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Mozilla The Internet Upgrades Software IT

Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 Released 135

Juha-Matti Laurio writes "MozillaZine has a report about new Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 release. Among other changes, this minor release includes fixes for the Linux command line URL parsing security flaw. Thunderbird 1.0.7 can be downloaded from the Thunderbird product page. 'Extremely Critical' Secunia advisory will be updated very soon."
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Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 Released

Comments Filter:
  • by sznupi ( 719324 ) on Saturday October 01, 2005 @08:44AM (#13692914) Homepage
    You know, I just realised something... For years I've been using various e-mail clients...initially mainly OE, than Thunderbird (with some other in between, for shiorter periods of time). However, my email usage skyrocketed (literally) in last year, since I've been using Gmail. Sudennly...using mails started to be a joy for communication, somehow :/ So...what did I miss while using clients? Or perhaps...what do they miss?
    • Perhaps people don't understand how to configure their mailclient. SMTP server? POP3 server? What's that? It's much easier to go to a website, enter your username and ID and see your mail.

      Or perhaps peop^H^H^H^Hconsumers just like the idea that a big, "don't be evil" Google company can scan their e-mail to create relevant ads, so that they know what to buy.

    • A clean interface.

      Excellent spam filtering (Thunderbird, yours rocked, at least it used to, but it had its shortfalls.)

      Enough storage to never have to delete email.

      Or worry about backing them up.

      Accessiblity (web interface.)

      Those are the points that have me glued to gMail as opposed to thunderbird. Some things the mail client could improve on (spam filtering and interface) while some are inherent of a webmail system (remote backup, storage, etc)
    • Is it just the 'google factor' at work for you? (Meaning either that Google did the job or that the interface is streamlined and snappy enough to make 'webmail' really work?) For me, I'm not sure. I've used various clients over the past decade+ myself. OE, Eudora, netscape communicator suite, outlook (work thing), evolution, kmail, other odd-balls, and lately g-mail. (Most anything except Mac system clients, really.) My own recollections are that, for me, OE on win probably worked overall the best, but cons
      • Funny...we're thinking about the same thing: recently I've realised that adress [] (as opposed to [] for example) is actually configured on their server and working, although right now it points only to their search site. Could they be preparing for something? :) I mean...why configure the adress at all? And half a year ago I mailed Google with proposition that they can perhaps do something like Hula [] (worth reading IMHO...) h []
        • FYI. the new free e-mail provided by.... AOL (boo). For aim accounts gives you 2gigs of online space, and IMAP access. I'm not thrilled with their online interface, things like no serverside filtering, except for spam. But it is a nice free IMAP space to play with.
      • (I forgot, again, to check "use txt"...why isn't it default dammit...)

        Funny...we're thinking about the same thing: recently I've realised that adress [] (as opposed to [] for example) is actually configured on their server and working, although right now it points only to their search site. Could they be preparing for something? :) I mean...why configure the adress at all?
        And half a year ago I mailed Google with proposition that they can perhaps do something like
    • What about using GMail with Thunderbird? It's possible. Would that increase or decrease your mail usage?
    • by Anonymous Coward
      skyrocketed (literally)

      Literally? How? Did you strap your mails to a rocket or something?
      • Heh. I'm about this close * * to writing a Greasemonkey extension that does nothing but replace "literally" with "figuratively". I figure it will be the most heavily used extension in my browser. And, I'm willing to bet that the number of incidents where I'll see the wrong word will be REALLY low.
    • In addition to Thunderbird, other recently updated apps include Mozilla Night Train, Mozilla Mad Dog, and Mozilla Wild Irish Rose.
    • Basically, gmail does a fairly good job of keeping conversations together. This is nothing new, it's called threading, and a heap of e-mail clients are great at it. Just not the ones you mention. (Free) Agent, also a newsreader, truly excelled at this sort of thing; in e-mail as well as newsgroups. Kill filters, Watch filters, sort by date or thread, thread by reference-headers and/or subject, and a few million other options.

