Branched Nanotubes Offer Smaller Transistors 218
Designadrug writes "Tiny tubes of carbon, crafted into the shape of a Y, could revolutionize the computer industry, suggests new research. The work has shown that Y-shaped carbon nanotubes are easily made and act as remarkably efficient electronic transistors - but the nanotransistors are just a few hundred millionths of a meter in size -roughly 100 times smaller than the components used in today's microprocessors."
Moore's Law. (Score:5, Interesting)
there is something going on like those promising nanotubes.
Another one for Moore against those doomsday preacher like this one:
http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9584_22-5112061.html [zdnet.com]
And the best part? (Score:2, Funny)
Re:And the best part? (Score:2)
Re:And the best part? (Score:2)
So cellphone-losing (or my favorite, accidental washing & tumble dry) should increase by only a factor of 10k.
Re:And the best part? (Score:3, Insightful)
In TFA, the "100 times smaller" comes from the length of the nanotube transistor being 1/10th that of its silicon counterpart. Cellphone-losing should increase by no more than a factor of 100 (unless 3-d chips become commonplace).
Re:And the best part? (Score:2)
Re:And the best part? (Score:2)
The die will be genuinly volumetric when a cutting plane in any direction through roughly the center intersects roughly the same order of magnitude worth of chip elements as any other cutting plane trhough the center.
Re:And the best part? (Score:2)
(even if you stacked no un-needed material)
The point is that volumetric solutions do not work for high heat densities, and are impractable from a package standpoint. There are some instances where a genuinely volumetric die could work _and_ make sense at the same time. In the case of cellular phones that is not the case. The package needs to be no more than 1-2mm thick in order to satisfy size requirements.
Also, aside from the substrate used for stiffening the die, the tickest
Re:And the best part? (Score:2)
Today's state of the art -- mostly-linear flow of control, mostly-planar hardware -- will have to change for the next generation.
Re:And the best part? (Score:3, Insightful)
Which is relatively low heat density, and is impractable from a packaging standpoint. It needs way too much support harware
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
DOH. There ARE already nanotube transistors using single nanotubes. ALREADY the work is done on integrating these on very large scale.
If they know how to attach a nanotube to a layer of silicon to make a transistor, don't you think they'l know how to attach a branched nanotube to make a full circuit?
Take a look at the industry. 2 years ago it was discovered that silver nanostructures were antibiotic. Today, LG gives us fridges
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
There is no known way to build large numbers of nanontube transistors with good yield. What can be done so far is attaching single nanotubes somewhere and measure lots of devices until you find a good one.
Remember: To build a state of the art CPU you have to produce more than 1e8 transistors with exactly 100% yield.
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:4, Funny)
Quebec's law: "Each time some expert's saying that Moore's Law is about to hit a barrier,
there is something going on like those promising nanotubes."
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2, Funny)
i think metamoderation works something like that...
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:5, Insightful)
Moore's law IS not a fundamental law of the Universe. It was an observation of a trend that has held up for a lot long than anyone expected.
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
Anything that can be manufactured by man can be scaled to mass production (like jet aircraft, complex chemicals, atomic bombs and ICBMs for example). It's just a matter of how much resources you are willing to put into it, and even then it might not be economical.
I think Moore's law will be sustanible if there is economic demand for faster chips. If they can't get the Hz faster they'll scale outwards (dual cores and parallel processing route)
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
Indeed, Moore's law isn't as certain as sunrise... and even that will eventually run out...
But its longevity does suggest that more than a mere circumstantial trend may be at work... say, something closely related to the exponential growth of scientific knowledge. Nanotubes look like they'd fit that bill nicely.
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
Like the value of pi, the law of conservation of matter and energy, and the line you are in is always moving the slowest.
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
"the law of conservation of matter and energy" is an example of a really good theory. A large number of scientists would become extremely confused if it were ever disproven, but it's just another theory.
Even the "value of PI" isn't nessisarily a "natural law". Do you have some reason why you would claim that geometry has innate meaning, or is it just really useful for building working models?
