

    I'm also glad to see that they are using an existing and respected license (BSD 2.0) rather than invent their own. The other big companies (eg. Sun, MS) always have to create their own pseudo-FLOSS licenses when they release code, with their own little catches and gotchas.
  • and I anounce my new Russ Key [] FireFox extension that allows users to type in TextArea and Text HTML fields in phonetic Russian and translate 'translit' (Russian typed in English letters) into Cyrillic.

    I feel so small and insignificant :/

  • I'm pretty hooked on the Picasa photo organizer from Picasa. It's only missing one thing: an extension to upload photos to your Flickr account.

    I'd like to see some work done on this.
  • by Jack Auf ( 323064 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @08:10PM (#11971387) Homepage
    Why is it that people think this guy is great? He typically does NOT do a good or even acceptable job on anything he manages.

    Chris DiBona is *the* guy that single-handedly killed

    For those of you who have not been around long enough to remember it was a wonderful, one-stop-shop for themes for everything. Until Chris took over that is, and then it went into a year and a half long dormant period where no updates were allowed by themers, only to eventually be folded into freshmeat when it was apparent that Chris was never going to deliver.

    How the hell did he ever get hired by Google?
  • Is anyone having problems with Google's Adwords? I get a connection refused whenever I try to get to it.
  • by popo ( 107611 ) on Thursday March 17, 2005 @09:28PM (#11971854) Homepage
    hah hah hah....heh.....ehh.....


    ..ruh roh!

Algebraic symbols are used when you do not know what you are talking about. -- Philippe Schnoebelen