      Pegasus mail also did some nice threading (and had insanely configurable filtering.
  • Automatic Updates (Score:5, Interesting)

    by HateBreeder ( 656491 ) on Saturday October 01, 2005 @08:45AM (#13692920)
    Will it ever work?
  • Last week (Score:3, Insightful)

    by j3tt ( 859525 ) on Saturday October 01, 2005 @08:53AM (#13692958)
    1.0.7 has been out for a few days now. A little bit late?
    • by Anonymous Coward
      I think you're thinking of FireFox 1.0.7...
  • by matt me ( 850665 ) on Saturday October 01, 2005 @09:02AM (#13692986)
    The 1.5 beta has inline spellchecking, some new RSS features and a nicer options UI. es/1.5beta1.html []
    • by Bob54321 ( 911744 ) on Saturday October 01, 2005 @09:11AM (#13693008)
      I have been using the nightly versions of 1.5beta for the last week and haven't run into any problems. The incremental updates are working well, most days these are quite small, about 200KB, athough it was 6MB the other day (but I suppose you expect that with developmental versions)
  • Bagh. I still use Eudora Pro 3.0.5. What else could I possibly need from an email client?
  • I like the Playboy Bunny Favicon... screencap []
  • Everytime I read about TB or some other mail client I wonder "who the heck is still doing POP3 email"?

    Free web email(Gmail and Yahoo) works great for personal stuff. I think most ISPs these dies provide web mail interface but I NEVER like to use them because ISPs change.

    I guess if you get volumes of email and need a features to manage it all then maybe.

    So my question is who is using TB and the like and why?
    • by pete19 ( 874979 ) <pete19 AT gmail DOT com> on Saturday October 01, 2005 @09:34AM (#13693113) Homepage Journal

      I'm still using Thunderbird.

      I have four different accounts (ISP, Gmail, general university and CS department email). It's much easier for me to set up POP3 access to each and check them all at the same time with one program.

      All my mail is in the same place, and I can get at old email when I'm offline.

    • a) My hosting service provides POP3 mailboxes, and I need to use day-to-day when responding to visitors, etc.

      b) At work, where we have IMAP + POP3, but no web interface.
    • Not POP. IMAP. I use webmail on my home server when I'm on the road, and I use thunderbird when I'm home. Since both use IMAP, I get the same mailbox and folders either way.
      • Exactly. For some reason, webmail makes sense to people and IMAP doesn't, even though IMAP's as flexible an email solution as is available. Instead, the conversation always seems to be between POP3 (on one computer) and GMail or Yahoo mail. Sure, GMail is great, but I know that my email address will be mine *forever* for a few bucks a year on my domain. Personally, I think webmail took off because it was most people's first experience with centralized, persistant email. What they really like is the ability
    • by mspohr ( 589790 ) on Saturday October 01, 2005 @09:59AM (#13693237)
      If you're glued to a desk with broadband access, gMail is great. If you travel (especially internationally), you need an email client.
    • by dipo ( 224074 )

      Because ist not my only mail-account. There are tons of other accounts I use since my first steps with Internet since 1997. Meanwhile some have a horrible webmail-client, but POP3 ist still in use.
      Otherwise with all Incoming-Mail on gmail, spam would float my 2,6GBs. Yes, I look at the spam, cause of false-positives.

      My Thunderbird is a container for all other adresses - fast, searchable, reliable.
    • I have not used POP3 in years, but an IMAP client has much to recommend it. I use Gmail for personal email, but for business mail I want both an offline copy and multiple personalities (neither conveniently available with a web based client).
    • I have 3 POP3 accounts and 2 IMAP accounts. Thunderbird keeps them all organized and in one place so I only have to check my mail once not 3 or 7 times. It also comes with a spam filter, which was useful when I actually got spam.
    • by Bambi Dee ( 611786 ) on Saturday October 01, 2005 @02:03PM (#13694271)
      I was using TB in part because it was trivial to set it up so it would use the same "physical" local folders on a FAT32 partition shared between Kubuntu and XP. Since I realised I was only using Windows for music apps and the occasional game anymore, I actually switched to Kontact - but the same principles apply, and I'd rather use TB, Eudora, OE, Sylpheed or what have you than webmail.