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
There IS a huge difference between the laws of physics and Moore's law.
To change the laws of Physics all you would need to do is change the entire Universe.
For Moore's law to fail all it would take is for people to stop making smaller and smaller ICs.
Just another theory is a statement that I often hear when from people that want to bend reality to fit their view.
Theory 1. The
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
You do understand the basic concept of science, right?
1.) You observe what you're trying to describe.
2.) You come up with a theory that explains your observations.
3.) When the theory from step 2 is no longer good enough to make the predictions you want, go back to step 1.
Now, the "physical laws" have been doing pretty well at making predicitons for a while, but they aren't really "laws". They don't explain everything, and scientists continue to develop better and better models to explain things.
This al
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
I was using speaking in the context that Moore's law as not really based on science in general but was just an oberservation of a trend.
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
I was speaking in context of Moore's law. Moore's law is NOT the same as one of the laws of physics. It is more of an economic prediction than say the law of Conservation of Matter and Energy. What I really have a problem with is the idea that all theories are equal. That is the argument that the Creationists tend to use when they start to spout really bad science and often out right lies. Being somewhat religious I find lieing for God to be offensive in
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:5, Informative)
do more with less (Score:2, Interesting)
There is an article in the august issue of Scientific American [sciam.com] about magnetologic gates. This mentions that instead of making transistors smaller so you can put more of them in the same space. You could also try achieve the same functions using less elements.
magnetologic gates are based on the MRAM technology [ibm.com]. With some modifications the designs for MRAM can be used to create logic gates that are much more efficient and powerfull then CMOS based transistors.
With only 1 magne
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
Re: (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Laws of physics (Score:3, Insightful)
I thought you couldn't make something out of matter smaller than an atom, eh?
I guess I'm going to have to go disappoint all those quantum computation researchers.
Re:Laws of physics (Score:2, Funny)
Why do I get the feeling that if you can find them, you won't be able to affect their momentum?
Re:Laws of physics (Score:2)
Re:Laws of physics (Score:2)
For example, what happens when we start using the particles, or using the quantum states of those particles?
Re:smaller than an atom? (Score:2)
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:3, Informative)
On a sidenote, Intel's Netburst archicture has turned out to be a failure to reliably increase the PERFORMANCE of the CPU (ironically I'm using one right now), precisely because of the architecture's emph
Stop talking about moores law. (Score:2)
Now, check my journal on this, because I really wish people would shut up about moores law.
It takes credit from the chaps who did the hard thinking to get us to this point, and says, oh well, it was expected anyway.
Just, aaagh.
Re:Stop talking about moores law. (Score:2)
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
I thought the key implied part of "improving" was to actually have something to improve upon.
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
No, the nanotube-enabled computer you're using will be replaced by one with twice as many nanotubes per square mm in 18 months.
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
What Gordon Moore originally said was the underwhelming
(Don't believe me? Read it here [wikipedia.org] instead.)
By Moore's statement we should be seeing chips with IC counts of 70 trillion (10^13), but the latest Pentium D has a transistor cou
Re:Moore's Law. (Score:2)
You left out the rest of this quote:
Over the longer term, the rate of increase is a bit more uncertain, although there is no reason to believe it will not remain nearly constant for at least 10 years.
This quote was published in 1965. The Wikipedia article continues:
In 1975, Moore pro
Nothing for you to see here. Please move along. (Score:5, Funny)
Matters of Size and Scope (Score:4, Interesting)
We're going to have a devil of a time soldering these things, not to mention fitting them with heatsinks...
Re:Matters of Size and Scope (Score:2)
Re:Matters of Size and Scope (Score:2, Informative)
It's also Carbon, something regularly used for resistors (prior to film resistors.) Seems resistance and heat will be some kind of issue.
As to "how do you solder them," that's just stupid. You don't solder them, any more than you solder 100 million transistors in a Pentium.
Pentium and other chips are etched from an existing sandwich, IIRC, we're talking about growin
Re:Matters of Size and Scope (Score:3, Informative)
It's also Carbon, something regularly used for resistors (prior to film resistors.) Seems resistance and heat will be some kind of issue.
