Laser Surgery Goes Online 198
Ignat writes "Scientists in Australia successfully performed a laser surgery in a Southern California laboratory via the Internet. RoboLase, the new technology used showed that realtime surgeries can be performed from distant locations. Scientists from UC Irvine, UC San Diego and the University of Queensland used RoboLase to produce surgical holes in a distinct pattern of less than one micron in diameter (1/1000th of a millimeter) in single cells."
Geez, what happens if the computer crashes? (Score:3, Funny)
Stupid Receptionist! (Score:4, Funny)
Have friends and family that don't understand computers? Don't want to explain them? Send them to ChristianNerds.com [christiannerds.com], the Easy-to-Understand Computer Encyclopedia.
RIAA.....er....AMA (Score:3, Funny)
The artist...er..doctors won't get paid for their work.
Future post at bash.org (Score:5, Funny)
<nurse> Nice work there Doctor.
<doctor> DIE DIE DIE!!!!
* stab stab stab *
<nurse> What the hell are you doing!!!!???!!
<nurse> You've made a freakin' mess. There's bloody all over the theatre!
<nurse> Somebody help!!!!!!!!
<doctor> Sorry was AFK and my little brother was messing with my pc
Re:Future post at bash.org (Score:2)
[Leroy AFK]
[doctor] I'm going to try to go in through the left ventricle and remove the blockage. Nurse, can you run some numbers for us?
[Leroy AFK]
[nurse] Well, I say you have a 32.33% chance of success this time, repeating of course.
[doctor] Well, that's better than usual. We should...
[Leroy] Okay, let's do this! LEROOOOOOOOOOOOY JAHNKAIANSSS!!!!!!
[doctor] Did...did he just go in?
[nurse] Not again...
[doctor] Leroy, you dumbass!
[Leroy] At least I hav
Re:Future post at bash.org (Score:2)
Re:Geez, what happens if the computer crashes? (Score:2, Funny)
Sir, I doubt that. I've got five balanced on my shoulders (in a nice pyramid) as I type this.
Re:Geez, what happens if the computer crashes? (Score:2)
And you know how dirty keyboards are, so I hope the surgeon washes his hands, and uses a new keyboard each time.
Re:Geez, what happens if the computer crashes? (Score:2)
Why is that modded "flamebait"? (Score:2)
If I'm to look at just my experience with WoW, I got disconnected three times in half an hour at one point yesterday. All of a sudden there'd be no more packets coming, and about half a minute later the game would finally get the clue and disconnect me. Was someone playing with a router along the way? I wouldn't know.
Stuff like that happens on
i cant wait (Score:5, Funny)
India (Score:2)
ChristianNerds.com, the Easy-to-Understand Computer Encyclopedia [christiannerds.com]
Medical Insurance (Score:2)
However, if you're rich enough, I guess it'd be possible, but then again, if you're rich, you wouldn't need it outsourced to lower costs.
ChristianNerds.com, the Free, [christiannerds.com]
Re:i cant wait (Score:3, Informative)
But when I asked him about outsourcing, he gave me two good reasons why it'd neve
Outsourcing of Medical Care Exists to Some Degree. (Score:2)
Just an FYI, but there is some outsourcing of medical care happening. Here's a brief article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6199772/site/newsweek / [msn.com].
I also recall reading an article a year or so ago (I believe in Newsweek) of a man who traveled to India to receive some type of heart operation. Rather than go through the expensive US healthcare system, he decided to go to India. He was able to receive what he felt was a comparable level of care, but at a fraction of the cost. He was also able to receive l
Re:i cant wait (Score:5, Insightful)
Cutting and sewing will probably be the last things outsourced, but you know what? Medical care is currently so expensive that many people in some parts of the world simply go without. Better to take your chances than die for sure.
Re:i cant wait (Score:2)
There was a program on one of the commercial teevee networks a few days ago that showed how many people, Americans included, are taking medical vacations in Thailand. Seems the price of a doctor's visit there is around twenty bucks, and the doctors, for the most part, are American educated and trained. The cost for treatment is generally one-third to one-half of that stateside, and post-op recovery can be relaxing in luxury hotel style accomodations, o
Re:Hidden racism (Score:1)
Re:Hidden racism (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Hidden racism (Score:1)
Firstly, I think it's just a fact of the world that the doctors in India may not actually be as qualified as those in the US. India is still a developing nation. It has had massive improvements in infrastructure and education over the past 10 years, but I don't think there's enough experience or expertise for Indian doctors to be performing laser eye surgery online yet. (Not to mention the problems of internet congestion!)
Secondly, I don't t
Re:Hidden racism (Score:2)
In my country legal proceedings are being taken against an Indian doctor who has done a lot of damage to a lot of people. Very early in the piece it was pointed out by Indian authorities that the person in question studied and practiced in the USA and has US qualifications.