      My two primary email accounts are free and ISP-independent, so that's not a problem. And both have web interfaces, so I can still check them when I'm wherever. Best of both worlds, et cetera.

      At home, though, it's always POP3/SMTP. I prefer having offline access to my email. It's convenient, and I'm just not comfortable having all these lengthy private conversations lying around "outside".

      And I like having email and usenet (and RSS feeds, should I ever adopt that habit) together. I only follow a couple groups, never downloaded any binaries either, and don't really need a dedicated newsreader.

      I also find it much easier to manage email in a program actually built for that very purpose. The UI beats "even" Gmail. And why would I put a website between myself and my communication?

      And I don't want ads anywhere near my email, much less inside them the way most webmailers seem to enforce it.

      So personally I just don't see the advantage of using webmail. It's nice to have a web interface available in "times of need", but it's been an emergency solution (well, ever since I learned how to configure an email client anyway).
    • Some of us just like to have our own domains. Be a presence on the internet, that sort of thing. It also provides some measure of privacy in that nobody can access your mail system legally without your permission or a court order.

      If you are running your own email server, then you'll need a client. TB is a good one.

    • I use Thunderbid for 8 different IMAP accounts, that I can easily check and switch between. Not to mention moving messages between them or to my local mail store. All in a secure client that remembers my passwords to all of them. And created Portable Thunderbird [] so I can do it from the road, too. Without needing to lug my laptop. And without needing to resort to a crappy webmail interface that is a not-so-close approximation of the features and functionality of a local mail client.
    • A lot of people. I do and have always done. I'm sorry, but I don't want anyone messing with my mail. I'm OK with my ISP doing so, because it's its main job. Not the case of the free email services. Plus: something very important: most, if not all, free email services actually *don't* give any guarantee about the quality of service. Most serious ISPs do. Other reasons, to name a few: 1) I wouldn't be surprised if Google or Yahoo reserved the right to actually use the content of emails for corporate needs (su

    • Of course I'm still using client/server mail. IMAP, rather than POP. There's just no way I'd rely on a freemail implementation or my ISP's email, either of which could disappear tomorrow.

      With IMAP, if my email host disappears I still have a locally-cached copy of everything in a format I can upload to another web host. the interface in a desktop application is 10x better.
      • There are also tools like IMAPSize [] that let you backup IMAP email to a filesystem. I use Thunderbird to label email that I want to keep, but only need archive access (using the labels, I just hit "5" and it's marked. Once a month (this morning in fact), I simple load my saved search for those labeled emails, move them to an IMAP folder named "archive" and use IMAPSIze to pull those messages off and into individual .eml files. They're part of my filesystem searches as well as backup scheme after that. I coul
  • Re: (Score:2, Informative)

    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Questions... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by WWWWolf ( 2428 )

    Thunderbird has been a great proggy for my use, though one thing seems to bug me: just about every POP/IMAP client seems to support some form of external filtering in Linux, Thunderbird doesn't, what gives? If only I could run spamassassin and clamav...

    I *could* go for fetchmail + local mta + procmail, but I'm so damn *lazy* and Thunderbird has a nice GUI...