Actually, carbon nanotubes are as conductive as copper...here's a nice resource [lbl.gov] .
Re:Matters of Size and Scope (Score:2)
Re:Matters of Size and Scope (Score:2)
9nm? (Score:1, Insightful)
size vs heat in 50 years (Score:1)
How about the heat? Anyone? Will it increase by 100? How does the heat production increase with decrease in the size of the components anyway?
"One must remember that for the Pentium chi
Re:size vs heat in 50 years (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:size vs heat in 50 years (Score:2, Informative)
No. Decreasing the size of something -increases- the surface area compared to the volume of the object, increasing it's overall ability to dissipate heat.
Get your physics straight.
Re:size vs heat in 50 years (Score:2)
Take a cube one unit on a side. Surface area = 6 square units, volume = 1 cubic unit. Ratio = 6. Now take another cube built with 8 of the former. Surface area = 24 square, volume = 8 cubic. Ratio = 3.
Re:size vs heat in 50 years (Score:2)
Re:size vs heat in 50 years (Score:5, Informative)
CMOS is based around two transistors, a P-channel FET which goes conductive when the gate is driven low, and an N-channel FET which goes conductive when the gate is driven high. The P-FET is trying to pull the output high and the N-FET is trying to pull it low. Both the gates are joined together, and this is the input. This is a simple NOT gate.
For a NAND gate, where any input 0 will drive the output to a 1, we have several P-FETs in parallel trying to drive the output high, and so many N-FETs in series trying to drive the output low. Each P-FET gate joined to an N-FET gate is one input. When they are all high, all the N-FETs turn on allowing the output to go low; when any one is low, the chain of N-FETs is broken, one or more P-FETs turn on, and the output goes high. For a NOR gate, where any input 1 will drive the output to a 0, we put the Ns in parallel and the Ps in series. You can make AND gates from NAND+NOT, OR gates from NOR+NOT, and any other combination you like. In fact you really don't need both NAND and NOR, because you can make either one out of the other; but it turns out they're equally as easy to make as each other in CMOS {not like many other technologies}.
In an ideal world this would never dissipate any power, since the input cannot be high and low at the same time so only one of the transistors will ever be on. In practice what happens is that the gates act like capacitors which take a finite time to charge and discharge. They do not switch instantaneously from conductive to non-conductive. So one stops conducting while the other is starting to conduct, and for a brief instant while the inputs are changing state both transistors are conducting a little. It's not a dead short circuit of course, otherwise something would give way
Now every time something changes state, you get a little pulse of heat. Which is why fast processors need cooling. Additionally, to make sure that the logic gate output has changed state before the next clock pulse, you need to make the gate capacitances charge up quickly -- which means using a higher voltage than you could get away with at lower speeds. But 2x more volts means 2x more amps means 4x more watts.
Smaller transistors should have less gate capacitance, and so be capable of switching more quickly.
Re:size vs heat in 50 years (Score:2, Insightful)
One additional factor that needs to be added, though, is that as MOSFET transistors scale towards smaller and smaller features, leakage current becomes a larger and larger problem. Basically, at extremely small sizes, quantum effects start to become significant, and electrons randomly tunnel from one end to the other.
The larger the leakage current, the more is lost to heat.
It remains to be seen how large a problem leakage current is with the new tube transistors. If it's not a
Re:size vs heat in 50 years (Score:2)
Re:size vs heat in 50 years (Score:2)
Although better conductivity in both wires and transistors would be helpful (people cool CPUs to accomplish this), too much can be a bad thing. With no resistance, circuits would ring badly, causing high instantaneous voltage and gate breakdown.
Re:size vs heat in 50 years (Score:2)
Bifurcated computers? (Score:2)
Would it make a great way to interface with tree-like neural structures?
Coming Soon: Time Travel (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Coming Soon: Time Travel (Score:2)
When those processors hit 5GHz... (Score:2)
...you're gonna see some serious shit.