It is not necessarily a "fact of the world" that other countries have inferior qualifications, especially since i
Re:Hidden racism (Score:4, Insightful)
No offense to the Indians, but if they are just as capable as we are at doing our jobs, let them do their jobs in their country. Last I recall, their country isn't in the best of state...
Meanwhile unemployement here suffers due to us being out jobs, and well, there's really no solution for us. Companies just want to lower their bottom lines, and the best way to do that is fire employees and either pay a machine to do the work, or pay someone way, way less for it.
I'm not racist; I have many good friends who are Indian, Chinese, Slovic, and other races, and I have no problem with them being here in America working. My problem comes when the jobs here are being moved out of our country. We've almost reversed our position from the industrial revolution, when people would migrate here just to work. And we're losing our tech crown because nobody's willing to innovate because it costs too much. These are the things that piss us off, and it's not about racism. If you want to talk about hidden racism, go talk to one of the news *coughFOXcough* networks talking about the Middle East situtation.
Re:Hidden racism (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Hidden racism (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Hidden racism (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Hidden racism (Score:2, Interesting)
OK, I can't speak to medical practitioners from India, but I can talk about their IT workers. On two seperate occasions I've worked for companies with significant offshoring in Bombay and Hyderabad. I know that my sample size is far too small for me to make any sweeping judgements about all Indian computer workers but from what I've seen -- they suck.
At my current positi
It happens everywhere (Score:2)
An engineer or scientist that has used a variety of different systems and programmed in a few languages doesn't have to do much to get better results than a base level MSCE or a recent one year tech college graduate
Chinese Whisper (Score:2)
I dont know how much do the dudes in India suck, I just know that the best results are obtained when I'm sitting with the person requesting t
Yeah, but.. (Score:2)
GaaaAAAggghhh, My eye!!!
Re:Yeah, but.. (Score:3, Funny)
obligatory... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:obligatory... (Score:2)
Do not look directly into remaining eye with laser.
Bandwidth or Latency (Score:5, Informative)
It seems even the people who did this have no idea of the difference between bandwidth and latency. The above quote is from the original press release.
When I first read the title I thought someone had their lasik done this way, mostly because my wife had her lasik surgery done in Australia (we live there). She wrote about the experience http://www.sharonslasiksurgery.com/ [sharonslasiksurgery.com] if you want a laypersons point of view.
Doing it remotely is not something I would volunteer for and I suppose that is exactly where this technology is heading.
Re:Bandwidth or Latency (Score:2)
Re:Bandwidth or Latency (Score:2)
Re:Bandwidth or Latency (Score:2)
However, about Lasik - there's been people that have had bad experiences with it. While I feel terrible for it, it's not the procedure that's the problem, it's the people doing it. More importantly, it's the diagnosis beforehand. Not everyone should do Lasik. Some eyes just won't do well with the procedure. Unfortun
Re:Bandwidth or Latency (Score:2)
Re:Bandwidth or Latency (Score:1)
The issue is bringing a large ammount of data at the same near zero latency. The precise movements of a robot, and the high resolution images from high-zoom microscopes. Try that with a 1200 baud modem. Not happening with near zero latency. You need the speed to 1) compete with other signals 2) pipe a large ammount of data.
Re:Bandwidth or Latency (Score:2)
doctor: START_CUTTING (ping time 5ms)
server: STARTING_CUTTING(ping time 5ms)
doctor: LEFT_A_BIT(ping time 5ms)
doctor: LEFT_A_BIT(ping time 5ms)
doctor: LEFT_A_BIT(ping time 5ms)
doctor: STOP (ping time 1s)
that would cause a patient to lose a lot of the left side of whatever it was that was being opened up.
Re:Bandwidth or Latency (Score:2)
Also, just guess what will happen if a router is using MS software and goes onto its monthly reboot. In normal cases, things will get routed around in no noticeable time, but in this cases, the downtime won't end in just a rocket that you fail to dodge.
I can't see it used over public Internet. It's simply WAAAY too unreliable.
Re:Bandwidth or Latency (Score:2)
I don't think they're confused at all. That
Re:Bandwidth or Latency (Score:2)
As the site's purpose seems to be to inform people of those eye-laser surgeries, information as this is necesary for me to get a good view of the overall process.
And did I understand it right that the whole procedure gets done without an anestethic (sp?) ? Or did she leave that part
Re:Bandwidth or Latency (Score:2)
I'll get Sharon to add the requested missing bits. Yes, they use anesthetic. You'd hope so cause they cut an access lid in the "skin" on the eye! She said she dont feel any pain during the surgery but you have discomfort aferwards. She was extremely light sensitive. Check back at the site in a week and I'll have uploaded what she has to say about the rest.
Thanks for your comments!
Re:Bandwidth or Latency (Score:2)
Now I know what I can add to my proposal to upgrade our network at work:With our new gigabit network, it will now be possible to offer remote lasik operations for all employees. Sweet.
