Happy 7th Birthday Google! 303
AviN456 writes "On this day, in 1998, Google was born. Seven years later, and it has not only become the most popular search engine on the internet, but it has also become an integral part of many people's online life. From Google search to Google mail, Google Earth to Google Moon. It has even made its way into language as a common word.It is quite undeniable. Google is an amazing achievement. Happy birthday Google, and here's to many many more!"
I knew it (Score:5, Funny)
Seriously, thanks for gmail though. I wish I would apply the concept of labels to files on my harddisk.
Re:I knew it (Score:2, Informative)
It has been suggested that WinFS will offer this sort of feature. Of course, will you be willing to use Windows Vista for that feature, however?
Re:I knew it (Score:2, Informative)
Re:I knew it (Score:4, Informative)
Re:I knew it (Score:4, Informative)
Re:I knew it (Score:3, Informative)
Re:I knew it (OT) (Score:2)
Reasonable solution until feature is implemented (Score:3, Informative)
Anyway, descript.ion, and the labels discussed here which I assume are in fact similar to 4dos's use of descript.ion, seem rather obsolete now. Modern filesystems let you use long filenames with spaces and other odd characters, along with CLI filename completion to make it easier to type them. If you're naming your files in 8.3 (or similar) and wishing you could label them...
Re:I knew it (Score:5, Informative)
Woah, seriously your OS doesn't have that? Time to upgrade perhaps. [diveintoosx.org]
It's not a feature I use (especially since having Spotlight), though I used to rely on it quite a bit when I was using Mac OS Classic. Nautilus allows you to label files though, and KDE seem to have something interesting in the works [kde.org].
Re:I knew it (Score:5, Funny)
"It's hard to delete mail in Gmail"
"You don't want to delete mail" (waves hand mysteriously while speaking like Alec Guiness.)
"I want to sort my mail into folders"
"That's not the feature you're looking for.... Labels are much more flexible."
"And slinkys are more flexible than towbars, but I know which one I want to use to tow my car"
Re:I knew it (Score:2)
No, what I don't get about GMail is why the search function (on which, in the GMail model, you are totally dependent) doesn't seem to search the sender's name! I frequently need to come up with a search term that will hit the message text after it fails to find a sender. Even Lotus Freaking Notes, which can't tell you whether you've replied to an email, can search on sender's name.
And, yeah, the blurb here is about as inane as I would guessed -- OMTFG, "Google search
Re:I knew it (Score:2, Informative)
Re:I knew it (Score:2)
Playing with it a bit, it looks like a search for "smith" misses email from "jsmith", regardless of whether "from:" is used. So the problem isn't quite what I had said, but I'd still call that really, really lame. I mean, they are Google!
Re:I knew it (Score:2)
Re:I knew it (Score:3, Funny)
Re:I knew it (Score:2)
Re:I knew it (Score:2)
honestly 10 years ahead of you poor windows guys, maybe only 5 by the time vista comes out.
wonder why it hasn't made kde/gnome yet? probably considered too n00b.
Re:I knew it (Score:5, Interesting)
I know archive.org had older versions of the page, but for some reason this is the oldest one I can get today. You can try this link [archive.org] to an older preview, but it doesn't seem to work for me anymore.
Very Early Google Logo's (Score:3, Informative)
Re:I knew it (Score:5, Insightful)
do we still hate GIF's even if the patent has expired?
It is not about hating GIF, I think most of us do not hate technology at all, I think we never hated GIF, we hated the patent and the company behind it.
In the same way, (i think) we hate Microsoft, but we (at least I) do not hate Windows, or Office, those are just (from the technology POV) demonstrations of what we can achieve with technology, with good and bad things, or good and bad applications. Or like the Atomic bomb, we do not hate the technology, we hate the people that used to kill a hell lot of humans.
In that way, and going ontopic, nowadays, we love google, because they are making excellent technology, their search page, their email client, their maps etc. Of course they where not the first in ANY of these technologies, and they are not the only ones, but they are making it in a right way (notice it is not the only "teh righ t way"). Although on these more recent days, I have seen that some "do a bit of evil" karma has been sliding into Google, and even if Google starts to be Evil with E as in "MS" we may start to hate it but gmail or google local will continue to be a great technology.
Althoug you may not believe it, there is people that hate google (to some degree) as for example some of the Adsense buyers (the REAL google customers) because the not so fair google behaviour on that side (yep... has some kind of monopoly over there, but again it does not means we HATE the adsense technology).
This is the so called "information age" and, Google is playing a big part on it. Google will stay alive for a lot of more year, and IMHO will become as influential as IBM once was to technology (in the days of the Big Blue). We only need to hope that it stays doing "just a bit of evil".
Happy birthay!