Re:Coming Soon: Time Travel (Score:2)
Old News (Score:5, Informative)
This paper [tripod.com] suggests that this sort of thing was being done 5 years ago.
From the paper:
Re:Old News (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Old News (Score:2)
Before commenting, you might want to actually read, or at least skim, the paper I linked to in my original post.
Fom the paper:
Not Old News (Score:2)
The news here is that they created a Y-junction nanotube with a metal particle at the junction which caused it to function as a transistor.
In other news... (Score:2, Troll)
I'm getting a bit bored with these wide remarks saying profound discovery X has been achieved and that it may affect future production of [whatever], when it's so far from even prototype production that the PhD thesis on it hasn't even been written yet.
Can we get stories with a little more substance? Please?
Re:In other news... (Score:2)
Diamonds in the dirt (Score:2, Insightful)
Dateline 21st February 1953
Scientists today revealed the molecular structure of DNA. It is theorised that this may revolutionise medical research and forensic science (and posibly Apple Pie).
And I bet someone said back then all they've done is describe the molecule.
A few issues (Score:2, Informative)
Once we can do that reasonably well, there are a few approaches that look promising. For
P. G. Collins, et al., Science, 292, 706
Bzzzt!!!! (Score:2)
I doubt bulk production and sorting of nanotubes is going to be of much value. Suppose there IS a particular type that's really great for making circuits. How then do you deposite them and connect them into a circuit? And that will need to be done with individual tubes, not bulk - this article mentions the tubes are about 1/10 the size of present transistors, so if you lay down a b
Math (Score:3, Insightful)
So, uh, they are a few hundred millionths of a meter in size -- or to put it in clearer terms, a few tens of nanometers in size. That'd put them in the 30-60nm range. Intel's currently making chips on a 90nm process, and intends to start making them on a 65nm process by the end of the year.
That's not a 1/100x size improvement
Syntax? (Score:2)
Nano Tubes (Score:3, Funny)
Y? (Score:2)
It's all in the details, whatever they are (Score:3, Informative)
Don't get me wrong... (Score:3, Insightful)
Robert Frost (Score:3, Funny)
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
In other news (Score:2)
Bitch and a half (Score:2)
Let's Get Small Again (Score:4, Interesting)
Intel debuted the 4004, the first commodity microprocessor chip, in 1971 with 2300 transistors [pcworld.com]. That's 13 years, during which we had a space race (and Minuteman missile [nps.gov] program) to stimulate investment. Today we have $trillions in returns on chip investment as stimulus, as well as an existing investment/manufacturing/marketing infrastructure. As well as highly useful micron-scale chips and software for design. So perhaps we're looking at a breakthrough "nanoprocessor" sometime earlier than 2028.
Single molecule transistor (Score:2)
http://www.physorg.com/news4345.html [physorg.com]
Meanwhile (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Meanwhile (Score:2)
Does anybody have a guess as to what this means? Is this supposed to say that the switching capacity is comparable to today's silicon transistors (which would be good)? Or is it supposed to say that the switching capacity is incomparable to today's silicon transistors?
Either way, this sounds promising, provided that this increased switching capacity is a result not just of massively parallel switching
Re:100nm? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:100nm? (Score:2)
At the end of the day--even the article--admits that nanotechnology is only about a factor of two density improvement, but at
Re:smallish? (Score:2)
Re:smallish? (Score:2, Informative)
one hundred millionth of a meter = 1m/100,000,000 = 10nm
Not one hundred millionths of a meter = 100 * 1m/1,000,000 = 100um
Re:Vacuum Tube Processors (Score:2)
While they are both measurements of length, they aren't measuring the same thing. The 90nm is measing the gate size where the 100nm is the size of the entire tube.
Take a look at http://www.micromagazine.com/archive/02/05/lead.ht ml [micromagazine.com] The red parts are the gates, the entire picture is the transistor.
To put it in a more understandable way think if a 2l, 4 cylinder car eng
Re:Factual errors in w/u (Score:2)
Elephants. [slashdot.org]
Re:The question is... (Score:2)