No thanks! (Score:1, Funny)
This Should Lower Every MD's Handicap (Score:3, Funny)
So we can expect to see RoboLase terminals on golf courses real soon.
Alittle lag and... (Score:1, Funny)
Linksys Router (Score:5, Funny)
Great... (Score:2, Funny)
The first eye's free!
And here comes the outsourcing..... (Score:2)
Laugh, it's funny, ok?
Re:And here comes the outsourcing..... (Score:2)
Now while there are surely Indian doctors who have an excellent command of the English lang
I see that every day (Score:2)
Back on topic: you will never have me convi
Re:And here comes the outsourcing..... (Score:2)
Re:And here comes the outsourcing..... (Score:2)
Mini me... (Score:3, Funny)
laser surgery via internet and the Snow Crash... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:laser surgery via internet and the Snow Crash.. (Score:2)
Truth is, my understanding is that a lot of these surgeries are done with computers anyhow, just in thisb case the computer/doc-operator are far away. I am sure there will be nurses etc w/ the patient. I don't think that there will be a feature in Vista that allows us to get surgery at home.
It would be convenient however, to get a vasectomy online.
It seems like the doctors and IT pros are suffering fr
LAG that really kills (Score:1)
OK... (Score:1)
Re:OK... (Score:1)
Not you.
Re:OK... (Score:2, Funny)
Dropped Packets? (Score:3, Insightful)
Updates (Score:2)
Lag (Score:1)
Patient: MY ARM, YOU CUT OFF MY ARM!!! (Ping 800Ms)
Doctor: Damn Lag!!!!!!!!
Is there any redundancy? (Score:2)
Re:Is there any redundancy? (Score:2)
Re:Is there any redundancy? (Score:3, Funny)
Holey amoeba. . . (Score:1)
contain your astonishment... (Score:3, Funny)
Though this achievement doubtless strikes fear into the hearts of fugitive sperm everywhere... it's hard to see it as a breakthrough. In other words... it's unlikely that there was ever much doubt about the success of this "demonstration", since any glitch would likely have been met by a mere retry. And, in still other words... do you feel even microscopically better about the prospect of, say, your next airline flight's pilot relaxing at a cable-modem in his condo?
Re:contain your astonishment... (Score:2)
To play devil's advocate for a bit....
Say there's a loss of cabin pressure. (This may have been the cause of the recent air crash in Greece.) The pilot will still have lots of oxygen, full consciousness, and full control of the aircraft.
Suppose there's a hijacking attempt. You can't put a knife to the throat of a pilot who isn't ther
Latency problems? (Score:2)
404 (Score:1)
High ping times, cont. (Score:1)
Me, myself and I (Score:1)
Laser circumcision. (Score:2)
Surgeons, prepare to be offshored (Score:2)
Gives a whole new meaning to... (Score:2)
Re:Gives a whole new meaning to... (Score:2)
I'd rather have it done the old fashioned way (Score:2)
UCSD (Score:2)
Nice in principle, lousy in practice (Score:3, Insightful)
However, latency and quality-of-service issues will need to be addressed before this is anything more than experimental.
Just too old school (Score:2)
After two cervical spine and four knee surgeries I know way more about doctors and medicine than I ever wanted to. Thats why I now have time to program and work on computers, this beat up old body won't do much else anymore. The scars on my knees are older than most reading
So if this doesn't work out (Score:2)
it's not "surgery" (Score:5, Insightful)
outsourcing? (Score:2)
QOS (Score:2)
Newer, seperate internets, like Internet 2 I could see having long term functionality, but I really don't think it's sustainable on the existing networks.
Watch out for the Slashdot effect! (Score:2)
In other news, one town has offered $50 surgerical procedures from 4 year old doctors, and the resulting stampede has created an infinite loop of supply and demand.
Obligatory Obscure Futurama Reference (Score:2)
If Real Made It (Score:2)
Great (Score:2)
Doing laser surgery . . .
Oh please god... (Score:2)
Love the internet for laser eye surgery... (Score:5, Funny)
The doctor stares bewildered at his monitor as the word HEADSHOT! is returned...
(Then a remote nurse claims he has an aimbot...)
Happy 30th Birthday Logan (Score:2)
Happy 30th Birthday Logan
It is time to be renewed. Just let me hook up this nifty internet surgery thingy. Don't worry these lasers are fool proof...
There is no reason to run off. This *always* works.
Double bypass headlines (Score:2)
California Hospitol and Aussie Dr. sued due to lag. The victim was cited as saying, "I shoulda gone with those HPF's".
cal lme a skeptic (Score:2)
The software used... (Score:2)
Forget over the Internet! (Score:2)
A female assistant with a tight scuba suit would also help...
Scam (Score:2)
This is what you get when you headshot GreyHats, people!!! Do not taunt happy fun ball!!!
Sounds great... (Score:2)
great distance = drive thru? (Score:2)
so when can i get one in drive-thru?