Re:I knew it (Score:3, Interesting)
No. I hate Windows, with a passion. It has been responsible for an awful lot of pain and is a prime example of the wastefulness of the IT industry.
Re:I knew it (Score:3, Interesting)
No, we don't. Every school child knows countless more would have died if we hadn't dropped the bomb. The question was, "Do we sacrifice x000 of their people and end this, or lose x000^y people on both sides fighting it out for the next z years?"
I think the answer is quite obvious.
On a lighter note: Happy Birthday, Google! They're doing a lot of things right. Let's hope this continues.
Re:I knew it (Score:3, Informative)
Every school child only "knows" this because it was taught to them. There's plenty of disagreement on the subject [wikipedia.org].
Re:I knew it (Score:4, Informative)
First, GIF can only handle 8-bit (256 color) pallettes. Granted, each line can have it's own pallette, but it's still fairly restrictive, compared to PNG's 24-bit color.
Then, GIF can have one of the 256 colors set to transparent. PNG has an extra 8 bits on each pixel for transparency. So, it can be applied to various colors at various levels, rather than GIF needing it on one color, and at one level.
Also, at a color depth that GIF and PNG share, PNG is typically smaller when it comes to filesize.
I for one... (Score:4, Funny)
By ten, I predict that we're calling it the "GoogleNet" instead of the "Internet".
Re:I for one... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:I for one... (Score:2, Funny)
And many more... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:And many more... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:And many more... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:And many more... (Score:2)
a round of happy birthday (Score:2)
Happy Birthday to Lawsuit (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Happy Birthday to Lawsuit (Score:5, Funny)
I know no-one reads the department name, but.... (Score:2, Insightful)
Surely some mistake. Shouldn't that be "you'll"?
Re:I know no-one reads the department name, but... (Score:2)
Re:I know no-one reads the department name, but... (Score:3, Funny)
Also known as... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Also known as... (Score:3, Informative)
I wouldn't shed too many tears over it. Altavista was just advertising for the Alpha.
DEC did try to spin Altavista products off but it wasn't a serious effort, and people weren't running DEC operating systems on the internet anyway.
Re:Also known as... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Also known as... (Score:3, Informative)
Didn't Yahoo eclipse Altavista long before Google became dominant?
I remember using Altavista when I first discovered the web 11 or so years ago, and it was (*very* relatively, given the penetration of the Internet back then) one of the most well-known "search engines". This seems ages ago when I think about it; people maintained simple *lists* of interesting websites for general use, and the web was
Re:Also known as... (Score:2)
Re:Also known as... (Score:2)
That rings a bell; I think Google was some experimental thing for a while. I assume 1998 was the official launch date.
Info here [forbes.com] and here [google.com], possibly. However, it mentions that the old name was 'backrub'; was it called Google when you first used it?
Re:Also known as... (Score:5, Interesting)
It's a myth perpetuated by the ignorant that google has 'crushed' all other search engines. And as soon as google only gives adsense'd websites on a search, or useless marketing pages, all users will flock to the next search engine. So I'm not too sure what your point was, but it is not tue
Re:Also known as... (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Also known as... (Score:3, Informative)
Also the Scirus.com refining proposals are better and more (in the specific query I did) than those in Teoma.
Anyway, nice to know there exists 3 of them (google scholar... although I do not tend to use it)
Re:Also known as... (Score:2)
I told you so!! (Score:2, Funny)
Google Moon Apollo 16th... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Google Moon Apollo 16th... (Score:2)
Re:Google Moon Apollo 16th... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Google Moon Apollo 16th... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Google Moon Apollo 16th... (Score:3, Insightful)
Now, we may not be able to sit down and evolve something in a lab, but radio-carbon dating is infinitely reproducable, and gives consistent results. And ev
Re:Google Moon Apollo 16th... (Score:3, Insightful)
GCC and Evolution are ATTEMPTS to explain what appears to be going on, they aren't SCIENCE!
They are if they make predictions you can test, and are falsifiable. Its pretty easy to test evolution with say bacteria and anti-biotic.
You don't need a whole nother planet to test these things you know, (although it helps, and thats what those simulations are for) when someone can make predictions you can test those.
The biggest champions of these movements have turned it into a religion...
Its certainly
Reread my post (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Google Moon Apollo 16th... (Score:2)
Earth is Round, vs Earth is Flat.
Earthcentric Solar system, vs Heliocentric Solar system
Newtonian Physics, vs Ether and Phlostigion.