  • Is there a way to combine multi-part messages in Thunderbird yet? (yes, insert porn joke here) That's the only reason I still run OE.
  • As much as I would love to try out Thunderbird, there is one basic problem. Once I move all my existing OUtlook mail to it, I can't move BACK to outlook. Granted this is OUtlook's problem, but if Open Source projects would like more people to try it, they should add an "Export to YYY Format" as they have done for INPORT. How hard could it be? They already have it working in one direction, why not add to a second. Blah p.s. Yes, I know. Put my money where my mouth is, but I am not a programmer :)
    • Not free, but Aid4Mail [] does do this. So its not impossible.
    • I know it's not as useful as an outlook export function (microsoft probably has patents on their outlook mailstore format) but you can always use IMAP to migrate your email between the local storage of any mail clients you like.

      Gmail doesn't allow IMAP yet (primary reason I don't use it much) but it looks like bgxmail [] offers a free 1 GB mailbox you could use - just setup the IMAP server in both outlook and thunderbird, and copy the emails to IMAP, then into the local folders. Hell, you could just leave you
      • "Gmail doesn't allow IMAP yet (primary reason I don't use it much)"

        Of course given the nature of a web email service, IMAP support isn't particularly compelling. You've already got access to the same set of "mailboxes" (labels) from anywhere via your browser. If you don't like using a web mail interface, well then why use Gmail in the first place? Use a more traditional ISP's mail instead (many of them support IMAP now).

        POP3 support is nice for backup purposes, but I don't see why Google should spend much t
        • Well, I don't expect IMAP from Gmail; it is a free service after all. It'd just be useful.

          Thing is, I have multiple mail domains (work, home, and old account) which is useful to access from several places. My work accounts (several system accounts and my own) I can now access via IMAP, my personal email is currently stored locally at home. I use my gmail account to store useful personal files, emails and the like so I can access them from anywhere (only recently got external IMAP access running at work)

      • I just signed up for bgxmail, and this is a portion of my introductory email.

        Please note that in order to keep this account, you must fill out the form located here (only do this if you live in the US - you should NOT do this if you do not live in the US): phz&p=3053&l=1 []
        -You need only to fill out the first page.

        Use the following info:

        Property Location: District of Columbia
        Loan Type: Home Improvement
        Property Value: 780,000-800,000
        Mortgage Balance
        • Ouch. I'm not a user of their service, I just googled them and they looked reasonable. I haven't had anything like that from them yet, and I signed up with them earlier just to check for smallprint before I suggested them. Maybe it's because I'm UK based, and they're going to delete my account.

          If that's a requirement of their service, it looks like they use the account for spamming and I don't want to recommend that! Thanks for the heads up, and please accept my apologies.

          • Oh, no problem. I fired them off an email and they responded about the matter. I will reproduce it here. I probably came off a bit strong, please note I am not mad at you in any way as you probably didn't know about this.

            My Email to them:

            Hello. I recently read about your bgxmail/mailnation service on Slashdot so I decided to give it a test run and sign up. Upon activating a new account, I received an email from customer service. Here are the parts I am worried about.


            Please note that in order to keep this
  • I just hope I never wake up and see : "Installing: Sentience ..." --- Installing: kernel i686 2.6.13-1.1526_FC4 updates-released 16 M kernel-devel i686 2.6.13-1.1526_FC4 updates-released 4.2 M Updating: gtk2 i386 2.6.10-2 updates-released 4.8 M gtk2-devel i386 2.6.10-2 updates-released 2.6 M thunderbird i386 1.0.7-1.1.fc4 updates-released 14 M unixODBC i38
  • It seems that Secunia advisory has new information now, late update from Friday says that Linux issue was fixed: []
  • Maybe it shouldn't be

    "News for nerds. Stuff that matters"


    "Your friendly freshmeat mirror"
  • Has the grave bug of lack of basic functionality like reply-to-mailing-list fixed yet?
  • A minor update to a program that (judging by the other posts in this thread) only a few people use is released.

    ...Why is this newsworthy?

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Does this version know how to read attachments send from an Outlook (lookout) client?

    The last few didn't
  • use FF 1.0.7 to read the Slashdot article about the release of FF 1.0.7. Sheesh.

Too much is not enough.