Chemistry, vs Alchemy
We could go on like this forever. I don't give a damn if you want to homeschool your kids, teach them whatever the hell you want, but I am sure as hell not paying for some whack job to teach defiled science to kids. It's so bad it's like teaching pottery in a damn math class...Why not do it? Because it's not math
Re:Google Moon Apollo 16th... (Score:2)
And if you think Christianity is more "true" because of the age of the Bible vs. the age of the FSMism website? Well then, at the very least we should teach Zoroastrianism [wikipedia.org] too, since it appears to predate Christianity, right?
In the same way, I'm all for the mixing of Church and State in the USA, as long as in addition to putting up the
Re:Google Moon Apollo 16th... (Score:2)
I am most definitely NOT a Christian.
FSMism... It would fit under creationism, no?
Re:Google Moon Apollo 16th... (Score:3, Insightful)
"Why not just present both theories, and allow the students to make their own minds up?"
Fine. We already have a mechanism to do this. We teach the currently-accepted[1] scientific theory in Science, and the religious theory in Religious Education. Damn straight Scientists don't want other viewpoints taught in Science, in the same way Sports teachers don't want Maths taught in their classes.
"It would take two teachers, preferably - an evolutionist and a creati
Re:Google Moon Apollo 16th... (Score:2)
FWIW, most of the Christian creationists are trying to go about it by proving the laws of physics themselves wrong. If they can do it, then creationism has a much stronger case.
Myself, I'm a hybrid creationist/evolutionist. I feel that there was an initial creation of some sort, and then evolution went from there.
together we will rule the galaxy as father and son (Score:5, Funny)
Here's hoping Google stays hip at 30.
Google's lego server (Score:5, Interesting)
First Google article? (Score:2)
I guess the Slashdot editors deserve some Google shares...
I found these two (Score:2)
Here [slashdot.org] is the tail end of the search, sorted by date.
Something is very wrong here! (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Something is very wrong here! (Score:2)
Find more [google.com]
Re:Something is very wrong here! (Score:2)
Mighty big for seven (Score:2)
In other news (Score:5, Funny)
Re:In other news (Score:2)
Silly Google... (Score:2, Funny)
Google culture (Score:2)
Only 38 posts... (Score:5, Funny)
On this day.... (Score:2)
Google... really 7 years and 20 days...??? (Score:2, Interesting)
I just saw the Google logo with the birthday and the 7. So I Googled "google birthday" the first hits that come up are a dead link to google.com help support indicating google's b-day is Sept. 7th.
Google: Help Center Google's official birthday is September 7, 1998. If Google were a person, it would have started elementary school late last summer (around August 19), ...
www.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=4866&t opic=367 - 8k - Cached - Similar pages
Fourth hit, http://blog.outer-court.com [outer-court.com]
Re:Google... really 7 years and 20 days...??? (Score:2)
Anyway, who really knows the birthday of any corporation? I'd imagine it's pretty arbitrary, s
They won't make any money (Score:4, Funny)
Come on guys, to step up to plate and actually ship a product to make some cash, some quick decisions will have to be made
Google (Score:2, Interesting)
Just because their mission state is 'do no evil' rather than 'a computer on every desktop' doesn't mean that they will be any less evil in their tactics than any other large corporation.
I know several people who work at Google, and gadzooks, they believe ALL of the propaganda, and regurgitate it at every opportunity: "our ch
Nine Billion Names of God (Score:5, Interesting)
After three hours, the old man in front of me had worked his way through six beers, in addition to every help desk joke Id already heard. The cupholder. The any key. The write click. These are the stories people tell, now. These are the fish that got away.
Let me ask you something, the man said. I didnt argue. One of the first tricks I learned about being a bartender is to make them think youre interested.
Have you ever created a web site?
I shook my head.
Not at all? Not even one of those geocities things?
What about a blog? Or an ebay About Me page? You didnt even have an AOL site or something?
Do I look like an AOL user to you? For the record, I dont think AOL even has access numbers in the valley anymore. Im sure I have something, somewhere, I said, realizing that I was jeopardizing my tips. Besides, I had a distant memory of a single Angelfire page back in middle school.
You know what Google is?
Yes, I said. I was running low on patience.
No, I mean, do you really know? More than just the site?
Reluctantly, I shook my head.
You ever meet anyone who worked for them?
Dont think so.
You havent. Nobody works for them anymore.
I shrugged, and took the mans empty pint. I didnt offer to refill it.
Theyre self-contained. Its all automated, in there. Its underground.
I nudged the basket of pretzels in his direction. Why dont you eat something? I suggested. He shook his head with so much force that I thought he might knock himself off of the stool.
Listen. Hear me out. You know how Google works, he said, but didnt want for a response. They cache things, right? Like they send out these spiders and take pictures of everything on the web, so when youre searching, youre not even searching the internet.
Ive heard that before, but it never made much of a difference to me. Same thing, though, I said.
You ever wonder why Google doesnt cache its own searches?
They program around it.
No. Thats what you think. Thats what everyone thinks. But it started back when Google was just a thesis project, back when it was just a drop in the data sea. No one thought to stop it back then. That web site you had, the one you forgot about. Almost everyones got one of those, right? But Google doesnt forget. Googles studied that thing so many times that its studied its own caches of you. What do you figure happens, when a site gets so big that its bigger than the internet?
Its still a part of the internet, though.
No. Now, the internet is a part of Google.
The man had a point. I nodded.
Heres the thing. Google has memorized who you are. Its memorized all of us, through those little forgotten bits that we leave behind like breadcrumbs. And whats more important, its memorized its own idea of you. Google is omniscient. Its omniscient and omnipotent. When it cached its cache for the first time, back in 1994, thats when Google realized what it was.
Gradually, it dawned on me what the man was getting at. You think its sentient.
I know its sentient.
He smiled, but it seemed kind of empty. Me and Google go way back. But what Im saying is, he continued, It knows us. All of us. It is us.
For the first time, the man fell silent. He touched his finger to the bar and began tracing circles in the condensation, apparently lost in thought.
Think about that website you created, okay? That website will last forever, do you understand? That website is echoing through cyberspace. Its one of the nine billion names of God.
Re:Nine Billion Names of God (Score:2)
Google Video (Score:2)
Especially the random videos [google.com] page is a good way to kill boredom
DE - nied!!! (Score:2)
Bah, I DENY Google! What are you gonna do about it?
I like Google for one reason... (Score:3, Insightful)
Playing devil's advocate (Score:3, Interesting)
I can't help but notice also that Google has started spreading its wings, its not merely a search engine now, its a mail servive, a VoIP service, a map service
That's also how MS started and god knows how much I hate MS for their strategy to buy the competition, for their release-early, patch later type of software strategy, for the way they acquired (stole?) DOS, I basically hate MS for attempting to be everywhere in my house : the livingroom, the office, the basement.
Well, I know, Google ain't MS, Google are good guys aren't they ?
So basically, I'm just afraid that we're encouraging another unkillable giant to grow and that once we realize that google just simply owns the net, we'll also realize it sorts of owns us too and that day, it will be too late because we'll be talking to MS #2.
Ok, now I've somewhat bashed on Google on their birthday....not really intended but it seemed fitting to talk about google today.
working hard at separating the internet by country (Score:2)
they used to check your language preferences and redirect you to a localised version based on that. No prob, I removed all my language preferences.
Now they seem to be doing that based on my IP
They used to have a link to the main google page that would not redirect: http://www.google.com/ncr [google.com]
That link does not work anymore (redirects to the country specific version)
http://www.google.us/ [google.us] --> redirects to my country
by chance I now found that
Wha? It's not International Cake Day? (Score:5, Funny)
Just think what will happen when Google is 30..... (Score:2)
Just wait and see. History sometimes works out that way.
From the Desk of William Gates (Score:2)
Happy Birthday! I hope on this day we can celebrate together your success, for tomorrow we will crush you. If we can't crush you then we'll come pee in your flowerbed. If that doesn't work...we'll...we'll...we'll launch our own search engine. It will have a really cool Blue Screen of Death look and feel. The same feel you'll have when you feel the combined power of Microsoft and AOL knocking at your door.
Muh ha ha ha ha ha.
If you would like to surrender, you can reach me at billgates@gmail.
interesting difference (Score:2)
From the post: It [Google] has even made its way into language as a common word .
It's interesting (to me) to look at the slightly different approaches between Microsoft and Google, and the lexicon of their products. I know it's a little bit of an apples and oranges thing but Microsoft, rather than having products so good they become part of the language, chose words so common you virtually can't finish a couple of sentences without having used one of their products as a word.
Whereas Google's product aro
Google-Friends #1 (Score:3, Informative)
I've had to alter the formatting slightly to get it past Slashdot's spam filter.
Forbes 400 cartoon (Score:2)
(* I believe there are some younger non-American billionaires such as the Onasis granddaughter.)
Re:Why announce 7th? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Why announce 7th? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Why announce 7th? (Score:5, Funny)
-Hitchhiker, There's Something About Mary
Re:Why announce 7th? (Score:2)
I can understand announcing 1st, 5th, 10th, 25th, or 50th but 7th???
Re:The word "google" (Score:2)
Which gives them something in common with the Macintosh: both misspelled (intentionally or otherwise) the thing that inspired their names.
(posting a link explaining where the Mac got it’s name is left as a +4, Informative exercise for the reader.
Re:The word "google" (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:The word "google" (Score:2, Informative)
Re:The word "google" (Score:2)
Re:Come on folks (Score:5, Funny)
Umm, that’s not a tail.